Borderless House 來到仙台了!

東北仙台的全新國際交流SHARE HOUSE正式開幕!

BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前1 於 2 月 1 日迎來首批住戶,來自世界各地的年輕人相聚於此,開啟全新的跨文化共享生活!


步行 6 分鐘即達川內站! 32 位國際室友和你一起展開日本新生活!

這間全新裝修的國際共享住宅地理位置超方便,步行 6 分鐘到川內站,搭電車 7 分鐘直達仙台站!

“這棟 2 層樓的建築前身為學生宿舍,每層擁有 16 間房,總共可容納 32 位住戶,
是目前日本規模最大的 Borderless House,提供最豐富的國際交流體驗!”


一走進玄關,就會看到一面大大的黑色佈告欄,讓 32 位住戶能夠輕鬆交流、分享日常點滴。




65 吋大螢幕電視與舒適沙發,是大家放鬆聊天、一起追劇、分享動漫話題的好地方。



除此之外,電視旁還準備了 桌遊、乒乓球網、球拍與乒乓球,只要架上乒乓球網,就能隨時開打,來場熱血對決!




廚房配備三個水槽與三個 IH 爐,並提供 湯勺、砧板、刀具 等必備廚具,滿足日常烹飪需求。備餐檯上擺放著 共用馬克杯、杯子與餐盤,而 多個熱水壺 讓大家隨時都能泡茶、煮咖啡,讓這個共享空間更具生活感!

這間廚房擁有 烤麵包機、微波爐、電子鍋,甚至電熱爐,各式設備一應俱全,讓料理變得更加輕鬆便利。

簡約時尚的 黑白色系設計,營造出現代感十足的空間,讓室友們能夠在這裡一起烹飪、分享來自世界各地的美味佳餚!


參觀完共用空間後,現在來看看單人房吧!每間房都配有 電子密碼鎖,不僅保障安全,也讓住戶擁有專屬的個人空間,安心入住!

每間房都 家具齊全,內附 書桌、椅子、單人床、掛衣架與晾衣架,讓您免去添購家具的麻煩,直接入住超方便!

更棒的是,每間房還有 個人專屬冰箱(附冷凍庫),飲料與零食隨手可取,雖然是個小巧思,卻讓生活更加便利!

每間房都配備 個人專屬儲物盒,讓住戶存放自己的食材。需要下廚時,只要帶著儲物盒到廚房,就能輕鬆使用,保持食材分開且整齊有序。

此外,房內還有 巧妙設計的收納空間,床下設有儲物架,充分利用每一寸空間,讓您的生活更加整潔有序。

每間房門口都設有 專屬小佈告欄,讓住戶打造獨一無二的個人風格。入住時,大家可以貼上 自己的拍立得照片,留下第一個專屬於這裡的回憶。

接下來,這塊佈告欄將完全由您發揮創意!可以 掛上國旗、貼上與室友的合照,或用喜歡的裝飾點綴,讓這片小小空間展現您的獨特個性!


這不只是共享住宅,更是一個讓您能舒適生活的理想環境!一進門,您就會發現一個專為學習與工作設計的 「自習室」,提供安靜且高效的空間。

自習區內配備 三台螢幕、書桌與舒適座椅,無論是參加線上課程,還是遠端辦公,都能享受專注高效的學習與工作環境。

每層樓皆設有 完善的盥洗空間,包含 三座洗手台,讓住戶能輕鬆梳洗,避免尖峰時段的擁擠。


共設 8 間獨立廁所,每層樓均設 4 間,且皆配備 溫座馬桶,讓使用體驗更舒適。

在起居空間的盡頭,設有 6 間獨立淋浴間,附帶更衣空間,讓住戶們能夠輕鬆安排洗浴時間。設計提升便利性,讓日常互動變得更自然,也許在等待時,你會聽到:「洗好了嗎?換我囉!」這樣的對話,促成輕鬆的文化交流。

對於喜歡讓衣服自然風乾的住戶,這裡也設有 戶外晾衣區。天氣好的時候,把衣服掛到外面,讓陽光和微風帶來自然清新的香氣吧!


Share House的介紹到這裡告一段落,現在讓我們一起探索周邊環境,感受這片區域的獨特魅力!

位於 川內站附近,這間共享住宅享有優越的地理位置,周邊環境幽靜怡人,綠意盎然,空氣清新,非常適合學生族群。最大優勢?距離東北大學川內校區超近,無論是上課還是社交,都超方便!

從家門口走路 6 分鐘 就能到 東北大學川內校區!對於這個春天即將進入東北大學的新生來說,這樣的超近距離,絕對是提升生活便利度的一大加分!


住在這裡,步行就能抵達 龜岡八幡神社,這座神社與伊達政宗的祖先 伊達朝宗 有淵源。伊達政宗以 「獨眼龍」 之名聞名,曾征服奧州南部,是戰國時代的重要人物,對歷史迷來說,這裡絕對值得一探!

每到春天,神社境內就變身為 櫻花滿開的浪漫景點,紛飛的花瓣像瀑布般灑落,場景美不勝收。這裡不僅是欣賞四季更迭的最佳地點,也非常適合和來自世界各地的室友一起賞櫻、拍照,留下美好回憶!



