
哈囉!這裡是BORDERLESS HOUSE台北! 在台北的BORDERLESS HOUSE裡有一位來自法國的房客,他不僅和室友們很好之外,和員工們的感情也非常好! 在BORDERLESS舉辦的各種活動中常常可以看見他的身影,同時,他看起來也非常享受在台灣的生活,



嗨!我的名字是Samuel。我來自法國,今年27歲。在我來到台灣之前,我於商業學校畢業後,我在巴黎擔任數位行銷顧問,工作了三年。我很喜歡各種運動,特別是我從小到大練習的籃球。平常空閒的時候,我也喜歡看影集和電影,或是和朋友一起出去玩。 (Samuel和朋友一起參加了台灣國慶日的慶祝活動!)

-為什麼會想要來台灣呢? 來台灣的目的是什麼?

當我就讀大學的時候,我和一些台灣人成為了好朋友。不過很難過的是,在畢業之後他們就必須回到台灣,而我也到了巴黎去工作,我們因此而分開了。在三年之後,我決定想要到亞洲國家生活,展開新的經驗。很顯然的台灣一定會是我的選擇。而且在來台灣以前,我也聽說了許多關於台灣好的事情。我非常開心可以實現我的想法在這裡生活!我目前正在台灣文化大學學習中文,希望之後我能夠在這裡找到工作,在台灣多待上幾年。 (Samuel因為大學時期認識的台灣人好朋友及因為想學習中文而來到台灣。他日前參加了一個全球文化交流的企劃,擔任了國際文化大使,到基隆的學校教台灣的小朋友法文唷!)  

-現在你來台灣多久了呢? 可以跟我們分享你目前為止在台灣的生活嗎?

時光飛逝… 我已經來到台灣六個多月了。到目前為止,我真的非常的享受在這裡的生活。在台灣的生活和法國的生活有很大的差異,我常常有新的發現。不過我覺得台灣生活非常得方便便利,對於想要在亞洲國家生活的西方人來說,會是一個不錯的起點。我的日常生活就是,平常周一到週五我都會到學校上課學習中文,而週末或是有假期的時候,我會利用這些時間在台灣旅遊,到目前為止我已經去過了不少的地方,例如:花蓮、台東、綠島、台南、台中….等地。當然我也很喜歡在台北市區或是近郊活動,不管是在觀光景點觀光、爬山或是到海邊放鬆...在台北有太多太多的事情可以做了!我在幾個月之前也開始練習太極,我覺得這是一個讓我可以更能夠接觸認識到亞洲文化的一個方式。而身為一個運動愛好者,我也很常在大安森林公園跑步,或是和我的室友一起去打籃球!在台北有很多的籃球場,而我也因此認識了更多的台灣人! (Samuel到目前為止已經去很多台灣的各個地方旅遊,台灣真的很美也很豐富!)


如同我之前所說的,我在法國時就對台灣有很好的印象,也聽過許多關於台灣很棒的事情。和中國大陸相比起來,台灣的城市比較小,生活也感覺比較不會有那麼大的壓力。我非常認同,對於外國人來說,台灣是一個非常適合生活的國家。我認為台灣的人們很友善、很樂於幫助人,也很開放。同時生活花費也不會很貴。重點是生活非常得方便,處處都有24小時開著的商店、餐廳或是路邊攤!如果你來台灣,你一定要到夜市去試試看!而且在這裡的交通非常便利,你可以很容易而且快速得抵達你想要去的地方、到處旅遊! (Samuel覺得台灣人很親切友善,而且在台灣的生活非常得便利!他也透過到處旅遊深入的體驗了在台灣的當地生活。)  



-那接著來談談在BORDERLESS HOUSE的生活吧! 對於目前在這裡的生活你覺得怎麼樣呢? 可以跟我們分享在家中的生活情形嗎?

很棒!我真的覺得非常的棒!打從第一天開始,我就覺得這裡很像在家裡的感覺。BORDERLESS HOUSE家裡的氣氛非常的友善而且溫暖。雖然家中有許多來自不同的文化背景的人住在一起,不過一切都很好。我一直都很喜歡和很多人相處和生活在一起,所以在這裡的生活讓我感到很開心!我們常常會一起在公共空間聊天,一起吃晚餐或是偶而一起喝喝酒。彼此互相照顧幫助,想是真正的家人一樣,我真的覺得自己非常的幸運可以有這些室友們!真的!當然另一方面是因為一半的室友為台灣人的關係,我也可以常常和它們練習我的中文!這真的是一個很棒的學習中文的方式。 (Samuel 很喜歡大家聚在一起的感覺,這裡的室友們就像他在台灣的家人般,讓他的生活更加開心溫暖。)


