Notice of Revision of Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting BORDERLESS HOUSE.

We would like to inform you that we have revised our Privacy Policy in accordance with the enforcement of the revised Personal Information Protection Law on April 1, 2022.

Please be assured that there will be no changes to the new policy or to the way you use our website.

Main revisions
・Clarification of personal information to be collected
・Clarification of the purpose of use of personal information
・Addition of specific safety control measures
・Addition of personal information to be shared with our group companies and the person in charge of the shared use.
・Clarification of handling of personal information (cookies, etc.)

We will continue to comply with laws and regulations and handle the personal information entrusted to us by our customers with the utmost care.
Thank you for your continued support of BORDERLESS HOUSE.


ASAKUSABASHI FESTIVAL! An event host by the tenants of Asakusabashi share house and local people from the neighborhood

Hello everyone! This is Picasso, a resident of Asakusabashi.

We held an event (festival!) at BORDERLESS HOUSE Asakusabashi on Sunday, May 29, 2022! This event is a cultural festival-like event where share house residents can enjoy eating, singing, listening, finding, and talking all at once, with the themes of “making things together” and “getting involved with the community”.


Then, let me take you back to the event!

The event was planned and executed by all of the tenants at Asakusabashi House! 

Fun English Lesson!


We also have an English lesson on the day that was taught by an American and an English native speakers of our Asakusabashi House residents. They were teaching English in a fun, game-like way!

There were many games that were not so common in Japan, such as games using cards and the body, but the children were very interested in them and had fun playing all of them.

Homemade smoothies


Freshness is the key to smoothies! Vegetables, bananas, milk, and other ingredients are delivered freshly in the morning! It took some time to prepare all the ingredients, and the blender was even louder than we expected, so we had to reconsider the work area, but we still made it in the end!

We expected to serve 40 cups, and the smoothies’ popularity is beyond our expectations! Almost all of them were drunk by everyone. And after lunch, more smoothies were served.

This smoothie was very tasty, with a hint of greenery from the vegetables while retaining the fragrance of the banana.

Asakusabashi House Flea Market


Asakusabashi House currently has 16 residents from 5 different countries.
We collected some original and interesting things from these 16 residents. When we looked through the items, we found a collection of DVDs of anime, travel books about other countries, as well as colorful clothing, and more!

We have tags attached to each item to tell you:
– what kind of people produced these items
– who donated them to us?
– what were the thoughts behind the items?

It was interesting to see the thoughts and meanings of each item.

Let’s make our own Watagashi (cotton candy)


The watagashi machine became a trademark of this festival! This was a hands-on corner where visitors could operate the machine and make their own cotton candy and everyone enjoyed it, especially all the kids!

It was very impressive that children kept coming to the booth saying, “I want to make a cotton ball! One of our residents, Takumi carefully taught the children how to make them, and they all enjoyed making and eating their own unique style of watagashi.

Watagashi is actually difficult to make, even for adults, so I am impressed to see the kids try their best to learn how to make it! Regardless of the shape of the cotton candy they made, the event was very lively because the children seemed to be having fun with this experience.

Compost & Soil Improvers – Eco Sustainable Solutions

In our daily lives, we produce garbage constantly. With the composter, by putting food scraps into the soil with microorganisms, the microorganisms eat and digest the food scraps, then return them to the soil where plants can grow again.

In this event, we tried putting the food scraps from our daily life into the LFC compost box and putting pepper and marigold seeds into the composter. And now, we still continue doing it at Asakusabashi share house.

On the day of the event, small seedlings emerged from the seeds, indicating that the soil had actually been revived. We hope that this event will provide an opportunity for people to think about the waste produced in our daily lives.

Free Lunch!


The lunch was a keema curry that has sticky rice and crispy edamame beans. The keema curry was super delicious, not too spicy, and very easy and smooth to eat. The lunch was free of charge on the day of the event.


