HOUSE EXCHANGE Junhyung Seoul to Osaka
House Exchange from Seoul to Osaka!
Hello, this is Share House Borderless House! One of our tenants Junhyung have been to Osaka for a month by house exchange program! We got so many pictures and comments from him and it is so adorable! Let’s look around what he felt and experienced in Osaka with share house housemates! Actually this is my second time I have been to Japan by house exchange program. I have been to Tokyo with it and this time I visited Osaka! During this trip, I tried to visit famous places in Osaka as many as I can! I hope you guys enjoy my pictures! The best thing I can get from house exchange program is friends! I think it is really different to go trip by house exchange program or not. I could make many good friends who are staying in Osaka Share House. I am sure that it will be the best thing I can get from this tenants only program! Because of House Exchange Program, I could feel many more things than when I did not use this program! When I had trip without this program, it was nice enough. But when I had trip with this program, I think I feel and experience many more things than that time. I could concentrate to make my own plan because I applied House Exchange Program. I would like to say thank you to all staffs in Borderless House Seoul and Kansai. They were so helpful and nice, because of them this trip became the best trip I ever had! This is one of my housemates in Osaka! It was really nice to meet many people who are actually staying in Osaka. During my trip in Osaka, they always helped me a lot. Since they are locals, they advised me a lot about the places where I have to visit and foods which I have to try in Osaka! I think having dinner is the best and easiest way to become closer! When I had a first dinner with my housemates in Osaka, I was so shy. But it makes me closer with them day by day! It was so happy to get closer with my housemates in Osaka! If someone asks me to recommend food which he or she has to try in Japan, I would like to recommend Takoyaki! Takoyaki was really awesome! I had it many times in Korea, but it was really different having it in Japan! You have to try it if you are planning to visit Japan! Do not miss it! If you are staying in one of Borderless Share Houses, do not miss this awesome program! It will give you really good memories and this is chance that you can make local friends during your trip! Hope you enjoyed my pictures and stories, and I hope you guys apply this program during the term you are staying in Borderless House! * Only for tenant * If you want to join our House exchange program, feel free to contact us! Always welcome! Please refer to the link below for more information. real life in a share house is like @Kyoto-Kamigamo Tenant Story①
So, do you have any concerns about living in a share house?
For example, many worry if they can properly communicate with the foreign tenants, or if they will be alright living with others. But above all, I think many worry about having to change their current lifestyle. The thought of having to change your daily school or work routine can discourage many from choosing to move to a share house. To be honest, I was one of those people. But Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo took my worries away instantly. Without particularly changing my routine, I can interact with people from lots of different countries, and I feel so comfortable! Of course, I am very busy with school, work, and other things, but there is no special time I have to be home or take a bath. So I can keep my own, usual routine while enjoying life in the share house! I strongly recommend you to live in a share house to meet new awesome friends and new cultures!! Then,i will be back with new great story soon!! <Borderless House Kyoto-Kamgamo> ★Borderless House – Osaka/Kyoto area –BORDERLESS HOUSE SANGSU1 Opened in 6th of May 2017
NEW Borderless House opened from May 2017! Borderless House Sangsu1
It takes 2 minutes from Sangsu station subway line No.6. And it takes only a minute to Hongik University Seoul Campus! Follow the small an alley next to Hongik University main gate, you could arrived our new house Sangsu 1 share house!Characteristic of the house
This cozy mension typed house is located right next to Sangsu station subway line No.6. Also really close to Hongik University Seoul Campus! There are 9 rooms for 15 people. There will be 4 private rooms, 4 double rooms and a triple room. This house would be perfect place for students of HONGIK, YONSEI, SOGANG, EWHA, SOOKMYUNG UNIVERSITY, and also for workers who work for a company located in main area in Seoul. At this moment under construction! Please look forward to open this house 6th of May! You can enjoy real Korean culture in the main area of Hongdae with housemates from all over the world! Be our tenants! You are always welcomed! *Community Space* The community space cozy atmosphere for all of the tenants to enjoy their share house life.Floor Plan
4 Private Rooms 5 Shared Rooms (4 rooms for 2 people, a room for 3 people) Sangsu1 House can accommodate maximum 15 People. Do not be lonely in Korea! Housemates from all around the would always welcome you in this Sangsu 1 Share House. We hope you make many great memories in this house located in Hongdae with housemates!House introduce movie click here!