平價美味的便當店—おふくろ弁当(Ofukuro Bento)
距離BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前1 步行 7 分鐘,提供多種口味的美味便當,價格親民,最適合學生或忙碌的上班族!”

只需 步行 6 分鐘 就能到達這家超受歡迎的拉麵店。他們的招牌 「スタミナラーメン(Stamina Ramen)」 絕對值得一試,濃郁湯頭與豐富配料,讓人一吃就上癮!”


BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前 1 不只是宿舍,更是一個讓文化交流自然而然發生的地方!這裡提供便利生活的設施,加上來自世界各地的室友,無論是學生還是上班族,都能輕鬆認識新朋友,體驗真正的國際共住生活!


我們特別舉辦 開放日活動!這是您 親自參觀房間、體驗共享生活氛圍,並與工作人員面對面交流的最佳機會!
別錯過這次機會,快來看看 這是不是您的理想新家!

想預約參觀嗎? 立即填寫 參觀報名表,我們期待與您見面!

點擊了解更多 BORDERLESS HOUSE 仙台東北大學前 1 的詳細資訊!

Discover unique cultural experiences and interactions beyond hotel stays through our exclusive “BORDERLESS TRAVEL” program for residents!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House.

Here at Borderless House, the new friendships and interactions under one roof provide a unique sense of fulfillment that only comes from living it.

Japanese residents might find themselves teaching Japanese to their new international housemates, assisting with various administrative procedures, and adapting to life in Japan. This mutual support mirrors the help we would seek if we were traveling or living abroad ourselves.

Stepping out of the comfort of home takes courage, but a warm community waiting at your destination can make any overseas adventure enjoyable and reassuring.

Today, we’re excited to introduce BORDERLESS TRAVEL, where you can enjoy short stays at Borderless Houses in different countries and meet new housemates across borders.

We’ll share the story of Yuzuki, who ventured from Kyoto’s Nishijin House to spend a week in February 2024 at KORYODAE2 HOUSE in Korea. Yuzuki will tell us about her experiences in Japan, her adventures in Korea, and the allure of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

We also have comments from Robin, the manager of BORDERLESS KOREA, so stay tuned till the end for more insights!

Click here for more details on BORDERLESS TRAVEL!!

Embracing English: Yuzuki’s Journey at Nishijin House

Yuzuki’s time at Nishijin House brought about a significant shift in her views on English and international interactions. She explained that her decision to move there stemmed from a desire to conquer her fear of English and engage with people from different countries.

Although she initially enjoyed English, the stress of exam preparation diminished her passion, and she struggled to speak fluently. Yuzuki realized the limitations of speaking only Japanese and saw the potential of English to connect her with diverse cultures and ideas.

Driven by the need to immerse herself in an English-speaking environment, Yuzuki chose to live at Borderless House.

───Did you consider any other share houses before choosing Borderless House?

Yuzuki: Actually, I didn’t look anywhere else. I decided to move into Borderless House the same day I visited. The environment offered the perfect mix of English practice and social opportunities, all within my budget. Plus, I was planning to study abroad the next year, so the idea of practicing for that experience while still in Japan seemed perfect to me.

─── Could you tell us about your housemates at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: On my first day, one of my housemates surprised me by inviting me to a party right away, which was unexpected (laughs)! Initially, I was nervous, but everyone was so welcoming that I quickly warmed up to them.

I formed a close bond with a foreign housemate, and we often went out together. I also shared unique insights with a working professional housemate. Whenever we faced challenges or disagreements in our shared living situation, we were able to discuss and resolve them during our regular house meetings at Nishijin House. It truly was a great community to be a part of.

───Have you noticed any personal growth or changes during your time at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: Absolutely! Initially, spending time with people from other countries was out of the ordinary for me, and it came with a bit of tension. But after living in Borderless House, I’ve become comfortable engaging freely in conversations without considering race or nationality.

It’s been incredibly enriching to learn from the diverse perspectives and strong convictions of my housemates.

Embarking on My First Solo International Journey with BORDERLESS TRAVEL!

───How did you become interested in BORDERLESS TRAVEL?

Yuzuki: I’ve known about the program since I moved in and always wanted to try it. I felt staying at a Borderless House abroad would be more enriching than solo hotel stays, allowing me to learn the language and engage with locals.

It seemed like a perfect way to prepare for my first solo international trip before studying in Canada this summer.

─── Your first experience living abroad was with BORDERLESS TRAVEL. Did you encounter any challenges during your travel?

Yuzuki: It was quite nerve-wracking, especially going through immigration for the first time and figuring out train transfers on my own. But luckily, everything went smoothly without any major problems!

Yuzuki: When I got to Koryodaes House, I was greeted by Robin, the staff member I had been communicating with by email. Meeting him in person really helped me settle in. He showed me around and shared some local tips and places to visit.

───Traveling abroad for the first time can be quite daunting. Did you notice any notable differences during your stay in the Borderless House in Korea compared to Japan?

Yuzuki: Definitely. For example, I had to separate organic waste from burnable trash, and in public restrooms, I couldn’t flush toilet paper but had to discard it in a bin.

