Event | Celebrate Lunar New year with BORDERLESS HOUSE housemate!

Lunar New Year is a traditional festival calculated according to the lunar calendar and is one of Taiwan’s important holidays. During the Lunar New Year holiday period, people typically return to their hometowns to reunite with family and friends, celebrating the arrival of the new year together. Customs and traditions vary from region to region. In Taiwan, for example: on New Year’s Eve, families perform rituals to honor ancestors, gather for dinner, and stay up late into the night; on the first day of the new year, people pay a New Year’s visit; the second day is for married daughters going back to their own family to visit parents, relatives, and close friends; the third day is for going to bed earlier; the fourth day involves rituals to welcome deities and ensure good fortune for the coming year; and the fifth day marks the resumption of business activities after the holiday

This year, our Taiwanese housemate, James, brought our Japanese housemate, Azusa, back to his hometown (Kaohsiung and Tainan) to celebrate the New Year. During their visit, he introduced Azusa to Taiwanese customs, allowing her to immerse herself more deeply in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Let’s follow in their footsteps and explore the sights of southern Taiwan during the Lunar New Year!

Let’s start the trip from Kaohsiung! Dome of Light, Cijin, Cijin Lighthouse, and The Pier-2 Art Center✨

Our first stop was the renowned landmark at Kaohsiung’s Formosa Boulevard Station—the Dome of Light. The dome tells the story of human life in four chronologically arranged themes: Water: The Womb of Life; Earth: Prosperity and Growth; Light: The Creative Spirit; and Fire: Destruction and Rebirth, with an overall message of love and tolerance. Whenever new friends visit Kaohsiung for the first time, I always take them here.

Our next destination is Cijin, where we hopped on bicycles and rode along the seaside bike path, soaking in the coastal scenery. I noticed Azusa’s excitement as she witnessed the sunset by the beach. It seemed that in Taiwan, there were fewer opportunities for her to appreciate such beautiful landscapes while cycling, which made the experience even more special for her.

Afterwards, we visited the Cijin Lighthouse to enjoy the night scenery. This location offers a fantastic view, overlooking Cijin Beach and Kaohsiung. Surprisingly, it’s not widely known, so there weren’t many people around. We lingered here for quite some time, relishing the tranquil moments in the peaceful ambiance.

Finally, we took a boat back to Kaohsiung and strolled along the Pier-2 Art Center. Along the way, we encountered numerous art installations and food trucks. I explained to Azusa that Kaohsiung is a port city, historically centered around import-export trade, hence the frequent presence of cargo ships. The buildings at Pier-2 used to be warehouses for storing goods but have since been transformed into an artistic hub.

Fo Guang Shan, lion and dragon dances, and head to Tainan!

The next day, we visited Fo Guang Shan, a Buddhist monastery, to experience the spring festivities and offer prayers. As Taiwan’s largest Buddhist monastery, it attracts many visitors every year who come to pray for peace and prosperity. Besides the prayers, the monastery also offers a variety of unexpected vegetarian dishes, such as vegetarian chicken made from soybeans and mushrooms, as well as international cuisine. Along the way, we encountered the traditional lion and dragon dances, and lively performances that celebrate the arrival of the new year and add to the festive atmosphere.

Afterward, we headed to Tainan, arriving after dark. We visited the renowned souvenir shop, Hayashi Department Store, which opened during the Japanese colonial period in 1932, becoming the second department store in Taiwan and the first in southern Taiwan. After undergoing renovation, it reopened in 2014 as a “cultural and creative department store,” while still preserving many early artifacts. Here, you can find Taiwan’s famous specialties such as nougat, tea leaves, pineapple cakes, as well as clothing and unique cultural and creative products from the early Japanese colonial period. The packaging of these items is exquisitely cute, blending traditional Japanese patterns with local Taiwanese styles, making it worth a visit for everyone!

Experience the Lantern Festival atmosphere and eat delicious Tainan food.

During the Spring Festival period, as it approaches the Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the Chinese New Year), lantern festivals are held as part of the celebrations. This year is no exception. Not only are the streets of Tainan adorned with lanterns, but temples also display characteristic lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere. Moreover, there are some artistic paintings or small shops hidden along the streets, often attracting passersby to stop and explore.

If I were to describe Kaohsiung, I would say it’s a bustling port city that never sleeps, becoming more beautiful as the night deepens. On the other hand, Tainan can be described as a capital of food. Traditional breakfast in Tainan is seafood congee, reflecting the city’s early reliance on fishing for livelihoods, necessitating a hearty meal to sustain energy for work. Another famous delicacy is Tainan beef soup, which I highly recommend trying if you have the chance. The broth is rich and smooth, and the beef is tender yet flavorful! Additionally, prices in Tainan are relatively lower than in Taipei, so I believe you can enjoy your meals with great satisfaction there.

When it comes to must-try desserts in Tainan, we can’t forget about tofu pudding (douhua) and fruit shaved ice. During the summer, you can enjoy mango shaved ice, which foreigners highly favor, while in the winter, you can enjoy seasonal strawberry shaved ice.

