Discover unique cultural experiences and interactions beyond hotel stays through our exclusive “BORDERLESS TRAVEL” program for residents!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House.

Here at Borderless House, the new friendships and interactions under one roof provide a unique sense of fulfillment that only comes from living it.

Japanese residents might find themselves teaching Japanese to their new international housemates, assisting with various administrative procedures, and adapting to life in Japan. This mutual support mirrors the help we would seek if we were traveling or living abroad ourselves.

Stepping out of the comfort of home takes courage, but a warm community waiting at your destination can make any overseas adventure enjoyable and reassuring.

Today, we’re excited to introduce BORDERLESS TRAVEL, where you can enjoy short stays at Borderless Houses in different countries and meet new housemates across borders.

We’ll share the story of Yuzuki, who ventured from Kyoto’s Nishijin House to spend a week in February 2024 at KORYODAE2 HOUSE in Korea. Yuzuki will tell us about her experiences in Japan, her adventures in Korea, and the allure of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

We also have comments from Robin, the manager of BORDERLESS KOREA, so stay tuned till the end for more insights!

Click here for more details on BORDERLESS TRAVEL!!

Embracing English: Yuzuki’s Journey at Nishijin House

Yuzuki’s time at Nishijin House brought about a significant shift in her views on English and international interactions. She explained that her decision to move there stemmed from a desire to conquer her fear of English and engage with people from different countries.

Although she initially enjoyed English, the stress of exam preparation diminished her passion, and she struggled to speak fluently. Yuzuki realized the limitations of speaking only Japanese and saw the potential of English to connect her with diverse cultures and ideas.

Driven by the need to immerse herself in an English-speaking environment, Yuzuki chose to live at Borderless House.

───Did you consider any other share houses before choosing Borderless House?

Yuzuki: Actually, I didn’t look anywhere else. I decided to move into Borderless House the same day I visited. The environment offered the perfect mix of English practice and social opportunities, all within my budget. Plus, I was planning to study abroad the next year, so the idea of practicing for that experience while still in Japan seemed perfect to me.

─── Could you tell us about your housemates at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: On my first day, one of my housemates surprised me by inviting me to a party right away, which was unexpected (laughs)! Initially, I was nervous, but everyone was so welcoming that I quickly warmed up to them.

I formed a close bond with a foreign housemate, and we often went out together. I also shared unique insights with a working professional housemate. Whenever we faced challenges or disagreements in our shared living situation, we were able to discuss and resolve them during our regular house meetings at Nishijin House. It truly was a great community to be a part of.

───Have you noticed any personal growth or changes during your time at Nishijin House?

Yuzuki: Absolutely! Initially, spending time with people from other countries was out of the ordinary for me, and it came with a bit of tension. But after living in Borderless House, I’ve become comfortable engaging freely in conversations without considering race or nationality.

It’s been incredibly enriching to learn from the diverse perspectives and strong convictions of my housemates.

Embarking on My First Solo International Journey with BORDERLESS TRAVEL!

───How did you become interested in BORDERLESS TRAVEL?

Yuzuki: I’ve known about the program since I moved in and always wanted to try it. I felt staying at a Borderless House abroad would be more enriching than solo hotel stays, allowing me to learn the language and engage with locals.

It seemed like a perfect way to prepare for my first solo international trip before studying in Canada this summer.

─── Your first experience living abroad was with BORDERLESS TRAVEL. Did you encounter any challenges during your travel?

Yuzuki: It was quite nerve-wracking, especially going through immigration for the first time and figuring out train transfers on my own. But luckily, everything went smoothly without any major problems!

Yuzuki: When I got to Koryodaes House, I was greeted by Robin, the staff member I had been communicating with by email. Meeting him in person really helped me settle in. He showed me around and shared some local tips and places to visit.

───Traveling abroad for the first time can be quite daunting. Did you notice any notable differences during your stay in the Borderless House in Korea compared to Japan?

Yuzuki: Definitely. For example, I had to separate organic waste from burnable trash, and in public restrooms, I couldn’t flush toilet paper but had to discard it in a bin.

Living in an environment close to the local lifestyle, unlike a hotel stay, made me more aware of these cultural differences. This is one of the unique advantages of BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

Language Learning, Cultural Exploration, and International Connections: Maximize the Benefits of Short-Term Stays!

───During your seven-day stay, did you make any specific efforts?

Yuzuki: I focused on being proactive in starting conversations with my housemates. It was my first time in a shared room overseas, and I quickly hit it off with my Italian roommate on the first day. She left for Tokyo the next day, so we couldn’t meet again, but we kept in touch through Instagram, sharing messages and updates about her trip.

Many of my housemates were interested in Japan, so we enjoyed mingling and conversing in Japanese, English, and Korean.

───Did you also converse in Korean during your stay?

Yuzuki: Yes, I’ve been a fan of Korean dramas, which helped me learn the language pretty naturally. I actually speak Korean better than English! While there, Robin invited me to a Language Exchange event, where I got to meet and chat with people outside the house, making my stay even more enjoyable.

───It sounds like you made the most of your 7-day stay! What other activities did you do?

Yuzuki: I visited historic sites and museums that caught my interest. I dressed in traditional Korean clothes and explored Gyeongbokgung Palace, and I also went to the DMZ near the North Korean border.

I participated in a tour aimed at Japanese visitors and connected well with other participants. We discussed how the conflict known in Japan as the “Korean War” is referred to in Korea. Learning about Korean perspectives on their history was incredibly insightful.

─── Reflecting on your 7-day stay, could you highlight what makes BORDERLESS TRAVEL so special?

Yuzuki: Definitely! The program offers deep cultural experiences and meaningful interactions with local housemates that you just can’t get from staying in a hotel. It allows you to live much closer to how the locals do, which is unique to BORDERLESS TRAVEL.

I think even short stays can provide significant learning and insights. I recommend starting with a stay in a domestic Borderless House to get a feel for international exchange before trying out the program.

A Message from Robin, Korean Operations Staff

BORDERLESS TRAVEL, with its strong emphasis on tourism and travel aspects, offers an exciting experience that’s a bit different from our usual resident support. It was Yuzuki’s first solo international trip, so we actively shared information about tourist spots and recommended gourmet spots to ensure she could fully enjoy her time in Korea.

With a recent expansion in our staff at Borderless House Korea, we’re now even better equipped to support our guests in a variety of ways.

