월세 전액 할인 이벤트!!!! (Only for Korean)

월세 “2+1” 이벤트!! (2개월 계약 시 1개월 월세 전액 할인!)

안녕하세요 ☺

이번 포스팅에서는 서울쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스에서 큰맘 먹고 준비한 이벤트에 대해 소개해드리려 해요!!

야심 차게 준비한 이벤트인 만큼 서울 쉐어하우스에선 예비 입주자 여러분들의

ෆ 문의와 관심

기다리고 있습니다!!

2개월 계약 시 3번째 달의 월세를 전액 할인해드리고 있는 이벤트에요!

듣기만 해도 솔깃해지지 않나요??!

쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스에 대해 간단히 설명을 드리자면…!

저희 서울쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스는현재 서울시에 23개 하우스 그리고 룸 173개를 운영 중에 있습니다!!

일본과 대만에 있는 보더리스 쉐어하우스까지 합치면 하우스 총 120개와 룸 1208개가 있어요!

한국에서 8년이 넘는 기간 동안 운영을 한 만큼 그만큼 믿을만하고 찾아오셨던 분들이 또 찾아와주시는 서울쉐어하우스랍니당 ㅎㅎ

저희는 입주자 여러분이 서울 쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스에서 세계 각국의 청년 과 한 지붕 아래서 함께 생활하며 여러 문화를 배우고 세계로 한 발짝 내딛기 위한 기회를 얻을 수 있는 다리 역할을 하고 있어요.

한국에서 자연스럽게 외국어를 할 수 있는 환경에 녹아 외국어 실력을 향상시킴과 동시에 다양한 국적과 다른 가치관을 가진 하메들을 만나 볼 수 있는 라이프에 관심이 있다면 주저하지 말아주세요!

서울에서 제일 싼 보증금 50만 원!!

별도의 사례금도 필요 없을뿐더러 생활하는데 필요한 기본적인 가전가구가 모두 갖추어져 있어 혼자 살기의 첫 발걸음을 가볍게 시작하실 수 있어요!

최소 1개월부터 입주가 가능하니 마음 편하게 try! 해보실 수 있어요

<12월 15일 전 입주하시는 분들에게는 2개월 계약 시 1개월 전액 할인 이벤트도 해드리고 있으니 .. ❤>

보더리스 하우스에서 입주자분들에게 제공해드리는 세 가지 프로그램도 다시 한번 설명드리려 해요 ㅎㅎ

<<하나, 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램>>


해외 보더리스 하우스에서 무료로 숙박하기!

일본 도쿄, 오사카와 대만 타이베이에 있는 보더리스하우스 해외지점에서 지내보며 각 나라의 내국인들을 만나 함께 명소를 가 볼 수 있는 기회!

해외에 도착해 그곳 현지인 친구를 사귈 수 있는 기회는 단순한 여행을 보다 소중한 추억으로 기억될 수 있도록 만들어주죠.

<<둘, 언어 교환 프로그램>>


외국인 친구에게 한국어를 알려주고 외국어도 배워 보세요!

보더리스하우스에서는 랭귀지 익스체인지를 신청해 주신 입주자 각자에게 맞는 파트너를 찾아 연결하여 드리고 있습니다ㅎㅎ

파트너에게 자신의 언어를 가르쳐 주고, 다른 언어를 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회!

<<🤟 셋, 이벤트>>


보더리스하우스 이벤트에서 모이자!

보더리스 하우스는 입주자들 사이 각별한 교류 증진을 위해 다양한 시즌별 이벤트를 개최하고 있어요!

다른 하우스에 살고 있는 입주자를 만날 수 있는 기회!!

다음 주 11월 2일에 열리는 「서대문 안산 등산 이벤트」에도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

+ PLUS 종로 1 하우스


서울쉐어하스 보더리스하우스 중 예시로 종로 1 하우스에 대한 설명을 간략히 추가적으로 해드리려구 해요!!

보더리스 하우스 종로 1 하우스는 1,2호선 신설동역까지 도보 3분 1,6호선 동묘앞역까지 도보 6분 역세권 고층 아파트랍니다!

뷰가 장난 아니죠 ㅎㅎ

*아래쪽 하우스 사진도 첨부해두었으니 관심 있으신 분들은 홈페이지 통해 문의주시면 감사하겠습니다 🙂

모든 하우스는 공유 공간과 각 방들로 이루어져 있어요!

공유 공간 : 전자레인지 / 전기밥솥 / 고속 무료 인터넷 / 화장실 2곳 / 냉장고 / 세탁기 / 개인 잠금 사물함 / 텔레비전

각 방 : 무선 고속 인터넷 / 냉장고 / 책상/의자 / 이불(지참 or 렌탈) / 침대 or 로프트 침대

현재 하우스 내에는 스페인, 한국, 독일, 프랑스 분들이 거주하고 계시고 두 방의 공실이 있는 상태입니다!

<월세 45만 원 / 53만 원 + 공과금 7만 원>

보더리스 서울쉐어하우스에 관심이 있으신 분들!

보더리스 하우스 사무실로 연락 주시면 문의 도와드리겠습니다 🙂


쉐어하우스 서포터즈 *보들보들* 2기 모집 (Only for Korean)

보들보들 서포터즈 2기 모집 중 !!

서울 쉐어하우스 보더리스하우스입니다!
얼마 남지 않은 겨울, 세우고 계신 특별한 목표나 계획이 있으신가요 ?

