活動 | 過年走春:與BORDERLESS HOUSE室友一同走訪南臺灣!




第一站,我們抵達了高雄美麗島站的著名地標—光之穹頂(The Dome of Light)。穹頂的創作主題分為四大區塊,依次為:水─生命的孕育、土─繁榮與成長、光─創造精神、火─毀滅與重生,這些主題串聯著人的故事。每當有新朋友初訪高雄,我總會帶他們來這裡參觀並拍照。












你也想擁有一段美好的國際情誼嗎?趕快加入BORDERLESS HOUSE吧✨!

BORDERLESS HOUSE提供如在國外留學般的住宿環境,讓你在家裡就能感受到地球村的魅力。如果你也嚮往這樣的生活,何不現在就開始行動呢?


▶️share house一覽表


即將在臺北展開新生活嗎?或是渴望拓展社交圈嗎?這邊有個好康要報你知!無論你是學生、上班族還是旅人,只要你有顆熱愛交流的心,BORDERLESS HOUSE絕對會是你的理想選擇!

BORDERLESS HOUSE推出「夏季早鳥優惠」,以往我們僅免費保留床位14天, 現在透過這個優惠,就可以免費幫你保留至入住當天!跟著我們一起探索更多詳情,讓你的準備清單提前打勾吧✔️!


・ 預繳之一個月租金將會折抵至入住當月之下一個月租金。例:4月入住,將折抵至5月房租。
■申請時間:即日起 ~ 2024/5/31。
1. 預定完成後,若取消申請,初期費用及一個月租金全額款項恕不退回。
2. 不可提前終止租約,提早退租仍需補滿2個月租金。
3. 計畫期間內BORDERLESS HOUSE仍保有審核之權力,若未達成違反契約及經由認定不適合住在BORDERLESS HOUSE之情況,我們有權即刻中止契約。


BORDERLESS HOUSE如同一個小型的國際村,聚集了來自世界各地的朋友們。透過日常相處,不僅能深入認識各地文化外,也更能緊密彼此情誼。同時,我們會舉辦語言交換和多樣化的活動,促進不同物件間的互動,拓展更廣闊的國際視野和友誼圈。更有「BORDERLESS TRAVEL」的特別活動,有機會入住日韓兩國的物件,擁有更豐富精采的出國體驗哦!


▶️Share House一覽表

室友出遊趣 – 北海岸一日遊


首站 – 淡水沙崙海岸


第二站 – 老梅綠石槽


第三站 – 金山老街






第四站 – 中角灣



最終站 – 基隆廟口夜市




Zipcar 共享汽車服務| 享用車,更享駕乘樂趣

自2024年1月1日起,我們與Zipcar攜手合作,為BORDERLESS HOUSE的房客提供獨家的租車優惠。無論您是想自在慢遊還是輕鬆探索北海岸的美景,Zipcar將是您的好選擇。


1. 首次成為Zipcar新註冊會員,即可獲得 $300 Z遊金(Z遊金僅限租車費用折抵)。
2. 房客註冊Zipcar會員,首三個月免費享有超值會員福利,適用Zipcar超值方案費率。



合作夥伴|BORDERLESS HOUSE × Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education創立於1990年,是一所提供英語、日語和韓語專業課程的語言學校。除語言課程外,也提供其他多樣化服務。例如:提供入學諮詢服務,介紹韓國大學和韓國語言學院給留學生,也提供各式各樣的體驗活動,使他們能更深入地瞭解當地傳統及現代文化。


< 在韓國生活一個月 >
1. 費用: 3,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:每週學習韓國不同文化,包含韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 在韓國生活一週 > 
1. 費用: 1,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:學習韓國不同文化
韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝(擇一) 及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 韓國3天2夜 >
1. 費用: 500美元
3. 住宿+供餐(早餐-三明治)
4. 學習韓國文化: K-POP舞蹈,工藝
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。



(K-pop舞蹈課程, 韓國傳統美術課程, 韓國傳統音樂課程)


公司: Global Overseas Education
負責人: 金惠泳 KIM, Hye Young
地址: Rm. 201, Deoksoo B/D, 636-25 Yeoksam-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 06130 ,S. Korea (Post code:06130)
電話: No. : +82-2-555-5332 / Mobile # : +82-10-3209-5271
網址: www.globaluhak.co.kr
E-mail : moonfeel1999@naver.com

We are Social Business – BORDERLESS HOUSE

Do you know that Borderless House is a “Social Business”?

