Japan Guide│Japan reopens borders to the world!

This is it! After almost three years, Japan finally fully opened its doors to all visitors, including foreign tourists and other arrivals on October 11th, 2022. Short-term visitors will no longer be required to apply for tourist visas as well as with no need to book tours through travel agencies. It’s exciting news for all Japan lovers who have been waiting for visiting or coming back to Japan! 

In this guide, we will be introducing what you need to know before you visit Japan during the post-pandemic. *Please note, the last update of the following information is on October 13th, 2022. Please be sure to check the latest information through Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website regarding entries of international travelers. 

Entering Japan│What to prepare?

Triple-vaccinated travelers are able to freely visit Japan, without any restrictions and are subject to the same conditions as before the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you have NOT been vaccinated with WHO-approved vaccines at least three times, you will need to submit your negative result from a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to departure. Check here for the certain testing methods and certain requirements of the vaccination certificate that Japan recognizes.

And this is the only requirement remaining. 

Travel etiquette in Japan during post-pandemic

Even though it is not against the law to take off your mask outdoors while not talking with others, the majority of people in Japan still continue to wear masks in public spaces in order to prevent infections or spreading the disease. It is good to stay cautious and protect everyone, not only just Covid-19 but also flu or other viral diseases, especially during winter times.

Also, most of the public indoor facilities, such as hotels, restaurants, stores, and museums require visitors and customers to sanitize their hands upon entrance, and usually, there will be hand-sanitizing liquid placed at the entrance, so please be cooperative and show consideration toward others by following those rules. 

FAQ of Entry to Japan

Q1. Will I need to book a guided tour?

No, you can travel as an independent traveler. 

Q2. Will I need to be vaccinated to enter?

No. But if you have not received at least three shots of a vaccine recognized by the WHO, you need to obtain a certificate confirming the negative status of a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to departure for Japan from your country of origin.

Q3. Do I need to quarantine? 

No. Travelers to Japan will no longer be required to quarantine upon arrival.

Q4. Do I need to wear a mask?

Yes. Though the government relaxed its guidance on mask usage, Japanese people still continue to wear masks while going out, especially while riding crowded trains or buses, and entering restaurants and hotels.

Q5. Are there any Apps that I need to download beforehand?

Japanese government recommends using “Fast Track” to speed up the entry procedures at the airport before entering Japan. Also, download the “MySOS” app and register your account and password, and then you can submit your passport, vaccination certificate, and other documents that are required for entry. 

BORDERLESS HOUSE hopes you enjoy your travel experience to the fullest in Japan!

Safe travels!

Who Can Enter Japan & What’s Required for the Entry to Japan? May 2022

In this blog, we provide information for foreign nationals looking to travel to Japan, including who can travel to Japan now, and the entry requirements.  

Who Can Enter Japan

Japan is currently opening entry to business visitors, international students enrolled at a Japanese institution, and technical interns. As well as Japanese citizens, permanent residents or temporary residents including spouses and children of Japanese citizens who hold long-term visas, and some short-term business travelers.

Most foreign nations are now able to enter the country, however, you will need to be granted a visa allowing you to enter Japan.. As of April 2022, only persons originating from these countries are NOT able to enter Japan:

However, traveling to Japan with a tourist visa remains PROHIBITED. 

What types of vaccines are accepted for overseas visitors to enter Japan? Is quarantine mandatory upon entry?

From March 1, 2022, the following measures are implemented in Japan: 

  1. The quarantine will not be required for those who have a “Certificate of Vaccination issued outside Japan” + “Completion of the third dose” (only for long-term residents, students, and business visitors in Japan, but not for visitors.) 

  2. For those who have not received the vaccination or completed the third dose and do not have a certificate of eligibility, the period of quarantine will be shortened to 7 days. You can also submit a negative report to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare after PCR or RT-PCR on the third day after the entry into Japan, and the quarantine can be lifted after confirming that the test is negative.

    What kind of foreign-issued vaccination certificate is eligible and approved by Japan?

・The issuing entity is a public entity such as the government of each country.
・Must be in either Japanese or English. 
・Name, date of birth, vaccine name or manufacturer, date of vaccination, and a number of vaccinations must be included.
・Vaccine type: Doses 1 and 2 must meet the following criteria: Pfizer (Pfizer), AZ (AstraZeneca), Moderna, Janssen (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson/J&J; the first dose is considered the second dose of this vaccine). The third dose must be in accordance with Pfizer BNT (Pfizer), Moderna.