#국제교류 #해외취업 #외국인쉐어 하우스 #어학연수 #방학단기유학
#서울쉐어하우스 #대학생서포터즈

외국인과 함께 사는 국제 교류 쉐어하우스 보더리스하우스에서는
올 겨울 저희와 함께 해주실 보들보들 서포터즈 2기를 모집하게 되었습니다. ♥

우선, 1기에 이어서 2기도 모집하게 되어 기쁘네요 🙂
쉐어하우스 보더리스하우스는 “한국에서 하는 유학 생활”이라는 콘셉트로!
현재 서울 중심 지역에서 총 23개 지점을 운영 중이에요.

세계 각국에서 오신 입주자 분들로 전체 입주자의 절반 이상이 외국인이라
다양한 언어뿐만 아니라 문화까지 친근하게 다가갈 수 있다는 큰 매력이 있죠!
또한 거부감없이 일상 생활 속에서 자연스럽게 배울 수 있습니다 .

쉐어하우스 서포터즈 보들보들

보더리스하우스 서포터즈 보들보들은
더 많은 분들에게 더 많은 국제 교류의 기회를 제공하고
새로운 가치관을 접할 기회를 드리고 싶어 기획하게 된 프로젝트에요!

그동안 쉐어하우스 혹은 외국인 쉐어하우스에서 살아보고 싶었으나
시간적, 금전적 여유가 부족해 선뜻 도전하지 못했던 분들에게
정말 좋은 기회가 될 거라 확신해요!


1. 더리스 하우스 서포터즈 의 줄임말

2. (서포터즈 분들이 받을 수 있는 첫번째 혜택인 ,)
증금 고 오지 마세요 라는 의미 또한 가지고 있답니다 ♡ (1’ᴗ`1) ♡!

** 더 자세한 혜택들은 아래쪽 참고!

예~전의 보더리스하우스 서포터즈는
당시 입주자분들을 대상으로 커뮤니티 메이커 같은 느낌이었지만 !!
보들보들 ! 서울 쉐어하우스의 입주자는 아니지만, 국제 교류에 관심이 많은
대학생이나 취준생, 직장인, 일반인 분들대상으로 하고 있어요!

그 중에서도 블로그나 인스타그램 등 SNS 활동이 활발하신 분들을 우대 하며
하우스 안에서 비슷한 연령의 커뮤니티를 만들어 활발한 교류가 가능하도록,
만 18세부터 만 35세까지의 연령 제한두고 있습니다.

또한 보더리스하우스 서포터즈 보들보들의 활동 기간은
대학교 여름 방학 기간인 1~2 월이에요!

보들보들 일정
* 입주 기간 1월 2일-4일
* 활동 기간 1월 6일-2월 15일
* 퇴실 기간 2월 17일-22일

1월 2일 목요일 입주를 시작해서 1월 6일 (월), 본격적인 활동을 시작하고
6주 간의 서포터즈 활동 후 2월 15일 (토) 공식 활동 일정이 종료됩니다.
그리고 그 다음 주까지 퇴실을 완료하면 되니
단기로 서울에 살아보고 싶었던 분들에게도 안성맞춤이죠!

서울 쉐어하우스 보더리스하우스에 직접 거주하며 입주자 분들과 교류하고,
그 후기를 SNS에 포스팅 하는 것이 서포터즈 분들의 주요 활동이에요!

보들보들로써 해야하는 것?

전반적인 활동 테마는 총 3가지인데,

하나, 입주자분들과 일주일에 한 번 이상 밥 먹기 !
집 밥도 좋고, 주변 맛집도 좋아요 ㅎㅎ
중요한 건 하우스 메이트와의 커뮤니케이션!

둘, 째는 SNS 포스팅하기!
부담 갖지 않아도 좋아요 ㅎㅎ
쉐어하우스에서 지내며 느낀 점이나 일상적인 사진들을 공유하는 느낌으루 !!

셋, 서포터즈 분들이 해보고 싶은 교류 활동을 직접 기획하고 수행하기 !
‘교류’가 목적이라면 어떠한 활동이라도 환영 환영!
보들보들 활동 기간 중 이벤트도 함께 할 예정이니 아이디어 뿜뿜 해주세요!

보들보들 이 얻을 수 있는 혜택은?

보더리스하우스의 초기 비용은 보증금 50만 원과 사무수수료 30만 원 ..
아무리 다른 쉐어하우스 나 원룸에 비해 보증금이 저렴한 편이라고 하지만
경제적인 여유가 없는 학생과 취준생에게는 이마저도 부담일 수 밖에 없죠 ㅠㅠ! 하지만 서포터즈라면 그런 걱정 넣어둬! 넣어둬!

혜택 1

서울 쉐어하우스 서포터즈 보들보들 분들
보증금 0원, 월세 0원 이라는 파격적인 혜택과 함께
보더리스하우스에서 공과금 10만 원만 내고 생활하게 됩니다!

혜택 2,

이뿐만 아니라 서포터즈 보들보들 분들활동 종료 후
활동 내용을 증명할 수있는
추천서를 발급 해드릴 예정이에요.
특히 외국계 기업으로 취업도 준비 중이시라면
추천서가 갖는 힘이 생각보다 큰 편이니 놓치지 마시구요! ㅎㅎ

혜택 3,

보들보들 분들에게 매주 활동 지원금으로 인당 상품권 만 원씩을 드릴 예정입니다.
SNS 활동 우수자에게는 공과금 10만 원 마저도 전액 환불! 이라는
특별한 혜택도 있답니다 !!

혜택 4

마지막 혜택은 위에 보이는 사진으로 설명을 대신할 수 있을 것 같네요!
6주, 짧다면 짧게 느껴지지만 추억을 쌓기 엔 충분한 이 시간 동안
동고 동락하며 마음이 맞는 절친한 친구 역시 만날 수 있다는 점!

