Borderless House Event | Beach Cleanup at Shalun Beach!

Hello everyone! Remember the plastic reduction takoyaki party held by BORDERLESS HOUSE last year at Share House Technology Building 2? We tasted delicious takoyaki made by our Japanese tenants and conveyed the crucial message of reducing plastic to protect our planet.

This year, we are bringing that passion to Shalun Beach, taking action to clean up the trash. Let’s join hands to create a cleaner, more beautiful future for our planet!

Come with BORDERLESS HOUSE to Shalun Beach in New Taipei!

On that sunny day, the sun shone brightly, and although the wind was quite strong, the cool air eased the heat. BORDERLESS HOUSE staff joined the tenants from Share House in picking up trash on the beach while enjoying the calmness of the ocean. To our surprise, we met another group of university students who were also there for the beach cleanup! This made the whole event even more vibrant. They were also amazed that BORDERLESS HOUSE is a co-living brand that focuses on cultural exchange! As our garbage bags filled up, the interactions among the tenants grew, strengthening their bonds.

Once the cleanup was over, everyone decided to head to Tamsui Old Street to relax, strolling along the riverside while enjoying food and shopping. The sunset created a beautiful backdrop, perfectly concluding this fulfilling day💗.

Ready to experience the beauty of Taiwan’s hidden gems while making lifelong connections? Join us on our next adventure and explore Taiwan’s stunning landscapes with the BORDERLESS HOUSE community!

Whether you’re looking to connect with nature or meet new people, our share houses in Taiwan offer the perfect blend of community and adventure. Click here to explore our share houses in Taiwan and start your journey today✨!

A special short-term stay at Share House Xinyi-Anhe1✨

Xinyi-Anhe 1 Share House’s short-term stay program has officially launched! Enjoy lower rent than other BORDERLESS HOUSE houses, and if you stay the entire two months, you’ll benefit from an extra discount. 

If you’re currently looking for a short-term stay, click here to get more detailed information now!!!

해피 할로윈 파티 in 서울 보더리스하우스!

보더리스 하우스 서울지점입니다.

한국에서도 점점 할로윈을 즐기고 있는데, 
즐거운 할로윈 보내셨나요?

저희 보더리스 하우스도 입주자분들과
해피 할로윈 파티를 재미나게 즐겼답니다!

곧 오실 입주자 분들을 기다리며 두근두근!:)
음식과 음료를 준비하고 기다려봅니다!!

이미 알고 계신 입주자 분들도 계시지만, 처음 만나는 분들도 있는 자리니까!
어색하고 부끄럽지만 자기소개를 해봅니다!

다만, 이번에는 조금 특별하게 스스로 본인을 소개하는 ‘키워드’를 하나씩 정해서
하다보니까 더 쉽게 친해질 수 있었다고 해요!

그리고 다함께 노래방을 즐기면서 경연도 하고요~
페이스페인팅도 하면서 할로윈을 만끽했답니다!

바쁘신 와중에 참가해주신 모든 입주자분들께 너무 감사드리며,
즐거운 시간을 함께 보내서 너무 행복했답니다!

보더리스쉐어하우스에서는 문화, 언어교류를 즐기시는 입주자분들을 위해
이벤트 외에도 다양한 프로그램을 제공하고 있답니다.
국제교류에 관심이 있으시다면 언제든지 웰컴!

다음 이벤트에서 만나길 기다릴게요!