但「共居」的生活究竟是什麼樣子呢?什麼樣的人適合共居呢? 今天我們就以BORDERLESS HOUSE的share house為例,和大家分享共居的生活日常,以及什麼樣的人適合share house喔!

Share house日常

1. 透過生活學習新語言 BORDERLESS HOUSE以50:50的比例,招收外國籍和台灣籍房客,所以對於想要練習語言的朋友,住在share house便是一個很好的選擇,可以透過生活上的交流,和室友們練習自己的口說能力! 2. 下班不孤單,像家人一般的陪伴 如果你喜歡交朋友,熱愛學習新文化,share house會是一個很適合的選擇!尤其是出了社會後,認識新朋友已經不如學生時期來的簡單,於是share house就提供了很好的機會,讓大家從生活中,自然而然認識世界各地的朋友。 3. 享受一起下廚的樂趣 廚房及用餐區常常是share house最熱鬧的地方!來自世界各地的大家,常常會聚在一起煮飯、分享各國美食及文化,不但可以增進室友之間的感情,也可以嚐到各個國家的特色菜喔! 4. 放假出遊的好玩伴 住在share house,一定會認識許多不同的朋友,而周末放假,就是大家一起出門探索冒險的時候,BORDERLESS HOUSE也會不定期舉辦各種踏青、語言交換、派對活動,透過外國室友的眼睛,反而可以看見台灣不同的一面呢!

什麼樣的人適合Share house呢?

1.  一顆開放、接納的心 Share house,顧名思義是一個共享的空間,入住後將會碰上許多不同性格、不同文化的室友!雖然在BORDERLESS HOUSE的規範中,每個房客入住前都需要經過審核,但每個成長在不同背景的人,都還是有其不同的性格,有時候,面對一個價值觀可能南轅北轍的新朋友,多一點理解,少一點計較,會讓彼此都更快樂,也更自在喔! 2. 喜歡交友,學習新事物 互動,在share house裡是十分重要的一環,也是BORDERLESS HOUSE的核心理念之一!多數選擇share house的房客,都期待能在這樣的空間裡,和室友們有更多、更好的互動,所以如果每天都只想把自己關在房間裡,那就太可惜啦! 3. 共同維護居住環境 Share house的生活就如同一個大家庭,但除了交朋友,學習新文化之外,一個舒適的生活環境,也是需要居住在空間裡的房客們,共同去維護的!所以入住後,自然也要和室友們分工合作,一起維護家裡的整潔及衛生喔! 看完了上面對於「共居生活」的介紹,大家是不是對這樣的生活感到躍躍欲試呢? 其實共居生活可以讓簡單的日常更加有滋有味,認識來自世界各地新的朋友,也常常能擦出新的火花,但同樣的,也有許多需要和室友們合作,互相體諒的地方。 你們覺得自己也適合共居生活嗎? 如果答案是肯定的,不如就快點加入我們吧! ♦ 聽聽房客怎麼說 https://reurl.cc/mM6Q7 ♦ 房間資訊 https://goo.gl/krNzdZ ♦ 共居生活在幹嘛? https://goo.gl/xtqPjS