보더리스하우스 서포터즈 보들보들 지원 방법

서울 쉐어하우스 서포터즈 보들보들 2기 지원 방법은 간단하답니당 ~
하단의 첨부 파일 ‘제 2 기 보들보들 지원서’를 다운 받아 꼼꼼히 작성하여
아래 이메일 주소,
bona@borderless-korea.com제출해주시면 됩니다!
메일 제목과 파일명은 ‘서포터즈 지원_홍길동’

제 2기 보들보들 지원서

모집 기간은 11월 4일 월요일부터 13일 수요일까지이니
누구보다 국제 교류에 관심이 많고,열정이있다! 하시는 분들은
주저 말고
지원 해주세요

서류 심사 통과자 분들에겐 개별적으로 연락 드릴 예정이며,
면접은 11월 23일 (금)과 25일 (월) 이틀 중 지원자의 선호 날짜에 진행 됩니다 .
최종 합격자 발표는 12월 6일 (금)으로 예정되어 있고,
오리엔테이션은 12월 21일 (토)입니다.

*하지만 상기 일정은 당사 일정에 따라 변동될 수 있으니 참고 부탁드립니다.

만약 쉐어하우스 서포터즈 보들보들에 더 궁금하신 사항이 있다면
02) 363-5321로 전화 문의 주시거나
카카오톡 채널 ‘보더리스하우스’로 연락주세요!

【Enjoy World Cuisine】Amazing Exotic Cambodian Food Experience!

សួស្តីទីនោះ!Hello, this is Yuya!

『BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world~』

It’s been 6 months since we have started this program!

This is a hands-on program that you can enjoy the international exchange with
your five senses and enjoy different cuisines in restaurants or catering in Tokyo!
Let’s Eat, Talk and Think together!

We are having Cambodian cuisine in July!

Let me introduce you the exotic BORDERLESS DINERS which served by Cambodian locals.

Delicious Cambodian cuisine cooked by Cambodian students, Seam and Srun!

This time, the food is cooked by Vice President of the Cambodian International Students Association in Japan, Seam and the cooking assistant is Srun who is an interesting engineer from Cambodia! He also did a Cambodian presentation for us.

They hold some occasional events of Cambodia culture or Cambodian food to let more people know about this country from time to time.

Srun who was supposed to cook overslept on the day, luckily, all the participants helped us to start the journey to Cambodia by cooking together.

Exploring a taste for ethnic and exotic flavors!

Cambodian food has evolved a unique cuisine based on the influence of French, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisine.

Speaking of ethnic cuisine, we tend to think it with pungent taste, but in Cambodian food culture, you can add any spices that you like, so it’s not spicy at all!

Cambodian food is highly recommended for people who wants to try some ethnic food for the first time, as they usually don’t put coriander in it and it’s very easy to get used to the taste.

Having delicious breakfast for the morning! A traditional breakfast with a lot of meat!

Speaking of Cambodian cuisine, pork rice bowl (បាយសាច់ជ្រូក) is absolutely the one! which is also the most popular Cambodian breakfast.

Seam told us that this is a Cambodian food that every Cambodian must eat at least once in their lifetime.

The pork is cooked with fish sauce and sugar. It’s delicious to eat it with marinaded veggies.

While enjoying the fantastic taste of Southeast Asian cuisine, let’s also have some tasty fried eggs with ground pork sauce.

To start your day with good feelings by having fat pork and rice, it also makes you feel energetic! !

A mysterious drink with beans and jelly? ! Unique Tapioca milk!

I’d like to introduce another Cambodian food to you, which is Tapioca Milk!

Tapioca is now a big hit in Japan, but Cambodian tapioca milk has a different taste.

First, even though it’s tapioca milk, beans play the most important role.

This kind of beans is not common in Japan, however, it’s a classic element for Southeast Asian dessert, It is a dessert with a lot of mung beans, jelly, etc. and boiled in coconut milk.


Even the participants who were hesitating to try it out at the beginning loved it.

Welcome to visit Cambodia! The weather is warm as well as the people

After enjoying delicious rice and desserts, Srun introduced Cambodia deeply to us.
Cambodia is known as the birthplace of Angkor Wat and pumpkin, but there were still many of us didn’t know what this country is, so everyone was very curious about Srun ‘s story!

Extremely friendly and warm-hearted Cambodian people

Then, Srun would like to talk about the personalities of Cambodian people!

“Cambodian are very kind to tourists. I think people are gentle everywhere in Southeast Asia, but I can say Cambodians are really friendly. So don’t be afraid to visit Cambodia, since there is always someone would help you if there is any problem! Every Cambodian is just as kind as me!” Srun said.

All of the participants were wearing a big smile while listening to his introduction.

Even this is the first time to meet Seam and Srun, they were very kind and friendly,  also very easy to talk that made me feel that I have known them for a long time.

A small and historic town – Phnom Penh

Cambodia has a short history of Pol Pot massacre (Cambodian genocide), and there are places in the country where the grief remains.

“The capital Phnom Penh a city has a proper size and it is very convenient to live there. It’s also centralized.  It’s also safe to travel in Phnom Penh, there are many restauants, hotels, and sightseeing spots. It is highly recommended to go there by Tuk-tuk. Of course there are still places where you can see the signs of the genocide such as Killing Field, but there are also many beautiful temples and royal palaces. It’s a city with historical cityscape characteristic and energetic people who live a positive style, regardless of the past. It’s a lively country, a lively city. I hope everyone can visit there some day. “

Srun said. And this is the current situation of Cambodia.

Here is the special points of Cambodia recommended by our Japanese tenant who has lived there for a year.

This time, there is also a Japanese resident who has worked in Cambodia for a year sharing some good things of Cambodia and her recommendations to us.

She said that Cambodians are very dexterous! Especially the handwoven silk is very beautiful.

