국내어학연수 = 보더리스하우스?! 원하는 언어와 관심있는 나라를 고려하여 하우스 고르는 꿀팁!

안녕하세요, 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스 보더리스입니다.

제목에 국내 어학 연수라고 써져있어서 들어 왔는데 갑자기 쉐어 하우스?! 여서 놀라 셨죠 ☺️  

국내에서 가성 비 높은 어학 공부에 대한 이야기가 맞으니 끝까지 읽어주세요!


“Today ‘s Language is ENGLISH”

“오늘의 언어는 한국어”

이 사진은 보더리스 하우스의 상암 DMC 역 쉐어 하우스 현관 앞에 걸려있는
‘오늘의 언어’ 안내문입니다!

영어를 배우고있는 한국인 입주자 분과

한국어를 배우고있는 일본인 입주자 분 께서

서로의 언어 공부를 돕기 위해 이런 약속을 하셨다고하네요.


■ 매주 집 안에서 사용하는 공통 언어를 바꾼다.

■ 매일 밤 공통 언어를 사용해서 대화를 나눈다.

멋지지 않나요? 🙂 

국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에 살다 보면 정말 국내에서 어학 연수를 온 것이라고 말할 수있을만큼 영어를 쓸 기회가 늘어납니다.

그래도 우리는 한국인이기 때문에 (ㅎㅎ) 영어를 쓰다가 어떻게 이야기할지 모르겠 으면 한국말을 쓰게 되는데요 , 하우스 메이트와 이런 규칙을 정해두고 살고 계신 입주자 분들이 계시 답니다 !


한국인 – 일본인 하우스 메이트의 친목 현장

이렇게 보더리스 하우스라는 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스는 
어떻게 활용 하냐에 따라 그 효과와 재미가 배가되는 곳입니다.

그래서 오늘은 보더리스 플랫폼을 더 효과적으로 활용할 수있는 ? 팁을 하나 말씀 드리려고 해요!


우선 보더리스 하우스의 국제 교류에 대한 이해가 필요합니다 🙂  

보더리스 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에서는 크게 두 가지 !
언어 그리고 문화 (나라) 간 교류가 이루어집니다.

1. 언어

이 글을 클릭하신 분들은 각자 잘하고 싶은 ‘언어’가 있으실 거라고 생각합니다.

가장 보편적으로는 ‘영어’일 것이고 프랑스어, 스페인어, 일본어, 중국어 등 굉장히 다양 하겠죠?

2. 문화 (나라)

워홀이나 유학, 해외 취업을 준비하고 계신 분들이라면 영어 사용은 물론이고 ?? 가고자하시는 나라의 정보를 얻으실 수 있어요.

그 나라에서 살다 온 친구들에게서 만들을 수있는 현지의 정보, 문화를 공유하는 것이지요.

그렇다면 여러분들의 국내 어학 연수 목표는 무엇인가요?

이 질문에 대한 답을 꼭 한번 생각 해보세요! 

본인의 목적에 따라 쉐어 하우스의 위치와 룸메이트 하우스 메이트, 방의 타입 모두가 달라질 수 있기 때문입니다. 

글을 조금 더 읽어 보시면 왜이 질문을 드렸는지 이해가 되실 거예요. 

✔️ 내 목표를 모르겠을 때 함께 읽어 보면 좋은 글


이제 선호하는 언어와 친구의 국적을 살펴보세요!

아래는 보더리스 하우스의 홈페이지에서 원하는 하우스를 눌러 보시면 볼 수있는 화면이에요 . 빨간색 박스 표시를 해둔 <현 입주자 정보>에서 하우스 메이트와 룸메이트의 언어 및 국적을 확인할 수있는 것 찾으 셨나요?

국내 어학 연수보다 더 가성 비 높은 대안으로 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스를 선택하실 때이 부분을 꼭 활용 해보세요!

예를 들어

■ 선호하는 언어가 있다면, 그 언어를 쓰는 친구들이 많은 하우스 를 선택합니다 .

■ 특별히 궁금한 나라와 문화가 있다면, 그 나라에서 온 친구가 살고있는 하우스를 선택합니다 .

입주자 분의 선호에 따라 하우스를 선택하고 싶으 시다면
보더리스 하우스 홈페이지의 하우스 목록 을 살펴보세요!


국제 교류 쉐어 하우스를 국내 어학 연수 프로그램보다 더 잘 활용하는 법 이해가 되셨나요? 🙂 

혹시 관련하여 문의가 있으시다면 언제든지 보더리스 하우스로 연락주세요

그럼 오늘도 긴 글 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.

✔️입주 상담 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구  ,  홈페이지 문의


서울 한 달 살기 쉐어하우스ㅣ단기 숙박 구할 때 꼭 체크할 것 4가지

안녕하세요! 글로벌 쉐어 하우스 보더리스입니다 🙂

이 글을보고 계시는 분들은 서울 에서 한 달 살기 또는 단기로 지낼 곳을 찾고 계실 것이라고 생각합니다 .

서울에서 단기 숙박이 필요한 일이 꽤 생기는 것 같아요 .
단기 인턴, 장기 교육, 프로그램 참여 등, 한 달 또는 짧은 기간 동안 지낼 공간 이 필요하게 되지요 .

그런데? 이런 생각으로 단기 숙박을 구하는 분들이 계시 더라고요 ..! 

‘한 달 사는 거니까 .. 어느 정도 괜찮 으면 살자!’

결론부터 말씀 드리 자면,

한 달을 살더라도! 제대로 된 주거 공간에서 질 높은 한 달을 보내셔야합니다 .
그래야 원하시는 일에있어서의 효율이 훨씬 높아질 수 있거든요 .

