DAY3: 해외 인턴십 ‘Enter the E’ 마케팅 기획 중간 점검 미팅

Hello~ This is borderless house
안녕하세요 국제교류쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스입니다~!

​저번 주 Haruulala에 이어
오늘은 Enter the E의 중간 점검 미팅을 소개해 보려 합니다

​중간 점검이라고 쓰여있지만 사실 서로의
기획 아이디어를 듣고 피드백을 공유
기획안을 보완하기 위한 시간으로 무겁기보다는 자유롭고
활발한 분위기에서 진행되었답니다

오프닝 아이스브레이킹의 주제는 ‘최근 자신이 선호하는 옷 유형’으로
의류사업을 하고 있는 ‘Enter the E’와
잘 어울리는 주제로 얘기를 나눠 보았습니다

본격적으로 의견을 나누기 전 Enter the E의 미션을 다시 한번
보여드리고 시작해 보겠습니다

​메인미션은 총 두 가지입니다

​01 어떻게 로열 고객을 증가시킬 것인가

02 새로운 고객을 어떻게 유입시킬 것인가

위 두 미션에 대해 각자의 생각을 공유해보았는데요
발표 순서는 이름의 알파벳순으로
정해서 첫 순서를 Jane이 맡게 되었어요

주 고객층인 30대 회사원 여성들을 위한
세미 정장 디자인 제시하다.

Jane 아이디어 정리

​01 Royal customer

– 세미 정장 디자인 개발
– 빠른 배송 서비스
– 멤버십 서비스

​02 New customer

– 협찬으로 브랜드 인지도 증가 (연예인 대신 유명 유튜버 협찬 진행)

​기업 담당자 Feed back

​세미 정장에 대한 의견은 긍정적이지만
빠른 배송 서비스는 ‘지속 가능한, slow 패션’
이라는 회사 콘셉트에 적용하기 어렵다고 생각합니다

비닐봉지 대신 에코백을 사용하는 사람들,
증가하는 친환경 제품에 대한 관심

​Kelly 아이디어 정리

​- 멤버십 서비스
– 에코백 디자인 및 판매
– 유니폼(밀리터리, 스쿨룩 등) 제작

​최근 일본에서도 비닐봉지에 대한 별도 비용을 받고 있기에
편하게 물건을 담을 수 있는 가방에 대한 관심이 늘어나고 있어
에코백에 대한 판매 부분도 잘 짚어주었어요

​기업 담당자 Feed back

​멤버십에 대한 생각이 매우 좋았지만 많이 구매한 것에 대한 보상, 혜택이 아닌
제품을 구매함으로써 환경문제에 대한 인식을 높였다는 점에
중점을 두어 구축하면 좋을 것 같습니다

​에코백에 대한 아이디어는 흥미로웠고 최종 발표 때는 좀 더 구체화시켜
말해주면 더 좋은 기획안이 될 것 같습니다

멤버십 포인트의 사용 방식을 선택하다.
재구매 시 할인 or 환경 문제를 돕는 기부금으로 사용

​Mia 아이디어 정리

​- 멤버십 서비스 (포인트 적립 or 환경문제에 기부)
– offline 매장 안 포토부스 설치

​Mia 또한 멤버십 서비스 얘기를 해주었는데요
구매에 따른 포인트를 제공하지만 이 포인트를 다음 구매에 사용할지
아니면 환경문제를 돕는 기부금으로 사용할지 선택할 수 있다는
차별점을 주었습니다!

​기업 담당자 Feed back

멤버십 서비스를 환경문제와 잘 결합해 말해준 것 같아요
이러한 서비스의 한국이나 해외의 사례를 조사해 구체화시키면
더욱 신뢰성 있는 기획이 될 것 같습니다

단순 소식 업로드가 아닌 고객에게 도움을 주는 SNS 콘텐츠 기획

Racher 아이디어 정리

​- 고객에게 도움이 되는 SNS 콘텐츠
– SNS 이벤트 기획

​예를 들어 렌터카 업체가 차 정보뿐 아니라 차를 타고
놀러 갈 수 있는 여행지 정보와 같은 콘텐츠를 올렸더니 반응이 좋았다는
예시를 통해 설명해 주어 이해가 쉬웠습니다

Eco Point : 친환경적으로 제품을 생산하며 줄인
탄소량만큼의 포인트를 고객에게 제공

Sara 아이디어 정리

​- 멤버십 서비스 (이메일 쿠폰, 신 제품 우선 공개)
– 에코포인트
– 게릴라 마케팅

​에코 포인트는 친환경적으로 제품을 생산하기에
덜 발생된 탄소 양만큼의 포인트를 제품을 구매한 고객에게
돌려주는 시스템으로 해외 브랜드의 사례를 참고해 아이디어를 제시해 주었어요

이상으로 오늘 ‘Enter the E’의 DAY3 후기글을 써보았는데요
인턴분들이 열심히 준비한 내용을 알리고 싶은 마음에
또 기획에 관심이 있는 많은 분들께 도움이 되고 싶은 마음에
글이 많이 길어졌네요

​오늘도 긴 글 읽어주셔서 정말 감사하고 다음은
아마 최종 발표 미팅으로 찾아오게 될 것 같아요
다음 내용도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다~!

