【Special Program】 Joining from America at 5 o’clock in the morning?! What makes Borderless House Language Exchange so appealing?

Hello! I’m Yuuka, the most talkative staff in Borderless House!

Today, I would like to introduce Borderless House’s original language exchange program = Group Language Exchange, which I recommend as a talkative person!

Group Language Exchange is a language exchange activity between Japanese and English which a small group of 3-5 people enjoy by talking about common topics.

・ Those who want to study in Japan when the coronavirus situation settle down
・ Those who gave up studying in Japan this year
・ Those who want to practice out Japanese in actual communication

We recommend Group Language Exchange to all of you!

And, if you are wondering about #Group Language Exchange on Borderless House Instagram and want to know more details, please continue reading!

It is worth getting up at 5 am!? Group Language Exchange participants from all over the world

Now you know the outline of Group Language Exchange, and you may be wondering what the participants are like, right?

I will let you know with some photos!

This is from November 2020.

At first glance, the online screen looks like what we often see these days …
If you look closely, you will find the participant in daylight even though the starting time was 19:30 pm JST…!

That’s right! This program is open to former residents of Borderless House, so everyone is participating from various places!
Even after returning to their home countries, former residents who want to study Japanese participate regardless of the time difference!
(I’m quietly impressed by the fact that this gathering is only possible online)

In this session, we had participants from Germany, Indonesia, the United States, France, and so on. There was a participant who got up at 5 o’clock in the morning to participate! I was very happy that they enjoyed it.

“If you want to escape from dull exercises from your textbooks, why not learn it in a more natural way by speaking to native speakers of your target language? 😆 “

A message from one of the participants to those who cannot decide to participate yet.

It will be a great opportunity to output what you learn, so we would like more people to use this program for their language learning!

Demon Slayer the recent major trend can be a topic too!? Choose your favorite topic and participate!

After checking out those fun photos, now you want to know how you could participate in this program, right?

It’s easy to join!

The dates of Group Language Exchange will be announced by email or LINE @ at the beginning of each month, so all you need to do is to register using the application form there!

After registration, the staff in charge will send you the details by email, so please check it and join us online on the day.
* Held on Zoom which allows online video chatting.

When you submit this application form, you can choose the topic you are interested in!

Topics include traveling, music, what you want to do in the future, cooking, arts, movies, animation, etc …

Recently, Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) has also become one of the topics in response to the enthusiastic requests of the participants!
It’s also popular overseas and everyone knows it. I have a feeling that it will become a common language ….!

By the way, I have seen only two episodes so far, so I’m planning to see the rest during the New Year holidays!

Worried about online participation and your language skill? Don’t worry too much!

“I’m happy to be able to choose a topic that interests me, but I’m still worried about the online communication that I am not used to and overall language skills…”

We would like to introduce you the features of Group Language Exchange that even beginners can feel at ease!

➀ Since this program is limited to those who have lived in Borderless House, many people are enthusiastic about international exchange, and you can get to know each other immediately!

➁ You will chat with 3 to 5 members in a small group, so you can get to know each other well and talk easily!

➂ There is a facilitator who will support the group, so it will be okay even if you cannot speak well.

Above all, everyone here understands how difficult to learn a second language.
So, no one will laugh at you when you try hard to find your words or cannot speak well.

Actually, many participants are willing to help you with what you do not understand. This may be the biggest feature of this program.

There are many people who want to improve their English skills just as you want to improve your Japanese skills.
That would be great if you could join us!

Lots of original programs that you can’t experience anywhere else!

I would be very happy if this blog helped you to know the details of Group Language Exchange and to make up your mind to participate!

Borderless House’s original program = Borderless Mates Program offers many more attractive programs!

“I want to connect with this kind of person!” A program where you can meet a lot of different Borderless Mates.
Club activities where you can enjoy activities together through common interests, etc.!

If you are interested, please check the website below!

★Borderless Mates Program★

Making friends from all around world even in this pandemic situation!? Borderless House’s original program makes it possible!

