House Sharing Will Bring You Socializing Opportunities

A house is much more than just a roof over your head which protects you from the sun or rain. Instead, it is also a sanctuary, a comforting, silent, and safe space and at times also an investment. A house is a place where you stay protected from all the physical, intellectual, and emotional troubles and where you grow independently from the outer world. The facilities that your home offers determine your living standards and your quality of life. Hence, maybe now, you can get an idea regarding how housing decisions are significant and why such decisions should be made with utmost care.

But finding a house in a new space is a tricky process. When you move or shift to a new city or country, housing becomes a bit of a problem. It is so because now you have on your hand, the task of finding a living space, that fits your budget, is situated in a nice locality and which has all the essential facilities and services available. And you have to accomplish this task in a place that is completely foreign to you. So, now you can probably see why some people think of seeking a house in a new country as a daunting task.

However, the good news is that now, with the people and techs changing at a rapid pace, housing issues are getting resolved. Plus, the concepts of renting today have also modified. Unlike earlier, when a tenant was required to rent a whole space for him, today one can rent and share a house with others. Thus, by practicing house sharing one can reduce his expenses while at the same time score some exciting socializing opportunities. So, now if you are interested in knowing more about the share housing system and you want to learn about its socializing and other benefits, then come let’s begin the discussion. Here it goes!

What are share houses?

Share houses are an excellent option to find a living space when you have moved into a foreign country. These houses are especially the right option for people who are in abroad for educational purposes and can’t afford to spend much on housing or for people who have come to the foreign landscape on business and won’t be staying there for too long. For both these people, share houses turn out to be a welcome option as some of them are foreigner-friendly renting spaces that both help in saving money and in meeting new and interesting people.

To facilitate easier understanding, one can think of share houses as homes where a group of people live together under the same roof. Now while living in a share house means you cannot decide who you share the space with, still the choice to decide your room is your own. You can opt from a variety of options like a single room, a double room, a room with three or more tenants, or even an apartment styled room where you have an attached toilet and shower. There are tons of available options!

How does share housing offer socializing benefits?

When you move into a new country or a new city one problem that you face is socializing. Even though the world is now a very global space still at some places you may find residents reluctant to bond with the foreigners at least initially. Add to this the issue of a language barrier in case you don’t speak the local language fluently and you can pretty much imagine yourself living in isolation for the first few months. When you are away from your friends and family who act as your support system, this might feel depressing.

But with share houses, this problem gets resolved naturally. This is so because in share houses you can find dozens of people who are in a similar condition as yours. They are there in a foreign land trying to work or study while fighting the feelings of isolation and loneliness. They miss their families and they are eager to make new friends. Now since you are living with them and spending a lot of time together you will discover that befriending such people is actually quite easy! All it takes is to find a common ground and socializing is no more a problem.

However, if you are still not convinced and have some doubts about the socializing benefits of a share house then in our next part all your doubts will fade!

How does share housing help in socializing?

Staying in share housing can make it easier to make friends because …

It houses a large number of people

When you are living in share houses there are so many people around who belong from different cultures and different traditions. Now at the first glance, you may find it as a con, but if you are one of those social people who love to interact with new buddies and who like to learn about different cultures then living at a share house will mean having the time of your life!
This is so because now you will have so many people to learn from about different cuisines, different languages, different traditions and what not! Hence, if you are a social butterfly and you love to gather and hang around then this big space will be a perfect home for you. Plus, if you ever get bored here then all you have to do is to literally just walk out of your room and you will be surrounded by people!

You find mutual hobby friends

Because share houses are big spaces with a bunch of different people living together, hence it is always a possibility that you will come across someone who will share mutual interests with you. You can never imagine who that person might be, which just makes this process of making ‘new’ friends all the more fun!
Also, once you will have your mutual hobby friends at your side, then you will never be alone. This is so because now you will be able to always seek them out to spend some time together in order to chat non-stop about your common interests or to discuss new developments. On the off days, you will even get a chance to practice your hobbies and interests together and to enjoy some relaxing downtime!

Opportunity for international exchange

At some share houses, they offer residence to both the local and international people. This is a great opportunity for the international people as now they get a chance to mingle with the local folk and to learn from them about their language, food, and culture. Can there be anything better than that? I mean you can practically think of this as a ‘culture tuition’ class minus the expensive fee.
Hence, at share houses, you get a chance to enjoy the taste of the local life without any fears. You can now hang around the new places with your brand-new local buddy without being anxious all the time about doing something inadequate or stupid. This experience is just having your own guide-cum-close friend.