The lunch was also made by our tenants from Asakusabashi House! The curry was made with soybean meat, which is environmentally friendly. It was a satisfying yet tasty curry that gives people a chance to think about what they eat as well!

Desserts from overseas


All the desserts were lined up for everyone to enjoy. Each of them is different and none of the sweets were left! All kinds of desserts were so delicious that once I started eating them, I just couldn’t stop.

Live Singing by Mayowa


It was a hot and warm afternoon on the day of the festival, and the live show started with songs that make you feel relaxed.

Mayowa had performed a solo show two days prior to the festival. So he was already an accomplished MC, he performed a wide range of acts, including looper* to liven things up, and ukulele! He’s so talented! All residents danced together during the final performance called “September”, it was so fun and full of energy! I really like the energetic vibes of the house.



From left to right: Pikaso (reporter), Ryosuke (CM), Yuki (staff & former resident)

Until the festival was held, I wondered how many participants would show up? We were talking about what we would do if no one showed up at all… but when the lid was opened, so many people were there, and we were very grateful and had a lot of fun.

Even though Asakusabashi Share House is still very new, many people and the people of the Yanagibashi area graciously accepted us, making it a day we were much appreciated for.

This festival was the first of many we have planned, and we hope to hold more interesting events on a regular basis with the themes of “making things together” and “getting involved with the community”.

Thank you for reading this to the end!

If you want to see more details about this event, please check HERE! (in Japanese) 
Here are more blog articles that are written by our residents from Asakusabashi Share House!


Who Can Enter Japan & What’s Required for the Entry to Japan? May 2022

In this blog, we provide information for foreign nationals looking to travel to Japan, including who can travel to Japan now, and the entry requirements.  

Who Can Enter Japan

Japan is currently opening entry to business visitors, international students enrolled at a Japanese institution, and technical interns. As well as Japanese citizens, permanent residents or temporary residents including spouses and children of Japanese citizens who hold long-term visas, and some short-term business travelers.

Most foreign nations are now able to enter the country, however, you will need to be granted a visa allowing you to enter Japan.. As of April 2022, only persons originating from these countries are NOT able to enter Japan:

However, traveling to Japan with a tourist visa remains PROHIBITED. 

What types of vaccines are accepted for overseas visitors to enter Japan? Is quarantine mandatory upon entry?

From March 1, 2022, the following measures are implemented in Japan: 

  1. The quarantine will not be required for those who have a “Certificate of Vaccination issued outside Japan” + “Completion of the third dose” (only for long-term residents, students, and business visitors in Japan, but not for visitors.) 

  2. For those who have not received the vaccination or completed the third dose and do not have a certificate of eligibility, the period of quarantine will be shortened to 7 days. You can also submit a negative report to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare after PCR or RT-PCR on the third day after the entry into Japan, and the quarantine can be lifted after confirming that the test is negative.

    What kind of foreign-issued vaccination certificate is eligible and approved by Japan?

・The issuing entity is a public entity such as the government of each country.
・Must be in either Japanese or English. 
・Name, date of birth, vaccine name or manufacturer, date of vaccination, and a number of vaccinations must be included.
・Vaccine type: Doses 1 and 2 must meet the following criteria: Pfizer (Pfizer), AZ (AstraZeneca), Moderna, Janssen (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson/J&J; the first dose is considered the second dose of this vaccine). The third dose must be in accordance with Pfizer BNT (Pfizer), Moderna.

Required documents for entering Japan

Proof of negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before the departure time
A signed copy of a ‘Written Pledge’ document committing to follow all health procedures
Japanese visa
Certificate of vaccination issued by a foreign country approved by Japan
Download three apps: Health and Location Monitoring App (MySOS) to report health conditions, report location, verify location, Location Information App
(Google Maps), and COCOA to track close contacts. If you do not have a smartphone, you must rent one at the airport at your own expense.
Show the QR code of the survey with your residence history or health status (a completed online questionnaire)

After arrival in Japan

Upon arrival and before leaving the airport you have to:

  • ◇ Submit the documents listed above
  • ◇ Undergo another PCR test and return a negative result

Within 24 hours of entering Japan, you may travel by public transportation.