Hello! This is Yuka from Borderless House!

The worldwide pandemic of coronavirus makes it difficult to travel abroad.
But, here is good news for those who feel the same way!
“I wanted to go travel around the world and interact with the local people …”
“I wanted to go abroad and study a new language …”

You can connect with people all over the world while staying at home!
Please let us introduce Borderless Mates Program in detail!

Four programs to choose according to your interests

Currently, there are four main programs.

You can talk to Borderless Mates all around the world! Multilingual exchange program

A community program that brings people with common hobbies/interests together

A program where you can meet a lot of different Borderless Mates

Travel Program where you can meet local Borderless Mates while traveling

Now let’s see how you can enjoy each program! Mr. K, the current tenant who has participated in all programs, will help us here.

* K’s profile *
University freshmen, majoring in International Relations.
Studying English every day aiming for the exchange program to Canada.
Moved to Borderless House in hopes of stimulating daily life (as university classes are all online) and improving his English skill

Snow in Egypt!? Motivating yourself to learn new languages with Language Exchange program!

First, there is Language Exchange program K has participated in many times!
There are two ways to participate.

1 on 1 Language Exchange
A program to enjoy one-on-one language exchange.
Not only English, we can match according to the language you want to learn, such as Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, etc.!
Click here for details on how to register

Group Language Exchange
A program for small groups (3-5 people) to enjoy conversations on common topics.
Topics change every month, such as travel, music, cooking, anime, art, and romance.
* Target languages: English and Japanese
* Date: Twice a month

Yuka: “How was it when you participated in each Language Exchange session?””

Mr. K: “1 on 1 was fun! We could choose a time convenient for each other, could get to know each other well, and it was easy to ask personal questions! When I struggled to find the right English words, my partner who speaks Japanese quite well could help, so I was glad I was able to ask questions. Next time, I want to do my best to say what I want to say!”
Photo: Group Language Exchange

Mr. K: “I felt nervous talking in the group, but the supporters encouraged me.
There were participants from Indonesia and Egypt who I had not met in my share house, and I was super excited to meet new people like them!
Especially, I had this strong image of Egypt as pyramids and deserts, but I was surprised to hear from the participant that there were places in Egypt famous for skiing!

Yuka: “I was also very surprised to hear that! Thank you for letting us know in detail!”

As you can see from his story, Borderless House is very multinational.
What Language Exchange program can provide is not just more motivation to learn languages but also new multinational encounters that you have never had!

Playing games overcome language barrier! Join Club Activities Board Game!

Next, CLUB ACTIVITIES, a community program that gathers people with common hobbies and interests!

In addition to international cuisine program which offers cultural experiences and seasonal events organized by Borderless House, it is also possible for tenants to host events and club activities!

Yuka: “Mr. K, how was it when you participated in the online board game?”

Mr. K: “It was my first time, and the game was surprisingly exciting!
Each player logged in to the board game and connected to Zoom at the same time. It was fun because we could see each other’s’ reactions!
Everyone could enjoy a sense of unity even though we didn’t exchange many words.

Yuka: “It is the unique point of CLUB ACTIVITIES that you can interact with lots of people regardless of their mother language!”

In addition to Board Game, CLUB ACTIVITIES will hold various activities such as Virtual Local Trip and Borderless Mates JOB BAR in the future.
If you have something you want to try, why don’t you try it with Borderless Mates?

Receive unexpected offers! Chance to make friends from all over the world! Register for Borderless Mates Library!

Borderless Mates Library (BML) is a large library-like platform that makes each character of Borderless Mates look like a book.
It is a matching program that allows you to connect with Borderless Mates across countries just like you find a book that suits you.

Yuka: “Thank you for registering for BML! How was it?”

