Game On! Building Friendships at Borderless House Exciting Board Game Night

Hi there! We’re back at Borderless House.

Today’s blog is about more fun stuff from Borderless House Kansai, right after our udon-making event!

This time, we’re excited to share the highlights from our board game meet-ups, held in October and November last year. Although we’re sharing this a bit later, last year was packed with fun events in Kansai, so stick around for more stories and laughs! 

Board Game Gathering in Kyoto, Japan!

For our latest event, we aimed to not only strengthen the bonds between our residents but also to help everyone get more comfortable with Japanese in a fun way. We believed that engaging in games and various activities would naturally spark conversations, making the idea of speaking Japanese less daunting.

We chose a board game café located close to one of our houses for the venue.

At the cafe, we were amazed by the towering stacks of board games, reaching almost up to the ceiling! The owner, with a collection from all around the world, helped us pick out the perfect games for our group.

For our October gathering, we went with a card game. The fun part? We had to quickly make up stories based on the pictures on the cards. Trying to do this in English added an exciting twist!

There was a buzz of anticipation as we all watched to see which card would be played next. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the players’ every move.

At the café, one of the regulars happened to be there and was so intrigued that they asked, “Can I join in?” Thanks to this, our October event turned into a lively session with about 10 people playing and having a great time!

The best part about these games is they’re just as fun whether you’re in a big group or a small one. They offer a great mix of excitement and the chance for deeper conversations. We’re definitely looking forward to hosting more of these events!

Over the past year, Borderless House Kansai has been bustling with various activities. We’re excited to keep sharing these experiences through our blog. Stay tuned for more updates, and we hope you enjoy following along!

Experience Udon Making: A Community Event at BORDERLESS HOUSE Kansai!

Hello there! This is Borderless House, ringing in the New Year with you!

Happy New Year to everyone! As we kick off 2024, we’re excited to fill you in on what’s new at Borderless House in the Kansai region.

We run a network of 55 share houses in Japan, with 11 of them located in the vibrant Kansai area, which includes Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe. Our share houses in Kansai may be fewer in number than in Tokyo, but they offer a close-knit and lively community feel that’s really special.

In this spirit, we’re thrilled to bring you a special feature on a highlight event from last year – the Udon Making Experience, proudly hosted by Borderless House Kansai!

Cooking Up Connections: Udon Making Workshop

We had a great time hosting an Udon Making Experience in the kitchen at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.

The idea came from one of our university student residents who loves food. Before leaving our house, they wanted to do something fun and special with everyone.

The event was a big hit! We had 20 people join us, including international students from Ritsumeikan University and friends of our residents.

Udon is a popular dish that many people, including foreigners, enjoy eating. But making udon from scratch is something not many people, even in Japan, have tried. This event was a fun chance for everyone to try making udon themselves.

The best part of making udon? It was stepping on the dough!

It was a strange and fun experience to make food by stepping on it. This surprised everyone who joined in. We all stepped and pressed the dough very hard.

After stepping on the dough to make it firm, we rolled it out and cut it into noodles. Everyone was excited to try cutting the noodles, even though it was new for many of us.

We didn’t just make udon. We also tried making inari sushi and shiratama, a sweet dessert.

There were 20 of us, and we worked in teams. This way, everyone got to taste what we made. We all helped each other and worked well together in the kitchen!

Funny thing about the event – none of our team or student members had made udon before!

We were all starting from scratch. But we really wanted to make the event enjoyable for everyone. So here’s a little secret: we stayed up late the night before practicing how to make udon. Everyone got a good laugh when they heard about our last-minute training!

At Borderless House Kansai, we didn’t just stop at udon making. Throughout the past year, we organized a bunch of different events! We’re excited to share more stories and updates on our blog. We’d love it if you keep an eye out for our future posts and enjoy them!


[12월/입주자 모임] 크리스마스 파티 후기!

세계 각국의 청년들이
한 집에 모여 살면서
문화와 언어를 교환하는,
서울 속의 작은 지구!

저희는 문화교류 쉐어하우스
<보더리스 하우스 코리아>입니다!

보더리스 하우스 코리아입니다.

한 해 중에서도, 특히나 12월 말은
좋은 사람들과 함께하는
즐거운 시간들이 자주 있어서 더욱
행복하고 따뜻하게 느껴지는 것 같아요.

또 12월 말에는,
겨울의 낭만을 이야기할 때
빼놓을 수 없는 한 가지!
바로 크리스마스가 있죠!


보더리스 하우스에도
크리스마스가 찾아왔어요!


만인이 사랑하는 겨울의 백미!
크리스마스를 그냥 지나칠 수는 없죠.

저희 보더리스 하우스는
이번 크리스마스를 특별하게 보내기 위해,
서울 지점의 5개 하우스 메이트들과 함께
문화교류 파티를 열어서 시간을 보냈답니다.

고려대, 홍대, 왕십리, 강남 등
서울 곳곳에 위치한 우리 하우스에
살고 있는 하우스메이트들이 한데 모여서
즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.