Living in an environment close to the local lifestyle, unlike a hotel stay, made me more aware of these cultural differences. This is one of the unique advantages of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

Language Learning, Cultural Exploration, and International Connections: Maximize the Benefits of Short-Term Stays!

───During your seven-day stay, did you make any specific efforts?

Yuzuki: I focused on being proactive in starting conversations with my housemates. It was my first time in a shared room overseas, and I quickly hit it off with my Italian roommate on the first day. She left for Tokyo the next day, so we couldn’t meet again, but we kept in touch through Instagram, sharing messages and updates about her trip.

Many of my housemates were interested in Japan, so we enjoyed mingling and conversing in Japanese, English, and Korean.

───Did you also converse in Korean during your stay?

Yuzuki: Yes, I’ve been a fan of Korean dramas, which helped me learn the language pretty naturally. I actually speak Korean better than English! While there, Robin invited me to a Language Exchange event, where I got to meet and chat with people outside the house, making my stay even more enjoyable.

───It sounds like you made the most of your 7-day stay! What other activities did you do?

Yuzuki: I visited historic sites and museums that caught my interest. I dressed in traditional Korean clothes and explored Gyeongbokgung Palace, and I also went to the DMZ near the North Korean border.

I participated in a tour aimed at Japanese visitors and connected well with other participants. We discussed how the conflict known in Japan as the “Korean War” is referred to in Korea. Learning about Korean perspectives on their history was incredibly insightful.

─── Reflecting on your 7-day stay, could you highlight what makes BORDERLESS TRAVEL so special?

Yuzuki: Definitely! The program offers deep cultural experiences and meaningful interactions with local housemates that you just can’t get from staying in a hotel. It allows you to live much closer to how the locals do, which is unique to BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

I think even short stays can provide significant learning and insights. I recommend starting with a stay in a domestic Borderless House to get a feel for international exchange before trying out the program.

A Message from Robin, Korean Operations Staff

BORDERLESS TRAVEL, with its strong emphasis on tourism and travel aspects, offers an exciting experience that’s a bit different from our usual resident support. It was Yuzuki’s first solo international trip, so we actively shared information about tourist spots and recommended gourmet spots to ensure she could fully enjoy her time in Korea.

With a recent expansion in our staff at Borderless House Korea, we’re now even better equipped to support our guests in a variety of ways.

I enjoy keeping up with the latest trends and sharing new information, so I encourage you to take advantage of BORDERLESS TRAVEL and come visit us in Korea.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!




BORDERLESS TRAVEL, part of the Borderless Mates program, is an exclusive initiative for residents that offers connections beyond the typical share house experience.

Please note that due to the availability of vacancies at the destination, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred timing or house. We recommend contacting us before booking your flight.

【Newly Open】Exciting News! Borderless House Jujo is Now Welcoming New Residents!

Hi everyone, from all of us at Borderless House!

We’re delighted to share some fantastic news with you!

We’re opening our latest gem in Tokyo – the Jujo Share House! It’s been a journey of about a year, from brainstorming on land use to the final touches, and now, this dream project is ready to welcome you 🙂

To celebrate, we’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive sneak peek. This is your chance to wander through the brand-new spaces of Jujo House before anyone else, experiencing the buzz of anticipation firsthand.

Let us guide you through the highlights of Jujo House, introduce you to the charm of the neighborhood, and give you all the details you need about the preview event.

Ready to take a look? Sign up for the exclusive preview here:https://forms.gle/cj7hqanXRsskFP3X6

Easy Access to the Heart of Tokyo and a Stone’s Throw from Lively Shopping

Discover the Charm of Borderless House Jujo, Your Ideal Home and Gateway to Global Connections!

Jujo House sits a short 6-minute stroll from Jujo Station on the JR Saikyo Line, placing you at the doorstep of Tokyo’s bustling city life. Without needing to switch trains, you can zip over to Ikebukuro in 6 minutes and find yourself in Shinjuku within 11 minutes. It’s the perfect spot for anyone looking to dive into Tokyo’s dynamic rhythm.

Even more, a quick 3-minute train ride takes you to Akabane Station, and in just 8 minutes, you can enjoy the greenery at Toda Park Station. Whether you’re seeking spiritual solace at Akabane Hachiman Shrine or a peaceful retreat along the Arakawa Riverbank, rejuvenation is just around the corner!

And let’s not forget the Jujo Ginza Shopping Street – hailed as one of Japan’s top three Ginza areas – waiting just outside the station. It’s a bustling hub of culture, shopping, and food that captures the essence of Tokyo’s vibrant street life.

Jujo Ginza Shopping Street, with its 80-year legacy, is a bustling hub filled with supermarkets, fresh produce stands, essential shops, and eateries. It’s lively even on a weekday afternoon, packed with people enjoying the vibrant scene. The cheerful calls of the shopkeepers as you pass by can’t help but boost your spirits, making every visit feel like a little energy boost.

Surrounded by several university campuses, Jujo Station area is a vibrant community teeming with students. It’s a place with deep historical roots yet pulses with youthful energy. The more time you spend here, the more you’re likely to fall in love with Jujo’s unique charm.