What to do during Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year, as known as the Luna New Year, based on the lunar calendar, begins on the first day of the first lunar month, which is the most important festival to celebrate in Taiwan! Every family members will gather on Chinese New Year Eve, share a dinner and the life of the previous year. But you must what to ask, when you living aboard here in Taiwan, what can you do and where can you go during the New Year holiday? Don’t worry! We got a few options which you can do during that time!
Dihua Street 迪化街 If you’re looking for a place to feel the Chinese New Year atmosphere, then Dihua Street will be the best choice for you! Start from a few weeks before Chinese New Year until the end of the New Year holiday, people go there to buy Chinese New Year’s goods, so Dihua Street will become very crowed and lively.
Longshan Temple 龍山寺/行天宮 Longshan Temple was built in 1738, it’s the most well-known temple in Taiwan! During the Chinese New Year, people gather to Longshan Temple to pray for a fresh and peaceful new year, and that’s the best way to experience the new year atmosphere.
Sanxia Old Street 三峽老街 Sanxia old street was an important business center in north of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. For now, Sanxia old street still keeps the historical red brick buildings and became to a famous tourist spot. And the Sanxia Qingshui Zushi Temple is also a must visit spot if you visit Sanxia, it will be very lively during Chinese New Year!
Taiwan Lantern Festival 台灣燈會 The Taiwan Lantern Festival is the biggest lantern festival hosted by Tourism Bureau in Taiwan, normally takes place during mid of Feb to beginning of Mar, and the event venue will alternate at different cities every year. This year (2019), the Taiwan Lantern Festival will be take place in Pingtung city, and according to the Chinese zodiac sign, the main lantern this year will be “Pig”, if you have chance to visit south of Taiwan during that time, you shouldn’t miss it! Here are the few options we want to share with you! Let us know if you have some other suggestions, or if you got any cool ideas to do during CNY, share with us! Happy Chinese New Year! Everyone!

Last Heisei EVENT!! Everybody come on now!! We held About 100 people International Exchange Christmas Party !

Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells! Jingle all the way!

The streets and shops became Christmas, so it is time to have Christmas Party !!

At Borderless House Christmas Party, there were some contents such as BINGO game, SNS award, and etc. Everybody had a lot of fun on Dec 8th.

So, now we are going to show you a little bit about the Party !!



How was it ?? Do you want to know more details ?

By the way, this is Yuya who is one of the staffs of this event !!

In this vlog, I am going to tell you about Christmas Party !!

Before getting into, we want to thank you all who came to this party !!

We are so  glad that a lot of people from different house showed up this party.

We felt too short because we had a lot of fun at the party.


You can make  friends who will spent Christmas with you !? International Party has to be Borderless House

First, I am going to show you the party place called “silk load cafe“ in Kinshicho.

The cafe has a good atmosphere, so we were so excited to start Christmas Party.

It is actually a long story to decide this place, but we are happy that everybody liked it.

If you have time, please check this cafe 🙂

Also, there were about 100 people joined this Party from 21 countries !


You might have an idea who is the host and cameraman. Yes, there were two people who volunteered to have this party

The party has started and everybody was having a fun with new friends.

But wait?? there is a guy who is the host, but he is not Borderless staff. Who is this ??


Guess what ?? He is ONE of tenants in Omori 1 House.

His nickname is Satis who was one of the host at this Party.

Before he decide to join the event team…….

Lsat month, our staff visited his house and talked with him and suddenly,

He said he will move out from the house because he wants to travel all over the world !!

We were sad because he has stayed in Borderless House for a long time, and had a great experience.

So, we wanted to do something with him for his last memory as Borderless House tenants.

And, we offered him to be the host at this party…

He said Yes and joined this event team from the beginning !!!

Also, there is another guy who is volunteered to help this event  



His name is Raba chan who is living in Funabori House !!

He was the cameraman at this party because we know that he loves taking photography and he has great skills as well.

He was happy to be the cameraman  and brought the great camera and taking a lot of photos at this Party !!

All photos that I used in this vlog is taken by Raba chan. He is truly talented !!!!


Thank you for taking great photos, Raba chan !!

Som now, let’s get into the our first contents!!

Satis san explained the rules for everybody  !!

The party has just started !!


You can be a frend with people from different house !! Exciting Contents !!

Our staff  always talk that International exchange is the key, so of course, there is a opportunity that you can talk to people from other house in the content !!

Theme is “ connect across border “

What kind of content would that be……..?

The gesture relay game !! Can you understand what people try to tell you??

Yes !! Frist content was the Classic Party game “ Gesture game “!!!!

But, this is Borderless event, so we add some rules to make it more fun.

Rules are here !!!

Each group has 9 people. We gave first two people the topic and they gestured next peron, and the person guess the topic and show it to next two people and so on.