예를 들면, 게스트 하우스와 에어 비앤비를 찾아 보시면 단기 숙박이 가능한 곳이 많습니다.하지만 여행의 목적이 강한 숙박 시설은 사는 공간으로서의 안정감을 찾기 쉽지 않습니다.

사는 곳으로서의 안정감의 중요성을 아시는 분이라면 ,
단기로 거주 할 수있는 쉐어 하우스 를 고려 해보세요 .

하지만 여러분들도 이미 많이 찾아 보셔서 아시겠지만 ,
한 달 단기 계약이 가능한 적당한 숙소 또는 쉐어 하우스를 찾는 게
쉽지 않으 셨을 거예요 🙁

한 달 단기 계약이 가능한 서울 쉐어 하우스를 조사 해보았 더니
보더리스 하우스를 포함하여 두 곳이 더라고요.?

그래서 가장 먼저 할 일은,  단기 계약이 가능한 곳 을 찾는 것입니다! 

내가 원하는 지역에 단기 계약이 가능한 쉐어 하우스가 있는지 찾아 봅니다.

원하는 지역 + 단기 쉐어 하우스 를 검색해 보시면 쉽게 찾아보실 수 있어요.

예를 들어 보더리스 하우스는 지하철역 기준으로 서울 전역에 기준으로 서울 전역에 9 개 지점을 가지고 있습니다.

홍대역 / 합정역 / 상수역 / 충정로역 / 왕십리역 / 보문역 / 안암역 / 상암동 DMC 역 (디지털 미디어 시티 역)

자세한 하우스 안내는 각 하우스 소개 페이지 를 확인 해주세요! 

자 이제 적당한 곳을 찾으 셨다면, 아래 네 가지를 꼭! 확인해보세요. ?

단기 계약 가능 시스템이 갖춰진 곳인지 확인해 보세요 .  

단기 계약을한다는 것은 세입자의 입장에서 할 일이 많아진다는 뜻입니다.

개인적으로 쉐어 하우스 사업을하는 분들 은 단기 거주자를 선호하지 않으 시죠 .

주로 주업이 있으신 경우가 많고 매달 입주자를 새로받는 것이 현실적으로 어려우니까요 .

그래서 단기 계약이 전문적인 시스템으로 갖춰진 곳을 고르시는 것이

입주자 님 입장에서도 훨씬 안전하고 편안한 방법입니다. 

주거 공간에서 계약의 스트레스까지받을 필요는 없으니까요!

가구, 식기구, 가전 등 풀 옵션인지, 이사 할 때 캐리어 하나만 들고 갈 수 있는지 .

예를 들어 볼게요.

집에서 요리하거나 밥을 먹을 수있는 식기류는 있는지, 식사 할 수있는 식탁은 있는지, 한 달 동안 살아갈 음식을 넣어 둘 냉장고의 크기는 적당한 지 등 아주 사소한 것을 체크하셔야합니다.

짧게 사는 동안 직접 다 구매하기가 어렵거든요. 풀 옵션이어야 최대한 가볍고 빠르게 들어가고 나갈 수 있습니다.

이사에 힘 빼지 마시고 캐리어 하나만 들고가 실 수있는 곳으로 고르세요!

보안이 확실하고 관리자와 같이 사는 사람들 모두 믿을 수있는 곳인지

이 부분은 꼭 강조하고 싶어요.

입주자 심사 시스템 이있는 곳으로 선택하세요. 

단기적으로 계속 입주자 (거주자)가 바뀌는 곳은 아무래도 입주자에 대한 심사를 챙기기가 쉽지 않습니다. 위에 계약과 같은 맥락 이지요.

하지만 단기로 살? 분들이더라도 입주자에 대한 심사와 관리 는 꼭 필요합니다 .
오히려 단기 일수록? 더 중요해집니다. 주거 플랫폼에서 계약이라는 진입 장벽이 낮아진 것이기 때문이에요.

보더리스 하우스는 아래처럼 입주자 분들의 신상을 확인하고 사전 심사를 거쳐
입주 여부를 결정하고 있습니다.


보더리스 하우스 외국인 예비 입주자와 온라인 인터뷰하는 모습

또한 단기로 서울에 오셨다 보니 아무래도 하루를 꽉꽉 채워서 쓰시는 경우가 많을 거예요.

그러니 밤에 귀가하는 길이 안전한지? 집 자체가 안전한지 등 보안도 신경 써서 살펴 보셔야합니다.


계속 사람이 살고있는 혹은 살고 있던 공간인지 .


집은 사람의 손을 타야된다는 말이 있죠.

집이라는 공간은 누군가 살기 위해서 만들어 졌습니다 .
그래서 어떤 사람이 사는지 더 나아가 사람이 살고있는 집인지 아닌지 에 따라
집의 분위기와 상태가 달라집니다.

부동산에서 오래 비어 있던 집이라는 얘기를 안하려는 것이 바로 이런 맥락 이죠.

그런데 숙박 목적의 숙소들은 여행자의 예약이 없었다면 계속 집이 비어 있었을 확률이 높아요. 아무래도 사람의 온기가있는 집은 아니 겠죠?


보더리스 충정로 하우스 거실에 모여있는 하우스 메이트들

지금까지 단기 숙박으로 쉐어 하우스를 고려해야하는 이유
그리고 단기 숙박을 구하실 때 꼭 체크하셔야 할 사항 네 가지를 알아 봤습니다!

짧은 기간 이기에 더욱 편안하게 서울을 즐기고 싶은 분들에게
보더리스 하우스의 단기 계약 가능 시스템 이 도움 되었으면 좋겠습니다 🙂 


√ 단기 입주 상담 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 , 홈페이지 문의


그럼 긴 글 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다!


Japan to Allow Re-entry for some Foreign Residents from August 5th Gradually

Hope you are all well! This is Ting from Borderless House.

