台北Share House活動 | BORDERLESS HOUSE 2024年末派對!


在這一年中,BORDERLESS HOUSE與房客們經歷了許多美好的時光,而年末更是適合我們回顧過去、展望未來的好時機。

BORDERLESS HOUSE於12月14日舉辦了年末派對,吸引了共11間 Share House 房客們參加。讓我們藉由這場溫暖的年末派對,為2024畫上一個圓滿的句點,也一起期待即將到來的嶄新篇章!














這次活動再次展現了BORDERLESS HOUSE的核心價值—在這裡,語言與文化的差異不再是距離,而是建立深厚連結的橋樑。期待未來能有更多機會,讓來自世界各地的房客們共創美好時光!


BORDERLESS HOUSE感謝每一位房客在2024年的陪伴與支持,期待2025年能有更多精彩的瞬間與大家分享。


點擊【春季早鳥優惠】瞭解更多詳情,我們在BORDERLESS HOUSE與你相遇✨

春季早鳥開跑:住進BORDERLESS HOUSE,提前為台北之旅做準備吧!

即將在臺北展開新生活嗎?或是渴望拓展社交圈嗎?這邊有個好康要報你知!無論你是學生、上班族還是旅人,只要你有顆熱愛交流的心,BORDERLESS HOUSE絕對會是你的理想選擇!

BORDERLESS HOUSE推出「春季早鳥優惠」,以往我們僅免費保留床位14天, 現在透過這個優惠,就可以免費幫你保留至入住當天!跟著我們一起探索更多詳情,讓你的準備清單提前打勾吧✔️!


1. 獨一無二的國際氛圍
BORDERLESS HOUSE如同一個小型的國際村,聚集了來自世界各地的朋友。在這裡,每一次對話都是一場文化交流,每一次活動都能讓你感受到多元世界的精彩。

2. 社群活動,讓你的視野更遠擴
我們舉辦語言交換多樣化的活動,促進不同物件間的互動,拓展更廣闊的國際視野和友誼圈。更有「BORDERLESS TRAVEL」的特別活動,有機會入住日韓兩國的物件,擁有更特別的出國體驗哦!

3. 便利的位置與交通
BORDERLESS HOUSE的物件都鄰近主要交通樞紐,無論你選擇哪一間物件,都方便你通勤、上課或出遊。

4. 完善的居住設備,讓你輕鬆入住
BORDERLESS HOUSE提供乾淨、舒適的居住環境,且配有基本設備,房客只需準備個人物品便能簡單入住。

5. 租約彈性,一個月起租
BORDERLESS HOUSE有兩種租約可供選擇,房客們依據需求選擇適合的租約。


・ 預繳之一個月租金將會折抵至入住當月之下一個月租金。例:2月入住,將折抵至3月房租。

1. 如欲使用此優惠,請務必於支付初期費用前主動告知。
2. 預定完成後,若取消申請,初期費用及一個月租金全額款項恕不退回。
3. 不可提前終止租約,提早退租仍需補滿2個月租金。
4. 計畫期間內BORDERLESS HOUSE仍保有審核之權力,若未達成違反契約及經由認定不適合住在BORDERLESS HOUSE之情況,我們有權即刻中止契約。



讓我們一起在BORDERLESS HOUSE創造屬於你的故事✨!
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台北Share House活動 | 台灣秘境三貂嶺:一日爬山行程推薦與文化交流

台北周邊的自然資源豐富,提供了多條適合登山與健行的路線,而這次BORDERLESS HOUSE選擇了擁有壯麗瀑布景觀的三貂嶺步道

此次share house活動集合了20多位來自世界各地的房客一起參與,大家在健行過程中彼此熟識,透過自然的洗禮建立友誼。登山的同時,我們也在感受著台灣自然的獨特魅力,與不同文化間的交流更加緊密。





Borderless House的房客們有的在瀑布底下稍作休息,感受流水的沁涼;有的在景觀台欣賞美景,並拍下許多照片。



回程途中,房客們在車站附近的小店享用了冰涼的冰品,為一天的旅程增添了放鬆的一刻。雖然這個季節瀑布的水量不如平常那麼豐沛,但這次的三貂嶺之行仍然讓我們感受到了大自然的壯麗與安靜。不僅對台灣的自然美景有了更深的體驗,也加深了各共居公寓房客們間的交流和友誼。讓我們期待下一次的share house活動吧!