The above is the three-day, two-night trip back to my hometown with Azusa. If there’s a chance, I’d also like to experience the local New Year culture in Japan:)!

Are you eager to experience wonderful international friendships? Let’s join BORDERLESS HOUSE!

BORDERLESS HOUSE offers accommodation environments akin to studying abroad, allowing you to feel the charm of a global community right at home. If you aspire to such a lifestyle, why not take action now?

We are now launching the Summer Early Bird campaign, allowing you to start preparing for your journey early! Don’t miss this opportunity and join us!

Start your exciting new adventure by clicking the links below!
▶️입주 안내
▶️쉐어하우스 일람
▶️자주묻는 질문

Summer Early Bird Campaign: Get Ready for Your New Journey in Advance!

Are you planning to stay in Taipei this summer? Or are you new to Taipei and hoping to make new friends? Well, we’ve got some exciting news for you!!! Whether you’re a student or a traveler, if you have a passion for connecting with others, BORDERLESS HOUSE is definitely the perfect accommodation choice for you!

BORDERLESS HOUSE is thrilled to introduce our ‘Summer Early Bird Campaign’! Normally, we only hold the room for 14 days free, but with this promotion, we’ll hold your room for free until your move-in day! Follow us to learn more detailed information and get your checklist completed ahead of time ✔️!

Details of the Early Bird Campaign

■ Prepay the “initial fees” and “one month’s rent (including utilities)”, and stay for a minimum of 2 months to reserve your bed for free until your move-in date.
The prepaid one month’s rent will be credited towards the next month’s rent upon move-in. Example: If you move in during April, the prepaid rent will be credited towards May’s rent.
■ Application Period: From now until May 31st, 2024.
■ Eligibility: Move in by June 29th.
■ Notes:
1. After completing the reservation, the initial fees and one month’s rent are non-refundable in case of cancellation.
2. Early termination of the lease is not permitted; early departure still requires payment for 2 months’ rent.
3. BORDERLESS HOUSE reserves the right to review applications during the contract period. If there are violations of the contract terms or if it is determined that the applicant is not suitable for living in BORDERLESS HOUSE, we reserve the right to terminate the contract immediately.


BORDERLESS HOUSE is like a small international society, bringing together friends from all over the world. Through daily interactions, not only can you gain a deeper understanding of various cultures, but you can also strengthen bonds of friendship. Additionally, we organize language exchanges and diverse activities to facilitate interactions between tenants of different houses, expanding your international perspective and circle of friends. Moreover, there’s the special “BORDERLESS TRAVEL” event, where you have the opportunity to stay in houses in Japan and Korea, providing you with even more exciting overseas experiences!

Furthermore, our houses are fully equipped and conveniently located, making it more convenient for you to enjoy life in Taipei!

So what are you waiting for? Start your new journey through the following information!
▶️입주 안내
▶️쉐어하우스 일람
▶️자주묻는 질문
▶️임대료 및 임대차 규정

Weekend Trip with Roommates – One Day Trip to the North Coast

After a week of work, not sure where to go for the weekend? Let our Zhongshan-Shuanglian1 housemates take you on an outing!

This time, they have organized a one-day trip to the North Coast, allowing us to explore the recommended attractions and delicacies together!!!

First Stop – Shalun Beach in Tamsui

Located near the Lover’s Bridge in Tamsui, Shalun Beach is a perfect spot to sit on the sand, gaze at the ocean, and experience the tranquility of the coast. This beach, not frequently visited by the public, is a relatively serene hidden gem. Watching children and pets roam freely creates a healing atmosphere. On that day, they brought picnic mats and enjoyed the beach while chatting. One of our housemates from the UK later shared that the view of this sea was truly therapeutic for her, as back in her hometown, she rarely had the opportunity to see such expansive seascapes. She expressed joy in being able to appreciate Taiwan’s coastline with everyone.

Second Stop – Laomei Green Reef

Continuing along the North Coast, you’ll reach a community called “Laomei.” Here, you’ll find Taiwan’s only green reef coast known as “Laomei Green Reef.” What makes it special is that in April, as the northeast monsoon gradually subsides, the reef becomes covered with lush green seaweed, creating a breathtaking landscape known as the “Green Reef.”

Additionally, the local area offers a treat known as “石花凍” (Stone Flower Jelly), a delightful dessert. Our Japanese housemate mentioned that the taste of 石花凍 reminds her of a Japanese summer snack called “ところてん” (Tokoroten), with similar flavors. The difference lies in Japan’s practice of shaping it into noodle-like strips. The most popular way to enjoy it is by drizzling black vinegar, or combining it with bonito soy sauce and sesame. For those with a sweet tooth, you can also try it with a drizzle of black sugar syrup.

Third Stop – Jinshan Old Street

After leaving Laomei, they arrived at the highlight of today’s lunch itinerary – Jinshan Old Street. Jinshan is renowned for three must-try delicacies: crab, duck meat, and sweet potatoes. The Three-Point Crab and Seafood Congee are highly recommended here, which includes a whole crab in one bowl – delicious!

