Borderless House 來到仙台了!

東北仙台的全新國際交流SHARE HOUSE正式開幕!

BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前1 於 2 月 1 日迎來首批住戶,來自世界各地的年輕人相聚於此,開啟全新的跨文化共享生活!


步行 6 分鐘即達川內站! 32 位國際室友和你一起展開日本新生活!

這間全新裝修的國際共享住宅地理位置超方便,步行 6 分鐘到川內站,搭電車 7 分鐘直達仙台站!

“這棟 2 層樓的建築前身為學生宿舍,每層擁有 16 間房,總共可容納 32 位住戶,
是目前日本規模最大的 Borderless House,提供最豐富的國際交流體驗!”


一走進玄關,就會看到一面大大的黑色佈告欄,讓 32 位住戶能夠輕鬆交流、分享日常點滴。




65 吋大螢幕電視與舒適沙發,是大家放鬆聊天、一起追劇、分享動漫話題的好地方。



除此之外,電視旁還準備了 桌遊、乒乓球網、球拍與乒乓球,只要架上乒乓球網,就能隨時開打,來場熱血對決!




廚房配備三個水槽與三個 IH 爐,並提供 湯勺、砧板、刀具 等必備廚具,滿足日常烹飪需求。備餐檯上擺放著 共用馬克杯、杯子與餐盤,而 多個熱水壺 讓大家隨時都能泡茶、煮咖啡,讓這個共享空間更具生活感!

這間廚房擁有 烤麵包機、微波爐、電子鍋,甚至電熱爐,各式設備一應俱全,讓料理變得更加輕鬆便利。

簡約時尚的 黑白色系設計,營造出現代感十足的空間,讓室友們能夠在這裡一起烹飪、分享來自世界各地的美味佳餚!


參觀完共用空間後,現在來看看單人房吧!每間房都配有 電子密碼鎖,不僅保障安全,也讓住戶擁有專屬的個人空間,安心入住!

每間房都 家具齊全,內附 書桌、椅子、單人床、掛衣架與晾衣架,讓您免去添購家具的麻煩,直接入住超方便!

更棒的是,每間房還有 個人專屬冰箱(附冷凍庫),飲料與零食隨手可取,雖然是個小巧思,卻讓生活更加便利!

每間房都配備 個人專屬儲物盒,讓住戶存放自己的食材。需要下廚時,只要帶著儲物盒到廚房,就能輕鬆使用,保持食材分開且整齊有序。

此外,房內還有 巧妙設計的收納空間,床下設有儲物架,充分利用每一寸空間,讓您的生活更加整潔有序。

每間房門口都設有 專屬小佈告欄,讓住戶打造獨一無二的個人風格。入住時,大家可以貼上 自己的拍立得照片,留下第一個專屬於這裡的回憶。

接下來,這塊佈告欄將完全由您發揮創意!可以 掛上國旗、貼上與室友的合照,或用喜歡的裝飾點綴,讓這片小小空間展現您的獨特個性!


這不只是共享住宅,更是一個讓您能舒適生活的理想環境!一進門,您就會發現一個專為學習與工作設計的 「自習室」,提供安靜且高效的空間。

自習區內配備 三台螢幕、書桌與舒適座椅,無論是參加線上課程,還是遠端辦公,都能享受專注高效的學習與工作環境。

每層樓皆設有 完善的盥洗空間,包含 三座洗手台,讓住戶能輕鬆梳洗,避免尖峰時段的擁擠。


共設 8 間獨立廁所,每層樓均設 4 間,且皆配備 溫座馬桶,讓使用體驗更舒適。

在起居空間的盡頭,設有 6 間獨立淋浴間,附帶更衣空間,讓住戶們能夠輕鬆安排洗浴時間。設計提升便利性,讓日常互動變得更自然,也許在等待時,你會聽到:「洗好了嗎?換我囉!」這樣的對話,促成輕鬆的文化交流。

對於喜歡讓衣服自然風乾的住戶,這裡也設有 戶外晾衣區。天氣好的時候,把衣服掛到外面,讓陽光和微風帶來自然清新的香氣吧!


Share House的介紹到這裡告一段落,現在讓我們一起探索周邊環境,感受這片區域的獨特魅力!

位於 川內站附近,這間共享住宅享有優越的地理位置,周邊環境幽靜怡人,綠意盎然,空氣清新,非常適合學生族群。最大優勢?距離東北大學川內校區超近,無論是上課還是社交,都超方便!