Required documents for entering Japan

Proof of negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before the departure time
A signed copy of a ‘Written Pledge’ document committing to follow all health procedures
Japanese visa
Certificate of vaccination issued by a foreign country approved by Japan
Download three apps: Health and Location Monitoring App (MySOS) to report health conditions, report location, verify location, Location Information App
(Google Maps), and COCOA to track close contacts. If you do not have a smartphone, you must rent one at the airport at your own expense.
Show the QR code of the survey with your residence history or health status (a completed online questionnaire)

After arrival in Japan

Upon arrival and before leaving the airport you have to:

  • ◇ Submit the documents listed above
  • ◇ Undergo another PCR test and return a negative result

Within 24 hours of entering Japan, you may travel by public transportation.

Currently, due to quarantine procedures and other border control measures in response to the COVID-19, all passengers arriving in Japan on international flights take a long time to complete the immigration process.

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website.

We’d love to help you with starting your new life in Japan! ▶WELCOME TO JAPAN

Regarding our policies in prevention of spreading of COVID-19

*In response to the “Response to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) after the classification change” announced by the government effective May 8, 2023, the following measures are now in effect.

1. If a current resident becomes infected with a contagious disease such as the coronavirus or influenza, they will be required to self-isolate outside of Borderless House, such as in a hotel. This isolation period will be determined by the instructions of the hospital or public health center.

2. Regardless of the type of disease, if a current tenant needs to go out to common areas when he/she is not feeling well, he/she will be asked to wear a mask.

*Please refer to the following for the policy before May 7, 2023.

Borderless House is taking the following measures against Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) considering the safety and health of our Tenants, partner companies, staff, and their families.

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan has officially approved the change of the status of the new strain of COVID-19 under the Infectious Disease Control Law to “Class 5,” the same status as seasonal influenza, from May 8, 2023.

Due to the recent changes in the treatment of corona infectious diseases announced by the Japanese government on May 8 (Mon.), the following will be applied to our share house accommodation policy.

1. Those who have contracted an infectious disease, such as covid or influenza, will be quarantined in their rooms or in a hotel as instructed by the hospital or public health center.

If hotel quarantine is requested from Borderless House, we will charge the Tenant the rent according to the current contract. If the Tenant is quarantined in the house, please be considerate of others and do not use common spaces that are used by other residents.

2. In case the Tenant is infected, the Tenant must contact BORDERLESS HOUSE immediately.

3. Even if the Tenant is not infected, please wear a mask when the Tenant is not feeling well. In any case, avoid using common areas as much as possible.

4. After May 8, BORDERLESS HOUSE will not be responsible for disinfecting houses. For those concerned about infection, please note disinfection procedures will be done at the Tenant’s own expense.

5. As stated in the house regulations contract, we will only enter private rooms with the permission of the resident. Residents in shared rooms will receive only a notification in advance about the entry time and purpose.

However, in urgent circumstances (facilities maintenance included), we may enter both private and shared rooms with advance notification regardless of permission.

We would like to support our tenants to ensure their health and peace of mind at Borderless House.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

〖Tokyo office〗

〖Kansai office〗

※Regarding the management and operation policies of our company due to COVID-19, feel free to read this blog written by the president of BORDERLESS HOUSE, Seiichi Lee – For Tomorrow’s Bright Future with a New Year 2021 ~What BORDERLESS HOUSE can do~

Entering Japan During COVID-19▏Mandatory Preparation before Departure (Mar 29th, 2021)

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on travel. This blog is to provide updated and relevant information for foreign nationals who are going to enter Japan from aboard, including all the mandatory preparations before departure.

(1) Certificate of negative PCR test result within 72 hours before departure

The PCR test must be performed at a hospital in your country, and the test must be taken within 72 hours before the flight takes off (holidays will be counted as usual).

Required information in the result report (must be in English)
① Name, passport number, nationality, date of birth, gender
② Testing method and test results
③ Time of the test (to confirm if it is within 72 hours before the scheduled takeoff time)
and date and time of inspection results, date and time of delivery of inspection certificate
④ Name of medical institution and doctor’s name, address of the medical institution, the seal of the medical institution, and doctor’s signature
⑤ All the information must be written in English.