기획부터 구성, 진행까지
스태프가 함께하니까
더욱 안심되는 크리스마스 파티



문화교류를 원하는
전세계 청년들이 모여 사는
보더리스 하우스.


그런 문화교류를 향한
뜨거운 관심이
보다 행복하고 값진 결실로
이어질 수 있도록,

보더리스 하우스에서는
한달에 한번!
하우스 메이트들이 모여서
문화교류를 할 수 있도록
커뮤니티 행사를 열고 있는데요.


이번 파티 역시도 스태프 로빈이
발벗고 나서서 직접 하우스를 꾸미고
파티 중간중간 미니게임을 진행하는 등
열정을 다하는 파티였답니다.


국적, 성별 모두 다양해서
더욱 좋았던 이번 파티

아무래도 보더리스 하우스 서울 지점의
서울 쉐어하우스 5곳 중 3곳이
여성 전용 하우스다보니,


​파티를 개최하면 남자 메이트들이
참여하는 경우가 그동안 많지는 않았는데요.

이번 파티에는 남자 구성원만 무려 네명!
국적도 한국, 일본, 독일, 프랑스, 스페인, 미국
총 6개국 청년들이 모이는 자리였어서
더욱 특별하고 유쾌한 시간이 되었답니다.

파티를 열심히 기획하는 입장에서,
이렇게 다양한 메이트들이 참여해서
즐거운 시간을 보낼 때면
그만큼 보람되고 뿌듯할 수가 없지요.



파티에서 오고가는
대화주제들 역시
무척 다양하고 깊은
내용이 많았는데요.

한국어 공부의 어려운 점이나
한국에서만 즐길 수 있는
특별한 취미활동 등
일상적인 주제부터

한국의 저출산 문제나,
젠더 이슈 등 사회적으로
뜨거운 관심을 받는
시사 이야기

때로는 진지하게,
때로는 유쾌하게



‘팔은 안쪽으로 굽는다’가 뭐야?



파티 도중에 갑자기
내일 있을 시험의
예상문제를 펼쳐 든 한 메이트!

알고보니 한국어 속담이
너무 어려워서
파티에 온 친구들에게
도움을 청한 것인데요.

다들 놀라거나 당황하기는 커녕
왁자지껄 웃으며
해석을 도와주려고 하는 모습이
정말 보기 좋고 재밌었답니다.

우리 말을 영어로
설명할 기회가 되고,

영어를 통해
우리말을 배우는 기회가 되니,

이런 문화, 언어교류는 정말
보더리스 하우스에서밖에
못하는 경험이 아닐까요?



올해 한국에 오길 잘했던 것 같아!
보더리스 하우스여서 좋았어.


올 한해가 어땠는지 묻는 질문에,
우리 하우스 메이트들은
쉐어하우스에서의 일상이
정말 즐겁고 행복했다고 대답해줬어요.

다시 없을 가족이
생긴 기분이 들었고,

한국문화와 외국문화가 한데 어우러져,
함께 살아가는 새로운 거주 문화로
변화해나가는 과정이 뜻깊었다고요.

우리 보더리스 하우스도,
우리 공간 안에서
하우스 메이트들의 한해가
즐거웠다면 그걸로 만족입니다!




새로운 한해를 열어갈
하우스 메이트들,
보고 있나요?


이렇게 하우스 메이트들과
함께 했던 잊지 못할
미리 메리 크리스마스 파티!
후기를 적어보았는데요.

함께 즐겁고
따뜻하게 보냈던 올해처럼,
내년도 보더리스 하우스는
새로운 입주자들과 열어갈 시간을
기대하고 있어요.

강남, 고려대, 왕십리, 홍대!
서울 각지에 위치한 쉐어하우스에서
다시 없을 문화교류와 언어교류를
경험해볼 하우스 메이트들을 항상 기다립니다!

그럼, 보더리스 하우스의
2024년 신년 이벤트도 기대해주세요!

모두모두 메리 크리스마스!


[입주문의 / 한국인 입주자 절찬 모집중!]
보더리스 하우스는 서울 지역에서
5개 하우스를 
운영하고 있습니다

[11월/입주자 모임] Ice Skating Day! 후기

세계 각국의 청년들이
한 집에 모여 살면서
문화와 언어를 교환하는,
서울 속의 작은 지구!

우리는 문화교류 쉐어하우스
보더리스 하우스입니다!


보더리스 하우스 코리아입니다.

하얀 눈이 쌓인 서울의 모습!
날씨는 춥지만 이 계절에만 볼 수 있는
아름다운 풍경인 것 같아요.

우리 보더리스 하우스도
눈 내리는 연말을 맞이해,
추운 겨울과 꼭 어울리는
스포츠를 즐기고 왔는데요!

롯데월드 아이스링크에서
스케이트 타기!


스케이트, 런닝, 축구, 농구, 테니스..
혼자 즐기기 어려운 스포츠,
친구들이랑 함께하면 재미도 추억도 두배!