It takes about an hour or so from Phnom Penh to silk island where you can see the amazing Cambodian handwoven silk.

Also, she was shocked by eating frogs and insects which they were considered as an important source of protein for Cambodian.

While introducing us the beautiful silk scarves and showing us photos of tranditional costumes, many beautiful memories of her stay in Cambodia came flooding back.

It was a wonderful experience for us of getting to know Cambodia from a foreigner’s perspective.

Next time is Mongolia! Experiencing the nomadic ethnic culture in Shinjuku! ?

BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world~』is a monthly event only for tenants at Borderless House!

The next event will be held on August 22 (Thursday) in a Mongolian restaurant in Shinjuku!

In a restaurant that reproduces the Mongolian nomadic house, you can learn about culture and enjoy the delicious cuisine with Mongolian couples in a fun way!

What kind of experience would that be?

Please look forward to our presentation next month’s!

About sharehouse


【Tenant Interview】What’s good in Borderless House?

Annyeonghaseyo! This is Borderless House Seoul.
Summer has gone and it is getting good weather day by day!

This time’s topic is the interview of a tenant.

We had an interview with Minji, who has lived in Chungjeongno1 House about her share house life in Borderless House.

Why sharehouse? What was good in Borderless House?
If you haven’t lived in a share house and if you are interested in living in a sharehouse, please check it out!

“After traveling abroad, I wanted to know more about other countries’ culture.”

At first, why did you need to move to a new place?

Minji:  My university is far from Seoul. I needed to do an intern in Seoul for two months during summer vacation so I was looking for an accommodation where I can stay for a short time.

Staff:  I see. If you choose a share house, the room is furnished and the deposit is cheap so I agree that it is good for a person who wants to live for a short time. What kind of internship was it by the way?

Minji:  I’m studying pharmacy so I’m doing an internship at a hospital. We have to do that in order to get the credit.

Staff:  Wow, so cool..!!!!

Minji: My housemates reacted the same when I was washing my white coat at the common space. lol

(Minji and Staff Ayako)

Why did you choose Borderless House?

Minji: A few months ago, I just traveled in Europe for a month. It was really fun so I wanted to know more about other countries’ culture or languages even after my travel. The concept of Borderless House was perfect for me.

And the staff in Borderless House was really nice so I got a good impression. Her way to explanation was really clear. I appreciate her help!

Staff: We are so glad to hear that! Thank you! Did you think about other share houses, too?

Minji: I had room viewing for the other two companies’ share houses. They have only Korean tenants and  I couldn’t see how they enjoy their life together so I didn’t get interested in them.

Borderless House is located close to the station and I like the area. The security is nice, too.

(Chungjeongno1 House is a really active community!)

Discussion at Han River

-How was the life in Borderless House?

Minji: I really enjoyed my stay here for 2 months. I enjoyed meals, drinking, hanging out and even clubbing with my housemates from various countries!

Staff: What is your most impressive memory?

Minji: It’s the discussion at Han River with my housemates. lol

We went there with my housemates from Switzerland, Germany and Japan. We put the picnic sheets and we were enjoying talking but it became a big discussion while seeing nice sunset. lol

Staff: Discussion on the picnic sheet! How cool! lol

Minji: We were talking about the cultural differences between Asia and Europe and also about how we accept it and live in different country. The way how to accept the cultural difference was different by person so we told our own opinion each other and it became a big discussion.

Staff: How did the discussion end? Didn’t you feel any awkward after that?

Minji: Not at all. We didn’t have a same opinion but it is natural and we ended up with the agreement that there were lots of way of thinking and opinions.

Staff: Yeah, I agree that we don’t need to have a same opinion and it is important to get to know many ways of thinking. Did you talk in English?

Minij: Yes. I’m not good at speaking in English but we usually use gestures or translation app when we have difficulties.

(At Han River!)

Following the basic rule is important.

-Did you have any inconvenience in daily life?

Minji: The washing machine was a bit old and we needed more light in the stairs.

Staff: Oh I see. Sorry to hear that..!!!!

Minji: No worries! lol There were rules for taking out the trash and we have to tell our housemates in advance when we invite our friends to the house. So even if we have different culture, we follow the rules and live in comfort.

(Taking out trash chore in Chungjeongno1 house)

You can have many friends from other countries!

-As a final question, To whom would you like to recommend Borderless House?

Minji: Like me, who needs to live in Seoul for a short term. And also people who are living alone, feeling lonely or who wants to have simulations in life and people who wants to have friends from various countries!

Staff: I see. If you live in Borderless House, you can meet people who you don’t meet in daily life, right?

Minji: Yes, if I didn’t live in Borderless House, I didn’t go club nor have a discussion. We lived together so we could become close. Even after my move out, I would like to keep in touch with them.

Staff: It was a short period but we are glad that you enjoyed living in Borderless House!  Thank you very much!

Minji: Thank you!

How was the interview?  which Minji stayed is a big house which 18 people live together. This house is really nice for the people who want to meet many people!

Even if you cannot speak other languages, no problem at all! Everyone in this house has same situation. Tenants in Borderless House are living together with consideration and the mind trying to understand or respect others and helping each other.

We are looking forward to having you to our community!

★Chungjeongno1 House information is HERE!

We held the international event “The Bibim” in Seoul!

Anyeonghaseyo! This is Borderless House Seoul.

How was your summer vacation?
On, August 15th was the independence day, which has a special meaning in Korea.

On the day, we Borderless House Seoul held an event “The Bibim” for international exchange at one of our share house.
Today we would like to share about this event in this blog!

The first event by Borderless House Supporters!