Living in student only properties

If you are a student and you are in a foreign landscape to learn then you have the choice to seek the share housing spaces that only offer residence to foreign residents. This will be great for you because living with fellow students will save you from being distracted and from losing sight of your goal. Plus, if you ever need any help with the studies then you would just need to knock on the next door and you will have help. Hence, student share housing properties are a cool way of both studying and living!

Animal lovers and pet-friendly properties

Well, if you love animals but have never gotten around to getting your own pet, maybe because you cannot afford it or because you are afraid of taking over the big responsibility, then living at a pet-friendly share housing property is your chance! Yes, imagine living around all those cute fluffy animals! Aren’t you already tempted?
Plus, living under the same roof with the friendly pet owners is in your favor too, because now you will get to learn about taking care of the pet animals from the experienced people without even paying! It is like getting access to the theoretical and practical lessons of pet caring until you feel ready and confident to get your pet.

Music lovers and properties with music studios

Now if you love music and enjoy humming or singing songs then while searching for share houses you can look for the ones that have music studios of their own. This way you will be able to practice and enhance your music skills. Plus, with all the other music lovers you will always have a chance to learn something new from someone. How awesome is that?!


Thus, from the above discussion, we can conclude that share housing is a great accommodation option if the very idea of living with strangers doesn’t scare you off. Living there you will help you in socializing with new people and in making fast friends. Plus, on the off-side, you will be able to learn so much!

【NEWS】 6-months Contract with 10% Discount!


Hello, this is Borderless House.
Hope you are doing well!

Today, we announce our new type of the contract.

Originally our basic contract was for 1 year and you can move out anytime in 1 year as long as you notice us by 30 days before.

In case you already know the exact move-out day when you reserved, the period can be exactly the months and days you stay.

This time, we started to have a new type of the contract with discount for the people who are planning to live more than 6 months.

New Contract Type

<Contract type>  6 months contract
<Feature>  You get 10% off on your monthly rent for 6 months.


*The deposit amount is same (₩500,000).
*The utility fee (Water, Gas, Electricity and Internet) is not discounted.
*If you move out within 6 months, we cannot refund all deposit.

Other Information

We are afraid that we cannot refund the rent for the people who have been already living in our house more than 6 months. If you are planning to live more than 6 months from November, we can have the new contract with the discounted rent from November.


If you have any question, please feel free to contact us. -> HERE
Have a nice day!

【Moving • Disposal Service in Japan】Simple and convenient! Make your next move to share house as smooth as possible!


Are you looking for more encounters with people and planning to move into a share house from your own apartment? Are you relocating to Tokyo from other cities in Japan? If so, you might face some problems like how to move all your belongings and what to do with unnecessary items and furniture, etc.

Don’t worry!! Let us put your worries to rest!

Here is a moving service to assist in helping you relocate your belongings to your new home, moreover, this company would also buy your old furniture appliances from you!

Let’s check this new service out!

We are offering Moving & Disposal Service!!

BORDERLESS HOUSE is now cooperating with a moving company called「Treasure Factory Co.」and we are starting 「Moving & Disposal Service」for the people who will be moving into BORDERLESS HOUSE from anywhere in Japan!

※Website: トレファク引越

If you are introduced by BORDERLESS HOUSE,
the price of selling items will be「10% higher than the original price!!!」
You can also get a 「20% discount from the original price 」for the moving fee!

Since it’s fully furnished at BORDERLESS HOUSE, your old furniture and appliances will no longer be needed if you move into a share house. You can sell them and just bring a suitcase then easily dive into the new world of international exchange sharehouse!

The moving cost will be less as you can sell unnecessary items.
You may even make some money or without paying any moving fee!


Simple Processes!!
1:First, go to the website of トレファク引越  and click「無料の見積もり依頼」(Free Inquiry) to fill out the required information.
2:Please write down「BORDERLESS HOUSE(Tokyo)」or「BORDERLESS HOUSE(Kansai)」for 「ご紹介元」(Introduced by)。

3:Then, the staff from トレファク引越 will visit your current living place to give you a quote.
4:On your move-in day to BORDERLESS HOUSE, they will help your move and disposal
5:Receive your belongings at the share house

That’s all!!

トレファク引越 will help you moving all of your personal belongings, including clothes or futon!

~Please Note~
1:If you didn’t write「BORDERLESS HOUSE(Tokyo)」or「BORDERLESS HOUSE(Kansai)」for「ご紹介元」(Introduced by), you might not be able to get the discount.
2:There’s a possibility that you’ll need to pay for the disposal of non-recyclable furniture.
3:Large-sized furniture, such as television or refrigerator is not allowed to bring to BORDERLESS HOUSE.

For details, please check the「よくある質問」(FAQ) on the website of トレファク引越 *Japanese Language only

You can spend way less money than you thought of moving into a share house!!