As you may know, the entry ban has caused a severe impact on foreign residents of Japan who are stuck overseas. One good news, the Japanese government has begun accepting applications from these foreign residents seeking re-entry to Japan, allowing them to come back to Japan gradually.

This month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan just announced that the government will allow foreign nationals to re-enter Japan from August 5th. We are happy to see some workers and international students who have been locked out of the country will be permitted to come back to Japan. We finally see the first step toward reopening the border gradually since the pandemic.

Who will be permitted to re-enter Japan

According to the report from the Japanese government, there are about 100,000 foreigners with valid residency statuses have been waiting overseas for coming back to Japan. And about 88,000 of them who left the country before the travel ban will be given priority to come back to the country. These individuals are international students who have already enrolled in the study abroad programs, businessmen, researchers, technical interns, and residents with working or other valid statuses.

The measure only applies to those who left the country before April 2nd and have not been able to return to Japan due to entry bans implemented to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Unfortunately, foreign residents who departed Japan after April 3rd or who have new plans to move here will be given lower priority for entry to Japan. Also, it does not cover people who are currently living in Japan who want to go overseas for non-essential purposes.

There are only a few exceptions, the government has allowed re-entry to foreign nationals who have special reasons to leave Japan, such as attending a family funeral or undergoing a medical operation, and summons from a foreign court to appear as a witness.

Specific conditions for re-entry

Those foreign residents who want to re-enter Japan will have to take necessary procedures at the local Japanese Embassy or consular office in their countries. They must obtain the documents confirming their re-entry permission from their local Japanese Embassy.

These individuals will be required to take PCR tests at the time of their departures to confirm they are not infected with the coronavirus and provide proof that within 72 hours before their flight that they have undergone a PCR test. They will also have to take another PCR test upon entering Japan.
*PCR test= polymerase chain reaction test

Other than the test, a 14-day observation of one’s health condition prior to their arrival is also required. And if the tests are negative, they must self-quarantine for another 14 days upon their arrival.

As the limited capacity of conducting PCR tests at quarantine stations at airports remains a problem. The Japanese government aims to set up “PCR Centers” at three main international airports in Japan: Narita, Haneda, and Kansai airports by September. The government is expected to increase inspection capacity to 10,000 people per day. Meanwhile, to prevent the coronavirus from crossing the border, they would set a quota of 500 re-entries per day for the moment.

Next stage & Keep being BORDERLESS

“It is important to gradually resume international movement of people,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said. The Japanese government will start negotiating with some countries and regions, including New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, Singapore, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Brunei, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Laos, and Taiwan, to ease travel restrictions for business people.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it has become difficult for everyone in many ways. For us, as one of the concepts at Borderless House is to keep the ratio of 50% of Japanese and 50% of non-Japanese to live together in one house, however, we haven’t been able to have more foreign residents to move in Borderless House in the past few months. Being able to live with people from various countries has been the greatest value of living in Borderless House, we will keep our value and protect “BORDERLESS HOUSE” in this difficult time.

We keep working on developing amazing services to our residents and we will continue creating great opportunities to connect with people from all over the world. Of course, we won’t stop promoting Borderless House to more people actively!

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you again at BORDERLESS HOUSE!

▼▼▼Check our updated blogs regarding COVID-19 & Share House▼▼▼

Regarding our policies in prevention of spreading of COVID-19(2020.07.20)

【Tenant’s Story】Greater Connections with Housemates during COVID19

Surviving Coronavirus in a Tokyo Sharehouse

【모집】 여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를 소개해드립니다! My First Foreign Friend (~8/31)

인생의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를
조금 더 편하고 조금 덜 낯설게 만나고 싶은
First Friend를 모집합니다. 


여러분에게 ‘처음’은 어떤 의미인가요?
설렘과 동시에 걱정도되는 것이 어떤 일의 일의 ‘처음’입니다.


보더리스 하우스에 살아보기로 결정 하는 일도 그렇습니다 .
쉐어 하우스라는 주거 형태도 낯설지만 외국인 친구들과
함께 사는 일은 더욱 그렇 겠죠.


그렇지만 보더리스 하우스를 찾아 주신 데에는
그만한 흥미와 관심을 가지고 계실 거라 생각했습니다.


다만 약간의 두려움, 약간의 낯설음을
보더리스 하우스가 덜어 드릴 수 없을까?라는 마음으로 
My First Friend를 기획하였습니다.


누구에게나 처음은 어려운 일 이니까요! 


My First Foreign Friend 란?

보더리스 하우스가 여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를
하우스 입주 전부터 소개해 드리는 프로그램입니다.

여러분의 첫 번째 외국인 친구를 만나거나
여러분이 누군가의 첫 번째 친구가되어보세요! 🙂 

모집 대상

• 입주를 결정한 새로운 입주자
현재 보더리스 하우스에 살고 계신 입주자

ex) 새로 입주하는 한국인 + 현재 입주 외국인
      새로 입주하는 외국인 + 현재 입주 한국인

기존 랭귀지 익스체인지 프로그램과 다른 점이 무엇인가요?

랭귀지 익스체인지 프로그램은
원하는 언어를 서로 교환 할 수있는 파트너를
매칭 해 드리는데 집중하는 프로그램입니다.


My First Friend는 1 :1로 외국인 친구를 소개해 드려
언어, 문화 교류 경험의 질을 높이는 데에 목적이 있습니다 .

현재 코로나 상황으로 인해 글로벌 커뮤니티의 질을 보장하기가 어려운 상황을
극복하고자 시도하는보다 적극적인 매칭 프로그램입니다.

My First Friend 참여자를위한 혜택

인생의 첫 번째 외국인 친구와 많은 추억을 쌓아보세요 !
여러분의 만남을 보더리스 하우스가 지원합니다 .


•  두 분이 오프라인 만남을 가지고 인증 샷을 보내 주시면
   보더리스 하우스가 커피를 쏩니다!