게다가 그 친구가 외국인이라면 어떨까요?
특별한 추억은 물론 외국어 공부까지
한번에 할 수 있겠죠 🙂

소모임 어플이나
외부 지인의 도움 없이도,

보더리스 하우스에서는
한달에 한번!
외국인 하우스메이트들과
어울릴 수 있는 시간을 마련하니까

다양한 취미를
보다 새롭고 알차게 즐기기에
더없이 편리하답니다!


이번 아이스 스케이팅 데이는
꿈과 희망의 나라!
롯데월드 아이스 링크에서

이번 아이스 스케이팅 데이는
특히 한국 생활을 하는
외국인 메이트들이 많이 참여했답니다!

아무래도 한국에서 살면서
혼자 오기에는 다소 부담스러운
놀이공원이나 레저활동
다 함께 즐길 수 있다보니
만족도가 높을 수 밖에요 🙂


스케이트화를 빌려서 신기만 했는데도
연신 사진찍기 바빴던 우리 메이트들!

놀이공원은 누구나 동심으로 돌아가게
만드는 매력이 있는 것 같습니다.



말보다는 행동으로!
서로 빠르게 친해질 수 밖에 없는
아이스 스케이트의 매력!


이 날은 아이스 스케이팅을
잘 타는 메이트들도 함께 했지만,
한 걸음도 겨우 내딛는 정도의
초보 메이트도 참여했는데요.

혼자였다면 위험천만한 상황!

외국인 메이트들이 다가와
먼저 손을 건네주고,

타는 법까지 세세히 알려주며
끝까지 함께 한 덕분
무척 안전하고 재밌는
시간이 되었답니다.

홍대, 강남, 고대, 왕십리 등
서울 각지에 사는 친구들이
생기는 시간!


이번 아이스 스케이팅 데이에는
강남, 고려대 2, 고려대 3
하우스 메이트들이 주로 참여했는데요.

보더리스 하우스는
현재 고려대, 홍대, 강남, 왕십리 등
서울 내 다양한 지역에 하우스들을
운영하고 있어요.

그래서 이 커뮤니티 행사는
같은 하우스에 사는 메이트들 뿐 아니라
서울 각지에서 사는 다른 하우스의
친구들과도 친해질 수 있는 기회지요!

행사에 참여해
재밌게 즐길 뿐 아니라

헤어지기 전에는
다른 하우스 친구들과
서로 연락처도 교환하고,

쉬는 날 함께 일정을
보내기도 하는 걸 보면
저희 스태프들도 무척
보람을 느끼게 되더라구요.



고등학생 때와는 달리,
대학생 이후부터는
마음이 맞는 친구를
가 참 쉽지 않죠.

특히 외국인 친구들을 만날 기회는
어학연수나, 해외 유학이 아니면
잘 없는 것이 사실이에요.

하지만 보더리스 하우스는
그저 자취생활을 시작하는 것 만으로도
바로 옆방에 외국인 이웃이 생기고,

함께 생활하면서
자연스럽게 친구 사이가 되는
문화교류형 쉐어하우스!

먼 곳까지 나가지 않아도,
마음 맞는 친구를 구하기 위해
고민하고 애쓰지 않아도

일상 속에서 새 친구와 새로운 일상을
즐길 수 있는 기회가 된답니다.


다양한 국적의 사람들이 한데 모여,
서로 살아온 배경과 문화를 넘어서
서로 소통하고, 평온한 일상을 만들기 위해
힘을 합치는 공.동.주.거!

진정한 코-리빙이
시작되는 곳이라고 할 수 있겠죠.

실제로 이벤트가 끝나고 식사를 하며,
속에 가지고 있는 고민이나
한국에서 느끼는 점들을
서로 공유하는 모습을 볼 때면

우리 하우스를 통해서만난
하우스 메이트들이라는
인연이 얼마나 소중하고
귀한지를 우리 스태프들도
새삼 느끼곤 한답니다.



2023년은 얼마 남지 않았지만,
보더리스 하우스의
하우스메이트들을 위한
이벤트 아이디어는 한참 남았습니다!


엎치락 뒤치락,
서로 하하호호 웃으며
너무나 재밌게 보낸
아이스 스케이팅 데이!

이제 2023년의 이벤트는
단 한 가지를 남겨두고 있는데요!

과연 다음 이벤트는 어떤 것이
기다리고 있을까요?

연말하면 빼놓을 수 없는 이벤트를
야무지게 기획했으니,
다음 후기도 꼭! 기대해 주세요 🙂


[입주문의 / 한국인 입주자 절찬 모집중!]
보더리스 하우스는 서울 지역에서
5개 하우스를 
운영하고 있습니다


[10월/입주자 모임] 트릭 오어 트릿! 핼러윈 파티 후기


세계 각국의 청년들이
한 집에 모여 살면서
문화와 언어를 교환하는,
서울 속의 작은 지구!

저희는 문화교류 쉐어하우스
<보더리스 하우스 코리아>입니다!



보더리스 하우스 코리아입니다.

​가을 날씨 좀 즐겨볼까 했더니
갑자기 겨울이 되어버린 이 상황..
저만 섭섭한가요 🙁

​이제 2023년도
2개월이 채 남지 않은 연말!