Speaking of sweet potatoes, our Korean housemate tried chatting with the sweet potato vendor in Taiwanese.
Housemate: 這地瓜金價賀甲嗎? (Is this sweet potato really delicious?)
Surprisingly, they discovered that the Taiwanese pronunciation of “真的” (really) is quite similar to the Korean pronunciation, and they also found similarities in the pronunciation of other words like “圖書館” (library), “學生” (student), and “時間” (time). It was truly fascinating!

After savoring the delicious seafood congee, they visited Jinshan Temple Street. A notable feature here is the self-service duck meat and dishes, with the must-try items being duck meat and fried noodles!

After indulging in duck meat, they found red sweet potato ice cream on the old street, and of course, various fresh sweet potatoes for sale. Once they were full and satisfied, they strolled to the public foot bath at Huanggang Community in the back mountains of Jinshan, offering free hot spring foot baths. Enjoying the scenery and chatting with friends while soaking their feet was truly relaxing.

Unconsciously, dusk arrived, and they prepared to head to the next destination as the sun set in the west.

Fourth Stop – Zhongjiao Bay

After enjoying the foot bath, they headed to Zhongjiao Bay near Jinshan. This beach is known for its cleanliness and is a popular spot among surfing enthusiasts.

They played on the beach until evening. After the activities, hunger struck again, signaling it was time to head to the final destination of the day.

Final Stop – Keelung Temple Night Market

They chose Keelung Temple Night Market as the concluding destination for their North Coast journey. The entrance of the night market exuded a vibrant atmosphere with colorful flags, and on both sides were stalls offering a variety of delicious dishes, including braised pork rice, nutritious sandwiches, bubble ice, and more, waiting for everyone to explore.

After a day of fun and satisfaction, it was time to head home. The housemates had a happy and fulfilling day, looking forward to the next adventure!

Now, how do you get to these North Coast attractions? In addition to convenient public transportation, driving is an excellent choice for touring. Even if you don’t have a car, there’s no need to worry!

Zipcar: Car-Sharing Service

Starting from January 1, 2024, we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Zipcar, providing exclusive car rental benefits for BORDERLESS HOUSE tenants. Whether you wish to roam freely or leisurely explore the beautiful North Coast, Zipcar is your ideal choice.

Benefit Highlights:

1. Receive $300 in Z Credits (Z Credits can only be applied towards rental fees, excluding other charges).
2. For Residents Registering as Zipcar Members in the First Three Months.

Enjoy complimentary access to premium membership perks, applicable to Zipcar Value Plan rates.
For more information, please refer to the official Zipcar website.

【임대료 및 임대차 규정】예약 전 반드시 확인해 주세요!

친애하는 입주자 여러분 및 저희 하우스에 관심이 있으신 분들께.

저희 BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIWAN은 2014년에 첫 번째 Share House를 오픈했습니다. 저희는 외국어 공부나 문화 교류를 좋아하는 세입자들을 위해 다양한 문화 교류의 장을 만들고, 전 세계에서 온 여러 사람들과 서로 소통할 수 있도록 힘쓰고 있습니다. 또한, 입주자분들의 대만에서의 생활이 보다 안전하고 편안하게 느껴질 수 있도록 하기 위한 방법을 계속 고민하고 있습니다.

여러분께 다음과 같은 말을 꼭 전달 드리고 싶습니다. “여러분의 관심과 지지에 진심으로 감사드립니다. 여러분 덕분에 멋진 커뮤니티를 만들 수 있었습니다! 여러분 없이는 이런 성취를 이룰 수 없었을 것입니다!”

그러나 안타깝게도, 대만 내 임대료와 물가 상승으로, 하우스의 유지가 쉽지 않은 상황입니다. 그런 이유로, 저희는 일부의 관리 제도 및 운영 비용을 조정하기로 결정했습니다. 여러분의 많은 양해를 부탁드리며, 이번 조정을 계기로 앞으로 더 나은 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 내용을 참조해 주세요.


하절기  (5월 – 10월): 1,200 NTD
동절기 (11월 – 4월): 800 NTD

●비용 내 포함사항 : 수도 및 전기 이용료, 가스, 관리비, Wi-Fi, TV 채널 이용료, 및 하우스 유지 비용 (기본 청소 도구, 주방용품, 가전제품, 에어컨 및 세탁기 청소 (연간 1회 실시))

계약 유형:

1. 【유연 계약】
– 사전에 계약 해지를 요청할 수 있습니다.
(단, 조항 8에 따라 30일 전에 퇴거 신청이 필요합니다)

2. 【1년 계약】
– 사전에 계약 해지할 수 없습니다.
– 사전에 떠나는 경우 잔여 기간의 임대료를 지불하여야 합니다.

두 가지 계약 옵션을 이용해 BORDERLESS HOUSE에서의 새로운 삶을 시작해 보세요!

유연한 계약으로 시작하기
(나중에 1년 계약으로 전환 시 1,000 NTD의 수수료가 부과됩니다. 새 계약의 시작일은 원래 계약과 일치합니다.)

