Discover unique cultural experiences and interactions beyond hotel stays through our exclusive “BORDERLESS TRAVEL” program for residents!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House.

Here at Borderless House, the new friendships and interactions under one roof provide a unique sense of fulfillment that only comes from living it.

Japanese residents might find themselves teaching Japanese to their new international housemates, assisting with various administrative procedures, and adapting to life in Japan. This mutual support mirrors the help we would seek if we were traveling or living abroad ourselves.

Stepping out of the comfort of home takes courage, but a warm community waiting at your destination can make any overseas adventure enjoyable and reassuring.

Today, we’re excited to introduce BORDERLESS TRAVEL, where you can enjoy short stays at Borderless Houses in different countries and meet new housemates across borders.

We’ll share the story of Yuzuki, who ventured from Kyoto’s Nishijin House to spend a week in February 2024 at KORYODAE2 HOUSE in Korea. Yuzuki will tell us about her experiences in Japan, her adventures in Korea, and the allure of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

We also have comments from Robin, the manager of BORDERLESS KOREA, so stay tuned till the end for more insights!

Click here for more details on BORDERLESS TRAVEL!!

Embracing English: Yuzuki’s Journey at Nishijin House

Yuzuki’s time at Nishijin House brought about a significant shift in her views on English and international interactions. She explained that her decision to move there stemmed from a desire to conquer her fear of English and engage with people from different countries.

Although she initially enjoyed English, the stress of exam preparation diminished her passion, and she struggled to speak fluently. Yuzuki realized the limitations of speaking only Japanese and saw the potential of English to connect her with diverse cultures and ideas.

Driven by the need to immerse herself in an English-speaking environment, Yuzuki chose to live at Borderless House.

───Did you consider any other share houses before choosing Borderless House?

Yuzuki: Actually, I didn’t look anywhere else. I decided to move into Borderless House the same day I visited. The environment offered the perfect mix of English practice and social opportunities, all within my budget. Plus, I was planning to study abroad the next year, so the idea of practicing for that experience while still in Japan seemed perfect to me.

─── Could you tell us about your housemates at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: On my first day, one of my housemates surprised me by inviting me to a party right away, which was unexpected (laughs)! Initially, I was nervous, but everyone was so welcoming that I quickly warmed up to them.

I formed a close bond with a foreign housemate, and we often went out together. I also shared unique insights with a working professional housemate. Whenever we faced challenges or disagreements in our shared living situation, we were able to discuss and resolve them during our regular house meetings at Nishijin House. It truly was a great community to be a part of.

───Have you noticed any personal growth or changes during your time at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: Absolutely! Initially, spending time with people from other countries was out of the ordinary for me, and it came with a bit of tension. But after living in Borderless House, I’ve become comfortable engaging freely in conversations without considering race or nationality.

It’s been incredibly enriching to learn from the diverse perspectives and strong convictions of my housemates.

Embarking on My First Solo International Journey with BORDERLESS TRAVEL!

───How did you become interested in BORDERLESS TRAVEL?

Yuzuki: I’ve known about the program since I moved in and always wanted to try it. I felt staying at a Borderless House abroad would be more enriching than solo hotel stays, allowing me to learn the language and engage with locals.

It seemed like a perfect way to prepare for my first solo international trip before studying in Canada this summer.

─── Your first experience living abroad was with BORDERLESS TRAVEL. Did you encounter any challenges during your travel?

Yuzuki: It was quite nerve-wracking, especially going through immigration for the first time and figuring out train transfers on my own. But luckily, everything went smoothly without any major problems!

Yuzuki: When I got to Koryodaes House, I was greeted by Robin, the staff member I had been communicating with by email. Meeting him in person really helped me settle in. He showed me around and shared some local tips and places to visit.

───Traveling abroad for the first time can be quite daunting. Did you notice any notable differences during your stay in the Borderless House in Korea compared to Japan?

Yuzuki: Definitely. For example, I had to separate organic waste from burnable trash, and in public restrooms, I couldn’t flush toilet paper but had to discard it in a bin.

Living in an environment close to the local lifestyle, unlike a hotel stay, made me more aware of these cultural differences. This is one of the unique advantages of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

Language Learning, Cultural Exploration, and International Connections: Maximize the Benefits of Short-Term Stays!