Currently, due to quarantine procedures and other border control measures in response to the COVID-19, all passengers arriving in Japan on international flights take a long time to complete the immigration process.

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website.

We’d love to help you with starting your new life in Japan! ▶WELCOME TO JAPAN


想透過「語言交換」免費練習語言口說,順便認識新的外國朋友,但卻不知道該從哪邊開始準備嗎? 或是之前有嘗試過「語言交換」,但在過程中遇到一些困難後,就不了了之沒下文了嗎?






1) 我的目的是什麼? 是真的想要練習語言呢? 還是只是想要認識外國朋友?


2) 我的語言能力如何?


3) 我喜歡與人互動嗎?





1) 確認見面時間和約定語言時間(1小時全中文對話、1小時全外語對話),並在開始前設好鬧鐘,以免聊得太開心忘記切換語言。

2) 通常第一次見面不外乎就是自我介紹,我為什麼學這個語言? 我平常的興趣是什麼? 我有去哪邊旅行過? 喜歡聽的音樂? 基本上和相親一樣,在聊天過程中找尋彼此共通的話題及有沒有互相投緣,因為這部分也會影響後續的聯絡。



1) 隨時筆記自己在語言學習上遇到的問題,例如不確定這一句話該如何翻譯或是有沒有更道地的說法。也可以攜帶自己的課本或是作業,一起討論疑問的地方。

2) 如果文法上有問題,盡量不要問母語人士,因為他們通常也不太知道該如何解釋,除非語伴是語言學專業,不然會因為要解釋一個文法而浪費很多時間。

3) 可以想一想最近有沒有發生有趣的事情,或是閱讀到一篇有趣的文章、新聞、影片、文化差異或是有趣的議題可以討論。最好是可以帶有一點深度的問題,例如環境保護或是社會問題,一方面練習表達自己的想法和看法,一方面也可以聽到語伴帶著不同角度分析的結果。

4) 寫交換日記吧!語言交換不是只能練習到口說,書寫也是語言運用中很重要的一環。日記內容不一定只能分享日常生活,也可以寫一篇短文閱讀心得或是電影觀後感,這樣子在不知不覺中,寫作的能力也會大大提升呢!

5) 一起出去玩吧!爬山、看電影或是逛逛美術館,你平常和朋友喜歡做哪些事情,就也一起約你的語伴去吧!因為是一起出去玩,所以就不用太嚴格規定要講哪個語言多久,就隨意的切換吧!

6) 報名語言考試檢定吧!可以針對考試內容進行練習,有特定主題和句型。在有壓力的情況下,每次的語言交換就會更認真準備了呢!


1) 在自我介紹的時候,觀察對方的語言程度,並依照語言程度調整自己說話的速度,發音盡量清晰和標準。

2) 語伴在練習語言時,不要自己一直用流利的母語發表意見,而是要多發問,讓語伴可以多多回答自己的想法。例如: 為什麼? 你有什麼想法? 你會怎麼做呢? 都可以常常使用。

3) 可以使用雲端記事本,紀錄互相補充的單字或是句子,之後方便重新閱讀。


現在有許多方式可以找到語言交換夥伴,透過手機APP、網站或是入住國際交流share house。


1) HelloTalk: 可以使用文字、語音訊息、語音聊天、視訊聊天功能,還能幫對方修正句子、翻譯等輔助功能。也可以上傳圖片和短文,整體功能和Instagram很像。

2) Tandem: 和HelloTalk的功能非常相像,只是APP會主動推播其他會員的資訊,提高配對機率。

3) HiNative: 這是一個Q&A的平台,如果有文法、用字差異或是文章上的問題,都可以在上面發問,通常會有母語人士熱心地回答,也是一個很好用的搜尋引擎。

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: 是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,透過日常生活去學習語言,也會不定期舉辦各式各樣的活動和提供免費語言交換媒合。


BORDERLESS HOUSE是一間和外國人一起住的國際交流share house,在台北有17間物件,分布在台北不同的區域,目前海外分部則在日本東京、大阪和韓國首爾。

【Quarantine Exemption in Korea】 Did you get fully vaccinated?