You can check the details of the Certificate of Testing for COVID-19 for the entry or re-entry of foreign nationals and download the specified format form for PCR test from here: http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001337717.pdf

This is the official format from the Japanese government, so you can take them directly to your doctor to fill out.

(2)Submission of a Written pledge

The written pledge has to be submitted by people with a new visa. It usually requires a company, a specific organization, or a school to guarantee the submission of information and an estimated itinerary to the government and to comply with the company’s and school’s regulations.

The main contents of the Written pledge

1.Refrain from taking public transportation (trams, cab taxis, buses, domestic lines, shinkansen, long-distance ferries, etc.)

2. 14 days for self-quarantine, and go out as little as possible for non-essential purposes.

After signing the pledge, foreigners who violate the regulations will be subject to mandatory restrictions on entry and visa cancellation.

Feel free to download the Written pledge from here: https://reurl.cc/KxD3On

(3) Download the designated app beforehand

It will take at least 3 hours to enter Japan if you did not download the App beforehand.
If you cannot set it up or download it with a smartphone, you need to rent one at the airport. After renting one, you must also download the designated app and set it up. before you leave the airport.

From March 18, all airport arrivals will be subject to a mandatory inspection of the app.

You will receive a paper after entering the country, so be sure to complete all the steps early. Make sure the email address is the same as the one on the Written pledge, and try to see if you can receive it beforehand. (The contents may vary, but they are generally the same)

You can check here for the Apps settings from here: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000755137.pdf

(4)Respond to the questionnaire

Open this link to check the details before entering the country and follow the steps to fill out the form. https://arqs-qa.followup.mhlw.go.jp/#/

Click “Japanese” in the Language section to switch to other languages.

There will be a QR code after filling out the form, so please take a screenshot (recommended) or print and save it beforehand.

It is recommended that you fill out the form before the flight!

For the next article, we will be giving you detailed immigration procedures at the airport, please stay tuned. We hope to see everyone arrive in Japan safe and sound!

For Tomorrow ‘s Bright Future with a New Year 2021

안녕하세요! 보더리스 하우스의 대표 이성일입니다.
아직도 전 세계에 맹위를 떨치고 있는 코로나 시국 속에서 2021년 새해를 맞이했습니다.

보더리스 하우스는 해외에서 오는 입주자 여러분에 의해 유지되고 있는 사업입니다. 그리고 “교류”가 가치인 커뮤니티 사업입니다. 그러나, 끊임없이 변화하는 감염 상황과 그에 따른 입국 제한과 이동 제한으로 인해 올 한 해도 사업적으로는 고난이 계속될 것입니다.
또한 올해 1월, 일본에서의 감염이 더욱 확대되어 불안은 더욱 커지고 있습니다.

그런 가운데에서도 지난 2020년, 많은 분이 보더리스 하우스를 선택해 새로운 생활을 시작했습니다. 지금, 이 순간에도 일본, 한국, 대만 96 하우스 700명 이상의 입주자분들은 한 지붕 아래 서로 도우며 각양각색의 공동생활을 즐기고 있습니다.

고난이 계속되는 올해지만, 그렇기에 더더욱 저희가 사업을 대하는 마음가짐을 전달하고 싶어 이 블로그를 씁니다.

With 코로나 속에서 ​​바쁘게 달려온 2020년

해외에서의 입국이 금지되어 2020년 봄과 여름에 입국 예정이었던 분들이 모두 취소 또는 연기가 되었습니다.
또한 수업은 온라인으로, 근무는 재택근무로 변해, 학교나 직장 근처로 이사하는 수요가 감소해 새로 입주하시는 분들이 예년보다 줄어들었습니다.

그런 가운데 저희는 실제 교류는 못 해도 온라인에서라도 국제 교류를 체험하실 수 있었으면 하는 마음에서 언어 교류를 중심으로 새로운 프로그램을 시작했습니다.

벽이 아닌 다리를 만들자! Language Exchange >>>

또한 보더리스 하우스에 입주하는, 그리고 보더리스 하우스를 졸업한 모든 분을 “Borderless Mates”보더리스 메이트 “라고 부르기로 하고, 새로운 커뮤니티 프로그램도 시작했습니다.