This event was planned and managed by Borderless House Supporters who are students and living in our house to support the house community and management. They started planning a few weeks before. In order to make it a good event, they gathered at our office several times and prepared well.

Although the outside was raining, over 20 tenants joined to this event from different houses!

The main content of this event was to make Korean food “bibimpab” by winning some games. If the team could win the game, they can get a dish to put on the rice to make bibimpab.
The name of the game is, “The Bibim”!!!!

(We gathered at Borderless House Hongdae2, which has a huge living room.)

Exciting game to get the dish!

The first round was, “Who drank alcohol?”.

4 members of the team drink a cup of water or alcohol in front of everyone at the same timing. Only one cup has alcohol (Soju) so the audience will point out who drank the alcohol. If the team could fake and the person who drank the alcohol didn’t get pointed out, the team can get one dish for bibimpab!

Since the team could think about how they cheat the audience beforehand, some teams tried to pretend that they all drink water or other teams pretended that they all drink Soju. Each team did great acting!
(This is Dani, pretended to drink water although she drank a cup of Soju.)

The second round is “Speed Drawing”

3 members in one team draw one object together by 3 seconds each. Then another member answer what they tried to draw. If he or she answered the correct one, the team can get the dish.
3 seconds is super short! Even if we are grabbing a pen, staff will take it off after 3 seconds. It was really difficult to complete drawing and we laughed a lot by seeing the weird picture!

What is this, you think?
The answer is.. Penguin!!

The third round is “Gesture Game”!

We take turns in a team and if we can get correct answers more than a certain number, we can get the dish. This game can be learning of new language.

“Ahhhh, that word.. in my language, we say XX but how do you call it in Korean or English?”  “It is XX!!”  like that.

(She is trying to express the word “Exciting”. It was difficult!)

The fourth round is “Gongi (Air) game”!

This is a Korean traditional game. We throw small balls up and catch by the back of the hand. And we throw them up again then catch them by hand. We compete for the number of balls which we could catch as a result. 

This is actually super difficult! Since this is a Korean traditional game, most of the Korean members got high points! Members from other countries, they reacted like can you do that?”.

We have these balls in our office so when you visit our office for the payment, why don’t you try it?

(Can you guess if she could catch the balls?!)

The last round is “Intro Quiz”!

As you know, we listen to an intro of the music and answer the title of the music.
“I know! I know this song but I forgot the title..! What was that?” 

(The last round was so exciting!)

Finally, we can eat!

Now all the games are done. Unfortunately, there were some teams which couldn’t get all the dishes but we share every kind of dishes finally and the delicious bibimbap was completed!

The “Bibim” International exchange

“Bibim” means “mix” in Korean. Famous Korean food “Bibimpab” consists from “Bibim” (mix) and “Pab” (rice).

In this event, tenants from Korea, Japan, UK, USA, Mexico, Germany, and Thailand joined. We enjoy the language and Korean culture by playing the games together. It was just like “Bibim” of culture.

On the independence day of Korea, people from various countries gathered in one place, laughed a lot together and enjoyed Koran culture together. This event became a kind of touching one as Borderless House Staffs who wish for peace in the world.

Special Thanks!

For supporters, who did from planning to preparing and MC, every organizing really well, thank you very much!

For Borderless Staff Bona, who was organizing supporter members, Rani, who was preparing bankside like cooking, Yona, who made the atmosphere exited, thank you very much!!
(Our staff cooked the dish for bibimpab!)


What the next event is..? Please be looking forward to it!!!!

【Dining Tables All over the World】Irish Cuisine Cooked by a Giant!? Let’s Experience Ireland in a Exciting Restaurant!

Dia Duit! This is Yuya! I am in charge of this programme.

The Food Experience Programme “BORDERLESS DINERS ~Experience International Restaurants and Travel around the World~”

Eat! Talk! Think! in this hands-on programme in which you can enjoy cuisine all over the world and international exchange by using your five senses in a restaurant or catering in Tokyo.

The destination in June was Ireland!
We chartered “”The Giant’s Stew House”” in Togoshi-Ginza Shopping District. I will report the brilliant experience in BORDERLESS DINERS with the jolly and animated owner as if he were from Super Mario.

The Jolly Owner is the Bomb! Let’s Enjoy Learning about Ireland!

From Togoshi Station, walking straight on Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, in style today, for 10 minutes and you can find “”the Giant’s Stew House””.

The owner of this restaurant, Alan from Ireland, is very friendly, jolly and talkative. He is such a super-nice guy that he can cheer up people around him.

“Hello! Everyone! Thank you for coming! Xie Xie! Merci! Grazie! Vielen Dank!”
Today, I’m gonna serve you the most delicious and authentic varieties of Ireland cuisine handed down directly by my mother and super cool Irish culture!

The Deep History of Ireland! Everything Starts from this Land.

Ireland has the prehistoric remains such as Newgrange, the vast nature since the ancient times like Aran Islands and plenty of legends and myths on which Harry Potter and Lord of the Ring are based.

Those are called “Celtic Culture which is originated in ancient times and Ireland has kept until today.

The legend of “giant” used in the name of Alan’s restaurant is also one of the Celtic culture.

What kind of food do they eat in Ireland where fairies live and giants stride and whose culture has significant effects on Western Europe?

Irish Food: Simple and Somehow Nostalgic Mother’s Home Cooking

The unique characteristics of Irish cuisine is that it has light taste and brings the best in ingredients, such as mainly potato, then mutton and beef.

They often have creamy mashed potatoes or soda bread with stew, soup, bacon’s or smoked salmons.

Above all, meat!
As it is rainy and there is no change in temperature throughout the year in Ireland, there are huge thick grasslands where cattle and sheep grow up.
Thanks to that, the meat from Ireland is so tasty that Alan gives it an approval. It is extraordinary delicious!