다음과 같은 분들께 추천합니다:
✓ 타이페이에서의 단기 체류
✓ 어학 학교 학생
✓ 타이페이에서의 인턴
✓ 쉐어 하우스에 익숙하지 않거나 처음으로 다른 사람들과 함께 거주해 보시려는 분들
✓ 최근 타이페이에서 새 직장을 찾으신 분들
✓ 쉐어 하우스에 호기심이 있는 분들


1년 계약으로 시작하기
(2년차부터 자동으로 유연한 계약으로 전환되며 사전 해지가 가능합니다)

다음과 같은 분들께 추천합니다:
✓ 타이베이에서 장기 거주하려는 분들
✓ 쉐어하우스/공동 주택에 익숙하거나 다른 사람들과 함께 거주한 경험이 있는 분들
✓ 타이베이에서 안정적인 직장을 가지신 분들
✓ 국제 교류 환경을 좋아하시는 분들

어떤 계획을 갖고 있든, 우리는 여러분께서 BORDERLESS HOUSE를 경험해 보시길 추천합니다. 쉐어하우스 생활은 여러분의 삶 속에서 가장 잊지 못할 소중한 추억이 될 테니까요!

만약 궁금한 점이 있으시다면 언제든지 문의해 주세요. 

저희 스태프 및 입주자들이 여러분과 만나기를 고대하며, 서로의 이야기를 듣고 나누는 것에 기대하고 있겠습니다!

【공동 거주 아파트는 무엇인가요? 여러분과도 잘 맞을까요?】 블로그
【당신에게 맞는 Share House를 찾아보세요】
타이페이 Share House 위치
【Share House 생활은 어떤 모습인가요?】 인스타그램


Partnership|BORDERLESS HOUSE × Global Overseas Education


Global Overseas Education

Global Overseas Education was founded in 1990 as a language school offering specialized courses in English, Japanese and Korean. In addition to language courses, they also offer a variety of other services. For example, they provide admissions counseling services, introduce Korean universities and language schools to international students, and offer a variety of experiential activities to give them a deeper understanding of local traditions and modern culture.

Experience the authentic Korean culture

< 한국에서 한달 살기 >
1.가격 : USD 3,000
2. 한국어 1개월 배우기 : 완전초보부터 가능, 1:1 강의, 주 2회 (1회 50분)
3. 숙박제공 : Studio -에어컨, 냉장고, 전자레인지 완비, Full furnished, 한국에서 가장Hot한 부촌지역 150만원
4. 한국문화배우기 : 1개월 4주/1주 각1회(한국음악, 한국미술, K-Pop댄스, 공예) , 방송국견학,
5. 공항픽업OK, Sending X
6. 맛집 소개
● 자유개인활동비용별도 : 한국의 왕궁입장료, 뮤지컬콘서트, Temple stay, 한옥체험, DMZ,김치만들기 체험, 교통비, 가이드비 별도

< 한국에서 1주일 살기 > 
1. 가격 : USD 3,000
2. 한국어 1주일 배우기 : 완전초보부터 가능, 1:1 강의, 주 2회 (1회 50분)
3. 숙박제공 : Studio -에어컨, 냉장고, 전자레인지 완비, Full furnished, 한국에서 가장Hot한 부촌지역
4. 한국문화배우기 : 1개월 4주/1주 각1회(한국음악, 한국미술, K-Pop댄스, 공예) , 방송국견학
5. 공항픽업OK, Sending X
6. 맛집 소개
●자유개인활동비용별도 : 한국의 왕궁입장료, 뮤지컬콘서트, Temple stay, 한옥체험, DMZ,김치만들기 체험, 교통비, 가이드비 별도

< 한국에서 2박3일 > USD 500
1. 가격 : USD 500
2. 한국어 1일 배우기 : 완전초보부터 가능, 1:1 강의, 1회 50분
3. 숙박+식사 제공(조식-샌드위치) : Studio -에어컨, 냉장고, 전자레인지 완비, Full furnished, 한국에서 가장Hot한 부촌지역
4. 한국문화배우기 : 1회(K-Pop댄스, 공예)
5. 공항픽업OK, Sending X
6. 맛집 소개
●자유개인활동비용별도 : 한국의 왕궁입장료, 뮤지컬콘서트, Temple stay, 한옥체험, DMZ,김치만들기 체험, 교통비, 가이드비 별도

Room’s pictures

Classroom’s pictures

Courses related pictures

K-pop Dance 

Korean Traditional Art 

Korean Traditional Instrument

Contact Info

Company: Global Overseas Education 
Director: 金惠泳 KIM, Hye Young
Address: Rm. 201, Deoksoo B/D, 636-25 Yeoksam-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 06130 ,S. Korea (Post code:06130)
Tel: No. : +82-2-555-5332 / Mobile # : +82-10-3209-5271
Website: www.globaluhak.co.kr
E-mail : moonfeel1999@naver.com

【BORDERLESS TRAVEL】Meet New People from other Share Houses of different countries!

안녕하세요, 여러분! BORDERLESS HOUSE의 Daniel입니다.

코로나로 닫혀 있던 해외로의 길이 열리기 시작하고, 많은 분들이 해외로의 여행을 계획하시고 있다고 생각합니다. 여러분은 어떤 나라에 가장 가보고 싶으신가요? 쉽게 결정하기 어려우실거라고 생각합니다. 세계에는 너무나도 아름답고 흥미로운 나라들이 가득하니까요!