★Feel free to EMAIL us if you have any questions★

★Check our Share Houses in Japan★

➤Share House in Tokyo

➤Share House in Osaka • Kyoto • Kobe


How to Build Community in Borderless House as a Foreigner

Hi, this is Claire from Borderless House! I’m here this time to talk about a really important topic, which is how to make friends and build a supportive community as a foreigner in one of the Borderless House.

Effortless Sharehouse Community

To be honest, when I decided to move to Japan last year, I was only considering living alone in an apartment next to my workplace. However, I ultimately wasn’t able to secure a place and was forced to choose another option. Although at the time I was sad that I lost my opportunity to live solo in Japan, I am forever grateful that I was able to instead find a home at Borderless House. It will forever be one of the best decisions I made throughout the past year. I am a social person, and with limited opportunities to meet people around my age group at work, as well as an irrational fear of going places by myself, living alone would have certainly ended in a lonely disaster.

Needless to say, it is important to have a strong support system when moving to a different country. One way to immediately set yourself up for success in making friends and community when moving to Japan is by choosing sharehouse accommodations that allows you to make both foreign and Japanese friends! You will be able to relate to your foreign friends as a fellow non-Japanese resident, and also will be able to get a more authentic experience of Japan through the knowledge and camaraderie of your Japanese friends.

My Sharehouse

This leads me to my current situation. Since the beginning of August 2019, I have been living in one of the Borderless House in Tokyo with 14 other housemates. I often find myself using the words “friends” or “family” to describe my fellow sharehouse residents, as there is an extremely special bond that forms when you get to go through daily life with other people. When I began my time at the sharehouse, I chose to live in a single room which meant that I was able to slowly get to know my housemates when hanging out in the common areas and go back to my room if I ever felt overwhelmed or needed some quiet alone time. Since getting to know my housemates, I recently decided to live in a share-room with one of my closest housemates. I was skeptical about staying in a shared room at first as I felt like I wanted to have my own independence and space in a single room. However, looking back I honestly wish that I had made the move to a shared room sooner as I have formed even deeper bonds with my Japanese roommate, making it feel like I have a sister here who I can talk to about anything.

What makes Borderless House so special is that it keeps the ratio of its houses to 1:1 in terms of both nationality (Japanese/foreigner) and gender (male/female). I am always tempted to make friends with people who are very similar to me, which means that I most likely would have only made female, American friends here in Japan. Now, of course, having friends who are similar to you and who understand your background are by no means bad. However, now living at the house, I have come to realize the deep value of making friends with people who come from backgrounds are different from my own. I have been moved while listening to the stories of my housemates; I get to see the love they have for their family when they speak about their hometowns, feel my mouth water when they describe their favorite foods back home and be inspired hearing about their goals and aspirations for the future. Because of these interactions, my own mindset has expanded and thanks to my housemates I believe I have become a more compassionate and understanding person. I am now much more able to step out of my comfort zone and have overcome some of my timidness.

BH Online Language Exchange Program

One question that may come up for some readers is “How do I form a community in Japan before moving there?” Recently, due to the Coronavirus, many people have missed out on the opportunity to come to Japan and Borderless House has responded by creating a Language Exchange Program where you can get matched with a current resident Borderless House sharehouses here in Tokyo! Not only will you be able to connect with Japanese residents and practice Japanese, but due to Borderless Houses’ unique mix of people, you also have the option to learn a variety of languages and cultures from around the world. By speaking with residents you can prepare for your trip to Japan by getting insider knowledge about Japan from a Japanese resident, or get answers to your questions and worries through the real-time perspective of a foreigner living in Japan. Why not join the program and start building a community in Japan ahead of time? Your language partner is waiting to meet you!!

In-person Meet-ups

Just as it is important to build friends outside of your family circle, of course, it is also important to branch out and have friends outside of your share house or other living accommodations. Given that Japan is becoming more international with each successive year, you are never alone in your desire to make friends and meet new people. One way to get connected to this community is through Meetup, which offers a platform for people to create get-togethers and events in Tokyo. Events are usually associated with shared interests such as sports, coding, gaming, language exchange etc. It can feel a bit intimidating at first to step into a room full of strangers, but remember that everyone attending the event shares the common goal of making friends. Walk into the even confidently and with a smile, and you will be surprised at the amount of people who will want to hear your life story and be friends with you! I have had a very positive experience at these events and made some lasting friends, both Japanese and foreigner. If you don’t have a strong inclination towards any of the interest group meet-ups offered, one of the easiest ways to get involved in the meet-up community is through attending a language exchange event; Grab one of your Japanese housemates and go to a Japanese-foreign language exchange together!

