活動 | 大稻埕旗袍一日遊

和BORDERLESS HOUSE一起體驗旗袍,漫遊大稻埕!



















90 Zombies appeared !!! Borderless House Presents :International Exchange Halloween Party !!

Trick or Treat !!

Hello everybody!! This is Yuya as House manager at Borderless House.

It is the Halloween season from last saturday, people are celebrating Halloween !!

Off course, we are not missing this BIG event.




Guess what!! We held Borderless Halloween Party last week !!

Today, we are going to tell you about Borderless House Halloween Party.



This is the Biggest International Event !! Borderless House Special Halloween party

It has been 2 years since we had a Halloween event, so we rent the special place called 『in the house 』to have private event!!

There were 90 people from 22 countries joined the Halloween Party including the staffs.


Also our staff wore the Halloween costume, but the tenants were wearing much nicer costumes!! They are so into the Halloween!!


The professional make up!! You can be the Halloween look. The make up was done by our tenant!!

The stage and foods are greeting ready …

But something is missing… SO there was not enough fear !!!

Halloween is known as the ghost festival, so We can not celebrate Halloween without Zombies .

But …. if you look at the corner of the hall, Someone is making zombies and they are increasing so fast !!!!


Yes !! This is the one of the highlight of Halloween Party is make up booth which you can have Halloween makeup on by Make-up artist.


Also, this booth is taken care of one of our Borderless House tenants named K kun!

He is a hair stylist and also has been doing make up to famous artists.  He will be studying abroad to get more skills in this winter.

He has been living in one of the Borderless House in Shinjuku form the beginning. So, we asked him if he wants to do something to make last great memory in the Halloween event ….


K  yeah but it was so much fun staying in Borderless House, I already miss that.
I will definitely want to live here when I come back to Japan.

S  We are glad to hear that!! By the way, K kun
Would you like to make last great memory in this event ??

K Halloween Party !? sounds great !! I would do makeup.


That is why he was doing make up for us!! You are the best K kun!!

And, surprisingly, his Teacher, who is a professional make-up artist came this event from LA!!! She did make up for us for a hour !!


There were a lot of Zombies in this Party.


There is no  language barrier !!  Borderless House Special contents

This Halloween event has not only the fancy patty hall or make up booth !!

Borderless House is multicultural shared house, so we had some special contents that give you opportunity to talk to other people.


Who are your neighbors?? Making Borderless House map and new friends around your house !!

The first trick is this !!

This game is that we make the event hall  as Tokyo map and people try to make Borderless house map there.


This is quite sudden, but

Everyday you go to school or work and come back to home……

Have you ever wish to have variety of friends and opportunity to make friends around Tokyo ???

This game is the great opportunity to get to know people from other Borderless House and also see which Borderless House they are coming from.


The rule is simple!! We gave everyone a name tag which has number on it, so you just  look for people who have the same number as you do.

At the beginning of the game, everyone was confused about this game, but after telling them that they are neighbors, they were surprised about it.

After this game, they try to make next plans with neighbors!!!

This is THE Borderless House, right ??


Communication is about your heart!! Let’s make mummy

Before we decided to do this game, Staff Takuya who wore Banana costume in Halloween Party said ……..

“Everyone wants to be a mummy at least once in his/ her life “

The next contents is this !!! Toilet paper mummy !!


Let’s make mummy!!!

The rule :  we are making some groups ( each group has 6 people ) and give the 2 toilet paper to the groups. After start sign, you just make mummy !!

The winner will be the group that makes 2 awesome mummies, and will get the special Prize !!


There are people who want to be mummies, and people who want to make mummies.

Language is no problem in this game !! All you need is trying to understand people’s mind and good communication with your team.


And ……  The winner was the group that has staff Riko!!!

NO  WAY !!!!!


The first prize is a projector!? The best SNS award will be …….

The annual Borderless House SNS award, we choose the person for this award in this year as well !!

This year, we had two SNS prize !!

One is most like prize which is the persons who gets most like on instagram

Two is the best dresser prize that the person who wears the greatest costume in Halloween Party.


Most like prize will get projector, and the best dresser prize will get StarBucks card !!

So, we would like to show you the winners here

BUT, Please check out the Borderless Instagram below !!



There were also a lot of people who wear great costumes and post photos on Instagram, so please check that out as well !!


Diversity of nationality and language !!  Borderless House is THE only House that give you the opportunity to get to know people from all over the world

The Halloween Party is finally coming to a close …

End of the party, we gathered everybody at  the stage and took a group photo !!


At beginning of the party, people are nervous about getting to know new people, but after the party, they became so close each other !!