Mr. K: “I was surprised when I received an offer email from Mr. V, a resident of Taiwan who wanted to hear about the curriculum and situation of my faculty!
I don’t speak Chinese, but fortunately, I was able to communicate in English, so I spoke with him on the videophone.
When I registered for BML, I didn’t think I had special skills or experience, but I was very happy someone found it interesting like this time!
I haven’t been to Taiwan yet and I don’t know much about its culture. I would love to visit Taiwan when travel restrictions are eased! “

Yuka: “That sounds good! It seems that one of the fun parts about BML is broadening your world by receiving unexpected offers!
And there is good news for Mr. K! It is currently on hold, but I definitely recommend House Travel. Please use it when visiting Taiwan! It’s free! “

Mr. K: “Thank you! I already checked the program even before moving in !! Please let me know as soon as the program starts again!”

FREE stay at Borderless House in Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo and Kansai for real!? BORDERLESS TRAVEL

House Travel (former Free House Exchange) which we just mentioned, is a program that allows current tenants to stay at another Borderless Houses abroad (Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, Kansai) for free!
* Currently on hold and scheduled to restart in August 2021.

House Travel (former Free House Exchange)
Please take a look at the blog articles contributed by the tenants who have used this program.

You can stay in another Borderless House from the period of one week to a whole month.
Borderless Houses in Taipei, Seoul, and Japan all have locals, so you can get to know local shops, eat dinner and enjoy local life together, not just sightseeing!

Community platform made up of 10,000 people from over 50 different countries

Borderless House, as shown above, offers not only share houses but also international exchange experience programs!

There are approximately 8 to 20 housemates living together, but with Borderless House’s community platform, the number of people you can meet climbs up to 10,000 from over 50 different countries!

“Not quite happy with University life, only attending online classes …”
“I want new encounters, discoveries, and inspirations in my daily life, not just going back and forth between work and home ….!”

Why don’t you move into Borderless House and participate in our Borderless Mates Program?

Click here to find how to participate in our Borderless Mates Program

【Original Program】Talk anytime anywhere! Connect! Become Friends! What makes Language Exchange so appealing?

Hello everyone! I am Yuya in charge of PR!
This is quite sudden, but do you know “Language Exchange”, Borderless House’s online communication matching program?

After starting this program in April 2020, we had many participants and great feedback from them.
Today I would like to introduce you this “Language Exchange” program!

This is how this program started.

An online program that makes it possible to connect with the world while staying at a share house! What is Language Exchange?

Language Exchange is an online communication program where people who share common hobbies, target languages,
the countries they want to visit can connect and enjoy the communication.

<This is for YOU>
・Those who want to enjoy studying abroad and traveling overseas
・Those who want to practice out the language you learned
・Those who want to try learning new languages
・Those who want new encounters (with new people and their experiences)
・Those who want to find new information and broaden your knowledge

This is a practical way of learning through deep conversations with your partner on common interests.

Matching with the perfect partner!

Our staff will match you with a perfect partner based on the questionnaires. This is a one-on-one conversation through an online chat tool.

This one-on-one conversation with your partner (not group conversation) will help to know each other deeper.

Not only Japanese, but you can also choose the language you want to learn. So you can try learning new languages and connect with the person from the country you want to visit or study in. New encounters mean more than just language learning. This is another feature of this program.

Details of this program and how to apply

●Date & Time: Scheduled between the partners
●Target Language: Various languages (Japanese, Korean, French, German, etc.)
●Free of charge
●Participants: Limited to former or current tenants of Borderlss House
●How to apply
Entry is easy!
Please apply from the form below.
Application form

Borderless House will do the matching based on the form!
A Skype group will be created and we will organize the date for the first meeting and explain the procedures.

The day of the program
Start with introducing yourself! Enjoy talking based on the topic cards! (First time 40 minutes)

Answer the survey after the first session. Based on the survey, we will organize the next session.
From the second meeting, it will be just you and your partner.

Overcoming language barriers! Comments from the participants who made new friends through this program!

– This program looks fun, but I feel nervous about talking with new people
– What if I cannot speak well
– What happens when we run out of topics to talk about

To those who feel this way, please let me show you the real comments from the participants

Daniel: Dream of studying in Japan finally coming true! But he needed to put it off because of the coronavirus pandemic

ーWhat made you join this program?
I was planning to study in Japan and move into Borderless House. But, I needed to put it off because of the coronavirus situation three days before the departure and I was very disappointed. That was when I found this program and I decided to join because I wanted to talk with native Japanese speakers.