Potato is the Soul of Irish! Mashed Potatoes Melting in Your Mouth.

This is the mashed potatoes with the satisfying smooth texture, cooked with the traditional home cooking skills by Alan.

For most of the Irish food, potatoes are used. For example, the mixture of mashed potatoes and cabbage called Colcannon or the mixture of mashed potatoes and seaseed. In this way, potatoes come first of all.
Why do they eat potatoes that much? The reason is that the times under British rule, Irish people had to send all of the flour to England. So they had to eat potatoes to prevent starving by nourishing themselves.

Ireland and potatoes are inseparable.
The mashed potatoes made of such precious potatoes taste really good.

They have rich taste and creamy texture thanks to abundant milk and butter.
The feeling when we put them into our mouth is indescribable.

The participants were impressed with the rich creamy mashed potatoes for the first time.

Big Smile!!!

It is Hard to Choose from So Many Varieties! Irish Stew Brought to a Simmer

Stew is also essential for Irish home cooking.
The tastes of stew are so various that this restaurant’s name has “stew” in it.
The most common stew is Irish stew and Guinness stew.

Irish stew looks similar to Japanese home cooking “Nikujaga”, a mixture of meat and potatoes.
It is chunky and filling thanks to a plenty of potatoes.

And Guinness stew!
This stew has the aromatic mixed flavor of richness and bitterness, simmered in Guness beer from Ireland where beer and Irish wisky is indisreppensable.

Besides those kinds of stew, Alan kindly served us clam chowder with salmon and spinach soup.

While they are all stew, each has completely different taste.
We couldn’t stop our hands from dipping soda bread in stew and put stew on mashed potatoes and the plates got empty in the blink of an eye.
The most popular one was Irish stew with lamb after all.

Coffee with Whisky!? Irish Coffee is an Acquired Taste

Irish Coffee as dessert for finishing off!

Irish Coffee warms a cold body in the freezing Irish whether. When a lot of airplanes stopped at an airport in Ireland to be refueled, seeing passengers waiting for refueling done and shivering with cold, a chef started serving coffee with Irish Whisky to them.

It is a dessert for mature people, a hot coffee with Irish Whisky and whipped cream on its top.

The combination of the sweetness of whipped cream, the bitterness of cofee and the rich aroma of Irish Coffee and whisky is very satisfying.

Once He Speaks about the Legend of Irish Giant, He Goes on and on about it.

As above, “A Giant’s Stew House” is where you can eat traditional and very delicious Irish food. He opened the stew house after the legend of a giant because after he came to Japan, he began to think that people need a restaurant like a community which conveys the history of Ireland where he loves in Japan where he loves as well.

The walls in the restaurant full of such thoughts is filled with Irish episodes, celebrities and the recommended attractions.

Alan also wrote a book about the Giant Legend to tell Ireland!

According to him, it is the second best book following Lord of the Rings. In the event, he gave such a masterpiece to the participants!

Alain’s passion for Ireland is so strong that he usually tells the story about the Irish stuff in the restaurant, food, beer with his files about Ireland to customers after they place orders.

Alan keeps telling about Ireland in this foreign country Japan which is far away from Ireland, while both are kind of similar in a sense, as they are the island countries.

Ireland is a fantastic and romantic country with lots of legend, myth and fairies living together!
And Irish people are bright, humorous and extremely interesting just like me!
So it’s my dream to make people all over Japan happy by giving the Irish people’s spirit and power!

Thus, Alan taught me a lot about Ireland.
Alan’s character, attracting people by his cheerfulness, might come from his background, growing up in Ireland with its vast nature and fantasy.

The journey to Ireland was deep and exciting thanks to Alan’s laughing jokes.

The Next Destination is Mongolia! International Experience Restaurant Traveling to Another Place Monthly!

BORDERLESS DINERS ~Experience International Restaurants and Travel around the World~is the Monthly Hands-on Programme only for the Tenants!

The next one is going to be held on July 21 (Sun). We will charter a Mongolian restaurant in Shinjuku!

The restaurant is cosy like a house of Mongolian nomads. You can learn about Mongolia with a Mongolian married couple happily with tasty food!

Now then, what are you going to experience in the next journey?
You are going to love the report next month!

About Share House


Restaurant HP


【Tenant’s Real Voice from Osaka Tsuruhashi】University Student JURI’s first room-sharing!

Hello, this is JURI! I recently moved to Borderless House Osaka Tsuruhashi.

I am a fourth-year university student. I decided to live in Tsuruhashi sharehouse to improve my speaking skills (English & Korean) before I start working next Spring.  

My hobbies are traveling abroad, learning new languages (English & Korean) and watching Korean/American dramas on Netflix.

I am curious about everything so I have visited more than 15 different countries including South America and Asia as a backpacker. My favorite countries are Korea and Fiji so far. I like eating BBQ (I wish I could eat it every week).

This is my first time in a sharehouse so I will write about what I feel every day in here from now on.

My first sharehouse life has finally started in full of anxieties.

My new life started in the city called Trusuhashi where the smell of BBQ was drifting in the air. Tsuruhashi sharehouse is a maximum of 8 tenants’ house and I moved into a room for 4 girls on the 4th floor. 

My biggest concern before moving in was about room sharing.

“Am I able to sleep well in a shared room with other people?”

“Am I able to feel relaxed where there is little personal space?”

“Am I able to get along with my roommate?”

It turned out that I didn’t need to be worried about any of that! 

Personal space is fully secured even in a shared room! 

The shared room for 4 people in Tsuruhashi sharehouse is very spacious because it uses the whole fourth floor. So I did not feel cramped at all!