그렇다면!! 일본, 대만, 혹은 한국으로의 여행을 시작해보시는 것은 어떨까요?

코로나 이전 많은 사랑을 받았던 프로그램, 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 리뉴얼하여, BORDERLESS TRAVEL이라는 이름으로 마침내 다시 시작하게 되었다는 것을 기쁜 마음으로 알려드리고자 합니다!

여행 중 현지인들과 교류하고 싶으신 입주자분들,

하우스에서 다양한 사람들을 만나보고 싶으신 입주자분들,

BORDERLESS HOUSE에서 살면서 다른 하우스, 다른 나라들로 여러분의 세계를 넓혀 나갈 수 있습니다!
프로그램에 관심이 있으신 분들은 아래의 정보를 확인해주시기 바랍니다!


현입주자 (1개월 이상 거주자)

【프로그램 이용료】
일본 : 15,000 JPY
대만 : 6,500 TWD
한국 : 150,000 KRW

*이불렌탈료 및 공과금이 포함된 금액입니다.
*방문하는 국가의 지점에 이용료를 지불하시게 됩니다.
*현재 거주중인 하우스의 월세와는 별도의 금액입니다.

최소 7일, 최대 30일

【하우스 옵션】
하우스나 방을 선택하실 수는 없습니다. 방문 해당 국가의 지점에서 공실상황 등을 고려하여 옵션을 제공합니다.


➦Step1.  신청서 작성
“여행 시작일로부터 약 2주전후로 신청을 해주시길 바랍니다.
너무 늦게, 혹은 일찍 신청하시면 맞는 하우스를 추천드리기 어렵습니다.”

➦Step2. 신청서를 작성 하신 후 3영업일 이내로 답변을 드립니다. (안내드릴 수 있는 방이 없는 경우에도 알려드립니다.)

➦Step3. 방이 결정된 후, 이용료 지불과 입주 및 퇴실 일정에 대하여 안내드립니다. 일정을 확인하시고 1일 이내로 이용료를 지불해주십시오.

➦Step4. 이용료 지불이 확인되면 프로그램 예약 확정 메일을 발송드립니다.

모든 프로세스가 완료되면, 새로운 친구들과의 즐거운 생활이 시작됩니다!

신청 전 주의사항

※ 헤어드라이어 혹은 세면도구는 따로 제공하지 않습니다. 직접 준비해주시기 바랍니다.
※ 해당 하우스의 규칙을 잘 따라주시기 바랍니다. 규칙에 어긋나는 행동을 하는 경우 프로그램 이용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
※ 프로그램의 개선 및 홍보를 위한 여행 중의 사진 및 경험내용 공유에 동의하시는 경우에만 이용 가능합니다.

프로그램을 이용해 본 입주자들의 후기를 확인해보세요!

Judy – from Taiwan to Tokyo

Judy씨는 BORDERLESS HOUSE에 6년째 살고 있는 입주자입니다.

세계각국에서 온 친구들이 많이 있지만, 코로나로 오랜기간동안 만나지 못했습니다. 일본의 국경이 열리고, Judy씨는 드디어 오랜 친구들을 만나고, 더 많은 새로운 친구들을 만날 수 있게 되었습니다!

Judy씨는 이번에 기타센주2 하우스에서 머물게 되었습니다. 7일이라는 짧은 기간이지만, 하우스메이트들은 Judy씨를 위해 두번이나 파티를 열어주었습니다! 다른 하우스에서 살고 있는 입주자들과도 만날 수 있었고요. 모두들 따뜻하고 활기찬 사람들이었습니다! 🥳

일본이라면 타코야키 파티가 빠질 수 없죠! 마침 Judy씨의 생일도 있었기에 하우스메이트들은 생일파티도 열어주었습니다!

이 놀라운 도시에서 여러분은 언제든지 새로운 것을 찾을 수 있습니다, — Tokyo

길었던 국경 봉쇄가 끝나고, 드디어 일본에 방문할 수 있게 되었습니다.
여러분은 도심지에서 지낼 수 있습니다. 나카메구로 지역과 도쿄 타워 등 걸어서 이 아름다운 도시를 둘러볼 수 있습니다.
아니면 교외지역도 방문해보세요. 타카오 산의 단풍을 보거나 “작은 에도”라고 불리는 카와고에를 방문해 옛 정취를 느껴보세요.

하우스메이트들을 다시 만났을 때, 함께 살던 즐겁고 그리운 시절로 돌아간 기분이 들었습니다.
우리는 쉐어하우스에서 함께 여행을 다니고, 저녁을 요리하고, 언어를 교환하며 우리의 일상을 공유했습니다.
모든 즐거웠던 추억들은 쉐어하우스를 더욱 매력적으로 보이게 합니다. 🤗

Message from Judy: “아주 멋진 프로그램입니다. 여행경비를 아낄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 새로운 친구들도 만날 수 있어요!”

다른 후기도 확인해 볼까요!

Haruka -from Tokyo to Korea

Haruka씨는 한국문화에 아주 관심이 많아서, 한국문화를 더 깊이 이해하고 한국문화에 대해 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 더 많은 친구들을 만나고 싶었습니다.

