Tenant’s Interview ▏ I have a new family and more supporters in my life!

We had an interview with one of our tenants at Borderless House, Nonoka-san, who has been living at our Nishijin House in Kyoto for almost one year. Nonoka-san is a second-year university student studying sociology. She usually volunteers as a sightseeing guide in Kyoto.

From the interview, we hope to show you what life is like at an international share house for our tenants, and hope you get a feel for the environment and community of Borderless House!

My fondest memories are of ordinary, everyday life

-Why did you choose to live in a share house?

When I started living alone in Kyoto for college, I thought it would be nice to live in a share house. I thought about the international dormitory at my university, but I decided to stay at BORDERLESS HOUSE because I could have relationships not only with classmates from my university, but also with students from other universities, workers, and a wide range of people.

-What is the best thing about living in BORDERLESS HOUSE?

There are too many to mention, but birthday parties and trips were a lot of fun, but I think it’s daily life.

I think the most important thing for me is that I have a new kind of family. In this family, regardless of age or gender, we are able to share our specialties, complement each other, and have a good time together.

Since I am a university student now, I worry a lot about my future and career path, but there are people here, such as who have work experience and others who have lived and worked overseas for a long time, so I can consult with people from all walks of life.

“Cleaning” was the hardest part of living in a share house, but now ..

-What was the hardest part of living in a share house?

I think it’s “Cleaning”. When I first came here, there were no cleaning rules or systems, so I decided I had to create one. I made some cleaning rules with my housemates who were living with me at that time, but it was difficult to coordinate the different levels of cleaning, how far one should go, what is not clean enough, etc., because everyone has a different way of thinking,

It was very difficult to get everyone to make it a habit, but now everyone has a sense of attachment to the house by cleaning it together, and I think that’s great because the house is basically kept in a clean state.

I think I would have friends in any country I go to now!

-Did you have any goals before you moved in? Did you achieve it?

It was very simple: I want to improve my English and to make many friends from all over the world.

Yes, I did! I had experience studying abroad in high school, but I think my English has improved even more since moving here. I think my English has improved to the point where I can talk about all kinds of things, not just academic topics, not to mention other trivial things. I also made more foreign friends, and I think I have more than 200 international friends now so I think I would have friends in any country I go to now.

There is no other community where such a wide variety of people gather!

-Message to those who want to live in a BORDERLESS HOUSE

I think there are so many different kinds of people at BORDERLESS HOUSE that there is no other community where such a wide variety of people gather. It is also a great opportunity to experience new values, so I highly recommend it!

Also, living with other people and jumping into a new environment can be a very difficult hurdle, and it takes a lot of courage, but once you get in, it’s not like your world will change 180 degrees, but it certainly will, so if you’re not sure, you can arrange a room viewing first with Borderless House and come to talk with the tenants at the share house. (to get a feel for the atmosphere!)

Meeting housemates from diverse backgrounds and living with them has gradually changed Nono’s world! Thank you very much for sharing your story with us!

▶ Check more: Tenant’s Interview ▏Living in a Share House while Experiencing Working Holiday in Kyoto

▶Check more: 【Tenant’s Story】Sharing times together as a big “family” is the best cure for loneliness during quarantine

Celebrate Christmas & New Year together! – BORDERLESS HOUSE EVENTS

When it comes to celebrating holidays, there is one group of people we celebrate with more than anyone else: our friends and family. Christmas and New Year are the most important celebrations of the year and it is a time when we all come together, catch up, share stories, and spend time together.

However, if you are living abroad, it can be difficult. But don’t worry! International share house – BORDERLESS HOUSE is like a big family with tenants from many different countries, and we’ve celebrated these holidays together! It was really fun and a great way to meet new friends – and of course, share some great times, memories, and food! So let’s take a look at the recap of Borderless House events for Christmas & New Year!

2023 New Year Party – Tenants from 40 different share houses celebrate New Year together!

Due to COVID-19, we haven’t been able to hold any events that gather everyone together for almost 3 years, so we were extremely excited to see many of our tenants from 40 different share houses coming to this party! Because being able to build a warm and friendly community among the share houses where everyone can be friends, learn new cultures and languages, and share and experience life together is BORDERLESS HOUSE‘s mission and goal!

We played some funny games together; Borderless House also prepared gifts and rewards for our tenants!

Of course, there were a lot of food and drinks, and our staff was a DJ!

Everyone had a great time just chatting and talking to new friends, or catching up with old friends! Some of the tenants even continued the fun and went to an izakaya, nightclub, and pubs for the second parties afterward!

2023 is the beginning of a new chapter. We hope everyone has a joyous 2023, bursting with fulfilling and exciting opportunities!

Christmas Party and More International Events in 2022 held by BORDERLESS HOUSE

We had 2 small gatherings with our tenants in Osaka and Kyoto. Our tenants from 11 different share houses exchanged Christmas presents, and enjoyed the shows performed by our tenants!

