波波暑期換宿 – 替室友辦個活動吧!

BORDERLESS HOUSE Taiwan在今年舉辦了第一屆的「波波暑期換宿」活動,提供了為期一個月的的免費住宿,給對share house生活有興趣的同學喔!而這次就有四位女孩通過了面試,加入BORDERLESS HOUSE的大家庭,和我們一起體驗共居生活!

而入住Share House除了生活上的互動及文化交流外,室友間的日常小活動也是非常重要的,在這一個月的期間,四位波波們都各自替家中室友舉辦了一場小活動,讓我們一起來看看他們的Vlog和Blog吧!


許多入住BORDERLESS HOUSE的外國室友,都是在台灣學習中文的學生,所以如果生活上能有更多機會練習中文,對他們來說是在好不過了!所以入住了中山2見的波波──品瑄,和好友Bella共同替日本室友舉辦了「Tutorㄅㄆㄇ」的中文課程喔!除了學習中文,還一起寫書法,練習打中國結,讓日本室友們也覺得收穫滿滿!


住在share house裡,迎新送舊是很常有的事情,趁著最近有好幾位新室友加入大安2這個大家庭的機會,波波──宜庭,決定替新室友舉辦一個歡迎會,邀請了所有的室友們加入電影之夜,一起大啖Pizza和超台灣味的鹽酥雞喔!

芝山1:Bye Bye 歡送會

新室友會來,舊室友當然也會有離開的一天,入住芝山1的波波──羽倩,在暑期換宿的尾聲,也正好遇上了來自冰島的室友Kia要回國了,於是羽倩決定替Kia舉辦了bye bye party,而因為來自冰島的Kia非常喜歡騎腳踏車,派對結束後,一夥人還陪著Kia到河堤邊夜騎腳踏車、吹吹風,讓我們來看看羽倩的活動紀錄分享吧!



日本女孩評測 – 9種必吃台灣零食! by 暄淇










入住國際交流Share House除了可以,除了認識新朋友,日常的生活也可以更豐富喔!對共居生活有興趣的朋友,快來加入我們吧!



【New Campaign】Don’t be nervous! Your First Korean Friend is waiting!

Draw on your future in Korea with your First Foreign Friend 🙂
You will have fewer worries and more expectations!

Are you worried about what the Corona situation in Korea is like , what it would be like to live in Korea , and live in the Borderless House?

Thank you for visiting the Borderless House even as the country ‘s immigration restrictions have been made due to the Covid -19.

Borderless House thought about how we could help those who are looking for Korea even in difficult situations.

“When we go abroad, what will make our minds comfortable?”

The biggest help was a friend.

A friend who can ask questions before go,
A friend who will be greeted for the first time as soon as I arrive in Korea ,
A friend who can hang out in Korea.

Borderless will introduce such a friend for the first time.

Ask your first Korean friend about the Korean situation and draw on your future in Korea.

You will have fewer worries and more expectations!

What is ‘My First Foreign Friend’?

It is a program that Borderless House will match you and foreign (Korean) friend to each other in advance before you move in. 

Who are we looking for? 

• New tenants who have decided to move in

ex) New moved Foreign + Korean current tenant
      New moved Korean + Foreign current tenant

A resident living in Borderless House can match a new Korean resident , so please apply comfortably!

You either meet your first foreign friend and be someone ‘s first friend ! 

What is the difference between the existing language exchange program? 

The language exchange program is that focuses on matching Language Exchange partners to share Language needs.

My First Friend program ‘s purpose is to improve the quality of language and cultural exchange experiences.

It is an active matching program that attempts to overcome the situation where it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the global community due to the current Corona situation.

Benefits for My First Friend participants

“I ‘m not afraid to go to Korea!”

Ask your friend! 

– What’s the status of Corona in Korea?
– Where do I see the information about the area I will move in ?
– Where do I buy masks in Korea?

“I ‘m not lonely while I ‘m in quarantine in Korea”

you can play online with your first friend!
If you meet later, plan where you will go and what you: -) 

Borderless House supports your relationship!
Build a lot of memories with your first!