ーHow was the program?
I was very glad to talk with a Japanese native partner. By talking with him, I could get to know more about Japan. My hobbies are learning new languages and cultures. My partner told me about Japan’s regional cultures that I wouldn’t know without him and recommended me places to visit.
I felt very excited even though I cannot visit Japan right now

ーWhat was your partner like?
I have joined this program twice so far and talked to two Japanese partners. It was easy to talk to both of them because we all shared the same hobby, traveling. The program was for 40 mins but it was not enough when we had a great chat, so we arranged the second meeting.
My Japanese isn’t very well and my English is not as good as native speakers. When we had something we don’t know, we searched words and used chat messages, so I felt a sense of achievement too lol

ーPlease tell us your thoughts on this program!
I joined this program in hope of practicing out my Japanese and getting to know more about Japan. I ended up having deeper conversations about each other’s cultures and interests than I thought, and I also made friends across the border.

I made a promise to visit the partner in Japan, so I can’t wait to visit the places we talked about. I am looking forward to the next session.

Miyu: Her hobby is traveling!

ーWhat made you join this program?

I like traveling abroad and I hope to study abroad someday. Because I haven’t decided which country to go to, I wanted to talk to people from different countries.
Also, I wanted to improve my English skills.

ーHow was the program?
I realized that talking with native speakers is the best way to improve language skills.
When you study by yourself from textbooks, it can be boring and does not last long. But when you have a partner, you can keep yourself motivated. Also, I feel excited to connect with someone overseas. I enjoyed it a lot because I could talk about various genres.

ーWhat was your partner like?
When we first talked by chat messages, I was not sure what she was like because of language barriers. But it turned out she was a friendly lovely person after we talked on a video call. I want to meet her in person someday.
She was not a native English speaker, so we had some difficulties but I will try harder next time.

ーPlease tell us your thoughts on this program!
I learned that it was important to have the courage to say “I don’t understand” when I have something unsure.
Communication between non-native speakers can be hard sometimes, but we could get closer by asking questions over and over again.

Through a computer screen, you can connect with people overseas, share each other’s culture and ideas, meet with new people, which makes this program a great one. What makes it even greater is the fact that it is free of charge(Thank you Borderless House!) and easy to participate from home.

Through Language Exchange, spread your “likes” to the world across the border!

As long as you have an internet connection and devices, you can connect from everywhere in the world and make friends throughLanguage Exchange program, Why don’t you meet your language partner through this program?

Please apply from the form here.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Other programs & reviews

【BORDERLESS HOUSE Online Information Session】What is an International Share House??

Hi! This is Ting from BORDERLESS HOUSE. This is a blog to announce our upcoming BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session.

Recently we have received many messages from potential tenants which contain similar comments:
I don’t have enough information about living in a sharehouse yet, so I want to learn more about life in a sharehouse before making a decision or moving.
I want to know more about Borderless House as a company!
I want to have a look at an international share house.
I want to live in a share house at some point in my life and would like to get excited about that future opportunity!

In order to respond to these messages, we have decided to hold an online information session so that people can learn more about Borderless House!

【What is Borderless House】

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international sharehouse where young individuals from all around the world gather under one roof to share life together and exchange different cultures. We provide a community where you can not only improve your Japanese skills but also have unforgettable experiences with a diverse group of people and be able to expand your horizons.

Don’t you wonder what life in one of these exciting multicultural communities in Japan would be like?

What does the cooking, cleaning, and everyday life look like when living together?
Will I be able to have meaningful interactions with my Japanese housemates even if I don’t speak Japanese?
How are problems resolved if they arise?

Additionally, we will be offering special discount campaigns for anyone who participates in this online session- check below for details!

When coming to Japan, you have many choices on where and how to live, but why not choose to have an invaluable cultural exchange at one of our international sharehouses? After the information session, we will also take the time to give more specific details about each of our houses, so please feel free to participate. Your BORDERLESS HOUSE family is waiting for you to join!