The topic was “Olympic”

If you were there, how would you gesture ?_

The interesting thing is that even though the topic was simple, everyone seemed confused about it because each one gestured differently.


For example. one tenant from Korea was doing archery, but another tenant from US was doing swim.

The person who guess the topic was so confused about it !!

His answer was sports culb !!

Topic is simple, but everyone takes it differently!!

That is why gesture game is funny !!

The first finished group got a prize !!!!!

The winner gets……..


10 packs of Nabe soup !!  LOL

We chose it because we want to use it with everybody like having Nabe party 🙂

You are the reason why I get free rent !! FACE BINGO GMAE!

What would you think of the Borderless Christmas event ???

Yes !! You are right !!

we can not have the Borderless Christmas Party without BINGO game !!


Can you guess what it is??

Rule is simple

When people came to the party, we took photos of their face with number.

So, we set the photos in BINGO game program and we show it on the screen.

A person gets BINGO by yourself number, and another person gets BINGO by number your friend has.

There are a lot of people who was looking for people’s number

And, there are always prizes.

1st prize was 1 MONTH FREE RENT !!!!!

The lucky guy who got 1 month free rent ticket is ……..


this guy !! from Honancho House

How lucky he is !!!  Everybody was jealous about that !!

Congratulation !!

Who got most like on Instagram !! The SNS award is …..

Every Borderless House Event has SNS award !!

So, this time, we  asked everybody to post photos with #borderlesshouse as many as possible during the party..

Then, end of the party, we checked who gets most like on Instagram !!

SNS award is a pair ticket for team lab Borderless  !!!

The person who gets the prize is …………….


Do not forget to check #borderlesshouse on Instagarm


She is one of my best friends !!! We interviewed the tenant !!

The Christmas Party is getting end, and I found a guy who is enjoying the party so much.

I had eye contact with him, so I felt like I need to ask him why he is enjoying so much.

HIM : Hey, look!! I made best friend !!


ME : Wait what !?  but you just moved in Borderless House 2 weeks ago, and you found your best friend !? Also, you guys do not even live in the same house !!!!!

I was suprised how quickly people make their best friends.

He also said that this is the first time to live in shared house, and I already made a lot of friends and am able to join the this Party, I am so happy now !!

This is the Borderless Event !!

Do you feel like you want to join the Borderless event ??

Next event will be Borderless Olympic !? We are going to held International  sports event next spring !!

The Christmas Party is finally coming to a close …

End of the party, we gathered everybody at the stage and took a group photo !!

This was the last Borderless House event of this year  !!


From now

I am going to give you heads up about next event in spring.

Actually, we gave you some hints about the next event at this Christmas Party.

Is anyone who noticed about it ??


We are going to held Borderless House Olympic next spring !!

There are a lot of people moving to Borderless House from all over the world,

so why don’t we held BIG sports event, right ??

We finally decided to have Borderless Olympic !!

We will be updating you about it onece we decide more details !!

Do not miss it !!


We will have more parties which bring connections between tenants in the future!

We assure that you will learn not only language but also Japanese local culture with your Japanese housemates in Borderless House.

Why don’t you try us and make your stay more enjoyable?

We are looking forward to meeting you again at next event  !!

Have a great Christmas day and Happy new year !!


■Share House Search



Only 1mins to Imadegawa, 7mins to Karasuma! Newly built and International share house will open in Kyoto, Kuramaguchi area on March 1st!


This is Takato from Borderless House !!
How are you doing? We hope you are doing well!!

We are so happy today to announce the hot news!

It…is…our 4th share house in Kyoto, Borderless House Kyoto-Kuramaguchi, will open on March 1st!!

Introduction Video for Kuramaguchi St. in Kyoto

There are many interesting shops on this new and nostalgic area, Kuramaguchi St.. Please enjoy the video!!
In this blog,

・Location and Facilities of Borderless House Kyoto-Kuramaguchi house
・Recommended spots in Kuramaguchi St.

Here we go !!