I enjoy keeping up with the latest trends and sharing new information, so I encourage you to take advantage of BORDERLESS TRAVEL and come visit us in Korea.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!




BORDERLESS TRAVEL, part of the Borderless Mates program, is an exclusive initiative for residents that offers connections beyond the typical share house experience.

Please note that due to the availability of vacancies at the destination, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred timing or house. We recommend contacting us before booking your flight.

Global Living at Ikebukuro, Tokyo: Interview with a Japanese Housemate at Oyama House!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House.

We often rave about how “the exchange is lively!” and “every day is an international interaction!” However, we thought many of you might be curious about what life really looks like for the Japanese residents living in such a vibrant environment.

So, we decided to sit down with Shota, a Japanese housemate currently living in Ikebukuro Oyama House, for an exclusive interview! Shota shared with us why he chose Borderless House, his day-to-day experiences filled with international exchanges, and his recommendations for who would enjoy living in Ikebukuro Oyama House. His insights offer a unique perspective that only a senior housemate could provide.

This interview turned out to be a fantastic piece that truly conveys the joy of living in a Borderless House. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!

Building Deep Connections with International Friends

───Why Shota Chose Borderless House

When asked why he decided to move into Borderless House, Shota shared a compelling story. The spark of interest was ignited by a university classmate who had lived in one of the Borderless Houses. What struck Shota most was how much his friend missed the place and the deep connections he had made with friends from around the world after moving out. “The chance to build such deep relationships with international friends seemed rare, and that really drew me in,” Shota explains.

Adding to the appeal, Shota is currently attending a flight school with aspirations of becoming a pilot, making the daily English immersion offered by living in a Borderless House particularly attractive. “It’s not just about the classroom learning; being able to familiarize myself with English through everyday life was a big plus for me.” After comparing other share houses, Shota concluded that Borderless House seemed like the most fun and enriching option, leading to his decision to join.

───Choosing Ikebukuro Oyama House: The Reason Behind the Decision

When delving into why he chose Ikebukuro Oyama House among the many options available, Shota highlights a pivotal moment during his search. The recommendation from the staff member who conducted his house tour was the deciding factor. “I visited in June 2023, right after the house had opened, so all the residents were about to start a new chapter of their lives there,” Shota recalls.

The staff member’s advice resonated deeply with him: “While blending into an existing house community has its own charm, there’s a unique excitement in creating a new community from scratch.” Inspired by the prospect of being part of something fresh and building a new community together, Shota was thrilled to choose Ikebukuro Oyama House as his new home.

Life with International Housemates at Ikebukuro Oyama House

Upon being asked about the unique aspects of living in Ikebukuro Oyama House that came to light after moving in, Shota enthusiastically shared his experiences. “Even compared to other houses, I feel like the bond among residents here is particularly strong. There’s always a conversation happening, and we frequently go out together or throw house parties. It’s been fun every day.”

Recalling his early days in the house, Shota admits, “Trying to communicate through nuances, using gestures and all sorts of body language—I remember how desperate I was to make myself understood (laughs).”

───A Memorable Communication Experience

One time, a housemate fell ill, and I accompanied them to the hospital. It was an impactful experience for me. I had to listen to my housemate’s symptoms and convey them to the doctor, then translate the doctor’s diagnosis back to my housemate. Filling out the medical forms was challenging too, as my housemate was unsure what to write. I helped explain each section and assisted with writing the necessary parts in Kanji. Explaining foreign health insurance was incredibly difficult, but looking back, it’s become a valuable memory. It’s an experience I owe to living in Borderless House.

▲Becoming Best Friends with Mats After a Hospital Visit

Shota reflects on how unique experiences, like accompanying a foreign friend to the hospital, are not common in everyday life in Japan. He then recalls another memorable event that helped shape the community at Ikebukuro Oyama House.

“One of my fondest memories is from the first house meeting we had shortly after I moved in. Since the house had just opened, there were no established rules for cleaning, shopping, or other household tasks. We all gathered to discuss and assign roles, establish cleaning standards, and create rules to ensure a comfortable living environment for everyone.

At that time, I was still getting used to communicating in English, so I participated with the support of the Japanese members. The discussion, especially led by the foreign members, became incredibly passionate.”

▲Rotating Cleaning Duties and Passionate Discussions

The system for dividing cleaning responsibilities at Ikebukuro Oyama House is based on a weekly rotation, with a whiteboard used to confirm who is in charge each week. Shota elaborates on the dynamics of these organizational meetings, emphasizing the constructive nature of their discussions.

“It wasn’t about arguing or fighting, but everyone was committed to sharing their opinions and coming to an agreement that satisfied everyone. While we might not have reached a unanimous decision, the process of openly sharing our thoughts, engaging in earnest discussions with our international housemates, and experiencing the heated atmosphere of those debates was incredibly valuable.”

Everyday Fun Turns into Precious Opportunities for Interaction

───One of the most enjoyable experiences was going to DisneySea with a few housemates who were about to graduate from the house. It was incredibly fun!

 “There was this one time someone started playing music, and suddenly we were all dancing in the queue (laughs).”

Shota fondly remembers the laughter that filled their day, from sharing memories of their time at the house to playing games to pass the time while waiting for rides. “Looking back, I realize we were constantly laughing, making the most of every moment together.”

───The Ups and Downs of Community Living

“If you enjoy engaging in conversations and interacting with others, life at Ikebukuro Oyama House is incredible!” Shota exclaims, highlighting the enriching social environment the house offers.

However, he also acknowledges that the vibrant social life comes with its own set of challenges. “On the flip side, the active social scene can have its downsides. For instance, when I have work and the other housemates go out together, I can’t help but feel a bit restless… It’s kind of like feeling jealous (laughs).”

Shota shares a candid insight into the challenges of communal living, particularly when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of a large share house. Despite the task of cleaning being distributed on a weekly rotation, he admits, “The cleaning can be quite daunting, given the size of the house. It honestly feels bothersome at times.” However, Shota finds motivation in the collective effort of the housemates, stating, “Since we all cooperate to adhere to the rules and keep the house in a clean state, I’m able to push through and do my part.”

▲Because everyone diligently fulfills their cleaning duties, the house is always kept in a clean state.