Seasonal Events – Visit famous tourist spots and enjoy beautiful autumn leaves in Japan

Japan has many shrines and temples, gorgeous natures, gardens and palaces, and other must-visit spots and attractions. We also hold events that our tenants could visit these places together, to gain wonderful experiences with the people from this multicultural community! Last year, we went to Arashiyama, Nintendo world, Bamboo forest, temples and shrines, and Japanese matsuri together!

We also have picnics and indoor/ outdoor sports events from time to time where our tenants can enjoy good relaxing times and meet people who share the same hobbies! 

If you want to join BORDERLESS HOUSE big community and enjoy all kinds of events with us! Check the links below ☺

▶Share Houses in Tokyo
▶Share Houses in Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto

合作夥伴|BORDERLESS HOUSE × Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education創立於1990年,是一所提供英語、日語和韓語專業課程的語言學校。除語言課程外,也提供其他多樣化服務。例如:提供入學諮詢服務,介紹韓國大學和韓國語言學院給留學生,也提供各式各樣的體驗活動,使他們能更深入地瞭解當地傳統及現代文化。


< 在韓國生活一個月 >
1. 費用: 3,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:每週學習韓國不同文化,包含韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 在韓國生活一週 > 
1. 費用: 1,000美元
2. 課程介紹:實體1:1授課,每週2堂(每堂50分鐘)。
3. 住宿:
4. 認識韓國文化:學習韓國不同文化
韓國傳統音樂、傳統美術、K-POP舞蹈、工藝(擇一) 及電視臺參訪。
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。

< 韓國3天2夜 >
1. 費用: 500美元
3. 住宿+供餐(早餐-三明治)
4. 學習韓國文化: K-POP舞蹈,工藝
5. 提供機場接機服務(限抵韓時)。
6. 在地人介紹各種道地美食店。
●個人自由活動費用另計,如韓國的王宮入場費、音樂劇演唱會、Temple stay、韓屋體驗、DMZ和泡菜製作體驗等。



(K-pop舞蹈課程, 韓國傳統美術課程, 韓國傳統音樂課程)


公司: Global Overseas Education
負責人: 金惠泳 KIM, Hye Young
地址: Rm. 201, Deoksoo B/D, 636-25 Yeoksam-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 06130 ,S. Korea (Post code:06130)
電話: No. : +82-2-555-5332 / Mobile # : +82-10-3209-5271
網址: www.globaluhak.co.kr
E-mail : moonfeel1999@naver.com

Japan Working Holiday Guide▏Work and Travel in Japan! All you need to know

If you’re considering a holiday or travel in Japan, a lot of what you will be facing will be a new experience for you. This blog is for those looking for information about getting started and what you should know before applying for a Working Holiday visa in Japan!

Content Outline:
•  What is a Working Holiday Visa?
•  Who can Apply for a Working Holiday Visa in Japan?
•  How to Apply for a Working Holiday Visa?
•  What jobs can you do with Working Holiday Visa? How to find jobs?
•  Accommodation options during Working Holidays in Japan

What is a Working Holiday Visa?

A working holiday visa allows young people to spend their holidays in Japan whilst working to supplement funds for their travel and stay. The goal is to deepen mutual understanding by providing opportunities to understand the culture and lifestyle of Japan!

The maximum period of stay in Japan on a working holiday is one year. And the period of stay cannot be extended. If you would like to extend your stay after the working holiday expires, you will have to change to another visa.

Who can Apply for a Working Holiday Visa in Japan?

Here are some general requirements:
•  Age: 18 to 30 years old (25 in some cases) on the day of your application
•  Be a citizen of the following 26 countries: Argentina/ Australia/ Austria/ Canada/ Chile/ Czech/ Denmark/ Estonia/ France/ Germany/ Hong Kong/ Hungary/ Iceland/ Ireland/ Lithuania/ Netherlands/ New Zealand/ Norway/ Poland/ Portugal/ Republic of Korea/ Slovakia/ Spain/ Sweden/ Taiwan/ United Kingdom
•  Have a valid passport
•  Have a return ticket or proof of having enough money to buy one.
•  Proof of sufficient funds to cover expenses for the first few months (Required amounts vary from country to country )
•  Be in good health
•  Have no criminal record.

Please note, everyone only enters Japan on Working Holiday Visa one time!

For further detailed information, please check the official website of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Working Holiday Programmes in Japan

How to Apply for a Working Holiday Visa?

First, you should check the Embassy of Japan or the Consulate-General of Japan’s website for your country. You will find country-specific requirements from there.

Below are the general procedures:

•  Fill in an Application Form
•  Provide the requested documents: valid passport, ID picture, resume, the outline of planned activities in Japan, the written reason for applying for a Working Holiday in Japan, proof of a return ticket, and sufficient funds to support the beginning of the stay, medical certificate
•  Submit the application to the nearest Embassy or Consulate of Japan in your country of residence

What jobs can you do with Working Holiday Visa?