 두 분이 주도하여 다른 하우스 메이트들과 함께 하우스 모임을하신다면
   보더리스 하우스가 피자를 쏩니다!

어떻게 참여하나요?

보더리스 스태프에게 참여 의사 전달
> 새로운 입주자 or 기존 입주자와 매칭 진행
(신청 인원에 따라 매칭에 시간이 소요될 수 있습니다 . 혹시 신청 후에 입주를 먼저 하시게 되더라도 매칭은 정상적으로 진행됩니다 .)


•  지원 및 문의하기 ㅣ 카카오 톡 플러스 친구 http://pf.kakao.com/_xaBJxbu/chat
보더리스 하우스 구경 가기 ㅣ https://www.borderless-house.kr/kr/all/


그럼 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다 🙂 

【Real-time House Tour】 Online Room-Viewing is now available at Borderless House

Hey everyone, this is Ting from Borderless House. I hope all is well with you and you are staying safe. In case some of you are interested in taking a real look at one of our share houses, today I’d like to share a great service that Borderless House has been provided with you.

Generally, before deciding on which house to move in, many people may prefer to take a look at the actual property first in order to make the best decision. However, there are probably various reasons that make it difficult for some of you to see or visit the house in person. For example, for those who will move in from overseas or different cities, or for those who are too busy to make time to come to the house in a specific time frame. Or like the current situation, that as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, we currently refrain from visiting the houses.

However, we would still like to provide the services to all of you who have the need to see the house.
So we are pleased to announce that we are currently conducting an Online room-viewing! *for common space only.

What is Online room-viewing

Online room-viewing will be conducted via Zoom, Skype, or Line. Our staff and current tenant at the house will be using video chat to show you around the house, including all the common spaces, such as living room, kitchen, dining room, shower room, and laundry space, etc. So you will have the opportunity to see what the current condition at the house that you are interested in looks like.

Online room-viewing usually takes about 40 minutes. We will show you the details of the house environment first, and after that, we will also give you some time for asking us questions. Of course, we will offer you all the information that you may need.

What is good about Online room-viewing

Online room-viewing allows you to do it from anywhere around the world.

Moreover, you will have the chance to speak with the current residents and ask them any questions that you might have or anything that you are curious about. They would be very happy to share their personal experiences with you and give you an idea of how the share house is like.
Instead of just looking at the photos or videos, you can get to feel the house atmosphere in person and know about the house community, house rules, and your future housemates!

Online room-viewing is not just convenient, but through the real-time look would also be very helpful for you in making a decision.

How to apply for Online room-viewing

● If you have decided on the house that you would like to do the room viewing for.
1. Send us a “Room viewing” request form from our web page of the room/house that you are interested in.
2. We will arrange a phone/Skype call with you to confirm the details of your room-viewing request and arrange the actual Online room-viewing date and time with you during the call.
3. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff and one of the residents will be showing you the house via Zoom, Skype, or Line whichever you prefer.

● If you have not decided on the house that you would like to do the room viewing for.
1. Send us an “Inquiry” form from here. Our staff will email you and give you house suggestions based on your preferences and conditions.
2. Pick the house that you like and send us the “Room viewing” request form from our web page.
3. After we receive the form, we will arrange a phone/Skype call with you to confirm the details of your room-viewing and arrange the actual Online room-viewing date and time with you during the call.
4. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff and one of the residents will be showing you the house via Zoom, Skype or Line whichever you prefer.

Even though we don’t have the chance to visit the house in person, I believe by having a real-time house tour would also help you find the best house in Japan!

Check share houses in Tokyo
Check share houses in Kansai Area

If you would like to have further information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here!

【Language Learning】A Note on Language Fluency

Hi all, it’s Claire from Borderless House. I’d like to use this blog to discuss some thoughts I had recently about the process of learning and using a language and also how we define language fluency. I’ve had a lot of time to think about language learning during my time as an illiterate foreigner in Japan, and how this has impacted my own experiences living here and making local friends. I’ve previously spoken a bit more in-depth about how I became interested in Japan/Japanese and my language background in a prior blog, so please feel free to check that out as well!

What is your language-learning goal?

OK, let’s get started with one of the most important language-learning points: Be sure to define your end goal and purpose.

In order to best know how to study a foreign language (and when to stop… although does it really ever stop???), I think it is important to understand what your end goal is. Needless to say, academic/formal language and colloquial language are not the same and they are learned in two very different contexts. Recently, I had a conversation with my Japanese friend which reminded me that in order to have deep relationships, engagements, and conversations in Japan, you do not necessarily need to be an N1 or N2 level Japanese master. In fact, a lot of my Japanese friends have admitted that they themselves would have difficulty passing these standardized tests. Just the same, I would likely make a fool of myself if I took the TOEFL.

Colloquial Usage

A few nights ago over dinner, my Japanese friend randomly complimented my Japanese saying, “Claire, your Japanese has gotten really good! クレア、日本語めっちゃ上手になったね!” For a lot of foreigners, with even just minimal Japanese language background, this kind of phrase or statement is all too familiar. The response is also just as scripted: “No, no it’s not that good! I still have a long way to go/I still need to study a lot! いいえいいえ、まだまだです!もっと勉強しないといけないんです。”

During this specific exchange, I suddenly felt the need to further justify my lack of Japanese language confidence. Truthfully, I already am embarrassed enough by my illiteracy, which should have provided enough justification alone. I explained that although my pronunciation may be decent, the grammar structures and words that I use to communicate are very elementary and simple, as I only have one year of basic in-class Japanese instruction from which I can pull from. My friend was not not convinced by my self-doubt: “And….? で、、、?”

The point which he wanted to make was that regardless of how I feel about my own language ability, in his own opinion, I am able to properly and articulately express myself.