Easy access to Karasuma station and Kyoto station!! You can go anywhere in Kyoto with Subway, Bus and Bicycle!!

By Kyoto Subway,
・7mins to Karasuma station
・11mins to Kyoto station

By Bus,
・15 mins to Emmachi station

If you go to ISI language school center, you can get easy access to Emmachi station from the house. Also, Bicycle is a best transportation way in Kyoto!!

For example, you can go to Doshisha University in 10mins !!


All private rooms with a lock. 56㎡ specious living & Dining with an earth floor”Doma“ will be a conformable place for daily living !!


In this specious common space, you can have a daily chat with international housemates and eating a dinner together.

Also, you can have your own time in the private rooms.

This is Borderless House Kyoto-kuramaguchi!! Here is the current construction update !!

Living is still in construction!

Looking forward to meeting you in the house !


So specious!! 40㎡ specious LDK and 16㎡ earth floor ”Doma“

This 40㎡specious LDK and 16㎡ earth floor ”Doma“ with high celling make you so conformable.

You can use this big community space for events or parties with locals !!


Two options of private rooms!!Loft type or Normal type

We prepare a desk, chair, ward-lope, desk light and book-shelf. So, you can just only bring your clothes!!


1st floor has rooms with loft space. So, you can use more space!!


All room on 2nd floor is normal type. High celling with skylights. It is incredibly bright !!


Brief introduction of Kyoto, Kuramaguchi St. where novelty and nostalgia exist together !!


Here, we are going to introduce some interesting spots in Kuramaguchi St. Please visit there with your future housemates!!


Sarasa Nishijin

Café&Restaurant「Sarasa Nishijin」, renovated from old public bath, opened in 2000.

It is famous for unique architecture and various menu. Please enjoy your slowly day-off in this space!


Funaoka onsen

Kyoto is famous for public bath!

Funaoka onsen is a king of public bath!This traditional public bath opened a hundred years ago.

Try this traditional Japanese culture!


Tom Sawyer

Beloved bakery in locals.

They server about a hundred kinds of bread.

You must find your favorite bread here!


Fujimori Ryo

This is shops and ateliers renovated from old university student accommodation.

As they have trial lessons, please enjoy it with your housemates!


Kenkun Shrine

Here is good view point of Kyoto city from this small mountain of this shrine.

Also, it is good local spot to see famous bonfire summer festival in Kyoto.

(Gozan Okuribi)


Why do not join this international share house in thus unique area, Kyoto Kuramaguchi ?

Thank you so much for being interested in Kyoto-Kuramaguchi House!

We are very happy, if you can imagine to live in this share house!

We are planning to have collaborated events between local shops and Borderless House.

From next blog, we would like to introduce more about ”International community ”×”Local community ” between Borderless House and Local neighbors !!

“Borderless House Kyoto-Kuramaguchi”

Borderless House Kyoto-Kuramaguchi has already started to accept room-reservation!

If you are interested, please contact us from the above link.

Please give us any comments!! Thank you so much! See you soon!