如果你也想成為 BORDERLESS HOUSE 的一份子,與來自世界各地的朋友一起生活、學習和成長,現在就透過以下連結了解更多!一起創造屬於你的共居公寓故事吧!
▶️share house一覽表


我們正在尋找熱愛文化交流的你,加入BORDERLESS HOUSE的團隊✨。如果你對多元文化充滿熱情,渴望在充滿國際氛圍的環境中發揮才能,那麼你絕對不能錯過這個機會!這裡不僅是一個工作場所,更是一個充滿活力和國際氛圍的社區。無論你是剛畢業的新人,還是擁有豐富經驗的專業人士,我們都期待你的加入!


Is it a good idea for women to stay at a share house?

If this is your first time living with people you don’t know, and if you are a woman, you might be thinking “ Is it a good idea for me to live in a gender-mixed share house?” But meanwhile, as we all know – it is not so easy for a foreigner to rent a place in Japan, so a share house could be the easiest option.

To ease your concerns and worries about living in a share house as a girl. we would like to share some pros and cons of living in a share house from a women’s perspective!

We hope this article can help you to find a place where you feel safe and comfortable staying in Japan!

Benefits of women living in a share house

Security Side | It’s actually SAFER!

In terms of security, compared to living alone in an apartment, it’s safer to live in a share house with other people. Here are the reasons:
◆ There is a MUST screening process with all the tenants who book the room at BORDERLESS HOUSE, so you don’t need to worry about who your neighbors are and if your current or future neighbors would be nice people or not.
◆ There is clear and transparent information about all of your roommates! You can see their basic info and self-introduction on the webpage before booking the room!
◆ You’d have less possibility to be targeted by stalkers, burglars, or robbers if you are living in the sharehouse.

Make Besties | You can talk about anything with your roommates

If you need someone to give you advice or suggestions on fashion, costume, cosmetics, or even your love life, or if you simply just need someone to talk to, chat, or rant, there will always be girls for you!
◆ If you stay in a shared room. you can have more time to enjoy the conversations with your roommates. It’s easier to build bonds in your relationships, and your friendships would be tighter!
◆ You will never feel bored or lonely because you will always have someone who would be there for you, listen to you, and someone who would study, watch animes and go shopping with you!
◆ If you want to brush up on your Japanese, you have more chances to practice your language skills too!

If you are the kind of person who needs more space and time for yourself, you can keep decent privacy if you live in a private room, and you can enjoy fun social life at the same time in the common areas at a share house!

Things that need to be aware of when women living in a share house

At a gender-mixed share house, 2 things here you may already expect as well as you might need to keep in mind.

1. Men and women use a toilet and bathroom differently, so you can make some rules based on your mutual agreements with your housemates to avoid any issues.
2. It’s important to be considerate of others, so pay attention to what you wear, especially in the shared spaces, such as the kitchen and living room.

So we’d like to give you some tips if you are interested in living in a share house to prevent any stress or trouble:
◇ Establish rules together
◇ Be open to communicating anything with your housemates
◇ Be careful not to interfere much in each other’s private spaces

I hope this article solves your concerns, and if you have any further questions or would like to know more about living in a share house as a girl, please feel free to check our tenants’ interview from BORDERLESS HOUSE OSAKA-TSURUHASHI1 below:

Of course, feel free to CONTACT US, so we can answer all your questions ☺

Check available rooms for girls ▶▶▶
SANGEN-JAYA1 share house
• NIHOMBASHI1 share house

*Please note, that the rooms might be booked by others at any time.


想透過「語言交換」免費練習語言口說,順便認識新的外國朋友,但卻不知道該從哪邊開始準備嗎? 或是之前有嘗試過「語言交換」,但在過程中遇到一些困難後,就不了了之沒下文了嗎?






1) 我的目的是什麼? 是真的想要練習語言呢? 還是只是想要認識外國朋友?


2) 我的語言能力如何?


3) 我喜歡與人互動嗎?