Did you get fully Vaccinated?
Hello, this is Borderless House again and if your answer is ‘YES’, please check all details below! If not, please click this for your quarantine information.
Those who have completed the 2nd shist hot of COVID-19 infection will be managed the same way as those who received the 3rd shot (even if 180 days have passed after the vaccination, they will be recognized)

Q-Code: Quarantine COVID-19 Defense

Helpful news for using the advance input system for quarantine information before coming to Korea for the quarantine exemption. Please check all guides to this system through here .

Quarantine for Each Target Person

Guidance on the quarantine procedure differs based on the entrant condition. Please refer to the corresponding information and prevent disadvantage in advance upon your entry. Please check the website link below for details.

        Sources from  Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (click)

※Those who have completed vaccinations linked through the COOV system with their vaccination history registered in Korea can be exempted from quarantine from March 21st.
※Those who have completed inoculation overseas because they have not registered
theirvac current entrants from Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Myanmar
※For more information, please refer to [KCDC website] → [Notifications] → [Notice].

Procedure of moving in Borderless House Seoul

1. Following all steps for Q-Code above.
2. Arriving in Korea and meeting with Staff at station Near House you reserve.
3. Getting PCR test at Health center. (For long term staying)
4. Before checking the result of the test, keep wearing mask in the house.
5. Next day, Negative – you could go out, Positive – doing quarantine. 

*When you arrive in Korea at late night, we share how to do self-move in by PDF.
*If you get positive after PCR test in Korea, please kindly check all details below.

Borderless House Seoul Quarantine Guideline

When we have COVID-19 positive cases in the sharehouses managed by Borderless Korea Corp.(hereinafter, Company), for the safety of tenants and prevention of the spread of COVID-19, we respond according to the guidelines below, and tenants must cooperate with the response.
This guideline basically follows the response guidelines of the quarantine authorities. However, there may be some differences in consideration of the sharehouse which is a special type of residence.

1. When a tenant has any sign and symptoms of COVID , the tenant immediately conducts a rapid antigen test and shares the results with Company and housemates (House Group Chat).

2. When one of the tenants has the symptoms, all tenants of the house must cooperate with Company staff’s own epidemiological investigation (suspicious route of infection, contact with housemates after the symptoms, other tenants who have symptoms, etc.).

the tenant receives a positive result by rapid antigen test, conduct a PCR test immediately and share the results with Company and your housemates (House Group Chat).

4. From the date on which the quarantine notice is received as a result of PCR test, in principle, the confirmed tenant should leave the house temporarily and
self-quarantine in another place.
4-1. Through our staff’s own epidemiological investigation, if there is a high possibilityof additional positive cases in the house, the tenants will not do temporary move-out until the other housemates get the PCR test results.
4-2. In the event of a large number of positive cases, the quarantine way is adjusted in consultation with Company and the tenants in consideration of the proportion of positive cases.

5. In the case of self-quarantine in another place, in principle, the confirmed tenant seeks a place to isolate himself, and Company is not responsible for this
. If a confirmed tenant cannot find a place, Company may help to reserve a place, but the confirmed tenant does not object to the conditions (location, equipment, price, etc.) of the place.

6. If a confirmed tenant is quarantined in another place, in accordance with Article 12 of Tenancy Contract, Company does not charge the rent during the quarantine period.

7. Company will sanitize the house after the quarantine measures are completed.
According to of Tenancy Contract, the cost will be charged to the confirmed tenants.