Designed with private rooms for everyone, Jujo House strikes a perfect balance between the fun of communal living and the satisfaction of having your own space

On the site of a beloved local bento shop, the Jujo House has risen as a three-story, newly built wooden international exchange share house. Tucked away in a quiet residential area, it’s just a short walk from the bustling station front, offering a peaceful retreat from the buzz.

▲As of March 2024!

▲Photo from the beginning of 2024

The spot where Jujo Share House now stands was once home to a beloved local bento shop, cherished by the community for many years. As it closed its doors, despite the community’s regret, it paved the way for something new—a transformation into a hub of intercultural understanding, connecting the local community with the wider world.

On this foundation of cherished connections, Jujo Share House is set to emerge, symbolizing a new chapter of meaningful exchanges and shared experiences.

Exclusive Preview Event Overview

Before Jujo House officially opens its doors, we’re excited to invite you to an exclusive preview where you can tour the brand-new, yet-to-be-furnished interior! It’s a unique opportunity to check out Jujo House’s floor plan and design firsthand. During the visit, you’ll get a comprehensive overview of what makes Borderless House special from our staff, and you’ll have the chance to ask any questions directly.

Event Date & Time:

March 30th (Saturday)
– Morning Session: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
– Afternoon Session: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Jujo House *We’ll meet at Jujo Station on the day of the event.


10 participants per session
* Participation Fee is FREE!

On the Day:

①Introduction to Borderless House
②Property Tour
③Q&A Session
④Optional Individual Consultation

Property Development Manager Shares His Vision for Jujo Share House

In designing Borderless House Jujo, we’ve paid special attention to crafting spaces where residents can easily relax and connect. From opting for a larger living room to installing plenty of washbasins, every choice was made with comfort and community in mind.

Watching Jujo House evolve from an empty lot to a structure with walls and a roof has been an incredibly moving experience. It’s fascinating to see it slowly come to life, step by step.

▲November 2023, when the scaffolding had just been assembled

▲December 2023, there were no walls yet, but it was gradually taking the shape of a house

▲Construction was carefully progressed towards the opening

It’s been a while since we opened a brand-new building, and I’m buzzing with excitement thinking about the vibrant intercultural exchanges that will happen here!

The location is unbeatable – truly a prime spot. I’m eager for our residents to dive into the local food scene, venture into the city, and soak up the rich, international living experience we’ve created.

We can’t wait to welcome you to Jujo Share House!

Jujo House, with its prime location and a vibrant mix of cultures, is quickly becoming a hot spot. If you’re thinking about joining us, act fast to secure your spot! Get in touch with us: https://www.borderless-house.com/jp/contact/

Discover the vibrant heart of international living at Ikebukuro Oyama House!

Hello, everyone!

Borderless House operates 78 share houses across Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. In these houses, individuals from various countries, cultures, and values come together to share their lives.

What sets our share houses apart is the unparalleled opportunity to enjoy international exchange simply by living your daily life. This time, we’re introducing Ikebukuro Oyama House, a model example of the vibrant interaction among residents that Borderless House is known for!

We’ve had the pleasure of hearing from two current residents about the allure of living in Ikebukuro Oyama House and their experiences with Borderless House.

If you’re curious, please inquire via the Ikebukuro-Oyama House page.

The perfect balance of convenience and a peaceful living environment.

Ikebukuro Oyama House boasts an ideal location, just a one-minute walk from Oyama Station on the Tobu Tojo Line.

The entrance to the house is on the second floor.

On the day of the visit, the weather was beautiful, and sunlight filled the space, making it shine brilliantly!

▲The photo was taken on a different day.

Near Oyama Station, there’s the Happy Road shopping district that stretches north to south, lined with numerous eateries and stores for daily necessities.

The area around the house serves as a tranquil base for living, yet it buzzes with energy and is filled with people once you step into the shopping district.

Moreover, with Ikebukuro, a new urban center brimming with various trends, just a 5-minute train ride away, the location can truly be described as ideal.

Everyone is incredibly friendly! Enjoying the fun house life at Ikebukuro Oyama House

▲The communal living space, where residents gather to enjoy lively conversations, is a central feature of the shared area.

On the day of our visit, we had the pleasure of meeting two current residents. Despite the sudden visit, we were warmly greeted with smiles by Denise from Germany and Marcelo from Brazil.

▲In the photo, Denise is on the left, and Marcelo is on the right

We visited with Juri, a staff member of the house, and immediately started catching up with each other in English.

The defining feature of Ikebukuro Oyama House, according to both of them, is the vibrant interaction among the residents.

Denise, who moved in last October and is now in her fourth month at the house, particularly remembers the time spent during the Christmas party.

Amidst the nervousness of just having moved in, sharing a feast with other housemates, setting a budget for a gift exchange, and bursting into laughter while watching housemates dance around the Christmas tree…

She shared that the Christmas party served as a catalyst for getting closer to her housemates.

▲The Christmas tree from that time is still displayed in the hallway on the 3rd floor of the house.

Marcelo, who is in his seventh month of residency, recently went on a trip to Atami with his housemates.