“그래서 BORDERLESS TRAVEL을 통해 2주간 한국을 방문하기로 결정했습니다.
한국에서의 장기거주를 위한 “”워밍업””으로 말이죠!”☺

홍대는 꼭 한국에서 방문해야 할 버킷리스트에 넣으셔야 합니다.

하우스메이트들은 Haruka씨를 홍대에 데려갔습니다. 정통 한국식 바비큐, 프라이드 치킨, 소주, 호떡 등을 맛보게 하기 위해서요!
홍대에서 모든 것을 경험해 보기에는 하룻밤은 너무나 짧았습니다!

월드컵시즌이었기에, 모두 함께 저녁을 먹고, 서로의 팀을 응원하며 경기 생중계를 보았습니다. 함께 보내는 시간은 모두를 좀 더 가깝게 만들어 주었어요!

이번 월드컵에서는 예상외의 경기 결과가 많았습니다.
하지만 모두들 열심히 싸웠어요!

쉐어하우스에서의 일상 또한 중요한 것 중의 하나입니다.
「Hey! What are you eating?」
하우스메이트들은 음식 때문에 항상 공용공간에 모였습니다.
문화와 언어의 교류 역시 일상의 한 부분입니다. 함께 생활하다 보면 여러분도 어느샌가 세계가 넓어지고 어학력이 향상될 거에요!

Message from Haruka: “함께 마시고, 게임을 하고, 클럽에 가고, 치킨을 먹고, 월드컵을 보는 것 모두 너무 즐거웠어요!”


입주자들의 후기는 어떠셨나요? 여러분도 다음 여행에서 새로운 친구들을 많이 만나는 것을 기대하고 있길 바랍니다!

BORDERLESS TRAVEL을 통해, 여러분께 특별한 생활과 여행 경험을 제공하고자 합니다.
여행 중 볼거리와 먹거리 뿐만 아니라, 사람과 사람 사이의 인연도 함께 말이죠.

「공유」로 인해 이 세상의 차이가 보입니다.
여러분도 모든 나라의 독특함을 깊이 알고 즐기시게 될 겁니다.

우리는 여러분과 이 세계의 이야기를 듣고 싶습니다!

【프로그램 신청서】

★더 많은 후기는 이곳에서 확인 가능합니다.

Language Exchange|How should I prepare for Language Exchange and practice speaking?

Do you want to practice your speaking skills for free through “Language Exchange” and meet new foreign friends, but don’t know where to start preparing? Or have you tried “Language Exchange” before, but after encountering some difficulties in the process, and you just left it at that?

Then this article on language exchange prep will help you a lot!

What is Language Exchange?

Language Exchange is a reciprocal activity in which you practice the language that you are learning by chatting with a native speaker or someone who is fluent in that language. In addition, to quickly improve your speaking skills, you can also learn cultural knowledge not found in textbooks and make new friends, which is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Am I a good candidate for language exchange?

When you want to practice a language through Language Exchange, here are some tips you can check to see if you are a good candidate.

1) What is your purpose? Do you really want to practice the language? Or do you just want to meet foreign friends?

Because Language Exchange is not mandatory, there must be a strong motivation to learn each other’s language in order to be sustainable.

2) How is your language ability?

Usually, I suggest that it is better to have at least a daily conversation level, so that you can correct and improve your speech step by step during the conversation. Otherwise, it is easy to keep speaking only one language with each other.

3) Do you like to interact with people?

In fact, Language Exchange is also a kind of meeting internet friend activity, whether online or face-to-face, the first meeting will inevitably be awkward. So before participating in Language Exchange, you can ask yourself, do you want to meet a new stranger? Will you be curious about your partner?

What to prepare before Language Exchange?

The preparation content will vary depending on the length of time you work with your language partner, and is divided into early and late stages:


1) Confirm meeting time and language appointment (1 hour of full Chinese conversation, 1 hour of full foreign language conversation). And set an alarm before you start so that you don’t forget to change the language when you’re having too much fun conversation.

2) Usually, the first meeting is just about introducing yourself, why are you learning this language? What are your hobbies? Where have you traveled to? What kind of music do you prefer? Basically, it’s the same as a blind date, in the process of talking to each other to find out what you have in common and whether we have a mutual connection because this part will also affect the subsequent contact.


When you get to know your partner better, you will gradually start to run out of topics to talk about, so it is very important to prepare some beforehand.

1) Note down any problems of language learning that you have, such as being unsure how to translate a sentence or whether there is a more authentic way to say it. You can also bring your own textbooks or assignments and discuss your questions together.

2) If you have a grammatical problem, try not to ask a native speaker, because they usually don’t know how to explain it, either. Unless the partner major in linguistics, otherwise a lot of time will be wasted trying to explain grammar.

3) Share something interesting that happened recently, or any interesting articles, news, videos, cultural differences or interesting topics to discuss. It is better to have questions with a little depth, such as environmental protection or social issues, so that you can practice expressing your own ideas, and hear the results of your partner’s opinions from different perspectives.