​’Enter the E’의 DAY2 미팅 내용이 궁금하신 분은 하단의 링크로!

DAY3: Haruulala 중간 점검 미팅 진행!

Hello~ This is borderless house
안녕하세요 국제교류쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스입니다

​오늘은 Haruulala 마케팅 기획의 중간 점검을 했던
DAY3에 대해서 후기를 써볼까 해요

​DAY3는 전의 미팅보다는 좀 더 자유로운 분위기에서
진행하고자 중간 점검 전 아이스브레이킹 시간을 가졌어요

Ice Breaking Time

조별로 나눠져 소규모 회의실에서 각자 하우스의 일상 얘기와
좋았던 기억에 대해 얘기하며 여유로운 분위기로 진행되었답니다

​잠시간의 아이스브레이킹 타임을 즐기고 각자 자신이 생각해온
마케팅 아이디어에 대해 발표하는 시간이 있었습니다

Marketing Idea Sketch

첫 스타트는 Haruulala의 유일한 한국 인턴, Jen!
Day2 미팅을 한지 얼마 지나지 않았지만 꼼꼼하게 자신의 생각을 반영해
마케팅 방향을 제시해 주었어요

Sales Points를 파트별로 정리해
발표를 했는데

​1. Envirorment
2. Social Enterprise
3. Instagram

​이 세 가지를 합쳐 고객들의 감수성
이끌어낼 만한 스토리를 만드는 것이 필요하다는 얘기를 해주셨어요

​스토리를 적용한 Slogan Idea 또한 제시해 주었는데요

‘당신의 아이에게 줄 옷 한 벌이 방글라데시 아이에게 옷을 선물한다.’​

실제 방글라데시의 생산공장이 있는 Haruulala의 상황과 브랜드의
콘셉트를 잘 반영한 슬로건인 것 같아요

대만 지점의 인턴인 Alice 또한
보기 쉽게 정리된 자료를 바탕으로 자신의 생각을 전달하였는데요

실제 논문 자료 등 객관화되고 수치화된 자료를 기반으로 하여
보다 신뢰가 가는 발표였어요!

​아이를 가진 친구를 위해 선물을 고를 때
사이즈와 사용 가능한 시점을 잘 모르기에
선물 시 어렵다는 점도 잘 짚어 언급해 주었습니다!

대만 지점의 두 번째 인턴 Yukako는 좀 더 상세하고 구체화된
정보를 정리해 발표를 하였는데
Haruulala가 현재 대만에서 판매를 진행하고 있는 만큼
대만의 Haruulala의 상황과 사례를
잘 반영해 말해주셨어요

​이렇게 발표한 내용을 토대로 기업 실무자
Totto 씨의 피드백을 받는 시간도 가졌습니다

​실무자의 입장에서 한 분 한 분의 자료를 함께 보며
보완하면 더 좋을 것 같은 부분과 좋았던 내용을 말해주셨습니다

​인턴 분들 모두 짧은 시간 동안 깜짝 놀랄 정도로
준비를 많이 해주셔서 얼마나 많이 고민하고 조사하셨는지
알 수 있어 감사했습니다ㅎㅎ

오늘 미팅 소개는 여기까지 이고 날이 더운데 다들 더위와 코로나
조심하시구 다음은 Enter E의 DAY3 미팅 후기를 가지고 돌아오겠습니다~!

[한일 교류 하우스] Korec x Borderless house 첫 번째 이야기

안녕하세요~! おはようございます
국제 교류 쉐어하우스 보더리스 하우스입니다~!

​오늘 인사는 한번 일본어를 섞어서 해보았는데요
오늘 포스팅할 내용이 바로 ‘한일 교류 하우스’ 이기 때문입니다!

​여름방학 동안 일본 취업을 도와주는
에이전시 Korec과 보더리스 하우스가 협력
진행하는 한일 하우스, 최근에 모집 글을 올린 것을 기억하실까요?

여름방학 한일 교류 하우스 모집 내용이 궁금하신 분은 여기로!

위의 모집 공고를 보고 많은
한국, 일본 대학생분들이 지원을 해주셨는데요
한국 – 3명, 일본 – 4명 총 7명의 참여자들과 함께 하게 되었습니다

모두 면접 인터뷰를 거쳐 교류에 적합하신 분들로 선정해
이번 프로그램을 진행하게 되었습니다
다들 밝고 교류를 원하시는 분들로
벌써 앞으로의 생활이 기대 되네요ㅎㅎ

한일 하우스의 첫 모임 때는 tv N 방송국
일본 대사관 관계자분들이 함께
해주셨는데 그만큼 이번 프로그램에 많은
이목이 집중되고 있다는 의미인것 같아 뿌듯했답니다!