Sports and Interest Clubs

↑↑goofing off with my swim teammate

Another way to create a fast and lasting community is through joining an established sports or interest group. Many of the same types of clubs and groups that existed in your home country also exist in Japan! It’s a great opportunity to use your Japanese skills in a familiar setting. As I was a swimmer in America for 17 years, I decided that one way for me to create friends here in Tokyo was to join the swimming community in Tokyo. Doing something that I am familiar with while meeting new people helped me have the confidence necessary to step out of my shell and interact with others. I was able to learn new swim-related Japanese and improve on my skills at the same time! Within my own share house there are people like me who are involved in familiar hobbies by being a part of music groups and bouldering teams. You should also feel free to take up a new hobby if you want to! In addition to swimming, I started taking dance classes for the first time in my life, and although it is extremely far out of my comfort zone, after going to class consistently for a few months, I have made incredible friends and have become a member of the dance studio members club!!

In contrast to Meetup events, joining an established club or community makes it more likely that you will continually meet with the same people each week, making it easier to build a long-lasting community. To find these groups, you may need to network a bit and do some google searching, but usually sports and other interest communities are vast and eager to help. If you are a college alumni, see if there are any alumni in Tokyo that you can reach out to, and with social media it is easier than ever to find people with similar interests who are living closeby. Don’t be afraid to contact people out of the blue. Humans are social animals and we love to connect and help each other, so don’t be intimidated!

Other Advice and Take-aways

When first moving to Tokyo from a foreign country, making friends can seem intimidating. Borderless House undoubtedly is an immediate way to make lasting friends and connections, and we are ready to welcome you with open arms! For making friends outside of your sharehouse family setting, my best piece of advice is to find like-minded people with similar interests. As many things are new and unfamiliar, find a situation where you can feel most comfortable and freely express your personality. Be sure that you also consistently show up to each meeting or practice if you join a group- building connections takes time and effort!

However, make sure that for each comfort zone that you have here in Japan, you find another place that challenges you to grow. One pitfall that I would caution against is only joining an international community during your time here in Japan. Again, joining a Borderless House and some of our programs, such as the Online Language Exchange, are easy ways to make sure that you will be able to immerse yourself in Japanese language and culture by making connections with locals. Don’t be afraid to join clubs or groups that don’t have many non-Japanese participants! You never know the bonds and self-growth that you’ll be able to make by pushing yourself a bit outside of your familiar zones.

A whole community of exciting and passionate people are waiting here in all Borderless House to become your friend, so start networking, start exploring, and watch your experiences abroad brighten and expand!

Why Are Sharehouses The Best Shelter Option When You Are Starting Life In Abroad?

In the present world, borders and boundaries have become fluid. These lines that mark and enclose an area to represent a city, country, or continent, and which primarily only exist on paper are in the present world not as rigid as they used to be earlier. Instead, in the present moment, these boundaries have become porous to allow people to move in and out of a country. This sits true for the borders and boundaries of almost all the countries or continents around the globe.

The Earth presently has become a global space, and all the cities and countries have become a part of its chain. Whether it is for studies or managing businesses, every year we witness people moving across borders. Because of this, it has become a natural occurrence to find citizens of different nationalities living together in a country they were not born or brought up.

But if you have ever traveled overseas, then you would know that living in a new country is not a very pleasant experience especially during the initial days. It is so because when you go to a new place you usually miss your old friends and family, and the previous surroundings terribly. Plus, when you move to a new country you feel like a stranger, and thus, it becomes difficult to blend in.

Mixing-in in a new country is not as easy as it may appear in the first place. We say so because when you go to a new place, you usually don’t know much about the culture or tradition of that place. And because of this, you always feel anxious and stressed in your new surroundings. You are always on your toes observing how other people are behaving so you would not mistakenly do that would hurt or disrespect the sentiments of the natives.

Thus, in such a time when you have freshly moved into a new country, it is considered a good idea to live in a share house. Doing so will help you in many ways. Wondering how that works? Well, in that case, read our next section to find out your answers.

How are share houses helpful in starting a fresh life in a new country?

A sharehouse is a big property that is offered on rent to tenants where many strangers share the same roof. In a share house, you can rent a single room for yourself or you can rent a room that houses 3 to 4 people in total depending upon your needs and requirements. This place is a top shelter choice for people, especially for those who have freshly shifted to a new country because-
It helps you in understanding alien customs.

As we have already established, when you move to a new country, chances are that you will be unfamiliar with its customs and traditions. This can make you anxious while adding to your stress levels. Also, there is this probability that if you did something wrong because of your unfamiliarity with the local customs that the natives find offending or insulting, then you might feel even more alienated and alone. Thus, for this reason, it is a safe choice to live in a share house at least for the initial days because there you are bound to come across many people who will be interested in international exchange.