來台灣玩,當然不能錯過在地美食囉! 如果有外國朋友來台北,應該推薦他們什麼呢?要怎麼吃才盡興? 別擔心,我們今天替大家整理了幾個外國人力推的美食景點,給大家做參考囉! 1. 夜市: 大多數來台灣的外國旅客,清單上一定少不了夜市這樣一項!光是在台北的夜市,大大小小就高達十數個! 我們今天就根據外國人最愛的幾個夜市作介紹吧! ▪士林夜市: 士林夜市絕對是遊客必去的景點之一。其佔地面積較廣,攤位種類多元,有吃又有玩,吃飽喝足後,還能到遊戲攤小試身手,絕對能讓外國朋友玩得盡興! ▪饒河夜市: 饒河夜市是個以美食為主的夜市,其美食種類眾多,各種特色小吃在這裡都找的到,若朋友是個熱愛美食的饕客,饒河夜市肯定是第一首選!另外,饒河夜市旁還有彩虹橋,很適合大吃大喝後,到河岸邊走走唷! ▪師大夜市: 除了美食之外,師大夜市還有許多服飾小店,對於喜歡逛街的朋友肯定是一大福音!逛街逛累了,來盤滷味、一杯珍奶,體力充足後再戰下一間!快推薦給你的購物狂朋友們吧! 2. 東門市場 忙碌又充滿人情味的傳統市場,是許多台灣人的共同回憶,對於外國朋友來說,也是一個體驗在地生活的好機會。位於台北的東門市場,隱藏了許多傳統的好滋味,諸如是:米粉湯、赤肉羹、餡餅、豆花……等傳統美食,絕對能讓外國友人念念不忘喔! 3. 永康街 永康街周圍除了有外國人最愛的鼎泰豐外,還有許多知名的特色小吃。像是米其林推薦的永康牛肉麵、排隊美食天津蔥抓餅、老字號東門餃子館,都是非常適合介紹給外國朋友的在地美食喔! 4. 中式早餐店 一日之計在於晨,開始一天的行程前,先帶朋友去品嘗傳統的中式早餐吧!台北美味的中式早餐非常多,各家都有自己獨特的風味,像是古亭站的劉媽媽飯糰、新北市的永和豆漿,或是被米其林推薦為全台中式早餐代表,善導寺附近的阜杭豆漿,絕對要帶著外國朋友去朝聖啊! 以上的幾個台北美食tips給大家做參考,不知道大家喜歡嗎? 或是你也有自己的必吃清單呢?歡迎跟我們分享喔!

6 Things About Living in Taiwan!

Are you planning to move to Taiwan?

Or planning to start your Chinese class in Taiwan?

Before that, we have a few interesting things what to let you know before you come to Taiwan!

1.  Convenient store everywhere! (7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, OK…)


You’ll find out the convenient stores are one of the best things in Taiwan once you arrived!

Convenient stores in Taiwan are not just a store for junk food or beverage, you can basically do everything at there, ship packages, pay your bills, buy tickets (train, concert, exhibition…etc.), print documents, call taxi, ATM…and so much more!

And these 24H convenient stores are everywhere, seriously, EVERYWHERE! You can even find 2 or 3 convenient stores on one street! It’s your best neighbor ever!


2.  Musical garbage trucks.

Living in Taiwan, we got some tips here for you to deal the household garbage.

Most of families here don’t have trash bins next to their house. Instead, garbage trucks drives through streets at night with playing Beethoven’s Fur Elise loudly to alert people their arrival, and you need to carry your trash bags (If you living in Taipei, you need to use the city-approved trash bags), and throw them into the trucks by yourself.

And you will find out the time of garbage trucks coming, is also the time of social gathering, because people come out earlier and chat with neighbors while they waiting!


3.  Earthquakes and Typhoons.

Earthquakes and Typhoons are 2 things you will experience in Taiwan!

Taiwan located in a seismically active zone, the average number of perceivable earthquake is about 1,000 per year. (not to mention the un-perceivable earthquake is more than 18,500 per year.)

And if you visit Taiwan during July to September, you will probably hit the typhoon season, prepare some foods and save some clean water is what you need to do before it.

But don’t worry! You’ll also find out Taiwanese handle it very well, most of buildings in Taiwan are prepared for earthquakes and strong wind of typhoon!


4.  Bubble tea.

Taiwanese LOVES bubble tea! You can find bubble tea shops nearly EVERY corner of Taiwan’s streets, and it’s a part of Taiwanese culture now!

If you planning to visit Taiwan soon, put bubble tea on your “must-try” list!


5.  Friendly people!

Even not every Taiwanese can speak fluent English, but you’ll still find out how friendly are of Taiwanese!

Most of Taiwanese are defiantly welling to help if you need (sometimes you don’t even ask for help)! Finding a restaurant, point you a way to your hotel (or just take you to there with their scooter)!