They enjoyed the beauty of the “Atami cherry blossoms,” which can only be seen in the winter, and relaxed in a foot bath they stumbled upon along the way, fully embracing the Japanese winter experience.

Even without seasonal events, you can enjoy international exchange in everyday life.

▲In the living room, there are photos of memorable moments taken with friends from Ikebukuro Oyama House.

Ikebukuro Oyama House is unique among Borderless Houses for having all private rooms, allowing residents to enjoy shared living while maintaining their personal space.

However, most residents often spend meal times in the communal living and dining area. It’s commonplace for housemates to offer their food to others who join them at the dining table, saying, “Would you like to try some?” as part of their daily interactions.

Another wonderful aspect of Ikebukuro Oyama House is the tradition of always celebrating each housemate’s birthday!

In February, three residents had birthdays, and the custom is to hold an individual birthday party for each person, rather than combining them into one event.

Not only current residents but also alumni and friends gather for these parties, enjoying fun times together. This tradition fosters a strong sense of community and lasting friendships among those associated with Ikebukuro Oyama House.

Are you ready to join the vibrant community at Ikebukuro Oyama House?

▲Ending with a flash of our best smiles!

For those who can move in by April 15th, we’re currently running a “Spring Early Bird Campaign” that offers a special deal on rooms for a limited time!

If you’re interested, please feel free to inquire through here!

Global Living at Ikebukuro, Tokyo: Interview with a Japanese Housemate at Oyama House!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House.

We often rave about how “the exchange is lively!” and “every day is an international interaction!” However, we thought many of you might be curious about what life really looks like for the Japanese residents living in such a vibrant environment.

So, we decided to sit down with Shota, a Japanese housemate currently living in Ikebukuro Oyama House, for an exclusive interview! Shota shared with us why he chose Borderless House, his day-to-day experiences filled with international exchanges, and his recommendations for who would enjoy living in Ikebukuro Oyama House. His insights offer a unique perspective that only a senior housemate could provide.

This interview turned out to be a fantastic piece that truly conveys the joy of living in a Borderless House. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!

Building Deep Connections with International Friends

───Why Shota Chose Borderless House

When asked why he decided to move into Borderless House, Shota shared a compelling story. The spark of interest was ignited by a university classmate who had lived in one of the Borderless Houses. What struck Shota most was how much his friend missed the place and the deep connections he had made with friends from around the world after moving out. “The chance to build such deep relationships with international friends seemed rare, and that really drew me in,” Shota explains.

Adding to the appeal, Shota is currently attending a flight school with aspirations of becoming a pilot, making the daily English immersion offered by living in a Borderless House particularly attractive. “It’s not just about the classroom learning; being able to familiarize myself with English through everyday life was a big plus for me.” After comparing other share houses, Shota concluded that Borderless House seemed like the most fun and enriching option, leading to his decision to join.

───Choosing Ikebukuro Oyama House: The Reason Behind the Decision

When delving into why he chose Ikebukuro Oyama House among the many options available, Shota highlights a pivotal moment during his search. The recommendation from the staff member who conducted his house tour was the deciding factor. “I visited in June 2023, right after the house had opened, so all the residents were about to start a new chapter of their lives there,” Shota recalls.

The staff member’s advice resonated deeply with him: “While blending into an existing house community has its own charm, there’s a unique excitement in creating a new community from scratch.” Inspired by the prospect of being part of something fresh and building a new community together, Shota was thrilled to choose Ikebukuro Oyama House as his new home.

Life with International Housemates at Ikebukuro Oyama House

Upon being asked about the unique aspects of living in Ikebukuro Oyama House that came to light after moving in, Shota enthusiastically shared his experiences. “Even compared to other houses, I feel like the bond among residents here is particularly strong. There’s always a conversation happening, and we frequently go out together or throw house parties. It’s been fun every day.”

Recalling his early days in the house, Shota admits, “Trying to communicate through nuances, using gestures and all sorts of body language—I remember how desperate I was to make myself understood (laughs).”

───A Memorable Communication Experience

One time, a housemate fell ill, and I accompanied them to the hospital. It was an impactful experience for me. I had to listen to my housemate’s symptoms and convey them to the doctor, then translate the doctor’s diagnosis back to my housemate. Filling out the medical forms was challenging too, as my housemate was unsure what to write. I helped explain each section and assisted with writing the necessary parts in Kanji. Explaining foreign health insurance was incredibly difficult, but looking back, it’s become a valuable memory. It’s an experience I owe to living in Borderless House.

▲Becoming Best Friends with Mats After a Hospital Visit

Shota reflects on how unique experiences, like accompanying a foreign friend to the hospital, are not common in everyday life in Japan. He then recalls another memorable event that helped shape the community at Ikebukuro Oyama House.

“One of my fondest memories is from the first house meeting we had shortly after I moved in. Since the house had just opened, there were no established rules for cleaning, shopping, or other household tasks. We all gathered to discuss and assign roles, establish cleaning standards, and create rules to ensure a comfortable living environment for everyone.

At that time, I was still getting used to communicating in English, so I participated with the support of the Japanese members. The discussion, especially led by the foreign members, became incredibly passionate.”