• If you send us a certified shot, the Borderless House will buy the coffee!

• If you two are leading a house meeting with other housemates, Borderless House will buy pizza!

How do you participate? 

Decide to move in> Ask Borderless staff > Matching with tenants
(It may take time to match, depending on the number of applicants. Even if you move in after applying, the matching will proceed normally)

• Apply ㅣ tenant @ borderless-house. com
• Visit the Online Borderless Hosue ㅣ https://www.borderless-house.kr/kr/all/

Then, Borderless would like your attention to be very much appreciated 🙂 

【Online House Tour】 You can check the house in advance even from abroad!


Hello everyone, this is Ayako from Borderless House Seoul.
I hope all are doing well and staying safe.

Today, I would like to share a great service that Borderless House Seoul has been started for the people being interested in our share houses!


We are pleased to announce that we are currently conducting an Online room-viewing! (*Only for common space.) We provide this service to all people who need to see the house before making an decision for reservation. 

Generally, before deciding on which house to move in, many people wish to take a look at the actual property first in order to make the best decision. However, sometimes it’s difficult if you are still abroad or in different cities or too busy to visit, etc. We hope this service helps you a lot!

What is Online room-viewing?

Online room-viewing will be conducted via Skype, KakaoTalk or LINE. Our staff will use video chat to show you around all the common spaces in the house, such as living room, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry space, etc. You will have the opportunity to see how the current condition in the house that you are interested in looks like.

Online room-viewing usually takes about 40 minutes. We will show you the details of the house environment first, and after that, we will also give you some time for questions. Of course, we will offer you all the information that you may need.

What is good about Online room-viewing?

Online room-viewing allows you to do it from anywhere around the world.

Moreover, you will have the chance to speak with the current residents and ask them any questions that you might have or anything that you are curious about. They would be very happy to share their personal experiences with you and give you an idea of how the share house is like.

Online room-viewing is not just convenient but through the real-time look would also be helpful for you in making a decision.

How to apply for Online room-viewing

● If you already decided the house you would like to see.

1. Send us a “Room viewing” request form from our web page of the room/house you are interested in.

2. We will arrange the date and time of your online room-viewing with you.

3. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff will show you the house via Skype, KakaoTalk or LINE whichever you prefer.


● If you have not decided the house you would like to see.

1. Send us an “Inquiry” form. Our staff will email you and give you house suggestions based on your preferences and conditions.

2. Pick the house that you like and send us the “Room viewing” request form from our web page.

3. After we receive the form, we will arrange the date and time of your online room-viewing with you.

4. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff and one of the residents will be showing you the house via Skype, KakaoTalk or LINE whichever you prefer.


Even though we don’t have the chance to visit the house in person, I believe by having a real-time house tour would also help you find the best house in Seoul!


Check our share houses in Seoul. -> Click here!

If you would like to have further information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. -> Click here!

【線上 House Tour】Borderless House開放即時線上看房囉!

大家好,我是Borderless House的Ting。最近大家都過得好嗎?今天我想要跟大家介紹Borderless House最近的「線上看房」服務,希望對Borderless House的物件感興趣及在看這邊文章的你有幫助!

通常,在決定希望入住的Share House以前,有許多人都會希望可以看看真正Share House的環境或是設備等等是什麼樣子,以便選擇到最適合自己的Share House。但是可能卻因為許多不同的原因無法親身到Share House看房。比如說是人尚未在日本,想要在海外直接訂房,或是人正在其他的城市無法到之後要搬過去的城市看房等等。抑或是因為目前因為肺炎的關係,我們正禁止非住客以外的人至Share House參觀看房。

所以Borderless House目前正實施「線上看房」的服務!


「線上看房」透過視訊的方式,使用 Zoom, Skype, 或是 Line等通訊軟體進行。我們的員工以及現在Share House的房客會帶您參觀Share House的客廳、廚房、飯廳、浴室、洗衣空間等所有公共區域,所以您能夠實際看見目前Share House的生活環境,或是看看您所感興趣的Share House的真實樣貌。

「線上看房」的過程大約會花40分鐘左右,除了介紹您Share House的公共設施以及生活環境之外,我們在看房的最後也會讓您向我們目前的房客和員工發問,若是您有關於Share House的任何大大小小問題,或是關於訂房流程及未來入住之後的相關問題都可以在「線上看房」時一次解決!