8. If the tenant does not follow the above guidelines, Company may regard it as a
violation of Article 7 of Regulations and rules in The Premise and may move out
according to Article 10 of Tenancy Contract, and the tenant is responsible for any

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope to see you here in the near future. 
Thank you and stay safe.

No War ━ Hope for a Peaceful Future ━

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022.

We at BORDERLESS HOUSE believe that fostering mutual understanding across national boundaries is the key to sowing the seeds of peace and deterring conflict in the world, and we have nurtured a business that provides a place for international exchange.
Since the start of our business in 2008, more than 10,000 young people from 111 countries have lived together at BORDERLESS HOUSE and fostered mutual understanding. Of course, there are many Russian and Ukrainian residents among them.

While there are various ideologies, value systems, and ways of defending one’s country, the fact is that these clashes are now taking place in the form of war. Many innocent people are suffering. We are speechless when we think of the peo[;e who must be suffering in this situation.

I am absolutely against the use of force and war for any reason. “No War”

Our hearts go out to all those who have suffered from this tragedy, and we only hope that peace will come as soon as possible.

What we can do.

Amidst the worsening situation and social unrest, the government’s border control measures against the COVID have been lifted and allowed foreign students, who had long been denied entry to Japan, to resume their studies in Japan, and many of them will return to live in Japan as foreign citizens. Although it has only been a few days since the ban was lifted, we are grateful to have received many requests from international students who want to live with various people in Japan.

We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, will continue to nurture our business more wholeheartedly for the realization of a society where foreign citizens can live in peace, and where people with different upbringings, backgrounds, and values can live together peacefully.

This may sound like mere idealism in the face of the tragedies happening in the world today. Some may think it is meaningless because of how little we can do.

Nevertheless, we at BORDERLESS HOUSE believe that we, the citizens of the world, rather than the leaders of governments and countries, should be the ones to continue to nurture the bonds of friendship that transcend national boundaries, and that this is a sure step toward world peace. We will continue to work on this.

We will continue to work for a peaceful future.
Above all, we express our condolences for all the lives lost in this conflict and sincerely hope that no more precious lives will be sacrificed.

Borderless House
Representative – Seiichi Lee
All staff members


Lastly, I would like to share with you our activities for “Ukrainian Refugee Admission” initiated by NPO WELgee, a partner of BORDERLESS GROUP.

Seven actions that Japan can take to help refugees from Ukraine

Experience share house life with Trial Stay Campaign at Borderless House – True Voice from the tenants

We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, strive to create a multicultural environment in Japan and promote cultural exchange with Japan and other countries all over the world. In order to let more foreigners have the chance to experience living and participating in this kind of community, we started this campaign that offers people to stay at an international share house to take a test run of living in a share house with the minimum budget, just to take a test run of living in a share house!

What is ”Trial Stay Campaign”?

With the trial campaign, you can stay at BORDERLESS HOUSE rent-free for up to two months and get a taste of what it’s like living there! All you need to pay are the deposit and 2-month monthly utilities! We’d like to minimize your worries on moving costs and offer you a low initial fee and a big discount on the rent (which is totally FREE for two months), so you can focus on enjoying experiencing the share house life without worrying about spending a lot of money.

So far, over 70 people have benefited from this campaign!

If you’re interested, here are more details about the campaign. You can also check over 25 campaign houses in the Tokyo and Kansai area. We’ve got plenty of options for you to choose from! 

So now, let’s get into the topic! 

We’ve had interview surveys with our tenants who use our ”Trial Stay Campaign” and let hear out the true voices of their trial stay at Borderless House!
*This campaign ended on 2022/3/14.

True Voices from the tenants

Why did you want to use this campaign at first?

Rai from Kugahara House:

When I had to move out from the dorm and was looking for a place to stay, I googled “share house” on Google and found Borderless House. Since I was a student with a tight budget, I was looking for something that is cheap, either with a low initial fee or a rent discount, and then I was lucky to see the Trial Stay Campaign offers both, which enables short-term stay as well. I was attracted by the campaign but was still concerned about it, so I did some researches and saw many good reviews and comments for Borderless House.

