Borderless House Osaka Tamatsukuri –opening celebration party was held!
台北租屋及找尋室友:住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的八大理由
今天我們要告訴大家住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的八大理由及特色 ▼▼▼
1. 如果你是台灣人,你可以認識來自不同國家的室友們
因為我們的理念是希望能提供大家國際交流的機會,因此我們會將房客中台灣人與外國人的比例分配成50:50。也就是說,你有一半的室友將會是外國人,你可以不用出國就體驗到國際化的環境唷!2. 如果你是外國人,你可以和許多本地人一起住,更容易且更快地適應陌生的環境
如果你來台灣是想要學習中文,並且想要探索這裡的文化,和當地人住在一起可以讓你更深度地了解,你也可能從室友那獲得一些別的地方沒有的資訊唷!這也將會是一個讓你能「每天」練習語言的好機會!3. 這裡就像是一個大家庭
住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的房客們基本上都要有和他人積極交流的意願以及渴望體驗不同文化的動機。因此,這是一個由擁有著相同目標或相近價值觀的人們所組成的一個社群。(例如,大家都想要精進語言能力或結交來自各國的朋友!)另一方面我們也要求房客至少要住一個月以上,所以你將會有更多的機會和室友們互動以及一起出去玩唷! ★看看其中一位房客的分享: Samuel4. 物件附近的交通十分方便
我們的物件都在台北市區,而且幾乎都離捷運站很近,因此通常只花你不到十分鐘的時間就能從物件走到捷運站。如果你想要到台北其他的景點玩玩,搭乘捷運系統也非常方便呢! ★由區域一覽Share House: 點此進入5. 每間物件都有基本的生活用品及設備
在我們的每間物件中,都有客廳、飯廳、廚房及一間公共衛浴(另一間衛浴會在女生多人房內)。在公共區域,我們提供基本的設備例如飯鍋、冰箱、微波爐、洗衣機、電視、無線網路……;在每間房內則是有書桌、椅子、冷氣及床等等。至於床具組的部分你可以選擇自己攜帶或是向我們租借唷(一次性收費,租金台幣1500)。簡單來說,你只需要帶著一只行李箱就可以入住,不用煩惱日常生活所需的用具及設備! ★更詳細的資訊: 關於物件設備6. 不定期的小活動
如果想要認識其他物件的房客們,參加我們舉辦的活動是一個很好的機會。去年我們舉辦了野餐派對、萬聖節派對以及聖誕節晚餐等等,將來也有可能再舉辦一些像是爬山或玩桌遊的小活動唷!你可以和來自全球各地的房客們一起同樂! ★來看看去年舉辦的活動吧: 野餐派對 萬聖節派對 聖誕節晚餐7. 房客限定計畫:物件交換
在韓國及日本也有我們的Share House,因此你只要負擔住在台灣物件的房租,就有機會到國外的其中一間物件免費居住喔!最短須住一星期,最長則可住到一個月。如果你有計畫到韓國或日本旅遊的話,這將會是個省錢的好機會(你可以省下國外的住宿費)! ★看看其他房客的經驗分享: Rosanne-首爾到台北 Ran-台北到東京 ★立即申請: Free House Exchange線上諮詢表8. 房客限定計畫:語言交換
如果你想要認識其他Borderless House的房客,同時也想要精進語言能力,那就別猶豫了,快參加我們的語言交換計畫吧!我們的員工會幫你配對適合的語言夥伴,之後你就可以和母語使用者有一對一的練習,過程不會太拘謹,就像和朋友聊天一樣唷!計畫的流程也很簡單,我們會幫你安排第一次的會面,從第二次開始,你和你的夥伴就可以自己決定要何時何地進行你們的練習。 ★看看其他房客的經驗分享: Effie 和 David ★立即申請: Language Exchange申請表 如果你想要知道更多BORDERLESS HOUSE的消息,也可以參考下列的文章! → 台北租屋情報 → 問與答 或是你可以寄線上諮詢給我們 :)!! → 請員工介紹物件 我們期待更多喜愛文化交流的朋友們加入這個大家庭 ♥♥♥在台灣台北的生活如何呢? -德國房客的訪談
在台北的BORDERLESS HOUSE裡有一位來自德國的房客,他參加了我們的語言交換計畫,和我們員工及他的夥伴互動時十分地幽默及有趣,於是我們花了點時間和他聊聊,今天要來分享一下他在台北的生活及故事唷!