When you will live with them, such people will help you in learning more about their local culture, while at the same time they will also try to understand your traditions. This healthy exchange will make your life significantly easier. So, if you want to know about the local customs and traditions of a place, its food, its manners, etc. in a friendly way without wasting much time, then share houses should be your top priority while seeking shelter.

It is a borderless accommodation

When you move to a new space how fluently you can speak their local language plays a very important role in deciding the ease with which you will blend in your new surroundings. So, for example, if you have moved to Japan for your further studies and you can fluently speak and write Japanese, then this will probably mean that you will find it easier to navigate Japan as compared to someone who doesn’t even understand Japanese. It is so because when you don’t understand the local language of a place, you find it hard to explain to people your queries or emotions.

Now, in such a scenario, it is wise to find a share house in your new country because in share houses you can probably find residents who are familiar with your language. In this way, your common language can help you in befriending people and it can also help you in learning the local language quite easily. We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, make language exchange easy for you by offering on our website the information about the nationality of its residents. You can even opt to talk to the residents of the share house while requesting a preview of the property.

It offers you easier access to common knowledge

When you shift to a new country, other than the customs, traditions, and language of that place there are many other things that you ought to learn about your new home town. These things include information on the common practices of the new place, knowledge about local shops and convenience stores in your locality, and awareness about the norms of living in that place such that your safety is not threatened.

Living in a share house can help you in gaining easy access to such information. It is so because when you are sharing a roof with other people you are bound to interact with them. In your conversations, you can come across the above-mentioned info without even requesting for the same. In opposed to this, if you opt to live alone in a new country, then acquiring such information may take some time.

Thus, these are some reasons because of which living in a share house should be your preferred choice. Living here can help you in settling-in easily.

What Is A Sharehouse?

A sharehouse is a rental space where people who are living independently, gather to live together. Except for private rooms, all other spaces are shared with fellow tenants. The shared spaces include the lounge area, where tenants can interact with one another, the kitchen, where they can prepare a variety of cuisines and meals, and the bathroom.

Share houses are mainly occupied by similarly aged (young and middle-aged) independently living locals or foreigners who have moved to Korea. Share houses appeal to this group of people due to the diversity, comfort of living, and fun that they offer to its tenants.

Popularity Of Share Houses

The increasing focus on shared spaces in television dramas and the collective generational desire to interact with new people and explore new things has led to the popularity of share houses in east Asia.

The Share House Culture

Different companies provide sharehouses with different themes, aiming to bring like-minded people together. Some shares houses are based on similar interests like sports, while there are some share houses that are only for girls or for single mothers, etc.

When living at a share house, one can learn about local culture, taste authentic local food, understand the local lifestyle, and make friends with local residents. BORDERLESS HOUSE is one of the leading share house companies in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, as they offer a variety of multicultural shares houses.

After co-living for a period of time, and in some cases even sharing a room, housemates leave their sharehouses with strong friendships with individuals from various countries across the globe.

Share House v/s Room Share: The Better Rental

When moving to another country, most people go for the conventional choice of a rental accommodation i.e. leasing an apartment or sharing a rental house. While the cost of a rental is divided between flatmates in a shared rental, the overhead costs and the money spent during the first month of leasing can empty your pockets.

A rental apartment has to be furnished, the monthly bills for electricity, gas, internet, and water have to be paid, and the cost of repairs, if any, must be shouldered by the flatmates.
By contrast, when renting a space in a share house, the tenants all pay a monthly rent and maintenance fee, and the management details are all handled by the sharehouse company.

A rental apartment or room is generally shared by people who either are friends or have previously decided to group together for the purpose of leasing the space together. While living with someone you already know may sound more comfortable, it leaves little space for learning. If you and your roommates are all foreigners, then it will be increasingly difficult for you to immerse yourself in the local way of living.

What Kind Of Personality Fits Share House Life well?

1. An open heart

Obviously, a share house constitutes communal spaces, which means you’ll share your space with your housemates who come from everywhere around the world. Everyone has their own different backgrounds, personalities and experiences, so, an open heart and mind are important for anyone considering staying in a share house.

2. People who love to make new friends!

Communication is one of the main concept points of BORDERLESS HOUSE. Most of our tenants expect to be placed in an environment where tenants are willing to communicate and interact to each other! So, make an effort not to hide away in your room, and instead, join your housemates, enjoy your time together, and make it memorable!

3. Maintain house cleanliness and environment with other housemates

A clean and comfortable environment requires all the housemates to work on maintaining it together. In BORDERLESS HOUSE, all tenants will need to take turns to do the housework together!