您有機會可以認識到您未來的室友,或是詢問目前的房客任何關於Share House的問題,以及您所好奇的事情。我們的房客們都會很樂意與您分享他們個人的親身經驗,以及讓您了解到實際入住Share House可能會遇見的問題,或是平常室友們的相處情形等等。

並非只是透過照片或是影片,您能夠感受到Share House真正的氣氛!
好奇Share House是什麼或是想知道Share House是否有什麼規則,都能夠一窺究竟。



2. 收到您的申請表後,我們會與您安排SKYPE通話的時間,以確定您的看房及個人資訊,並在SKYPE通話結束以前和您預約「線上看房」的日期和時間
3. 在您「線上看房」的當日,我們的員工以及現在的房客會透過Zoom, Skype, 或 Line三方通話的方式帶您參觀我們的Share House

1.寄出<諮詢表>給我們。填妥您希望的各種找房條件,我們員工會根據您的需求為您推薦Share House
2. 等您選定喜歡的Share House後,至官網那間Share House的頁面向我們寄出”看房申請表”
3. 收到您的申請表後,我們會與您安排SKYPE通話的時間,以確定您的看房及個人資訊,並在SKYPE通話結束以前和您預約「線上看房」的日期和時間
4. 在您「線上看房」的當日,我們的員工以及現在的房客會透過Zoom, Skype, 或 Line三方通話的方式帶您參觀我們的Share House

雖然現在沒有機會親身到Share House上參觀,但我相信透過「線上看房」能夠幫助您在日本的找房過程中更加順利,找到最適合您、您最喜歡的Share House。

看看東京的Share House
看看關西地區的Share House

【New Campaign】For people coming to Seoul through quarantine

Hello! This is Ayako from Borderless House.

Currently, due to the COVID-19, many people are suffering with this situation.
I hope you and people around you are in safe.

This time, I would like to announce our new campaign! 
Now in Korea, when you arrive and enter the country, you need to be in quarantine for 2 weeks.

If you are planning to come to Korea for study, this quarantine must be a big cost. So we considered how we can help you coming to Seoul all the way.

Half rent discount for 2 months!

What we offer is, after you moved in, your rent for the 2nd month and the 3rd month will be half like this!

1st month: Rent and Utility fee on a pro-rate basis

2nd month: Half rent + Utility fee
3rd month: Half rent + Utility fee
4th month: Normal rent + Utility fee

If your monthly rent is 500,000 won, you can just save one month rent 500,000 won in total! We cannot help you with whole quarantine fee but hope our discount helps you even if only slightly.


There are some conditions to apply this campaign.

-Move in by the end of August
-Stay more than 4 months
-Show the quarantine fee receipt later


If the situation is changed and you don’t need to pay for quarantine before your moving in, half rent will be only for 1 month.

Cancel Policy

For this situation, we revised our cancel policy.

If you cancel 8 days before your move-in day or more days before
→300,000 won will be the cancel fee. We can refund other fees you already paid.

If you cancel 7 days before your move-in day or less days before
→800,000 won will be the cancel fee. We can refund other fees you already paid.

Your future housemates are waiting for you!

It is really confusing situation in the world but our tenants are enjoying daily life with international exchange while keeping be careful not to get the virus. (Please refer to this blog which one of our tenants in Tokyo wrote about the daily life in this situation. →here!)

(When we had an event at one of our houses)


We are looking forward to seeing you!
If you have any question or concern, please feel free to contact us for room search or anything! →here!

Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.












Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.












Find Your Favorite Share House Staying Abroad

Traveling is a favorite hobby of a lot of people. Many people look at it as an opportunity to grow and to get to know oneself better, while others look at it as a chance to learn more about other cultures and traditions. But as we all know, traveling is a time consuming and a little expensive hobby. Not all people can actually afford to just pack their bags and to disappear from the radar for a very long time to roam the foreign lands, and to explore the foreign cultures.

