Why foreign students choose share house, even though they can live by themselves with same rent?
Borderless House was introduced by the magazine “Asia no Tomo(アジアの友)” over 5 pages, as one of the spotlighted accommodation for foreign students in Japan!
In this article, we would like to focus especially on “Why is Borderless House popular among foreign students in Japan?”, referring to the contents in the magazine.
“Meeting Japanese” is important than living by themselves
・・・We experienced the difficulties of finding accommodation for foreign people. We felt that this is significant problem in Japan, thus we started to manage the accommodation for foreign people by ourselves to solve that problem. After we searched what kind of life foreign people spend in Japan, we found out that they could hardly meet Japanese…(From the article in the magazine)
Though it is hard for foreign students to live in an apartment because it usually requires a guarantor and a long contract term, more real estate companies are getting positive to accept foreign people recently.
However, share house is still popular among foreign students, because they cannot get a chance to make Japanese friends and to use Japanese if they live alone, despite they come all the way to Japan.
Our efforts on finding tenants and house to maximize the interaction among tenants
・・・To make an environment for foreign people to know Japan more, we decided to start a share house where half Japanese and half foreign people live together. What we put importance when we find a property is the position and the size of living room, which is the most important place for communication among tenants. We lay out a living room of all houses so that tenants can see each other at least once a day. Also, we ask tenants not to bring their own TV or home electronics into their own rooms, so they use refrigerators and microwaves in living room・・・ (From the article in the magazine)
For such foreign students who are longing for making Japanese friends, we are putting efforts to deepen the interaction among tenants.Half of the tenants are Japanese
One of the remarkable feature of the Borderless House is the ratio of nationalities in each house. We balance the ratio of Japanese to foreign people 50:50, which makes the environment for foreign people to live with Japanese for sure.“Big living room” “No Home electronics in each room”
Additionally, we arrange the each room, furniture, and consumer electronics carefully, to promote the daily communication.In this way, we are putting efforts to make the living environment where foreign students can always communicate with Japanese and make friends with them, which makes Borderless House special among a number of share houses in Japan.
▼Read more details for more details for our passion for building a better community
“Our Passion for Building an Original Community in a Borderless House”
Interaction with foreigners also attract Japanese
In the article in the magazine “Asia no tomo”, Borderless House was introduced as “a popular share house for foreign people”. However, you might wonder why it is popular to Japanese too.
Actually, since many foreign people comes to Borderless House to meet with Japanese, that’ s why Japanese also enjoy staying here, because they choose to Borderless House to communicate with foreign people.
You can see the magazine “Asia no tomo” at international affairs division. etc at each universities.
If you are looking for a chance to meet with Japanese, feel free to take a look at Borderless House!
▼Let’s looking for a share house! :http://www.borderless-house.jp/jp/
▼For Japanese Language School students : http://www.borderless-house.com/partner/languageschool/
▼Recent Media Information:“Borderless House was articled in a domestic science textbook!”
Borderless House 2016 野餐派對
在炎熱的夏天,BORDERLESS HOUSE為房客舉辦了[野餐派對!]
Borderless House Taipei 今年的第一個活動 就是在台北的華山大草原上,聚集了來自不同House的房客,同時也對外開放給想要和來自世界各地的人交流的朋友們,舉辦了野餐活動!大家一起在溫暖的陽光底下喝冰涼的飲料啤酒、享用美味的食物、玩遊戲聽音樂,渡過了非常開心的一個下午! 活動的一開始,當然就要先填飽肚子,儲備力氣玩遊戲! 讓我們記錄下每一位參與這此活動的可愛房客們! 悠閒地吃飽喝足,也彼此互相認識後!第一個遊戲就要登場囉~ 我們準備了和電影、卡通相關的題目,進行猜歌和猜人物遊戲!看看哪一組最厲害~ 緊接著下一個遊戲~ 猜的到我們在做什麼嗎? 最後一個團康遊戲!讓我們手牽手~開始 ” 觸電 ” ~ 頒獎典禮!恭喜獲勝的隊伍!!!!! BORDERLESS HOUSE的STAFF們真的非常感謝大家的參與!讓我們的活動可以如此成功~ 來自世界各地和不同House的大家相聚在ㄧ起野餐聊天、玩遊戲!一起渡過了非常歡樂的時光! 透過參加我們為房客舉辦的派對活動,你可以結交到許多來自不同House的新朋友!與更多的人互動交流!An international share house with a music studio in Koenji!