And if you got chance to visit south of Taiwan, the people from south are even friendlier, most last generation can’t speak English, but they still give you smile, and try their best to help! You’ll definitely feel welcoming here!


6.  Kingdom of Scooters!

Do you know Taiwan has the highest scooter density in Asia? The population of Taiwan is 23 million, but the amount of scooter is over 14 million! Almost every family has at least one scooter!

Taiwan is a small island, and scooter can take you to almost everywhere in Taiwan, especially when you travel out of Taipei City (Taipei has every complete public transport system), you’ll find out how convenient it is! And if you planning to travel around Taiwan, scooter is a good idea!

But remember to prepare your driving license and international license before you rent a scooter in Taiwan!

Event | DaDaoCheng Walking Tour (Qipao experience)

Da Dao Cheng Walking Tour (Qipao experience)

Wearing the traditional dress is one of the best way to experience a culture.

If you have a chance to visit Taiwan, you definitely need to try the traditional dress-Qipao!

This time, we take our tenants to Da Dao Cheng for day tour, which is a very historic area in Taipei. Wearing Qipao, walking in that area, it just feel like back to the 1920’s!

The 1920’s Salon offered a lot of different style’s Qipao, the owner Mrs. Lin also helped customers to dress up perfectly, included hair style, makeup and hand bags.

First step, feel free to try on all you like, choose your favorite Qipao style! And don’t forget to choose accessories for your costume, it’ll make it even perfect!

Of course, traditional dress is not just for females! Males can also wear the Chinese tunic suit!

After everybody finished dressing, it’s time for the tea testing! Mrs. Lin share some different tea leafs and explain how to do a tea testing to everyone.

Every different leafs has different smells, it gives everyone a different imaginations!

We shared our imaginations and memories which can contact to the smells.

Of course, you do want to take some nice pictures since wearing Qipao is a very special experience!

Luckily, we had a chance to take some cool pictures in “Lok Hue Hng”.

“Lok Hue Hng” is a second hand furniture store located next to 1920’s Salon, offering high quality and tasteful furniture.

Afternoon, we started our walking tour in Dadaocheng.

Qipao costume made us be came to the center of attention on the street, some people even asked for picture together.

The first place we visited was Xia-Hai City God Temple. This temple was built in 1856, and the City God is a protector of city, the resident came here praying for rain, for relieves from nature disasters.

But in recent years, the Chinese Cupid (The old man under the moon) became to the famous god in this temple, there’s a lot of people come here praying for a good relationship.

We show tenants how to pray step by step! It’s a very special experience for some tenants who didn’t try this before.

After the Xia-Hai City God Temple, we went to a few different traditional convenience store. There’s some very interesting products in the traditional convenience store!

Have you heard a kind of vegetable called loofah before? The old generation will exposure it under the sun, and use the dried loofah as a scouring pad!

And of course, the Taiwanese style printing fabric are also very famous, especially the lanterns made by the printing fabric.

Give Qipao a try if you are interesting in the Taiwanese traditional dress, and if you are in the history of Taiwan, Dadaocheng is also a perfect place for you!


90 Zombies appeared !!! Borderless House Presents :International Exchange Halloween Party !!

Trick or Treat !!

Hello everybody!! This is Yuya as House manager at Borderless House.

It is the Halloween season from last saturday, people are celebrating Halloween !!

Off course, we are not missing this BIG event.




Guess what!! We held Borderless Halloween Party last week !!

Today, we are going to tell you about Borderless House Halloween Party.



This is the Biggest International Event !! Borderless House Special Halloween party

It has been 2 years since we had a Halloween event, so we rent the special place called 『in the house 』to have private event!!

There were 90 people from 22 countries joined the Halloween Party including the staffs.


Also our staff wore the Halloween costume, but the tenants were wearing much nicer costumes!! They are so into the Halloween!!


The professional make up!! You can be the Halloween look. The make up was done by our tenant!!

The stage and foods are greeting ready …

But something is missing… SO there was not enough fear !!!