​첫 모임에서는 각자 소개와 3팀으로 나눠 팀 소개를 진행하며
서로 소통하는 시간을 가졌습니다

​자신을 소개할 수 있는 사진을보여주며 설명을 했기에
좀 더 서로를 이해하기 수월했던 것 같아요ㅎㅎ

방송국분들이 계셨지만 모두 자연스럽게 소개를 하며
즐거운 분위기에서 프로그램이 진행됐습니다

​소개를 마친 후에는 방학 동안 진행할 비즈니스 플랜에 대해
얘기를 나누며 구상하는 시간도 가졌답니다!

마무리로는 스태프분들과 한일 하우스 참여자들이 모여
회식을 하는 것으로 일정을 마무리했어요

​실제 대면 만남은 처음이었지만 함께 하루 동안 일정을 보내
빠르게 친해질 수 있었던 것 같아요ㅎㅎ

​*위 프로그램은 4단계 격상 전 개인 방역을 모두 준수하고 진행한 점 알려드립니다

앞으로의 활동이 기대되는 ‘한일 교류 쉐어하우스’
많은 관심 부탁드리고 다음엔 더 재밌고 알찬 하우스의 일상
이야기를 가지고 돌아오겠습니다~!!

​Welcome to Korea x Japen share house


DAY2: Haruulala Factory Tour & Lecture 후기 공개!

안녕하세요 보더리스 하우스 서울 지점입니다~!
오늘 Haruulala의 두 번째 미팅을 진행했는데요
그 후기를 전해드리기 위해 이렇게 글을 쓰게 되었습니다

​BH CAMP 5기에서는 Jen 혼자 Haruulala를
선택해 미션을 수행하게 되었는데요

​대신 대만 지점의 CAMP분들이 많이 선택하였기 때문에
Jen에게는 대만 지점 참여자분들과 친해질 수 있는 기회가 될 것 같아요

한국지점 -1명 대만 지점 – 6명 총 7명이 함께하게 된 Haruulala 팀!
DAY 2의 본격적인 진행 전 간단히 인사를 나누며
미팅 진행 순서를 안내하며 시작하였습니다

오늘 순서는 방글라데시에 위치한 Haruulala의 생산 공장을
랜선으로 방문해 보는 Factory Tour 와
마케팅 전략과 기업 상황을 알아보는
강의 시간순으로 진행하게 되었습니다

factory tour란? 말 그대로 Haruulala의 제품을
생산하는 공장을 방문해보는 시간으로

랜선으로 공장의 관리자와 근로자분들을 만나 소개를 들으며
생산공정이나 근무 환경에 있어 궁금한 점을 물어볼 수 있었어요

2번째 순서를 소개하기 전 잠시 Haruulala의 미션이 헷갈리시는
분들을 위해 다시 한번 짚고 넘어가겠습니다!

​’ 대만에 Haruulala 브랜드의 인지도와 판매율을 높이자’

대만에는 이미 Haruulala의 제품이 온라인을 통해 판매되고 있지만
이번 미션을 통해 더욱 브랜드를 알리고자 합니다~

그렇기 때문에 대만의 현재 진행 중인 프로모션과 마케팅 기획에 대해
Haruulala의 기업 담당자인 Totto 씨가 소개해 주시는 시간을 가졌습니다

현재 대만의 Haruulala 타깃층에 대해 먼저 알려주셨는데요
타깃층이 한 페이지를 꽉 채울 정도로 상세한 게 보이시나요?

자사의 타깃층을 설정할 때는 보다 더 구체적으로
좁혀나가는 것이 중요합니다

​구체적인 타깃을 설정해야 판매하고자 하는 고객을 정확히 파악할 수 있고
그에 따른 판매 및 마케팅 전략을 좀 더 잘 설정할 수 있겠죠

SWOT 분석이란 기업분석을 좀 더 편하게 볼 수 있도록
한 표에 기업 내부의 장. 단점 기업
외부의 위협. 기회에 대해 정리한 표입니다~!

​이러한 SWOT 분석을 함께 보며 Haruulala의 현재 상황을
좀 더 정확히 알아가고 어떤 점을 어필하고 어떠한 점을
좀 더 보완해 나가야 하는지를 생각해 볼 수 있었습니다

이렇게 해외 생산 공정과 Haruulala의
내외부 상황을 파악하는 시간을 가져보았는데요
다음번 미팅까지 오늘 알게 된 정보를 통해 각자 미션 해결 기획을
간단히 스케치해보면 좋을 것 같아요

DAY1 Meeting 이 궁금하시다면 하단의 링크로!