Perhaps I should have asked – Have you heard of Social Business? 

In general, it refers to a company or a business that tries to create value or impact society in a positive way by offering a service or a product that meets the needs or by presenting new solutions to challenges brought on by society.

And there are more and more people talking about it around the world, actually, you can also find some TED TALK videos talking about it too! 

Even though “Social Business” is a term that you should know, it may sound a little complicated. But don’t worry, let me clearly explain it in a simpler way below.

What is Social Business

The phrase ”Social Business” refers to a brand of entrepreneurship rooted in funding or implementing solutions to cultural, social, or environmental problems. 

Image credit: Devon Bunce/Digital Storytellers

Social Business seeks to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment, and the profits are principally used to fund social programs.

The key traits and characteristics of Social Business

• The primary aim is to address a social problem
• It is financially self-sufficient
• It does not pay dividends to its owners
• It is guided by how its operations benefit the causes and communities of interest

What’s the difference between social business and regular business

Maximizing profits is not the primary goal of a social business as is with a traditional business – What sets a social business apart from a traditional business is that while the traditional business’s ultimate goal is to create wealth, the social business seeks to create lasting societal change.

What’s the difference between social business and non-profit organization

Unlike a non-profit, a social business is not dependent on donations or on private or public grants to survive, and to operate it is self-sustainable. While non-profit organizations where funds are spent only once on the field, funds in a social business are invested to increase and improve the business operations on the field on an indefinite basis.

Why is Social Business Important

Now, let’s go a little bit in-depth to see why social business is important, especially in our society and globally.

  • Social businesses have the potential to change society and the world.

As social business concentrates on developing, financially backing, and executing ideas that contribute to finding solutions for social, cultural, and environmental concerns, it can make a huge impact on our life, in a positive way – and that’s why social businesses are much-needed, considering the times that we’re living in. The vision of a social business is usually social well-being related and a broader idea to excel as a community.

So social business is also a business that gets everyone in the world involved. People say that change-makers are those who take creative actions to solve social problems for the good of all – and this is who we are.

‘Creator’ of Multicultural Society – BORDERLESS HOUSE

So, for Borderless House, the social problem that we aim to solve with our business is – Prejudice and Discrimination.

We aim to build relationships among people with different backgrounds, such as different nationalities, races, and religions, and gather them together to live under the same roof in our share houses.

There are not only benefits but also conflicts sometimes when living in a mixed-culture environment. However, by sharing thoughts and feelings from time to time with each other, people can build a strong relationship in which we can understand other cultures and perspectives deeply.

Creating such a connection is the greatest value of BORDERLESS HOUSE.

The goal of our business is to create a multicultural society where people can mutually understand each other’s background regardless of race or nationality, and without prejudice or discrimination.

Our Vision

As more and more foreigners are settling in Japan, and it is important that there are places where they can live in peace and harmony. We believe that this solution which gathers people from around the world to live in a share house together is essential in a multicultural society.

As a ‘creator’ of Multicultural Society, we hope to accelerate the creation of an ideal society and to provide more people with opportunities for international living experiences, we aim to keep expanding our business and keep offering and creating opportunities for In-depth international exchange.

Planting the seeds of world peace is our mission and we welcome you to be a part of BORDERLESS HOUSE.



想透過「語言交換」免費練習語言口說,順便認識新的外國朋友,但卻不知道該從哪邊開始準備嗎? 或是之前有嘗試過「語言交換」,但在過程中遇到一些困難後,就不了了之沒下文了嗎?






1) 我的目的是什麼? 是真的想要練習語言呢? 還是只是想要認識外國朋友?


2) 我的語言能力如何?


