보더리스하우스의 글로벌 커뮤니티 구경가기ㅣ고려대 하우스

” 국내에 살면서 생활 영어를 쓰고 싶거나 
타국에 대한 문화를 익히고 싶다면 
보더리스 하우스만큼 좋은 곳은 없을 듯!  ” 


안녕하세요! 보더리스 하우스입니다 🙂 
오늘은 보더리스 하우스 입주자 분 께서 남겨주신 후기로 글을 시작해 보았는데 어떠 셨나요?

원하는 지역을 고르고 쉐어 하우스를 찾아 보시는 분들도 있으시 겠지만,
쉐어 하우스 특유의 커뮤니티를 즐기고 싶으신 분들도 있으시 리라 생각합니다.

특히 보더리스 하우스에서는 국제 교류 커뮤니티를 누리 실 수 있죠!
오늘은 이런 분들께 활발한 커뮤니티가있는 하우스를 추천하려고합니다.

바로 고려대 / 안암역에있는 고려대 2 하우스 ,고려대 3 하우스입니다! 
* 모든 사진의 출처는 보들보들 2기 분들의 블로그입니다. 

윗집, 아랫집으로 붙어있는 고려대2,3 하우스

고려대 2, 3 하우스는 이렇게 깨끗한 빌라 건물의 윗집, 아랫집으로 위치해 있어요! 그래서 커뮤니티가 더 활성화 될 수 있답니다 🙂 


공용 부엌


보더리스가 반했던 고려대 부엌의 순간 이예요.

이전 입주자 분 께서 이렇게 예쁜 테이블 보를 깔고 지내셨었나 봐요.

따뜻한 햇살이 좋으 네요 🙂

고려대 2 하우스 만의 커뮤니티 문화 

쉐어 하우스에서 외국인 친구 사귀기는

하우스 만의 문화도 굉장히 중요한 역할을합니다!

당연히 생활하면서 언어를 사용할 기회가 있지만 외국인 친구를 사귀고 문화 교류를하기 위해서는

조금 더 ‘적극적으로’조금 더 ‘주기적으로’커뮤니티에 참여하실 필요가 있어요.

그래서 보더리스 쉐어 하우스 입주를 희망하시는 분 중에 “외국인 친구를 많이 사귀고 싶어요!”하시는 분들께는 하우스 만의 문화가 있는 곳을 추천 드려요.


고려대 2 하우스의 하우스 미팅 데이는
매 달 한번씩 모여 하우스 규칙과 커뮤니티에 해결할 문제가 있는지

솔직하게 이야기 나누고 더 친해지는 날이라고하네요! 

여러분 외국인 친구와
“오늘 하루 어땠어? ~ 뭐 마실 래? ~”와 같이
좋은 이야기 말고

각자의 불만, 필요 사항 등
‘진짜’마음에서 우러 나온 이야기 를 나눠 보신 적이 있나요? 

언어와 문화는 이렇게 진짜 이야기를 나눌 때 공유되고 진짜 친구가 됩니다. 


[함께 읽어 보면 좋은 글]

관심있는 나라에서 온 외국인 친구가 살고있는 집이 있을까?
살펴 보는 법!

고려대 하우스 입주자 분들의 일상 엿보기

사진을 클릭하시면 국제 교류 커뮤니티를 구경하실 수 있어요! 


1) 외국인 룸메이트와 생일 파티 


2) 보더리스 하우스 메이트들 집합 한 날! 


3) 하우스에서 왁자지껄 게임 한 바탕! 


하우스의 시설은 영상으로 확인해보세요!

사진을 클릭하면 영상으로 이어집니다. 


이전 고려대 하우스 2, 3 입주자 (보들 보들 2 기) 분께서 만들어 주신
‘우리 집을 소개합니다!’영상이에요.

ps. 좋은 영상 감사합니다 🙂 


지금까지 소개 한 고려대 하우스의 커뮤니티 어떠셨나요

이런 커뮤니티 문화가있는 하우스에서  외국인 친구를 사귀고
글로벌 한 경험을 해보고 싶으 시다면 고려대 쉐어 하우스를 꼭 경험 해보세요!


입주 및 상담 문의하기 

✔️ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구

✔️ 홈페이지 문의


현재 진행중인 캠페인 보러 가기

✔️코로나 19 극복 할인 캠페인 l 운영 관리비 or 보증금 Free! 


✔️ 여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를 소개 해드립니다. 

입주를 결정하시면 입주하시기 전부터 외국인 친구를 소개해 드려요
낯선 환경에서 친구와의 만남은 따뜻한 도움이 될거에요 🙂 



남녀공용쉐어하우스ㅣ여성입주자가 직접 살아보고 느낀 것 세가지

안녕하세요! 보더리스 하우스입니다.

여러분 혹시 유럽이나 미국 등 여행 하시면서
남녀 공용 형태의 숙박 시설을 이용 해보신 적 있으신가요?