보더리스 하우스는 어떻게 하면
우리 하우스 메이트들과 즐거운 추억을
더 많이 쌓을 수 있을지 늘 고민 중인데요.


“그래서 준비했습니다!
보더리스 하우스만의
특별한 하우스 파티!”

으슬으슬 쌀쌀해지는 가을 날씨에
딱 어울리는 이벤트죠!
바로 핼러윈 파티 를 최근
에 진행했습니다.

이번 파티의 경우는 스태프가 기획하기도 전에
하우스 메이트들로부터 특히나
많은 요구
가 있었던 파티였는데요.

핼러윈 문화를 즐기며 자라난
외국인 입주자들이 많다보니 ,

아무래도 한국에서 특별한
핼러윈을 보내고 싶다는 생각이
들었던게 아닐까 싶었어요.

“전체 참가자 무려 16명!
전 세계에서 모인 하우스메이트들이
신나게 노는 자리였습니다.”

이번 파티는 우리 보더리스 하우스의
쉐어하우스 중에서도
가장 넓은 거실을 보유한 홍대
5 하우스에서 진행되었습니다.

홍대 5 하우스는
우리 서울 쉐어 하우스 중에서도
국적 불문, 성별 불문
가장 인기있는 하우스 중 하나입니다.

합정역에서 걸어서
5분 이내에 갈 수 있다는
최강의 접근성

다양한 국적의 여성과 남성이
서로 존중하며 함께 생활하는
혼성숙소 라는 점 때문이죠!

“보더리스 하우스만의 특장점,
바로 문.화.교.류”

“요즘 유행하는 한국어 밈이 뭐야?”
“한국에서는 언제부터 핼러윈에 파티를 하기 시작했어?
“한국 사람들은 파티를 할 때 어떤 식으로 놀아?”

동그란 눈으로
연신 질문을 하는
하우스 메이트들과,

그런 하우스 메이트들에게

유쾌하게 한국의 문화를 공유 하며
보더리스 하우스만의 특별한
핼러윈 파티가 이어졌습니다.

보더리스 하우스의 장점이
바로 이런 것이 아닐까 싶은데요.


단순히 거주 공간을 마련해주고
입주와 퇴실만 관리해주는 것이 아닌,
입주자들이 서로 잘 어울리고
더 즐거운 자취생활을 할 수 있도록

매달 1회 이상! 이벤트나 파티를 기획해서
스태프들이 열정적으로 함께 진행하니까요.

한국 입주자들에게는 ​영어 공부와
외국인 친구를 사귈 기회가 되고,
외국인 입주자들에게는 한국에서의
경험을 보다 깊고 진하게 할 수 있는 기회가 되니

일반 쉐어하우스랑은 확실히
다른 포인트가 있는 것 같아요.


10월에는 무려 두 번의 행사를
진행한 우리 보더리스 하우스!

11월도 호락호락 넘어가진 않죠 🙂
더 재밌고 특별한 이벤트를 열심히
구상 중이랍니다.


외국인 친구를 사귀고 싶은 분들!
국내에서 유학하듯 외국인 친구와
언어를 교류하고 싶은 분들!
첫 자취를 특별하게 시작하고 싶은 분들!

모두 모두 우리 하우스에 많은 관심 부탁 드려요!
그럼, 우리는 다음 이벤트 후기로 돌아오겠습니다!

[입주문의 / 한국인 입주자 절찬 모집중!]

보더리스 하우스는 서울 지역에서
5개 하우스를 
운영하고 있습니다

Discover Life at Machiya1 House: Insights from a Third-Year Resident’s Perspective on Shared Living, Community, and Anime Culture

Have you ever thought about what it’s like to live in a shared house? Some might feel it’s challenging to live under the same roof with people they’ve just met.

Today, we had a chat with Shoya, a resident of Machiya 1 House, managed by Borderless House. After two years of living there, Shoya now shares his room and has experienced the unique aspects of shared housing. What special insights and charms can someone like Shoya, who has lived alongside numerous housemates, share about this lifestyle? We’ll dive into his memorable experiences, tips for harmonious shared living, and words of encouragement for those considering this option.

Worries like “Will I lose my privacy in a shared house?” or
“What if there are conflicts among housemates?” is common.
If you have these concerns, please read on!

Fortuitous Find: My Serendipitous Choice of Machiya 1 House and the Joy It Brings


I’m Shoya. Born in Japan, I moved to Argentina when I was very young and lived there for 20 years. Currently, I’m living in Machiya 1 House and working as a creator in the gaming industry.

───When did you return to Japan from Argentina?

I returned in September 2019. My childhood dream was to work in the gaming industry, so I wanted to study at a specialized school in Japan to hone my creative skills.

After coming back, I worked in a factory to save up for a PC. Initially, I self-taught game creation through YouTube videos. Coincidentally, I met an old acquaintance at my workplace who, learning about my ambition in gaming, recommended a school where I could learn game effects. I enrolled, graduated, and after a few job transitions, I now work in my current role.

I moved into Machiya 1 House in August 2021. Previously, I was living in Kanagawa Prefecture and decided to move to Borderless House when my lease was up.