1) 確認見面時間和約定語言時間(1小時全中文對話、1小時全外語對話),並在開始前設好鬧鐘,以免聊得太開心忘記切換語言。

2) 通常第一次見面不外乎就是自我介紹,我為什麼學這個語言? 我平常的興趣是什麼? 我有去哪邊旅行過? 喜歡聽的音樂? 基本上和相親一樣,在聊天過程中找尋彼此共通的話題及有沒有互相投緣,因為這部分也會影響後續的聯絡。



1) 隨時筆記自己在語言學習上遇到的問題,例如不確定這一句話該如何翻譯或是有沒有更道地的說法。也可以攜帶自己的課本或是作業,一起討論疑問的地方。

2) 如果文法上有問題,盡量不要問母語人士,因為他們通常也不太知道該如何解釋,除非語伴是語言學專業,不然會因為要解釋一個文法而浪費很多時間。

3) 可以想一想最近有沒有發生有趣的事情,或是閱讀到一篇有趣的文章、新聞、影片、文化差異或是有趣的議題可以討論。最好是可以帶有一點深度的問題,例如環境保護或是社會問題,一方面練習表達自己的想法和看法,一方面也可以聽到語伴帶著不同角度分析的結果。

4) 寫交換日記吧!語言交換不是只能練習到口說,書寫也是語言運用中很重要的一環。日記內容不一定只能分享日常生活,也可以寫一篇短文閱讀心得或是電影觀後感,這樣子在不知不覺中,寫作的能力也會大大提升呢!

5) 一起出去玩吧!爬山、看電影或是逛逛美術館,你平常和朋友喜歡做哪些事情,就也一起約你的語伴去吧!因為是一起出去玩,所以就不用太嚴格規定要講哪個語言多久,就隨意的切換吧!

6) 報名語言考試檢定吧!可以針對考試內容進行練習,有特定主題和句型。在有壓力的情況下,每次的語言交換就會更認真準備了呢!


1) 在自我介紹的時候,觀察對方的語言程度,並依照語言程度調整自己說話的速度,發音盡量清晰和標準。

2) 語伴在練習語言時,不要自己一直用流利的母語發表意見,而是要多發問,讓語伴可以多多回答自己的想法。例如: 為什麼? 你有什麼想法? 你會怎麼做呢? 都可以常常使用。

3) 可以使用雲端記事本,紀錄互相補充的單字或是句子,之後方便重新閱讀。


現在有許多方式可以找到語言交換夥伴,透過手機APP、網站或是入住國際交流share house。


1) HelloTalk: 可以使用文字、語音訊息、語音聊天、視訊聊天功能,還能幫對方修正句子、翻譯等輔助功能。也可以上傳圖片和短文,整體功能和Instagram很像。

2) Tandem: 和HelloTalk的功能非常相像,只是APP會主動推播其他會員的資訊,提高配對機率。

3) HiNative: 這是一個Q&A的平台,如果有文法、用字差異或是文章上的問題,都可以在上面發問,通常會有母語人士熱心地回答,也是一個很好用的搜尋引擎。

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: 是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,透過日常生活去學習語言,也會不定期舉辦各式各樣的活動和提供免費語言交換媒合。


BORDERLESS HOUSE是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,在台北有17間物件,分布在台北不同的區域,目前海外分部則在日本東京、大阪和韓國首爾。




今天一起回顧一下我們的冬日活動,和BORDERLESS HOUSE一起搓湯圓,除了學習台灣傳統文化和互相交流之外,也能享受滿滿的冬至氛圍喔!


冬至,是一年 24 個節氣中,最重要的一個節氣,也被稱為「日短」,太陽這天繞行到南迴歸線上,所以北半球白天最短,黑夜最長,過了這天後,也代表北半球的冬天真正來臨了。







冬天真的很適合這種溫馨暖暖的感覺呢!如果大家有任何想要參加的活動或是想法,非常歡迎留言分享給我們喔!讓BORDERLESS HOUSE未來能再提供更多更棒的活動體驗喔!

House Sharing Will Be A Good Way Of Living To Save Money

When moving to a new country, people have to start their lives out. They have a new job, must meet new people, make some friends, and they live in different surroundings. As exciting as it sounds, it can also be exhausting to adjust to everything new at once. It will also undoubtedly be expensive.

According to most foreigners that have moved to foreign countries, the biggest challenge that they faced after the move was finding accommodations. Some people end up at expensive studio apartments due to a lack of choice, others have to compromise on the locality of the apartment or pay high rents to enjoy a comfortable stay.

Not every house owner in east Asian countries is willing to rent their place to foreigners, and even then most of them ask for a local cosigner to guarantee on behalf of the tenant. The language and the cultural gap make local people feel that foreigners won’t understand them or get along with them. This is why they make no compromises on security money and ask for higher rents from foreigners.

Making a move can be an extensive and life changing task, which often disheartens people. Without friends and family around, they find it difficult to conduct an apartment search.