我一開始就想要在台北找Share House居住,然後我發現BORDERLESS HOUSE所提供的概念非常的有趣。這對我來說是一個非常好的機會,可以去認識當地的人,也可以和當地人住在一起。尤其是當一開始完全不會說當地的語言的時候,BORDERLESS HOUSE能夠幫忙安排好一切,當初尋找在台灣的租屋處時,我覺得這是一個很容易又很安全的管道。而且當時BORDERLESS HOUSE的Staff回應都非常的迅速,也讓人感到很安心且友善。而一開始我是透過台灣很有名的租屋網站而找到BORDERLESS HOUSE的。 (Samuel 和BORDERLESS HOUSE員工的合照!他覺得Staff都很樂意去幫忙所有房客所的需要,不管是當物件內有問題的時候,甚至是房客們的日常生活。)  

-有沒有你覺得在BORDERLESS HOUSE生活或是住在這裡最棒的事情或是印象深刻的事情可以分享給大家呢?

對我來說,有一個舒服舒適的居住環境真的是很重要的一件事。非常感謝也幸運,幸虧有BORDERLESS HOUSE讓我能夠遇見許多很棒很好的人圍繞著我,讓我在這裡的生活經驗更加的難忘而且珍貴!

-你也常常參加了我們舉辦的大大小小的活動,例如桌遊或是萬聖節派對!聽說最近你也剛參加了Free House Exchange計畫!

是的!我非常樂意去參與BORDERLESS HOUSE舉辦的每一個活動!因為對我來說這是一個非常好的機會去認識和遇見更多的人,而且總是非常的開心有趣!我們因為都住在BORDERLESS HOUSE,所以我們能夠分享相同類似的經驗或價值觀,也讓我們更容易貼近彼此。因為參與了Free House Exchange的計畫,也讓我更加享受了我在東京的生活!不管是生活上更加的便利順暢、省錢,我也很開心遇見了更多住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的房客們!我們一起分享了我們過去種種的經驗,不管是在不同的城市國家,或是在BORDERLESS HOUSE的生活等等的! (在BORDERLESS HOUSE所舉辦的大小活動中都可以看見Samuel的身影! 以上是我們夏天野餐活動及萬聖節活動的照片!)


首先,我想說「不要猶豫了!台灣絕對是一個好的選擇!」另外,我也深深推薦給BORDERLESS HOUSE給正在考慮是否要選擇住在這裡的朋友們。我知道有時候多人一起住在一個房間可能也會是一個障礙,但是這裡的居住環境真的非常的棒!房子的空間也夠大可以有你自己小空間。而且BORDERLESS HOUSE的員工們真的都很樂意幫忙一切,無論是任何發生在House裡的事情或者是我們在生活中遇見的困難等等。 (Samuel也參與了我們房客限定的Free House Exchange企劃免費到東京居住我們在日本的Share House唷!)   非常謝謝Samuel的分享! 希望每一位來台灣生活的外國朋友們都可以像Samuel一樣在台灣過的非常開心唷! 查看台灣台北BORDERLESS HOUSE物件一覽>> http://www.borderless-house-zh.com/tw/all/ 查看BORDERLESS HOUSE房客限定專屬企劃>> 免費入住東京&首爾-物件交換 http://www.borderless-house-zh.com/houseexchange/ 語言交換 http://www.borderless-house-zh.com/languageexchange/  