4) Write an exchange diary! Language Exchange is not only to practice speaking, writing is also a very important part of it. You can write a short article about your reading experience or a movie afterthought. Gradually your writing skills will be greatly improved without you even realizing it!

5) Let’s hang out together! Hiking, movies, museums, whatever you and your friends like to do, invite your language partner to go with you as well! Since you’re going out together, you don’t have to be too strict about which language you speak for how long, so just switch between them! Be flexible!

6) Register for the language test and get certified! You can practice for the content of the exam, with specific topics and sentence patterns. When you are under pressure, you will be more prepared for each Language Exchange!

What should I pay attention to during Language Exchange?

1) When introducing to each other, observe the language level of your partner and adjust your speaking speed according to the language level, pronouncing your words as clearly and standardly as possible.

2) When practicing the language, instead of expressing yourself in your native language, ask more questions so that your partner can answer his/her thoughts more often. For example: Why? What do you think? What would you do?…etc. Try to use these questions often.

3) Use the cloud notepad to record words or sentences during the meeting, so that you can easily re-read them afterward.

Where can I find a Language Exchange partner?

Nowadays there are many ways to find language exchange partners, through mobile apps, websites, or by staying in a multicultural share house.

APP& Website recommendation:

1) Hello Talk: You can send texts, voice messages, voice calling, and video calling, and you can also help each other fix sentences, translate, and other auxiliary functions. You can also upload pictures and short articles. The overall function is very similar to Instagram.

2) Tandem: It is very similar to the function of HelloTalk, except that this app will actively send the notification about the info of other members to increase the chance of matching.

3) HiNative: It is a Q&A platform where you can ask questions about grammar, wording differences, or articles, and there are usually enthusiastic answers from native speakers.

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: It is a multicultural share house with locals and they also organize a variety of events and provide free Language Exchange opportunities from time to time.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international, multicultural share house with locals. There are 17 houses in Taipei City and overseas branches in Tokyo, Osaka(Japan), and Seoul(South Korea).

Event | Making Tang Yuan on Winter Solstice

Cold and freezing winter is coming!

Isn’t it a perfect season to eat Tang Yuan?

Today we are going to review our winter event, Making Tang Yuan with BORDERLESS HOUSE. Not only learning Taiwanese traditional culture, but also enjoying the vibe of winter.

What is Winter Solstice?

Winter solstice: There are 24 solar terms in a year and winter solstice is one of the most important among all. It is also called, Rì Duǎn, which means a short day. The sun travels around the southern regression line on this day, so the days are shortest and the nights are longest in the northern hemisphere. After this day, it also means that real winter is coming in the northern hemisphere.

What do we eat on Winter Solstice?

Tang Yuan that we eat is also called “Dōng Jié Yuán” or ” Yuan Zī ” in the traditional way. The family will gather together and rub the glutinous rice dough into different sizes of balls on the eve of winter solstice.

Normally these Tang Yuan are available in sweet, salty, large, and small sizes. Nowadays, there are various kinds of Tang Yuan with a variety of fillings on the market. But in our tradition, it is usually red or white in color, filled with peanuts or sesame.

In Taiwan, we have all known to have Tang Yuan on winter solstice since we were young. “After eating Tang Yuan, you grow one year older!” After leaving home, eating Tang Yuan on the winter solstice seems to be a must. To have a bowl of sweet Tang Yuan with friends, roommates, or colleagues, give a warm feeling and brings a touch of warmth to the cold winter.

Actually, it is not difficult to make Tang Yuan! Just need to prepare glutinous rice flour and water, mix them into a dough, rub them into small round balls. If you want to have different colors, then just prepare some pumpkin powder, matcha powder, coffee powder, or tomato powder. Not only create the ideal shape but also eat healthier.

(The two cute Tang Yuan were based on our staff and made by one of our tenants.)

Our tenants were all creative and produce their own one-of-a-kind Tang Yuan. Then ate them all! Winter solstice is according to the lunar calendar, it is also closed to Christmas. So we could see some works related to Christmas. It was quite interesting!

Winter is really right for this kind of warm feeling! If you have any activities or ideas that you would like to participate in, please feel free to share them with us! Let BORDERLESS HOUSE provide more and more great events in the future!

✨Rent Prepay Discount✨

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your continuous support and love for BORDERLESS HOUSE! We hope that each tenant can find a sense of home here and create wonderful memories with friends from all over the world.

In appreciation of our long-term supporting tenants, we have specially introduced exclusive discounts for those on long-term leases, making your life at BORDERLESS HOUSE even more exciting. Join us in creating more unforgettable memories and enjoy this unique international exchange experience together!

Plan Details

Prepay your rent and utilities to enjoy the following exclusive discounts:

1. Half-Year Prepayment Plan:
• Receive a half-month rent reduction.
2. One-Year Prepayment Plan:
• Receive a one-month rent reduction.
• Utilities will be a fixed monthly charge of NT$800.

Important Notes:

1. Not affected by any adjustments in rent or utilities, and cannot be combined with other promotions.
2. In the event of early termination due to personal reasons, prepaid rent and utilities are non-refundable.
3. If there is a violation of the contract or circumstances deemed unsuitable for residing at BORDERLESS HOUSE, we reserve the right to terminate the contract immediately. We will refund the remaining rent for the period, but the tenant must reimburse the discounted amount during the promotional period.