남녀 공용 하우스,
우리 나라에서는 쉽게 찾아보기 어려운 형태 죠?

입주 문의를 주신 분들께도 “여기는 남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스입니다”라고 말씀 드렸을 때
약간의 어색함을 느끼시는 분들이 계셔요. 

그리고 부모님 들께서도 걱정을 꽤 많이 하시기도 하고요 !
아무래도 문화적으로 흔한 일은 아니라서 그런게 아닐까 생각 해요 .

그래서 오늘은! 남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스에 대한 편견을 깨트 리려 !
이 글을 준비했습니다. 🙂

실제 남녀 공용 하우스 살아 본 여성 입주자 분들께들은
남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스 살아보고 느낀 점 3 가지를 공유 할게요!


첫 번째,  여자들 끼리만 사는 집보다더 안전하다고 느껴진다.

남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스 보더리스 하우스는 입주 인터뷰 ㅣ 견학 ㅣ 계약 과정을 통해
남녀 입주자 분들 모두의 신분을 확실히 확인하고 입주를 진행합니다.

때문에 서로 ‘신뢰와 믿음’ 으로 한 공간에서 지내는 것이죠. 

그렇게 만나 함께 지내다 보니
마치 오빠, 남동생처럼 편함과 동시에 한편으로 든든 했다고 하셨어요 .

특이 이럴 때 좋으 셨다고 해요.

“커뮤니티 하우스에 사는만큼 다 같이 밖에서 놀다가 밤 늦게 집에 돌아올 일이 많은데
친구들과 다 같이 집에 돌아 오니 무서움이 덜 했어요!”

두번 째,  성별의 다름에서 오는 시각이 포함되어 더 다양한 대화를 나눠 볼 수 있었다.


글로벌 쉐어 하우스에 살다 보면 서로 다른 나라에서 태어나고 살아온 것만으로도
다양한 이야기를 나눌 수 있어요. 그게 외국인 쉐어 하우스의 가장 큰 장점 이지요 !

남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스에서는 한 발 더 나아가서 ,
성별의 다름에서 오는 시각의 차이 까지 나눠 볼 수있어서
더 흥미로운 이야기가 오 갔다고 해요 .

세 번째, 이전에 가지고 있던 주거 형태 (남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스)에 대한 편견이 사라졌다.

입주하시기 전까지는 “남자 랑 같이 산다고 ???” “그래도 여자들끼리 사는게 낫지 -“하는
걱정의 마음이 있으 셨다고 해요.
(직장 위치 때문에 차선책으로 남녀 공용 쉐어 하우스를 고르 셨던 분입니다 )

그런데 직접 살아 보니 여자 하우스 메이트 들이랑 사는 것과 다를게없는 것 ..! ㅎㅎ

자신의 편견이 깨 졌던 경험이었다고 하셨어요.

“꼭 남녀 공용 하우스에 대한 편견이 아니더라도
우리는 누구나 경험 해보지 않은 것에 대한 편견이 있잖아요?
그런 모든 것들에 대해 다시 생각해 보게 되는 기회 였어요

보더리스 하우스가 좋은 계기를 만들었 다니 기쁘 네요 .
이제는 어디를 여행 가도 쫄지 않고 자연스럽게 젠더 믹스 숙소를 예약 하시겠군요 ! ㅎㅎ



충정로 하우스 남성 / 여성 입주자 후기

■ 스위스에서 온 여성 입주자 분의 후기 보러 가기 – 사진 CLICK!


■ 미국에서 온 남성 입주자 분의 후기 – 사진 CLICK! 

입주 상담 및 문의하기

하우스 입주를 희망하시는 분, 기타 문의 사항이있는 분들께서는 홈페이지 링크 혹은 카카오 톡 플러스 친구로 연락주세요!



【온라인 해외 인턴십 모집】 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 제 1기생을 모집합니다!

전세계적인 코로나바이러스 감염 확산으로 인해, 많은 분들이 해외유학 및 해외취업의 꿈을 잠시 접어두고 계실거라고 생각합니다.
보더리스하우스에서는 외국인과 함께 생활하며 국내에서도 유학생활을 하는 듯한 환경과 국제교류가 가능한 생활을 제공하고 있습니다.
해외 곳곳으로의 출국이 힘들어진 현재,여러분을 위해 보더리스하우스만이 제공할 수 있는 새로운 오리지널 프로그램, 지금 시작합니다!

국제교류 쉐어하우스에서 생활하면서,
온라인으로 해외취업체험!

외국인과 함께 사는 보더리스하우스에서 해외유학을 체험
해외기업의 인턴십 프로그램을 통해 영어를 활용한 업무경험까지!

보더리스하우스에서 생활하며 온라인으로 해외 기업 인턴십이 가능한 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지!