3) 我喜歡與人互動嗎?





1) 確認見面時間和約定語言時間(1小時全中文對話、1小時全外語對話),並在開始前設好鬧鐘,以免聊得太開心忘記切換語言。

2) 通常第一次見面不外乎就是自我介紹,我為什麼學這個語言? 我平常的興趣是什麼? 我有去哪邊旅行過? 喜歡聽的音樂? 基本上和相親一樣,在聊天過程中找尋彼此共通的話題及有沒有互相投緣,因為這部分也會影響後續的聯絡。



1) 隨時筆記自己在語言學習上遇到的問題,例如不確定這一句話該如何翻譯或是有沒有更道地的說法。也可以攜帶自己的課本或是作業,一起討論疑問的地方。

2) 如果文法上有問題,盡量不要問母語人士,因為他們通常也不太知道該如何解釋,除非語伴是語言學專業,不然會因為要解釋一個文法而浪費很多時間。

3) 可以想一想最近有沒有發生有趣的事情,或是閱讀到一篇有趣的文章、新聞、影片、文化差異或是有趣的議題可以討論。最好是可以帶有一點深度的問題,例如環境保護或是社會問題,一方面練習表達自己的想法和看法,一方面也可以聽到語伴帶著不同角度分析的結果。

4) 寫交換日記吧!語言交換不是只能練習到口說,書寫也是語言運用中很重要的一環。日記內容不一定只能分享日常生活,也可以寫一篇短文閱讀心得或是電影觀後感,這樣子在不知不覺中,寫作的能力也會大大提升呢!

5) 一起出去玩吧!爬山、看電影或是逛逛美術館,你平常和朋友喜歡做哪些事情,就也一起約你的語伴去吧!因為是一起出去玩,所以就不用太嚴格規定要講哪個語言多久,就隨意的切換吧!

6) 報名語言考試檢定吧!可以針對考試內容進行練習,有特定主題和句型。在有壓力的情況下,每次的語言交換就會更認真準備了呢!


1) 在自我介紹的時候,觀察對方的語言程度,並依照語言程度調整自己說話的速度,發音盡量清晰和標準。

2) 語伴在練習語言時,不要自己一直用流利的母語發表意見,而是要多發問,讓語伴可以多多回答自己的想法。例如: 為什麼? 你有什麼想法? 你會怎麼做呢? 都可以常常使用。

3) 可以使用雲端記事本,紀錄互相補充的單字或是句子,之後方便重新閱讀。


現在有許多方式可以找到語言交換夥伴,透過手機APP、網站或是入住國際交流share house。


1) HelloTalk: 可以使用文字、語音訊息、語音聊天、視訊聊天功能,還能幫對方修正句子、翻譯等輔助功能。也可以上傳圖片和短文,整體功能和Instagram很像。

2) Tandem: 和HelloTalk的功能非常相像,只是APP會主動推播其他會員的資訊,提高配對機率。

3) HiNative: 這是一個Q&A的平台,如果有文法、用字差異或是文章上的問題,都可以在上面發問,通常會有母語人士熱心地回答,也是一個很好用的搜尋引擎。

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: 是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,透過日常生活去學習語言,也會不定期舉辦各式各樣的活動和提供免費語言交換媒合。


BORDERLESS HOUSE是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,在台北有17間物件,分布在台北不同的區域,目前海外分部則在日本東京、大阪和韓國首爾。

No War ━ Hope for a Peaceful Future ━

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022.

We at BORDERLESS HOUSE believe that fostering mutual understanding across national boundaries is the key to sowing the seeds of peace and deterring conflict in the world, and we have nurtured a business that provides a place for international exchange.
Since the start of our business in 2008, more than 10,000 young people from 111 countries have lived together at BORDERLESS HOUSE and fostered mutual understanding. Of course, there are many Russian and Ukrainian residents among them.

While there are various ideologies, value systems, and ways of defending one’s country, the fact is that these clashes are now taking place in the form of war. Many innocent people are suffering. We are speechless when we think of the peo[;e who must be suffering in this situation.