We will have more parties which bring connections between tenants in the future!

We assure that you will learn not only language but also Japanese local culture with your Japanese housemates in Borderless House.

Why don’t you try us and make your stay more enjoyable?

We are looking forward to meeting you again at Christmas Party !!


■ Share House Search



Happy Halloween !!

PS: After party, everybody made plan to go to Izakaya together or their house to continue the party !! THIS is also Borderless House, You can make a lot of friends in Borderless House event after !!

活動 | 北投軍艦岩 一日遊




















活動 | 北台灣 茶壺山一日健行


我們安排了 茶壺山一日健行 的活動,快來看看我們都做什麼吧!

茶壺山位於台灣北部,距離熱門的觀光景點 九份 非常近,非常適合安排在這周遭一日遊的行程喔!











活動 | 台灣 北海岸淨灘


BORDERLESS HOUSE台灣團隊舉辦了淨灘的活動喔!帶著我們的房客們到台灣北海岸,除了能順便看看台灣的美景,一起同樂外,還能為我們的環境出一份心力,一舉兩得啊!








Make the most of life at Borderless House! ! Let us introduce what’s cool about Link Up program!

Hi guys! This is Risa from Borderless House Tokyo:)
It’s been way too hot these days…hope everybody is not suffering too much from the Japanese heat (I miss Spring everyday…!!)!

On the happy note! Today I would like to introduce our new program “Link Up” with the voices from the participants♪
Are you ready to sign up right after you read this blog!?


What is our new program “Link Up”?

Started from April -this programme has 2 themes, and consists of 2 different sessions accordingly.


1.  For those who wants to connect with people through languages ”Link Up x Language”

Get in groups of different languages, and enjoy the talking sesh!
Don’t worry about your language level; our staff will be there as a facilitator!


2. For those who wants to connect with people outside your house “Link Up x Activity”

Let’s meet new people from other houses and have fun together!
There is nothing particular fixed yet; YOU take the lead, let us know what you want to do!


Here is more details→What is Link Up?

*In the previous blog, we have introduced in detail 🙂


To answer“What is Link Up actually like?”, let me introduce the program more in detail with the voices from the participants.


What is Link Up like?

Both Link Up x Language and Link Up x Activity start with self introduction! Everyone shares their country of origin, their house name, hobbies etc.


Link Up x Language

Let’s start group conversation!

They pick up the topic cards which every participant wrote before the event!



Not confident enough about your language level? Don’t worry! Our staff is there for your support (us being us in the picture at the back lol)


It’s time for English-Japanese mixed talking sesh!

We have Japanese-only and English-only time alternately and talk about any topics of your choice:)
When the time comes, “Let’s change the language!”
Enjoy the fun of practicing out your language skills!

From easy topics to deep topics…
Once again, this program is something we build together with you all, so we would like your ideas on what we talk about!


「Link Up x Activity」

Today’s activity is Board Games!!

Same as Link Up x Language, this is also the participants’ idea.
This is why we can enjoy a lot!


Speaking of a board game that is fun to play in a big group…Deception Game!

Blue team (Good) and Red team(Evil) compete against each other.
Evil people are the ones who intends to mess up the game!



They are suspecting each other to find Evil people.
You need to keep a poker face…this is a mind game.



Is this a victory of Good team or Evil team!?



…Good people could not stop the attack of Evil people, the red Red team’s victory!!




After the deception game, we played games in two groups.
One of the teams enjoyed playing LOVE Jenga♥ Each time you draw a brick, you must answer the question written on it or do what you’re told to. As the title let you guess, some of the questions are “love”-related.



Time flies when you’re having fun…in closing, we took a group photo!
When the staff suggested “Why don’t we make a Link Up pose?”
Everybody happily responded to our request ♪

…and that’s how “Link Up pose” gave birth to the world!


Here are the voices from the participants

“Link Up is something all the participants and the staff build together, this is why it is attractive!”

“As I expected, I could interact with people from different houses!”
Simple topics made the conversation easier”

“Playing the games definitely helped break the ice early on and seemed to keep everyone entertained throughout the night.”


Link Up is a new program which is created by your voice.


3 attractive points of Link Up program

Attraction①:What’s common for all the participants is “Borderless House”, just relax and talk!

All the participants are the tenants in Borderless House just like you.
Since they all join this program searching for more interaction with new people,
you can expect a conversation spontaneous, free, and no hard feelings… this is exactly border-less!
There is nothing to be aware of! Just pop in alone and make friends here!


Attraction②:You can become a creater with your ideas.