이런 분들께 추천!
해외취업, 해외인턴십에 관심이 있는분, 한국인 대학생 및 취업준비생
워킹홀리데이, 혹은 해외인턴 예정이었으나 코로나로 인해 취소가 되어버린 한국인

2020년 8월부터, 보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 제 1기생(10명)을 모집합니다!

해외 인턴십 전문기업과 협업을 통한 안심할 수 있는 프로그램

해외 인턴십을 전문적으로 제공해 오던 파트너 기업과의 콜라보레이션으로 탄생한 새로운 프로그램입니다.

보더리스 인턴십 챌린지 의 참여 조건은,

1. 일상 영어회화와 해외에 도전하고자 하는 의욕!
2. 보더리스하우스에서의 최소 1달 거주!

원하시는 직종 및 국가를 말씀해 주시면, 파트너 기업이 면접준비부터 해외기업과의 매칭까지 서포트합니다.

●프로그램 특징 1
글로벌 환경에서 영어를 구사하며 원하는 일을 할 수 있고 직접 가지 못해도 해외에서 일하는 경험을 할 수 있습니다.
●프로그램 특징 2
온라인으로 이루어지는 인턴십이기에, 시차가 문제되지 않도록 아시아권을 중심으로 진행되는 프로그램이기에 안심하실 수 있습니다!
●프로그램 특징 3
인턴활동 중인 국가를 좀 더 알고 싶은 분께는 보더리스하우스가 해당 국가 출신의 입주자와 무료로 매칭해 드립니다!
●프로그램 특징 4
인턴십 종료후에는 인턴십 체험 레포트를 프레젠테이션하고 프로그램 수료증명서를 발급해 드립니다!
●프로그램 특징 5
부담이 되는 해외 인턴십 참가 비용도  보더리스 인턴십 챌린지는 40% 할인 해서 저가로 제공합니다!

코로나로 해외취업이 힘들어진 지금,
위기를 기회로 만들어 봐요!

외국인과 영어로 대화하며 생활도 하고, 해외기업의 인턴활동 경험도 하고!
해외에 직접 가지 않으면 얻을 수 없는 경험을,
해외에 나가지 않아도 할 수 있도록 보더리스하우스가 제공합니다!

코로나로 인해 해외에 도전하는 꿈을 접어야만 했던 여러분,
다음 기회가 올 때까지, 보더리스하우스에서 해외생활을 체험하며 준비해 보지 않으시겠어요?

2020년 8월부터, 제 1기생으로 10분을 모집합니다!
이 프로그램에 관심이 있으신 분께서는 아래의 카카오톡 을  통해 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.

지원 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 http://pf.kakao.com/_xaBJxbu/chat

국내어학연수 = 보더리스하우스?! 원하는 언어와 관심있는 나라를 고려하여 하우스 고르는 꿀팁!

안녕하세요, 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스 보더리스입니다.

제목에 국내 어학 연수라고 써져있어서 들어 왔는데 갑자기 쉐어 하우스?! 여서 놀라 셨죠 ☺️  

국내에서 가성 비 높은 어학 공부에 대한 이야기가 맞으니 끝까지 읽어주세요!


“Today ‘s Language is ENGLISH”

“오늘의 언어는 한국어”

이 사진은 보더리스 하우스의 상암 DMC 역 쉐어 하우스 현관 앞에 걸려있는
‘오늘의 언어’ 안내문입니다!

영어를 배우고있는 한국인 입주자 분과

한국어를 배우고있는 일본인 입주자 분 께서

서로의 언어 공부를 돕기 위해 이런 약속을 하셨다고하네요.


■ 매주 집 안에서 사용하는 공통 언어를 바꾼다.

■ 매일 밤 공통 언어를 사용해서 대화를 나눈다.

멋지지 않나요? 🙂 

국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에 살다 보면 정말 국내에서 어학 연수를 온 것이라고 말할 수있을만큼 영어를 쓸 기회가 늘어납니다.

그래도 우리는 한국인이기 때문에 (ㅎㅎ) 영어를 쓰다가 어떻게 이야기할지 모르겠 으면 한국말을 쓰게 되는데요 , 하우스 메이트와 이런 규칙을 정해두고 살고 계신 입주자 분들이 계시 답니다 !


한국인 – 일본인 하우스 메이트의 친목 현장

이렇게 보더리스 하우스라는 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스는 
어떻게 활용 하냐에 따라 그 효과와 재미가 배가되는 곳입니다.

그래서 오늘은 보더리스 플랫폼을 더 효과적으로 활용할 수있는 ? 팁을 하나 말씀 드리려고 해요!


우선 보더리스 하우스의 국제 교류에 대한 이해가 필요합니다 🙂  

보더리스 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에서는 크게 두 가지 !
언어 그리고 문화 (나라) 간 교류가 이루어집니다.

1. 언어

이 글을 클릭하신 분들은 각자 잘하고 싶은 ‘언어’가 있으실 거라고 생각합니다.