But such people do not need to lose heart because there are many cheap and inexpensive ways of learning more about other traditions and cultures as well. Wondering what they are? Well, one easy method is to meet new people who belong from different cultures and traditions. Through them, you can learn more about foreign customs and traditions. Now, you must be thinking how and where are you going to come across foreign people and how are you going to befriend them. Well, there is yet again a simple answer to this. You can meet them at share houses.

Yes, share houses which are rental spaces that accommodate people from different backgrounds and offer them shelter, are a good place, to begin with. So, for example, say if you are in Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan for a business project or maybe you are living there for your studies, then instead of finding a hostel or renting a flat, a better strategy is to rent a bed in a share house. This will give you an opportunity to live with the natives and other foreign people which will aid you in learning more about their culture and in saving you some money in case you actually decide to travel to someplace in the future.

But apart from these benefits, living in a share house incurs some other big advantages as well. So, for example, by living in a share house in say, Taiwan or Japan, you don’t just get the opportunity to learn more about the local food and language of that place by interacting with natives, but you also get to enjoy the special benefits (like gardens or music studios) that some of these share houses offer. Now, if we have piqued your interest and you are excited to know in detail about the benefits offered, then read our next section!

How do share houses help in cultivating old interests?

Living in a share house is a different and a must-try experience. While there, you learn to relish your independence, you increase your knowledge about new countries and traditions and you also get a chance to re-kindle your old habits. While getting the native experience of the place, living in a share house will also help you in cultivating your personal interests as well.


Apart from pets, there are many other hobbies and interests that can be re-kindled while living in a share house have special facilities. Some of them are as follows-

● Share houses with Terrace or garden

Share houses typically accommodate many people. As a result of which they are spread across many meters of land and their sizes and areas are generally wide. This, in turn, means that such properties, a lot of time, have some free space that they utilize for other purposes like for construction of a terrace or for creating a garden. This is a great drawing point for renters who are looking for shelter.
Now, if you are also one of those people who occasionally like to soak in the rays of the sun, or who have a soft corner in their heart for gardening, then the prospect of living in a share house with a terrace or garden should make you extremely happy. This is because if you could find yourself such a place while living in a foreign land, then your hobbies like sunbathing or gardening will never let you feel alone or bored. Plus, during your stay you will likely come across other like-minded people, who will make living here more fun for you!


● Private water supply in rooms

If you have always had a private bathroom since you were born, then it can become difficult for you to share one with other people whom you barely know. Also, from the point of view of hygiene and cleaning, it is usually a good idea to have a private bathroom at your place. Now, the good news is that at some share houses you can get this condition fulfilled.
Yes, some share houses have installed water supply in the rooms. This way the residents are never forced to share their toilets or showers with other housemates. This count for a whole lot when you are living in a foreign space and it can make your life potentially easier.


● Properties that offer rooftop

Sometimes maybe because you are feeling dull or because you need some alone time with yourself you seek a place where you can be away from people, maybe somewhere in an open space. Now, if you are living in a hostel or a flat, finding such an open and alone space can be a little troublesome with so many people around. But that is not the case with some of the share houses that you can locate in Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan.
This is because some share houses have special facilities where they offer their residents a rooftop that they can visit at any time. So, if you are feeling the need for some me-time while you are living in a share house you know where to head to. Plus, in the comfortable and light weather, a rooftop is a good place to be as it soothes and nourishes your soul. Lastly, with an amazing rooftop, you also get the chance to organize a small get together with your housemates and friends where you can dwell with a drink in your hand and occasionally strum a tune or two on your guitar while singing along to the lyrics with other people.


● Properties with music studios

If you love music and you know how to play an instrument or two, then you should probably search for a share house that comes with a music studio. Even for newcomers and unpractised musicians who love music, but do not have much understanding of rhythms or tunes, such a place is a nice residence option as it offers them shelter and a platform to learn. Plus, it also costs very less.
Share houses with music studios are also a very good option for a place of residence because here music lovers get a chance to reside with like-minded people. This means that if you like music and you love discussing it with other people then living in a share house with a music studio will be akin to the experience of a book lover who just got permitted to live in a library! Also, living here would mean unlimited musical jam sessions and bonfire strumming where no other residents or neighbors will complain. It is amazing, isn’t it?!