There is only one occupation prohibition regarding what job you can do with the working holiday vise, which is – working in “entertainment” industries is NOT allowed. Such as bars, clubs, pachinko, etc.
The most common/ typical jobs for foreigners to do in Japan include:
•  Service & Hospitality: Restaurants, cafes, fast food chains, hotels and sales in the shop
•  Seasonal Jobs: Ski resorts, farms, factory work
•  Teach Languages: English teaching is the most popular

Usually, basic Japanese language skills are required, especially when you’re looking for jobs, it’d be very helpful if you have higher Japanese levels.

How to find jobs

Here are some websites that have foreigner-friendly jobs that allow working holiday visa holders to apply:
•  Guidable Jobs 
•  We Xpats Jobs 
•  Mach Baito 
•  Arbeit EX アルバイトEX 

If you are already in Japan, you can also visit Employment Service Centers for non-Japanese job seekers:
• Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners 
• Osaka Employment Service Center for Foreigners 
• Nagoya Employment Service Center for Foreigners 
• Hello Work 

Accommodation during Working Holiday in Japan

With a Working Holiday Visa, you can stay in Japan for up to one year. If you are planning to go to different regions in Japan during your working holiday, you will have to find accommodation that offers a “short-term” contract, as well as a place is fully-furnished.

Considering short-term stay and fully-furnished, living in a share house can be the best option for you. For example, the minimum stay of BORDERLESS HOUSE is one month, and you can adjust your contract term flexibly. Each house and room are all furnished and equipped with all the appliances you may need, so you can easily move in just with one suitcase. When you move out, you also don’t need to worry about the disposal of the furniture.

Moreover, in all the share houses of Borderless House, there are 50% of Japanese residents, and 50% from foreign nations, so you will have a lot of chances to practice your Japanese on a daily basis. Your Japanese housemates can also help you to practice for job interviews or check the Japanese resume for you!

【BORDERLESS TRAVEL】結交來自其他國家Share House的新朋友!

哈囉大家好! 我是BORDERLESS HOUSE的Daniel!

自從從國境開放後,大家肯定迫不及待的想出國旅遊了吧! 大家最想去哪一個國家玩呢? 世界上有這麼多好玩的國家,真的太難決定了…


我們很高興能夠跟大家分享我們物件交換的企劃 — BORDERLESS TRAVEL終於重新開放申請了! 透過BORDERLESS TRAVEL,我們希望能夠提供…


住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,你可以持續的拓展自己的社交圈;從一個房源至其他房源,甚至到不同的國家!
如果您對BORDERLESS TRAVEL感興趣,歡迎透過下面的分享,確認更多資訊!


現有房客限定 (已經入住1個月)

日本: 15,000 JPY
台灣: 6,500 TWD
韓國: 150,000 KRW





➦Step1. 透過申請表申請。

➦Step2. 收到申請後,我們會在3個工作天內與您聯繫並提供幾個可申請的房源。 (如無可申請之房源,我們也會告知您)

➦Step3. 與您確認房間後,我們會寄給您活動費用的付款連結及確認入退居時間。請在1日內完成付款、確認時間並回信告知。

➦Step4. 確認付款完成後,我們會寄出申請成功確認信。



※ 我們並不提供吹風機或其他盥洗用具,請自行攜帶。
※ 請遵守物件規定,必要時可能會縮短您在物件的居住期。
※ 同意分享您的經驗與照片給BORDERLESS HOUSE 作為改善企劃及行銷用途。


Judy – from Taiwan to Tokyo



Judu這次選擇住在北千住2 House。雖然她只有短暫的停留七天,室友們仍然為她辦了兩場派對!也透過室友們與其他share house的朋友一起出去玩。大家真的好熱情好有活力! 🥳

章魚燒派對在日本是一定要做的事! 大家也一起慶祝了Judy的生日!

你總是能在這令人驚豔的城市能找到你喜歡的事物 — 東京

也可以探索東京近郊的風景,走訪高尾山欣賞秋天獨有的紅葉🍁 或是被稱為”小江戶”的川越感受古老城鎮的氛圍

再與室友們見面時,好像又回到了過去在share house一起生活的美好的時光。
我想,這樣的友情就是share house的魅力吧! 🤗



Haruka – from Tokyo to Korea

Haruka 對韓國的文化非常感興趣,之後也打算待在韓國生活一陣子,除了好好體驗當地的文化,也期待能認識需多喜愛韓國文化的朋友!
這次特別申請BORDERLESS TRAVEL拜訪了韓國兩週,就當作長居前的”暖身”吧!☺


也剛好遇到世足比賽期間,大家一起吃飯,一起為自己的國家 或是韓國隊加油,也讓彼此的關係更近了!