Halloween is known as the ghost festival, so We can not celebrate Halloween without Zombies .

But …. if you look at the corner of the hall, Someone is making zombies and they are increasing so fast !!!!


Yes !! This is the one of the highlight of Halloween Party is make up booth which you can have Halloween makeup on by Make-up artist.


Also, this booth is taken care of one of our Borderless House tenants named K kun!

He is a hair stylist and also has been doing make up to famous artists.  He will be studying abroad to get more skills in this winter.

He has been living in one of the Borderless House in Shinjuku form the beginning. So, we asked him if he wants to do something to make last great memory in the Halloween event ….


K  yeah but it was so much fun staying in Borderless House, I already miss that.
I will definitely want to live here when I come back to Japan.

S  We are glad to hear that!! By the way, K kun
Would you like to make last great memory in this event ??

K Halloween Party !? sounds great !! I would do makeup.


That is why he was doing make up for us!! You are the best K kun!!

And, surprisingly, his Teacher, who is a professional make-up artist came this event from LA!!! She did make up for us for a hour !!


There were a lot of Zombies in this Party.


There is no  language barrier !!  Borderless House Special contents

This Halloween event has not only the fancy patty hall or make up booth !!

Borderless House is multicultural shared house, so we had some special contents that give you opportunity to talk to other people.


Who are your neighbors?? Making Borderless House map and new friends around your house !!

The first trick is this !!

This game is that we make the event hall  as Tokyo map and people try to make Borderless house map there.


This is quite sudden, but

Everyday you go to school or work and come back to home……

Have you ever wish to have variety of friends and opportunity to make friends around Tokyo ???

This game is the great opportunity to get to know people from other Borderless House and also see which Borderless House they are coming from.


The rule is simple!! We gave everyone a name tag which has number on it, so you just  look for people who have the same number as you do.

At the beginning of the game, everyone was confused about this game, but after telling them that they are neighbors, they were surprised about it.

After this game, they try to make next plans with neighbors!!!

This is THE Borderless House, right ??


Communication is about your heart!! Let’s make mummy

Before we decided to do this game, Staff Takuya who wore Banana costume in Halloween Party said ……..

“Everyone wants to be a mummy at least once in his/ her life “

The next contents is this !!! Toilet paper mummy !!


Let’s make mummy!!!

The rule :  we are making some groups ( each group has 6 people ) and give the 2 toilet paper to the groups. After start sign, you just make mummy !!

The winner will be the group that makes 2 awesome mummies, and will get the special Prize !!


There are people who want to be mummies, and people who want to make mummies.

Language is no problem in this game !! All you need is trying to understand people’s mind and good communication with your team.


And ……  The winner was the group that has staff Riko!!!

NO  WAY !!!!!


The first prize is a projector!? The best SNS award will be …….

The annual Borderless House SNS award, we choose the person for this award in this year as well !!

This year, we had two SNS prize !!

One is most like prize which is the persons who gets most like on instagram

Two is the best dresser prize that the person who wears the greatest costume in Halloween Party.


Most like prize will get projector, and the best dresser prize will get StarBucks card !!

So, we would like to show you the winners here

BUT, Please check out the Borderless Instagram below !!



There were also a lot of people who wear great costumes and post photos on Instagram, so please check that out as well !!


Diversity of nationality and language !!  Borderless House is THE only House that give you the opportunity to get to know people from all over the world

The Halloween Party is finally coming to a close …

End of the party, we gathered everybody at  the stage and took a group photo !!


At beginning of the party, people are nervous about getting to know new people, but after the party, they became so close each other !!

We will have more parties which bring connections between tenants in the future!

We assure that you will learn not only language but also Japanese local culture with your Japanese housemates in Borderless House.

Why don’t you try us and make your stay more enjoyable?

We are looking forward to meeting you again at Christmas Party !!


■ Share House Search



Happy Halloween !!

PS: After party, everybody made plan to go to Izakaya together or their house to continue the party !! THIS is also Borderless House, You can make a lot of friends in Borderless House event after !!