가장 보편적으로는 ‘영어’일 것이고 프랑스어, 스페인어, 일본어, 중국어 등 굉장히 다양 하겠죠?

2. 문화 (나라)

워홀이나 유학, 해외 취업을 준비하고 계신 분들이라면 영어 사용은 물론이고 ?? 가고자하시는 나라의 정보를 얻으실 수 있어요.

그 나라에서 살다 온 친구들에게서 만들을 수있는 현지의 정보, 문화를 공유하는 것이지요.

그렇다면 여러분들의 국내 어학 연수 목표는 무엇인가요?

이 질문에 대한 답을 꼭 한번 생각 해보세요! 

본인의 목적에 따라 쉐어 하우스의 위치와 룸메이트 하우스 메이트, 방의 타입 모두가 달라질 수 있기 때문입니다. 

글을 조금 더 읽어 보시면 왜이 질문을 드렸는지 이해가 되실 거예요. 

✔️ 내 목표를 모르겠을 때 함께 읽어 보면 좋은 글


이제 선호하는 언어와 친구의 국적을 살펴보세요!

아래는 보더리스 하우스의 홈페이지에서 원하는 하우스를 눌러 보시면 볼 수있는 화면이에요 . 빨간색 박스 표시를 해둔 <현 입주자 정보>에서 하우스 메이트와 룸메이트의 언어 및 국적을 확인할 수있는 것 찾으 셨나요?

국내 어학 연수보다 더 가성 비 높은 대안으로 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스를 선택하실 때이 부분을 꼭 활용 해보세요!

예를 들어

■ 선호하는 언어가 있다면, 그 언어를 쓰는 친구들이 많은 하우스 를 선택합니다 .

■ 특별히 궁금한 나라와 문화가 있다면, 그 나라에서 온 친구가 살고있는 하우스를 선택합니다 .

입주자 분의 선호에 따라 하우스를 선택하고 싶으 시다면
보더리스 하우스 홈페이지의 하우스 목록 을 살펴보세요!


국제 교류 쉐어 하우스를 국내 어학 연수 프로그램보다 더 잘 활용하는 법 이해가 되셨나요? 🙂 

혹시 관련하여 문의가 있으시다면 언제든지 보더리스 하우스로 연락주세요

그럼 오늘도 긴 글 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.

✔️입주 상담 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구  ,  홈페이지 문의


서울 한 달 살기 쉐어하우스ㅣ단기 숙박 구할 때 꼭 체크할 것 4가지

안녕하세요! 글로벌 쉐어 하우스 보더리스입니다 🙂

이 글을보고 계시는 분들은 서울 에서 한 달 살기 또는 단기로 지낼 곳을 찾고 계실 것이라고 생각합니다 .

서울에서 단기 숙박이 필요한 일이 꽤 생기는 것 같아요 .
단기 인턴, 장기 교육, 프로그램 참여 등, 한 달 또는 짧은 기간 동안 지낼 공간 이 필요하게 되지요 .

그런데? 이런 생각으로 단기 숙박을 구하는 분들이 계시 더라고요 ..! 

‘한 달 사는 거니까 .. 어느 정도 괜찮 으면 살자!’

결론부터 말씀 드리 자면,

한 달을 살더라도! 제대로 된 주거 공간에서 질 높은 한 달을 보내셔야합니다 .
그래야 원하시는 일에있어서의 효율이 훨씬 높아질 수 있거든요 .

예를 들면, 게스트 하우스와 에어 비앤비를 찾아 보시면 단기 숙박이 가능한 곳이 많습니다.하지만 여행의 목적이 강한 숙박 시설은 사는 공간으로서의 안정감을 찾기 쉽지 않습니다.

사는 곳으로서의 안정감의 중요성을 아시는 분이라면 ,
단기로 거주 할 수있는 쉐어 하우스 를 고려 해보세요 .

하지만 여러분들도 이미 많이 찾아 보셔서 아시겠지만 ,
한 달 단기 계약이 가능한 적당한 숙소 또는 쉐어 하우스를 찾는 게
쉽지 않으 셨을 거예요 🙁

한 달 단기 계약이 가능한 서울 쉐어 하우스를 조사 해보았 더니
보더리스 하우스를 포함하여 두 곳이 더라고요.?

그래서 가장 먼저 할 일은,  단기 계약이 가능한 곳 을 찾는 것입니다! 

내가 원하는 지역에 단기 계약이 가능한 쉐어 하우스가 있는지 찾아 봅니다.

원하는 지역 + 단기 쉐어 하우스 를 검색해 보시면 쉽게 찾아보실 수 있어요.

예를 들어 보더리스 하우스는 지하철역 기준으로 서울 전역에 기준으로 서울 전역에 9 개 지점을 가지고 있습니다.

홍대역 / 합정역 / 상수역 / 충정로역 / 왕십리역 / 보문역 / 안암역 / 상암동 DMC 역 (디지털 미디어 시티 역)

자세한 하우스 안내는 각 하우스 소개 페이지 를 확인 해주세요! 