在家裡的日常也是在Share House的重要一環


看完房客的分享,大家覺得如何? 是不是也很期待在下一趟旅程中遇見新朋友呢?

我們希望透過BORDERLESS TRAVEL,帶給大家不同的居住及旅遊體驗。



★More feedback:

Tenant’s Interview ▏Living in a Share House while Experiencing Working Holiday in Kyoto

From this interview with one of our tenants at Borderless House, we would like to show you a little about what made them choose Borderless House and what life living at a multi-cultural sharehouse has been like for them!

It is a great way to get a feel for the environment at our sharehouses! 

Interview with Tarek from Canada, who came to Kyoto on a Working Holiday visa, and spent 6 months at Borderless House Kuramaguchi

  •  – How did you find BORDERLESS HOUSE? Also, why did you choose to stay at Borderless House?

I found Borderless House through Reddit. There was a “Moving to japan” subreddit and it gives a lot of information about Japan, and there was a list of “Foreigner friendly housing options” for people that are looking for a short-term stay in japan.

And I chose Borderless House because I saw all the profiles of different people and different nationalities and what they’re doing in japan. It seemed like a very welcoming place with a lot of live interaction with both Japanese and foreigners, where I could get an immediate sense of community in Japan. Since I wouldn’t have had one otherwise if I moved in by myself into my own apartment. And having to form my own social circle talking to strangers.

  • – Did you have any concerns or worries before coming? How did you solve them?

Initially, getting the visa. Since when I was applying, it was during the end of the pandemic. So, I had a concern about having a company sponsor me to come here. And then the second biggest was definitely the accommodation. Knowing how difficult it is to get accommodation as a foreigner in a country where you’re not really established.

Borderless House did really help a lot because I was the most worried about just being alone in a country where you don’t understand anything with the language barriers. Such as the Borderless House staff would gather events to meet new people. My housemates have been very helpful as well. They would make a phone call for you, and go to the ward office with you. So those difficulties were solved due to my own research as well as the support of my housemates and the staff here.

  • – When you applied for the share house and the other process, did you think everything went smoothly?

It was surprisingly fast. I mean I just put in the form and then 10 minutes later. The staff from Borderless House contacted me on skype and he was: do you have time for a call right now we talked and my accommodation was settled. The process went smoothly.

During the Skype call, everything was very easy to understand. Everything was given to you straight up as you were talking about it. Nothing was really unclear about the process and it was kind of easy that you could just pay with your credit card, you don’t have to worry about being in the country to actually get the accommodation, which is kind of a big barrier.

For a lot of people where you need a Japanese address or to be in the country to actually rent something. And it was much easier online. You got everything in like 30 minutes and then you just signed up if you feel comfortable with the property.

Living with 13 people – It might seem daunting at first, but there’s lots of room for new experiences.

  • – How did you like your stay at BORDERLESS HOUSE KYOTO-KURAMAGUCHI?

At first, I was kind of worried to be living with 13 other people. I’m kind of a solitary person for the most part, but I grew to like it pretty quickly.

I noticed that every night, there was something going on there. It was either just someone to drink with or a small party or an event. It might seem daunting at first, but there’s lots of room for new experiences. And you really want to put yourself in the position as if you were in your normal day-to-day life.

Because if I live alone after I go home, I would just watch TV, play video games, go to sleep, and then it’ll be the next day, whereas you don’t like that option of comfort, which is a bit of a downside, but it also forces you out of your comfort zone and gets you to do more things.

  • – What do you like the most about living in a share house/ living with others?

It’s definitely the parties. Such as welcome parties, bye-bye parties. It is just the sense of community at the end of the night.

They’re always different conversations going on. You’re talking to different people, meeting new people. There’s no single one that stands out but just the memory of the “Sense of community”, when we would all come together and just be like one, big international family.

The share house life is much better than I expected

  • – Do you have your own private time even living in a share house?

Yeah, sure, in my private time, what I usually like to do is go to the river close to the share house. So I’ll just put on my headphones, take a walk and then grab a coffee at a nice cafe nearby in the neighborhood.

I enjoy walking over to the river, using my camera, or just sitting there for a couple of hours, just watching the river.

  • – Have you ever lived in this kind of environment before? Is everything the same as you imagined?

No, the only other people I would ever live with were my parents. This is my first time living with this amount of people and like, strangers,

It was much closer than I imagined because I pictured myself to be a bit more standoffish. But it was nicer because you always hear horror stories about living with others, but I feel like I got very lucky with my housemates. They are very considerate and always very kind to each other. So it’s much better than I expected.

Learn Japanese! – it’s like having seven free Japanese tutors around in the house

  • – How good is your Japanese? How do you communicate with your housemates?

Not very good. (Laugh) Most of my housemates speak a basic level of English. And the worst-case scenario is just emoting in sign language, you mix English and Japanese. It’s all about really trying and just trying to get the message across. It’s a lot of sign language and guesswork, but you get the message across to people.