Then I just applied for a room viewing. After the room viewing, I was very satisfied, because the staff who helped me are very friendly and the living environment looks great. The quality of everything is good in general even when the moving fees are low!

How do you like this campaign so far?

David from Osaka Tsuruhashi1 House:

I really think Borderless House staff does a great job helping the people who live here with everything and they care a lot about the quality of the property as well as resolving issues.

I haven’t been able to participate very much in the online events because I’m working full time, but I think Borderless House is good because I can still interact with my housemates to get a feeling of community and to make friends in Japan. 

Thank you very much for the summer trial campaign, and I hope that my friend who I referred to Borderless House is able to get the trial campaign as well if it is extended!

What do you like the most during your trial stay at Borderless House? 

Jade from Tokyo Harajuku-Kitasando House:

I really liked meeting former tenants and tenants from other Borderless House. It created a really friendly atmosphere! 

David from Osaka Tsuruhashi House:

When I first moved in, there was an issue with the lock on my door. We also had an issue with a bad neighbor. However, the staff helped us fix the problems and staying at this house has been very nice ever since! Also. the campaign had perfect timing because I needed financial assistance to move to my new job in Osaka. It helped me have a comfortable move to a new city to start working here!

Share with us about your experiences so far?

Rai from Tokyo Kugahara House:

People at my house are very kind and friendly, and we maintain the house cleanliness together pretty well. Compared with when I was living in a dormitory, it’s so much better to stay at a share house like Kugahara House. Even though everyone is quite busy with their life or work, whenever we meet each other at the house, the atmosphere is always good. We would have a small chat about our life or just greet each other, so it felt like a home-like environment for me. I am very comfortable living with everyone. We respect each other as well. I think the reason why the people are all really nice here is that Borderless House has a screening process, and I appreciate it. It secures the quality of the house community as I think the housemates who you are living with are very important. My decision of whether I am extending my stay or not after the trial stay period is also depending on it, And now, I would very much like to continue my stay at Borderless House Kugahara.

So you have extended your stay at Borderless House after your Trial Stay ended, could you tell us the reasons that make you continue your stay?

E.D from Musashi-Koyama House:

When I first moved in, the house community was not so active at the beginning. However, more housemates have moved in and things have been changing gradually. Everyone is very nice and cooperative. The atmosphere and the community at the house are very good now. When I was living alone, I was feeling lonely when I’m home, but now I have my housemates to keep me company. Also, I was able to practice my Japanese with my housemates. 

Have you compared Borderless House with other accommodation choices?

K.B from Shinagawa-Togoshi House:

I was in a tight financial situation at that time and I considered other houses running the same campaign too but I chose Borderless share house for some reasons. I like the concept of Borderless House. The concept of Borderless House is to bring young people from all over the world and make them live under the same roof to share diverse experiences in a multicultural environment and to create a multi-cultural symbiotic society that is open-minded and free of discrimination. I’m glad that I made the right choice as I enjoy my stay here and the staff is all friendly and accommodating.

Would you recommend this campaign to others?

Etienne from Musashi-Koyama House:

I have already introduced Borderless House to my friends already, actually! 

The main reason is that from my experience, it’s very easy to reach out to the staff wherever I have any questions or problems, they also respond to me very quickly, it helps me a lot and also makes me feel very relieved. Moreover, the staff all can speak English, I feel the communication is very easy. 

Not to mention the campaign, there’s no initial fee such as shikikin and reikin which saves a lot of money. As well as the process of booking the room is very simple and easy, I didn’t have to find a guarantor or insurance company, which saves me a lot of time and makes moving much more convenient!

So I’d recommend Borderless House to my friends and hope they can also be benefited from the campaign.

Are you curious about what it is looking like at our sharehouse?

Take a look at this video that shows you inside of BORDERLESS HOUSE!