The solutions to all of the problems faced during apartment searching are offered by share houses. Share houses are rental houses with multiple rooms available for rent. While people have separate rooms, they also have common areas like the living room and kitchen. Share houses are mostly found in cities where the number of foreigners living in the city is high. The primary goal of a share house is to make sure that foreigners do not find it difficult to adjust to the new country.

Compared to apartments, share houses are a cheaper alternative for a comfortable accommodation. Along with clean rooms and basic amenities, share houses provide an opportunity for foreigners to make friends in the city.

People living at share houses are able to save money and have more flexibility in terms of the contract. If you’re on a small budget and are considering a move to countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, you might want to go through this article on how house-sharing could be a good way of living to save money.

Avoid Long Contract Periods

Most apartment rental contracts are signed for one year. The tenants have not experienced life in those apartments before signing the agreement. This is why when they experience some challenges living there, they are unable to move as they are bound by the contract. If they have to move by breaking the contract, they might have to pay a penalty.

Moreover, if you are required to move back to your country or some other place due to unexpected circumstances, then you will have to break the contract and will be charged.

Living in a share house is more flexible in situations like these. When living at a share house, if you do not like the place you are at, you can easily move out. Share houses are rented for shorter periods of time, so if you’re moving to a foreign country only for 6 months, staying at a share house could be your best money-saving bet.

Most share houses offer a room for the minimum stay of 1 month. Even if you are asked to sign a yearly contract, it will include a clause that if you give 30-45 days notice before moving out, then you will not be charged a penalty for moving out with less than a month’s notice. This offers relief to tenants who are unsure about the period of their stay in the nation.

Fully-Furnished Rentals

When having moved to a new apartment, you will need to furnish it as soon as possible for normal life to begin. Some of the furniture and appliances that you will need during your stay include a bed, table, cupboard, refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, air conditioning, etc. Buying furniture and appliances is a big investment. These items will likely cost you around one month’s rent.

Share houses are fully-furnished to ensure comfort. Every room has a bed and cupboard, whereas the common rooms, kitchen, and bathrooms are equipped with all the required furniture and appliances.

When someone moves to a share house, they only need to carry their everyday personal belongings. They do not need to spend money on furniture or decor and therefore are able to save money. They are able to use appliances that they might not have purchased themselves if they were to rent a private apartment. For example, a washing machine.

When they move to another country, they do not have to worry about selling or transporting furniture and appliances. This takes a lot of cost load that they are already bearing, off of their shoulders.


Free Internet

Whether you are a student, working professional, or tourist, the internet is a necessity for everyone. It helps people stay connected, updated, and entertained. To enjoy seamless internet connectivity, most people have Wi-Fi installed at their apartments.

Setting up the internet at your apartment will be some cost to you. You will also have to pay some extra cost in the beginning. There are not many landlords that will provide free internet to their tenants. However, share houses offer free internet connectivity to all its housemates at no extra cost.

The cost of the internet is already included in the monthly rent. The internet connectivity is strong and the housemates can enjoy smooth surfing. Access to the internet is limited to the housemates to avoid usage by outsiders which would cause poor connectivity.

Less Initial Fees

Share house managers do not expect you to pay a few months’ rent as deposit or downpayment. The initial fee is comparatively much lower than what is charged by apartment landlords. This enables most people to expand their budget and rent a room at a luxury share house. They are even able to spend money on sightseeing around the new country.

The initial fee at the BORDERLESS HOUSES is more reasonable compared to a typical apartment or condominium.

It does not matter which country you move to, the brokerage costs are usually high. While brokers are quite efficient at finding accommodations, they are often working in their best interests rather than yours. When renting a share house, you can eliminate the need for hiring a broker. Share houses are easy to find as they usually have an online presence. When renting a room at a share house, you will not have to hire a broker and can directly contact the manager. This will help you save some money.

Lower Rents

With the increase in the number of foreigners coming to east Asian countries and local people moving to industrial areas, cities are getting crowded. This has led to a hike in rental prices in the city. For example, on average, renting an apartment in a good Taipei locality will cost you somewhere between 18,000NTD to 26,000NTD per month. The rent will depend on the city that you live in, the size of the apartment, proximity to the market or MTR stations, and the amenities offered.

The monthly rent of staying a share house is lower than that of renting an apartment. If you have a low budget, you can also rent a bed in a shared room or dormitory. This way, you will be able to use all the house amenities, without having to pay for a private room.

The deposit is lower at share houses and the maintenance fee is reasonable. What’s more, most share houses are located near train stations and in low-crime localities. They offer easy connectivity to most places in the city and do not empty the tenant’s pockets.