▲Rotating Cleaning Duties and Passionate Discussions

The system for dividing cleaning responsibilities at Ikebukuro Oyama House is based on a weekly rotation, with a whiteboard used to confirm who is in charge each week. Shota elaborates on the dynamics of these organizational meetings, emphasizing the constructive nature of their discussions.

“It wasn’t about arguing or fighting, but everyone was committed to sharing their opinions and coming to an agreement that satisfied everyone. While we might not have reached a unanimous decision, the process of openly sharing our thoughts, engaging in earnest discussions with our international housemates, and experiencing the heated atmosphere of those debates was incredibly valuable.”

Everyday Fun Turns into Precious Opportunities for Interaction

───One of the most enjoyable experiences was going to DisneySea with a few housemates who were about to graduate from the house. It was incredibly fun!

 “There was this one time someone started playing music, and suddenly we were all dancing in the queue (laughs).”

Shota fondly remembers the laughter that filled their day, from sharing memories of their time at the house to playing games to pass the time while waiting for rides. “Looking back, I realize we were constantly laughing, making the most of every moment together.”

───The Ups and Downs of Community Living

“If you enjoy engaging in conversations and interacting with others, life at Ikebukuro Oyama House is incredible!” Shota exclaims, highlighting the enriching social environment the house offers.

However, he also acknowledges that the vibrant social life comes with its own set of challenges. “On the flip side, the active social scene can have its downsides. For instance, when I have work and the other housemates go out together, I can’t help but feel a bit restless… It’s kind of like feeling jealous (laughs).”

Shota shares a candid insight into the challenges of communal living, particularly when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of a large share house. Despite the task of cleaning being distributed on a weekly rotation, he admits, “The cleaning can be quite daunting, given the size of the house. It honestly feels bothersome at times.” However, Shota finds motivation in the collective effort of the housemates, stating, “Since we all cooperate to adhere to the rules and keep the house in a clean state, I’m able to push through and do my part.”

▲Because everyone diligently fulfills their cleaning duties, the house is always kept in a clean state.

He further reflects on the communal spirit, saying, “Sharing and cooperating in tasks, no matter how daunting or mundane, is a form of interaction within itself. Neglecting these simple moments, like cleaning or dishwashing, means missing out on valuable opportunities for connection. I make a conscious effort to collaborate with my housemates, seizing these chances to enhance our shared living experience.”

Oyama is a fantastic area with a variety of restaurants nearby, making it a very convenient place to live.

He shares a special anecdote that adds a personal touch to the neighborhood’s charm: “Right in front of the house, there’s a pizza place run by an owner with whom we’ve become very close. We often order pizza for our house parties, and the owner is so kind that he personally delivers the pizza to us, even though they normally don’t offer delivery service.”

Shota shares a glimpse into the fun dining experiences with his housemates, mentioning their fondness for late-night snack runs to affordable and popular spots like Mister Donut and McDonald’s. “We often go out to buy loads of snacks from Mister Donut and McDonald’s since they’re inexpensive and open late. Then, we come back to the house and share everything. It’s a common and enjoyable routine for us!”

───The house is just a one-minute walk from Oyama Station and located along a major street, making it safe even for women.

Addressing concerns about the neighborhood’s safety, especially given its proximity to Ikebukuro, Shota provides reassurance. “The house is just a one-minute walk from Oyama Station and is located along a main street, so it feels safe even for women. Although it’s close to Ikebukuro, the area isn’t too noisy. Plus, the shopping district is well-lit until late, so I don’t think there’s any need to worry about walking at night.”

───When asked about who would most enjoy living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, Shota believes it’s an ideal place for those who love socializing.

“Anyone who enjoys interacting with others will definitely have a great time here! We often organize outings and house parties, making it especially suitable for students who can easily schedule their time around such activities.”

When asked about who would most enjoy living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, Shota believes it’s an ideal place for those who love socializing. “Anyone who enjoys interacting with others will have a great time here! We often organize outings and house parties, making it especially suitable for students who can easily schedule their time around such activities.”

He further highlights the communal aspect of the house, “The charm of Ikebukuro Oyama House lies in its common areas where housemates frequently gather, making it a bustling hub of activity. With many active members, it’s perfect for anyone looking forward to new encounters and enjoyable moments.”

Thank you, Shota, for the wonderful story!

Interested in Living at Ikebukuro Oyama House?

If Shota’s experiences have sparked your interest in living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, we encourage you to check out the house’s searching page for vacancy information and inquiries!

【Event Recap】BORDERLESS HOUSE New Year Party 2024 !

Greetings from Borderless House.

Can you believe it’s already been a month since 2024 began? Time sure flies! We’ve settled back into our daily routines after the holiday season, but today, I’d like to take you back to the New Year’s festivities for a moment!

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing a recap of our joint New Year’s party held on January 27th. It was an eventful day filled with laughter, bonding, and cultural exchange, and we’re excited to give you a glimpse of the fun we had.

So, let’s dive in and relive the excitement of New Year Party 2024!