전 세계에 친구를 만들 수 있다!? BORDERELSS MATES PROGRAM >>>

그리고 2020년 10월, 일본에의 입국 제한이 일부 완화되어, 입국을 기다리던 해외의 ​​”보더리스 메이트”를 드디어 맞이 할 수 있었습니다. 2020 년 10월부터 12월까지 사이에 무려 184명의 분이 보더리스 하우스에서 새로운 생활을 시작했습니다.

보더리스 하우스에서 보내는 스테이 홈

셰어하우스는 마치 대가족처럼 사는 곳입니다. 많은 사람과 함께 사니 감염에 대한 불안이 있는 것도 당연합니다. 그러나 하우스 바깥의 사람과 관계가 줄어든 지금이야말로, 보더리스 메이트들은 하우스 안의 생활을 즐겁게 만들어가고 있습니다.

재택근무와 온라인 수업 틈틈이 하우스 메이트와 잡담을 하고 함께 요리하고. 코로나로 일이 줄어 새 직장을 찾을 때는 하우스 메이트에게 상담을 하고 도움을 받고. “하우스 메이트가 있었기에 코로나 블루에서 오는 외로움과 답답함을 극복할 수 있었다”, 그런 이야기를 정말 많이 들었습니다.
홀로 하는 스테이 홈에서는 결코 얻을 수 없는 휴식과 재미, 기쁨, 서로를 향한 응원이 셰어하우스에는 있는 것입니다.

보더리스 메이트가 하우스에서의 생활을 소상히 말해주는 블로그를 한 번 꼭 봐주세요!
입주자 기고 블로그 >>>>>

모두가 힘을 합쳐 즐거운 커뮤니티를 키워가는 보더리스 메이트, 그리고 보더리스 하우스라는 사업에 자부심을 느끼고 앞으로도 더 많은 분께 전하고 싶은 마음 하나로 전 직원이 노력하고 있습니다.

※ 저희는 일본 정부의 ‘신형 코로나바이러스 감염증 대책의 기본 방침’에 따라 입주자, 직원 및 그 가족의 안전 · 건강을 고려하여 최선의 업무 지원을 하고 있습니다.
신종 코로나바이러스 감염 확대에 따른 대응에 대해서 >>>

2021년도 꿈을 좇는 여러분의 새로운 생활을 계속 응원합니다!

코로나 시국에서의 새로운 생활에 대한 준비에는 많은 어려움이 있다고 생각합니다. 저희는 조금이라도 그 불안을 해소하실 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 다시 한번 일본에서의 활동을 소개해드립니다.

● 온라인 방 견학 (수시)와 온라인 설명회 (정기 개최)를 실시하고 있습니다!

보더리스 하우스는 어떤 곳? 어떤 사람이 살고 있나요? 지방이나 해외에 있거나 감염 확대에 이동 제한이 있거나 직접 하우스에 오는 것이 어려운 상황에서 온라인으로 수시 안내하고 있습니다

온라인 방 견학은 이쪽 >>>

온라인 설명회는 이쪽 (일본어)>>>

● 입주일까지 방을 무료로 킵하고 기다리고 있습니다!

감염 상황에 따라 입국 및 이사의 타이밍을 바꿔야 하는 상황이 있습니다. 그런 분들은 지금이라면 4월 15일까지 무료로 방을 킵할 수 있습니다.
봄철 얼리버드 캠페인은 이쪽 >>>

● 만남도 배움도 충실! 대학 생활 응원 캠페인(일본인 대상)

다양한 사람들과 만나, 꿈을 이야기하고, 고민을 상담하면서 절차탁마 해 나가는 대학 생활. 수업이 온라인화되어 다양한 기회가 제한되어가는 가운데, 보더리스 하우스이기에 가능한 체험을 제공하고자 체류 × 체험형 프로그램 캠페인을 실시 중입니다.
생활하며 배우는 실천 프로그램, 대학생 캠페인은 이쪽 >>>

● 온라인으로 배울 수 있는 다문화 공생 토크 세션

우리의 목표는 배경이 다른 젊은이들이 깊은 교류함으로써 상호 이해 가능한 가치관을 기르는 것입니다. 서로 얼굴을 마주하기 어려워지고, 외국과의 교류가 차단되는 지금이야말로 이문화이해 · 다문화공생에 대해 생각할 기회가 필요하다고 생각하여, 온라인 토크 세션을 실시하고 있습니다.