Truly, if you think about your own native language, the words and grammar structures you use with your friends on a daily basis are not really that complicated or sophisticated! It would be strange if we always spoke formally and academically to each other… For my fellow American friends, it would be weird if someone tried to use as many SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test; American standardized college-entrance exam) words as possible in each sentence, right? The same logic applies to any other language. The goal of daily communication with friends is to convey ideas, stories, and feelings in your own words; it doesn’t need to sound like a well-formulated speech or essay. Of course, there are other more formal situations in which word choice and difficulty are of great importance however, when in a relaxed setting with friends, the poise and complexity of words and grammar is arguably not as important.

With my own goal to be able to communicate easily with friends, I realized that rather than getting frustrated that I cannot (yet) pass an upper-level language exam, I should be satisfied with the fact that I know enough common phrases and expressions to successfully share ideas, stories, and emotions with others. Clearly, the more I engage in conversation with others, the more I will be able to naturally pick up on new words and concepts. Consequently, I will then have a larger variety of ways in which I can express myself and will be able to let my personality shine through a bit more. A fear of sounding “childish” or “unrefined” should never hold me back from speaking- if you can use the language skills you have to successfully communicate your point, then you’re doing just fine.

Looking back to when I first came to Japan at 15, I couldn’t speak any Japanese and the most frustrating thing was feeling as if I couldn’t accurately portray my personality through language and word choice. Certainly, at that time my language ability held me back from being able to do so properly. As I have continued to learn Japanese and spend time here, my Japanese friends have slowly gotten to know my personality, and despite still generally relying on simple grammar and simple words, I feel that I am able to adequately express myself. I’m no longer frustrated. To me, that is what is most important!

Academic Usage

On the other hand, there is an important side to languages that is more formal and academic in nature which requires knowledge of more refined and varied grammar and vocabulary. This kind of language learning is a different way of communicating than with friends and emphasizes the way in which things are being communicated rather than just the general content of what is being said. I have always been jealous of my friends who are able to carefully pick out the deeper historical meaning of a word by dissecting the kanji characters and linguistic roots. I envy the way in which they have so many different ways of expressing themselves. I would, however, like to point out that this jealousy still has not motivated me to pick up a book and actually do some studying of my own (lol).

This kind of academic language is especially useful when making a speech, writing an article, conducting an academic discussion, etc. Or also when writing a blog, I suppose! It is quite handy to have your brain work like a thesaurus, armed with many different words that can convey a similar meaning, but with different undertones and nuances. As opposed to colloquial language, which is carried out naturally and without pause, academic language takes a bit more time, though, and brainpower. There are a lot more memorization and a lot more studying that is required to reach this kind of fluency and language usage.

Even for an illiterate colloquial Japanese speaker like myself, I have had to delve into the world of complex Japanese linguistics while doing my work as a hospital research assistant. Working on psychology and psychiatry studies, I have been asked by supervisors to translate questionnaires from English to Japanese, forcing me to think deeply about the specific contextual meaning that each word carries. In order to translate these questionnaires accurately, I had to meet with my professors and use my rudimentary Japanese to describe the emotions and feelings which differentiate the word “force” from “coerce” so that we could also decide upon the proper Japanese word. Given that the questionnaires are surrounding psychiatric populations, a single word or grammatical difference in a question or statement can change a patient’s response entirely.

Usually, this kind of linguistic ability is what is reflected in the JLPT tests. You will have an opportunity to show off your hard work on learning kanji, vocabulary, and gradually more complex grammar structures. It goes without saying that academic language is widely useful and as well as an incredible feat to master!

Reflecting on Fluency

When you look up the definition of the word fluency, this is the definition that pops up: “able to express oneself easily and articulately.” When someone directly asks me “Are you fluent in Japanese?”, my immediate response has always been no. I cannot understand complex vocabulary, I struggle to perfectly deliver sentences in Keigo, and I most importantly simply lack confidence in my own ability. Going by the “easy and articulate” definition of fluency, I would say that indeed I am not fluent when working in my research environment. I also am far from fluent in written Japanese… FAR from it.

However, when I give myself a little more grace, I do believe that I am able to express myself properly enough when having everyday conversations with my friends. My conversations are easy and I am able to articulate myself well enough that I do not feel the same frustration I did when I first landed in Japan at 15 years old. Maybe there is no need for me to vehemently refute the compliments I receive from my Japanese friends. Even if I am not quite yet comfortable with considering myself “fluent,” I think that we need to erase the image that language fluency requires you to become a living dictionary or thesaurus.

If I could go back in time to that dinner a few nights ago, I think I would change my response.

“Thank you, I’m really happy to hear that! I’ll continue to work hard! ありがとう。それを聞いて、すごく嬉しいんだ。これからもっともっと頑張ります!”

▶Check BORDERLESS HOUSE language exchange program 
▶Learn Japanese by living with Japanese local at BORDERLESS HOUSE
▶Tips and Advice from the Experts : Learning Languages from Home Q&A

【Staff Interview】As a graduate from Harvard University, how did Claire join Borderless House?

Hi, this is Ting from Borderless House!
Today we are having an interview with our American staff member – Claire, who is also the only Borderless House member from a western country.

I am very curious that how Claire feels about working abroad in Japan, where is famed for intense work culture and the work environment differs greatly from an American workplace, also how does she think about the working environment at Borderless House? Is there any moment that makes her feel hard because of cultural differences? Do any interesting episodes or difficulties occur between her and her colleagues because of the cultural diversity at the workplace?

In the meantime, let us get a brief look at what Claire’s currently working on and how a regular workday looks like as a Borderless House staff!

Working culture and environment

ーHow is your day going, Claire?
My day is going really well!