※Before registering to participate, please note that there is an age limit (18-35) for our tenants.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session Details: What Is an International Sharehouse

Date & Time:
Nov 16th, Monday @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM JST
Nov 21th, Saturday @ 17:00 AM – 18:30 PM JST

Nov 28th, Saturday @ 17:00 AM – 18:30 PM JST
Nov 30th, Monday @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM JST

※Please note that the time above is Japan Standard Time so you will need to double-check the corresponding time in your own time zone. Feel free to use this time zone converter.

Place: ZOOM (online)
※Feel free to download the ZOOM application ahead of time.
※When you join the ZOOM meeting, your name will be displayed. If you are worried about using your full name, please feel free to put only your first or your last name. However, we ask that you do not use a nickname during registration or during the meeting.

▶Language: English
● Price: FREE!!!
①Borderless House Company Introduction
②Q&A with Current Residents and Staff
③Individual Consultation

Register ・Inquiry Form

★★★Please use the link below to register for the information session★★★

◎Registration Form

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at:
Kanto area: info@borderless-house.com
Kansai area: info-osaka@borderless-house.com

For further information from our website, please check out the links below

List of Kanto share houses
List of Kansai share houses

「Build bridges not walls!」〜線上語言交換活動擴大展開!

BORDERLESS HOUSE在4月分展開了一項房客專屬的
線上交流服務“〜Build bridges not walls!〜語言交換



因此,BORDERLESS HOUSE決定讓更多的人可以參與和體驗這廣受好評的服務,




BORDERLESS HOUSE將根據您所填寫的表格回答進行配對。




BORDERLESS HOUSE的工作人員就會為您配對語言交換的夥伴。




【5月30日 BORDERLESS HOUSE線上說明會】什麼是國際交流Share House??

嗨!我是BORDERLESS HOUSE的Ting,這邊要向大家宣布,我們在5月30日(六)日本時間上午11點,將舉辦BORDERLESS HOUSE中英文線上說明會!

最近,我們收到許多來自對Share House感興趣的客人們的訊息:
-決定入住Share House之前,想知道更多關於Share House的真實生活情形!
-想了解BORDERLESS HOUSE是什麼樣的公司,和其他Share House公司有什麼不同之處!
-想看看國際交流Share House究竟是什麼樣型態的Share House!
-我到日本後一定想入住看看Share House,想知道各式各樣的消息!

為了回應這些疑問,我們決定舉辦線上說明會,讓大家能更認識BORDERLESS HOUSE,並有機會了解國際交流Share House的真實樣貌,及房客們的實際生活情況。


BORDERLESS HOUSE所經營的國際交流Share House,目的是讓來自世界各地的年輕人能夠在同一個屋簷下,一起分享彼此的生活,以及不同國家的文化。在BORDERLESS HOUSE提供的國際環境下,不但能提升語言能力,更能從多元的生活環境得到難以忘懷的經驗,開拓你的視野和世界觀。



在5月30日(六),BORDERLESS HOUSE的房客們以及我們的員工,將根據自身經驗一一解決大家的疑惑。


何不妨讓自己有這麼一次機會,選擇可以體驗文化交流的國際Share House呢?
在說明會上,我們也會以視訊方式帶你參觀我們的Share House,並且提供具體細節介紹,所以請帶著放鬆的心情來參加!



關於BORDERLESS HOUSE線上說明會:國際交流Share House是什麼


▸語言:中文、英文 (說明會時中文和英文會分開進行)

② Share House介紹
④ 個人諮詢


參與說明會並在2020年12月31日以前入住BORDERLESS HOUSE,將可於入住時獲得5000日幣的亞馬遜AMAZON禮券


◎Registration Form報名表


關東地區: info@borderless-house.com
關西地區: info-osaka@borderless-house.com

關於更多的Share House資訊,歡迎至下方官網查詢。

關東的 share houses
關西的 share houses