───Did you initially consider living in a shared house?

No, I hadn’t thought about it at all at first. But when I needed to find a new place quickly, Borderless House stood out because of its affordable rent, great location, and the simple, smooth process for moving in. That’s what led me to choose it.

───Why did you pick Machiya 1 House specifically?

I actually had my eye on a different house initially, but there were no vacancies at that time. The staff recommended Machiya 1 House, so I went with it. In retrospect, I’m really happy with my choice. The housemates are wonderful, and its proximity to the train station makes commuting a breeze. It’s also a nice bonus that many of us here, myself included, are into anime and manga, which makes for great conversation. And the easy access to Akihabara is definitely a plus (laughs).

More Than Friends: The Unique Role of ‘Housemates

───Who’s currently living in Machiya 1 House?

At the moment, there are six of us – two Japanese residents, including myself, and four from abroad. I started off in a single room but have since moved into a double. My American roommate is studying at a Japanese language school and works part-time as an English teacher.

───Did you have any hesitations about moving into a shared room?

I wasn’t really hesitant, but as someone who stays up late, I was concerned about possibly disturbing my roommate with noise at night. Once we started sharing the room, we made a point of checking in with each other, like asking, “Did you sleep okay?” or “Was I too loud?” This has helped us live together without any issues.

───Were you nervous about living with people from different countries?

No, the fact that they were from different countries wasn’t a source of worry for me. I think relationships are more about individual personalities than differences in nationality or culture. Even among people from the same country, you find a variety of personalities.

───It sounds like creating cross-cultural relationships is a key part of Borderless House. What do housemates represent for you?

They’re more than just ‘friends’ – they’re unique connections I’ve found through living in Borderless House. Living together doesn’t automatically mean becoming close with everyone. Some housemates become friends whom I keep in contact with and go out with even after moving out, but not everyone. That’s just how human relationships work, I think.

Being a part of Borderless House has made me appreciate these ‘once-in-a-lifetime bonds’ that you can only experience in the moment.

Key to Harmony: Regular Check-ins and Stress-Free Communication

───What do you do to ensure a smooth living experience in the house?

I always make it a point to regularly check in with not just my roommate, but all my housemates. If I bump into someone in the living area, I’ll ask things like, “Is there anything you’re unhappy with?” or “Feel free to mention any concerns you have.” It’s simple, but this approach often leads to honest conversations about things like areas needing more cleaning, which I then share with everyone.

As the longest-standing resident now, I’ve learned to be more accommodating and instinctively think about how to make everyone’s life more comfortable. Neglecting even small chores can affect the whole house’s mood. I’m not a natural leader, but I believe it’s important to address little issues before they turn into big problems.

───How do you interact with new housemates?

I try to chat more during their first few days to help them settle in. But soon after, I let them know, “I actually spend quite a bit of time in my room, so don’t be concerned if you don’t see me much” (laughs).

I share about my lifestyle early on to ensure I’m comfortable too. It’s important for all of us to communicate and maintain a lifestyle that’s manageable and not overwhelming.

In Japan, people often use formal politeness, but I find being direct works better with international housemates. It leads to more straightforward and effective communication.

Anime Fans Rejoice: Machiya 1 House Might Be Your Perfect Match!

───What type of person would enjoy living in Machiya 1 House?

We have a lot of people here who are into subcultures like anime and manga. Having shared interests really livens up conversations, and it can make learning languages more enjoyable too. That’s why I particularly recommend our house to fans of anime. I love practicing voice impressions of anime characters, so if you’re into that, we’ll definitely have a great time!

Many of us also value our personal space. Just because it’s a shared house doesn’t mean you need to share every aspect of your life. I appreciate this balance of social interaction and privacy. So, it’s a great fit for those who want a bit of both – community and personal time.

───Thanks for that. Could you share one of your favorite local food spots in Machiya?

There are plenty of affordable chain restaurants around Machiya, and I usually end up at fast food or family-style places (laughs). But I’ll recommend a Chinese restaurant known for its large servings, a gem introduced to me by a former housemate.

Details about Shoya’s Recommended Restaurant ‘Kouei-ken’>>

The restaurant offers not just a memorable dining experience but also leaves you satisfyingly full. If you’re ever in Machiya, it’s definitely worth checking out.

Discovering Machiya’s Hidden Gems: Trendy Cafes and International Share Houses in Tokyo’s Charming Downtown

Have you ever explored Machiya in Tokyo? Nestled in Arakawa Ward and along the Sumida River, Machiya is a unique blend of traditional downtown charm and modern redevelopment. But did you know that amidst its quaint streets, Machiya boasts a variety of stylish cafes?

In this feature, our staff, who have regularly visited for share house viewings, revisits Machiya to spotlight some standout cafes. We’ll also introduce you to the “Borderless House,” an international share house that’s perfect for immersing yourself in the local vibe of Machiya.