● Property with a movie theatre

Some people are outgoing and friendly by nature, while some others are introverts and they prefer spending their time alone in their room or maybe with their closely-knit circle of friends. And to pass their time such people either like to rely upon their books or they love watching movies with their beverages in hand.
Well, we have good news for such people, which is that some of the new share houses in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan have decided to offer their residents a place to live that has small movie theatre equipment. This means that if you are not a very outgoing person but you prefer spending your weekends while watching a fun movie and munching on your popcorn, then now it is not necessary for you to dress up and to head out for living this experience because now this experience comes to your home!
So, whether it is movies, video games, video calling your friends, or having dinner in an online meeting with someone whose company you cherish, the task has become quite easy.



Thus, we can see that share houses are a very preferable means of shelter as they are not only cheap and comfortable but because they provide many opportunities to the residents to rekindle their old hobbies and talents as well. So, if you are soon going to be moving to a new place for your studies or a business project, then try finding yourself a perfect sharehouse for staying abroad. We promise that you will absolutely cherish this experience!

Share House Photos from BORDERLESS HOUSE







House Sharing Will Be A Good Way Of Living To Save Money

When moving to a new country, people have to start their lives out. They have a new job, must meet new people, make some friends, and they live in different surroundings. As exciting as it sounds, it can also be exhausting to adjust to everything new at once. It will also undoubtedly be expensive.

According to most foreigners that have moved to foreign countries, the biggest challenge that they faced after the move was finding accommodations. Some people end up at expensive studio apartments due to a lack of choice, others have to compromise on the locality of the apartment or pay high rents to enjoy a comfortable stay.

Not every house owner in east Asian countries is willing to rent their place to foreigners, and even then most of them ask for a local cosigner to guarantee on behalf of the tenant. The language and the cultural gap make local people feel that foreigners won’t understand them or get along with them. This is why they make no compromises on security money and ask for higher rents from foreigners.

Making a move can be an extensive and lifechanging task, which often disheartens people. Without friends and family around, they find it difficult to conduct an apartment search.

The solutions to all of the problems faced during apartment searching are offered by share houses. Share houses are rental houses with multiple rooms available for rent. While people have separate rooms, they also have common areas like the living room and kitchen. Share houses are mostly found in cities where the number of foreigners living in the city is high. The primary goal of a share house is to make sure that foreigners do not find it difficult to adjust to the new country.

Compared to apartments, share houses are a cheaper alternative for a comfortable accommodation. Along with clean rooms and basic amenities, share houses provide an opportunity for foreigners to make friends in the city.

People living at share houses are able to save money and have more flexibility in terms of the contract. If you’re on a small budget and are considering a move to countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, you might want to go through this article on how house-sharing could be a good way of living to save money.

Avoid Long Contract Periods

Most apartment rental contracts are signed for one year. The tenants have not experienced life in those apartments before signing the agreement. This is why when they experience some challenges living there, they are unable to move as they are bound by the contract. If they have to move by breaking the contract, they might have to pay a penalty.
Moreover, if you are required to move back to your country or some other place due to unexpected circumstances, then you will have to break the contract and will be charged.

Living in a share house is more flexible in situations like these. When living at a share house, if you do not like the place you are at, you can easily move out. Share houses are rented for shorter periods of time, so if you’re moving to a foreign country only for 6 months, staying at a share house could be your best money-saving bet.

Most share houses offer a room for the minimum stay of 1 month. Even if you are asked to sign a yearly contract, it will include a clause that if you give 30-45 days notice before moving out, then you will not be charged a penalty for moving out with less than a month’s notice. This offers relief to tenants who are unsure about the period of their stay in the nation.