He further reflects on the communal spirit, saying, “Sharing and cooperating in tasks, no matter how daunting or mundane, is a form of interaction within itself. Neglecting these simple moments, like cleaning or dishwashing, means missing out on valuable opportunities for connection. I make a conscious effort to collaborate with my housemates, seizing these chances to enhance our shared living experience.”

Oyama is a fantastic area with a variety of restaurants nearby, making it a very convenient place to live.

He shares a special anecdote that adds a personal touch to the neighborhood’s charm: “Right in front of the house, there’s a pizza place run by an owner with whom we’ve become very close. We often order pizza for our house parties, and the owner is so kind that he personally delivers the pizza to us, even though they normally don’t offer delivery service.”

Shota shares a glimpse into the fun dining experiences with his housemates, mentioning their fondness for late-night snack runs to affordable and popular spots like Mister Donut and McDonald’s. “We often go out to buy loads of snacks from Mister Donut and McDonald’s since they’re inexpensive and open late. Then, we come back to the house and share everything. It’s a common and enjoyable routine for us!”

───The house is just a one-minute walk from Oyama Station and located along a major street, making it safe even for women.

Addressing concerns about the neighborhood’s safety, especially given its proximity to Ikebukuro, Shota provides reassurance. “The house is just a one-minute walk from Oyama Station and is located along a main street, so it feels safe even for women. Although it’s close to Ikebukuro, the area isn’t too noisy. Plus, the shopping district is well-lit until late, so I don’t think there’s any need to worry about walking at night.”

───When asked about who would most enjoy living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, Shota believes it’s an ideal place for those who love socializing.

“Anyone who enjoys interacting with others will definitely have a great time here! We often organize outings and house parties, making it especially suitable for students who can easily schedule their time around such activities.”

When asked about who would most enjoy living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, Shota believes it’s an ideal place for those who love socializing. “Anyone who enjoys interacting with others will have a great time here! We often organize outings and house parties, making it especially suitable for students who can easily schedule their time around such activities.”

He further highlights the communal aspect of the house, “The charm of Ikebukuro Oyama House lies in its common areas where housemates frequently gather, making it a bustling hub of activity. With many active members, it’s perfect for anyone looking forward to new encounters and enjoyable moments.”

Thank you, Shota, for the wonderful story!

Interested in Living at Ikebukuro Oyama House?

If Shota’s experiences have sparked your interest in living at Ikebukuro Oyama House, we encourage you to check out the house’s searching page for vacancy information and inquiries!

【Tokyo & Kansai】Explore Inside Our Share Houses! Join Our Open House Events

Hello there! It’s Borderless House.

Spring is right around the corner, and for many of you, it means starting fresh with a new school or job.

Ever wondered what living in a share house is like, but not quite sure what to expect? Whether it’s your first time living alone or you’re a woman looking for a safe and comfortable place, you might be curious about the lifestyle in a share house. Maybe you’re keen to see how other residents live.

We’ve got just the thing for you! We’re excited to invite you to our Open House event at Borderless House, where you can get a real feel for our community and lifestyle – and it’s absolutely free! (The event will be mainly conducted in Japanese)
What’s more, in Tokyo, you can even join our Japanese-English language exchange happening on the same day as a bonus!

 ▶SING UP HERE (The application form is only in Japanese)


Borderless House has expanded to include 55 share houses across Tokyo and the Kansai area.

At the heart of Borderless House is the concept of a multicultural share house. Here, residents from around the globe come together to live under one roof, embracing different cultures and perspectives.

We’ve created a unique space where Japanese and international residents can coexist, share experiences, and engage in cultural exchange. Over 10,000 residents have called our houses home, contributing to a vibrant and dynamic community.

Living in Japan, our residents not only get a chance to improve their Japanese skills but also form meaningful international friendships and encounter a myriad of new ideas and viewpoints. Borderless House is all about offering an enriching shared living experience, where life is filled with diverse and enriching encounters that transcend national boundaries!

Curious about what life is like in a share house with international roommates?

Wondering how meals work in a shared living space? Unsure how to interact with people from other countries if you don’t speak much Japanese? And what about handling any misunderstandings or issues?

To clear up all these questions, we’ve planned a special Open House event! It’s a perfect opportunity for you to visit one of our houses, get a firsthand look, and find the answers you’re looking for.

Feel free to bring your friends along for the experience. We’re excited to welcome you and show you what our community is all about. Hope to see you there!

Details of the Open House Event *The event will be conducted in Japanese*

Event Location & Date

【Tokyo Venue】

Location: Borderless House Asakusabashi

Event Dates:

●January 27th (Saturday) from 16:00 to 17:00
●February 17th (Saturday) from 16:00 to 17:00

At the Tokyo venue, after the Open House event, from 17:30 to 19:00, you’re also invited to join our language exchange event (Japanese × English Language Exchange), where residents from various houses in Tokyo gather!

※ The language exchange event will be held on the 1st floor of the same building. You are welcome to attend just the Open House if you prefer.

【Kansai Venue】

Location: Borderless House Kamigamo

Event Dates:

● February 3rd (Saturday) from 13:00 to 14:00
● February 17th (Saturday) from 13:00 to 14:00

Open House Details

✔Introduction to the share house
✔Explanation of various programs and campaigns
✔House tour
✔Q&A session

<Japanese × English Language Exchange Event> ※Tokyo Only
○ Self-introduction
○ Icebreaking activities
○ English Time (30 minutes)
○ Japanese Time (30 minutes)
○ Free Time

Other Important Information

● Capacity: About 10 people per session
● Fee: Free
※ There is no parking available on the premises, so we kindly request you to use public transportation or the nearest coin parking.
※ Please note that there are age restrictions for residency at Borderless House (18 to 39 years old).


To register, please click on the link below and fill out the form.

SING UP HERE (The application form is only in Japanese)

We’re excited to see you all at the Open House!

Savoring Autumn: A Gourmet BBQ Experience with Borderless House Community

Welcome back to Borderless House!

Today we’ll delve into more exciting community information from Borderless House Kansai.

In this blog, we’re spotlighting yet another engaging event for our residents – the ‘BBQ Networking Event’ held last November. This BBQ gathering, which saw enthusiastic participation from 15 residents, including both international and Japanese members, was a resounding success!

Let’s dive into a quick recap of the day’s lively happenings.

BBQ Networking Event Report

At this event, members from five different houses came together, making it a great chance to meet new friends from beyond our own houses.

The event was truly international! We had people joining from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, France, Austria, Hungary, and many other places.