자 이제 적당한 곳을 찾으 셨다면, 아래 네 가지를 꼭! 확인해보세요. ?

단기 계약 가능 시스템이 갖춰진 곳인지 확인해 보세요 .  

단기 계약을한다는 것은 세입자의 입장에서 할 일이 많아진다는 뜻입니다.

개인적으로 쉐어 하우스 사업을하는 분들 은 단기 거주자를 선호하지 않으 시죠 .

주로 주업이 있으신 경우가 많고 매달 입주자를 새로받는 것이 현실적으로 어려우니까요 .

그래서 단기 계약이 전문적인 시스템으로 갖춰진 곳을 고르시는 것이

입주자 님 입장에서도 훨씬 안전하고 편안한 방법입니다. 

주거 공간에서 계약의 스트레스까지받을 필요는 없으니까요!

가구, 식기구, 가전 등 풀 옵션인지, 이사 할 때 캐리어 하나만 들고 갈 수 있는지 .

예를 들어 볼게요.

집에서 요리하거나 밥을 먹을 수있는 식기류는 있는지, 식사 할 수있는 식탁은 있는지, 한 달 동안 살아갈 음식을 넣어 둘 냉장고의 크기는 적당한 지 등 아주 사소한 것을 체크하셔야합니다.

짧게 사는 동안 직접 다 구매하기가 어렵거든요. 풀 옵션이어야 최대한 가볍고 빠르게 들어가고 나갈 수 있습니다.

이사에 힘 빼지 마시고 캐리어 하나만 들고가 실 수있는 곳으로 고르세요!

보안이 확실하고 관리자와 같이 사는 사람들 모두 믿을 수있는 곳인지

이 부분은 꼭 강조하고 싶어요.

입주자 심사 시스템 이있는 곳으로 선택하세요. 

단기적으로 계속 입주자 (거주자)가 바뀌는 곳은 아무래도 입주자에 대한 심사를 챙기기가 쉽지 않습니다. 위에 계약과 같은 맥락 이지요.

하지만 단기로 살? 분들이더라도 입주자에 대한 심사와 관리 는 꼭 필요합니다 .
오히려 단기 일수록? 더 중요해집니다. 주거 플랫폼에서 계약이라는 진입 장벽이 낮아진 것이기 때문이에요.

보더리스 하우스는 아래처럼 입주자 분들의 신상을 확인하고 사전 심사를 거쳐
입주 여부를 결정하고 있습니다.


보더리스 하우스 외국인 예비 입주자와 온라인 인터뷰하는 모습

또한 단기로 서울에 오셨다 보니 아무래도 하루를 꽉꽉 채워서 쓰시는 경우가 많을 거예요.

그러니 밤에 귀가하는 길이 안전한지? 집 자체가 안전한지 등 보안도 신경 써서 살펴 보셔야합니다.


계속 사람이 살고있는 혹은 살고 있던 공간인지 .


집은 사람의 손을 타야된다는 말이 있죠.

집이라는 공간은 누군가 살기 위해서 만들어 졌습니다 .
그래서 어떤 사람이 사는지 더 나아가 사람이 살고있는 집인지 아닌지 에 따라
집의 분위기와 상태가 달라집니다.

부동산에서 오래 비어 있던 집이라는 얘기를 안하려는 것이 바로 이런 맥락 이죠.

그런데 숙박 목적의 숙소들은 여행자의 예약이 없었다면 계속 집이 비어 있었을 확률이 높아요. 아무래도 사람의 온기가있는 집은 아니 겠죠?


보더리스 충정로 하우스 거실에 모여있는 하우스 메이트들

지금까지 단기 숙박으로 쉐어 하우스를 고려해야하는 이유
그리고 단기 숙박을 구하실 때 꼭 체크하셔야 할 사항 네 가지를 알아 봤습니다!

짧은 기간 이기에 더욱 편안하게 서울을 즐기고 싶은 분들에게
보더리스 하우스의 단기 계약 가능 시스템 이 도움 되었으면 좋겠습니다 🙂 


√ 단기 입주 상담 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 , 홈페이지 문의


그럼 긴 글 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다!


【모집】 여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를 소개해드립니다! My First Foreign Friend (~8/31)

인생의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를
조금 더 편하고 조금 덜 낯설게 만나고 싶은
First Friend를 모집합니다. 


여러분에게 ‘처음’은 어떤 의미인가요?
설렘과 동시에 걱정도되는 것이 어떤 일의 일의 ‘처음’입니다.


보더리스 하우스에 살아보기로 결정 하는 일도 그렇습니다 .
쉐어 하우스라는 주거 형태도 낯설지만 외국인 친구들과
함께 사는 일은 더욱 그렇 겠죠.