We had the pleasure of hosting over 60 former and current residents from all 25 houses in attendance! It was a vibrant mix of nationalities and backgrounds, with everyone eagerly engaging in conversations, sharing stories, and reconnecting with old friends.

Calligraphy Competition, Quiz Time, and Mochi Pounding!

Our first activity was a calligraphy competition, a nod to the traditional Japanese New Year’s practice of “kakizome.” Instead of setting specific goals for the year, participants were encouraged to express themselves freely through words or illustrations. The creativity and enthusiasm displayed by each team were truly inspiring!

Following the calligraphy competition, we switched gears to a Borderless House-themed quiz. Teams competed against each other, answering questions about our houses, staff members, and various cultural tidbits. It was impressive to see the depth of knowledge and teamwork on display!

And of course, no New Year party would be complete without mochi pounding! Participants gathered around as we prepared fresh mochi using traditional mortars and pestles. The rhythmic pounding and laughter filled the air as everyone worked together to create delicious mochi treats.

As the evening drew to a close, we couldn’t help but reflect on the success of the event. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we were thrilled to see the sense of community and camaraderie that flourished throughout the day. From heartfelt conversations to shared laughter, it was a celebration to remember.

Embracing the Future: Building on Memories, Cultivating Community

Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue fostering connections and creating memorable experiences for our residents. Be sure to stay tuned for future events, as there’s plenty more fun to come!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the New Year Party 2024. Here’s to another year of friendship, growth, and unforgettable moments at Borderless House Tokyo!

Savoring Autumn: A Gourmet BBQ Experience with Borderless House Community

Welcome back to Borderless House!

Today we’ll delve into more exciting community information from Borderless House Kansai.

In this blog, we’re spotlighting yet another engaging event for our residents – the ‘BBQ Networking Event’ held last November. This BBQ gathering, which saw enthusiastic participation from 15 residents, including both international and Japanese members, was a resounding success!

Let’s dive into a quick recap of the day’s lively happenings.

BBQ Networking Event Report

At this event, members from five different houses came together, making it a great chance to meet new friends from beyond our own houses.

The event was truly international! We had people joining from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, France, Austria, Hungary, and many other places.

We were really happy to have our residents’ friends join in too. It made the event even more fun for everyone.

Our BBQ took place at Expo ’70 Park in Osaka. We had a lovely sunny autumn day, and the park’s fall leaves were just gorgeous. It couldn’t have been better!

Once we all said hello to each other, it was time to start the BBQ. Chopping veggies, grilling meat – everyone did a great job. Living in a share house really shows; our teamwork was amazing!

At the BBQ, while we were eating, everyone talked about what life is like in their own share houses.

It was really interesting because we all live in different houses. We shared tips on how to make living together more enjoyable, using our own experiences. This kind of chat, which is really special to Borderless House, made the day even more fun.

After we finished the BBQ, we all went for a walk in the beautiful, green park to enjoy the autumn scenery.

It felt like we had known each other for a long time, even though we had just met that day. Everyone was saying things like, “I had a great time!” and “Thank you for inviting me!” It was a day filled with lots of smiles.

In Borderless House Kansai, we’ve had lots of different events!

We plan to tell you more about what we do in our blog posts coming up. We’d be really happy if you keep an eye out for our new updates!

Game On! Building Friendships at Borderless House Exciting Board Game Night

Hi there! We’re back at Borderless House.

Today’s blog is about more fun stuff from Borderless House Kansai, right after our udon-making event!

This time, we’re excited to share the highlights from our board game meet-ups, held in October and November last year. Although we’re sharing this a bit later, last year was packed with fun events in Kansai, so stick around for more stories and laughs! 

Board Game Gathering in Kyoto, Japan!

For our latest event, we aimed to not only strengthen the bonds between our residents but also to help everyone get more comfortable with Japanese in a fun way. We believed that engaging in games and various activities would naturally spark conversations, making the idea of speaking Japanese less daunting.

We chose a board game café located close to one of our houses for the venue.

At the cafe, we were amazed by the towering stacks of board games, reaching almost up to the ceiling! The owner, with a collection from all around the world, helped us pick out the perfect games for our group.

For our October gathering, we went with a card game. The fun part? We had to quickly make up stories based on the pictures on the cards. Trying to do this in English added an exciting twist!

There was a buzz of anticipation as we all watched to see which card would be played next. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the players’ every move.

At the café, one of the regulars happened to be there and was so intrigued that they asked, “Can I join in?” Thanks to this, our October event turned into a lively session with about 10 people playing and having a great time!

The best part about these games is they’re just as fun whether you’re in a big group or a small one. They offer a great mix of excitement and the chance for deeper conversations. We’re definitely looking forward to hosting more of these events!

Over the past year, Borderless House Kansai has been bustling with various activities. We’re excited to keep sharing these experiences through our blog. Stay tuned for more updates, and we hope you enjoy following along!

Experience Udon Making: A Community Event at BORDERLESS HOUSE Kansai!

Hello there! This is Borderless House, ringing in the New Year with you!

Happy New Year to everyone! As we kick off 2024, we’re excited to fill you in on what’s new at Borderless House in the Kansai region.