We were really happy to have our residents’ friends join in too. It made the event even more fun for everyone.

Our BBQ took place at Expo ’70 Park in Osaka. We had a lovely sunny autumn day, and the park’s fall leaves were just gorgeous. It couldn’t have been better!

Once we all said hello to each other, it was time to start the BBQ. Chopping veggies, grilling meat – everyone did a great job. Living in a share house really shows; our teamwork was amazing!

At the BBQ, while we were eating, everyone talked about what life is like in their own share houses.

It was really interesting because we all live in different houses. We shared tips on how to make living together more enjoyable, using our own experiences. This kind of chat, which is really special to Borderless House, made the day even more fun.

After we finished the BBQ, we all went for a walk in the beautiful, green park to enjoy the autumn scenery.

It felt like we had known each other for a long time, even though we had just met that day. Everyone was saying things like, “I had a great time!” and “Thank you for inviting me!” It was a day filled with lots of smiles.

In Borderless House Kansai, we’ve had lots of different events!

We plan to tell you more about what we do in our blog posts coming up. We’d be really happy if you keep an eye out for our new updates!

Join BORDERLESS HOUSE community with EARLY BIRD Campaign!

Click above for the details of 2024 Early Bird Campaign – Secure Your Cozy Home in Japan at BORDERLESS HOUSE NOW!

Grab the opportunity to join a dynamic community, immerse yourself in a variety of cultures, and forge enduring friendships. Reserve your place soon to take advantage of special offers and exclusive benefits!🌍

Game On! Building Friendships at Borderless House Exciting Board Game Night

Hi there! We’re back at Borderless House.

Today’s blog is about more fun stuff from Borderless House Kansai, right after our udon-making event!

This time, we’re excited to share the highlights from our board game meet-ups, held in October and November last year. Although we’re sharing this a bit later, last year was packed with fun events in Kansai, so stick around for more stories and laughs! 

Board Game Gathering in Kyoto, Japan!

For our latest event, we aimed to not only strengthen the bonds between our residents but also to help everyone get more comfortable with Japanese in a fun way. We believed that engaging in games and various activities would naturally spark conversations, making the idea of speaking Japanese less daunting.

We chose a board game café located close to one of our houses for the venue.

At the cafe, we were amazed by the towering stacks of board games, reaching almost up to the ceiling! The owner, with a collection from all around the world, helped us pick out the perfect games for our group.

For our October gathering, we went with a card game. The fun part? We had to quickly make up stories based on the pictures on the cards. Trying to do this in English added an exciting twist!

There was a buzz of anticipation as we all watched to see which card would be played next. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the players’ every move.

At the café, one of the regulars happened to be there and was so intrigued that they asked, “Can I join in?” Thanks to this, our October event turned into a lively session with about 10 people playing and having a great time!

The best part about these games is they’re just as fun whether you’re in a big group or a small one. They offer a great mix of excitement and the chance for deeper conversations. We’re definitely looking forward to hosting more of these events!

Over the past year, Borderless House Kansai has been bustling with various activities. We’re excited to keep sharing these experiences through our blog. Stay tuned for more updates, and we hope you enjoy following along!

From Hiragana to Kanji: A Guide to Learning Japanese & Special Discount for Japanese courses!

Japanese is an incredibly fascinating language to learn. With its unique writing system, rich cultural heritage, and fascinating grammar, it’s no wonder that so many people are interested in learning the language. But where do you begin? With three writing systems to learn, Japanese can seem daunting. However, with the right resources and approach, learning Japanese can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this guide, we’ll take you through the basics of learning Japanese, from the hiragana alphabet to kanji characters. We’ll give you tips on how to stay motivated and how to practice speaking and writing the language. So whether you’re planning on traveling to Japan or just want to explore a new language, this guide will help you get started on your journey to learning Japanese.

Why learn Japanese?

Japanese is a unique and fascinating language that is spoken by more than 127 million people worldwide. Learning Japanese can open up a whole new world of opportunities, both personal and professional. For example, if you are interested in Japanese culture, such as anime, manga, or traditional arts, being able to speak and understand Japanese will allow you to fully immerse yourself in these activities and gain a deeper appreciation for them.

On the other hand, if you are a business professional, knowledge of Japanese can give you a significant advantage in the global marketplace. Japan is the third-largest economy in the world, and many companies are seeking professionals who are fluent in Japanese and can navigate the business culture there.
In addition to cultural and professional opportunities, learning Japanese can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Japanese is a beautiful language with a rich history and vibrant culture. By learning Japanese, you will gain a new perspective on the world and build connections with people from different backgrounds.

Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji – What’s the difference?

When learning Japanese, it’s important to distinguish between the three writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana and Katakana are both phonetic alphabets, whereas Kanji is based on Chinese characters.

Hiragana is the first writing system that Japanese children learn in school. It is used to write native Japanese words, particles, and verb endings. Hiragana consists of 46 characters, each representing a unique sound in Japanese. Hiragana is usually written in cursive style and is the most basic writing system in Japanese.

Katakana is the second phonetic alphabet used in Japanese. It is used to write foreign words, foreign names, and scientific words borrowed from other languages. Katakana consists of the same 46 characters as Hiragana, but it is usually written in a more angular style. It’s important to note that sometimes the same word can be written in both Hiragana and Katakana, but they may have different meanings.

Kanji, on the other hand, is based on Chinese characters and is the most complex writing system in Japanese. Kanji is used to write nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Each Kanji character represents a concept or idea, and many have multiple readings and meanings. There are thousands of Kanji characters, but Japanese students typically learn around 2,000 characters by the end of high school.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji is crucial when learning Japanese. By mastering these writing systems, you’ll be well on your way to fluency in the language.

How to master Hiragana

Hiragana is the first alphabet system you should master when learning Japanese. It’s a phonetic script that consists of 46 characters, each representing a specific sound. The best way to learn Hiragana is to use a combination of memorization and repetition techniques.

Start by downloading a Hiragana chart and studying the characters. Then, practice writing each character over and over again until you can confidently write them from memory. Flashcards are also a useful tool for memorizing Hiragana.
Another effective technique is to practice reading and writing Hiragana in context. You can do this by reading simple Japanese texts, such as children’s stories, and practicing writing out the Hiragana characters you see. This will help you remember the characters in a more natural way.