그렇지만 보더리스 하우스를 찾아 주신 데에는
그만한 흥미와 관심을 가지고 계실 거라 생각했습니다.


다만 약간의 두려움, 약간의 낯설음을
보더리스 하우스가 덜어 드릴 수 없을까?라는 마음으로 
My First Friend를 기획하였습니다.


누구에게나 처음은 어려운 일 이니까요! 


My First Foreign Friend 란?

보더리스 하우스가 여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를
하우스 입주 전부터 소개해 드리는 프로그램입니다.

여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를 만나거나
여러분이 누군가의 첫 번째 친구가되어보세요! 🙂 

모집 대상

• 입주를 결정한 새로운 입주자
현재 보더리스 하우스에 살고 계신 입주자

ex) 새로 입주하는 한국인 + 현재 입주 외국인
      새로 입주하는 외국인 + 현재 입주 한국인

기존 랭귀지 익스체인지 프로그램과 다른 점이 무엇인가요?

랭귀지 익스체인지 프로그램은
원하는 언어를 서로 교환 할 수있는 파트너를
매칭 해 드리는데 집중하는 프로그램입니다.


My First Friend는 1 :1로 외국인 친구를 소개해 드려
언어, 문화 교류 경험의 질을 높이는 데에 목적이 있습니다 .

현재 코로나 상황으로 인해 글로벌 커뮤니티의 질을 보장하기가 어려운 상황을
극복하고자 시도하는보다 적극적인 매칭 프로그램입니다.

My First Friend 참여자를위한 혜택

인생의 첫 번째 외국인 친구와 많은 추억을 쌓아보세요 !
여러분의 만남을 보더리스 하우스가 지원합니다 .


•  두 분이 오프라인 만남을 가지고 인증 샷을 보내 주시면
   보더리스 하우스가 커피를 쏩니다!

 두 분이 주도하여 다른 하우스 메이트들과 함께 하우스 모임을하신다면
   보더리스 하우스가 피자를 쏩니다!

어떻게 참여하나요?

보더리스 스태프에게 참여 의사 전달
> 새로운 입주자 or 기존 입주자와 매칭 진행
(신청 인원에 따라 매칭에 시간이 소요될 수 있습니다 . 혹시 신청 후에 입주를 먼저 하시게 되더라도 매칭은 정상적으로 진행됩니다 .)


•  지원 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 http://pf.kakao.com/_xaBJxbu/chat
보더리스 하우스 구경 가기 ㅣ https://www.borderless-house.kr/kr/all/


그럼 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다 🙂 

Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.












Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.












Find Your Favorite Share House Staying Abroad

Traveling is a favorite hobby of a lot of people. Many people look at it as an opportunity to grow and to get to know oneself better, while others look at it as a chance to learn more about other cultures and traditions. But as we all know, traveling is a time consuming and a little expensive hobby. Not all people can actually afford to just pack their bags and to disappear from the radar for a very long time to roam the foreign lands, and to explore the foreign cultures.

But such people do not need to lose heart because there are many cheap and inexpensive ways of learning more about other traditions and cultures as well. Wondering what they are? Well, one easy method is to meet new people who belong from different cultures and traditions. Through them, you can learn more about foreign customs and traditions. Now, you must be thinking how and where are you going to come across foreign people and how are you going to befriend them. Well, there is yet again a simple answer to this. You can meet them at share houses.

Yes, share houses which are rental spaces that accommodate people from different backgrounds and offer them shelter, are a good place, to begin with. So, for example, say if you are in Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan for a business project or maybe you are living there for your studies, then instead of finding a hostel or renting a flat, a better strategy is to rent a bed in a share house. This will give you an opportunity to live with the natives and other foreign people which will aid you in learning more about their culture and in saving you some money in case you actually decide to travel to someplace in the future.

But apart from these benefits, living in a share house incurs some other big advantages as well. So, for example, by living in a share house in say, Taiwan or Japan, you don’t just get the opportunity to learn more about the local food and language of that place by interacting with natives, but you also get to enjoy the special benefits (like gardens or music studios) that some of these share houses offer. Now, if we have piqued your interest and you are excited to know in detail about the benefits offered, then read our next section!

How do share houses help in cultivating old interests?

Living in a share house is a different and a must-try experience. While there, you learn to relish your independence, you increase your knowledge about new countries and traditions and you also get a chance to re-kindle your old habits. While getting the native experience of the place, living in a share house will also help you in cultivating your personal interests as well.


Apart from pets, there are many other hobbies and interests that can be re-kindled while living in a share house have special facilities. Some of them are as follows-

● Share houses with Terrace or garden

Share houses typically accommodate many people. As a result of which they are spread across many meters of land and their sizes and areas are generally wide. This, in turn, means that such properties, a lot of time, have some free space that they utilize for other purposes like for construction of a terrace or for creating a garden. This is a great drawing point for renters who are looking for shelter.
Now, if you are also one of those people who occasionally like to soak in the rays of the sun, or who have a soft corner in their heart for gardening, then the prospect of living in a share house with a terrace or garden should make you extremely happy. This is because if you could find yourself such a place while living in a foreign land, then your hobbies like sunbathing or gardening will never let you feel alone or bored. Plus, during your stay you will likely come across other like-minded people, who will make living here more fun for you!