金面山位於台北市內湖區,最近的捷運站為西湖站和內湖 站,步道大約2.3公里,約走一小時40分鐘。但那天因為大家 走走停停,欣賞風景、拍照聊天,所以花了兩個多小時才走 完。雖然這條步道高低起伏滿大的,也有些費體力,但山上 的美景可是讓人覺得很值得唷! 早上9:30大家先一起在捷運西湖站附近的麥當勞吃早餐,然 後就朝著步道出發囉!沿著一號出口旁的巷道走到底,就能 抵達位於環山路二段136巷的登山口。來看看登山過程的照片吧 ☀
這次帶頭的是我們的員工Daniel(亮藍色外套男生),另 外還有日本及台灣的員工一起參加(Takato和Connie),房 客則是三個來自法國、一個來自韓國,還有兩個台灣女生 唷!雖然當天的人數不算多,但小小的團隊也比較不怕落 單,行動也比較彈性~ 抵達山頂真是振奮人心呀!大家還遇到了一些不認識的登山 客一起入鏡,原本安靜的山林頓時變得十分熱鬧~ 在山頭可俯視整個大台北地區,視野十分開闊,能暫時遠離 都市的繁雜、還能認識新朋友,不覺得非常棒嗎?(笑) 大家下山後看到了間鄭成功廟,便一起進去參觀,還體驗了 點香拜拜的過程。鄭成功是一位台灣的歷史人物,曾經統治 過台灣,因此在他去世後,民間陸續建立一些廟宇祭祀他。 這些跟台灣文化都有所相關,相信對外國房客來說會是一個 很不同的體驗呢! 感謝來自參加房客的回饋分享 ❤ 吳琦:「很喜歡偶爾有這樣可以和大家一起交流的活動, 有更多認識大家的機會。我覺得爬山是一個不錯的選擇, 除了活動活動平常不太靈活的筋骨外(笑),在途中如果 遇到不好爬的地方,大家會互相照顧讓我感覺很窩心 XD。 希望下次還有機會可以參與這樣的活動!」 Samuel: 「我覺得爬金面山的活動很棒也很有趣。我記得當 時參加有將近十個人,大部分都是我不認識的,所以我覺 得非常酷。對某些人來說往上爬的過程有些辛苦(有很多 很多階梯!),但整體上大家都很開心地體驗。而且我們 不趕時間,互相等彼此。到了山頂後真的覺得辛苦都是值 得的,在那的視野非常棒。另外風變大時雖然有點可怕, 但也滿有趣^^我已經來過這裡兩次了,我非常喜歡,也很 推薦唷:) 」 我們之後陸陸續續還會有一些小活動,快來一起參加、認識新朋友吧! 下次見~~~☺HOUSE EXCHANGE Jeanie Seoul to Tokyo
House exchange from Seoul to Tokyo!
Hello, this is Share house Borderless House! Our tenant Jeanie gave us sweet review after house exchange program! Please check it this review! 😀 Since I live in Korea, I decided that this was a good chance to explore other Asian countries. Besides Korea, the other Asian country that has always been at the top of my list to visit was Japan. For this, the Borderless Share House free house exchange to Tokyo was a great opportunity! Borderless Share House Japan has a lot of houses in Tokyo; in different areas of the city and of varying sizes. So the first thing I did, was check out all the houses on the borderless website and do some research on which area of Tokyo I wanted to stay in, as well as consult with the borderless staff about which houses were available during the time I intended to stay in Japan. After all the practical arrangement had been made, it was all smooth sailing from there. I was only in Japan for 9 days, but it was great and very comforting to arrive and be greeted by the Japanese Borderless staff member, at the subway station nearby the house I was going to stay in. As when you move into any Borderless house/apartment, I was given a tour of the house and the instructions I needed to know for my stay there (i.e. recycling, house rules), and the borderless staff member answered all the questions I had about my stay in Japan. Since I was in only in Japan for 9 days I didn’t really have the opportunity to hang out that much with the other tenants of the house. Most of them were workers and some where students, so they were also busy with their work and studies. However those I did meet at the house were all really nice and curious to hear and learn, about my experience living in Korea and why I had chosen to come to Japan. At the same time, my new Japanese housemates were also able to give me advice about the area in which we lived, as well as everything from transport to the best places to eat and shop in the local area. During my time in Japan I not only stayed in Tokyo, I also when to Osaka and Kyoto. Having Tokyo as my base for exploring Japan was great, because it meant that I could both start and finish my house exchange in Tokyo. Not only was I able to visit Japan without spending a lot of money on accommodation, I was also able to talk and interact with natives to Japan as well as other foreigners, while living with them in a share house – I truly believe that this, is the best and fastest way to gain insight into a country, its culture and its people. I would definitely recommend the Borderless House exchange program. Whether you want to study, do a language course or go on vacation to explore and learn about a new culture, this is a really good way to do it, because you immediately have to chance to meet and make friends with locals and other foreigners! * Only for tenant * If you want to join our House exchange program, feel free to contact us! Always welcome! Please refer to the link below for more information. House Osaka Tamatsukuri –opening celebration party was held!