Fully-Furnished Rentals

When having moved to a new apartment, you will need to furnish it as soon as possible for normal life to begin. Some of the furniture and appliances that you will need during your stay include a bed, table, cupboard, refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, air conditioning, etc. Buying furniture and appliances is a big investment. These items will likely cost you around one month’s rent.

Share houses are fully-furnished to ensure comfort. Every room has a bed and cupboard, whereas the common rooms, kitchen, and bathrooms are equipped with all the required furniture and appliances. The bed, pillows. cupboard, etc. are offered at a one-time fee that is below 10000 Yen.

When someone moves to a share house, they only need to carry their everyday personal belongings. They do not need to spend money on furniture or decor and therefore are able to save money. They are able to use appliances that they might not have purchased themselves if they were to rent a private apartment. For example, a dishwasher.

When they move to another country, they do not have to worry about selling or transporting furniture and appliances. This takes a lot of cost load that they are already bearing, off of their shoulders.

Many share houses even offer luxury amenities like a home theatre and fitness studio for the housemates. This is done to attract people to the share house and provide value for their money.

Free Internet

Whether you are a student, working professional, or tourist, the internet is a necessity for everyone. It helps people stay connected, updated, and entertained. To enjoy seamless internet connectivity, most people have Wi-Fi installed at their apartments.

Setting up the internet at your apartment will be some cost to you. You will also have to pay some extra cost in the beginning. There are not many landlords that will provide free internet to their tenants. However, share houses offer free internet connectivity to all its housemates at no extra cost.

The cost of the internet is already included in the monthly rent. The internet connectivity is strong and the housemates can enjoy smooth surfing. Access to the internet is limited to the housemates to avoid usage by outsiders which would cause poor connectivity.

Less Initial Fees

Share house managers do not expect you to pay a few month’s rent as security or downpayment. The initial fee is comparatively much lower than what is charged by apartment landlords. This enables most people to expand their budget and rent a room at a luxury share house. They are even able to spend money on sightseeing around the new country.
The initial fee at the BORDERLESS HOUSES is more reasonable compared to a typical apartment or condominium.

It does not matter which country you move to, the brokerage costs are usually high. While brokers are quite efficient at finding accommodations, they are often working in their best interests rather than yours. When renting a share house, you can eliminate the need for hiring a broker. Share houses are easy to find as they usually have an online presence. When renting a room at a share house, you will not have to hire a broker and can directly contact the manager. This will help you save some money.

Lower Rents

With the increase in the number of foreigners coming to east Asian countries and local people moving to industrial areas, cities are getting crowded. This has led to a hike in rental prices in the city. For example, on average, renting an ordinary apartment in a good Japanese locality will cost you somewhere between 97000 Yen to 200000 Yen per month. The rent will depend on the city that you live in, the size of the apartment, proximity to the market or train stations, and the amenities offered.

The monthly rent of staying a share house is lower than that of renting an apartment. If you have a low budget, you can also rent a bed in a shared room or dormitory. This way, you will be able to use all the house amenities, without having to pay for a private room.

The downpayment is lower at share houses and the maintenance fee is reasonable. What’s more, most share houses are located near train stations and in low-crime localities. They offer easy connectivity to most places in the city and do not empty the tenant’s pockets.


Quite evidently, the process of finding an accommodation in Japan for reasonable prices can be an exhausting task. Add to that the expenses that come with moving to a new place, like buying home appliances and paying maintenance costs. However, worry not, because you can always rent a room at a share house and save yourself some money.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is a share house company with many share houses in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The ratio of local people and foreigners at these share houses is kept equal. The motto of the company is to welcome the people that stay there and ensure their comfort. At BORDERLESS HOUSE, the rooms are rented at affordable prices, and the company offers shared rooms and dorms for people with lower budgets.

If you have recently moved to Japan and are looking for accommodation to ensure a comfortable stay, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE.










【Borderless residents】At the age of thirty, I decided to move into this international shared house to work abroad in the future

Borderless house is a multicultural ‘community’ share house in which young people from all over the world cultivate international cultural exchange by gathering and living under one roof.

This cross-cultural share house provides not only an opportunity for improving your English skills but also a chance to create a great community of locals and foreigners, as well as an opportunity to learn new perspectives.