We run a network of 55 share houses in Japan, with 11 of them located in the vibrant Kansai area, which includes Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe. Our share houses in Kansai may be fewer in number than in Tokyo, but they offer a close-knit and lively community feel that’s really special.

In this spirit, we’re thrilled to bring you a special feature on a highlight event from last year – the Udon Making Experience, proudly hosted by Borderless House Kansai!

Cooking Up Connections: Udon Making Workshop

We had a great time hosting an Udon Making Experience in the kitchen at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.

The idea came from one of our university student residents who loves food. Before leaving our house, they wanted to do something fun and special with everyone.

The event was a big hit! We had 20 people join us, including international students from Ritsumeikan University and friends of our residents.

Udon is a popular dish that many people, including foreigners, enjoy eating. But making udon from scratch is something not many people, even in Japan, have tried. This event was a fun chance for everyone to try making udon themselves.

The best part of making udon? It was stepping on the dough!

It was a strange and fun experience to make food by stepping on it. This surprised everyone who joined in. We all stepped and pressed the dough very hard.

After stepping on the dough to make it firm, we rolled it out and cut it into noodles. Everyone was excited to try cutting the noodles, even though it was new for many of us.

We didn’t just make udon. We also tried making inari sushi and shiratama, a sweet dessert.

There were 20 of us, and we worked in teams. This way, everyone got to taste what we made. We all helped each other and worked well together in the kitchen!

Funny thing about the event – none of our team or student members had made udon before!

We were all starting from scratch. But we really wanted to make the event enjoyable for everyone. So here’s a little secret: we stayed up late the night before practicing how to make udon. Everyone got a good laugh when they heard about our last-minute training!

At Borderless House Kansai, we didn’t just stop at udon making. Throughout the past year, we organized a bunch of different events! We’re excited to share more stories and updates on our blog. We’d love it if you keep an eye out for our future posts and enjoy them!


【Event Review】Halloween Fun at Borderless House Tokyo: A Night to Remember!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House!

We’re an international exchange share house, Borderless House, nestled in Japan, where daily life is enriched by the diverse cultures and backgrounds of our housemates from around the globe. 

Driven by our desire to foster connections beyond just those in the same house, we aim to broaden horizons through intercultural understanding. In line with this vision, on October 21st (Saturday), we organized a grand Halloween party, uniting 44 of our houses in Tokyo.

Marking our first major inter-house event since the onset of COVID-19, the anticipation and a hint of nervous excitement were palpable among our organizing team. The event turned out to be a resounding success, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of 85 participants from 24 houses, all contributing to a lively and memorable celebration!

Experience the vibrancy and excitement of the event through our video recap! 

Bringing you the Halloween Party Scenes!

To facilitate encounters beyond the confines of individual houses, the party venue was set in a certain event space in Takadanobaba. The party, which started at 6 PM, kicked off with an icebreaker for self-introductions, designed to ease the tension and encourage interaction even among those meeting for the first time.

Light snacks and drinks were also provided, quickly creating a warm and friendly atmosphere at the venue. The goal of this event was to foster connections between housemates from different houses. To encourage mingling beyond the usual cliques, the icebreaker involved grouping members from various houses. The atmosphere quickly became lively with animated conversations filling the space.

A Frenzied, Eco-Friendly Mummy Game!

As the venue buzzed with warmth and excitement, it was time for the thrilling game corner! Participants were randomly divided into teams to compete in the ‘Mummy Game,’ where they wrapped each other in toilet paper as quickly and creatively as possible, adding to the event’s excitement.

In this game, we emphasized not only creativity but also environmental consciousness. Instead of using toilet paper, we provided rags made from recycled fabric, challenging participants to transform into a mummy using as little material as possible. This added a unique twist to the scoring criteria.

The housemates competed enthusiastically, each aiming to be the top mummy in terms of speed, appearance, and eco-friendliness. The winner was decided by the volume of applause from the audience, with the victorious team receiving QUO cards as prizes. The participants, fully engaged and reminiscent of their childhood days, wrapped each other in cloth, bringing an energetic buzz to the venue. They enjoyed themselves so thoroughly that it seemed they forgot they had just met that day, bonding over the shared fun.

The highlight of the event was the Costume Award!

As the Halloween party drew to a close, we held the much-anticipated “Costume Award,” where attendees voted for the most impressive costume. The winner, dazzling in style, was a housemate adorned in a delightful pink sailor outfit!

Time always seems to fly during such joyous occasions. The party, alive with energy from beginning to end, eventually reached its conclusion. We capped off the event with a group photo, capturing a lasting memory for all participants.

This event marked Borderless House’s first large-scale social gathering in some time. We extended invitations not just to current residents but also to former housemates and their friends, creating an environment brimming with cheerful conversations and smiles. It was a gathering that truly reflected the warm, family-like spirit of the Borderless House community.

New Connections Forged at the Party


At Borderless House, an international exchange share house, we don’t just share a living space; we share cultures, experiences, and memories.Through our regular events, we transcend the boundaries of our homes, fostering a community that cherishes cultural understanding and global friendships.

Immerse yourself in this rich tapestry of international experiences. Join the Borderless House community and embark on a journey of cross-cultural discovery!

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