  • – How did living with Japanese people help you learn Japanese?

I did two weeks at a language school, but I did not like actually doing the process of like going every week, just because I felt like that was a bit too much commitment. But the immersion and like seeing how the words are used in more of a colloquial context, like a day-to-day context.

I wouldn’t be able to speak Japanese in a very proper way, but I learn a lot, like the day-to-day conversation, slang, and useful phrases. There are daily expressions for you to do and do every day. So just by talking you pick up on them and what they’re saying in the context and then you internalize it that way. And then if you’re seeing it wrong, you get corrected right away.

So it’s like having seven free Japanese tutors just moving around.

  • – We know that you also make a lot of friends from different share houses of BORDERLESS HOUSE!

Yeah, Borderless House is a bit interconnected, for example, every once in a while, some tenants would come down from Tokyo Borderless House. Also, there are events like the sports days or Momiji.

You have your own community, but you also have a little bit of an extended community.
Events pop up to have the opportunity to meet other people, from outside your house. And interact with them as like, you have your new family here and then you have your extended family inverse of Japan.

Could you give some advice for those who are planning to move to Japan from overseas?

Learn Japanese first! And, just keep your mind open and don’t shut things off because you think that they’re not going to be for you or that scary. Just take the chance, because not making a decision is in itself a decision.

So, go for it to your best and just keep trying.

Working in Japan ▏What is Shukatsu? Job hunting in Japan

Hi, I am Aisha from jimomin.work! Working abroad might be challenging!
Japan is facing the social issue of an aging population and a low birth rate. Consequently, there is a high demand for skilled workers from both local and international companies in Japan.

Process of Shukatsu for university student

Shukatsu 就活 is a Japanese term, short term for shūshoku katsudō which means job hunting. During this time, university students look for full-time jobs before their graduation. One of the unique characteristics of the Japanese job-hunting process is that companies hire new graduates, therefore, most of the students have a job contract when they graduate.

Typical Process of Shukatsu:
1. Find out what you want to do
2. Research on companies
3. Participate in job fairs/job seminars
4. Send entry sheet and/or resume to companies
5. Take written exams and/or SPI tests
6. Interviews (Groups and/or individuals)
7. Wait for the result

The problem faced by foreigners when looking for a job in Japan

One of the biggest problems faced by foreigners when looking for a job in Japan is the language barrier. Many are unfamiliar with the Japanese recruitment system as company explanations and processes are conducted in Japanese. Alongside the language, people also struggle with manners during their job-hunting period. For instance, it is preferred to wear a black suit when going to a job fair or an interview. Even after entering a company, many struggles with “Keigo” or respectful language and business etiquette.

Advice & Suggestions

This does not mean you should give up. But how can you work in Japan? The first would be improving your Japanese language skills, ideally having above Japanese N3 level.
Another way is by consulting with recruiters, preferably those who will guide foreigners. Jimomin.work is one of the employment support services (就職支援サービス). We support foreigners looking for jobs in Japan, matching them to a suitable company for free. For instance:
● Jimomin.work has a FREE Japanese Business Course which will help in becoming familiar with terms used in business
● Help in preparing resumes and interviews
● SNS accounts that share shukatsu information
● Host matching events where job-seekers can find companies who are looking to recruit foreigners. Our previous event had a matching rate of 100%!
● Lastly, one of the obstacles, is SPI tests, and frequent interviews are not required when applying through jimomin.work!


Job hunting can be long and tiring, especially when there is a language barrier. However, you are not alone! There is always help via consulting your career center in your university, recruitment companies and even asking your senpais! You can also talk freely to jimomin.work as well!

Where to Stay in Japan ▏How to find the right match?

Moving to a foreign country can be very daunting. First, you have to find a realtor, maybe one that speaks your language so you’re not struggling with the language barrier. Then you may also have to decide where you want to live, and factor in budget, lifestyle, and what you’re looking for in an accommodation, all of which you might even be done from far overseas.

To resolve your concerns about “where to stay in Japan?“, “how do I find the right match?”, we would like to introduce BORDERLESS HOUSE to you!

Brief introduction of BORDERLESS HOUSE

Many people may think sharehouses are noisy and inconvenient, but that’s certainly not the case! The right sharehouse might actually provide you with peace of mind and solve many of your problems.

At Borderless House, our share houses not only are full of people eager to make friends, but thanks to a multicultural staff, it’s also very stress-free to find the right place to stay. Borderless House staff are quick and responsive, with multiple language support. So staff can help you choose which house best suits what you’re looking for during your time in Japan, and make the reservation process extremely stress-free. It’s even possible to reserve a room within as little as three days!