Finally, it’s important to review your progress regularly. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice writing and reading Hiragana. As you become more comfortable with the characters, you can start practicing writing and reading simple Japanese sentences. With consistent practice and dedication, you’ll be able to master Hiragana in no time and move on to learning more complex aspects of the Japanese language, such as Kanji.

How to master Katakana

Katakana is one of the three Japanese writing systems, along with Hiragana and Kanji. It is used to write loanwords from other languages, foreign names, and onomatopoeic words. In order to master Katakana, you need to start by memorizing the basic characters. This can be achieved by dedicating a few hours a week to practicing the characters through drills or flashcards.

Once you have memorized the basic characters, it’s time to start practicing reading and writing. You can do this by reading Katakana words in newspapers, magazines, or online articles. You can also practice writing Katakana words by hand, such as writing out menus or creating your own flashcards with Katakana words.

As you continue to practice Katakana, it’s important to pay attention to the nuances of the writing system, such as the elongated vowel sounds and small characters used to modify sounds. By mastering Katakana, you’ll be able to read and write many loanwords and foreign names used in the Japanese language, which will greatly improve your overall proficiency.

How to learn Kanji

Learning Kanji is a big hurdle for many people who are trying to learn Japanese. Kanji is a set of characters borrowed from Chinese, and it is used in the Japanese writing system to represent words and ideas. There are over 2,000 Kanji characters, and each has its own meaning and pronunciation. This makes learning Kanji a daunting task, but it is essential if you want to become proficient in Japanese.

One of the best ways to learn Kanji is to break it down into manageable chunks. Start by learning the basic strokes and radicals that make up the characters. You can then move on to memorizing the characters themselves. It is important to practice writing each character while also learning its meaning and pronunciation.

Another useful method for learning Kanji is to use flashcards. There are many apps and websites that offer digital flashcards, but physical flashcards can also be effective. Flashcards allow you to study the characters in small doses, which can help with retention.

Reading Japanese texts is also an effective way to learn Kanji. As you read, you will encounter new characters and words, and you can use context to help you understand their meaning. You can also use a Kanji dictionary to look up unfamiliar characters.

Finally, it is important to be patient and consistent when learning Kanji. It takes time to memorize all the characters, but with regular practice and study, you can make steady progress. Remember that learning Kanji is an important step toward becoming proficient in Japanese, so don’t give up!

Tips & Tricks for Learning Japanese

Learning Japanese can seem like a daunting task, but with some tips and tricks, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some ways to make the process easier and more enjoyable:

1. Immerse Yourself – Surround yourself with the language as much as possible. This includes listening to Japanese music, watching Japanese TV shows and movies, and speaking with native speakers. If your plan is to study Japanese in Japan, Borderless House is a place where residents are 50% of Japanese and 50% from foreign nations, so you can live and interact with Japanese locals on a daily basis!

2. Practice Daily – Consistent practice is key to learning any language. Try to set aside a few minutes each day to study and practice Japanese.

3. Use Apps & Language Learning Websites – There are many language learning apps and websites available that can help you learn Japanese. Some popular options include Duolingo, Lingodeer, and Memrise.

4. Learn the Basics First – Start with the basics of the language, such as hiragana and katakana, before moving on to more complex topics like kanji.

5. Take a Class – If you prefer a more structured approach, consider taking a class. Many community centers and universities offer Japanese language classes. For the online course, IMARI JAPAN offers lessons that are produced by an experienced native Japanese language teacher. 

6. Practice Writing – Writing in Japanese can help you remember vocabulary and grammar rules. Practice writing simple sentences and gradually work your way up to more complex writing tasks.

7. Make it Fun – Learning a language should be fun! Incorporate games, quizzes, and other fun activities into your Japanese learning routine.

By using these tips and tricks, you can make learning Japanese an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With consistent practice and dedication, you’ll be on your way to mastering this beautiful language.

BORDERLESS HOUSE TENANTS ONLY▏Special Discount for Japanese courses! 

BORDERLESS HOUSE is partnering with IMARI JAPAN to offer our tenants who want to learn Japanese affordable Japanese online lessons!

Imari is a licensed teacher with 6 years of teaching experience, born and raised in Japan. She is passionate about languages and education, she is also interested in learning about different cultures and has traveled to almost 20 countries. Currently, she is a full-time content creator creating educational, fun-to-learn Japanese content for podcasts, YouTube, and Instagram.

The online lessons are teaching casual and formal Japanese to learners of all levels! Please feel free to check here for the detailed price and information. 

-Discount to Borderless House tenants!-
・5% discount
 Once a week for 3 months (12 lessons)
 Twice a week for 3 months (24 lessons)
 Once a week for 6 months (24 lessons)
・10% discount
3 times a week for 3 months (36 lessons)
Twice a week for 6 months (48 lessons)
・15% discount
3 times a week for 6 months (72 lessons)

*The lesson will be conducted using Google Meet.
*In the class, students will use an original textbook created by IMARI JAPAN. They will create personalized text that is suited to students’ level and share slides with you as you learn!

Conclusion and next steps

In conclusion, learning Japanese can be both fun and challenging. However, with the right tools, resources, and dedication, it is definitely achievable. Remember to start with the basics, such as Hiragana and Katakana, before moving on to more complex characters like Kanji.

Additionally, immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Watch Japanese movies, listen to Japanese music, and practice speaking with native speakers when you can. This will not only help you improve your language skills but also give you a better understanding of Japanese culture.

As the next steps, consider finding a language exchange partner, joining a language learning community, or taking a formal class. There are many resources available online and in person to help you continue your Japanese language journey.

Remember that learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time and enjoy the process. With consistent effort and practice, you will be able to read, write, and speak Japanese fluently in no time. Ganbatte (good luck)!

We hope this guide to learning Japanese has been helpful for those interested in starting their language journey. Japanese is a beautiful and complex language with a rich cultural background, and we believe that learning it can be a rewarding experience. Whether you are just starting out or have been studying for a while, we hope that this guide has provided you with valuable insight and tips to help you succeed. So, let’s start with “Konnichiwa” (hello) and keep practicing until we say “Sayonara” (goodbye) to this blog post!


Make friends in a foreign language: Making mistakes is the key to getting comfortable!