BORDERLESS HOUSE is an International share house company with 122 share houses and 1285 rooms available for rent in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. BORDERLESS HOUSE caters to a large number of tenants every month. These tenants are from around 50 different countries and come to the share house with their own cultural knowledge to impart and a lot to gain from other housemates.

The ratio of locals and foreigners in a share house depends upon each share house company. The resident ratio between locals and foreigners at BORDERLESS HOUSE share houses is equal. This guarantees foreigners an opportunity to interact with locals and learn the culture, language, and traditions of the country.

The essence of a share house by BORDERLESS HOUSE is to create a multicultural space, where borders do not matter- where people from different countries across the world live together and share experiences. Residents teach and learn from each other, and become lifelong friends.

The Benefits Of Staying At A BORDERLESS HOUSE

● When you move to another country, you come across a lot of new and unexpected things. The food, the lifestyle, the language, the culture, and people’s perspectives are all new and strange at first. While some people find it easy to adapt into new spaces, others might have trouble interacting with people and making friends. Living together under the same roof, provides an immediate community of friends and a great environment for people to start talking.

● When living together for an extended period, housemates can learn each other’s culture and way of living. Interaction with people from different cultures helps you broaden your perspectives and learn new things about human nature.
Living with locals can help you learn the culture and folklore of the country. You can even celebrate local festivals, i.e. Chinese New Year, Seollal, and Shogatsu with local people!

● If you have moved to either Japan, Korea, or Taiwan for the long term, then knowledge of the local language will certainly come in handy. With the help your local housemates, you can simplify your life by learning the local language. Knowing the local language will help you better navigate around the country and take a step towards being accepted as a resident of your new country!

● When living at a share house, you can benefit from the advice and knowledge of your local housemates. Once you become friends, you can visit popular local restaurants and bars together. If you need to buy something, they can recommend the best shops in the area, or even accompany you to one. Basically, when living in a share house, you will never feel alone despite being in a foreign country.

● While there are many social benefits of living at a share house, it is also economically beneficial for people who are living alone. The monthly cost of staying at a share house is generally cheaper than that of a private apartment. Apart from the rent and maintenance fee, the tenants are not expected to pay for additional facilities like the internet, water, gas, etc. In some cases they can share the cost of cooking with other tenants and save money while making friends.

● Considering that a lot of people are housed together, share houses generally offer better and smarter house appliances. Some share houses even offer home theatres and fitness studios.

● To make the life of tenants at the share house easier, share house companies have dedicated house management staff to oversee the maintenance of the share house. From broken appliances to leaking pipes, every big and small maintenance job is handled by the company staff so that the tenants of the share house have one less thing to worry about.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is located in many different cities, including Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei, amongst others. These houses are located in areas that are nearby to local markets, stations, and other regularly visited places to ensure maximized convenience and ease of living for the tenants.

在日本工作吧!◆BORDERLESS HOUSE日本就業支援線上座談會◆

嗨! 我是Borderless House的Ting! 在日本已經開始漸漸感受到秋天的涼意了!希望大家在工作和生活上一切都好~
如果你是因為看見這篇部落格的標題點進來的,想必你希望獲得"在日本工作"的相關資訊吧!那麼我們想邀請你加入我們從八月分開始,每個月舉辦的◆日本就業支援線上座談會◆ 如果你的朋友對於日本就業相關訊息也感興趣的話,也歡迎妳們一起結伴參加唷。
Borderless House 在今年夏天開始了與專門在日本提供國際人才就業支援服務的公司Sociarise合作,開啟了【Ē・SHOKU・JŪ 】住宿和就業支援企劃。

Sociarise – 在日本的國際人才就業支援服務

Sociarise的企業使命為希望創造機會給每一個人,因為每一個人都擁是獨一無二,無論國籍或種族,都應該擁有發輝自己價值的機會,和Borderless House相似的企業理念也促成了我們合作的機緣。

Sociarise 提供了以下的服務項目:


在你參加完座談會之後,你可以加入成為 Sociarise的服務對象,讓他們幫助你往到日本工作簽證的路上更近一步。


在這場座談會中你可以得到關於日本就業環境和市場的最新資訊,以及身為一個外國人究竟該如何在日本成功地找到理想工作,該如何踏出換工作的第一步等等的知識。這場座談會的主講者為Sociarise的CEO-Nakamura先生以及MEXT Scholars Association的代表Austin,他們將會分享他們的個人經驗及提供最佳的就業建議給大家。 *MEXT Scholars Association is a non-profit the largest organization representing and assisting MEXT scholars and alumni in Japan
千萬不要錯過這個 免費的活動



【在日本工作吧! 與專門為外國人提供就業服務的專業諮詢機會】
日期: 2020/10/3 星期六
時間: 11:00~13:00 日本時間
地點: ZOOM (Online線上)
主講人: Austin Zeng & Takumi Nakamura
語言:英文 *專業諮詢可用日文
參加人數上限:50 人






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波波暑期換宿 – 替室友辦個活動吧!