Check BORDERLESS HOUSE MACHIYA1 share house information
Check BORDERLESS HOUSE MACHIYA2 share house information

Getting to Machiya Station and What’s Nearby

Machiya, situated in Arakawa Ward, is conveniently accessible by three lines: the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, the Keisei Main Line, and the Toden Arakawa Line, also known as the Sakura Tram. With Nishi-Nippori Station just one stop away on the subway, you can easily transfer to the Yamanote Line. This means Akihabara is just about 15 minutes away, while Ikebukuro and Tokyo Station are around 20 minutes, and Shinjuku and Shibuya can be reached in approximately 30 minutes. The Sakura Tram, one of Tokyo’s only two tram lines, offers a unique and scenic urban travel experience.

The area around the station is well-equipped for shopping and daily needs, featuring a large commercial center named SUNPOP and a supermarket called Akafudado, among other convenient shopping spots.

Right outside the station, you’ll find “Machiya Avenue,” a lively street lined with a diverse array of gourmet shops, from well-known chains to unique independent stores.

The Top 3 Cafes in Machiya You Must Visit


A mere 3-minute stroll from Machiya Station brings you to TOKYO L.O.C.A.L BASE, easily identifiable by its neon “CAFE” sign on a concrete facade. Located off the main street in a serene area, this trendy café offers a delightful menu, with a focus on tasty pasta dishes. When I visited during lunchtime, the place was lively with local customers, including moms with kids.

For my meal, I chose the day’s special, Taco Rice, and the regular lunch option of Baked Spaghetti Sauce. A great touch to the daily special is the option for a larger portion at no extra cost, a hit, especially with male patrons!

The café is also well-equipped for remote work, offering both power outlets and free Wi-Fi, making it a great spot to settle in with a drink and get some work done.

▶︎Click here for more details about HERE


Just a short 4-minute walk from Machiya Station, you’ll come across SALON DE STELLA, a charming cafe that opened in March 2023. The café is a haven of greenery, with large windows that bathe the space in sunlight, creating an inviting and airy environment. Here, you’re greeted by the warm smile of the friendly female owner.

On my visit, I opted for the Black Sesame Kinako Latte and the Berry Berry Smoothie. The latte, infused with the rich aroma of kinako (roasted soybean flour), and the sweet, fruity smoothie were both exceptional.

The experience was made even more delightful by the owner’s easygoing conversation. I also got to see a heartwarming interaction where boys from the nearby elementary school popped in for a quiz challenge with the owner. With its cozy atmosphere and the fact that the second floor doubles as a nail shop, it’s the kind of place where you might just find yourself staying longer than you planned.

▶︎For more details about  SALON DE STELLA, check HERE
▶︎ Don’t forget to check out their Instagram as well!

PRESSO cafe&bar

If you’re not just in the mood for cafe drinks but also fancy some quality alcohol, be sure to check out PRESSO cafe&bar, just an 8-minute walk from Machiya Station. Conveniently located near Machiya House 2, this cozy spot not only serves great coffee but also offers a variety of exquisite domestic and international alcoholic drinks and liqueurs.

During my lunchtime visit, I decided to try the Café Granita and the Caramel Salt Latte. Both were wonderfully creamy and rich in flavor, making them incredibly satisfying to drink.

While PRESSO mainly focuses on beverages, they occasionally host events featuring a food menu. I’m already looking forward to visiting in the evening next time!

▶︎For more information about PRESSO cafe&bar, click HERE

Enjoy the Blend of Old-Town Atmosphere and Modern Chic at Borderless House!

In this article, we’ve showcased three charming cafes in Machiya, but there’s more to discover just off the main streets – you might find even more enchanting spots that capture your heart.

Machiya isn’t just about its prime location; it’s a neighborhood where the nostalgic feel of old Tokyo meets the sophistication of trendy cafes and shops. If you’re looking to soak up this unique atmosphere day in and day out, why not consider living at the “Borderless House,” an international exchange share house? It’s the perfect way to enjoy the quaint charm of a traditional area while still experiencing the stylish flair of contemporary living.

2024 Early Bird Campaign – Secure Your Cozy Home in Japan at BORDERLESS HOUSE NOW!

Are you ready for a season of cultural exploration, global friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime in Japan? BORDERLESS HOUSE is excited to offer our Early Bird Campaign, a special chance for you to secure your place in Tokyo ahead of the peak arrival periods!

Details of the Early Bird Campaign

Embrace the upcoming year with BORDERLESS HOUSE, your first step into a new adventure, whether it’s for study, work, or personal growth. Our Early Bird Campaign is designed for those from abroad who are embarking on a fresh journey in Japan, not just for the winter but for the vibrant springtime too!

・ Typically, we hold rooms without any fees for up to 2 weeks. But, under this special offer, BORDERLESS HOUSE will secure your room for ONE MONTH at no additional charge!
・ Secure your room early without the worry of any hidden costs!