Also, I can secure my personal space with the partitions provided in the room. I can feel relaxed and sleep well at night.

Fun time with my roommate, she became more than just a friend! 

More than anything, having a good roommate is the best thing!

My Korean roommate Juyeon came to Japan for a working holiday. I felt a little bit nervous when I first met her but she was super kind and easy to talk!

We spend a lot of fun time at the community space inside the room, planning a house party, sharing our favorite YouTubers (she introduced me Kemio), learning Korean from her (she speaks good Japanese). 

My roommate Juyeon also came to my parent’s house the other day!


My mum cooked us dinner! Juyeon tried Rice with Raw Egg for the first time and she said she would definitely try making one in Korea. My mum also enjoyed her time with Juyeon because she hadn’t had a chance to talk to someone from other countries.

So I think the best thing about room-sharing is that you can become like family by spending a lot of time together and knowing about each other deeper.

In fact, I and Juyeon could build a good relationship that we could truly respect each other.

This is all for today! Today’s blog article was about what room-sharing was like.

Borderless House Osaka Tsuruhashi

Osaka Sharehouse List

【Enjoy World Cuisine】Hand-made Bosnian food! Let’s eat! Amazing International Experience!

Dobar dan!Hello, this is Yuya!

『BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world~』
Eat! Talk! Think! This is a hands-on program that you can enjoy the international exchange with your five senses and enjoy different cuisines in restaurants or catering in Tokyo!

The 4th time is Bosnia! This time we have done this event with “Japan-South East Europe Business Association.”

I would like to give you an update about the event we held on May 20th!

Enjoy the international vibe of Bosnia with your five senses!

BORDERLESS DINERS is an event which we would like our tenants to be interested in that country through eating their cuisine

and would like to enjoy the different culture of various countries. The “Japanese-South East Europe Business Association”

sympathized with the feeling we have towards this program and had given us a suggestion that they would be happy in sharing stories of the beautiful country Bosnia, to our tenants.

For this time, not only eating but we have also tried cooking Bosnian cuisines by ourselves.

As you may know already, Bosnia is a well-known country where the World War 1 had broke out and has a strong image that they are still facing raciall conflicts.

On the other hand, Bosnia as a unique culture which has been cultivated from the Ottoman era and they have a beautiful, maginificent nature landscape!

This time, let’s travel in Bosnia together!

The taste of the ancient orient from the 3rd century BC

Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia, there is line written as “Sarajevo meetings of cultures” on the Ferhadjia pedestrian street.

As it says so, the line is indeed a border for cultures and the atmosphere of the city is completely different on the east and west side.

On the east side of the street, you can enjoy the scenary of the ancient orient. Compared to that, modern europe cityscape spreads on the west side of the street.

Moreover, Bosnia have country border lines with 7 different countries such as Italy, Austria, Hungary,

Romania, Bulgaria, Greek and Albania. The culture of each country had fused together at Sarajevo.

As a result, the food culture of Bosnia has become a great mixture which is beyond description.

A perfect dish would make you a good husband/wife? Tranditional Home-made dishes in Bosnia

This is essential when it comes to Bosnian cuisine. Yes, it’s Burek (Burek)! It is called Pita in the Balkans region,

It is a widely-packed pie-packed food filled with various ingredients, and its name changes depending on the ingredients.

In Bosnia, it is called Burek, and it is characterized by stuffing meat and spinach etc. in a swirl round shaped thin pie dough.

Burek from Bosnia is the most delicious pita among all the pita foods in the Balkans region, said by Ines.

Since it is difficult to make Burek in a beautiful shape with all ingredients evenly stuffed and to swirl it cleanly,

in Bosnia, they say if people who can make a perfect Burek must be a good companion!

Let’s aim to be a good husband and good wife! We had a challenge to make a Mini Burek!

Stuffed, stuffed … It seems easy but also hard.


Lots of unique Burek were made! The taste of Burek was extra tasty as we did our best to make them.


Forbidden fruit!? Let’s enjoy the God’s dessert!

Next, I would like to introduce you guys a Bosnian grilled apple dish, Tufahije (Tufaje).

Simmering the apples with plenty of sugar and lemon until the apples are fully covered with them, adding plenty of walnuts and hazelnuts as well.

Finally, eating them with the fresh cream and cinnamon powder!

It was fantastic!

Ines said that apples are considered to be God’s food according to the mythology in Bosnia,

so Tufahije seems like a dessert of the fruit of God. Even though it is an easy-to-make Bosnian home-cooked dish, with the myths combined to it just made us immerse in a fascinating taste.

As you can see, there are a lot of delicious dishes with interesting culture in Bosnian cuisine! You must try Bosnian food!

There is no war but only Tourism in Bosnia

Bosnia is a cosmopolitan country with a mix of cultures, but its appeal is not only food.

The Sarajevo incident that triggered World War I, and the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict involving the entire Balkans.

“Bosnia, a land of historical conflicts and wars.
Even after the war is over and 20 years have passed, the image still remains solid.
Bosnia has the image of war, but I want to change it. The history cultivated from Ottoman Turkey.
Vast and rich nature, and abundant food culture. It is a wonderful country where you can go everywhere for sightseeing.

The war has already ended long time ago. Please see a new image of current Bosnia. “

Ines said.

The front line of cross-cultural coexistence, a country has wonderful people, nature and culture

“Bosnia is a front-line country of cross-cultural coexistence. After the war, we have created a unique culture to coexist with various ethnic groups and religions other than Islam. It is also the cityscape seen from the cultural border in Sarajevo,
The feature in our presidential system. We must be select three presidents each from the Bosnjak, Croats and Serbs.Our beautiful country where culture coexists. Please come for sightseeing. “

A country where we are not familiar with but it is actually not too far from Japan, Bosnia.