Quite evidently, the process of finding an accommodation in Taiwan for reasonable prices can be an exhausting task. Add to that the expenses that come with moving to a new place, like buying home appliances and paying maintenance costs. However, worry not, because you can always rent a room at a share house and save yourself some money.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is a share house company with many share houses in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The ratio of local people and foreigners at these share houses is kept equal. The motto of the company is to welcome the people that stay there and ensure their comfort. At BORDERLESS HOUSE, the rooms are rented at affordable prices, and the company offers shared rooms and dorms for people with lower budgets.

If you have recentl

Choose The Best Locality To Rent A Share House In Taiwan!

If you will hold a meaningful conversation with people belonging from different corners of the world about their likes and dislikes, undoubtedly, you will come across many individuals who will describe traveling to new places as their favorite hobby. Many people will accept that visiting new places inspires them and aids them in learning new things. Some people will also confess that traveling works for them like yoga. It fills them with a new zeal for life, especially, traveling to the countries in the East.

Yes, traveling to the East has emerged as a new obsession for the travel junkies in the past few years. Discovering the East, its way of life, its culture, its habits, and traditions, has turned out to be a new fascination with the common people. Some individuals claim it is so because the East is deeply rooted in the old cultures and values, and that its lifestyle brings content and peace to the human mind and soul. This belief has given birth to the new trend of temporary migration to the East.

Now, one of the many countries situated in the East that has fascinated a lot of people with its customs and traditions, and which has attracted many travelers in the past few years is the country of Taiwan! Yes, Taiwan is an island country that is located in East Asia, and that is popularly known as the “heart of Asia.” This country is loved by migrants so much so that it topped the global rankings for ex-pats to live in the year 2016.

The major reason for this status and popularity enjoyed by the nation includes causes like the cheap and practical lifestyle of the country. People in Taiwan lead a simple and easy life. But still, the country boasts of a remarkable education system and strong infrastructure. In Taiwan, the convenience stores open 24*7, and they are present in every nook and corner of the country. Apart from this, the people here are also very friendly, and they never miss a chance of helping others even when the people in need are strangers to them.

So, if you too are one of these people who are thinking about moving to the East temporarily, then you must consider visiting Taiwan. While you are there, you can look for a share house, where you can stay for the duration of your visit. However, for those of you who are not sure about the localities in Taiwan where you should try to find accommodation, here is a list that you might find useful! Go, check it out?

What are the best localities to rent in Taiwan?

If you are moving to Taiwan and you are looking for a share house for accommodation purposes, then here is the list of localities that you should bother checking out to find a residence. Here you go!

So, you love shopping?

Well, I have met some people during my traveling excursions who describe shopping as a therapeutic act. Now, I might not feel about shopping the same way but who am I to judge? Hence, for those of you who consider yourselves shopping queens, and who would love staying in a locality that is close to a marketplace, I have some recommendations that you would appreciate.

So, for all the shopaholics out there, when you are looking for a share house try searching for one in the Shilin district that is considered to be the largest and the most famous night market in Taiwan. Apart from this place, you can also look for accommodation in the Da’an district that houses some quirky boutiques which sell trendy outfits. The Gongguan and Ximen areas are the two more localities that you can consider while hunting for share house service such as BORDERLESS HOUSE.

Would like to focus on your studies?

Taiwan is home to an extraordinary education system. Every year many people move to this place in search of better education. So, if you are one such people who has moved to this country for getting access to better education, then it makes sense that you would like to stay in a place that is close to your college or university so that you won’t waste much time in commuting between the places.

So, for those you would prefer that, I would recommend finding a share house in the Da’an district of the Taipei city that is home to many educational institutions. You can also consider searching BORDERLES HOUSE in the nearby Gongguan area that is also close to the National Taiwan University. Finding a residence in such places will also give you the benefit of staying with other students.

Want to live a thrilling and exciting life?

If you are one of those people who gets easily bored with leading the same monotonous life every day, you should try finding a place of residence in localities like Ximen or Zhongxiao Fuxing Area. Now, Ximen that stands for West Gate is an exciting area that houses historic Red house theatre. Around the theatre, there are also many bars, meeting places and shops that will keep you entertained. In the Zhongxiao Fuxing Area, on the other hand, you can locate many shopping malls that house some of the biggest brands. So, if you are also a fan of brands and you only like to shop for branded goods, then this is the place that you have been looking for.