Requirements and Conditions

The Early Bird Campaign starts on December 1st, 2023and applies strictly under these terms:

  • Move-in date must be by April 15th, 2024
  • Exclusively for Non-Japanese Customers
  • Any changes to the move-in date are NOT permissible.
  • Altering the selected share house or room is NOT allowed.
  • Cancellation policy remains firm: No refunds will be issued post reservation confirmation after the Skype session. Click here for the details of Reservation Process.
  • Participating Share House Area: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe

※The following Share Houses are NOT part of this campaign: Shinjuku Honancho, Shinagawa Oimachi 1, Omori 2, Omotesando, Ueno Tabata 3, Asakusabashi, Jimbocho

A Glimpse into BORDERLESS HOUSE: Your International Home in Japan

Borderless House stands as a beacon for individuals who are drawn to a global, diverse living experience. We are more than just a housing facility; we are a community where cultures converge, relationships are forged, and global perspectives are nurtured.

Here at Borderless House, our residents dive into a mix of backgrounds, fostering a dynamic multicultural environment. Japanese language school students, exchange students, professionals, or globe-trotting nomads, all find a home with us, where they thrive in a space of mutual respect, growth, and cultural interchange.

4 Standout Features of Borderless House

  • International Community: 
    Enjoy the mix of different cultures with people from everywhere, all living together. Borderless House joins folks from various places, making a big family that appreciates our differences and helps everyone understand each other better.
  • Fully Furnished Rooms:
    Every room at Borderless House is fully furnished, providing residents with a comfortable and convenient living space. From private rooms to shared facilities, we ensure that our tenants have a welcoming home environment.
  • Language and Cultural Exchange:
    Boost your knowledge of cultures and languages by joining our events. Borderless House really pushes for people to learn from each other. With events, language exchange, and regular chats, people can get better at languages and learn more about other cultures.
  • Prime Locations: 
    Borderless House chooses optimal locations in central areas, making sure it’s easy to get to transport, shops, and interesting places. This helps people really enjoy the local area and see what makes Japan special.

Embrace a Borderless Year in Japan!

Whether your journey is driven by education, adventure, or cultural curiosity, Borderless House ensures you step into an environment of inclusivity, warmth, and global harmony.

Seize this unmatched chance to join our multicultural family early! Immerse yourself in diverse cultures, build global relationships, and etch memories that last a lifetime.

Make the most of the BORDERLESS HOUSE Early Bird Campaign and stake your claim in our unparalleled Tokyo share houses. Dive into a community that truly embodies global unity and cultural richness!

Dive into our available rooms by exploring the links below:

【Event Review】Halloween Fun at Borderless House Tokyo: A Night to Remember!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Borderless House!

We’re an international exchange share house, Borderless House, nestled in Japan, where daily life is enriched by the diverse cultures and backgrounds of our housemates from around the globe. 

Driven by our desire to foster connections beyond just those in the same house, we aim to broaden horizons through intercultural understanding. In line with this vision, on October 21st (Saturday), we organized a grand Halloween party, uniting 44 of our houses in Tokyo.

Marking our first major inter-house event since the onset of COVID-19, the anticipation and a hint of nervous excitement were palpable among our organizing team. The event turned out to be a resounding success, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of 85 participants from 24 houses, all contributing to a lively and memorable celebration!

Experience the vibrancy and excitement of the event through our video recap! 

Bringing you the Halloween Party Scenes!

To facilitate encounters beyond the confines of individual houses, the party venue was set in a certain event space in Takadanobaba. The party, which started at 6 PM, kicked off with an icebreaker for self-introductions, designed to ease the tension and encourage interaction even among those meeting for the first time.

Light snacks and drinks were also provided, quickly creating a warm and friendly atmosphere at the venue. The goal of this event was to foster connections between housemates from different houses. To encourage mingling beyond the usual cliques, the icebreaker involved grouping members from various houses. The atmosphere quickly became lively with animated conversations filling the space.

A Frenzied, Eco-Friendly Mummy Game!

As the venue buzzed with warmth and excitement, it was time for the thrilling game corner! Participants were randomly divided into teams to compete in the ‘Mummy Game,’ where they wrapped each other in toilet paper as quickly and creatively as possible, adding to the event’s excitement.

In this game, we emphasized not only creativity but also environmental consciousness. Instead of using toilet paper, we provided rags made from recycled fabric, challenging participants to transform into a mummy using as little material as possible. This added a unique twist to the scoring criteria.

The housemates competed enthusiastically, each aiming to be the top mummy in terms of speed, appearance, and eco-friendliness. The winner was decided by the volume of applause from the audience, with the victorious team receiving QUO cards as prizes. The participants, fully engaged and reminiscent of their childhood days, wrapped each other in cloth, bringing an energetic buzz to the venue. They enjoyed themselves so thoroughly that it seemed they forgot they had just met that day, bonding over the shared fun.

The highlight of the event was the Costume Award!

As the Halloween party drew to a close, we held the much-anticipated “Costume Award,” where attendees voted for the most impressive costume. The winner, dazzling in style, was a housemate adorned in a delightful pink sailor outfit!

Time always seems to fly during such joyous occasions. The party, alive with energy from beginning to end, eventually reached its conclusion. We capped off the event with a group photo, capturing a lasting memory for all participants.

This event marked Borderless House’s first large-scale social gathering in some time. We extended invitations not just to current residents but also to former housemates and their friends, creating an environment brimming with cheerful conversations and smiles. It was a gathering that truly reflected the warm, family-like spirit of the Borderless House community.