Hello! My name is Reimi and I currently live in Japan. Like many of you, I fell in love with Japan a long time ago, and so living here is like making a dream come true. But of course, there are all sorts of obstacles to overcome when it comes to living in a foreign country or learning a new language. Given the chance to write about it, I wanted to write about the difficulties and rewards of learning Japanese. Saying you want to learn a foreign language is definitely easier said than done; you’re not alone in struggling, but it can be so worth it! 


What brings you to Japan?

The answer to this question might be different for each person, of course. Some people move to Japan for work, some come for school. Some have always wanted to visit, interested in the things that make Japan unique, like scenery, art, or food. Some want to learn Japanese or make friends in Japan. Some even come to Japan and end up never leaving! There are even programs that allow one to travel extensively and stay in foreign countries for an extended period of time with accommodation provided, such as work holidays or internship programs.

No matter what one’s reasons are, however, the fact remains that moving to a foreign country gives one a chance to learn about a new culture and learn a new language. They say that travel can teach you about yourself, expanding your horizons and challenging yourself in unfamiliar situations, so imagine how much more you’ll learn when you live somewhere entirely new.


Myself, I’ll have been living in Japan for almost five years total. For most of that time, I came as a student, so making friends was definitely something I was looking forward to. Plus, at the time I moved, I had just barely graduated high school and I had never lived apart from my family, so there were always concerns that I would be isolated without a network as I had back home. I would be fending for myself for the first time – and in a foreign country where I barely spoke the language no less! From the start, I was too excited to think of anything but finally being in Japan for the long term, but my family held a lot of apprehensions about a young woman living alone in a foreign country.

But honestly speaking, if I had to choose one thing, the scariest thing about having moved to Japan is speaking Japanese. There are still times I worry that my language ability is not enough when I am nervous about being able to convey to the other person the things I am thinking. Or that I’m going to misunderstand or be disrespectful.

For a younger me, this was actually really terrifying. I would think to myself: How can I become friends with someone when we don’t speak the same language? Why would they like me when I can’t tell them about myself? When I can’t understand them? When I’m constantly making mistakes?

But as I’ve gotten more comfortable living in Japan, the more I realize that that way of thinking is entirely wrong. As scary as it is, and especially how difficult it is, I think one of the most important things I’ve learned is that making mistakes is the key to getting good.

No one does anything perfectly from the start. No one can automatically play piano without hitting a few wrong notes or ride a bike without falling a few times. Learning a language is no different. Language learning shouldn’t be treated as a one-time test where you are either fluent or you’re not. Learning how to speak a new language and getting comfortable with it will take time. You need to ‘break in’ so to speak.

The easiest way to do this is to simply use it, mistakes and all. Every mistake I have made while learning Japanese makes it easier as well to remember the correction, which in turn gives me the feeling that I’m really improving, even if it’s little by little. And sometimes too, the mistakes I make are the very reason I make friends. Sometimes it’s someone catching an error and generously correcting me, or sometimes it’s a little slip of the tongue that makes us laugh, humor transcending language in a way that needs no translation.

We learn from our mistakes.

When I first moved to Japan, of course, I heard a lot more Japanese than I had in America. I had gotten used to the convenience store routine (‘do you need a bag?’ ‘would you like this warmed up?’ ‘do you have a point card?’), and I could tell which ingredients I needed at the grocery store. But compared to when I first came to Japan, my speaking ability had barely improved at all.

The issue was this: I was not actually speaking Japanese!


All of my friends spoke English. I didn’t have a tv and didn’t even try to read books in Japanese. There were events at school that I did not join, thinking I didn’t speak enough Japanese to be of any help or have any fun. In other words, I was a foreigner living in Japan, without really living in Japan. In other words, I had found myself in the “foreigner bubble” where I was not using Japanese in my life.

Naturally, it’s easier to express yourself the way you want to express yourself when you are using your mother tongue. And no surprise, it can be easier to “click” with another person when you don’t have to first surpass the hurdle of understanding what the other person is saying.

But I think that being able to speak fluently is completely different from being able to communicate, and your language ability will have nothing to do with it!

Every time you speak you are improving your language skills, polishing things like pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Just like riding a bike, practice makes perfect!


So maybe the next question is, how do I start to speak more Japanese? Of course, maybe it’s a little strange to start striking up a conversation with the cashier at the register. But there are many ways to find people in social settings and the more you open yourself up to meeting new people, the more friends you’ll find you’ve made!

Here are a few suggestions:

● You can join clubs and sports meetups to find people with similar hobbies. Sharing similar interests means you already share that common ground!

● Striking up a conversation with someone in a bar or restaurant is another great way to practice and sometimes these spontaneous conversations are extremely good practice because the topics can be diverse. There’s no pressure or goal, it’s just a few folks having a good time over food and drinks!

● If you’re in Japan for school or work, you might be in a great spot to meet people! There are always student activities, like group circles or hangouts. And you can also take advantage of working with the same people every day to strike up conversations in passing or use Japanese in more formal settings. Who knows, maybe you’ll become friends naturally?

● There are also language exchange apps like Hellotalk and HiNative. I’ve met lots of people through these apps, and the best part is that these are people who share the same desire as me: to get better at speaking their chosen language.

Sharehouses! No surprise, sharehouses are great for learning languages! They’re a little like the best of all worlds; they bring together people with similar goals: making friends and learning more about other cultures. Borderless House in particular hosts lots of great events that give tenants a chance to kick back and have fun with one another, so you can really take advantage of the Borderless House’s support network and Borderless Mates network. Another great aspect of sharehouses is that you’re forced to really communicate with each other to live together happily and peacefully. You’ll learn more about other people’s values, unique perspectives, backgrounds, and what inspires them. And better yet, because you live together, it’s only natural that you can become closer a little at a time, day by day.

What do you think?


Truly, it wasn’t until I made a concerted effort to step out of my comfort zone that I felt my language ability starting to improve. And as my language ability began to improve, Japanese also started to become more and more fun and making friends became easier. Even now, I still make plenty of mistakes, but that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s important to remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere, even you, with your native language, and look at you now!

Perhaps you haven’t yet had the chance to visit, but you’d like to experience Japan for yourself! If you’ve found this page, maybe that day is sooner rather than later. Good luck!

Language Exchange|How should I prepare for Language Exchange and practice speaking?

Do you want to practice your speaking skills for free through “Language Exchange” and meet new foreign friends, but don’t know where to start preparing? Or have you tried “Language Exchange” before, but after encountering some difficulties in the process, and you just left it at that?