───During your seven-day stay, did you make any specific efforts?

Yuzuki: I focused on being proactive in starting conversations with my housemates. It was my first time in a shared room overseas, and I quickly hit it off with my Italian roommate on the first day. She left for Tokyo the next day, so we couldn’t meet again, but we kept in touch through Instagram, sharing messages and updates about her trip.

Many of my housemates were interested in Japan, so we enjoyed mingling and conversing in Japanese, English, and Korean.

───Did you also converse in Korean during your stay?

Yuzuki: Yes, I’ve been a fan of Korean dramas, which helped me learn the language pretty naturally. I actually speak Korean better than English! While there, Robin invited me to a Language Exchange event, where I got to meet and chat with people outside the house, making my stay even more enjoyable.

───It sounds like you made the most of your 7-day stay! What other activities did you do?

Yuzuki: I visited historic sites and museums that caught my interest. I dressed in traditional Korean clothes and explored Gyeongbokgung Palace, and I also went to the DMZ near the North Korean border.

I participated in a tour aimed at Japanese visitors and connected well with other participants. We discussed how the conflict known in Japan as the “Korean War” is referred to in Korea. Learning about Korean perspectives on their history was incredibly insightful.

─── Reflecting on your 7-day stay, could you highlight what makes BORDERLESS TRAVEL so special?

Yuzuki: Definitely! The program offers deep cultural experiences and meaningful interactions with local housemates that you just can’t get from staying in a hotel. It allows you to live much closer to how the locals do, which is unique to BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

I think even short stays can provide significant learning and insights. I recommend starting with a stay in a domestic Borderless House to get a feel for international exchange before trying out the program.

A Message from Robin, Korean Operations Staff

BORDERLESS TRAVEL, with its strong emphasis on tourism and travel aspects, offers an exciting experience that’s a bit different from our usual resident support. It was Yuzuki’s first solo international trip, so we actively shared information about tourist spots and recommended gourmet spots to ensure she could fully enjoy her time in Korea.

With a recent expansion in our staff at Borderless House Korea, we’re now even better equipped to support our guests in a variety of ways.

I enjoy keeping up with the latest trends and sharing new information, so I encourage you to take advantage of BORDERLESS TRAVEL and come visit us in Korea.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!




BORDERLESS TRAVEL, part of the Borderless Mates program, is an exclusive initiative for residents that offers connections beyond the typical share house experience.

Please note that due to the availability of vacancies at the destination, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred timing or house. We recommend contacting us before booking your flight.

合作夥伴|BORDERLESS HOUSE × Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education創立於1990年,是一所提供英語、日語和韓語專業課程的語言學校。除語言課程外,也提供其他多樣化服務。例如:提供入學諮詢服務,介紹韓國大學和韓國語言學院給留學生,也提供各式各樣的體驗活動,使他們能更深入地瞭解當地傳統及現代文化。


< 在韓國生活一個月 >
1. 費用: 3,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:每週學習韓國不同文化,包含韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 在韓國生活一週 > 
1. 費用: 1,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:學習韓國不同文化
韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝(擇一) 及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 韓國3天2夜 >
1. 費用: 500美元
3. 住宿+供餐(早餐-三明治)
4. 學習韓國文化: K-POP舞蹈,工藝
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。



(K-pop舞蹈課程, 韓國傳統美術課程, 韓國傳統音樂課程)


公司: Global Overseas Education
負責人: 金惠泳 KIM, Hye Young
地址: Rm. 201, Deoksoo B/D, 636-25 Yeoksam-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 06130 ,S. Korea (Post code:06130)
電話: No. : +82-2-555-5332 / Mobile # : +82-10-3209-5271
E-mail :

*HOUSE EXCHANGE* Daniel – Kyoto to Seoul

House Exchange from Kyoto to Seoul!


Hello, this is Share House Borderless House!

Our tenant staying in Kansai, Daniel has been to Seoul for a week by house exchange program!

He has shared his precious memories with housemates in Share house in Seoul,

and gave us some nice pictures taken in Seoul after a trip.

Let’s see how was his trip to Seoul and what he felt in Seoul!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Daniel and I am currently staying in Borderless Share house Osaka.

I came Kyoto to study Japanese and learning new language is always so hard.

So I decided to visit Seoul for my short holidays!