Many of our tenants from all over the world have a unique sense of humor and experiences that you could never imagine.

From this, we started a new project called “Borderless tenants”, which consists of interviewing tenants about how they have changed or grew as a person through their experiences at Borderless house.

The second interviewee of this series is Mr. guhee, a tenant of Borderless house for the last year and a half. He chose to live here because he decided to start studying English before he turns 30 years old.

We asked him about his great progress in his English skills and his change from a Japanese to a foreign company.

My big change before turning 30.Start your preparation for working abroad at Borderless house.

ーThank you for joining us. Please introduce yourself.
My name is Gohee. I will turn 32 years old this year. My housemates call me ‘Gohee or Gucchi’.

I have been living in the Shinagawa-oimachi house since October 2018, so for almost one and a half years. I love sports and play tennis and go bouldering quite often. Before COVID19, my housemates and I used to go play sports together once a week.

I like cooking as well, so I would sometimes cook for my housemates or we would cook together.

ーWhat made you move into Borderless house?
Just before turning 30 years old, I was looking back on my career and thought that I would like to try working abroad. Then I decided to start studying English to achieve this, and that is why I decided to move into Borderless House.
When I asked my friend for advice, he said ‘quit your job now and go study abroad’

However, I didn’t want to quit my job at the time, so I was looking for a better option. This was when I decided to study English on my own.

I started looking for a share house that would allow me to live with people from other countries and

found Borderless House.

ーSo you decided to move into a share house at the age of 30! Were you living alone until then?
Yes, I have lived by myself for 7 years in Tokyo and this was my first time living in a sharehouse.

The most impressive moment for me was my housemates threw a birthday party for me on the day I moved in

ーDid you have any problems whilst living with others?
A lot of things left an impression on me, rather than actual problems.
The day that I had moved in may have left the biggest impression on me.

That day happened to be the day of housemate’s birthday party.

I was invited to go to see the fireworks by my housemates. So I went with them in the afternoon without even unpacking and celebrated his birthday at a Yakiniku restaurant.

On my first day…even though I didn’t know their faces and names yet, my housemates didn’t mind at all and took me with them. I still remember the feelings of surprise and confusion I felt that day very clearly.

ーGoing to see fireworks with your housemates on your very first day… That’s quite a unique experience! Are there any other memories that stand out for you?
My birthday party that was held 2 weeks after I moved in is also quite a good memory.
I was never able to show off my talent of “making nigiri sushi” until then, but it finally came in handy and it was a great hit.

I served my handmade Sushi to everyone and my housemates, especially my non-Japanese housemates were very impressed with how people can make Sushi by themselves!

At the Oimachi House, we always hold birthday parties and farewell parties for everyone and each of them is very good memories for me.


ーIt is fantastic that a tradition of celebrating and sending people off has been built already in your Sharehouse. Do you go out together often?

We go out together often. We’ve been to Roppongi and Yoyogi-park to have picnics, we’ve attended a glass-making workshop, etc.
I like planning events and asking people to join, so last summer I made my own Nagashi-somen and it was a big hit!

Sharehouse is a place for practice; I learned English through my daily life

ーIs there anything you decided to try out after moving in the sharehouse?
My main objective behind living in Sharehouse was learning English, so I mainly tried studying and improving my ability to communicate in English.
When I moved in, I didn’t speak English so it was hard to communicate with my housemates, especially for the first 2 months. I just studied every day.
Other things that I tried to do besides studying by myself are going out with housemates, as well as attending parties and events to communicate with them more on my day off. Because of this, after a while, my English started to improve.

ーWhat else did you do to learn English? Please give us more details.
One of my housemates works at an English conversation school, so I studied with the textbooks and vocabulary books that he/she recommended.
One of the good aspects of living in an international share house is how I was able to try using new words and phrases in conversations with my housemates right after learning them.

ーHave your housemates helped with your studies?
As there were 10 non-Japanese residents in my share house at that time, and most of them didn’t speak Japanese, I was able to learn English by just being with them.
My housemates also helped me by giving me vocabulary quizzes when I was studying in the living room.
When I was studying for the TOEIC exam, they helped me until 2 in the morning.