Then this article on language exchange prep will help you a lot!

What is Language Exchange?

Language Exchange is a reciprocal activity in which you practice the language that you are learning by chatting with a native speaker or someone who is fluent in that language. In addition, to quickly improve your speaking skills, you can also learn cultural knowledge not found in textbooks and make new friends, which is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Am I a good candidate for language exchange?

When you want to practice a language through Language Exchange, here are some tips you can check to see if you are a good candidate.

1) What is your purpose? Do you really want to practice the language? Or do you just want to meet foreign friends?

Because Language Exchange is not mandatory, there must be a strong motivation to learn each other’s language in order to be sustainable.

2) How is your language ability?

Usually, I suggest that it is better to have at least a daily conversation level, so that you can correct and improve your speech step by step during the conversation. Otherwise, it is easy to keep speaking only one language with each other.

3) Do you like to interact with people?

In fact, Language Exchange is also a kind of meeting internet friend activity, whether online or face-to-face, the first meeting will inevitably be awkward. So before participating in Language Exchange, you can ask yourself, do you want to meet a new stranger? Will you be curious about your partner?

What to prepare before Language Exchange?

The preparation content will vary depending on the length of time you work with your language partner, and is divided into early and late stages:


1) Confirm meeting time and language appointment (1 hour of full Chinese conversation, 1 hour of full foreign language conversation). And set an alarm before you start so that you don’t forget to change the language when you’re having too much fun conversation.

2) Usually, the first meeting is just about introducing yourself, why are you learning this language? What are your hobbies? Where have you traveled to? What kind of music do you prefer? Basically, it’s the same as a blind date, in the process of talking to each other to find out what you have in common and whether we have a mutual connection because this part will also affect the subsequent contact.


When you get to know your partner better, you will gradually start to run out of topics to talk about, so it is very important to prepare some beforehand.

1) Note down any problems of language learning that you have, such as being unsure how to translate a sentence or whether there is a more authentic way to say it. You can also bring your own textbooks or assignments and discuss your questions together.

2) If you have a grammatical problem, try not to ask a native speaker, because they usually don’t know how to explain it, either. Unless the partner major in linguistics, otherwise a lot of time will be wasted trying to explain grammar.

3) Share something interesting that happened recently, or any interesting articles, news, videos, cultural differences or interesting topics to discuss. It is better to have questions with a little depth, such as environmental protection or social issues, so that you can practice expressing your own ideas, and hear the results of your partner’s opinions from different perspectives.

4) Write an exchange diary! Language Exchange is not only to practice speaking, writing is also a very important part of it. You can write a short article about your reading experience or a movie afterthought. Gradually your writing skills will be greatly improved without you even realizing it!

5) Let’s hang out together! Hiking, movies, museums, whatever you and your friends like to do, invite your language partner to go with you as well! Since you’re going out together, you don’t have to be too strict about which language you speak for how long, so just switch between them! Be flexible!

6) Register for the language test and get certified! You can practice for the content of the exam, with specific topics and sentence patterns. When you are under pressure, you will be more prepared for each Language Exchange!

What should I pay attention to during Language Exchange?

1) When introducing to each other, observe the language level of your partner and adjust your speaking speed according to the language level, pronouncing your words as clearly and standardly as possible.

2) When practicing the language, instead of expressing yourself in your native language, ask more questions so that your partner can answer his/her thoughts more often. For example: Why? What do you think? What would you do?…etc. Try to use these questions often.

3) Use the cloud notepad to record words or sentences during the meeting, so that you can easily re-read them afterward.

Where can I find a Language Exchange partner?

Nowadays there are many ways to find language exchange partners, through mobile apps, websites, or by staying in a multicultural share house.

APP& Website recommendation:

1) Hello Talk: You can send texts, voice messages, voice calling, and video calling, and you can also help each other fix sentences, translate, and other auxiliary functions. You can also upload pictures and short articles. The overall function is very similar to Instagram.

2) Tandem: It is very similar to the function of HelloTalk, except that this app will actively send the notification about the info of other members to increase the chance of matching.

3) HiNative: It is a Q&A platform where you can ask questions about grammar, wording differences, or articles, and there are usually enthusiastic answers from native speakers.

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: It is a multicultural share house with locals and they also organize a variety of events and provide free Language Exchange opportunities from time to time.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international, multicultural share house with locals. There are 17 houses in Taipei City and overseas branches in Tokyo, Osaka(Japan), and Seoul(South Korea).

【Go! Go! Nihon】Learn Japanese Online! Courses are offered by Japanese language schools in Japan!

Hello, this is Ting from Borderless House.

To help more people prepare for a language school or start their self-learning Japanese journey as easily as possible, in this article, we’ll be introducing online Japanese courses that are easy, fun, and effective!

Regardless of whether you are in Japan or not, you can take Japanese courses offered by Japanese language schools because the courses are all online!!

The courses are designed for students of all levels! You can choose from the beginner course, business Japanese, JLPT preparation course, and even the Kansai-Ben course! These courses are offered by the biggest foreigner support agent – Go! Go! Nihon, collaborating with top-tier Japanese Language schools in Japan.

Go! Go! Nihon has been helping students achieve their dreams to live & study in Japan since 2009. As Covid-19 had a real impact on the thousands of students, in this regard, Go! Go! Nihon started to work with famous Japanese Language schools, teachers, or language specialists in Japan and created the paid online Japanese courses that would help you learn as effectively as possible!

Let’s find out more for the detailed  【Course Introduction】 below.

Beginner – Pre-intermediate ▏AKAMONKAI


Created with the largest Japanese Language school in Tokyo, this 12-week Beginner course is designed to help you understand the basics of Japanese and cover all the material for JLPT N5. When you complete the 150 hours of study, you will also get an official school certificate that you can use in your visa application! Find out more here.


This pre-intermediate 12-week course will help you become more confident and accomplished in communicating in Japanese and cover the material for JLPT N4. Learn how to read and write 180 kanji, study over 1,000 vocabulary words, read and understand basic Japanese written text and learn to express yourself using different Japanese speech styles, and complete 180 hours of study. You will learn useful Japanese that is not usually taught in textbooks and also learn the basics of honorific speech, with lessons on both sonkeigo and kenjougo. Before starting this intensive course, you should already have completed the beginner course or be at JLPT N5 level. Find out more here.