It is a beautiful multicultural country where nature and tradition coexisted.

We are going to Ireland for the next time! Let’s travel around the world every month!

『BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world~』is a monthly event only for tenants at Borderless House!

Next time, the event will be held at an Irish restauant in Shinagawa Togoshi Shopping street.

You can enjoy Irish food made by a cheerful and talkative chef who loves Ireland.
Well, what kind of experience would you expect for the next?

We are looking forward to seeing you next month!

Japan-South East Europe Business Association



International experience with world food! Know more about Syria through Middle Eastern food!

As-salamu alaykum!

This is Yuya from Borderless House who is in charge of the program!

『BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world~』

Eat! Talk! Think! This is a hands-on program that you can enjoy the international exchange with your five senses and enjoy different cuisines in restaurants or catering in Tokyo!

The third time is Syria! I report the BORDERLESS DINERS which was held on April 20th.

Trip to follow memory, a beautiful hometown Syria

An Arabian Restaurant Palmyra is located on the second floor of a building, a 6min walk from Ikebukuro Station West Exit.

We held this event and reserved whole this restaurant that runs by a Lebanese owner at this time!

Guest speaker is our tenant Mr. F who is from Syria.

“Syria has not been stable yet, and the civil war has continued since 2011.
I think most of Japanese associate Syria with refugees and war.”

But He said
“I only lived in Syria when I was little, so I don’t remember much, but all my families say the same thing; we want everyone to know that Syria is such a beautiful country. “

BORDERLESS DINERS Syria began with such his words. Let’s travel to the beautiful hometown of Syria through Syrian cuisine!

Experience a refreshing sour Middle Eastern cuisine with grazing culture

I said Syrian cuisine, but there is not really a clear difference between Syrian food and Lebanese food. Because Syria and Lebanon were one and the same country a long time ago.

Of course, there are also unique dishes from each country, but the main food culture of vegetables is the same. There are many cultures in Syrian cuisine, such as the hummus(mashed chickpeas) as a staple food, Turkish kebabs and Islamic food such as baklava.


Sesame and lemon, olive oil, herbs, many dishes using tomato in yogurt, but it is refreshing, but sour very fresh flavor in the mouth!
And there are also refreshing drinks of salted yogurt called hibiscus juice or ayran. Since Syria was a grazing culture, there were not many choices of ingredients. It is a simple and sophisticated food culture that uses naturally grown crops and livestock milk.

Dynamic taste! Extremely sour, sweet, rich! Syria!

Syrian food is dynamic taste! For example, the sourness of the ayran is not slight, it is VERY sour!
The coffee is so rich that the powder precipitates. And the hibiscus of the national drink which also has a light laxative effect is too much sour!
Of course, there are also meals and dessert with a dynamic taste to eat with such a thick drink.
Okra tomato stew is very sour, and dessert bakrawa and basbusa are very sweet!
Middle Eastern cuisine was like a great adventure.

Syrian young people are in all over the world. What made him come to Japan?


Well, after enjoying Syrian food, it is time for a Syrian story.
Currently, Mr. F has lived in Japan for about one year. He is a naughty teen boy who loves Japanese comedy and speaks Kansai dialect very fluently.
Also, he was born in Syria and raised in Saudi Arabia.

The last time he returned to Syria was just a year before the civil war began, when he was 10 years old. Since then, he has never been back in Syria.
Although now he is good at speaking Japanese and loves Japanese comedy, in fact, he didn’t think he would come to Japan.

“At first, I tried to go to a university in the US and I needed to have VISA to stay outside Syria because I am Syrian. Unfortunately, Just after VISA in Saudi Arabia ended, it became Trump’s administration at the timing in the US, and VISA for that suddenly dropped. I can no longer enter Saudi Arabia, and if I go to Turkey, where my parents stay, I have to make a refugee application. Then I decided to make a visa application to Japan.
Fortunately, Japan’s Visa went down and I decided to stay in Japan.
From there I knew how wonderful Japan is. “

Currently, Syrian young people are drafted when returning to Syria and must join the army. Much Syrian youth cannot return to their hometown to avoid recruiting. In addition, they cannot go around the world freely.  Most of Syrians don’t have choices and they have to stay temporary in various countries as refugees or immigrants.

“Syria is a really beautiful country. The beautiful geometric pattern of the mosques, and the world’s oldest city, Damascus.The most romantic and beautiful Syrian-like Arabic language in the world. Now I met Japanese comedy and love Japan, but I hope to return to Syria someday. And I want the housemates and everyone I met to know more about Syria someday. Syria is a really beautiful country.

The feeling from Lebanon that was divided country from Syria


This time, the venue is the restaurant Palmyra, the owner Mr. Suriman who usually teaches Arabic culture at a university and he sells Syrian goods in the place to help Syrian children.

Mr. Suriman said,
“The Syrian people are not chemical weapons test subjects, they are humans with emotions.”
The neighboring country Syria with similar culture since it was the same country. And there are many Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Mr. Suriman believes Syrian and Lebanese people are brothers, and this motivates him to support Syria. He hopes that one day they will be able to come and go free again and create a society for Syrians to live their dreams. Dreaming of such a day tells stories about Syria in restaurants here in Japan.

BORDERLESS DINERS is a program where you can experience the country through meals. It was a moment that we can feel Syria close.

The next program is for Bosnia! You can touch a different culture every month!

『BORDERLESS DINERS ~ Experience international restaurants and travel around the world ~』

This is a hands-on program which is held every month!

Next time, we will invite beauty chef in Borderless House Shinjuku Honancho!
Bosnian food! Well, what kind of experience can you make next?”

Looking forward to the next report!!

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