Introduction to Kansai Area, Japan ▏Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe

Back in the days when Tokyo was called Edo and the nation was still un-unified, the Kansai region was where all the economic, technological, diplomatic, industrial, and cultural development happened. Whether it be the imperial court at Kyoto or the main trading ports at Osaka and Kobe, Japan truly started in these regions and still holds massive importance in Japanese, and even Asian, culture, even after almost 2,000 years.

After Tokyo, these are the most popular tourist, developing, and economical areas in Japan. Therefore, many cultural locations, universities, and global companies reside here. With easy access to transportation and their close vicinity to each other, it is common for both locals and tourists to commute between these cities on a daily basis.


Starting at its center around Osaka – Umeda Station, you will leave the station and be taken aback by the glorious and grand skyscrapers surrounding it. A great way to start getting familiar with the city is to visit the Umeda Sky Building and view the city from its 170m high viewing platform. Around the station, you can find many different shopping areas, many of them to the east. Like the Hankyu-east shopping street, Izuma-no-Hiroba, the Tenjinbashisuji shopping street, or the Dotonbori, with the famous running man sign, further south!

Hosting both the Osaka international airport and the Kansai international airport, while also having great long-distance shinkansen trains and highway busses, Osaka is in a fantastic location for further travels inside the country. With many low-cost flights, you can take trips wherever and whenever you want.
Culturally, Osaka hosts many memorable locations. Osaka castle, once the largest and grandest castle in the country, lies just a few minutes away from Umeda.

And on one of the artificial islands on the west part of the city, lies the Universal Studios Japan park! Directly connected with its own train station, it is a perfect destination for all movie fans. Take time to also enjoy its more peaceful locations, like a picnic in the tranquil Ryokuchi park, or walk along the green and great Yodo river!

【Borderless House in Osaka】



For over 1,000 years, Kyoto has been the capital of Japan. Having been so vital to the culture and politics, it has been spared from a lot of the damage and degradation other modern cities have. Because of this, many shrines, temples, and other structures are hundreds of years old but still kept fresh and clean.
Around Kyoto station, there are various clothing stores and shopping malls, especially around the Kyoto tower. Outside of that, there are small shopping streets scattered all over the city, like the Teramachi shopping district accessible via subway or bus.

In this city lies some of Japan’s most historically famous locations. Here lies the famous Kinkaku-Ji, The golden pavilion, the Kyoto imperial palace; home of the emperor for centuries, Senbon Torii; the thousand Torii Gate, Heian Shrine; build to celebrate the cities 1100th birthday, and the great Kiyomizu-Dera; a great temple complex with its famous wooden balcony. Nearby to Kiyomizu-Dera, you can also find the Sanneizaka and Nineizaka area. This entire area is built to look like old samurai-era buildings, and many of them are still the same ones from that period.

But that does not mean all in Kyoto are historical buildings and shrines. For non-historical scenery, there is the Arashiyama Bamboo forest; a stunning walking path in the middle of a bamboo forest, and the nearby Arashiyama monkey park as well! The local Kyoto city zoo, Funaokayama Park, with peaceful zen-like isolation, the Toei Kyoto studio park; home of so many old samurai era films, with many performances made by local samurai! Or take a lovely relaxing stroll along the great Kamo River, an especially beautiful location during sunny summer days.

【Borderless House in Kyoto】



Home of the world-renowned Kobe beef and the 7th largest city in Japan, Kobe has, among Osaka, being the two most historically important ports in Japan. During the Meiji period, Kobe became one of the biggest ports for western industrial and economical research, so even today, Kobe has a visible mix of Japanese and western architecture in many of its districts. Especially in the Kitano area, which used to hold the foreign diplomats and merchants. Many of Japan’s industrial powerhouses lie here as well. Companies like Kobe Steel, Kawasaki Shipbuilding, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

While being an industrial city, there are many benefits to living here. From its harbor, there are many short-distance ferry rides and several cruise lines going all over Japan and Asia. Take a relaxing boat trip over a weekend to places like Kyushu, Hokkaido, or even to other countries like Taiwan and South Korea! Also accessible, is the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, which leads to the great island of Honshu.

Some of the local hotspots among locals and tourists are the Arima onsen, a historical hot spring resort that is still considered one of the best hot springs in western Japan, and the breathtaking Nunobiki Herb Garden, which lies high up the mountains, so whether you want to view the city night lights, or see as far away as Osaka during the day, this is a fantastic option for a relaxing trip.

【Borderless House in Kobe】


With these areas being so varied and grand, it is difficult to mention or guide anyone to all their unique locations. But hopefully, this guide has given some more clarity over what each area has to offer. Since all these three areas are great tourist locations and often deal with global industries, Using only English is not such a big hindrance as it is in many other Japanese cities. Ask locals or any information desk in these areas and they will likely have a huge array of guides and tips for any first-timers around!
Enjoy, and stay safe!