努力的把頭上的假髮用力的甩出去,小心不要扭到脖子拉~! 哈哈







愛大家 <3



FREE HOUSE EXCHANGE Abby - 台灣台北→日本東京

哈囉!! 這裡是台灣的BORDERLESS HOUSE! 我們BORDERLESS HOUSE 古亭1的其中一位房客Abby,在這個暑假的八月底至九月初大約一個禮拜的時間利用了我們的免費海外物件交換計畫去了日本旅行!!! 她在東京時是住在我們的下北澤1HOUSE唷! 會參與這個物件交換計畫去日本是因為她去年曾在日本留學了11個月!!所以想利用這個暑假的時間再度拜訪她那時候住了將近一年的寄宿家庭,以及她的大學朋友。她說她離開日本後從沒想過能有機會可以再回去,所以她覺得物件交換是一個很棒的計畫讓她有機會再多回去拜訪她喜歡的日本♥   我們來看看她的自我介紹吧!!(她在寫自我介紹時很可愛的同時給了我們英文及日文的版本)   :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* ☺Abby的自我介紹 來自美國的22歲女生。學習了日文大約4年半的時間,中文目前還在初學的階段。喜歡學習語言、和不同國家的人交流、到處旅行,所以她覺得很開心在台北的Borderless House讓她每天都可以有機會和不同國家的人交流,練習中文跟日文。興趣是看電影、戶外運動及騎馬! --- 自己紹介させていただきます。22歳のアメリカ人の女性です。 日本語は4年間半くらい勉強していますが、中国語は4月から独学しているのでまだ初心者です。私は他の国の人と交流したり、旅行したりするのが大好きで、特にこれから台北の Borderless House に住むことをとても楽しみにしています!他の趣味は小説を読むことや映画を見ること、アウトドア、乗馬などです。 今度は台湾の留学が始まる前に、私が日本に留学していた頃のホストファミリーと大学の友達に会うために日本に行きたいと思っています。 :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* 她喜歡認識新的人及不同的文化。在日本的一個禮拜讓她有機會能和當地的日本室友及不同國家的房客住在一起。 在她回來之後,讓我們來看看她的感想及回饋!!   ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤   Q1.你的旅行怎麼樣呢? 我去日本的這段時間實在是太棒了!這一個禮拜的時間我去找了之前在日本留學認識的朋友,一起去了很多地方。住在日本的Borderless House讓我能交到新的朋友,一起去了我以前從沒去過的地方,認識了不一樣的日本。 Q2.請問你最難忘的片段是什麼呢? 雖然我只待了一個禮拜,但很開心有機會能和我的室友們一起去吃當地好吃的大阪燒,大阪燒是我最喜歡的日本食物之一,所以我很開心能和室友們一起去他們所介紹只有在地人才會去吃的餐廳!!他們有些人沒有去過美國或是台灣,所以我很開心能和他們分享我在美國及台灣的生活。   Q3. 請問你覺得海外物件交換計畫怎麼樣呢? 我會想把這個計畫推薦給任何對旅行有興趣的人。我覺得這是一個最好的管道去嘗試在一個你不是這麼熟悉的國家旅行,讓你有機會同時能和當地以及來自不同國家的人做朋友!! Q4. 請問二度拜訪日本後有什麼感覺呢? 我很感激能有這個機會再次回日本,再次去了所有我喜歡的地方!如果沒有這個計劃的話,我可能不會再次有機會回日本。如果住在台北BORDERLESS HOUSE的這段期間有機會再去日本或韓國旅行的話,我絕對會再次參與這項計畫!!! (她好可愛,傳了好多日本食物的照片給我們哈哈) ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ 我們也很開心她能再次回去她喜歡的日本,物件交換計畫能提供更多機會給我們的房客去認識當地的室友並體會當地的文化。 目前我們在日本、韓國、台灣都有很多物件,你可以免費的待在任何一個物件!!   ✫如果你已經是我們的房客,並且對這項計畫有興趣的話,請不要猶豫快點參加吧!! http://www.borderless-house.com/houseexchange/houseexchange_form/ ✫想了解更多物件交換計畫請參考我們的官網介紹 http://www.borderless-house.com/houseexchange/

Interview for Machiya2 house members! Why Borderless House is different from other share houses, in making a community like real family?

Hi! This is Ayako, a House Manager at Borderless House! This is a long interview for good friends in Machiya2 house, this time. Among the Machiya2 house, we talked with Damien, Giulio, Marco, and Taka who we could meet on the day when Giulio moves out.

Members who moved in here for different “Community” from other companies

– To get straight to the points, why did you come to Borderless House?

Damien: My friends used to be in Japan and he stayed in Borderless House, so he told me about his experience. I read some your competitors, but Borderless house seems better. It seems to be more like community and you care about experience like living in share house being good. Others just focus on “Okay, here is your share house, do what you want to do”. GIulio:  Go! Go! Nihon told me many companies like Sakura House and Oak House, then I checked many share houses. I chose Borderless House because of the image in particular, it seemed good house, it is close to school, Machiya seemed like safe place. ▼Damien(Upper left), Giulio(Upper right), Marco(Lower left), Taka(Lower right)
Marco: I wasn’t in Borderless House at first. I was in a different share house and I wasn’t enjoying it. There were 19 rooms, but people really didn’t talk each other. But, lot of my friends from school were in Borderless House, and I heard there are less people but actually staying together, and seemed nice. Taka: I lived in a share house in Mitaka, where about 30people live in, but people didn’t communicate there too. So, I felt that it is boring. Then, I found Borderless House, and since the community there seemed nice, so I chose to live here. ▼They seems to be in really close relations during interview

Why can Borderless house have home-like community?