Concept Share House [international exchange &music]
The first Borderless House with the concept [international exchange & music] opened only 8 minutes away from Koenji Station. Equipped with a music studio including instruments, this house is not only perfect for those who love to do music, but also for those who would like to try it from now on! You can use the instruments as well as the studio as you please. Enjoy your life surrounded by music and housemates from all over the world! We are planning to equip the studio with several different instruments, such as an electric piano or a guitar. And since the studio has a projector as well, you can have a big screen movie night with your housemates!A comfortableshare house life in Koenji
Koenji 2 House is a newly constructed building, designed especially to become a share house. In the basement, there is an over 30 square meters huge living room, and the music studio, about 18 square meters big and equipped with a projector. There is enough space for all 12 housemates together and socialize! All of the individual rooms are private, and some of themhave a balcony or a loft as well. And since the house’s facilities are verywell-equipped, you will have no problem dividing your private life from theshared life. There is nodoubt that you will have a comfortable life together with your housemates! Plus, the house has convenient access to central Tokyo – you can reach Shinjuku by train in six minutes and Shibuya in 14 minutes. From one of the closest stations, KoenjiStation, you can use the JR Sobu and Chuo Line, and the Marunouchi Line from the other one, Shin-koenji Station. With convenient access to Shinjuku,Shibuya, Tokyoand Otemachi, this is the perfect location for those who have to commute to school or work.Koenji – you will never want to leave this town again!
Koenji Station is surrounded by more than ten big and small shopping streets, making this a town full of life and energy. On the north side, you will find Junjo Shopping Street,a famous shopping street that is even mentioned in famous novels. Public baths and long-established restaurants create a nostalgic atmosphere, while the south side with its stylish cafes and vintage clothing stores is popular among young people. Under the train tracks, many small and cozy popular pubs line one after the other. Many of them use beer cases as tables, so this is the perfect place to have a drink in a unique atmosphere with your housemates! Furthermore, Koenji`s shopping streets hold events throughout the whole year. In summer, the Awa Odori Festival attracts more than 100,000 visitors, and performers from allover the world gather at the Daigogei Festival. Enjoy the variety of Koenji`s events together with your housemates! Although the house itself is located in a quiet residential area, but a super market,convenience store and even a public bath are in a 5 minute walking distance,making it a very convenient place to live. Why not start a new exciting life in Koenji, a town with a unique atmosphere, and enjoy music and international exchange with your housemates from all over the world? There are more information on the website! ▼BORDERLESSHOUSE KOENJI2我在BORDERLESS HOUSE的一天
想更了解Share House嗎?快來看看「問與答」! http://www.borderless-house-zh.com/help/
■房租:每月8,000 – 15,000元左右
而入住BORDERLESS HOUSE的費用,我們也為大家整理好囉:
- 單人房: 12,500 – 16,000 元
- 女生雙人房: 9,000 – 9,500 元
- 男生雙人房: 9,000 – 9,500 元
- 女生三人房: 7,900 – 8,800 元
- 男生三人房: 7,900 – 8,800 元
- 女生四人房: 6,900 – 7,900 元
- 女生六人房: 6,700 元
■水電光熱費:每月1,000 – 1,700元左右
在BORDERLESS HOUSE的話,每人每月的水、電、瓦斯、網路、第四台,所有帳單全包,加起來只收800元,但因夏季電費金額較高,冷氣的使用量也會大增,因此每年5月至10月的水電光熱費則會調整成1,200元一個月喔。
■電話費、網路費:每月800 – 1,000元左右
■伙食費:每月4,500 – 9,000元左右
其實台北有很多路邊攤及超商,大部分房客一天的伙食費大概可抓在150 – 300元之間。
午餐:70 – 100元
晚餐:70 – 100元
飲料:20 – 40元
但在我們的Share House裡,晚上和室友們一起煮飯,分享食材也是十分常見的事情喔!一個人煮飯常常擔心吃不完,大家一起分攤伙食費,除了可以嚐到更多樣化的菜色,也可以省下一筆不小的外食費用喔!
■交通費:每月400 – 1,280元左右
■生活用品:500 – 800元左右
■娛樂費:1,000 – 3,000元左右
每月大約花費為24,000 – 30,000元左右
-房租 | 8000-15000 元 |
-水電光熱費 | 1000-1700 元 |
-電話網路費 | 800-1000 元 |
-伙食費 | 4500-9000 元 |
-交通費 | 800 元 |
-生活用品 | 500 元 |
-娛樂費 | 1000-3000 元 |
每個月大約24,000 – 30,000元左右,就可以自由地在台北生活了喔。如果在各個開銷上更聰明的使用金錢,就能省下更多的預算囉!