However, for those of you, who do not consider shopping or dancing as thrilling enough activities, and who would prefer staying close to arts and culture, maybe you should try researching Shilin as a viable resident locality. Shilin is home to the National Palace Museum and it houses a remarkable collection of Chinese prints and fine arts. Apart from this, the area also has serene gardens and upscale eateries.

So, if you are moving to Taiwan, then these are some localities that you can check out to find a suitable share house for your stay!

All the best!



Why Are Share Houses The Best Shelter Option When You Are Starting Life In Abroad?

In the present world, borders and boundaries have become fluid. These lines that mark and enclose an area to represent a city, country, or continent, and which primarily only exist on paper are in the present world not as rigid as they used to be earlier. Instead, in the present moment, these boundaries have become porous to allow people to move in and out of a country. This sits true for the borders and boundaries of almost all the countries or continents around the globe.

The Earth presently has become a global space, and all the cities and countries have become a part of its chain. Whether it is for studies or managing businesses, every year we witness people moving across borders. Because of this, it has become a natural occurrence to find citizens of different nationalities living together in a country they were not born or brought up.

But if you have ever traveled overseas, then you would know that living in a new country is not a very pleasant experience especially during the initial days. It is so because when you go to a new place you usually miss your old friends and family, and the previous surroundings terribly. Plus, when you move to a new country you feel like a stranger, and thus, it becomes difficult to blend in.

Mixing-in in a new country is not as easy as it may appear in the first place. We say so because when you go to a new place, you usually don’t know much about the culture or tradition of that place. And because of this, you always feel anxious and stressed in your new surroundings. You are always on your toes observing how other people are behaving so you would not mistakenly do that would hurt or disrespect the sentiments of the natives.

Thus, in such a time when you have freshly moved into a new country, it is considered a good idea to live in a share house. Doing so will help you in many ways. Wondering how that works? Well, in that case, read our next section to find out your answers.

How are share houses helpful in starting a fresh life in a new country?

A sharehouse is a big property that is offered on rent to tenants where many strangers share the same roof. In a share house, you can rent a single room for yourself or you can rent a room that houses 3 to 4 people in total depending upon your needs and requirements. This place is a top shelter choice for people, especially for those who have freshly shifted to a new country because-
It helps you in understanding alien customs.

As we have already established, when you move to a new country, chances are that you will be unfamiliar with its customs and traditions. This can make you anxious while adding to your stress levels. Also, there is this probability that if you did something wrong because of your unfamiliarity with the local customs that the natives find offending or insulting, then you might feel even more alienated and alone. Thus, for this reason, it is a safe choice to live in a share house at least for the initial days because there you are bound to come across many people who will be interested in international exchange.

When you will live with them, such people will help you in learning more about their local culture, while at the same time they will also try to understand your traditions. This healthy exchange will make your life significantly easier. So, if you want to know about the local customs and traditions of a place, its food, its manners, etc. in a friendly way without wasting much time, then share houses should be your top priority while seeking shelter.

It is a borderless accommodation

When you move to a new space how fluently you can speak their local language plays a very important role in deciding the ease with which you will blend in your new surroundings. So, for example, if you have moved to Taiwan for your further studies and you can fluently speak and write Chinese, then this will probably mean that you will find it easier to navigate Taiwan as compared to someone who doesn’t even understand Chinese. It is so because when you don’t understand the local language of a place, you find it hard to explain to people your queries or emotions.

Now, in such a scenario, it is wise to find a share house in your new country because in share houses you can probably find residents who are familiar with your language. In this way, your common language can help you in befriending people and it can also help you in learning the local language quite easily. We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, make language exchange easy for you by offering on our website the information about the nationality of its residents. You can even opt to talk to the residents of the share house while requesting a preview of the property.

It offers you easier access to common knowledge

When you shift to a new country, other than the customs, traditions, and language of that place there are many other things that you ought to learn about your new home town. These things include information on the common practices of the new place, knowledge about local shops and convenience stores in your locality, and awareness about the norms of living in that place such that your safety is not threatened.

Living in a share house can help you in gaining easy access to such information. It is so because when you are sharing a roof with other people you are bound to interact with them. In your conversations, you can come across the above-mentioned info without even requesting for the same. In opposed to this, if you opt to live alone in a new country, then acquiring such information may take some time.

Thus, these are some reasons because of which living in a share house should be your preferred choice. Living here can help you in settling-in easily.











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波波暑期換宿 – 替室友辦個活動吧!