Merits of choosing to stay at a share house in Tokyo as foreigners

People may travel to Tokyo for many different reasons, so is a share house right for you?
One really wonderful aspect of living at a sharehouse is how quickly you can meet people and make friends. Naturally, you’ll have the chance to learn a lot about many foreign cultures and do a lot of language exchange. And, because Borderless House residents are made up of both Japanese and foreign residents, this also means you have a great support network to help you with many different aspects of living in Japan.

There are over 40 Borderless Houses in Tokyo alone, in various neighborhoods and with their own unique traits. We have picked 5 featured share houses for you, let’s take a look!


Borderless House Honkomagome1 is a new house located in the Ueno/Asakusa/Akihabara area of Tokyo, with ten private rooms! It is also very conveniently located to train lines such as the Tokyo Metro Namboku line and JR Yamanote loop line. These stations are within five minutes away. For anyone who works in areas like Ikebukuro or Shinjuku, a quick fifteen-minute train ride makes commuting very easy.

There is also a very convenient shopping area located not too far away from the house, with supermarkets, drug stores, and bookstores. This Yanaka-Sendagi neighborhood is full of history, once serving as a gateway to old Tokyo, Edo, along the Nakasendo Highway. Today there are also many houses that once served as residences for feudal lords.

One such historic location is the Rikugien Garden, located very nearby. Not only does this offer you a place to get away from the city at times and enjoy some greenery, you’ll also have a great front-row seat to the seasons changing, such as sakura in spring and autumn leaves in fall. Enjoy lovely walks with your roommates any time of year!


For those who really want to live right in the center of Tokyo’s exciting city life, Roppongi1 share house is a great choice! Roppongi is known for being a hotspot for new and exciting shopping, museums, and events.

Roppongi is called a city-within-a-city, because of the interconnectedness of its buildings. There are whole residential, shopping, and business areas around the station, full of stylish shops and cafes to explore. It’s also a great area for events like live music and nightlife, and Roppongi is famous for its stunning view of Tokyo city’s skyline.

The nearest station to the sharehouse is Roppongi station itself, meaning you’re right on the Toei Oedo and Metro Hibiya lines. Shibuya is 7 minutes away, and Shinjuku is only 9! It’s hard to beat that sort of convenience to the most lively areas of Tokyo.

Roppongi1 share house has sixteen private rooms, meaning there are plenty of opportunities to meet other people. The living area has a stylish kitchen and lots of space for hanging out with the rest of your share mates.


Shinagawa is known for being a mostly business district, but for locals living in the area, there are a surprising number of unique things to do and see. If you like day trips, there are even direct trains to Yokohama, and Shinagawa is right on the Tokaido Shinkansen line, going directly to Kyoto and Osaka!

Borderless Shinagawa-Oimachi2 share house is located only a few minutes away from sights such as the Shinagawa Aquarium and Shinagawa Temple. The aquarium especially is popular for dates, and appears in many dramas!

There are also unique museums such as the Archi-Depot Museum, for anyone interested in architecture, and Senkakuji Temple is a historic testament to the famous story of the 47 ronin. This is an area rich with history.

The sharehouse itself is located in a quiet neighborhood, without sacrificing convenience. Located close to a major train station like Shinagawa, it is very surprising to find rooms are so wide and spacious. Because the house has less than ten tenants, it’s a peaceful sharehouse that lets you grow close to your flatmates in a relaxed atmosphere. Enjoy the hominess of this house, and quiet chats in the comfy living room, while still having plenty of privacy in your own room.


Kugahara Station is on the Tokyu Ikegami Line in Ota Ward, Tokyo. With direct access to Kamata in 8 minutes and Gotanda in 17 minutes, it is convenient for commuting.

Denenchofu, an upscale residential area, is located nearby, but Kugahara has the most reasonable rent in Ota Ward. It is a quiet residential area with excellent public safety, making it a safe place to live for both single people and families.

An old-fashioned shopping arcade stretches from in front of the station, and it is full of unique individual stores and convenient shopping for any of your daily needs, with supermarkets open until late no matter what time you arrive home. It is a town where you can relax when you come home without the noise of the city.

A short walk away is the natural beauty of the Tama River, creating a relaxing break from urban living whenever you need a little nature. Wide open spaces are hard to find in Tokyo proper, but at Kugahara you’ll find that’s not the case at all.

Borderless Kugahara share house has a lovely open concept, with lots of airy light and wood features. The rooms are also very wide and spacious, with very big windows and a wrap-around balcony.


Kikukawa1 share house is located in a very popular area of Tokyo, with its location close to the famous Tokyo Sky Tree. With Asakusa only 6 minutes by foot and access to the Toei Shinjuku Line from Kikugawa station, you’ll always have places to go and things to do! Stores and restaurants are all very nearby, making it an extremely convenient location. Akihabara and Ueno can also be easily reached by bike.

Nearby attractions include the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Edo Tokyo Museum. It’s also very close to Ryogoku Kokukigan National Sumo arena! The Sumida and Otani rivers are also very nearby, meaning you have a few lovely quiet areas to hang out not too far away. The Sumida River is particularly famous in spring for cherry blossom viewing!