– What is different from other share house companies? What do you think different from others?

Marco:  I wasn’t enjoying Japan when I was in the other share house. I just went to school. Then came back home, and I was alone all the night. But, here I come back and we play games, watch movies, and go out. It’s nice. Damien: When you live with strangers, you need kind an excuse to get together to do something. As I said earlier, Borderless House very much make it focus on this is what you should expect, and they encourage communication. So, when you move here, I feel “I should want to talk with people” because they expect me to do it and that is Borderless House is about. So, that’s the excuse. That’s why housemates in Borderlss house become like family. ▼Playing game and watching movies in living room were their favorite

– Giulio and Taka, why did you two live in share room? How was it?

Giulio I was checking private room at first, but I thought my Japanese will be better if I share with Japanese. If I find Kanji I cannot read, I could ask Taka anytime. School was okay for me but I learned more from Taka. Taka I shared once before when I was in New Zealand, but I didn’t like it at that time, because I wanted to be alone. But now it is completely different. I really enjoy living with Giulio. I really enjoy living with someone from different countries, different backgrounds, it’s amazing. There is a lot to learn Japanese culture, and also different country’s culture. ▼Giulio and Taka looks like real brothers
Giulio For the people who are afraid of living in share room, as we talked earlier, in different share house, “This is your share house”, then that’s it. But Borderless House is different. I think it helps you. You can trust me, trust what Borderless House says about this, and don’t be scared. Taka:  If there is any problem, you can just go to other place. If you want to have your own time, you can choose private room. But, share room is reasonable. There is no good or bad.

Calm, but convenient. A perfect place to live comfortably, Machiya

– What is good about Machiya area?

Damien: There is a Chiyoda line, so you can go anywhere easily. It is easy to reach Yamanote Line, and also Air port. It is not central Tokyo, but close enough. Most of other areas are commercial, but Machiya is more like real Japan. Giulio: Machiya is quiet, and you can walk to supermarket in few minutes, there are two convenience stores, and there is hospital, too. Also, it is safe. There is everything. Housemates in Machiya2 house seems to be really good friends like family. They were enjoying interview, making jokes. Right before Giulio’s move out, they even went to Yokohama, to make good memories at last.
If you are looking for a place to live in a community like real family, not just an accommodation, why don’t you live in Machiya 2 house? Details of Machiya2 House Share House in Ueno, Asakusa, Akihabara area Ask staff to introduce share houses  

Interview for David, who enjoyed socializing across the borders of his own house, even with staff!

Hi, This is Kana from the Borderless House marketing team. We interviewed David from Machiya1 House this time! As he became close to the staff members as well, let’s hear his point of view.

“I got open-minded after living in a share house” – What kind of person is he?

– David, what made you come to Japan and to live in share house?

I had Japanese friends originally, and wanted to change my life a little bit. So, I came here last September(2015). This is my forth visit. I was going to Akamonkai, I chose Machiya1 house since it is walk-able distance and near the station. I looked at Oak House too, but this house in Borderless House seemed closer to school and convenient. Then, I decided whether I live in private room or share room, talking with staff. It was my first time for me to live in a share house, but I got open-minded. When you share a house with others, you understand different cultures and have to be kind and aware of helping each others.

“I could make friends in other houses thanks to staff”

– Since you visited our office often, I think you became closer to staff! What’s the staff like to you?

I think the staff is good! They are friendly and good support. Every time I make payment at your office, I talked with staff. (We were surprised that David became more fluent in Japanese every time he comes to office!) When there were problems with Air conditioner or Internet, Borderless House responded in few hours, and fixed soon. Actually, It was me who touched the device for Internet accidentally, though… I joined Halloween Party held by staff last year too, and it was fun. Also, when there were parties at houses near Machiya1 house, one of staff invited me. That’s why I could make friends with people in Machiya2 house and Kitasenju House. It was good that staff helped me in such a way. Though I didn’t talk Japanese so much in here since housemates were good at English, I talked mainly in Japanese with people in Kitasenju House. ▼BBQ with people in Kitasenju House

Perfect house for “people who are not into party but want to talk with people

– What kind of people do you recommend this house to?