We had our usual morning meeting, except today we shared stories about times when we experienced cultural misunderstandings or surprises at the workplace or within the sharehouses. As an American working in an international environment at Borderless House Tokyo, I was able to share how I was surprised by the company culture and international environment which I was welcomed into.

ーThat’s good to hear! Sounds like the working environment is totally different from what you thought?
Many people, including myself, have the impression that all Japanese companies are extremely strict and overwork their employees, so I was nervous about working for the first time in Japan. All these preconceptions turned out to be false! Borderless House is an environment that feels like home and like family rather than work to me. Of course, there are stressful times, but I don’t need to wait until after work gets off to feel better because I can just rely on my coworkers to help me manage the workload and ease my stress. I almost think it might be a more comfortable company culture than that which I have experienced in America!

I just finished a delicious peach jelly which was brought to the office as a gift from one of our house owners (thanks Mr. Miazawa!) and now am in the middle of working on some translations and revisions for the website.

Regular workday and responsibilities

ーIs this what a regular day looks like for you?
Yes, in terms of both eating snacks and also with the type of work (lol). On Tuesdays we have an all-company meeting including the Kansai Borderless House team and are able to discuss any recent news or ongoing difficulties that need to be solved. As for my own personal tasks, I have a pretty varied and exciting set of tasks. First off, I am involved in Japanese to English translations for the website, blog posts, and for tenant emails. I also from time to time have written my own blog posts. I also have the opportunity to help with marketing and planning for new campaigns and company initiatives. One of those new campaigns is the Online Language Exchange which takes place every Tuesday night, and I have really enjoyed participating with other tenants from a variety of different countries. On Saturdays I also have been assisting with our online information sessions, both in Japanese and in English, showing individuals what life inside one of our share houses really looks like. Spoiler alert: it’s super fun and exciting!

ーThere are various tasks you work on! As far as I know, other than those regular tasks, we always need your opinions and suggestions, since we have 50% non-Japanese tenants, non-Japanese staffs’ advice is always helpful to us!
Yeah, as the sole staff member from a Western country, I do my best to provide some personal cultural insight into how we can best spread our information and concept to other groups of people outside of Japan and Asia. It may look like a lot, but I have so much fun each week helping out and really believe in Borderless House, so I want to do my best to help it thrive!

A journey from Borderless House resident to Borderless House staff

ーBy the way, how did you find your way to Borderless House? You were first a resident right?
Yeah, that’s right! I moved into Borderless House Iidabashi House last year in August and only became a staff member this year in March. Between August and December, I was settling into life in Japan and realized that my schedule was not really full which was causing me to feel really unfulfilled. I knew that I should try and make the most of my time in Japan, but I just didn’t have any clear idea of what I should do to fill my time.

ーSo what’s the trigger that makes you want to work with us?
The reason that I decided to work for Borderless House was that I was so grateful to Borderless House for providing me with a sharehouse family that I wanted to give back. I wanted to help promote Borderless House outside of Japan and let more foreigners know about this company. As there was no native English-speaking staff at the time, I also felt that I could help with company interactions with foreign residents!

ーCould you share more details with us about the processes of becoming a staff
The first time that I pursued a position at Borderless House was in October during the Borderless House Sports Festival. Prior to that, I’d had some really great conversations with the Borderless House staff members when they had come to the house for move-ins, move-outs and maintenance. The staff always were so willing to talk candidly with me and they had only positive things to say about the company when I asked what the company environment was like. I already had personally experienced the positive effects of Borderless House’s efforts and so I wanted to be a part of the staff who made it all happen! That October, while covered in sweat and flour (from one of the games we played), I nervously approached Mr. Lee, the company president, to express interest in working at Borderless House and after filling out an official application in February the process was finalized in March. I haven’t had any regrets since!

People who work at Borderless House

ーThat sounds amazing! We would like to hear more about Borderless House staff!So what are your coworkers like? Who do you get to work with?
Given the type of tasks that I do within the company, I am really lucky that I get to interact with almost every single member of the staff. I also have the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with our company president, Mr. Lee, to discuss new programs and website initiatives.I really appreciate the communicative and collaborative environment which is fostered by the staff. For example, when we have staff meetings, we are encouraged to bring up ideas and comments, even if it is in regard to a project which we may not be directly working on.
Also, I have really enjoyed taking my lunch break in the office with other staff members to talk about our own international experiences, and our future goals and dreams. As one of the younger staff members, I feel that I have a lot to learn from my co-workers and I love hearing everyone’s life story. Sometimes these conversations even carry on past working hours and into dinners and nights at izakayas together.

ーWhat is your personal opinion of Borderless House?
My experiences both as a tenant and as a staff member have left me with an overwhelmingly positive opinion of Borderless House.
Borderless House has a massive heart for bringing people together and serving its tenants well. I think that as a tenant, I was able to feel the family environment of Borderless House in my own house community. Now as a staff member, I feel that my Borderless House family has grown and expanded to include all tenants in all houses as well as all of my co-workers.
I think that the social mission of Borderless House is also extraordinarily unique and impactful. It is not very often that you are given the opportunity to live with an entire house of people who share different backgrounds and different beliefs than you. Borderless House teaches you how to listen and learn well from others and I truly believe that for tenants who fully embrace the mission of living at Borderless House, they will leave their share house as a better version of themselves.all of our tenants leave as a better version.

ーSo how would you describe the company?
In just a few phrases, I would describe it as a family away from home, people-oriented buss, international, and growth-minded.

Any last comments or lessons you learned during your time at Borderless House?

I think most importantly, I was able to realize that doing meaningful work is the key to happiness in my own professional life. As someone who has not mastered Japanese and struggled to find a job in Japan where I felt that I was making a difference, I finally felt like I was able to contribute in a meaningful way at Borderless House. Of course, there is paperwork and other computer-based tasks that need to be completed, but at the end of the day, I am able to go home to a house full of friends and realize why I am working so hard every single day. I have faith now that there are jobs and companies that will be ready to serve people and to make a difference in the world- I just need to find them!

Lastly, to all of the readers, I think it goes without saying, I would highly recommend trying out Borderless House life for yourself!





【Tenant’s Story】Sharing times together as a big “family” is the best cure for loneliness during quarantine

I’m Danielle and I’ve been living in Borderless House in Kyoto since January of this year. It’s been a month since the state of emergency has officially been lifted from most of Japan and life seems to almost have gone back to what it was like before COVID-19, but concerns and fears still loom over us as the pandemic is still active and borders are still (mostly) closed.

It must be hard or nearly impossible to imagine what life is like in a sharehouse during the pandemic, maybe even scary to think that 10-20 people all live under the same roof. How do we keep safe, what measures did we take and what did our daily life look like? Here’s my story from our sharehouse!

Every day was a different kind of interesting and fun experience

The Nationwide State of Emergency was declared mid-April and with it, we were requested to stay home. Right before the declaration, we planned on traveling together but all these plans were ultimately canceled as the situation grew worse and were instead replaced by events and “parties” mostly inside the house. There were only very few times we went outside and we did our best to keep the social distance.

The house mostly consists of students who had their classes moved online or canceled completely, and all of us became “hermits”. Some of us had our daily routine reduced to sitting in front of the computer all day and occasionally going out to the supermarket or the close convenience store. More and more, we would spend time together in the kitchen cooking together, sharing a meal, and talking about daily struggles and aspirations for “after this is all over”. The living room became lively with daily tourneys of “Smash Brothers” on the Switch or a quiet study session. Every now and then we had a different type of food “party”. And sometimes there would be quieter days where everyone’s in their rooms: studying, job hunting, or working. Every day was a different kind of interesting and fun experience.

Of course, we tried our best and took the measures we deemed necessary to protect ourselves as much as possible: everyone who leaves the house wore a mask, outside and in the house, or made sure to reduce direct interaction with those who are always in the house, we had (and still have) an alcohol dispenser we use frequently especially while in the kitchen, and of course, we make sure to air out the house and wash our hands often. Those of us who felt these measures weren’t enough simply stuck more to their rooms and avoided the crowded spaces, also keeping the recommended social distance.

That’s not to say that there wasn’t tension between housemates due to the situation and our decisions, so we ended up sitting down and sharing our difference in opinions, personal suggestions, and decided our own house guidelines. We came to the conclusion that “canceling having fun” is not necessary and will not guarantee our safety in such a big house, and those who are worried should take the extra measures they see right for themselves.

Looking back, that was the best decision, sharing these isolated times together as a big “family” is the best cure for loneliness so many people must have felt during quarantine, I’m glad I have people I shared those times with!

Share time together at “cleaning parties”

One of the bigger struggles for the house was when the toilet paper panic happened. In a house with 15+ people who due to the situation are all always staying at home, one pack of toilet paper wouldn’t last even half a week. Luckily, as we’re all from different nationalities, we could easily buy more than one pack of toilet paper even when there was a restriction of one-per-household. Alongside the toilet paper shortage, there was also the mask shortage so for a while some of us walked without masks (we really searched for them everywhere!) until one of our kind housemates sewed everyone their own washable trendy masks!

Another thing we did both to keep the house clean and to share time together is “cleaning parties”. Usually, we have the essential cleaning duties each member must do every week, but once in a while we’d gather everyone who’s free and host a cleaning event – we clean all the areas of the house in-depth to make sure we live in a hygienic and healthy environment as we’re always home.

Don’t forget: fun is not canceled!

One way to go out but also to avoid the crowds is to go out into nature, where there are almost no people and a lot of fresh clean air. That’s why whenever we wanted to go out to experience Kyoto and take a breather from the narrow walls of our house, we would go to places like Kiyotaki River, or Katsura River (close to Arashiyama) which were almost empty of people.

In these times of uncertainty and worry, the housemates were all actively sharing their knowledge and information from their respective countries and all of us were open to discussion. We would compare the different strategies of our countries to handling the situation and share bizarre stories that the situation caused in different places. Thanks to the flow of information we were able to have proportions on the situation but also be aware of the dangers. Most importantly, we are grateful that in such dire times when some people are forced into isolation we were able to spend time with so many people and realize that we’re not alone.

Life in a sharehouse ultimately didn’t put us under more risk, it helped us stay strong and know that we’re not alone. These times at home made us realize how much more time we have for ourselves and others when we do our work or classes from home but also how important it is to have something that will keep you busy: a job, a project, a hobby, or even just company. During this time, I learned to appreciate my time with others but also my time alone, I picked up new hobbies and read more, I learned to appreciate the outside and just taking a stroll down our quiet neighborhood felt like a breath of fresh air. I learned new things about Japan, other cultures, and myself. All of this and more was thanks to the sharehouse. These past months were a blur, but it’s a blur of good memories with people I grew to love and care about for the rest of my life.

Stay safe everyone and don’t forget: fun is not canceled!



Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.












Living At A Share House Opens Doors To The Local Culture And Community

Moving to another country is a big step in anyone’s life. It can be stressful to think about find accommodation, work, friends in a foreign country, and mix in the lifestyle there.

Many foreigners who move to another country, prefer to live with people to avoid getting lonely. Sharing an apartment with flatmates is also comparatively cheaper than renting a studio apartment by themselves. However, when moving to another country, it can be difficult to find people who are willing to co-rent an apartment.

Fortunately, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan offer share houses, to ensure the comfort of the moving foreigners. They are suitable accommodation for people that wish to co-rent a space and want to save money on buying furniture and appliances.

Share houses are rental places with private rooms and shared spaces like the kitchen and dining area. People from different backgrounds live together at a share house and learn from each other. Share houses are quite popular amongst young people with a penchant for exploring the new and exciting.