We decide program contents based on your ideas written in the reservation form.
Everyone has different ideas! Participants are the creators.


This is a part of actual reservation form.
“Want to make new friends who share the same hobby” “Want to make more friends who I can talk something I like with”
You can make your wish come true with this program!


Attraction③:”Connecting”circles of Borderless House

After the event, they went to a bar together, made a plan to go watch a movie etc. people are truly connected and the circle of Borderless House is spreading beyond borders.

Why don’t you enlarge your circle of friends with Link Up program?



So, how was it?

This is our original program which gives you a chance to meet and connect with new people from other houses through language and hobbies.

Why not make the most of the multicultural connections you made on the day!?

As the number of participants is limited up to 15 people, you can enjoy deeper interaction in a relaxing atmosphere, which is something different from big events. Why don’t you join us now?




Inquiry about Link Up is here

Inquiry about BORDERLESS HOUSE is here

Here are our original programs only for tenants

物件交換計畫 | Victoria:「台灣一直是我想要拜訪的國家。」





「雖然我的亞洲行第一站是韓國,但台灣依然在我的腦海裡揮之不去,所以知道BORDERLESS HOUSE能提供這樣的機會,我就馬上訂了來台灣的機票!」

在幫Victoria安頓好在台灣的住宿後,就此展開了她在台灣為期一周的生活體驗!她告訴我們,短短的一周當中,她除了參加BORDERLESS HOUSE TW舉辦的聖誕派對,還去爬了象山、和台電大樓的房客們,一起度過幾個開心晚餐時光。







也想加入我們的物件交換計畫嗎? 點我 看資訊!


We held the Happy Halloween Party in Seoul!

Hello! this is Borderless House Seoul.

Borderless House wouldn’t miss the Halloween weekend without party with Korean & tenants from all over the country!

This time we held happy halloween party in Seoul!
We rent private place in Itaewon and invited our tenants! 🙂

When we arrived that place we prepare some snacks and beverage! 🙂
All or our staff so much exciting for meet our tenants soon!

Some tenants already know each other but almost people dose not know each other. 
So, we got to know each other by choosing “Keyword” themselves, this way we got friendly easily.

And then enjoy the Halloween vibe with Noraebang contest! For after party, face painting was must thing to do at our Borderless Day!

Thank you for all our tenants who came Halloween party!
We spent great time with our lovely tenants!

As a Borderless house, we are going to make many new encounters and exchange cultures for our tenants.
We also would like to make opportunities to know about us for those of you who do not yet know Borderless Share House or are interested in our house, but can not take a step forward!

Looking forward to next event soon!!

「ETtoday」介紹了以國際交流為主軸的Share House – BORDERLESS HOUSE!

哈囉大家好^^ 前陣子我們收到了ETtoday的邀約!非常榮幸能夠接受ETtoday的採訪!

也很感謝房客的協助,分享了住在BORDERLESS HOUSE裡的生活。

外國人喜歡BORDERLESS HOUSE是因為能夠和台灣人一起住,從日常生活當中培養中文能力、又安全舒適。

而台灣人也因為能在這裡認識外國人,增強自己的語言能力,紛紛加入我們BORDERLESS HOUSE的溫馨小家庭。


如果想要到日本或韓國旅行,也可以免費入住我們其他國家的BORDERELSS HOUSE喔!



《ETtoday》: https://goo.gl/q6X9f7
如果想了解我們的share house,也可以參考我們的官網喔^^

《BORDERLESS HOUSE》: https://www.borderless-house-zh.com/tw/




在台灣,我們通常都會在中秋節跟家人或是朋友們一起烤肉 這一天,月亮會是最亮最圓的,所謂月圓人團圓就是這樣來的! 這也是為什麼中秋節對我們來說這麼重要。 BORDERLESS HOUSE 是一個大家庭,也就是為什麼我們想要計劃這次的活動! 當天大家都跟新朋友有很難忘的夜晚喔!


當天有將近個房客參與我們的活動! 一開始先介紹自己給新朋友認識吧^^ 然後就可以開始享用美味的烤肉了!


大家都很享受跟新朋友聊天呢! ^0^ 我們分享不同house、國家等等的生活中大小事 真的是非常有趣啊!

最後,別忘了還給大自然一個乾淨的家! 拍張照給最棒的我們做個完美的結尾!

能夠跟新的朋友們有這麼棒的夜晚真很有趣! 在未來我們也會有更多的活動以及特別企劃給我們的房客們! 你還在等什麼呢?



【Facebook】: https://www.facebook.com/borderlesshouse.taipei/
【Instagram】: https://www.instagram.com/borderlesshouse.tw/