● Private water supply in rooms

If you have always had a private bathroom since you were born, then it can become difficult for you to share one with other people whom you barely know. Also, from the point of view of hygiene and cleaning, it is usually a good idea to have a private bathroom at your place. Now, the good news is that at some share houses you can get this condition fulfilled.
Yes, some share houses have installed water supply in the rooms. This way the residents are never forced to share their toilets or showers with other housemates. This count for a whole lot when you are living in a foreign space and it can make your life potentially easier.


● Properties that offer rooftop

Sometimes maybe because you are feeling dull or because you need some alone time with yourself you seek a place where you can be away from people, maybe somewhere in an open space. Now, if you are living in a hostel or a flat, finding such an open and alone space can be a little troublesome with so many people around. But that is not the case with some of the share houses that you can locate in Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan.
This is because some share houses have special facilities where they offer their residents a rooftop that they can visit at any time. So, if you are feeling the need for some me-time while you are living in a share house you know where to head to. Plus, in the comfortable and light weather, a rooftop is a good place to be as it soothes and nourishes your soul. Lastly, with an amazing rooftop, you also get the chance to organize a small get together with your housemates and friends where you can dwell with a drink in your hand and occasionally strum a tune or two on your guitar while singing along to the lyrics with other people.


● Properties with music studios

If you love music and you know how to play an instrument or two, then you should probably search for a share house that comes with a music studio. Even for newcomers and unpractised musicians who love music, but do not have much understanding of rhythms or tunes, such a place is a nice residence option as it offers them shelter and a platform to learn. Plus, it also costs very less.
Share houses with music studios are also a very good option for a place of residence because here music lovers get a chance to reside with like-minded people. This means that if you like music and you love discussing it with other people then living in a share house with a music studio will be akin to the experience of a book lover who just got permitted to live in a library! Also, living here would mean unlimited musical jam sessions and bonfire strumming where no other residents or neighbors will complain. It is amazing, isn’t it?!


● Property with a movie theatre

Some people are outgoing and friendly by nature, while some others are introverts and they prefer spending their time alone in their room or maybe with their closely-knit circle of friends. And to pass their time such people either like to rely upon their books or they love watching movies with their beverages in hand.
Well, we have good news for such people, which is that some of the new share houses in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan have decided to offer their residents a place to live that has small movie theatre equipment. This means that if you are not a very outgoing person but you prefer spending your weekends while watching a fun movie and munching on your popcorn, then now it is not necessary for you to dress up and to head out for living this experience because now this experience comes to your home!
So, whether it is movies, video games, video calling your friends, or having dinner in an online meeting with someone whose company you cherish, the task has become quite easy.



Thus, we can see that share houses are a very preferable means of shelter as they are not only cheap and comfortable but because they provide many opportunities to the residents to rekindle their old hobbies and talents as well. So, if you are soon going to be moving to a new place for your studies or a business project, then try finding yourself a perfect sharehouse for staying abroad. We promise that you will absolutely cherish this experience!

Share House Photos from BORDERLESS HOUSE










House Sharing Will Be A Good Way Of Living To Save Money

When moving to a new country, people have to start their lives out. They have a new job, must meet new people, make some friends, and they live in different surroundings. As exciting as it sounds, it can also be exhausting to adjust to everything new at once. It will also undoubtedly be expensive.

According to most foreigners that have moved to foreign countries, the biggest challenge that they faced after the move was finding accommodations. Some people end up at expensive studio apartments due to a lack of choice, others have to compromise on the locality of the apartment or pay high rents to enjoy a comfortable stay.

Not every house owner in east Asian countries is willing to rent their place to foreigners, and even then most of them ask for a local cosigner to guarantee on behalf of the tenant. The language and the cultural gap make local people feel that foreigners won’t understand them or get along with them. This is why they make no compromises on security money and ask for higher rents from foreigners.

Making a move can be an extensive and lifechanging task, which often disheartens people. Without friends and family around, they find it difficult to conduct an apartment search.

The solutions to all of the problems faced during apartment searching are offered by share houses. Share houses are rental houses with multiple rooms available for rent. While people have separate rooms, they also have common areas like the living room and kitchen. Share houses are mostly found in cities where the number of foreigners living in the city is high. The primary goal of a share house is to make sure that foreigners do not find it difficult to adjust to the new country.

Compared to apartments, share houses are a cheaper alternative for a comfortable accommodation. Along with clean rooms and basic amenities, share houses provide an opportunity for foreigners to make friends in the city.