Are Share Houses A Good Option For People Who Are Starting A Life Away From Parents?

Now, today’s youth, which is the youth of the 21st century, very well understands the importance of freedom and independence. Our youth knows how significant it is to stand on its legs without the support of others, even if that support is extended by your loved ones like your parents and relatives. Adolescents know the necessity of becoming self-sufficient, and therefore, in the present era as soon as they reach the legal age, they start striving for financial and other types of independence. One significant step that they undertake to become independent and self-sufficient is that of living away from their parents.

Now, living away from parents is a hard decision. When you live away from your home you learn important lessons. Living in a place where you don’t have the support of your parents or loved ones teaches you important lessons about life, and it prepares you for an unforeseeable future. Also, sometimes in cases, like when you find a job in a different city or when you have to go abroad for completing your studies, staying away from the home becomes a necessity. However, whatever be the cause, it cannot be denied that staying away from the home is difficult. It is majorly because when you leave home you are forced to take care of your security and your eating habits. There is nobody to look after you.

Hence, for those of you who are about to stay away from their home, we have searched a solution, the share house. Now, living in a share house after you move away from your parents’ home may not seem very promising, but this option can certainly make the transition easier for adolescents. Now, if you are wondering how that works, then read our next section to find your answers!

Why is a share house a good accommodation option for living away from parents?

Living in a share house is an altogether different experience. There are so many things that you can learn when you live here, away from the protective shadow of your loved ones. Now, renting this place as a living space when you start living away from your parents is the best decision that you can make because of the following reasons.

● Share houses are secure spaces

When you are looking for shelter options, share houses should be your top-choice because these places are secure. It is so because of two reasons. First, the share houses in most places come equipped with alarm systems. So, because of this, the chances of anyone breaking into a share house reduce significantly.
Secondly, when living in a share house you share the home with many housemates. This acts as an added layer of security as there is an advantage to living in a group when compared to living alone. So, after moving out of the home if you realize that you are not so confident about your safety, then look for a share house as that is your safest option.

● Share houses are furnished spaces

When you newly move out of your home, you are trying to become independent and self-sufficient, but you usually do not have enough finances to support yourself. Also, at this stage, you are not used to living without any facilities, equipment, and furniture. Hence, at such times, the share house is a very good accommodation option as it comes equipped and well-furnished. Thus, living here saves you from a lot of trouble while also helping you in saving money. Thus, if you are staying away from your family and looking for a shelter, and you do not own much money, try renting a share house.

● They have broadband lines and internet connections

This pointer is specially meant for those people who have moved abroad in search of a job or for completion of their studies. Now, when you move to a new place the broadband lines and the internet connection is a must-have as it helps you in staying connected with your friends and family back home. This connection, in a broad sense, helps you in staying connected with the world, and it protects you from feeling alienated in a new country.
However, when you move to a new country, getting an internet connection, or setting up new broadband lines can be tough, and it can take time. In such circumstances, it is generally considered a wise move to rent a share house as these places have already up and running broadband lines and internet connection. Hence, living in a share house especially when you are a foreigner can help you in reducing your expenses, waiting time, and extra efforts.

● Share houses will enhance your eating habits

When you are living with your parents, you have your siblings, your mother, or someone else in your family fussing over your eating habits. In the home, someone is always cooking your favorite meal and asking you multiple times if you have had your meal or not. But when you move out to live independently, there is no one to check on you because of which many people fall into the habit of skipping meals. In this context too, living in a share house is beneficial because there you live in the company of housemates who might have good culinary skills. A lot of times, these people also teach you how to cook different cuisines. Also, when you are with other people, cooking and eating a healthy diet doesn’t seem like much effort.

Thus, because of these reasons, it can be ascertained that living in a share house is the best option after you have moved out of your parents’ place. Living in a share house teaches you to be independent while not making you suffer much. Hence, BORDERLESS HOUSE should be your first agenda when you are looking for a new shelter to move in.


>>Check the Share Houses in Taipei<<

>>6 Things About Living in Taiwan<<

【Original Program】Talk anytime anywhere! Connect! Become Friends! What makes Language Exchange so appealing?

Hello everyone! I am Yuya in charge of PR!
This is quite sudden, but do you know “Language Exchange”, Borderless House’s online communication matching program?

After starting this program in April 2020, we had many participants and great feedback from them.
Today I would like to introduce you this “Language Exchange” program!