You can go from 0 to JLPT N4 level with our Akamonkai Beginner & Pre-Intermediate Bundle for less! The bundle which includes both the Akamonkai Japanese 12 Week Beginner Course and the Akamonkai Japanese 12 Week Pre-Intermediate Course saves you 20,000 yen compared to purchasing the courses individually. Learn hiragana, katakana, 250 kanji, more than 2000 vocabulary words and all grammar points needed for everyday life conversations. If you’re serious about learning Japanese this bundle is perfect for you. Find out more here.

Business Japanese ▏Intercultural institute of Japan


Improve your Japanese Language skills and get ready for a job in Japan with these online Business Japanese Course from Intercultural institute of Japan. Beyond simply teaching language, this course will also help you understand the unspoken Japanese business culture rules, with lessons that will improve your Japanese for the workplace and teach you important etiquette. You can take part 1 and 2 separately or buy them in a bundle and save. Due to the level of the course it is best for those who are already comfortable with Japanese at approximately JLPT N3 level. Find out more here.



Created to help students who have already studied up to the N3 level, their JLPT N3 Exam prep online course is designed to help you practice the JLPT N3 exam. Designed to mimic sections of the JLPT N3 exam and familiarise you with how it works, as well as give tips and explanations about the different sections of the exam. This course is perfect for anyone who has already self-studied or taken a JLPT N3 course, who now wants to prepare to take the JLPT N3 exam. Find out more here.


This course teaches you about Kansai-Ben, the regional dialect spoken in the Kansai area. The course is perfect for those who want to live or travel in the Kansai region and introduces you to the dialect, grammar, and pronunciation differences compared to standard Japanese. Find out more here.

Japanese Onomatopoeia ▏Kinotoriko

Onomatopoeia is one of the Japanese language’s most intriguing features, it really helps you to build your Japanese language fluency and understand more about the culture. Improve your Japanese and learn all about this fascinating topic in this online course created with noted illustrator and author Toriko Kino! Find out more here.

Learn Japanese anytime, anywhere. Recommended Online Japanese Courses for you

Japanese language has become very popular among language learners in recent years, not to mention that if you are planning to study or work in Japan, you’ll eventually need to know the language.

During the pandemic, your language learning process shouldn’t be slowed down!

We hope the courses that we introduced would be helpful for you on self-study and get ready for your future visiting Japan! We believe that with these Go! Go! Nihon courses, you can build a solid foundation for your Japanese language studies for school, work, or travel.

If you are interested in learning Japanese and understanding Japanese culture better, don’t miss this opportunity!

【Special Program】 Joining from America at 5 o’clock in the morning?! What makes Borderless House Language Exchange so appealing?

Hello! I’m Yuuka, the most talkative staff in Borderless House!

Today, I would like to introduce Borderless House’s original language exchange program = Group Language Exchange, which I recommend as a talkative person!

Group Language Exchange is a language exchange activity between Japanese and English which a small group of 3-5 people enjoy by talking about common topics.

・ Those who want to study in Japan when the coronavirus situation settle down
・ Those who gave up studying in Japan this year
・ Those who want to practice out Japanese in actual communication

We recommend Group Language Exchange to all of you!

And, if you are wondering about #Group Language Exchange on Borderless House Instagram and want to know more details, please continue reading!

It is worth getting up at 5 am!? Group Language Exchange participants from all over the world

Now you know the outline of Group Language Exchange, and you may be wondering what the participants are like, right?

I will let you know with some photos!

This is from November 2020.

At first glance, the online screen looks like what we often see these days …
If you look closely, you will find the participant in daylight even though the starting time was 19:30 pm JST…!

That’s right! This program is open to former residents of Borderless House, so everyone is participating from various places!
Even after returning to their home countries, former residents who want to study Japanese participate regardless of the time difference!
(I’m quietly impressed by the fact that this gathering is only possible online)

In this session, we had participants from Germany, Indonesia, the United States, France, and so on. There was a participant who got up at 5 o’clock in the morning to participate! I was very happy that they enjoyed it.

“If you want to escape from dull exercises from your textbooks, why not learn it in a more natural way by speaking to native speakers of your target language? 😆 “

A message from one of the participants to those who cannot decide to participate yet.

It will be a great opportunity to output what you learn, so we would like more people to use this program for their language learning!

Demon Slayer the recent major trend can be a topic too!? Choose your favorite topic and participate!

After checking out those fun photos, now you want to know how you could participate in this program, right?

It’s easy to join!

The dates of Group Language Exchange will be announced by email or LINE @ at the beginning of each month, so all you need to do is to register using the application form there!

After registration, the staff in charge will send you the details by email, so please check it and join us online on the day.
* Held on Zoom which allows online video chatting.

When you submit this application form, you can choose the topic you are interested in!

Topics include traveling, music, what you want to do in the future, cooking, arts, movies, animation, etc …

Recently, Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) has also become one of the topics in response to the enthusiastic requests of the participants!
It’s also popular overseas and everyone knows it. I have a feeling that it will become a common language ….!

By the way, I have seen only two episodes so far, so I’m planning to see the rest during the New Year holidays!

Worried about online participation and your language skill? Don’t worry too much!

“I’m happy to be able to choose a topic that interests me, but I’m still worried about the online communication that I am not used to and overall language skills…”

We would like to introduce you the features of Group Language Exchange that even beginners can feel at ease!

➀ Since this program is limited to those who have lived in Borderless House, many people are enthusiastic about international exchange, and you can get to know each other immediately!

➁ You will chat with 3 to 5 members in a small group, so you can get to know each other well and talk easily!

➂ There is a facilitator who will support the group, so it will be okay even if you cannot speak well.

Above all, everyone here understands how difficult to learn a second language.
So, no one will laugh at you when you try hard to find your words or cannot speak well.

Actually, many participants are willing to help you with what you do not understand. This may be the biggest feature of this program.

There are many people who want to improve their English skills just as you want to improve your Japanese skills.
That would be great if you could join us!

Lots of original programs that you can’t experience anywhere else!

I would be very happy if this blog helped you to know the details of Group Language Exchange and to make up your mind to participate!

Borderless House’s original program = Borderless Mates Program offers many more attractive programs!

“I want to connect with this kind of person!” A program where you can meet a lot of different Borderless Mates.
Club activities where you can enjoy activities together through common interests, etc.!

If you are interested, please check the website below!

★Borderless Mates Program★