Machiya1 house is more for people who are not into party, but want to talk to people, having their own life. This house is perfect for such people. Also, Machiya is really convenient. There are many lines at Machiya station including Chiyoda line, and Machiya1 house is close to station. Besides, there are many food shops in Machiya. By the way, my favorite is “Jirorian(ジロリアン 町屋店)”.(※The ramen shop related to famous ramen chain shops”Jiro”) You can eat a lot with at cheap. ▼Last day at Machiya1 House. Seeing off by a housemate If you want to put importance on living comfortable and having your own life, not only enjoying international exchange, I see Machiya1 House is good environment to live in! Details of Machiya1 House Share House in Ueno, Asakusa, Akihabara area Ask staff to introduce share houses  

-No other place than here to make families all over world at one time!- Interview for Sawami

Hello! This is Kana from the Borderless House marketing team. This time, we interviewed Sawami from Shimokitazawa 3 House! She is one of the original members of this House and stayed here from her university days until her first year as an employee.

A community with casual and easygoing residents, going out for drinks if they have the time

– Sawami, you have lived here for about a year. How’s your daily life here?

My housemates here are great people, casual and easygoing in a good way! Of course, sometimes we shared each other’s opinions and had discussions, but never serious arguments. Some of them organized parties, and if we had time, we went for drinks in Shimokitazawa or Shibuya. We had a well-balanced community here! ▼Relaxing in the house’s living room. Sawami is right in the middle!

Touched by a usually cool housemate’s words:“You’re like family to me!”

– So you had a lot of chances to socialize!How was it to meet so many different people?

Lately, many foreign new housemates came here for a short term stay just for the summer. But we still became close, and like a family! We stayed in touch after they went back home, and even got to meet some of them again when they came back to Japan to visit. I think it is a really rare experience to be able to become friends with people from so many different countries. I was especially happy when one of my housemates said, “I really think of you all like a family, so it’s really sad to see people go!” He seemed rather cool to me at the beginning, so I was all the more touched when I heard him saying that. ▼A memory from the time an ex-housemate from France came to visit

Shimokitazawa 3 House – scoring with both its facilities and location!

– What do you like about this house in particular?

Since the house was newly built from scratch, the facilities are of course great, plus, Shibuya is really close so the location is a big plus! Some of my housemates liked going to lots of different places, so we often discovered new bars and such in Shibuya. Some of them were quite weird too! ▼A horror-themed bar in Shibuya We often went to Shimokitazawa too. Our favorite place to gather with everyone was “Doma Doma”, and we often went to karaoke too. Close by is a bar called “Banana Moon”, and they have all kinds of alcohol from all over the world there. I would definitely recommend that place! Close to the house, there is a small shop I often went to called “Kinjiro”, where the fruits are really delicious. Also, I can recommend the Genghis Khan (grilled mutton) curry at “Magic Spice”, a very popular soup curry place! Not only is it close to Shibuya and Shimokitazawa, but the house’s surroundings are convenient for your daily life as well. There is always a new place nearby to go with your housemates, plus the house is newly built with great facilities. Shimokitazawa 3 Share House will satisfy all your needs! If you are looking for a place to live comfortably in the city, while having fun housemates to socialize with, this is the house for you! ◆ Learn more about Shimokitazawa 3 Share House ◆ Look for share houses in the Shibuya – Harajuku – Shimokitazawa area ◆ Read other blog articles

It’s always hard to say Goodbye - Farewell party in a Share House, Taipei♪


今天要跟大家分享的是在我們台北Share House所舉辦的歡送告別派對

當每天都生活在一起的室友要離開台灣、即將回去自己的國家的時候,心情總是特別的複雜.. 想到一開始完全不認識彼此,在經過時間的相處、每天互相陪伴、聊天玩樂下,漸漸成為了如同家人般的好朋友,好不容易成為了好朋友卻又要分開了!而且還是要回到離自己很遠的國家去╥﹏╥ 覺得好不捨啊!





是不是超級豐盛的呀!! 看了肚子都餓了呢~!




可愛又貼心的家中成員都在Borderless House裡等著你們!










Great Location – Our NEW SHARE HOUSE is opening only one stop (3 min.) away from Shibuya Station!

Only One Room Vacancy Left! One week after putting it on our website, there is already only one room left! If you are interested, make sure to apply fast.  Current Vacancy: One private room for a foreign female Hello, this is Kohei, House Developer at Borderless House. Today I will introduce our new house opening on September 23rd – Shibuya-ikejiri Share House. Right now, our staff is in the middle of preparing for the opening. So today, you will also learn more about the process of creating a new share house!