先來看看他的自我介紹吧 🙂
哈囉!我是來自德國的 Philipp ,今年24歲。我之前有學音樂,會吹薩克斯風。畢業之後我來到台灣學中文,在這裡也有去上中文課。因為我的女朋友來自台灣,所以我希望能更了解她的文化。
可以分享一下你在SHARED HOUSE的生活嗎?
一開始怎麼會選擇BORDERLESS HOUSE呢?因為我想要和台灣室友練習中文!
目前為止,在你待在Borderless House及台灣的這段期間,有什麼讓你印象深刻的嗎?
FREE HOUSE EXCHANGE Rosanne 韓國首爾 台灣台北
Opened January 5th, 2017 Great location -15mins to major towns in central Osaka!
The international share house with big capacity of 24 people
Borderless House Osaka-Tamatsukuri is a big sharehouse which has the capacity of 3 stories for 24 people.The more capacity, the more chances for communication!
If you are worried whether or not you can establish closer relationship due to its capacity…, please no worries! We provide a relaxing cozy community space where everyone in the House can gather. You can also communicate with other tenants who live on a different floor.
One of significant features of this House is that all rooms on the 6th floor are female only. Especially for women who live in a share house for their first time can satisfy its safety.
Easy access to everywhere in Central Osaka!
This House is close to Imazato station on Sennichimae subway line and Tamatsukuri station on JR Osaka Kanjo line. You can easily access to major stations in Central Osaka within 15 min., such as Osaka (Umeda), Namba, Shinsaibashi, Tennoji, Kyobashi, and more.
The house is located in a very convenient environment with a convenience store, police box, supermarket, drug store, bank, TSUTAYA, nostalgic shopping street, and greenery park.
Community space with lots of fun
Big community space on the 6th floor for all tenants!You can enjoy watching movies with a big screen, playing board games, and even playing table tennis. There is also a bar corner by the window. It’s nice drinking together with your housemates & beautiful night view!
There are 3 floors, but you can meet anyone in such a fun community space on the 6th floor.
House equipment / Security
We could carefully design equipments and its security, because this building itself is a brand new.If you care about the toilet, shower rooms, and wash stands, you don’t have to worry about those equipment.
We equip adequate numbers of those facilities on every floor. No irritating even especially in busy morning.
There are 2-3 IH stoves, so our tenants can enjoy cooking together.
Reliable security of key to each room, self-locking main entrance to the building, security key for using elevators! NON-tenants cannot easily access to the House, so you can live in a safe environment.
Multigenerational Share House
Much more fun in this Borderless House Osaka-Tamatsukuri!Seasonal events, such as parties, potluck, and more are organized occasionally. Those events are for not only our tenants, but also all tenants who live on the 1st to 5th floor in this building.
We hope those events give you opportunities to enjoy experience multigenerational and multicultural experiences!
Why don’t you start your new life in this international share house “Borderless HouseOsaka-Tamatsukuri” from the new year of 2017!
<Borderless House Osaka-Tsuruhashi1>
<Borderless House Osaka-Toynaka1>
大家一起拍個照吧! 感謝大家的參與,希望大家喜歡也期待下次見面囉!我們的粉絲專頁上有更多的照片喔!
→【粉絲專頁】←Event report: 【Borderless House Christmas Party 2016】 who was the winner of 1 month rent free ticket!?
今天想和大家分享我們BORDERLESS HOUSE善導寺 1的其中一位房客Ran,在這個11月7號~17號,大約10天的時間參與了我們的免費海外物件交換計畫去了日本旅行!!!並入住BORDERLESS Japan的櫻上水1HOUSE唷!
☺ Ran的自我介紹
來自美國的28歲男生。之前在美國的工作是擔任食品開發人員!現在來台灣學習中文。會選擇Borderless House的原因是希望能藉由這個環境去認識新朋友,然後有機會開口練習中文。也很喜歡所有親近大自然的戶外活動!
(Ran 是最左邊的那一位^^ 和富士山及他的新室友)
Q1. 這次的日本物件交換覺得如何呢?
這次的旅程從北海道札幌開始,在札幌住了幾個晚上後搭了夜間巴士去了函館。然後用JR Pass從函館搭新幹線去了東京,開始了Share house生活!
Q2. 有什麼想和大家分享的難忘回憶嗎?
Q3. 有任何想說的話嗎?
A new large-scale international share house, coexisting with the locals, opens March 2017 in Kamigamo, Kyoto!