I am absolutely against the use of force and war for any reason. “No War”

Our hearts go out to all those who have suffered from this tragedy, and we only hope that peace will come as soon as possible.

What we can do.

Amidst the worsening situation and social unrest, the government’s border control measures against the COVID have been lifted and allowed foreign students, who had long been denied entry to Japan, to resume their studies in Japan, and many of them will return to live in Japan as foreign citizens. Although it has only been a few days since the ban was lifted, we are grateful to have received many requests from international students who want to live with various people in Japan.

We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, will continue to nurture our business more wholeheartedly for the realization of a society where foreign citizens can live in peace, and where people with different upbringings, backgrounds, and values can live together peacefully.

This may sound like mere idealism in the face of the tragedies happening in the world today. Some may think it is meaningless because of how little we can do.

Nevertheless, we at BORDERLESS HOUSE believe that we, the citizens of the world, rather than the leaders of governments and countries, should be the ones to continue to nurture the bonds of friendship that transcend national boundaries, and that this is a sure step toward world peace. We will continue to work on this.

We will continue to work for a peaceful future.
Above all, we express our condolences for all the lives lost in this conflict and sincerely hope that no more precious lives will be sacrificed.

Borderless House
Representative – Seiichi Lee
All staff members


Lastly, I would like to share with you our activities for “Ukrainian Refugee Admission” initiated by NPO WELgee, a partner of BORDERLESS GROUP.

Seven actions that Japan can take to help refugees from Ukraine




今天一起回顧一下我們的冬日活動,和BORDERLESS HOUSE一起搓湯圓,除了學習台灣傳統文化和互相交流之外,也能享受滿滿的冬至氛圍喔!


冬至,是一年 24 個節氣中,最重要的一個節氣,也被稱為「日短」,太陽這天繞行到南迴歸線上,所以北半球白天最短,黑夜最長,過了這天後,也代表北半球的冬天真正來臨了。







冬天真的很適合這種溫馨暖暖的感覺呢!如果大家有任何想要參加的活動或是想法,非常歡迎留言分享給我們喔!讓BORDERLESS HOUSE未來能再提供更多更棒的活動體驗喔!


感謝您們一直以來對BORDERLESS HOUSE的支持與喜愛!我們希望每一位房客在這裡找到家的感覺,並與來自不同角落的室友們建立美好的回憶。

為了回饋長期支持我們的房客,特別推出了專屬於長租房客的折扣優惠,讓您在BORDERLESS HOUSE的生活更加精彩。與我們一同創造更多難忘的回憶,一起享受這個獨特的國際交流體驗!



1. 半年預繳方案:
• 房租減免半個月租金。
2. 一年預繳方案:
• 房租減免一個月租金。
• 水電光熱費統一每月以800元計算。


1. 不受任何租金及水電光熱費調整影響,且不得與其他優惠並用。
2. 若因個人因素提前退居,預繳租金及水電光熱費皆不退還。
3. 若違反契約或經由認定不適合住在BORDERLESS HOUSE之情況,我們有權即刻中止契約。我們將退還剩餘期間的租金,但房客需將優惠期間之折扣金額補齊。


表單填寫 ▶ 聯絡staff ▶ 信件確認 ▶ 辦公室簽約與付款(7日內)



1. 申請後,最快何時能夠享受租金優惠?
2. 是否可以在日後申請物件或房間的轉移?
3. 一年合約也能申請預繳優惠嗎?



Until now, over 100 Borderless Mates have registered to BORDERLESS MATES LIBRARY program! In this blog article, we’d like to let you know more about this special program that is designed for our residents and help them connect with Borderless House Mates around the world by interviewing our resident!



Borderless Mates not only have diverse nationalities and language abilities but also have a range of international experience in specialized careers and hobbies. Undoubtedly there are Borderless Mates around the world who have the same interests or areas of specialization. Through BORDERLESS MATES LIBRARY, we would like to connect all these knowledgeable and passionate people with each other!

We imagine each Borderless Mate as a single book in the expansive Borderless Mates Library, which is comprised of both current and past residents.