Where is Ikejiri-ohashi again…? Actually, it’s in walking distance to Shibuya!

The closest station to the house is Ikejiri-ohashi Station. With the Denentoshi Line, it takes only 3 minutes to Shibuya. Not only will this make your daily commute to school or work easier, but you can also conveniently reach any place in Tokyo from here. And as Shibuya is only a 25 minute walk away, you do not need to worry about missing the last train anymore. This is the perfect location for those working in and around Shibuya!

The staff is working hard to prepare the opening!

The house opening experts roll up their sleeves and get to work. “You’ll see – we’ll turn Shibuya-ikejiri into a wonderful house!” At Borderless House, the staff is responsible for the whole process, from choosing the furniture up to putting it together. They have not only lived in a share house themselves before, but they also communicate with the current residents every day. By keeping a realistic imagine of the house’s future tenants and their daily life in mind, they create a comfortable and cozy living space.   Our house opening apprentice Suguru; currently struggling with putting up a desk…
“Leave the loft beds to me!” –by Takato

There you go – one room done!

Our unique interior: The private rooms are equipped with a stylish desk and chair.
The loft beds are made of wood, perfect for those with a natural taste. If you chose a share room, you can live in the middle of the city at a low-priced rent. The living room just needs one last effort until completion! Around Ikejiri-ohashi, there is a park with lots of greenery as well as many stylish shops, perfect for going out with your housemates on the weekend. No matter if you are an experienced share house resident or not – why not build a brand new community with the other original members? <More Information on Shibuya-ikejiri Share House> JPN: http://www.borderless-house.jp/jp/sharehouse/h/shibuya-ikejiri1 EN: http://www.borderless-house.com/jp/sharehouse/h/shibuya-ikejiri1  

HOUSE EXCHANGE Junhyung Seoul to Tokyo (3)

House exchange from Seoul to Tokyo!

Share house Borderless House! Seoul Borderless House tenant Junhyung wrote wonderful comment about his house exchange to Tokyo. Let’s see together! 1. Why did you apply for the house exchange program? I have met Japanese housemate in borderless house Seoul, and learn Japanese culture from him. So I wanted to visit Japan and learn more! Also since I am living in share house, I was wondering how it feels if I live in abroad. 2. How was your trip? Through House exchange program, I can understand Japanese culture better than before. And I had stayed in the center of Tokyo, I saved my budget, thus I spent for food and exhibition. House exchange made me to get more special experience. 3. What is the most memorable episode? When I was crossing the road, I met Vy and Jaeseong who lives in Borderless House Seoul. It was the most memorable moment and really happy to met them in Tokyo! And I feel so thanks to Borderless house to make us to know each other. Plus my another goal was ‘eat convenience food once per day’. I think I tasted almost everything in Tokyo! 4. Do you have any comments who consider ? If you have chance to go, do not hesitate and purchase your flight ticket! You will be able to learn about the country, and to meet great people. During my staying, I learned a lot of things and feel like I am an expert about Tokyo! Also housemates recommended local restaurant & famous place, my journey was exciting! Please do not be afraid unfamiliar things, try to know and spread experience. I would like to say thanks to Borderless House to give this great chance.   How about his warm comment? Don’t you feel to go to Tokyo?   * Only for tenant * If you want to join our House exchange program, feel free to contact us! Always welcome! Please refer to the link below for more information. http://www.borderless-house.com/houseexchange

HOUSE EXCHANGE Junhyung Seoul to Tokyo (2)

House exchange from Seoul to Tokyo!

Share house Borderless House! Here is part 2 of our tenant’s house  exchange story! He can not speak Japanese language at all, however he had spent great time with friendly share housemates. Do you know Korean beauty mask pack? He brought mask pack for gift and they enjoyed it! Share housemates already know that how famous this item, they were satisfied with it:) Good point of the house exchange program, even you go to travel alone, share housemates will go with you as company. It means you will be able to have amazing companion:) Also good way to communicate with native people. Through House exchange program, you will be able to exchange culture and language. He were trying to let share housemates know simple Korean words, wrote down Korean letter and pronunciation on the chocolate! One of our ex-tenant Hyunhee is living in Borderless house Japan now. They have met before through Borderless house Event in Seoul, decided to meet in Tokyo to have dinner and shopping!   How about his House exchange story? Don’t you want to go to Tokyo via House exchange program? Next time, the last story will be come:)   *Only for tenant* If you want to join our House exchange program, feel free to contact us! Always welcome! Please refer to the link below for more information. http://www.borderless-house.com/houseexchange