다문화 공생을 즐겁게 배우고 생각하는 온라인 세션은 이쪽(일본어) >>>


개인의 생활이나 경제 활동 모든 면에서 어려운 자숙 상황이 계속됩니다만, 그 앞에 있는 반드시 찾아올 밝은 미래를 기대하면서 우리들은 지금 할 수 있는 것을 생각하고 행동하고 있습니다.
그리고 앞으로도 많은 새로운 보더리스 메이트가 멋진 하우스 메이트를 만나 새로운 삶을 시작 할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.

2021년 1월 19일
보더리스 하우스 대표 이성일

【온라인 해외 인턴십 모집】 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 제 1기생을 모집합니다!

전세계적인 코로나바이러스 감염 확산으로 인해, 많은 분들이 해외유학 및 해외취업의 꿈을 잠시 접어두고 계실거라고 생각합니다.
보더리스하우스에서는 외국인과 함께 생활하며 국내에서도 유학생활을 하는 듯한 환경과 국제교류가 가능한 생활을 제공하고 있습니다.
해외 곳곳으로의 출국이 힘들어진 현재,여러분을 위해 보더리스하우스만이 제공할 수 있는 새로운 오리지널 프로그램, 지금 시작합니다!

국제교류 쉐어하우스에서 생활하면서,
온라인으로 해외취업체험!

외국인과 함께 사는 보더리스하우스에서 해외유학을 체험
해외기업의 인턴십 프로그램을 통해 영어를 활용한 업무경험까지!

보더리스하우스에서 생활하며 온라인으로 해외 기업 인턴십이 가능한 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지!

이런 분들께 추천!
해외취업, 해외인턴십에 관심이 있는분, 한국인 대학생 및 취업준비생
워킹홀리데이, 혹은 해외인턴 예정이었으나 코로나로 인해 취소가 되어버린 한국인

2020년 8월부터, 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 제 1기생(10명)을 모집합니다!

해외 인턴십 전문기업과 협업을 통한 안심할 수 있는 프로그램

해외 인턴십을 전문적으로 제공해 오던 파트너 기업과의 콜라보레이션으로 탄생한 새로운 프로그램입니다.

보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 의 참여 조건은,

1. 일상 영어회화와 해외에 도전하고자 하는 의욕!
2. 보더리스하우스에서의 최소 1달 거주!

원하시는 직종 및 국가를 말씀해 주시면, 파트너 기업이 면접준비부터 해외기업과의 매칭까지 서포트합니다.

●프로그램 특징 1
글로벌 환경에서 영어를 구사하며 원하는 일을 할 수 있고 직접 가지 못해도 해외에서 일하는 경험을 할 수 있습니다.
●프로그램 특징 2
온라인으로 이루어지는 인턴십이기에, 시차가 문제되지 않도록 아시아권을 중심으로 진행되는 프로그램이기에 안심하실 수 있습니다!
●프로그램 특징 3
인턴활동 중인 국가를 좀 더 알고 싶은 분께는 보더리스하우스가 해당 국가 출신의 입주자와 무료로 매칭해 드립니다!
●프로그램 특징 4
인턴십 종료후에는 인턴십 체험 레포트를 프레젠테이션하고 프로그램 수료증명서를 발급해 드립니다!
●프로그램 특징 5
부담이 되는 해외 인턴십 참가 비용도  보더리스 인턴십 챌린지는 40% 할인 해서 저가로 제공합니다!

코로나로 해외취업이 힘들어진 지금,
위기를 기회로 만들어 봐요!

외국인과 영어로 대화하며 생활도 하고, 해외기업의 인턴활동 경험도 하고!
해외에 직접 가지 않으면 얻을 수 없는 경험을,
해외에 나가지 않아도 할 수 있도록 보더리스하우스가 제공합니다!

코로나로 인해 해외에 도전하는 꿈을 접어야만 했던 여러분,
다음 기회가 올 때까지, 보더리스하우스에서 해외생활을 체험하며 준비해 보지 않으시겠어요?

2020년 8월부터, 제 1기생으로 10분을 모집합니다!
이 프로그램에 관심이 있으신 분께서는 아래의 카카오톡 을  통해 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.