從家門口走路 6 分鐘 就能到 東北大學川內校區!對於這個春天即將進入東北大學的新生來說,這樣的超近距離,絕對是提升生活便利度的一大加分!


住在這裡,步行就能抵達 龜岡八幡神社,這座神社與伊達政宗的祖先 伊達朝宗 有淵源。伊達政宗以 「獨眼龍」 之名聞名,曾征服奧州南部,是戰國時代的重要人物,對歷史迷來說,這裡絕對值得一探!

每到春天,神社境內就變身為 櫻花滿開的浪漫景點,紛飛的花瓣像瀑布般灑落,場景美不勝收。這裡不僅是欣賞四季更迭的最佳地點,也非常適合和來自世界各地的室友一起賞櫻、拍照,留下美好回憶!



平價美味的便當店—おふくろ弁当(Ofukuro Bento)
距離BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前1 步行 7 分鐘,提供多種口味的美味便當,價格親民,最適合學生或忙碌的上班族!”

只需 步行 6 分鐘 就能到達這家超受歡迎的拉麵店。他們的招牌 「スタミナラーメン(Stamina Ramen)」 絕對值得一試,濃郁湯頭與豐富配料,讓人一吃就上癮!”


BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前 1 不只是宿舍,更是一個讓文化交流自然而然發生的地方!這裡提供便利生活的設施,加上來自世界各地的室友,無論是學生還是上班族,都能輕鬆認識新朋友,體驗真正的國際共住生活!


我們特別舉辦 開放日活動!這是您 親自參觀房間、體驗共享生活氛圍,並與工作人員面對面交流的最佳機會!
別錯過這次機會,快來看看 這是不是您的理想新家!

想預約參觀嗎? 立即填寫 參觀報名表,我們期待與您見面!

點擊了解更多 BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前 1 的詳細資訊!

Your 2025 Guide to Moving to Japan: Embrace a Year of New Beginnings

Japan is a country of incredible diversity, with each region offering its own unique blend of culture, lifestyle, and opportunities.

Whether you’re drawn to the natural beauty of the north, the bustling energy of the east, the rich traditions of the west, or the relaxed charm of the south, Japan has something for everyone. Choosing the right area to live in is a big decision that can shape your experience, whether you’re moving for study, work, or adventure.

This blog will guide you through the key differences between Japan’s regions and help you decide which area best matches your lifestyle and goals. 

Exploring Japan’s Regions:North, South, East, or West—What Each Region Offers

When it comes to living in Japan, each region offers a unique experience tailored to different lifestyles and preferences. From the serene landscapes of the north to the vibrant cities in the west, there’s a perfect place for everyone. Here’s a quick guide to Japan’s four main regions to help you decide where to start your journey in 2025.

Experience the Energy of the East – Tokyo and Beyond

For those craving the excitement of a bustling metropolis, Tokyo and its surrounding areas in eastern Japan are the place to be. As Japan’s economic and cultural hub, Tokyo offers endless opportunities for career growth, networking, and entertainment. Whether you’re navigating the fast-paced city streets or enjoying its diverse food scene, Tokyo never runs out of things to explore. BORDERLESS HOUSE Tokyo provides centrally located share houses, offering both convenience and community in the heart of the action.

Discover Tranquility in the North – Tohoku (Sendai)

The Tohoku region, home to Sendai, is perfect for those who seek a calm and nature-filled lifestyle. Known as the “City of Trees,” Sendai combines a relaxed atmosphere with modern conveniences. With lush greenery, nearby hot springs, and cultural festivals like the Sendai Tanabata Matsuri, it’s a haven for students and professionals alike. BORDERLESS HOUSE Sendai offers a welcoming community, making it easier to settle in and connect with locals and other residents.

Immerse Yourself in Tradition in the West – Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka)

Kansai, home to cities like Kyoto and Osaka, is the cultural heart of Japan. Kyoto enchants with its historical temples and serene tea houses, while Osaka’s vibrant streets and famous food scene bring a more modern flair. Kansai is ideal for those who want a mix of tradition and lively city life. BORDERLESS HOUSE locations in Kyoto and Osaka offer the perfect base for exploring this fascinating region while connecting with like-minded residents.

Embrace Warmth and Adventure in the South – Kyushu and Okinawa

If you’re drawn to warm climates and a slower pace of life, the southern regions of Kyushu and Okinawa are ideal. With subtropical beaches, active volcanoes, and unique cultural festivals, these areas are perfect for adventurers and nature lovers. Although BORDERLESS HOUSE doesn’t currently operate in Kyushu or Okinawa, the region’s charm makes it a popular choice for short-term getaways or long-term stays.

Matching Your Lifestyle with Japan’s Diverse Regions

Choosing the best region in Japan depends on your goals, preferences, and needs. Whether you prioritize career growth, cultural exploration, or a peaceful lifestyle, Japan’s diverse regions offer something for everyone. By considering factors like accessibility, opportunities, and community, you can find the perfect fit for your next adventure in 2025.

For Career Growth and Networking – Tokyo and Surrounding Areas

Tokyo is the center of Japan’s economy and culture, making it ideal for those focused on career development and professional networking. The city is home to global companies, international events, and diverse industries, offering countless opportunities for growth.

Living in a centrally located BORDERLESS HOUSE Tokyo share house puts you close to business hubs, transportation, and cultural landmarks, ensuring you stay connected to everything the city has to offer.

For Cultural Immersion – Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe)

Kansai is perfect for those who want to experience the depth of Japanese traditions. Kyoto’s temples, Osaka’s vibrant festivals, and Kobe’s cultural blend offer a unique perspective on Japan’s rich heritage.

A share house in Kyoto or Osaka provides the perfect mix of access to historic sites and opportunities to engage in cultural exchange with like-minded residents.

For Nature and a Calm Lifestyle – Tohoku (Sendai)

Sendai, the gateway to the Tohoku region, is known for its greenery, fresh air, and relaxing pace of life. Ideal for students and professionals who want to escape the hustle of larger cities, Sendai also offers easy access to nature and cultural sites.

BORDERLESS HOUSE Sendai provides a supportive and international community near Tohoku University and Sendai Station, making it a perfect choice for those looking to balance tranquility with convenience.

For Adventure and Warmth – Kyushu and Okinawa

If outdoor adventures and warm weather appeal to you, Kyushu and Okinawa offer subtropical beaches, hiking trails, and rich cultural festivals. These regions are perfect for explorers seeking a laid-back atmosphere.

While BORDERLESS HOUSE doesn’t currently operate in Kyushu or Okinawa, short-term trips to these regions are easy from Sendai or Tokyo, adding to your overall Japan experience.

Your Next Chapter Awaits in Japan

Japan’s diverse regions offer something unique for everyone, whether you’re seeking career opportunities in Tokyo, cultural immersion in Kansai, a peaceful lifestyle in Sendai, or adventure in the southern islands. By understanding what each area has to offer and aligning it with your goals, you can find the perfect place to start your journey in 2025.

Choosing a share house, like BORDERLESS HOUSE, adds another layer of enrichment to your experience. With options in Sendai, Tokyo, and Kansai, you can enjoy the support of a multicultural community, build lasting friendships, and immerse yourself in Japanese culture.

Start your next chapter today by exploring our share house options—your dream life in Japan is just a step away!

搶先參觀~BORDERLESS HOUSE仙台首間國際Share House! OPEN HOUSE房屋預覽會

最近,我們宣布了2025年1月在京都宇治即將開設新國際共享住宅的消息,今天要再和大家分享更令人期待的消息——Borderless House要來仙台了!

BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前1將於2025年2月1日正式開幕。這裡距離仙台站搭電車只要7分鐘,步行6分鐘就能到東北大學川內校區,是一個能容納32位住戶的國際交流社群。

我們將在3月分舉辦一場OPEN HOUSE預覽活動,帶您參觀房子內的公共空間、廚房,以及32間私人房間的設計。也歡迎提前參考 [仙台最新國際交流SHARE HOUSE:BORDERLESS HOUSE東北大學前1全面介紹] 部落格有詳細介紹!


在Borderless House仙台,體驗不一樣的生活

仙台東北大學前1Share House距離東北大學和川內站只需步行6分鐘,搭電車7分鐘就能直達仙台站,地點超方便!不管是學生、國際住戶,還是專業工作者,這裡都能輕鬆連結校園生活與市中心的精彩日常。






在正式開幕前,歡迎你親自來仙台東北大學前1Share House看看公共空間、房間設計,並和我們聊聊共享住宅的獨特魅力。




Borderless House仙台東北大學前1




①認識Borderless House