This is how this program started.

An online program that makes it possible to connect with the world while staying at a share house! What is Language Exchange?

Language Exchange is an online communication program where people who share common hobbies, target languages,
the countries they want to visit can connect and enjoy the communication.

<This is for YOU>
・Those who want to enjoy studying abroad and traveling overseas
・Those who want to practice out the language you learned
・Those who want to try learning new languages
・Those who want new encounters (with new people and their experiences)
・Those who want to find new information and broaden your knowledge

This is a practical way of learning through deep conversations with your partner on common interests.

Matching with the perfect partner!

Our staff will match you with a perfect partner based on the questionnaires. This is a one-on-one conversation through an online chat tool.

This one-on-one conversation with your partner (not group conversation) will help to know each other deeper.

Not only Japanese, but you can also choose the language you want to learn. So you can try learning new languages and connect with the person from the country you want to visit or study in. New encounters mean more than just language learning. This is another feature of this program.

Details of this program and how to apply

●Date & Time: Scheduled between the partners
●Target Language: Various languages (Japanese, Korean, French, German, etc.)
●Free of charge
●Participants: Limited to former or current tenants of Borderlss House
●How to apply
Entry is easy!
Please apply from the form below.
Application form

Borderless House will do the matching based on the form!
A Skype group will be created and we will organize the date for the first meeting and explain the procedures.

The day of the program
Start with introducing yourself! Enjoy talking based on the topic cards! (First time 40 minutes)

Answer the survey after the first session. Based on the survey, we will organize the next session.
From the second meeting, it will be just you and your partner.

Overcoming language barriers! Comments from the participants who made new friends through this program!

– This program looks fun, but I feel nervous about talking with new people
– What if I cannot speak well
– What happens when we run out of topics to talk about

To those who feel this way, please let me show you the real comments from the participants

Daniel: Dream of studying in Japan finally coming true! But he needed to put it off because of the coronavirus pandemic

ーWhat made you join this program?
I was planning to study in Japan and move into Borderless House. But, I needed to put it off because of the coronavirus situation three days before the departure and I was very disappointed. That was when I found this program and I decided to join because I wanted to talk with native Japanese speakers.

ーHow was the program?
I was very glad to talk with a Japanese native partner. By talking with him, I could get to know more about Japan. My hobbies are learning new languages and cultures. My partner told me about Japan’s regional cultures that I wouldn’t know without him and recommended me places to visit.
I felt very excited even though I cannot visit Japan right now

ーWhat was your partner like?
I have joined this program twice so far and talked to two Japanese partners. It was easy to talk to both of them because we all shared the same hobby, traveling. The program was for 40 mins but it was not enough when we had a great chat, so we arranged the second meeting.
My Japanese isn’t very well and my English is not as good as native speakers. When we had something we don’t know, we searched words and used chat messages, so I felt a sense of achievement too lol

ーPlease tell us your thoughts on this program!
I joined this program in hope of practicing out my Japanese and getting to know more about Japan. I ended up having deeper conversations about each other’s cultures and interests than I thought, and I also made friends across the border.

I made a promise to visit the partner in Japan, so I can’t wait to visit the places we talked about. I am looking forward to the next session.

Miyu: Her hobby is traveling!

ーWhat made you join this program?

I like traveling abroad and I hope to study abroad someday. Because I haven’t decided which country to go to, I wanted to talk to people from different countries.
Also, I wanted to improve my English skills.

ーHow was the program?
I realized that talking with native speakers is the best way to improve language skills.
When you study by yourself from textbooks, it can be boring and does not last long. But when you have a partner, you can keep yourself motivated. Also, I feel excited to connect with someone overseas. I enjoyed it a lot because I could talk about various genres.

ーWhat was your partner like?
When we first talked by chat messages, I was not sure what she was like because of language barriers. But it turned out she was a friendly lovely person after we talked on a video call. I want to meet her in person someday.
She was not a native English speaker, so we had some difficulties but I will try harder next time.

ーPlease tell us your thoughts on this program!
I learned that it was important to have the courage to say “I don’t understand” when I have something unsure.
Communication between non-native speakers can be hard sometimes, but we could get closer by asking questions over and over again.

Through a computer screen, you can connect with people overseas, share each other’s culture and ideas, meet with new people, which makes this program a great one. What makes it even greater is the fact that it is free of charge(Thank you Borderless House!) and easy to participate from home.

Through Language Exchange, spread your “likes” to the world across the border!

As long as you have an internet connection and devices, you can connect from everywhere in the world and make friends throughLanguage Exchange program, Why don’t you meet your language partner through this program?

Please apply from the form here.

We are looking forward to your participation!

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