台北租屋及找尋室友:住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的八大理由
今天我們要告訴大家住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的八大理由及特色 ▼▼▼
1. 如果你是台灣人,你可以認識來自不同國家的室友們
因為我們的理念是希望能提供大家國際交流的機會,因此我們會將房客中台灣人與外國人的比例分配成50:50。也就是說,你有一半的室友將會是外國人,你可以不用出國就體驗到國際化的環境唷!2. 如果你是外國人,你可以和許多本地人一起住,更容易且更快地適應陌生的環境
如果你來台灣是想要學習中文,並且想要探索這裡的文化,和當地人住在一起可以讓你更深度地了解,你也可能從室友那獲得一些別的地方沒有的資訊唷!這也將會是一個讓你能「每天」練習語言的好機會!3. 這裡就像是一個大家庭
住在BORDERLESS HOUSE的房客們基本上都要有和他人積極交流的意願以及渴望體驗不同文化的動機。因此,這是一個由擁有著相同目標或相近價值觀的人們所組成的一個社群。(例如,大家都想要精進語言能力或結交來自各國的朋友!)另一方面我們也要求房客至少要住一個月以上,所以你將會有更多的機會和室友們互動以及一起出去玩唷! ★看看其中一位房客的分享: Samuel4. 物件附近的交通十分方便
我們的物件都在台北市區,而且幾乎都離捷運站很近,因此通常只花你不到十分鐘的時間就能從物件走到捷運站。如果你想要到台北其他的景點玩玩,搭乘捷運系統也非常方便呢! ★由區域一覽Share House: 點此進入5. 每間物件都有基本的生活用品及設備
在我們的每間物件中,都有客廳、飯廳、廚房及一間公共衛浴(另一間衛浴會在女生多人房內)。在公共區域,我們提供基本的設備例如飯鍋、冰箱、微波爐、洗衣機、電視、無線網路……;在每間房內則是有書桌、椅子、冷氣及床等等。至於床具組的部分你可以選擇自己攜帶或是向我們租借唷(一次性收費,租金台幣1500)。簡單來說,你只需要帶著一只行李箱就可以入住,不用煩惱日常生活所需的用具及設備! ★更詳細的資訊: 關於物件設備6. 不定期的小活動
如果想要認識其他物件的房客們,參加我們舉辦的活動是一個很好的機會。去年我們舉辦了野餐派對、萬聖節派對以及聖誕節晚餐等等,將來也有可能再舉辦一些像是爬山或玩桌遊的小活動唷!你可以和來自全球各地的房客們一起同樂! ★來看看去年舉辦的活動吧: 野餐派對 萬聖節派對 聖誕節晚餐7. 房客限定計畫:物件交換
在韓國及日本也有我們的Share House,因此你只要負擔住在台灣物件的房租,就有機會到國外的其中一間物件免費居住喔!最短須住一星期,最長則可住到一個月。如果你有計畫到韓國或日本旅遊的話,這將會是個省錢的好機會(你可以省下國外的住宿費)! ★看看其他房客的經驗分享: Rosanne-首爾到台北 Ran-台北到東京 ★立即申請: Free House Exchange線上諮詢表8. 房客限定計畫:語言交換
如果你想要認識其他Borderless House的房客,同時也想要精進語言能力,那就別猶豫了,快參加我們的語言交換計畫吧!我們的員工會幫你配對適合的語言夥伴,之後你就可以和母語使用者有一對一的練習,過程不會太拘謹,就像和朋友聊天一樣唷!計畫的流程也很簡單,我們會幫你安排第一次的會面,從第二次開始,你和你的夥伴就可以自己決定要何時何地進行你們的練習。 ★看看其他房客的經驗分享: Effie 和 David ★立即申請: Language Exchange申請表 如果你想要知道更多BORDERLESS HOUSE的消息,也可以參考下列的文章! → 台北租屋情報 → 問與答 或是你可以寄線上諮詢給我們 :)!! → 請員工介紹物件 我們期待更多喜愛文化交流的朋友們加入這個大家庭 ♥♥♥在台灣台北的生活如何呢? -德國房客的訪談
在台北的BORDERLESS HOUSE裡有一位來自德國的房客,他參加了我們的語言交換計畫,和我們員工及他的夥伴互動時十分地幽默及有趣,於是我們花了點時間和他聊聊,今天要來分享一下他在台北的生活及故事唷!
先來看看他的自我介紹吧 🙂
哈囉!我是來自德國的 Philipp ,今年24歲。我之前有學音樂,會吹薩克斯風。畢業之後我來到台灣學中文,在這裡也有去上中文課。因為我的女朋友來自台灣,所以我希望能更了解她的文化。
可以分享一下你在SHARED HOUSE的生活嗎?
一開始怎麼會選擇BORDERLESS HOUSE呢?因為我想要和台灣室友練習中文!
目前為止,在你待在Borderless House及台灣的這段期間,有什麼讓你印象深刻的嗎?