In spite of its convenience, the house itself is located in a quiet area and has a very cozy atmosphere. With only six tenants total, it’s a great choice for those who want to come back at the end of the day to a nice quiet house. There’s even a lovely rooftop balcony to hang out on the third floor. And then if you ever want to have a more lively get-together, there are two other sharehouses nearby, making it easy to meet up for more fun!


Sharehouses at their best give you the opportunity to live comfortably and conveniently, and also provide valuable opportunities to meet and talk with other people. Just like Tokyo is an incredibly varied metropolis with all manner of people and neighborhoods, Borderless House share houses are very varied as well! No matter what you prefer, there is certainly a house with the right personality for you. Contact us now and we can help you find the right match!

Make friends in a foreign language: Making mistakes is the key to getting comfortable!

Hello! My name is Reimi and I currently live in Japan. Like many of you, I fell in love with Japan a long time ago, and so living here is like making a dream come true. But of course, there are all sorts of obstacles to overcome when it comes to living in a foreign country or learning a new language. Given the chance to write about it, I wanted to write about the difficulties and rewards of learning Japanese. Saying you want to learn a foreign language is definitely easier said than done; you’re not alone in struggling, but it can be so worth it! 


What brings you to Japan?

The answer to this question might be different for each person, of course. Some people move to Japan for work, some come for school. Some have always wanted to visit, interested in the things that make Japan unique, like scenery, art, or food. Some want to learn Japanese or make friends in Japan. Some even come to Japan and end up never leaving! There are even programs that allow one to travel extensively and stay in foreign countries for an extended period of time with accommodation provided, such as work holidays or internship programs.

No matter what one’s reasons are, however, the fact remains that moving to a foreign country gives one a chance to learn about a new culture and learn a new language. They say that travel can teach you about yourself, expanding your horizons and challenging yourself in unfamiliar situations, so imagine how much more you’ll learn when you live somewhere entirely new.


Myself, I’ll have been living in Japan for almost five years total. For most of that time, I came as a student, so making friends was definitely something I was looking forward to. Plus, at the time I moved, I had just barely graduated high school and I had never lived apart from my family, so there were always concerns that I would be isolated without a network as I had back home. I would be fending for myself for the first time – and in a foreign country where I barely spoke the language no less! From the start, I was too excited to think of anything but finally being in Japan for the long term, but my family held a lot of apprehensions about a young woman living alone in a foreign country.

But honestly speaking, if I had to choose one thing, the scariest thing about having moved to Japan is speaking Japanese. There are still times I worry that my language ability is not enough when I am nervous about being able to convey to the other person the things I am thinking. Or that I’m going to misunderstand or be disrespectful.

For a younger me, this was actually really terrifying. I would think to myself: How can I become friends with someone when we don’t speak the same language? Why would they like me when I can’t tell them about myself? When I can’t understand them? When I’m constantly making mistakes?

But as I’ve gotten more comfortable living in Japan, the more I realize that that way of thinking is entirely wrong. As scary as it is, and especially how difficult it is, I think one of the most important things I’ve learned is that making mistakes is the key to getting good.

No one does anything perfectly from the start. No one can automatically play piano without hitting a few wrong notes or ride a bike without falling a few times. Learning a language is no different. Language learning shouldn’t be treated as a one-time test where you are either fluent or you’re not. Learning how to speak a new language and getting comfortable with it will take time. You need to ‘break in’ so to speak.

The easiest way to do this is to simply use it, mistakes and all. Every mistake I have made while learning Japanese makes it easier as well to remember the correction, which in turn gives me the feeling that I’m really improving, even if it’s little by little. And sometimes too, the mistakes I make are the very reason I make friends. Sometimes it’s someone catching an error and generously correcting me, or sometimes it’s a little slip of the tongue that makes us laugh, humor transcending language in a way that needs no translation.

We learn from our mistakes.

When I first moved to Japan, of course, I heard a lot more Japanese than I had in America. I had gotten used to the convenience store routine (‘do you need a bag?’ ‘would you like this warmed up?’ ‘do you have a point card?’), and I could tell which ingredients I needed at the grocery store. But compared to when I first came to Japan, my speaking ability had barely improved at all.

The issue was this: I was not actually speaking Japanese!


All of my friends spoke English. I didn’t have a tv and didn’t even try to read books in Japanese. There were events at school that I did not join, thinking I didn’t speak enough Japanese to be of any help or have any fun. In other words, I was a foreigner living in Japan, without really living in Japan. In other words, I had found myself in the “foreigner bubble” where I was not using Japanese in my life.

Naturally, it’s easier to express yourself the way you want to express yourself when you are using your mother tongue. And no surprise, it can be easier to “click” with another person when you don’t have to first surpass the hurdle of understanding what the other person is saying.