Application Process

Form Submission ▶ Contact Staff ▶ Email Confirmation ▶ Contract Signing at the office and Payment (within 7 days)

*Please proactively reach out to us after submitting the form. Thank you!


1. After applying, when is the earliest I can enjoy the rent discount?
The effective date for the prepayment discount is the 1st of each month, and the application process takes 3-5 business days (excluding the signing procedure). Please make sure to apply in advance to avoid delays.
2. Is it possible to request the relocation of the house or room in the future?
Yes, it is possible. The discount will be recalculated based on the duration of residence in the two rooms.
3. Can I apply for the prepayment discount with a one-year contract?
Yes, you can. The contract type and prepayment discount do not conflict.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you:)

Choose The Best Locality To Rent A Share House In Taiwan!

If you will hold a meaningful conversation with people belonging from different corners of the world about their likes and dislikes, undoubtedly, you will come across many individuals who will describe traveling to new places as their favorite hobby. Many people will accept that visiting new places inspires them and aids them in learning new things. Some people will also confess that traveling works for them like yoga. It fills them with a new zeal for life, especially, traveling to the countries in the East.

Yes, traveling to the East has emerged as a new obsession for the travel junkies in the past few years. Discovering the East, its way of life, its culture, its habits, and traditions, has turned out to be a new fascination with the common people. Some individuals claim it is so because the East is deeply rooted in the old cultures and values, and that its lifestyle brings content and peace to the human mind and soul. This belief has given birth to the new trend of temporary migration to the East.

Now, one of the many countries situated in the East that has fascinated a lot of people with its customs and traditions, and which has attracted many travelers in the past few years is the country of Taiwan! Yes, Taiwan is an island country that is located in East Asia, and that is popularly known as the “heart of Asia.” This country is loved by migrants so much so that it topped the global rankings for ex-pats to live in the year 2016.

The major reason for this status and popularity enjoyed by the nation includes causes like the cheap and practical lifestyle of the country. People in Taiwan lead a simple and easy life. But still, the country boasts of a remarkable education system and strong infrastructure. In Taiwan, the convenience stores open 24*7, and they are present in every nook and corner of the country. Apart from this, the people here are also very friendly, and they never miss a chance of helping others even when the people in need are strangers to them.

So, if you too are one of these people who are thinking about moving to the East temporarily, then you must consider visiting Taiwan. While you are there, you can look for a share house, where you can stay for the duration of your visit. However, for those of you who are not sure about the localities in Taiwan where you should try to find accommodation, here is a list that you might find useful! Go, check it out?

What are the best localities to rent in Taiwan?

If you are moving to Taiwan and you are looking for a share house for accommodation purposes, then here is the list of localities that you should bother checking out to find a residence. Here you go!

So, you love shopping?

Well, I have met some people during my traveling excursions who describe shopping as a therapeutic act. Now, I might not feel about shopping the same way but who am I to judge? Hence, for those of you who consider yourselves shopping queens, and who would love staying in a locality that is close to a marketplace, I have some recommendations that you would appreciate.

So, for all the shopaholics out there, when you are looking for a share house try searching for one in the Shilin district that is considered to be the largest and the most famous night market in Taiwan. Apart from this place, you can also look for accommodation in the Da’an district that houses some quirky boutiques which sell trendy outfits. The Gongguan and Ximen areas are the two more localities that you can consider while hunting for share house service such as BORDERLESS HOUSE.

Would like to focus on your studies?

Taiwan is home to an extraordinary education system. Every year many people move to this place in search of better education. So, if you are one such people who has moved to this country for getting access to better education, then it makes sense that you would like to stay in a place that is close to your college or university so that you won’t waste much time in commuting between the places.

So, for those you would prefer that, I would recommend finding a share house in the Da’an district of the Taipei city that is home to many educational institutions. You can also consider searching BORDERLES HOUSE in the nearby Gongguan area that is also close to the National Taiwan University. Finding a residence in such places will also give you the benefit of staying with other students.

Want to live a thrilling and exciting life?

If you are one of those people who gets easily bored with leading the same monotonous life every day, you should try finding a place of residence in localities like Ximen or Zhongxiao Fuxing Area. Now, Ximen that stands for West Gate is an exciting area that houses historic Red house theatre. Around the theatre, there are also many bars, meeting places and shops that will keep you entertained. In the Zhongxiao Fuxing Area, on the other hand, you can locate many shopping malls that house some of the biggest brands. So, if you are also a fan of brands and you only like to shop for branded goods, then this is the place that you have been looking for.

However, for those of you, who do not consider shopping or dancing as thrilling enough activities, and who would prefer staying close to arts and culture, maybe you should try researching Shilin as a viable resident locality. Shilin is home to the National Palace Museum and it houses a remarkable collection of Chinese prints and fine arts. Apart from this, the area also has serene gardens and upscale eateries.

So, if you are moving to Taiwan, then these are some localities that you can check out to find a suitable share house for your stay!

All the best!