Kyoto – where tradition is still alive. Our share house in Kamigamo, Kyoto
From Kamigamo Shrine, a World Heritage site, Kamogawa River flowing by, to the Shakemachi area where the share house is located – the whole town of Kamigamo is defined by its many cultural heritages of ancient Kyoto.Right beside Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo Wake-ikazuchi Shrine), famous for its Aoi Matsuri, one of the three major festivals in Kyoto, an international share house opens from March 2017.
<Borderless House Kyoto-kamigamo>
3 Good Points about Kyoto-kamigamo Share House
1. A large scale share house with tenants from all kinds of backgrounds. The first 20 people large-scale share house in Kansai!
Its appeal lies especially in the traditionally Japanese outer appearance, fitting perfectly in the cityscape of Kamigamo, as well as the 70 square meter living room perfect for getting together with your housemates.And if you need to get your mind off things from time to time, just take a good book and some tea to relax on the terrace.
In addition, all rooms on the second floor are loft-type, giving you even more space for yourself!
2. Expand your circle of friends! A share house for both international and regional exchange
Until now, the concept of Borderless House was all about international exchange. Borderless House Kyoto-kamigamo takes this to another level by creating a concept of both international and regional exchange.There are all kinds of events organized by the local neighborhood committee, sports festivals, and events collaborating with the local residents or university clubs.
Apart from international exchange, this share house is loved by the local community for its active participation in community revitalization and multi-generational exchange.
In addition, you can enjoy seasonal events such as Aoi Matsuri, one of the three major festivals in Kyoto, or the monthly market held at Kamigamo Shrine.
3. Well-featured living conditions in a beautiful townscape – the perfect location
(Photo by (c)Tomo.Yun /
Kamigamo, Kyoto – you might think it is nothing more than a sightseeing spot, with Kamigamo Shrine as its only attraction. But in reality, it is a safe and convenient area with surprisingly many university students living here.
Daily groceries can be done at a Coop supermarket and a 100 Yen Lawson store nearby, both especially popular among university students.
In addition, bakeries, and Gyoza no Ohsho (the main food provider for Kyoto’s students) as well as many other bars and restaurants are in the neighborhood, so you will not have any inconveniences in daily life.
And the best part : Kyoto’s leading fashion quarter, Kitayama, is only 5 minutes away from the house by bicycle.
Kitayama is especially frequented by young people, for its many stylish cafes and restaurants and modern townscape, and is always in the top ranks of Kyoto’s most popular quarters to live in.
Gift shops, cafes, restaurants, botanic gardens, art galleries – Kitayama is the perfect place for a fun weekend stroll!
Also, you might know Kawaramachi as one of the busiest quarters in Kyoto.
From the house, you can reach Kawaramachi by bus without having to change lines!
It might take 35-40 minutes to get there, but Kamigamo Shrine Is the terminal station, enabling you to get a seat even during crowded times.
The bus stop “Kamigamo Shrine” is only 3 minutes from the house on foot.
The closest train stations are Kitaoji Station and Kitayama Station. Both can be reached within 5 minutes by bicycle!
☆Great access to several universities and major train stations☆
If you are a student, the access to your university is a big deal.I actually took my bicycle to see how far it is…
–Otani University: 8 min. by bicycle
It is right beside Kitaoji Station, so you can have a fun bike ride through the shopping street.
–Doshisha University: 13 min. by bicycle
Just 1.5 km further downhill from Otani University!
–Kyoto University: 18 min. by bicycle
Riding alongside scenic Kamogawa River while listening to some music will bring you to Aobashi Bridge in no time! From there, go further until Kamigamo-ohashi Bridge and you will find yourself on Kyoto University’s Yoshida Campus.
–Kyoto Sangyo University: 10 min. by shuttle bus (bus stop: 3 min. from the house)
I’m sorry… I took the bus instead… ;_;
The shuttle bus from Kamigamo Shrine to Kyoto Sangyo University is always crowded with students.
A newly constructed building, a great community and location – all combined in this share house!
Why don’t you become a part of Kyoto-kamigamo share house?
Borderless House Kyoto-kamigamo Supporters
At Kyoto-kamigamo House, we are looking for people who will liven up the share house together with us, and make Kyoto-kamigamo House as well as the local area’s characteristics known to a broader range of people!<Kyoto Kamigamo Supporters>
Why not work together with us to liven up life at Borderless House Kyoto-kamigamo?
Supporters will get certain benefits in exchange, such as a discount from the rent!
Please feel free to inquireand and reserve!
※10mins away from JR Kyoto station <Borderless House Kyoto-Hanazono1>
※Tenant’s voice