Then let’s hear out the real voice from our resident, Ash about her experience of using BORDERLESS MATES LIBRARY!

※Aboved pictures are Ashleigh meeting other Borderless Mates from different share houses in person after exchanging messages through Borderless Mates Library!

Tenant’s ‘Borderless Mates Library’ Story and Experience

Please introduce yourself first!

To quote my self-introduction on Borderless Mates Library, “G’day! I’m Ash and I was in Perth Australia until I moved to Japan… I love meeting new people, traveling, photography and I want to learn Korean, Chinese, and Spanish.” I have been living in Itabashi-kuyakushomae House since I moved here in March 2018 and am currently an English teacher at a bilingual kindergarten.

Why did you sign up for Borderless Mates Library?

Being in Borderless for over 3 years, I used to go to almost every event and was even the MC at the Borderless Olympics and Christmas Party in 2019. I loved that it created a community with members from other Borderless Houses and I was able to make friends living in different houses. Everyone has their own interesting background and we can create a connection from living in the same busy city. However, since the start of the pandemic, Borderless has been unable to run these events and I was unsure how to continue creating connections with other houses. Many of my foreign friends that lived in Borderless had to go home and I was left to my own devices to find more Borderless members. I was excited when Borderless announced its Borderless Mates Program. I thought that maybe it was a way to connect with people from other houses again and hopefully have inter-house parties in the future.

Could you please explain to us how it works?

Within the program, Borderless Mates Library peaked my interest the most, as you can post a profile and also look at other people’s profiles who have or are living in a Borderless House. Only those who have created a profile can send you a message because the site is password restricted. If you want to connect with someone after reading their profile, all you have to do is click “I want to contact this mate!” at the bottom of the page and it will lead you to a google form asking why you want to contact them and to write a message to them. The message is then moderated by Borderless Staff before being sent. As I read my profile again, it looks like I might have to update it, but at least that didn’t stop people from messaging me!

Making friends!

After making my profile soon after Mates Library started in September, I was eagerly waiting for someone to contact me. After a couple of months, someone finally reached out to me. I almost forgot that I had created a profile by this time, but was glad that Eiji, who had recently moved into Kikukawa 2. Being my first time to reply to a request, I used the template that Borderless adds to help me respond. Having our interests and hobbies written on our profiles made it easier to make a conversation and we soon exchanged Line IDs to arrange to meet up at a cafe. Being the first Mate to meet, I was nervous but excited! When we met, Eiji told me he was moving to Honancho!

What do you think is the best thing about joining Borderless Mates Program?

The great thing about the Borderless Mates Program is that you can sign up for multiple activities. During the Language Exchange in February, I had the chance to talk to Moe and so I was so glad to see that she reached out to me through Mates Library shortly after! Moe was moving into the same house as Eiji had moved to and she also contacted my housemate Dani, so we arranged for the four of us to get dinner together.

The most recent Mate to contact me is Shinjuku-Nakai member, Shun. Not many Australians are in Borderless right now because they decided to go home, so he reached out to me to make an Aussie friend. We have been hanging out a lot lately and he introduced me to his housemates. Eiji and I even made a small event and I asked Shun to invite his housemates, so we had people from different houses there. It was great to meet others who were interested in being involved in the Borderless community! What I love about this program is that you don’t form just one friend, but many.


There are more interesting stories from Ash that we would like to share with you in our next article, please look forward to it!! 


Not just BORDERLESS MATES LIBRARY, we also have LANGUAGE EXCHANGE that allows you to brush up your language skills while having fun chatting with other Borderless Mates via 1 on 1 language exchange online, and  CLUB ACTIVITIES to meet people who share common interests and hobbies as you, also BORDERLESS TRAVEL that helps you to meet locals, start an interesting journey! You can find more details from the webpage of BORDERLESS MATES PROGRAM!

Once you become our tenants, you can join and enjoy those programs for free!

We are now offering foreigners who are currently living in Japan a rent-free room for up to 2 months with 【Trial Stay Campaign】
This is a great opportunity to try out living in a shared house while enjoying the special program!