People living at share houses are able to save money and have more flexibility in terms of the contract. If you’re on a small budget and are considering a move to countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, you might want to go through this article on how house-sharing could be a good way of living to save money.

Avoid Long Contract Periods

Most apartment rental contracts are signed for one year. The tenants have not experienced life in those apartments before signing the agreement. This is why when they experience some challenges living there, they are unable to move as they are bound by the contract. If they have to move by breaking the contract, they might have to pay a penalty.
Moreover, if you are required to move back to your country or some other place due to unexpected circumstances, then you will have to break the contract and will be charged.

Living in a share house is more flexible in situations like these. When living at a share house, if you do not like the place you are at, you can easily move out. Share houses are rented for shorter periods of time, so if you’re moving to a foreign country only for 6 months, staying at a share house could be your best money-saving bet.

Most share houses offer a room for the minimum stay of 1 month. Even if you are asked to sign a yearly contract, it will include a clause that if you give 30-45 days notice before moving out, then you will not be charged a penalty for moving out with less than a month’s notice. This offers relief to tenants who are unsure about the period of their stay in the nation.

Fully-Furnished Rentals

When having moved to a new apartment, you will need to furnish it as soon as possible for normal life to begin. Some of the furniture and appliances that you will need during your stay include a bed, table, cupboard, refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, air conditioning, etc. Buying furniture and appliances is a big investment. These items will likely cost you around one month’s rent.

Share houses are fully-furnished to ensure comfort. Every room has a bed and cupboard, whereas the common rooms, kitchen, and bathrooms are equipped with all the required furniture and appliances. The bed, pillows. cupboard, etc. are offered at a one-time fee that is below 10000 Yen.

When someone moves to a share house, they only need to carry their everyday personal belongings. They do not need to spend money on furniture or decor and therefore are able to save money. They are able to use appliances that they might not have purchased themselves if they were to rent a private apartment. For example, a dishwasher.

When they move to another country, they do not have to worry about selling or transporting furniture and appliances. This takes a lot of cost load that they are already bearing, off of their shoulders.

Many share houses even offer luxury amenities like a home theatre and fitness studio for the housemates. This is done to attract people to the share house and provide value for their money.

Free Internet

Whether you are a student, working professional, or tourist, the internet is a necessity for everyone. It helps people stay connected, updated, and entertained. To enjoy seamless internet connectivity, most people have Wi-Fi installed at their apartments.

Setting up the internet at your apartment will be some cost to you. You will also have to pay some extra cost in the beginning. There are not many landlords that will provide free internet to their tenants. However, share houses offer free internet connectivity to all its housemates at no extra cost.

The cost of the internet is already included in the monthly rent. The internet connectivity is strong and the housemates can enjoy smooth surfing. Access to the internet is limited to the housemates to avoid usage by outsiders which would cause poor connectivity.

Less Initial Fees

Share house managers do not expect you to pay a few month’s rent as security or downpayment. The initial fee is comparatively much lower than what is charged by apartment landlords. This enables most people to expand their budget and rent a room at a luxury share house. They are even able to spend money on sightseeing around the new country.
The initial fee at the BORDERLESS HOUSES is more reasonable compared to a typical apartment or condominium.

It does not matter which country you move to, the brokerage costs are usually high. While brokers are quite efficient at finding accommodations, they are often working in their best interests rather than yours. When renting a share house, you can eliminate the need for hiring a broker. Share houses are easy to find as they usually have an online presence. When renting a room at a share house, you will not have to hire a broker and can directly contact the manager. This will help you save some money.

Lower Rents

With the increase in the number of foreigners coming to east Asian countries and local people moving to industrial areas, cities are getting crowded. This has led to a hike in rental prices in the city. For example, on average, renting an ordinary apartment in a good Japanese locality will cost you somewhere between 97000 Yen to 200000 Yen per month. The rent will depend on the city that you live in, the size of the apartment, proximity to the market or train stations, and the amenities offered.

The monthly rent of staying a share house is lower than that of renting an apartment. If you have a low budget, you can also rent a bed in a shared room or dormitory. This way, you will be able to use all the house amenities, without having to pay for a private room.

The downpayment is lower at share houses and the maintenance fee is reasonable. What’s more, most share houses are located near train stations and in low-crime localities. They offer easy connectivity to most places in the city and do not empty the tenant’s pockets.


Quite evidently, the process of finding an accommodation in Japan for reasonable prices can be an exhausting task. Add to that the expenses that come with moving to a new place, like buying home appliances and paying maintenance costs. However, worry not, because you can always rent a room at a share house and save yourself some money.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is a share house company with many share houses in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The ratio of local people and foreigners at these share houses is kept equal. The motto of the company is to welcome the people that stay there and ensure their comfort. At BORDERLESS HOUSE, the rooms are rented at affordable prices, and the company offers shared rooms and dorms for people with lower budgets.

If you have recently moved to Japan and are looking for accommodation to ensure a comfortable stay, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE.