Choose The Best Locality To Rent A Share House In Taiwan!

If you will hold a meaningful conversation with people belonging from different corners of the world about their likes and dislikes, undoubtedly, you will come across many individuals who will describe traveling to new places as their favorite hobby. Many people will accept that visiting new places inspires them and aids them in learning new things. Some people will also confess that traveling works for them like yoga. It fills them with a new zeal for life, especially, traveling to the countries in the East.

Yes, traveling to the East has emerged as a new obsession for the travel junkies in the past few years. Discovering the East, its way of life, its culture, its habits, and traditions, has turned out to be a new fascination with the common people. Some individuals claim it is so because the East is deeply rooted in the old cultures and values, and that its lifestyle brings content and peace to the human mind and soul. This belief has given birth to the new trend of temporary migration to the East.

Now, one of the many countries situated in the East that has fascinated a lot of people with its customs and traditions, and which has attracted many travelers in the past few years is the country of Taiwan! Yes, Taiwan is an island country that is located in East Asia, and that is popularly known as the “heart of Asia.” This country is loved by migrants so much so that it topped the global rankings for ex-pats to live in the year 2016.

The major reason for this status and popularity enjoyed by the nation includes causes like the cheap and practical lifestyle of the country. People in Taiwan lead a simple and easy life. But still, the country boasts of a remarkable education system and strong infrastructure. In Taiwan, the convenience stores open 24*7, and they are present in every nook and corner of the country. Apart from this, the people here are also very friendly, and they never miss a chance of helping others even when the people in need are strangers to them.

So, if you too are one of these people who are thinking about moving to the East temporarily, then you must consider visiting Taiwan. While you are there, you can look for a share house, where you can stay for the duration of your visit. However, for those of you who are not sure about the localities in Taiwan where you should try to find accommodation, here is a list that you might find useful! Go, check it out?

What are the best localities to rent in Taiwan?

If you are moving to Taiwan and you are looking for a share house for accommodation purposes, then here is the list of localities that you should bother checking out to find a residence. Here you go!

So, you love shopping?

Well, I have met some people during my traveling excursions who describe shopping as a therapeutic act. Now, I might not feel about shopping the same way but who am I to judge? Hence, for those of you who consider yourselves shopping queens, and who would love staying in a locality that is close to a marketplace, I have some recommendations that you would appreciate.

So, for all the shopaholics out there, when you are looking for a share house try searching for one in the Shilin district that is considered to be the largest and the most famous night market in Taiwan. Apart from this place, you can also look for accommodation in the Da’an district that houses some quirky boutiques which sell trendy outfits. The Gongguan and Ximen areas are the two more localities that you can consider while hunting for share house service such as BORDERLESS HOUSE.

Would like to focus on your studies?

Taiwan is home to an extraordinary education system. Every year many people move to this place in search of better education. So, if you are one such people who has moved to this country for getting access to better education, then it makes sense that you would like to stay in a place that is close to your college or university so that you won’t waste much time in commuting between the places.

So, for those you would prefer that, I would recommend finding a share house in the Da’an district of the Taipei city that is home to many educational institutions. You can also consider searching BORDERLES HOUSE in the nearby Gongguan area that is also close to the National Taiwan University. Finding a residence in such places will also give you the benefit of staying with other students.

Want to live a thrilling and exciting life?

If you are one of those people who gets easily bored with leading the same monotonous life every day, you should try finding a place of residence in localities like Ximen or Zhongxiao Fuxing Area. Now, Ximen that stands for West Gate is an exciting area that houses historic Red house theatre. Around the theatre, there are also many bars, meeting places and shops that will keep you entertained. In the Zhongxiao Fuxing Area, on the other hand, you can locate many shopping malls that house some of the biggest brands. So, if you are also a fan of brands and you only like to shop for branded goods, then this is the place that you have been looking for.

However, for those of you, who do not consider shopping or dancing as thrilling enough activities, and who would prefer staying close to arts and culture, maybe you should try researching Shilin as a viable resident locality. Shilin is home to the National Palace Museum and it houses a remarkable collection of Chinese prints and fine arts. Apart from this, the area also has serene gardens and upscale eateries.

So, if you are moving to Taiwan, then these are some localities that you can check out to find a suitable share house for your stay!

All the best!






Moving to Japan- Here is Everything You Need to Know Before Finalizing Your Move

Today, the world stands as an interconnected place where people living at different geographical locations stand no more divided by the physical borders. It is true that residents living in different countries still foster different beliefs and unlike experiences, but the internet and mobiles have done a lot to bring people close to each other and to eradicate the differences. The nations have realized the importance of working together and are thus, contributing to make this world an interlinked global space.  

New opportunities for trading and business are also opening up as a result. Many countries that require manpower are enticing ex-pats by providing good packages and windows to prosper. Following this, large scale migrations have taken place in the past few years. Japan is one country that is benefitting from these changing norms. 

Japan is a popular destination among people who desire to move to a new place. The reason behind this has mostly to do with the country’s fast-paced growth. Now, Japan is a country that is rapidly climbing the growth ladder. People here are working innovatively and diligently to make the world a bustling, growing, and pleasant place. The delicious food that is native to this country adds more to its appeal. The traditions and customs that are respected and practiced here to this day also work in its favor. 

So, if you are also one of those people who are quite fascinated by this country and would like to know some more about it before deciding whether you want to move here or not, then you will find this article useful. So, are you ready? Well then, come, let’s start! 

What do you need to know about Japan? 

Every country has its own norm and culture that you are expected to be familiar with it in order to glide into the lifestyle of that region easily. So, if you are seriously considering migrating to Japan, then here is a list of things that will do you good to know well in advance.  

The cost of living in Japan 

Before moving to any new place, one of the few things that people must consider is the cost of living. Now, the cost of living in a place can broadly be described as the amount that you will be spending in meeting the basic necessities upon living there. 

The cost of living in Japan is very high. One can understand this by the mere fact that Japan is considered one of the costliest places to live in the whole world. On an average basis, the monthly cost of living here is about 2500 to 2700 USD. The reason for this is the fact that Japan is an island country and is surrounded by water on all sides. As a result, a lot of stuff is imported in Japan, which makes a living here so expensive. 

Transportation cost

If you are about to move to Japan, it makes sense to know about the transportation rules and regulations followed here. In Japan, despite the high cost of living, transportation fares are not unreasonable. Most of the people here prefer using the metro or buses as means of commutation. The metro charges about 1.50 USD, while traveling through the bullet train makes you 185 USD lighter. 

However, if you are not up for using the efficient public transport in Japan, then you can obviously use your own vehicle to commute between places. Japan drives on the left side of the road, and the signage here can be found in English or Romaji. International driving permits are allowed here, and the driver could use it in Japan for up to one year. 

English or Japanese 

Upon visiting the country and interacting with the local clan, you will see that the Japanese people are very warm and welcoming. The natives here are really polite, and they are very accepting of others. However, one issue that you might face here is related to language. If you are migrating to Japan and do not have proper command over your Japanese, you can find it challenging to navigate your way here. You can find English signage and announcements, but it is not the general norm in Japan except for at major tourist destinations. Most natives here do not speak English, and some are simply shy to interact in a foreign language. However, in big cities like Tokyo, you can always spot University students who will be happy to help you. 

Safety concerns 

No one wants to live in a dangerous place where their life or the life of their family members is in peril. Hence, it is a wise decision to be sure about the safety of a place before migrating. Now in terms of safety concerns, Japan is one of the best places to build a life. The crime rate here is very low, albeit, a large population. However, despite its low crime rate, one must bear in mind that Japan cannot be precisely termed as safe because of the natural calamities that this country witnesses. Every few years, the nation faces one disaster or other, but progressive work is being done in this department too. 

Renting costs 

In Japan, owning a property can make you rich. The renting expenses here are unusually high, especially when we are talking about big cities like Tokyo. However, there is one visible solution that you can use to solve your renting problems, that is sharehouses. Yes, sharehouses or borderless houses are spaces where people who belong from different countries share accommodation. Here you can rent a place to live at minimal costs. Generally, you are required to deposit 30,000 yen to make a reservation at the borderless house. However, at present, there is this autumn campaign under which no key money needs to be deposited. Another advantage of living here is that in Borderless House share houses, you find a friendly ambiance. Since both natives and foreigners live here under the same roof, therefore, forming bonds becomes relatively easy in sharehouses. 


Education costs 

Education is the foundation of one’s character. If children have access to education and they are taught well in schools, then the chances are that they will develop into good humans. However, if education is not accessible because of some restrictions or high costs, then it can harm the growth of a country. The Japanese government and people understand this simple fact, and thus, they have developed a committed and robust education system. Both the native and foreign children here are provided free education leaving the parents to only worry about the cost of uniforms and other such small expenses. However, if you are not willing to send your children to public schools, your costs can range anywhere between 2,000,000 JPY to 2.3 million JPY annually. 

Social etiquettes 

Japan takes its social etiquettes very seriously; therefore, it will do you good to do research before you go out and about. Living in a borderless house can aid you in learning Japanese social etiquette and much more in a short time. However, for the time being, here are some basic things that you would need to know before settling in Japan. 

For one thing, before visiting Japan, you may want to know about the greeting etiquettes. In Japan, the traditional manner of greeting requires one to bow down before another person. This would mean bending at your waist level while keeping your back straight. It is essential to note down here that the lower status person bows down first and more deeply compared to the elder. 

Another thing about the Japanese etiquettes is that it is generally considered disrespectful to wear outside shoes inside homes or temples in Japan. The general custom is to change your shoes in favor of the inside slippers provided by the hosts. In many hotels, a separate set of slippers is offered to go to the washroom, which you must remember to not wear outside of the toilets. 

In Japan, people traditionally use chopsticks to eat their food. Upon eating outside, you might come across many places that do not provide any alternative. Thus, it might do you some good to learn eating with chopsticks, and honestly, it’s not that hard. However, when you are using chopsticks, you might want to keep in mind a couple of things. You should never rub your chopsticks against each other to rid them of the residue. Such behavior is considered rude. Also, when you are done eating, you should never leave your sticks sticking into the bowls as that signifies a funeral. 

Finding work

Finding a job in Japan is not exactly a difficult task, at least not as hard as it used to be a couple of decades ago. Presently, if you own a University degree and you have a refined skillset, then finding work in big cities like Tokyo is not impossible. One thing that can probably help you get hired in Tokyo as a foreigner is your command of Japanese. If you are proficient in the language and can speak it well, it should probably work to your advantage. 

Now BORDERLESS HOUSE provides Housing and Career program that helps foreigners to land a job in Japan successfully while living in an international share house with locals. Join the 

So, these are some crucial facts about Japan that you must be aware of if you are considering moving here. 

 Have a good day! 


[서포터즈] 보들보들3기 사전 오리엔테이션


안녕하세요 보더리스 하우스 서울지점입니다
오늘은 보들보들 서포터즈 3기분들과 사전 오리엔테이션을 진행했습니다~!
코로나 상황이 악화되고 있는 만큼 면접과 오리엔테이션
모두 줌 미팅으로 하게 되었어요

직접 만나지 못한 것은 아쉽지만 각자 편한 장소에서
만나게 되어 조금 더 긴장을 풀고 대화를 나눌 수 있는 시간이었습니다
그럼 이제 오늘 진행한 오리엔테이션을 순서대로 소개해 보겠습니다!

스텝 & 서포터즈 소개

이번 오리엔테이션에는 스탭 네분과 서포터즈분들
일곱분이 모두 참여해서 각자 소개하는 시간을 가졌어요
처음엔 조금 어색했지만 자연스럽게 얘기를 이어가며
취미나 관심사 같은 다양한 것을 공유할 수 있었답니다

보들보들3기 모집글:

입주하우스 안내

미리 보더리스 하우스 중 보들보들분들이 배우고 싶은 언어나
혹은 성향 등을 
고려해 입주 하우스를 정한 뒤 오늘 하우스 배정을 완료했답니다!코로나 때문에 자주 만나기 힘든 상황을 생각해 대규모 하우스에는
보들보들분들을 함께 배정하며 프로그램 진행에도 도움이 될 수 있도록 했어요~


활동프로그램 소개

이번 보들보들 3기 분들과 함께 할 활동은 크게 2가지로 기획을 했는데
오늘은 VLT [Virtual Local Trip]라는 프로그램에 대해서
일본 보더리스 지사의 스탭분을 초청해 프로그램의 내용과
다음 오리엔테이션까지 준비해야 할 과제에 대해 설명을 들었답니다

활동 안내는 영어로 모두 진행하였지만 마지막에 스탭분이 다시
한국어로 정리를 해주셔서 큰 어려움은 없었어요

설명을 들은 후에는 가볍게 다른 나라 지점에서 운영했던 내용들을
영상으로 살펴보며 프로그램 맛보기시간을 가졌습니다~


사전에 VLT [Virtual Local Trip] in 홍콩의 참여 안내가 있었기 때문에
참여하셨던 보들보들 분들의 소감 또한 들어볼 수 있었어요

” 대중적으로 알려진 여행지가 아닌 실제 현지인들이
아는 맛집이나 장소를 알 수 있어 좋았다.”
라고 공통된 의견들이 나왔는데요
이 것이 바로 이 프로그램만의 장점이 아닐까 싶어요


여러 나라의 보더리스 메이트들과 각자의 나라를 소개하며
숨겨진 명소나 맛집을 추천하는 VLT,
2월에 진행할 한국 소개가 벌써 기대됩니다

보더리스 오리지널 프로그램:

(+자투리 시간) 호칭 정하기

이번에 저희 보들보들분들 중에 이름이 서로 같은 분이 계셔서
잠깐 다음 설명으로 넘어가기 전 자투리 시간을 활용해
호칭 정하는 시간을 가졌어요!

이왕 호칭을 정하는 김에 다른 분들도 함께
영어나 별명으로 호칭을 부르기로했어요


하우스에서 생활하다 보면 외국인 친구들이 이름을 부를 때
발음이 어려운 경우도 있어서 미리 이렇게 이름을 정해서
부르다 보면 입주했을 때도 좀 더 쉽게 자신의 이름을 말할 수 있으실 거예요

여기까지 이번 보들보들 사전 오리엔테이션 소개를 해보았는데요
다들 너무 열심히 참여해 주셔서 감사합니다~!

이번 서포터즈는 프로그램이 많이 추가된 만큼
하고자 하는 의지만 있다면 그보다 더 큰 가치를 얻어가실 수 있을 거예요
그러니 함께 노력해 꼭 자신만의 가치를
찾아갈 수 있는 시간이되길 바라겠습니다

What to do in Japan in December?

Covid-19 has sure been a bewildering and eye-opening event for the whole world. The present year, as a result of it, has been nothing short of a surprise. People have been confined to their homes and industries have been forced to shut down in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Some of the strongest economies were bought to their knees by the deadly Covid-19 virus. But gratefully, things are improving now, and the world is opening up slowly. Japan is also steadily recovering and the travel restrictions are uplifting gradually.

As of now, the government in Japan has allowed international travel for those people who own a business or residence visa. There have been talks in the media about opening the borders of Japan for tourists before the spring season sets in. But, till then, for those of you who are planning on visiting Japan on business trips this year, here are some tips on what you can do while you are in Japan. Hope you have a great time!

What you shouldn’t miss if you are in Japan in December?

Winters in Japan are one of the best times to visit this nation. During the end of the year the widespread winter illuminations, the eagerness to welcome a new year, the first snowfall, and the start of the ski season set people in a great mood. The crisp air of the winters and the white-mountain tops popping against the azure backgrounds make the scenery of Japan even more picturesque. So, if you are someone who gets an opportunity to visit Japan during this season, then here is what you can do to make the most of your trip!

Winter illuminations
The winter illuminations in Japan, which take place during the month of December, increase the beauty of this place manifold. Donned in pretty lights, the grounds and stadiums in Japan look absolutely stunning in winters. This event is, without a doubt, the country’s one of the top attractions. So, if you get a chance to attend this event, you should definitely not miss the opportunity. These events are held all across Japan and you can visit either any of them or all of them as you please. They are generally held until after New Year’s.

Maybe the Japanese people have got something for lights! While they excel themselves every year with winter illuminations, they are also great at surprising the visitors with lit-up night skies. In December, Japan makes a lavish display of its fireworks. You can track most of these displays all over Tokyo. So, if you have a thing for fireworks, you can either attend the Shiodome Lights Display that runs from November to February or you can go to the Midtown Christmas Event nearby Roppongi station that begins on November 15.

Christmas celebrations

Since Christmas is primarily a western celebration it is not observed in Japan with as much zeal as it receives in the US or UK. However, one can still witness people greeting each other on Christmas eve. Most people in Japan put up the decorations and go on romantic dates, but gift exchange is not a priority among Japanese people. So, if you are expecting a Christmas turkey or maybe a Christmas cake, I will say you are setting your hopes too high.

Ramen Expo
For those of you who are self-proclaimed food lovers, we have a surprise, the Ramen Expo in Osaka. Every year in Japan, in Osaka this month-long event is organized. Held on every weekend of December, the expo brings together about 40 noodle vendors at one place. What is great is that they charge no admission fee to enter the premises. So, if you have a foodie in you, what more are you waiting for?!

For those of you who love the adrenaline rush, here is another treat, which is snowboarding. Japan is one of the best locations to enjoy snow sports and snowboarding is one of the main attractions. Every year many foreigners visit Japan to especially enjoy snowboarding. You can find several world-class resorts in Hokkaido or Hakuba. Many resorts are accessible from Tokyo also.

Skiing is one of the favorite outdoor activities of people in Japan. While heavy snowfalls don’t arrive till late December, most of the skiing resorts are up and functioning by mid of December. Even if there is not much snowfall by then, you don’t have to worry because the resort staff compensates for it by using artificial snow. Now, you can’t let the weather ruin your fun, can you?! Plus, another advantage of visiting the skiing resort is the hot baths. Most of the skiing resorts
in Japan function as hot spring resorts as well. The ones that are not, generally, have a selection of onsen bathing spots nearby. After a long day of skiing, the hot bath relaxes your body and calms your mind. They are absolutely fun and something that no one should ever miss!

Chichibu night festival
Chichibu is a traditional night festival that is celebrated in Japan every year. Anyone who is interested in traveling to the Chichibu shrine that is located in Chichibu city, approximately 90 minutes away from Tokyo city can participate in this festival. The celebrations begin on 1 st December and last for 6 days. You can visit the Chichibu shrine any day during this period, but attending this parade that is organized with massive floats and fireworks on 3 rd December is greatly recommended.

Namahage Festivals

If you are in Japan and you would like to attend something that is unique and traditional, then the Namahage Festival will delight your spirit. This distinctive festival that is held in Oga City, Akita Prefecture on New Year’s eve is something that you would have never witnessed before if you have come to Japan for the first time. In this festival, you will come across performers dressed as Namahage, who is a demonic boogeyman in Japanese folklore, who will dance and glower to entertain the audience. You can also enjoy a little dance and some
good music to make the evening a fine experience. So, that is all about the events that you can enjoy if you are in Japan in December. Tip: Do check in with the organizers if you are planning on attending any of these events. Due to Covid-19, the schedules may have changed or the events may have certain restrictions.

What to eat if you are in Japan during winters?

If you are in Japan during the cold winters, then we will advise you to try the traditional food of Japan, to make the most of your experience. After all, how can you claim to know Japan, if you haven’t enjoyed its local food?
Now, on that note, tasting the local dishes of Japan, of course, means trying a variety of dishes. However, our personal recommendations are hot pot dishes. These are called Nabe in Japanese. They are prepared with multiple ingredients and are available in various kinds of flavors. Sukiyaki and Shabu Shabu are the other two popular winter seasonal dishes of Japan that you can try.

Where to stay if you arrive in Japan during December?

Now, because of Covid-19, finding a place to stay in Japan is not easy. After all, all the travelers who arrive in Japan during these times have to undergo a 14-day long quarantine period, before which they are not even allowed to use public transport. But you don’t need to worry about that, because we at Borderless Houses have started a campaign to offer shelter to travelers free of charge during the quarantine period. Here is more about that campaign.

2-weeks free stay
If you arriving in Japan and you need a place to stay during your quarantine period, then call us and forget all about your accommodation issues. At the borderless house, we are offering our customers a 14-day stay free of cost. Just contact us and make your reservations.

Airport pick-up service
Because until the quarantine period is over, the travelers are not allowed to use public transport, therefore, at our sharehouse, we are arranging transportation for our customers. All you need to do is to inform us about your plans and we will have your driver ready at the airport gate.

Support services
At our sharehouse, you will have our staff at your service who will explain to you all about using food delivery services. We will also inform you about the various apps that you can use in order to meet your daily necessities.

Fun activities
In order to ensure that you don’t get bored during your quarantine period, we have also organized virtual meets, language exchange programs, and online club activities with other flatmates. After all, we can’t let you die of boredom, can we?!


So, if you have your bags packed and your tickets booked for traveling to Japan, then call us at the Borderless House to arrange your stay. Have a happy and safe journey!

[취업트렌드] 언어능력은 필수!

안녕하세요. 보더리스 하우스 서울지점입니다. 
예상치 못하게 길어진 코로나 상황으로 인해 계획하셨던 일을
실행 못하신 분들도 많은 것 같습니다..
하지만 여러분의 긍정적인 마인드로 위기를 기회로 만드셨으면 좋겠어요.
집에서 나오기 힘든 지금 미래를 위해 
자기계발을 할 시기라고 생각합니다.

요새 취업 트렌드는 ‘영어 말하기 능력’ 


2020년에 들어서며 언어능력은 취업에 있어 정말 중요한 요소로 자리 잡게 되었습니다. 그럼 이러한 능력은 어떻게 키워야할까요?
학원이나 인강 혹은 독학등 다양한 선택지가 있지만 각각 비용이나 난이도 측면에서 장단점이 크게 나뉘는 것 같습니다.

그래서 오늘은 보더리스 하우스에서 준비하는 취준생활을 소개해 보려합니다!

외국인 하메들과 함께 지내며 회화 능력 기르기 


보더리스 하우스에서는 다양한 국가의 외국인 분들과 함께 생활하며
일상 속에서 언어를 배울 수 있습니다. 또한 회화를 하는 상황에 자연스레 익숙해지며 회화능력에 대한 자신감을 함께 키울 수 있답니다.

+보더리스 하우스 입주자에게만 무료로 제공되는 언어 교환, 커뮤니티 플랫폼 서비스들도 제공하고 있습니다

언어공부 + 서울라이프 -> 저렴한 비용으로!


취준생들의 취업 희망지 1위, 서울에서 최저가 1개월 45만원(하우스마다 가격 상이)가격으로 언어 공부 비용과 거주비용을 한번에 해결할 수 있어요.
또한 현재는 6개월 계약을 하면 10%할인을 하는 이벤트를 진행하고 있습니다
흔치 않은 기회입니다 여러분ㅎㅎ

하우스메이트와 취업준비 함께하기


또한 혼자 생활을 하다 보면 취업준비에 지칠 수도 있고 도움이 필요한 상황이 생길지도 모릅니다. 그래서 저희 하우스에서는 원하신다면 취준생분들이
직장인 분들과 함께 지내며 교류를 할 수 있도록 방을 매칭해 드리기도 한답니다

회사생활의 꿀팁이나 혹은 준비과정에서 어려운 부분을 물어볼 수 있는
하우스 메이트를 만날 수 있는 것이죠
언어공부와 취업 준비를 혼자가 아닌 나와 가장 가까운 하우스 메이트들과 함께 하는 생활 궁금하시지 않나요?

보더리스 하우스는 단기계약(한달가능)이 가능하니
겨울 시즌 방학동안 짧게 체험해보시는 것도 추천드립니다
+ 한달 계약은 따로 보증금 없이도 입주 가능합니다.

The Ultimate Introduction to BORDERLESS HOUSE

Hope this guide helps you to learn more about BORDERLESS HOUSE!
※Click the PowerPoint to see the details!

What is an international share house – Borderless House? 

★Concept of an international share House★

BORDERLESS HOUSE is a place that gathers young people from all over the world and makes them live under the same roof to share diverse experiences.

Our tenants are from more than 150 countries, our community is like a small version of a global village! We create a multicultural environment that people from different countries and backgrounds can have a mutual understanding. 

★Vision of Borderless House★

We hope to create an open-minded multi-cultural society that is free of discrimination. We welcome everyone who shares the same vision with us and have sympathy for our concept join us and make this world a better place!!

★Residents of Borderless House★

At Borderless House, there are half Japanese and half non-Japanese at each house, so you will have chances to practice your Japanese and learn new languages every day. In this multilingual living environment, you have many chances to brush up on your language skills!

We have an age limit – from 18~35 years old in order to build a closely tied community in more or less the same age group.

Check the interview with our tenants to see if Borderless House would be the best option for you and what does life look like at Borderless House!

What services does Borderless House provide? 

★Staff members of Borderless House★

We aim to provide great experiences that our tenants can not acquire if they live alone and focus on the quality of the community rather than just offering accommodation to our residents, we have house management teams who will support you when you have any issues in our share house.

Each staff member has made their own life-long memories through living abroad or in a sharehouse. From general inquiries about living in a sharehouse to specific questions regarding a specific house’s community and atmosphere. We assist you with any problems before and after you move in, and we are always happy to give you advice regarding any other worries you may have.

Click here to meet our staff!

★Special Programs that you can only find at Borderless House★

✦Language Exchange

Language Exchange is an online communication service that allows you to brush up your language skills while having fun chatting with other Borderless Mates.

We have 1 on 1 Language Exchange that you can choose from multiple languages! This is for those who want to utilize the time to speak with their partners. We also have a Group Language Exchange for 3~5 people, which is for those who want to listen to and acknowledge the feelings, opinions, and ideas of others.

✦Club activities 

Club activities is a program for people who share common interests and themes. You can enjoy offline activities, online activities that you can participate in anywhere, and regular offline events hosted by Borderless House.

✦Borderless Travel

You can stay for free at the Borderless House(Japan, Korea, Taiwan) overseas where you are traveling! The period of stay is from 1 week to 1 month.
Moving in is free of cost, and you will be able to stay at the house after your scheduled move-out for cheap as well.

✦Borderless Mates Library

This large library-like platform is full of knowledgeable and passionate Borderless Mates. You can search for Borderless Mates with a wide variety of charms and characters to interact with and learn from them. Because Borderless Mates not only have diverse nationalities and language abilities but also have a range of international experience in specialized careers and hobbies. Undoubtedly there are Borderless Mates around the world who have the same interests or areas of
specialization. We help you to connect with Borderless House Mates around the world!

✦Career Support 

Housing & Career Support Program is a perfect program for those who have a dream of working and living in Japan! We cooperate with a company that provides professional career support for foreigners living in Japan, such as counseling and advisory services, tips for job-hunting, Japanese business manner, resume writing and interview coaching, and essential Japanese language. We hope to help you to land a dream job in Japan!

How to make a reservation with Borderless House? 

The processes of making a reservation with us are extremely easy!

No guarantor needed! We will get you the best house suggestions right after you send us an inquiry form. In order to make sure the house you choose is the most suitable for you and to solve all of your concerns and doubts before you book the room, we will arrange a SKYPE call with you to give you all the information you need and answer your questions!

We also have some frequent answer questions, feel free to check our FAQ page!

Why Borderless House is the best choice for you if you want to experience Japan deeply? 

Make Japanese friends at once!

You will always have Japanese housemates who are interested and excited to make international friends. No Japanese language experience is required!
From the first day you arrive in Japan, you’ll be able to make Japanese friends from the comfort of your own home.

Explore Japanese culture authentically!

From exploring hidden local restaurants, attending firework festivals, to cooking traditional Japanese foods… there are many authentic experiences that you can only experience when living along with Japanese friends.
You will undoubtedly make unforgettable memories and gain a deeper love for Japan.

Residents looking for daily interaction!

Most of our tenants choose to stay at our share house because they want to participate in cultural and international exchange.
From cooking dinner together to visiting popular local areas with your housemates, every day will be full of international exchange moments!

Still, have questions for us? Feel free to message us or contact us here!

 ▶Check Share houses in Tokyo
 ▶Check Share houses in Osaka/Kyoto/Kobe





【Special Program】 Joining from America at 5 o’clock in the morning?! What makes Borderless House Language Exchange so appealing?

Hello! I’m Yuuka, the most talkative staff in Borderless House!

Today, I would like to introduce Borderless House’s original language exchange program = Group Language Exchange, which I recommend as a talkative person!

Group Language Exchange is a language exchange activity between Japanese and English which a small group of 3-5 people enjoy by talking about common topics.

・ Those who want to study in Japan when the coronavirus situation settle down
・ Those who gave up studying in Japan this year
・ Those who want to practice out Japanese in actual communication

We recommend Group Language Exchange to all of you!

And, if you are wondering about #Group Language Exchange on Borderless House Instagram and want to know more details, please continue reading!

It is worth getting up at 5 am!? Group Language Exchange participants from all over the world

Now you know the outline of Group Language Exchange, and you may be wondering what the participants are like, right?

I will let you know with some photos!

This is from November 2020.

At first glance, the online screen looks like what we often see these days …
If you look closely, you will find the participant in daylight even though the starting time was 19:30 pm JST…!

That’s right! This program is open to former residents of Borderless House, so everyone is participating from various places!
Even after returning to their home countries, former residents who want to study Japanese participate regardless of the time difference!
(I’m quietly impressed by the fact that this gathering is only possible online)

In this session, we had participants from Germany, Indonesia, the United States, France, and so on. There was a participant who got up at 5 o’clock in the morning to participate! I was very happy that they enjoyed it.

“If you want to escape from dull exercises from your textbooks, why not learn it in a more natural way by speaking to native speakers of your target language? 😆 “

A message from one of the participants to those who cannot decide to participate yet.

It will be a great opportunity to output what you learn, so we would like more people to use this program for their language learning!

Demon Slayer the recent major trend can be a topic too!? Choose your favorite topic and participate!

After checking out those fun photos, now you want to know how you could participate in this program, right?

It’s easy to join!

The dates of Group Language Exchange will be announced by email or LINE @ at the beginning of each month, so all you need to do is to register using the application form there!

After registration, the staff in charge will send you the details by email, so please check it and join us online on the day.
* Held on Zoom which allows online video chatting.

When you submit this application form, you can choose the topic you are interested in!

Topics include traveling, music, what you want to do in the future, cooking, arts, movies, animation, etc …

Recently, Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) has also become one of the topics in response to the enthusiastic requests of the participants!
It’s also popular overseas and everyone knows it. I have a feeling that it will become a common language ….!

By the way, I have seen only two episodes so far, so I’m planning to see the rest during the New Year holidays!

Worried about online participation and your language skill? Don’t worry too much!

“I’m happy to be able to choose a topic that interests me, but I’m still worried about the online communication that I am not used to and overall language skills…”

We would like to introduce you the features of Group Language Exchange that even beginners can feel at ease!

➀ Since this program is limited to those who have lived in Borderless House, many people are enthusiastic about international exchange, and you can get to know each other immediately!

➁ You will chat with 3 to 5 members in a small group, so you can get to know each other well and talk easily!

➂ There is a facilitator who will support the group, so it will be okay even if you cannot speak well.

Above all, everyone here understands how difficult to learn a second language.
So, no one will laugh at you when you try hard to find your words or cannot speak well.

Actually, many participants are willing to help you with what you do not understand. This may be the biggest feature of this program.

There are many people who want to improve their English skills just as you want to improve your Japanese skills.
That would be great if you could join us!

Lots of original programs that you can’t experience anywhere else!

I would be very happy if this blog helped you to know the details of Group Language Exchange and to make up your mind to participate!

Borderless House’s original program = Borderless Mates Program offers many more attractive programs!

“I want to connect with this kind of person!” A program where you can meet a lot of different Borderless Mates.
Club activities where you can enjoy activities together through common interests, etc.!

If you are interested, please check the website below!

★Borderless Mates Program★

What Are The Present Quarantine And Travel Restrictions In Japan?

Traveling to any place in the current year has been really tough, especially when we are talking about international journeys. Most countries in the world are switching between coming out of lockdown and preparing for the second round of complete shutdown. The circumstances have been maddening, to say the least. Now, even after one year of battling with the Covid-19 virus, the end appears nowhere in sight. As a result, the common man is stuck between dealing with his fear of catching the deadly virus, and risking his business and finances if he decides to stay where he is. Japan has been no exception to such problems.

Like every other country, the people in Japan have also been bracing tough situations. The borders were sealed here in order to protect its population from Coronavirus. But with time and vigilance of people, the situation in Japan has changed for the better. The borders are now slowly being opened, and the flights to international destinations have begun to take off.

Presently, Japan has permitted business traveling from certain countries in Asia and Oceania. It has recently lowered the travel restrictions for Australia, China, Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam, Brunei, Thailand, etc. Traveling, for tourists, however, is not allowed as of now, but there have been reports that the Japanese government is considering opening it in time for Olympics, that is before the spring season descends in Japan. So, if you are also preparing for traveling to Japan and would like to know about the quarantine norms and traveling restrictions here, then here is some information that you may find useful. Come, let’s plunge in!

What are the travel rules in Japan?

Like other countries, Japan also imposed restrictions on traveling to control the spread of Covid-19 in the country. However, on October 30, Japan relaxed its impositions and allowed people from certain countries to enter its border for business purposes. What this means is that, now, travelers from other countries can come to Japan if they have a business or residence visa.

According to news, Japan is also considering opening up the tourist industry and allowing people to come to Japan on a tourist visa. However, no official statement has been released by the government on this issue until now.

Are the Airlines back into action in Japan?

Since the travel restrictions are uplifting and domestic as well as international traveling is allowed now, therefore, airlines are more or less back in action in Japan. However, if you are planning a trip to Japan, we will recommend you to check Japan’s embassy page to get a better idea about which flights and airlines and functional there.

Is Japan out of lockdown?

With governments all over the world asking people to stay vigilant and reminding them that the danger is not over yet, there has been no certainty in any part of the globe. Many countries in the past months that were out of lockdown have witnessed another phrase of total shutdown following a hike in the number of reported cases. Japan is no exception to this bizarre scenario.

The government in Japan has taken a decentralized approach to deal with this instability. They have chosen to let the regional governors decide what is best for their region. Some people are not happy with this approach as they feel that the government in this way is not upholding its responsibility, but others are viewing the decision in a positive light. The highlight, as of now, in Japan, is the reopening of Tokyo where the most number of cases were detected. The region has been opened, however, with certain restrictions in place.

What are the safety measures in Japan?

In order to keep its people safe, Japan has followed the advice of WHO and opened its borders cautiously. Even when there are no restrictions regarding stepping out of the house in Japan, there are certain guidelines that people need to follow. Here are some safety measures that the people and institutions here have taken to control the spread of the virus.

  • All the places where people gather like offices or supermarkets in Japan have installed hand sanitizers to promote people to sanitize frequently.
  • Most restaurants, cafes, or bars where many people come and go have spaced out tables and put a cap over the number of people that can be present there at one time.
  • Gyms and shops have followed the guidelines by medical clinics and are checking the temperature of all people who are entering their premises.
  • Maintaining proper distance no matter where you are is mandatory.
  • Wearing masks at all times whenever you step out of the house is compulsory for people.

  • The stay arrangement

Usually, if you are looking for a place to stay in Japan during your quarantine period, any hotel will charge you about 70,000 to 1,00,000 yens, but now, at our borderless house, we are offering our customers the opportunity to reserve a room with us free of charge. What is even better is that by booking your quarantine stay with us, you won’t have to look for a place yourself. Thus, in this way, you will have one less thing to worry about.

  • Pick up service

Another problem when you reach Japan is that here you won’t be allowed to use public transport, not even cabs from the airport until you have completed your 14 days long quarantine period. But by booking your room with us, you can say goodbye to this worry. It is so because once you have booked your reservation with us, your stay will be our responsibility, and getting you to reach your room will also be on us. As soon as you will land in Japan, we will arrange your ride and a driver will wait for you outside the airport to drop you at your quarantine destination.

  • Various supports

Since after coming to Japan you will be living in quarantine, therefore, upon arriving here, arranging for the necessities can become a problem. Therefore, to help our quarantine residents at the borderless house, our staff will inform them about various food delivery services and other apps through which they can order necessities. In Japan, we also follow a systematic way of separating and throwing garbage, about which, our staff will let you know. In case, you have any other queries, you will have our people at your assistance to resolve your problems.

  • Fun activities

Now, 14 days is a pretty long time. Staying alone during that time with nothing to do can drive anyone crazy. Therefore, at our borderless house, we have made arrangements to keep you entertained so that your quarantine period is fun and interesting. Upon booking your stay with us, we will get you in touch with future housemates before you come to the sharehouse so you can know them better. After you arrive, we will arrange for you online language classes to brush up on your Japanese, online sessions to meet other people who share similar interests as you, and online club activities to keep you engaged. At our borderless house, we are all set to make the time fly for you.

So, these are some benefits that you can avail of by booking your quarantine stay with us when you are in Japan.

What are the tips for safe travel in Japan?

Once you are free to travel to Japan, here are some safety tips that you must follow to avoid catching the virus.

  • Make sure that every time you step outside of your residence in Japan, you carry your mask and a hand sanitizer. You can find these both in any supermarket or departmental store.
  • If you want to keep as much distance as possible when you are traveling by train, consider using green cars.
  • If you have to visit some popular destination, consider going there early in the morning or during the afternoon when they are about to close, to avoid the rush.

So, this is all about the travel restrictions which you should know about before visiting Japan. Safe travels!

How Can You Find Work in Japan – Tips and Suggestions

Well, finding a new job at any place is always a dreadful experience. You are never sure of your qualifications and are always worried if you will fit the bill in the companies you have applied to. And if you are searching for a job in a new country altogether where you have not been born and bought up, this difficulty level shoots up many stories. It is so because, in a foreign place, you are not sure about the job market, you don’t know the rules and trends of being hired, and of course, no one could recommend you to some bigshot organization. 

In such circumstances, it becomes exceedingly tough not to feel scared. Finding work in a country where all the rules you have been accustomed to being thrown straight out of the window is an overwhelming experience. Thus, today we will discuss some essential work tips that you may find useful in bagging a job. So, if you are ready for the lessons, shall we begin? 

What are the requirements for working in Japan?

If you talk to people, especially those who belong to the educated class and come from over-populated or small countries, you will find that many of them have considered migrating to a new country at least once in their lives. The reasons could be numerous, like finding better work opportunities, the sake of a better lifestyle, exploring new places, etc. For such people, finding work before migrating to a new location or soon after making a move is of crucial importance to sustain themselves.  

Thus, to help people who have either moved to Japan or are considering moving to Tokyo to secure a job, here are some critical details. 

University Degree

Japan does not follow the same rules and regulations as the US or UK where immigration is concerned. Therefore, if you are considering moving to Japan shortly, then there are some specific immigration laws that you must be aware of. One such rule is that if you want to immigrate to Japan, then in order to get the regular work visa, you will need a University degree. Not the college, but the University degree getting which takes about four years in the US and three years in the UK. This is the law, and if you are serious about finding work in Tokyo, then you will have to adhere to this rule.  

Move to Japan

After talking to the hiring managers who are recruited at good companies, we gained some useful insight. In our chat about foreign job seekers, we discovered that according to the hiring managers, foreign candidates who are already in Japan have more chances of finding employment in Tokyo as compared to foreigners who are living outside of the country. It is so because a failed overseas hiring proves very costly to a company. When an organization employs a foreigner from outside of Japan, they will need to assist the employee in getting to Japan, finding a residence here, training him, etc. And after all, if the candidate does not fit the profile, then all the time and money spent on him will go to waste. 

Therefore, a more suitable option is to hire a foreigner who is already living in Japan. So, you can manage to find work in Tokyo by moving to Japan before you start looking for your dream job. You can initially sustain yourself by living in a sharehouse where you will be paying minimum rent and by getting hired as an English teacher. Then slowly and steadily, you can work towards finding a suitable job opportunity for you. If you are currently searching for jobs and career opportunities in Japan, feel free to check Jooble

Use a resume photo

Before applying for a job at any place in Tokyo, you should make some effort to familiarize yourself with the application format that the job candidates must adhere to. For instance, you should know that in Japan, the work norm requires the job applicant to send his photo along with his cover letter. That is what the HRs are used to seeing. It helps them in putting together your personality and skillset with your face. It aids them in making a decision. Therefore, if you are likely to approach a company for work, make sure to include a professional-looking headshot of you in your application. Doing so will make it difficult for the hiring manager to ignore your CV. 

Find an Internship

If you are not keen on working as an English teacher to sustain yourself in Japan for the initial months, you should probably find yourself an internship in Tokyo. Now some of you might be wondering how that would help. Well, the answer is that finding an internship will help you in building a network. In a foreign nation, where you have no one who knows you and can recommend you to an organization, gaining some experience and getting an opportunity to be mentored can be very useful. 

However, you should know that in Japan, the paid internships are more or less paid by the interns. The basic idea is that in an internship, you get a chance to work with a company for about eight months in exchange for a place to stay and a learning experience. So, maybe think hard before making your choice. 

Creating a network

Well, networking with the right people is the key to landing your first, second, third, and even the nth job in Japan. Knowing the right people can reduce your struggle, and it can help you attain your goals quite quickly. Now, one way of networking properly is to join a professional group in Tokyo. Living in a sharehouse where you will live with other native Japanese people can also help form friendships. You can maybe even participate in the after-work drinking culture in Japan. Going out to the bars with professional and industry groups will get you noticed and employed. 

Prepare for the interview

It is needless to say that all the networking and degrees won’t land you a job in Tokyo unless you leave a positive impression in the interview. Therefore, preparing for the interview is essential. Now how can you do this? Well, you can ready yourself for the hour by learning about the basic customs of Japan as well as by polishing off your Japanese. You can also try to talk to some people who are already in jobs to know about the general questions that are asked by the interviewer. This will boost your confidence and increase your chances of being hired. 

Now, living in a borderless house can help you in achieving this. By residing here, you will probably find yourself speaking in Japanese and learning Japanese customs. Your mates there can also help in preparing for the interview by sharing with you their interview experience. 

Polishing your language

Unless you are finding a job in the IT sector where the number of IT languages you know would matter more, I suggest you become proficient in the Japanese language. Or else you may find it difficult to get employed. But how much fluent do you need to be in your Japanese if you want to be hired? Well, in order to satisfy the hiring managers, you can write the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). All the companies in Tokyo use this standardized test to judge the language proficiency of a foreign candidate. You will need to pass level 2 of this test which comprises five levels where level 1 is considered the toughest. 

Boards and cover letters

When applying for a job, most people go about applying everywhere because they feel that the more places they try, the better their chances of getting hired. But it is not valid. When applying for a position at a company, you must be clear about your goals. You should know if this is what you want, or else you are just going to make your resume and cover letter sound very generic, so it fits all, or you may even end up committing some silly mistake. 

Secondly, while writing your cover letter, you should not go overboard with ‘me.’ Remember, it is not what you will get out of this job that will interest the hiring manager but what you will bring to the table that will grab his attention. So, instead of rolling with what your dreams and aspirations are about your job, write about your skills and work experience to give an impression that you are a good match. 

If you’re not fluent in Japanese and still learning it, you can have a native Japanese translator translate your cover letter. Japanese has four alphabets: Hiragana, Kanji, Romaji, and Katakana. So for those just starting to learn Japanese, it can be a struggle to write a coherent cover letter that will get the attention of your employers. You might consider working with a specialist in professional Japanese translation to ensure that the translated document will be accurate and your meaning conveyed properly, as it is easy for the context of a message to go “lost in translation.” As mentioned, no one likes to read generic cover letters. You can write freely in your native language by translating your cover letter.


If you are in Tokyo looking for your dream job, then there are certain norms that we have talked about that you will have to follow. If you observe the advice we have compiled in this complete guide to finding employment in Japan, you will definitely land a job in Tokyo in no time! All the best!