I had stayed in one of share houses of Borderless House Seoul for my trip.

I would like to share some moments of my trip with everyone!

When I visited Seoul, it was rainy season and sometimes it was really hard to walk around.

But when I visited the palace, the weather was really awesome!

The palace I have visited has unique atmosphere with great weather.

I was really happy to take pictures during the time walk around the palace.

Share house where I have stayed in Seoul was near Hongdae.

Hongdae 4 house has really great access to famous area in Seoul!

Especially to Hongdae, it takes only around 5 minutes by walk.

The picture is the center of Hongdae, and I was on my way to have fancy dinner!

The place I loved most was the market.

I could meet many local people there and could feel real Seoul.

People who sells fish were really kind!

They kept ask me to have some raw fish when they clean fish.

Do not miss trying delicious dishes in the market!

I had Jeon which is cooked fish and vegetables with egg and flour.

It was so nice and I could drink a lot with these Jeon!

I was so busy during the day and my housemates also had their schedule.

So we always met in the night time and loved to have a conversation and drink!

We enjoyed to visit fancy restaurants together

and the picture is the moment we visited Han-river!

They recommend me to have “Chimaek” which is having Fried Chicken and Beer!


I love traveling, but it was my first time to stay in Share house.

It was really awesome because I could meet many local tenants in Seoul!

After this trip, I am planning to visit Taipei with this program again!

If you are a tenant of Borderless House, why don’t you try it?



* Only for tenant *

If you want to join our House exchange program,

feel free to contact us! Always welcome!

Please refer to the link below for more information.



HOUSE EXCHANGE Sawako – Taipei to Seoul

House Exchange from Taipei to Seoul!


Hello, this is Share House Borderless House!

One of our tenants in Taipei, Sawako has been to Seoul for a week by house exchange program!

She has shared very fabulous pictures taken in Seoul after a trip.

Why don’t we look around how was her trip from Taipei to Seoul together?


Hello, all!

My name is Sawako and I am currently staying in Borderless House Taipei.

I got a short break in this May and I decided to visit Seoul for the break!

I had stayed in one of houses of Borderless House Seoul in Hongdae area.

I hope you like my comment and pictures what I saw and felt in Seoul!


The best thing I got from this trip is Friends.

I visited Seoul by Free House Exchange program of Borderless House,

and they gave me an opportunity to stay in one of share houses in Seoul during my trip.

It was quite short term staying, but I became really close to all the housemates

who stayed with me in Seoul!


Even though they have their own schedule during weekdays, they always helped me a lot.

We had visited some famous places such as palaces, park etc.

This picture is taken at the park located near Han river.

It was so cool during the night time.

I heard that it is very famous to have Chi-Maek at the park of Han River, isn’t it?



I am very satisfied with this trip I had in Seoul.

I could take a lot of pictures during this trip, and those were all awesome!

Since I do not have to search for a place to stay during this trip,

I could save time for planning the trip.

I think I could enjoy this trip more than before, because of Free House Exchange program!



I usually spent time with my housemates during the trip.

I wore kind of Han-bok which is traditional cloth of Korea in this picture.

It looks like cute one-piece type of dress, isn’t it?

I liked this cloth so much, and I never thought that this is kind of Han-bok!



It was so happy to meet many new people in Seoul and become friends.

And having delicious food was also one of delightful things which I could do in Seoul.

I am not sure when can I have a break and have a trip to Seoul or other places,

I hope to get an opportunity to stay in another Borderless House located in another country

once more. Thanks, Borderless House!


* Only for tenant *

If you want to join our House exchange program,

feel free to contact us! Always welcome!

Please refer to the link below for more information.

HOUSE EXCHANGE Emi Tokyo to Seoul

House Exchange from Tokyo to Seoul!


Hello, this is Share House Borderless House!

One of our tenants in Tokyo, Emi has been to Seoul for a week by house exchange program!

She told us that it was really nice trip and she made many good memories in Seoul!

Why don’t we look around her trip with housemate to Seoul?




Hello, my name is Emi and I am staying in one of Borderless Houses in Tokyo!

I got vacation from my job, so I decided to visit Seoul with my housemate Chizuru.

I really got excited because this is my first trip to abroad!

It was really nice to participate Free House Exchange program of Borderless for my first trip!



I am interested in cooking, especially learning how to make foreign food.

So I decided to take a cooking class in Seoul with my housemate.

This class was for foreigners only, so I could meet many people from abroad!

It was really good time learning how to cook some Korean dishes.

I would like to make this dish for my housemates in Tokyo someday!



Not only for learning, but also having Korean local food was really awesome!

I had a lot of dishes such as Tteokbokki, Naeng-myun, Injeolmi etc.

This is one of dished which I had with my friend in Seoul.

It was so sweet and delicious! I cannot forget the taste of it here in Tokyo till now!



I was staying in one of houses of Borderless in Seoul.

The best thing in the house where I have stayed was the view!

The house was on 33rd floor, so I could enjoy awesome night view every night.

I would like to say thank you to staffs of Borderless House Seoul team.

that they made me to stay in this wonderful house!



These are my housemates during the term of my stay in Seoul!

I was really happy that I could make many friends in here Seoul.

Although they are going to school or work, they always helped me a lot.

I got really helpful information from them all days!



One day, one of my housemates in Seoul take me to nice Cafe.

It was really nice and I was really happy to have time with her.

Someday if she will come to Tokyo, I am surely take her to awesome places!

I would like to say thank you for all who stayed with me in Seoul!

During the term of my stay in Seoul, I had many nice experiences with all the housemates.

I think if I did not participate this program, I could not have local friends like this!

If I can get more vacation from company, I would like to participate this program again!

Thank you Borderless, I could make many good memories because of this program!


* Only for tenant *

If you want to join our House exchange program,

feel free to contact us! Always welcome!

Please refer to the link below for more information.

HOUSE EXCHANGE Franz Tokyo to Seoul

 House Exchange from Tokyo to Seoul!


Hello, this is Share House Borderless House!

One of our tenants in Tokyo, Franz has been to Seoul for a week by house exchange program!

He gave us so many adorable pictures and comments what he felt in Seoul.

Why don’t we look around his first travel to Seoul?



Hello, my name is Franz and I am from Sweden.

Since I am staying in Tokyo from a few months ago,

I always wanted to visit another countries near Japan.

When I heard that I can stay in one of shared houses of Borderless

in Kansai, Seoul and Taipei by FREE HOUSE EXCHANGE program,

I thought this is really great chance for me.



I was planning to visit Seoul from quite long time ago,

so I decided to visit Seoul with this wonderful program.

I could stay one of shared houses in Seoul for free,

and I was really feel comfortable to make a plan for my first trip.

A staff of Borderless House Seoul recommend me some houses

where I can stay during the term I visit Seoul, and I chose Hongdae 5 House.



They were my housemates during my stay in Seoul!

They were so nice and helpful.

I feel so friendly with them, although I stayed there only for a week.

I thought it is possible to be real family with unknown people in Borderless House.

I hope to meet them again, if I can have chance to visit Seoul once again!



I really loved to visit many famous attractions in Seoul.

I could see many sites in Seoul with many recommendation from my housemates.

It feels so nice when I visit a country for the first time!

Although I am staying in Japan now, I would like to visit Seoul for a long time someday!



I would like to say that Han-river was the best place in Seoul where I visited.

Hongdae 5 House where I stayed during the term I stayed in Seoul,

has really good access to anywhere in Seoul.

Especially for Han-river and Hongdae, those were really close to the house.

It was so convenience to visit all around Seoul by subway line No.2 from the house.


This dish called 짜장면 and 탕수육!

My housemates highly recommend this dish to try.

It was so nice that I could try many dish in one menu!

And I got surprised that it delivered so fast.

I felt it came just we cut the call for taking an order!



I really want to say thank you to all my housemates.

Although they have their work or schedule, because they are actually ‘living’ in Korea,

they always helped me to find good places where I should visit in Seoul,

and they took me to good restaurants for dinner!

I think the best opportunity for this Free House Exchange Program is that

I can make local friends who actually living in Seoul.

When I travel somewhere, I could visit places where are famous for sightseeing only.

But this time, I am sure that I could feel as many things as I can feel in Seoul as a tourist.

Thank you Borderless!


* Only for tenant *

If you want to join our House exchange program,

feel free to contact us! Always welcome!

Please refer to the link below for more information.