Local Friends And Acquaintances

In some countries, people are apprehensive when talking to foreigners and are less likely to be polite or helpful. It can be difficult to become friends with the local people in such a country. Sometimes the only friends and acquaintances that a foreigner makes are people from work. A limited social life and a feeling of not belonging can leave you frustrated and sad.

When living at a share house, you get an opportunity to interact with both non-citizen residents or expats and the local people of the country. You will be meeting these people in the shared spaces of the house like home theatre, living room, kitchen, etc. and are likely to become friends if you have similar personalities or interests. This is how you can end up making friends in the local community.

Being friends with locals can expose you to the local culture and community. They will open doors to freely explore the country during your stay.

Local Customs And Basic Communication

One reason why the locals are apprehensive of foreigners is that they feel that their customs are misunderstood and disrespected by those who don’t share them. When you live with the locals or become friends with them, you can observe their customs and learn them. The way that the locals speak, greet, and the topics that interest them vary from country to country. From your local housemates, you can learn these customs and communicate efficiently.

You will also be able to learn their table manners and eating etiquette. Whenever visiting a restaurant or eating lunch with colleges, you will be able to earn bonus points for following local etiquettes and can prevent feeling like you don’t fit.

For example, In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. It can either be a small nod or a deep bend. Greeting with a deep bow, it is seen as a sign of respect.

Similarly, in Taiwan, you are expected to sit with your hands on the front or in your lap, as opposed to spreading them and taking up space. Spreading your legs while sitting somewhere and obstructing the way is also considered impolite by the people.

Festivals And Seasonal Events

The festivals and seasonal events celebrated in various countries are different, even New Year is celebrated differently in most countries.

Festivals and seasonal events are epitomes of cultural activities, food, clothing, entertainment. It is a privilege to experience cultural gatherings of communities on their celebrated occasions.

For example, Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival and Biennial Butterfly Beauty Festival are two festivals that can only be witnessed in Taiwan. Similarly, Seollal or Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok are very enthusiastically celebrated in South Korea.

When sharing a house with locals, you can ask them to let you accompany them to festivals and events. You can ask them about the activities conducted and why people celebrate a particular festival. It will not only increase your general knowledge of the place and help you feel included but will also open your eyes to a world you had never known before.

And who knows, maybe some of your housemates will invite you home, to experience celebrating the festival the local way with their families.

Local Foods

Countries with rich culinary histories have given some recipe or dish to the global food market, that is obsessed over by many. The Chinese have the credit for noodles and dumplings, the Mexicans have their tacos, the Americans eat hamburgers, the Japenese have given the world Sushi, and the South Koreans have made Kimchi and Bulgogi famous. However, are these the meals that the local Mexican, American, or Japanese people consume every day? No, they are not.

While these foods are popular, they are not what the locals eat daily. For example, when moving to Japan, you will find many restaurants that serve multiple types of Sushi. But when you live with a Japanese local, you will be able to eat ramen, gyudon beef bowls, dashi soup stock, fish, and rice cake, amongst other local dishes. Similarly, A local in Taiwan will be able to introduce you to Zong Zi, Oyster Omelet, Minced Pork, etc.

Living with local people will enable you to observe and experience their eating habits. Every culture has some easy to make soul food or some traditional dish that is not sold at restaurants and diners.

When a local housemate at your share house cooks their traditional food, it will be culturally authentic and not modified to make it five-star. It will taste like home and is the best way to expose yourself to the local way of living.

Local Language

In some countries, it can be difficult to make friends and navigate around the city if you do not know the local language. In some countries, the names of shops, lanes, and train stations are often written in the local language. You can learn how to reach from office to home and from home to office and can interact with most people in English, but if you need to visit the local clinic or shop, you will find it difficult to communicate your needs. There can be misunderstanding and confusion when trying to understand each other.

At such a time, having a local friend or housemate can be a blessing. Not only can they accompany you for your doctor’s appointment, but they can also help you learn how to write, read, and speak the local language if you plan to stay in the country for longer.

When someone in the group is unable to understand the local language, people often unintentionally end up excluding them from the conversation. Foreigners experience such situations in countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. For example, people in these countries prefer to speak in Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin, Hindi, and Korean. Someone who doesn’t the local language may feel different and left out.

Regular conversations with native speakers of a language are the best way to get fluent in speaking a language. In no time, you will be able to understand the talk between your local colleagues and reply to them, if you are sharing the house with a native speaker.

Deeper Understanding Of National Character And Values

It is easier to learn the customs and language of a country, but quite challenging to understand their values, perspectives, and lifestyle. The way of living in the West and the East are very different. While individualism and independence are cherished in the West, in the East local communities are valued more. Whereas, in the Asian Continent, many countries are passionate about family values, culture, and religious beliefs.

Understanding the culture and perspective of local people is very essential to understanding their lifestyle and priorities. When living at a share house with the local people, you will be able to get a better idea of the local values. Do people respect the elderly? Are patience and punctuality considered essential virtues in the country? Do people often discuss the climate, is it associated with certain traditional myths? When living with a local person, you will learn a lot about the way of thinking of the locals of the country.

This will make it easier for you to converse with them. You will also be able to understand them instead of judging the way they live. This will make you a better human and will enhance your personality.

Local Information

Every country has some areas most visited by the locals. They serve the best local dishes and provide cheap shopping opportunities in such areas. With local friends from your share house by your side, you will be able to take your sightseeing and exploring to the next level. You can avoid tourist destinations and activities and live the way locals do.

If you’re moving to Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea and wish to move into a share house, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE. At share houses by BORDERLESS HOUSE, we have an equal ratio of foreigners and local housemates, to ensure that the foreigners are exposed to the local culture and community.