ーHow much did your TOEIC score improve?
My score was in the 400s when I first moved in, but after a year at the share house, my score improved and went over 800. The fact that my score improved even though I didn’t study exclusively for the test and was only studying the basics made me realize how much my English improved. It made me really happy.

Was the greatest change you saw in yourself since moving in the improvement of your English skills? 
While this is true, I think making friends from all over the world and experiencing first hand the differences in our ways of thinking was a larger change for me. I’d never had friends from foreign countries so it was very new to me.

For example, even though I knew that different countries have differences in education, there was never a chance for me to ask what kind of education they grew up with. It was interesting to learn what was different from Japanese education.
ーHas this change been useful in your daily life?
Since I live with housemates who have different perspectives, it became easier for me to accept different perspectives that people of different generations have.

My coworkers range from those in their 20s to those in their 50s and their perspectives are very different. Now I’ve changed and started to think “it’s normal for people to have different opinions, so how do we go about this?” whilst working.

There are more career options for me as my English has been improved

ーWhat made you decide to change your job?
Because my goal was to work abroad when I moved to the Borderless House, I thought my first step was to find a job where I can use English.

When I first moved in, I needed time to get used to the share house and study English. After about 6 months after moving in, I had become more confident in my English skills and then decided to look into changing my job more seriously.

ーWhat were your criteria when you were looking for a job? What did you prioritize?
As I had no experience using English in my career, I knew it would be difficult for me to work for a company that uses English as its official language. Therefore, I started by applying for Japanese companies, because I thought there would be a higher chance of me getting hired. However, it became possible for me to apply to foreign companies after my TOEIC scores improved and I had more options available to me.

ーWhat made you decide to work at your current company?
First of all, the company has offices in 15 countries worldwide, so it allows opportunities of getting transferred to foreign branches. Second of all, while the company’s official language is English, most of the company’s clients are Japanese businesses, so I am able to use both Japanese and English for communication. I think this is a good work environment for me, as I have just been studying English for a year.

ーBesides learning English, were there any other advantages in living in Borderless house whilst looking for a job?

It was good that I was able to get inside information on foreign companies that I didn’t know about. After I started applying for foreign companies, I realized how few foreign companies Japanese people knew about.

Before applying for the job, I wasn’t aware of the company I work for now. My British housemate gave me information and advice about it, and that was what made me apply.

I am grateful for being able to learn about various foreign companies from housemates who are from the county the company originated in.

ーWhat are your future goals now that you’ve experienced living in Borderless House?

My goal when I was 30 years old was to work abroad, but now my goal is to move to a foreign country by the time that I am 40.

The first step for me now is to be transferred to a foreign branch.

ーYou had said before that you didn’t know which country you would like to live in. How about now? Do you have a certain country in your mind?
I would like to try living in an English speaking country first.

However, I would love to live in Germany eventually. Before changing jobs I had the opportunity to go see a past housemate and traveled across 4 countries in Europe for the first time. I was very drawn to Germany then.

There is more than one way to learn English. However, being able to make friends from all over the world is the greatest benefit to stay at a share house

ーFinally, please give one piece of advice to our future tenants!
There are many ways to learn English. You can go to a language school, using on-line English conversation classes, YouTube, etc.
But, if you live in Borderless house, you will not only learn English. You will also be able to learn different values and perspectives. The best part about living in Borderless house is that it allows you to make friends from all over the world!

ーYour story of setting goals, taking measures towards achieving that goal will surely be helpful for future tenants thinking of joining with the intention of learning English! Thank you so much for your fantastic story Guhee-san!

Editor’s Note

What did you think about Higuchi-san’s story?

Please refer to Higuchi-san’s notes when thinking about life at the sharehouse or finding a new way to learn English. He has shared his specific methods of studying and his process of finding a new job.

gooheeさんHiguchi-san’s Notes

Meeting new people will definitely lead to a great change.

Borderless house is filled with unique and diverse people from all over the world.

Why don’t you join us and experience “change”?