지원 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 http://pf.kakao.com/_xaBJxbu/chat

【Build bridges not walls】~What We Can Do Now~

Hi all, this is Lee from Borderless House.

Currently, the impact of the new Coronavirus can be seen and felt all over the world. Various individuals and industries have been hit very hard by this pandemic and its effects.

As you may know, Borderless House is a company which heavily relies on the support of tenants from overseas. In particular, March and April are commonly two of the busiest months for Borderless House as many students begin their new semester, and post-graduates begin a new chapter of life.
The impact of the Coronavirus has by no means been small, and we have been disheartened to see many long-awaited individuals forced to cancel their trips to Japan, and current tenants need to unexpectedly return home. It is a time of uncertainty for many.

Even during these times, we will persist in our mission to create a multi-cultural society void of discrimination.
In light of the current worldwide pandemic, I’d like to introduce some things that I feel we can and should do to support this mission.

Discrimination and Division as a Result of the Coronavirus

The novel Coronavirus has been labeled as an “Asian problem,” and has lead to severe discrimination against Asian residents, particularly Chinese individuals. Human rights organizations in various countries have reported shocking cases of harassment and assault. Awareness of discrimination against Asians has been once again brought to light. However, this discrimination is by no means a foreign affair unrelated to Japan. We cannot claim with certainty that Coronavirus-related discrimination against foreigners will not be born in Japan.

The rampant virus has been kept under control by immigration restrictions as well as self-isolation and restraint measures. As a result, immigration measures have built “physical walls” and the unending stress and uncertainty has built “emotional walls.”Anxiety surrounding the invisible enemy which we are now all fighting has been misplaced as hatred and discrimination towards a specific race. Specific groups of people are now experiencing prejudice and isolation, as others intentionally make efforts to avoid these individuals. My fear is that this prejudice and discrimination against foreigners will continue to visibly increase in Japan even after travel restrictions are lifted in the future.

Now is a critical time for us to come together. Let us build bridges, not walls.
Not all recent events have been negative. The entire world has united to take action during this crisis by cooperating across various fields, exchanging knowledge and resources, as if confronting a common enemy. Here at Borderless House, we have been doing our best to decide on and implement the necessary measures which will prioritize the highest level of safety and health for our tenants, partner companies, and for our staff and their families.

Click here for more information regarding the Borderless House Coronavirus measures

With this all being said, and given the current state of the world, we are faced with a few questions.
What can we at Borderless House do?
What should be our approach and response?
I am convinced that our current role is to promote connections rather than divisions. Our staff has summarized this sentiment with an encouraging and impactfull phrase:“Build bridges, not walls.”

Due to the Coronavirus, business at Borderless House has been heavily impacted in various ways. However, what overshadows our business worries are our tenants, a community of individuals who had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to foster connections and make memories with people from all over the world. Our hearts ache hearing the stories of tenants who have lost their dreams of coming to Japan, individuals whose once-in-a-lifetime work and study opportunities abroad have been cancelled, foreigners who have been forced to return home due to travel restrictions, and those who have been robbed of the ability to make long-lasting memories with their housemates, never given the time needed to have felt fully at home in Japan.
Even if they are not in Japan, will these individuals be able to build up excitement for the next opportunity to come to Japan, to learn something about Japanese culture or language, or to build international friendships? Are these things that we at Borderless House are still able to provide?

We should aim to eliminate discrimination, prejudice, and division! We should strive to take our society in the opposite direction!
It is important to say these things and to put them in writing, however, arguably more important is taking direct action to support these claims. Borderless House exists to support this type of action by challenging individuals to leave their comfort zone, directly confront their own preconceptions of foreign societies and individuals, and join a multicultural environment. This is the mission, brand, and purpose of Borderless House.


We have taken action and started an online “Language Exchange” matching program.

This new program is based upon a simple idea.
We will be matching foreigners who no longer are able to come to Japan with current tenants of Borderless House to create a free online language exchange program! Therefore, housemates who were supposed to meet will have to opportunity to do so virtually and can still form lasting friendships which transcend borders!

By speaking with Borderless House tenants, we can use this program to provide a look into life in a multicultural environment in Japan, and reignite some of the excitement that may have been extinguished by the ongoing pandemic. We hope that these language partners will ultimately have the opportunity to meet face-to-face in the future.