New Connections Forged at the Party


At Borderless House, an international exchange share house, we don’t just share a living space; we share cultures, experiences, and memories.Through our regular events, we transcend the boundaries of our homes, fostering a community that cherishes cultural understanding and global friendships.

Immerse yourself in this rich tapestry of international experiences. Join the Borderless House community and embark on a journey of cross-cultural discovery!

Explore your options and find your place in our global family:

Discover Share Houses in Tokyo

Explore Share Houses in Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto

[10월/입주자 모임] Hi! High! Hiking! 후기


“세계 각국의 청년들이
한 집에 모여 살면서
문화와 언어를 교환하는,
서울 속의 작은 지구!

​저희 는 문화 교류 쉐어하우스
<보더리스 하우스 코리아>입니다!”


보더리스 하우스 코리아입니다.


끝나지 않을 것 같던 여름도
처서매직과 함께 끝나고!
선선~한 가을 날씨가 되었는데요.


기다리던 가을을 맞아,
보더리스 하우스 메이트 들이
오랜만에 모여서
함께 시간을 보내봤습니다.



“안암, 강남, 왕십리, 홍대 등
다양한 하우스에 거주하는
외국인과 한국인 입주자들의 만남!”

이번에 우리 하우스 메이트들이
모였던 이유는 바로바로 !


매우 오랜만에 진행된
보더리스 하우스의 친목도모 프로그램 !
하이킹 이벤트 때문이었습니다.


이번에 는 강남 하우스와
고려대 2, 3 하우스 메이트들과
보더리스 하우스 스태프까지 총 9명이
함께 시간을 보냈어요.



아차산-용마산 코스 등산
(휴게시간 포함 약 3시간 소요)

​등산 난이도 : ☆☆ (초심자 레벨)

지하철 5호선을 이용하면
누구나 쉽게 방문해볼 수 있는,
초심자에게 딱인 등산코스 !
아차산-용마산 코스를 다녀왔습니다.

이 코스는 오르기 쉬울 뿐 아니라,
한쪽에는 남산타워, 
다른 쪽에는 롯데월드타워.
양쪽에 서울을 대표하는 두 타워


서울 생활이 처음인
외국인 하우스 메이트 들에게는
더할 나위 없이 서울의 매력을
느낄 수 있는 시간이 되었습니다.


쉐어하우스 특성상
같이 지내는 하우스 메이트들과는
친해지기 쉽지만 ,


다른 지역에 살고 있는
외국인 친구들과는
친분을 쌓기가 쉽지 않은데요.

보더리스 하우스는
단순히 쉐어하우스에서의 교류 뿐만 아니라,
지역별 하우스 메이트들을 연결하는
친목도모 커뮤니티 행사를 주기적으로 진행

우리집 뿐만 아니라
다른 집의 외국인 친구들까지
함께하면서, 취미활동은 물론
언어교환과 문화교환까지
할 수 있으니

한국에서도 충분히 외국어 소통과
외국 친구와의 인간관계 형성이 가능한 셈 이죠 🙂


이 날 처음 만난 사이 였던
고려대 2,3 하우스와
강남 하우스의 메이트들도


함께 산을 오르며 대화하고,
험한 산길에서는
서로 부축해 주기도 하다 보니

산을 내려오는 때는 어느새
가 되어 있더라고요.


사실 영어회화 소모임이나,
외국인 친구 사귀기에
관심 있는 분들은 많아도

어플을 통해서 만나는 사람들은
어쩐지 믿어도 괜찮을지 걱정도 되고 ,
때로는 비용 부담 이 되기도 하잖아요.

그런데 보더리스 하우스는
그저 자취하는 것만으로도
옆방에 외국인 친구
가 있고,


정기적으로 다른 외국인 친구들과
어울릴 수 있는 친목 행사를
매월 1회 이상, 무료로 진행
입주자들의 만족도가 높을 수 밖에요!


모든 행사에는 인솔자 역할을 할
스태프들도 참석
하기 때문에
MBTI가 I 이신 내향형 분들도
어색함 걱정 제로 입니다 🙂


등산을 마치면 당연히!
맛있는 식사 도 함께 해야겠죠?

스태프만 아는 비밀 맛집에서
오손도손 둘러앉아,
외국인과 한국인 모두
자신의 식문화를 교류 하고

서로 신기해하고,
잔뜩 웃기도 하는
즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.

함께 땀 흘리고 먹는 밥이라 그런지
허겁지겁 먹게 되더라고요.




이상, 보더리스 하우스와
하우스 메이트들이 함께 한
특별한 외출!

하이! 하이! 하이킹 이었습니다.

자취생활 뿐만 아니라,
내가 몰랐던 세상과의
따뜻하고 유쾌한 교류!

보더리스 하우스는
입주자분들을 위한
다음 친목도모 이벤트를
기획하고 있습니다.

그럼 다음 이벤트에서 또 만나요!!



[입주문의 / 한국인 입주자 절찬 모집중!]
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