HOUSE EXCHANGE Enjoy winter in Korea!

Hello! This is Borderless house!

In this winter, how about going to Korea by Free House Exchange Program?
You can stay for free and meet friendly house mates!
Let’s enjoy Korean culture and fantastic places!


The watch-Night bell ( 24:00 31st Dec ~ 1st Jan )

Wish you a Happy New Year in advance!
The ringing of the bell means a new year has just started and
people make up their mind for the new year while listening to the sound of the bell.
A lot of people gather by Bosingak bell where is near Jonggak station to experience this on New Year’s Day.
Although it would be a first time to see others, they say ‘Happy New year’ to each other and
make some goals for the new year to make their lives better.
How about saying Good Bye and Hello to New year in Korea through House Exchange Program?

Kimjang (Making Kimchi, end of Nov ~ early Feb)

Kimchi, well-known worldwide, is the most representative of Korea fermented food!
Kimjang means making Kimchi in Korean word and people do it to eat throughout the winter.
Seoul has held several Kimjang events every year to tell the world about the benefits of Kimchi.
You can have some Bossam and Suyuk which are boiled pork with Kimch made by you through this event!
There is no doubt that Kimchi with boiled pork is the one of the most popular in Korea.
Why don’t you try making Kimchi and letting the world know it with House Exchange Program?

Seoul Plaza Ice Rink (Middle of Dec ~ Middle of February)

Stop skating in an indoor ice rink! Do Skate in an outdoor ice rink with fun in Central Seoul!
Enjoy ice Skating which is considered the centerpiece of the Olympics in Central Seoul.
Seoul Plaza located in front of Seoul City Hall offers the outdoor ice rink for all people every year.
Although this offer is for a limited period only, but it makes all people spend their time more profitably.
We hope you can have this great experience through House Exchange Program.


We Hope many our Tenants TRY to join House Exchange Program and have good Experiences.
We are really looking forward to seeing you in every country!
Thank you.

HOUSE EXCHANGE Shinpei Osaka to Seoul

Hi, this is BORDERLESS HOUSE in Osaka!

One of our tenants, Shinpei went to Seoul with House exchange program.

He said he is very interested in Korean cultures,

so he is thinking about going to Korea all the time.

Since he is Living in Osaka Toyonaka1 House with a Korean house Mate,

he is getting interested in Korean cultures.

So this time, he went to Korea, and Stay in Mapo2 House in Seoul

from 2nd of Dec to 8th of Dec.


<He is eating Samgepsal, Korean BBQ>


<In front of Sejongdeawang statue>


Here is the comments from him!

Q1. Why did you apply for the house exchange program?

I really wanted to go to Korea, and when I heard about this program,

I thought it will be much very to go there with this program

since I can experience more real Korean cultures than I go there with my friends or by myself.

Even though I wanted to go to Korea, I did not know about Korea well,

so I do not want to go there for only short travel.

I wanted to do Deep travel and to have rich Experience.

Especially, I can stay there for FREE, so why not? lol


Q2. How was your trip?

If I say it in a word, it is very similar between Korea and Japan.

I already told you, I am very interested in their life, and culture,

I kept attention to everything like their fashion,

atmosphere of the street, buildings, cars, CM, and so on!

It is just same as Japan.

And when I went to book store,

I was very surprised since the Japanese book was No. 1! Lol

At the same time, I found the different things; there are lots of cafes,

and they use credit card a lot Wi-Fi is everywhere in Korea!

Also, transportation fee like taxi or bus is very cheap compare to japan.


When I found like this, it was very interesting.


3. What is the most memorable episode?

I am not sure that this story is an episode or not,

but the thing is that I met my roommate, Han!

He brought me the club, pub, and restaurants, and we talked a lot!

He lived in Japan, so he already known about how to speak Japanese,

and Japanese cultures.

Especially, I was able to understand about the education,

and job hunting because of him.


4. Do you have any comments?

I can not say about my house exchange program without Han!

Since he was my roommate, I was able to enjoy this program I guess.

I mean I can not speak any Korean, but my roommate, Han speaks Japanese,

and we get along well.

So it is very important to match the share house and the house mates!


I really appreciate it since I had really good time, and great experiences there! Thank you !!!


What a great experience!

If you are interested in this program,

please check the details of House Exchange Program HERE!