今天一起回顧一下我們的冬日活動,和BORDERLESS HOUSE一起搓湯圓,除了學習台灣傳統文化和互相交流之外,也能享受滿滿的冬至氛圍喔!


冬至,是一年 24 個節氣中,最重要的一個節氣,也被稱為「日短」,太陽這天繞行到南迴歸線上,所以北半球白天最短,黑夜最長,過了這天後,也代表北半球的冬天真正來臨了。







冬天真的很適合這種溫馨暖暖的感覺呢!如果大家有任何想要參加的活動或是想法,非常歡迎留言分享給我們喔!讓BORDERLESS HOUSE未來能再提供更多更棒的活動體驗喔!


感謝您們一直以來對BORDERLESS HOUSE的支持與喜愛!我們希望每一位房客在這裡找到家的感覺,並與來自不同角落的室友們建立美好的回憶。

為了回饋長期支持我們的房客,特別推出了專屬於長租房客的折扣優惠,讓您在BORDERLESS HOUSE的生活更加精彩。與我們一同創造更多難忘的回憶,一起享受這個獨特的國際交流體驗!



1. 半年預繳方案:
• 房租減免半個月租金。
2. 一年預繳方案:
• 房租減免一個月租金。
• 水電光熱費統一每月以800元計算。


1. 不受任何租金及水電光熱費調整影響,且不得與其他優惠並用。
2. 若因個人因素提前退居,預繳租金及水電光熱費皆不退還。
3. 若違反契約或經由認定不適合住在BORDERLESS HOUSE之情況,我們有權即刻中止契約。我們將退還剩餘期間的租金,但房客需將優惠期間之折扣金額補齊。


表單填寫 ▶ 聯絡staff ▶ 信件確認 ▶ 辦公室簽約與付款(7日內)



1. 申請後,最快何時能夠享受租金優惠?
2. 是否可以在日後申請物件或房間的轉移?
3. 一年合約也能申請預繳優惠嗎?


BORDERLESS HOUSE針對「新冠肺炎疫情控制之基本政策」(2023.06.28)


  • 如果目前居住的房客患有新冠病毒或流感等傳染病,我們要求他們必須至BORDERLESS HOUSE以外,如飯店或是醫院或衛生所指定的地方進行隔離。
  • 無論是否與新冠病毒有關,在身體不適時前往公共區域時,必須佩戴口罩。

BORDERLESS HOUSE針對於本公司之房客、夥伴、員工及其家人等有關健康安全,採取下列措施:


根據日本政府於5月8日(星期一)公布的最新冠狀病毒感染病政策之變更,我們的Share House住宿的對應政策有以下變動:

1. 患有冠狀病毒或流感等傳染病的房客需按照醫院或公共衛生中心的指示,在自己的房間內或飯店進行隔離。

如果需要在Borderless House提供飯店隔離,房客將按照當前合約支付租金。如果房客在房屋內隔離,請互相體諒並避免使用其他居民使用的公共區域。

2. 如房客感染傳染病,請立即與BORDERLESS HOUSE聯繫。

3. 即使房客沒有感染病毒,但若有身體不適時請佩戴口罩,並盡量避免使用公共區域。

4. 從2023年5月8日起,BORDERLESS HOUSE將不再負責房屋的消毒。對於擔心感染的房客,請註意消毒程序將由房客自費完成。

5. 根據合約的規定,我們只有在得到房客許可的情況下才會進入私人房間。Share House的房客只會事先收到有關進入時間和目的的通知。然而,在緊急情況下(包括設施維護),我們可能會提前通知並進入私人和物件,而無需事先獲得許可。






※因應新冠病毒政策與影響之BORDERLESS HOUSE經營及營運管理方針,請參考以下由BORDERLESS HOUSE代表 李成一執筆的部落格。
For Tomorrow’s Bright Future with a New Year 2021 ~BORDERLESS HOUSE能做的事~>>>