Event | Beitou, JunjianYan Day Tour – Taiwan

Explore Taiwan with BORDERLESS HOUSE!

We went to Junjian Yan and Beitou for one day trip this time, and we got more than 20 peoples joined us!!

↓ Met up at 9:30am, a bit introduction and explained the itinerary before we started.

The entrance of Junjian Yan hiking trail is in the National Yang Ming University, will reach it after walking about 15min from the school gate.

The Junjian Yan hiking trail start with a lot of stairs, and there’s a pavilion is en route, we spent a while there resting and chatting, was really relaxing!

10 min after left the pavilion, we arrived the Junjian Yan scenic spot.

↓From the top of the Junjian Yan, you can get 360∘view of Taipei and mountains.

And of course, remember to take some photos there and share it with your friends! But please make sure you’ll watch out your steps when you climb up the top of Junjian Yan! We don’t want anybody falling down from there!

After everyone got their perfect shot, we follow the hiking trail heading to Zhaoming Temple.

The Zhaoming Temple has very special building design, it’s even different with other temples in Taiwan.

The roof is all the way down to the ground from the top, the whole building is looks like a big triangle.

Nearly the noon time, we arrived the CBD of Beitou, and get ready for our lunch!

Everybody spent too much energy at the morning time, so we also had some cold brinks and chill a bit at the restaurant after lunch.

Itinerary in afternoon is visit the Beitou Library, Puchi Temple and Thermal Valley.

The Beitou Green Building Library is the first green building library in Taiwan, you can also enjoy the mountains view and the relaxing breeze while you reading. But please noticed, using the camera is not allowed after you enter the library.

The Beitou Green Building Library is the first green building library in Taiwan, you can also enjoy the mountains view and the relaxing breeze while you reading. But please noticed, using the camera is not allowed after you enter the library.

Last place we visited in Beitou is Thermal Valley. The Thermal Valley is a source of Beitou hot spring, it’s also the hottest hot spring in this area, the average temperature is between 90 to 100 degree.

The misty phenomenon year round makes it looks like a wonderland! But of course, if you can visit here during the winter time will be better than summer!

After the itinerary in Beitou, we decided to end up our day tour with shaved ice! Have you try the traditional shaved ice in Taiwan? Choose some topping by yourself and glaze some syrup. Yummmm!

It’s time to say goodbye! We really appreciate your join, and hope we can show you more places of Taiwan in the future!



Event | Teapot Mountain Hiking – Taiwan

Explore Taiwan with BORDERLESS HOUSE!

We’ve been to Teapot Mt. for one day hiking with our tenants and had a lot of fun together!

Teapot Mt. is location at the north of Taiwan, it also close to a very popular tourist spot called Jiufen, you can easily schedule a one day tour in this area.

We were heading to the Rueifang station together at the morning. The Rueifang station is one of a main station to transfer for some popular tourist spots in north of Taiwan.

We arrived the foothill at noon, and decided to have lunch first.

We had some traditional meals, and the owner was very friendly and set up some extra tables for us.

Start hiking! The view look out from the hiking trail was just amazing!

Teapot Mt. is not hard to hike, and there’s also a few terraces that you can have some rest.

The last part of trail to the top will need to climb up with the rope and scraped through the narrow gap of rocks, and you reach the best view on the top of Teapot Mt.!

If lucky to have a nice weather, you’ll get clear and beautiful view of YinYang Sea and Jinguashi from the top!

After hiking, we went to the BenShan Fifth Tunnel, it’s a tunnel within the vicinity of Jinguashi. It’s a place you can get to know some history of this area, and see the environment inside the tunnel!

Before you enter the tunnel, there’s also a guide will introduce the history and the things you need to know before you enter.

It’s a bit cooler then outside in the tunnel, and there’s a few wax models showing the life they work in the tunnel.

We are really happy to have a lot of tenants join us, and had so much fun together! Join us for our next exploring tour in Taiwan!