HOUSE EXCHANGE Jeanie Seoul to Tokyo

House exchange from Seoul to Tokyo!


Hello, this is Share house Borderless House!

Our tenant Jeanie gave us sweet review after house exchange program!

Please check it this review! 😀

Since I live in Korea, I decided that this was a good chance to explore other Asian countries.

Besides Korea,
the other Asian country that has always been at the top of my list to visit was Japan.

For this, the Borderless Share House free house exchange to Tokyo was a great opportunity!


Borderless Share House Japan has a lot of houses in Tokyo; in different areas of the city and of varying sizes.
So the first thing I did, was check out all the houses on the borderless website and do some research on which area of Tokyo I wanted to stay in, as well as consult with the borderless staff about which houses were available during the time I intended to stay in Japan.

After all the practical arrangement had been made, it was all smooth sailing from there.


I was only in Japan for 9 days, but it was great and very comforting to arrive and be greeted by the Japanese Borderless staff member, at the subway station nearby the house I was going to stay in.


As when you move into any Borderless house/apartment, I was given a tour of the house and the instructions I needed to know for my stay there (i.e. recycling, house rules), and the borderless staff member answered all the questions I had about my stay in Japan.


Since I was in only in Japan for 9 days I didn’t really have the opportunity to hang out that much with the other tenants of the house.

Most of them were workers and some where students, so they were also busy with their work and studies.


However those I did meet at the house were all really nice and curious to hear and learn, about my experience living in Korea and why I had chosen to come to Japan.

At the same time, my new Japanese housemates were also able to give me advice about the area in which we lived, as well as everything from transport to the best places to eat and shop in the local area.


During my time in Japan I not only stayed in Tokyo, I also when to Osaka and Kyoto.

Having Tokyo as my base for exploring Japan was great, because it meant that I could both start and finish my house exchange in Tokyo.


Not only was I able to visit Japan without spending a lot of money on accommodation,

I was also able to talk and interact with natives to Japan as well as other foreigners, while living with them in a share house – I truly believe that this, is the best and fastest way to gain insight into a country, its culture and its people.


I would definitely recommend the Borderless House exchange program.
Whether you want to study, do a language course or go on vacation to explore and learn about a new culture, this is a really good way to do it, because you immediately have to chance to meet and make friends with locals and other foreigners!


* Only for tenant *
If you want to join our House exchange program,
feel free to contact us! Always welcome!
Please refer to the link below for more information.