Please check out the program page for more details regarding this new program!

Ultimately, we would like to extend this program not only to those who were unable to come to Japan, but also those who were unexpectedly forced to post-pone or cancel their reservations with us.

As self-isolation measures persist around the world, I, as well as all the staff at Borderless House, hope that these small and impactful actions will help restore any lost anticipation and excitement, and help redirect our focus from the dark present to a bright future.

Additionally, for tenants who made reservations with Borderless House but were forced to cancel, we have prepared personalized video messages from the staff members who coordinated their reservation details.

With the combined efforts of all members of Borderless House, we will continue to move forward with passion and heart!


The worldwide fight against the Coronavirus is expected to be a long battle.
If the role of the government and politicians is to build walls in order to keep the world safe, I think the response of all global citizens should be to build bridges between our hearts to overcome these barriers.
And we as Borderless House aim to be one of the engineers crafting these bridges. Although not always perfectly made, we will continue to build bridges with a smile, and take pride in our efforts!


Borderless House has previously experienced a similar unexpected and tragic event in the past, and was able to persevere and overcome the resulting challenges.
During the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, fears of the earthquake and radioactivity lead to the evacuation of both Japanese and foreign tenants from Tokyo, resulting in many cancellations.
Despite this, we continued to maintain the ratio of our tenants at 1:1, foreigner:Japanese, and did not abandon our mission. We held out hope that people would return to Japan again, and by standing firm, Borderless House survived this hardship, our brand grew, and we emerged stronger than ever before.

In light of the current virus situation, we will of course work to prioritize each individual’s health and safety.
We may continue to face difficulties in all aspects of our life, both in the personal and economic spheres. However, Borderless House will continue to face these challenges head-on, doing whatever we can do to help and keeping our eyes fixed on the hope of a bright and exciting future!

【What BH Can Do Now】We will start an Online Communication Matching Service “~Build bridges not walls! Language Exchange”

COVID-19 Infection has been rapidly spreading, and we now see it on news daily.
Borders have closed down in many countries, and departing and entering countries are restricted.People have stopped traveling worldwide.

Spring is a very important season for share houses.
People start new schools or jobs, study abroad or do an internship.
It is a season where many people choose to live in a share house and become excited about new encounters.
In the spring of previous years, many Tenants from around the world moved into Borderless House.
However, right now, due to the spread of COVID-19 and the endless threat of the virus, many Tenants abroad have had to give up in coming to Japan.
Continuous cancellation of international Tenants is, of course, big economic damage for our company.

Moreover, when thinking about the international people who decided to spend their precious time living in Japan and were excited about their life at Borderless House and Japan.
And current Tenants who were looking forward to their new Tenants, and people who were looking forward to their study abroad, but could not depart their country, it is heartbreaking.

What can we do in times like this?
To those abroad who wanted to come to Japan, we want to share Japan even a little bit.
To those who were looking forward to new encounters, we want them to feel abroad even a little bit.
From these feelings, we will start “~Build bridges not walls~ Language Exchange.”

What is an Online Communication Matching Service “~Build bridges not walls~ Language Exchange.”

This service is a free online communication service to match those who had to cancel moving in Borderless House due to the COVID-19 or people abroad who could not come to Japan with talking partners who are Tenants in Borderless House.
We will provide an opportunity to talk with housemates who were supposed to go or were supposed to come.
While learning each other’s language and connecting with people around the globe, do you want to become friends?

Matching Step

Entry is easy!
Please apply from the form below.

Application form

Borderless House will do the matching based on the form!

A Skype group will be created and we will organize the date for the first meeting and explain the procedures.

The day of the program
Start with introducing yourself! Enjoy talking with language based on the topic cards! (First time 40 minutes)

Answer the survey after finishing it. And decide the 2nd time meeting with your partner.

What Borderless House Can Do

People who were planning to move in Borderless House and Tenants living in Borderless House will be matched, so Borderless staff will do the matching!

You can talk to people with high motivation for interacting who agree with Borderless House’s concept, so you can enjoy talking and improve language skills with each other.


Of course, it is free!

First, please feel free to apply through the form!

Because of this time when borders are closed and departing/ entering countries are restricted, we believe we want to create a connection with the world.

We are looking forward to your entries.

All share houses in Tokyo