But I think that being able to speak fluently is completely different from being able to communicate, and your language ability will have nothing to do with it!

Every time you speak you are improving your language skills, polishing things like pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Just like riding a bike, practice makes perfect!


So maybe the next question is, how do I start to speak more Japanese? Of course, maybe it’s a little strange to start striking up a conversation with the cashier at the register. But there are many ways to find people in social settings and the more you open yourself up to meeting new people, the more friends you’ll find you’ve made!

Here are a few suggestions:

● You can join clubs and sports meetups to find people with similar hobbies. Sharing similar interests means you already share that common ground!

● Striking up a conversation with someone in a bar or restaurant is another great way to practice and sometimes these spontaneous conversations are extremely good practice because the topics can be diverse. There’s no pressure or goal, it’s just a few folks having a good time over food and drinks!

● If you’re in Japan for school or work, you might be in a great spot to meet people! There are always student activities, like group circles or hangouts. And you can also take advantage of working with the same people every day to strike up conversations in passing or use Japanese in more formal settings. Who knows, maybe you’ll become friends naturally?

● There are also language exchange apps like Hellotalk and HiNative. I’ve met lots of people through these apps, and the best part is that these are people who share the same desire as me: to get better at speaking their chosen language.

Sharehouses! No surprise, sharehouses are great for learning languages! They’re a little like the best of all worlds; they bring together people with similar goals: making friends and learning more about other cultures. Borderless House in particular hosts lots of great events that give tenants a chance to kick back and have fun with one another, so you can really take advantage of the Borderless House’s support network and Borderless Mates network. Another great aspect of sharehouses is that you’re forced to really communicate with each other to live together happily and peacefully. You’ll learn more about other people’s values, unique perspectives, backgrounds, and what inspires them. And better yet, because you live together, it’s only natural that you can become closer a little at a time, day by day.

What do you think?


Truly, it wasn’t until I made a concerted effort to step out of my comfort zone that I felt my language ability starting to improve. And as my language ability began to improve, Japanese also started to become more and more fun and making friends became easier. Even now, I still make plenty of mistakes, but that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s important to remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere, even you, with your native language, and look at you now!

Perhaps you haven’t yet had the chance to visit, but you’d like to experience Japan for yourself! If you’ve found this page, maybe that day is sooner rather than later. Good luck!

Japan Guide│Japan reopens borders to the world!

This is it! After almost three years, Japan finally fully opened its doors to all visitors, including foreign tourists and other arrivals on October 11th, 2022. Short-term visitors will no longer be required to apply for tourist visas as well as with no need to book tours through travel agencies. It’s exciting news for all Japan lovers who have been waiting for visiting or coming back to Japan! 

In this guide, we will be introducing what you need to know before you visit Japan during the post-pandemic. *Please note, the last update of the following information is on October 13th, 2022. Please be sure to check the latest information through Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website regarding entries of international travelers. 

Entering Japan│What to prepare?

Triple-vaccinated travelers are able to freely visit Japan, without any restrictions and are subject to the same conditions as before the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you have NOT been vaccinated with WHO-approved vaccines at least three times, you will need to submit your negative result from a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to departure. Check here for the certain testing methods and certain requirements of the vaccination certificate that Japan recognizes.

And this is the only requirement remaining. 

Travel etiquette in Japan during post-pandemic

Even though it is not against the law to take off your mask outdoors while not talking with others, the majority of people in Japan still continue to wear masks in public spaces in order to prevent infections or spreading the disease. It is good to stay cautious and protect everyone, not only just Covid-19 but also flu or other viral diseases, especially during winter times.

Also, most of the public indoor facilities, such as hotels, restaurants, stores, and museums require visitors and customers to sanitize their hands upon entrance, and usually, there will be hand-sanitizing liquid placed at the entrance, so please be cooperative and show consideration toward others by following those rules. 

FAQ of Entry to Japan

Q1. Will I need to book a guided tour?

No, you can travel as an independent traveler. 

Q2. Will I need to be vaccinated to enter?

No. But if you have not received at least three shots of a vaccine recognized by the WHO, you need to obtain a certificate confirming the negative status of a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to departure for Japan from your country of origin.

Q3. Do I need to quarantine? 

No. Travelers to Japan will no longer be required to quarantine upon arrival.

Q4. Do I need to wear a mask?

Yes. Though the government relaxed its guidance on mask usage, Japanese people still continue to wear masks while going out, especially while riding crowded trains or buses, and entering restaurants and hotels.

Q5. Are there any Apps that I need to download beforehand?

Japanese government recommends using “Fast Track” to speed up the entry procedures at the airport before entering Japan. Also, download the “MySOS” app and register your account and password, and then you can submit your passport, vaccination certificate, and other documents that are required for entry. 

BORDERLESS HOUSE hopes you enjoy your travel experience to the fullest in Japan!

Safe travels!