★Enjoy RENT-FREE for some of the houses in Kansai Area with Summer Free Trial Stay Campaign★

Borderless House just launched a “Summer Free Trial Stay Campaign” that allows foreigners who are currently living in Japan to stay at Borderless House for FREE as a trial! You can stay at Borderless House for up to 2 months without paying rent! If you just want to stay for only one month is also no problem!

Because we hope to have more foreigners experience international share houses in Japan and create more international exchange opportunities for all our tenants in our share houses! Especially during the pandemic, having a social life and meeting new friends is difficult now.

This is a great chance for you to stay safe at home in a new environment with many wonderful Japanese housemates! You can also brush up your Japanese language skills by listening and speaking in Japanese on a daily basis!
Make your Japanese learning experiences reach beyond the textbook!

★★★Feel free to check our Campaign Page for further details★★★

BORDERLESS HOUSE ▏Rooms, Locations, and Reservation Steps

At BORDERLESS HOUSE, we promote community building this is why our common areas are specially designed for a large crowd to sit together and chat or just chill. The common space has been arranged keeping in mind increased interaction possibilities. Housemates can take advantage of these characteristic layouts with wide-open spaces by spending time with their new international friends. Tenants do not have a refrigerator or TV in their rooms. We provide two types of living arrangements, shared rooms for the ones who do not mind living in a shared room and private rooms for the ones who like to have privacy.

Shared Rooms: Shared rooms increase the interaction between international mates. They have a better possibility of building a good friendship with other housemates.

Private Rooms: Private rooms offer privacy after a long interaction with other housemates. It is good for students and employees who need privacy to focus on their work or studies. Tenants can have their personal space when they are finally in their rooms.
All our rooms are fully furnished. Tenants only need to bring their suitcases and they are ready to move in. Both private and shared rooms have separate working/study areas where tenants can focus on their work/study.


Even though all BORDERLESS HOUSE locations are good, tenants have their preferences. This location guide will help them in figuring out a BORDERLESS HOUSE location that is suitable for them.

Tokyo Locations

Ikebukuro: Besides Shinjuku and Shibuya, Ikebukuro is the busiest area of Tokyo. This means you will see the Japanese life happening around you if you live in this area. Ikebukuro is in the top 10 list of places where people want to live in Tokyo.

Shibuya, Harajuku, Shimokitazawa: All these three locations have large department stores like Shibuya 109 near them along with entertainment facilities. These are good living options for youth.

Shinjuku, Nakano, Kichijoji: These locations are situated between urbanity and greenery. With greenery, just a few steps away from the tenants at these location’s BORDERLESS HOUSE will have a comparatively peaceful living experience. These are soothing and calming living locations good for those who do not want to live near the busy streets of Tokyo.

Shinagawa, Meguro, Ebisu: Shinagawa BORDERLESS HOUSE is situated at a location from where both Haneda and Narita Airports are closer. A large crowd thinks that this location is only good for people living for business purposes but the location is also famous for bayside and rich in greenery.

Ueno, Asakusa, Akihabara: These are the locations where the old meets the new. Ueno has one of the leading train stations in Japan because a large sightseeing spot is near the train station. Tourist attractions like Ueno park, museums, art galleries, and the zoo is near these locations.

Akasaka, Roppongi, Iidabashi: These are the locations popular among business people. Foreign companies have made these areas cosmopolitan with many shops and pubs aimed at foreigners.

Kansai Locations

Osaka: Osaka is a city filled with warm people. The people here are so nice that it has been called ‘the city of humanity’ for a long time. It is also called ‘the city of comedy’ for other reasons as well.

Kyoto: Kyoto is a large tourist attraction with several world heritage sites, shrines, historical temples, and beautiful nature every season.

Kobe: Kobe is a very convenient and affordable place to live. You will not face any issues while living in Kobe.


Borderless House just launched a “Summer Free Trial Stay Campaign” that allows foreigners who are currently living in Japan to stay at Borderless House for FREE as a trial!

You can stay at Borderless House for up to 2 months without paying rent!
If you just want to stay for only one month is also no problem!

Because we hope to have more foreigners experience international share houses in Japan and create more international exchange opportunities for all our tenants in our share houses! Especially during the pandemic, having a social life and meeting new friends is difficult now.

This is a great chance for you to stay safe at home in a new environment with many wonderful Japanese housemates! You can also brush up your Japanese language skills by listening and speaking in Japanese on a daily basis!
Make your Japanese learning experiences reach beyond the textbook!

★★★Feel free to check our Campaign Page for further details★★★

How to Reserve Your Seat at BORDERLESS HOUSE

  • Reservation Form: Residents first need to choose a house of their requirement then fill a reservation form available on the website. Candidates can also reach out to BORDERLESS HOUSE staff to help them pick a house and location. You only need to tell them your preferences.

  • Call: After receiving the reservation form, we will arrange a call to confirm your booking details. Over the call, we will give you a detailed description of the house and answer all your queries. You can get your doubts clear over the call.

  • Payment: After confirming all details over the call you will get instructions to do payment and upload your document. We only need your ID proof. You can do the payment via credit card or bank transfer, we are flexible with both.

  • Reserved: Once we receive the payment and ID, Voila! your house is now reserved. Soon after reservation, you can start packing for your trip to Japan. You can move into BORDERLESS HOUSE right after if you like.

    This was everything you probably needed to know before considering a BORDERLESS HOUSE as a living option. A BORDERLESS HOUSE is for people who like to live in a community while sharing and receiving knowledge. BORDERLESS HOUSE mates keep you company when you feel alone in an entirely new country. The Japanese residents tell you their ways of living making you comfortable around other Japanese people. We grow together as a community without leaving any housemates behind. The more we share, the more we have.


[BH CAMP 4기] 해외지점과 함께한 BH Activity 이벤트 후기

안녕하세요 보더리스 하우스 서울지점 입니다
오랜만에 찾아오게 되었네요
오늘은 BH CAMP 4기 분들이 기획한
이벤트 실행 후기를 가지고 왔어요

이번 BH Activity 참여자는 총 25명!
많은 분들이 참여해 주신 만큼 즐겁게 진행되었어요ㅎㅎ

​인원이 많기 때문에 소규모 그룹으로 묶어 서로 인사를
나누고 소개를 하는 시간을 가졌습니다

다섯 분 하메들의 배경이 모두 가지각색이네요
어느 장소던 함께 할 수 있는
비대면 모임만의 장점인 것 같아요!

소개를 마친 후에는 간단한 게임으로
분위기를 환기시키는 시간을 가졌어요
위의 게임은 숫자와 국가 이름으로 한 빙고게임이었어요

​인원이 많아 게임 구성에 있어 고민이 많았을 텐데
다 함께 참여할 수 있는 게임으로 잘 구성해 주신 것 같아요

두 번째 게임은 한국 드라마와
관련된 퀴즈게임을 진행했어요
여러분은 첫 번째 드라마 장면 보시자마자 아셨나요??

​2016년 군인 열풍을 몰고 온 드라마
‘태양의 후예’ 정말 재밌게 봤던
드라마 중 하나였는데 이렇게 보니 반가웠어요
최근 드라마는 해외지점 하메들이 모를 수 있으니
예전에 인기가 많았던 작품을 가지고 온 것도
BH CAMP분들의 기획력과 배려가 엿보였던 부분이었어요

고려대 3하우스의 랜선 집들이
‘Welcome to our sweet home’
하우스의 생활과 주변 시설을
소개해 주는 집들이 프로그램이었어요

실제 룸메들과 함께 좋아하는 연예인을 보는 모습!
지극히 일상적이지만 외국인 하메와 자연스레
하루를 보내는 영상이 보더리스하우스를
가장 잘 표현해 주었다고 생각했어요

​보더리스 하우스의 입주를 희망하던
예비 하메를 BH Activity에 초대하였는데
이번 랜선 집들이를 보고
고려대 1으로 입주하겠다는 확답을 주셨어요~!!

다음은 Katya가 진행한 강남 3하우스 주변 투어 차례!
장소는 저번에 스케치 미팅 때 소개한 ​
‘일상 비일상의 틈’이라는 복합 문화 공간이에요
각 층 별로 다양한 콘셉트의 전시가 있어
그것을 소개하는 형식으로 진행했어요

​이렇게 모든 프로그램을 마무리한 뒤에는
따로 BH CAMP분들과 활동 후기
및 피드백을 받는 시간을 가졌어요

활동을 하며 배웠던 부분이나 아쉬웠던 점을
솔직하게 얘기해 주셔서 감사하면서도
반성되는 부분이 있었던 것 같아요
피드백을 반영해 프로그램을 좀 더 보완 발전시켜
더 좋은 프로그램을 만들어나갈 수 있도록 하겠습니다

자 그럼 지금까지의 BH CAMP4기 활동 후기를 마무리하겠습니다
4기 여러분 3달이라는 기간 동안 정말 수고 많으셨습니다 감사합니다~!

Where to Stay in Japan? Accommodation option – BORDERLESS HOUSE

Visiting Japan for a few months but do not know where to live? Yes, a hostel is a general option but is it a good choice for a long visit? Hostels only provide you with one room. That one room is the only place where you can be if not outside. And if you chose the one with a bigger space, such as an apartment that includes a living room, it will be considerably expensive.

In a BORDERLESS HOUSE, you have the option of both private and shared rooms. There is a common area where you can interact with other housemates. And every room has some personal space for tenants in the shared room too. BORDERLESS HOUSE is fully furnished with basic necessities.

Moreover, we have the following advantages where you can not gain if you stay somewhere else!

Staff Support

Whenever BORDERLESS HOUSE residents face troubles of any kind, its staff is at their service. The staff teaches them everything from cleaning equipment to fixing the internet connection. The staff also helps residents with relationship building during times of conflict.

At a new place, you find new tools and technologies. You do not always know their working process. If any residents face issues with anything staff helps them. It includes teaching them how to run a washing machine and helping them fix the internet when it’s slow or not working at all, etc.

Solving issues together

When people from different backgrounds live together, sometimes there will be conflicts no matter how well they get along. The issues can be based on different living habits, housework, personal or cultural differences. Sometimes tenants also face conflicts with their neighbors, such as noise issues, etc. In these scenarios, BORDERLESS HOUSE staff encourage residents to communicate with each other and help to arrange house meetings to resolve the conflict together along with the residents. The staff will always be there listening to the residents, get to the bottom of the conflict, and help tenants resolve them.

All the support you need 

When you land in Japan you might have some knowledge if you did research in advance. But this internet knowledge does not come in that much hand. Yes, it will give you tips about where to eat and what to see but it can never help you when you are planning to live in Japan for a long time. BORDERLESS HOUSE staff helps you with everything you might need from the day you land in Japan till the day you leave. If you need to find a job, if you want to learn the basic knowledge of living in Japan or if you are worried about when you get sick, Borderless staff is there to help you with everything. We are not only providing a place to live, but we are also helping youngsters setting up their new lives at a new place.

How to Make Your Stay More Fun at BORDERLESS HOUSE

There are four special programs available for BORDERLESS HOUSE mates to connect with each other. All these activities allow residents to connect with more than 10,000 residents and share their experiences with each other.

Borderless Mates Library

Living in a BORDERLESS HOUSE feels like living in your own personal library with exciting new neverending books. You will be at a great exposure which will allow you to learn new exciting things. Borderless mates from Japan, Taiwan, and Korea who are willing to share and make friends from all over the world all gathering here! We hope you will find the person that you want to connect with and share your knowledge, experiences, interests, skills, or specialties with each other!

Borderless Mates not only have diverse nationalities and language abilities but also have a range of international experience in specialized careers and hobbies. Undoubtedly there are Borderless Mates around the world who have the same interests or areas of specialization. It would be wonderful if we could connect these Borderless House Mates around the world!

There are many topics and interests that we can find in common!!
People should take advantage of every possible chance to be active in their fields of expertise or interest, even across geographical borders. The more common points shared between two people, the more intimate and deep the conversations and exchanges can be. Through BORDERLESS MATES LIBRARY, forging a deeper and more meaningful interaction with the Borderless House community, you will be able to gain valuable experiences and your global mindset will certainly grow stronger!

You can connect with other residents online living at other BORDERLESS HOUSE through this program and learn new things from each other!

Language Exchange

LANGUAGE EXCHANGE PROGRAM is an online service that allows you to brush up your language skills while having fun chatting with other Borderless Mates from different countries and making friends!

With various people from various countries, you can learn various languages from all over the world. The small chats will not at nothing by the end of your visit to a BORDERLESS HOUSE. You will have a working knowledge of a different language if you practice a little every day. 

Club Activities

Based on common hobbies, a community program – Club Activities that bring everyone together! These activities will help you connect with people who share the same interest! 

You can enjoy offline activities, online activities that you can participate in anywhere, and regular offline events hosted by Borderless House.

Borderless Travel

Taking small trips to explore the country better? Well, no worries your BORDERLESS HOUSE mates have your back. You can stay for free at the overseas Borderless House in the place where you are traveling by using Borderless Travel Program! Take trips together and explore areas while enjoying every second of your trip with local housemates!

※Borderless Travel is scheduled to start after the travel restrictions lifted due to COVID-19


[여름방학] 한일교류 하우스의 입주자를 모집합니다~!

안녕하세요 보더리스 하우스 서울지점입니다
오늘은 여름방학 동안 
참여할 수 있는
특별한 활동을 
소개하려고 해요~!

보더리스 하우스와 일본 취업 에이전시인
콜라보로 만들어진 이번 프로그램

여름방학인 7-8월, 2달 단기로 진행됩니다

활동 내용 정리

한국에서도 일본 유학을 경험할 수 있다~!
2달 동안 맘껏 서로 소통하며언어와 문화교류를 할 수 있어요

​단순 생활이 아닌 공동 미션을 진행하면서
앞으로의 취. 창업에 도움이 되는 능력도 키울 수 있답니다

모집 내용 상세

모집 대상에는 안 나와있지만 일본 취업을 생각하고 계신 분들께는
더없이 좋은 기회가 될 것 같아요

​코로나로 인해 일본 방문이 어려운 지금 일본 기업과의 연결도 어려운 상태에요
하지만 이번 프로그램에는 KOREC이 함께 참여하는 만큼
여러분께 정말 많은 도움이될 것이라고 생각합니다

​여러 국가가 아닌 한국 일본 두 국가만 집중해
진행하는 활동이니 그만큼 서로의 언어와 문화에 빠르게
적응하실 수 있을 거라 생각해요

​현재 모집을 진행 중이니 방학을 더욱더 알차게 보내고 싶다
하시는 분들은 많은 참여 부탁드립니다~!

더 자세한 내용은 하단의 KOREC 사이트를 통해 볼 수 있으니 참고 부탁드립니다

Cultural Exchange ▏ There is More Power in Unity than Division

In recent years, it feels like it can’t go one week without hearing about racist remarks or attacks in the global news. In America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia there have been incidents against the minority groups of all these areas of the world.

Those people get judged by their heritage and color, and not their actions. It cannot be described as anything other than saddening and heartbreaking. But while fear and hate of the new and unknown have always been part of human society, we must not let fear get the better of us. Humanity is beautiful and sharing our cultures with each other, makes us a better species.

And as of the 21st Century, we have never been more globally diverse and culturally open-minded. Never before has it been so easy to share, discuss, see and experience culture and traditions as it is right now. During my one year in Japan, I discussed politics with an American, relationships with a Frenchmen, how to properly cook food with an Italian, (I learned to never mention ketchup in such conversations), shared a warm hug with an Irishman, climbed mountains with a Swizz and made friendly fun of one another with my Scandinavian neighbors. And that is not mentioning how every day I learn new and breathtaking things about the Japanese culture, witnessing how their daily life and traditions were worlds apart from my own.

The point is, cultural exchange is a fantastic and precious thing we should cherish. While cultural appropriation has become a little controversial, one should never say no to learn more, to ask more questions, and to understand. Every culture has had hundreds, if not thousands, of years of history. Their traditions are as normal in their eyes, as yours is in your own. We are all in this life together.
So let’s share about our differences and similarities!

What can you do to take part in sharing and experiencing the varied fruit baskets of worldly cultures?

Ways to get a perspective and a small taste of other cultures are almost endless. Every year people travel abroad on vacations to get away from their own daily lives back at home. Enjoying new foods, drinks, and nature. But you can only experience so much while living in a hotel, drinking a pina colada at the beach or pool. And very often, tourist destinations are not a good window into the lives of the population as a whole. The same goes for media like movies and television. Arts like these can give a good hint of what the culture can be like, but while not necessarily a lie, rarely portray a realistic view of what actual life is like. Things like anime, Korean dramas, and Hollywood are good examples of this. Although it is a decent supplement when you are unable to travel abroad.

It goes without saying, that the greatest of options is visiting the country, to socialize and observe the population. How do they celebrate things like birthdays, marriage, or the birth of a newborn? How do they mourn the loss of a loved one? How do they feel about foreign cultures? What does their home-cooked food taste like? How do they like to celebrate weekends? How much does a beer cost? What political topics do they often discuss amongst each other? These are all things you can’t truly learn without being there and living amongst them.

Exciting Ways to Experience Local Culture

That is why so many choose to study abroad in countries they love. They get to learn the subject they are interested in and get to live and breathe side by side with the people of that country.

Spending some time living in the home of a local friend, staying with a host family, or living in a share house, are all perfect ways to get hands-on experience. So many people who choose to study or move abroad take the opportunity to live in one of these options. While living with a host family is amazing and you get taken well cared of, the difference in age groups can become apparent after a while. That’s why share houses have become so big in recent years. You get to live semi-independently while at the same time share living spaces with locals, or in cases like Borderless House’s International share houses, a balanced mix between foreign tenants and locals.

Stories of people cooking different ethnic dishes to each other every week, celebrating local and foreign Holidays together, sharing memories and experiences from their hometowns, traveling and exploring together to learn what lies beyond the crowded tourist locations, creating strong friendships with people that while having different cultural and religious values, still connect with you. To make friends and be happy, it is important to love each other’s similarities, while also respecting our differences, even if we don’t agree with everything.

Start to experience different cultures!!

So when this pandemic is over, take a chance. Go somewhere you have not been before. Try the foods you have never eaten. Find a stranger and talk to them. Travel abroad and ask them to show you what life actually is like there. Buy someone a drink and ask them to tell you about themselves. In my experience, this gives the most real and pleasant view of someone’s culture and life. And might even make you appreciate or improve your own life, after being inspired by someone else’s stories.

As my childhood hero once said:
“Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life’s true delights”
—–Uncle Iroh

Stay safe everyone 🙂