We held the international exchange party and cultural study workshop in Osaka!

Hello, this is an event report from Borderless House Kansai!

This time we had a bit special event at Borderless House Osaka Tamastukuri on the last day of Golden Week! There were 2 parts on this event !!

1st. The workshop with Korean tenants and Japanese college students who have Korean background

The theme of the study group is “the difference between Japan society and Korean society”
Both countries are seem to be similar, but there are a lot of different points!

Borderless House is a share house where people with various backgrounds live together, cross-border encounter, and can touch a lot of new values. That is a different point between Borderless House and other share house.

Of course not only for tenants, but also for those who do not yet know the world view of Borderless House, we would like them to meet new people through the Borderless House and get a chance to have a wider world view!

That is the reason why we decided to hold the study group by Korean tenants and Japanese college students who have Korean background.  

Since it was the first time to be held this event, we had a discussion with a casual agenda such as ‘the difference of delivery service’,’the difference of living cost’ .

Even if it was a short time and some of them got a little nervous, everyone actively participates in the discussion in both language Japanese and Korean.

2nd. Borderless House Kansai International Party

We also held a party with Borderless House Osaka-TamastukuriBorderless House Osaka-Tsuruhashi 1Borderless House Osaka-Toyonaka 1 tenants!

Everyone enjoyed the conversation while having a delicious meal with tenants of other share houses.

From everyone who participated in the party of Borderless House for the first time, I could get lots of nice comments below!

‘I thought I understand a little about the differences between the lives of Japan and Korea but I was able to learn lots of things for myself that was surprisingly different.’

‘Occasionally, the other party’s words were hard to hear or my words did not pass well, but I think I understood most of the content by explaining with letters and gestures. ‘

‘Since there are a lot of people from various nationalities, I felt like I was not in Japan. I thought that it was purely wonderful that the people were having a meal together in one place. It was a lot of fun for me! ‘

‘Since I have few opportunities to speak with people from various countries, that kind of environment is good chance to study myself.’

As a Borderless house, we are going to make many new encounters and exchange cultures for our tenants.
We also would like to make opportunities to know about us for those of you who do not yet know Borderless House or are interested in our house, but can not take a step forward!

Borderless House in Kansai area, vacancy is just a few left!  Why don’t you join the Borderless House and enjoy cross-border encounter and intercultural exchanges?

Borderless House KANSAI area


”BORDERLESS HOUSE Osaka-Tsuruhashi1”
”BORDERLESS HOUSE Osaka-Toyonaka1”
”BORDERLESS HOUSE Osaka-Tamatsukuri”

”BORDERLESS HOUSE Kyoto-Hanazono1”

Great success with neighbors! Kimono dressing and Tea party event! @ Kyoto Kamigamo House

Hello, this is Suguru from Borderless House. “Kimono dressing & Tea party” event was held at Kyoto Kamigamo House on 13th of May. Dressing of kimonos is a valuable experience, so it generally costs around 4000 yen a day per person. However, this time, thanks to the cooperation of Kyoto Kimono Kikaku-san, the participation fee was 500 yen! We really appreciate Kyoto Kimono Kikaku-san! As such a wonderful event, gathering 21 tenants in total from all 5 Borderless Houses in Osaka and Kyoto! There was also an exchange with local people in the Tea party after the Kimono dressing. 12 neighbors of the Kyoto Kamigamo House took part in it. It was an exciting event from the beginning to the end. I will introduce the whole Kimono dressing & Tea party event with photographs!

What I find the struggle point of wearing Kimono

Male tenants who came from overseas were struggling very hard on the Tabi(socks) to be worn for the first time. It was a funny story that one of tenants said “Where is my ring finger, where?!” On the other hand, female tenants tried to make Obi(sash belt) by themselves! There are various shapes of Kimono Obi like ribbon.

Thanks to the guidance of the Kyoto Kimono Kikaku-san, everyone was able to dress in the kimono beautifully!

In fact, some neighbors participated the event as a “Kimono dressing” volunteer!

One of our lovely neighbors is O-san often come to Kyoto Kamigamo House. She remember all tenant’ names and nicknames. And then she participated as a volunteer this time because she wanted to become a power even a little for the tenants.

Let’s take a picture!

It was the first time for most of tenants to wear kimonos by themselves, so after the dressing they were excited and took a lot of photos

It was a “Natto pose” thought by a foreign tenant who loves natto too much and eats it in the morning, afternoon and evening!

Walking around “Kamigamo Shrine”, one of the world cultural heritage

After dressing, we divided into 3 teams and looked around Kamigamo Shrine. This shrine is located 3 minutes on foot from the Kyoto Kamigamo House.

Everyone (the participants and the staff) took a commemorative photo in front of the gateway of the shrine!

This place for ritual cleaning of hands and mouth with water when visiting shrines.

Tea party was a great success!The beginning of a conversation is Korean dramas!?

After the walking around, 12 neighbors welcomed the tenants at the Kamigamo House! At the beginning, thee neighbors were nervous and had the following feelings of uneasiness. “I do not know how to start a talking” ”I can not speak English”  However, It started a talking with a casual word! For example, one neighbor said to a Korean tenant, “I love Korean dramas!” “Oh! Which drama do you like!?” the tenant asked her. “I think that drama …” In this way, good communication at the tea party was born one after another. Those who told the tenants his history of the Kamigamo area that he was born and raised, while using gesture hand gestures. Some girls also positively visited the tenants to learn English and Korean. The fun time went by quickly. To the announcement of the end time, I got a lot of regretful words such as “It’s too early one hour.” And then, some of participants asked us “When is the next event? Please tell me as soon as you decided” We received a lot of voices that are looking forward to the next event as well. We would like to plan an event like this one again! The photo with a big smile! Thank you very much for all neighbors who came this time!

Many pleasant comments from the participants!

It was fulfilling for the first time to have a Kimono dressing experience. I learned a lot about Kamigamo area from the neighbors, so I want to know more Kamigamo while continuing to interact with them. W-san from Japan It was a lot of fun to talk with the other houses tenants. I hope to participate if such a collaborative event is next time. R-san from Japan I would like you to organize Japanese culture events. I want to learn more about how to tie belts(Obi), please teach me! A-san from Germany We received many pleasant comments from tenants who participated in this event. As feeling with traditional Japanese culture here, there is a good environment that Kamigamo House can do international exchange × local community exchange. Borderless House Kyoto Kamigamo wants to grow with the community while cooperating with tenants and local residents! Finally, for the success of this event, thank you very much for the Kyoto Kimono Kikaku-san from Kyoto University. Thank you for reading our blog, well then see you next time! If you are interested in Borderless House, please contact us! <Borderless House Kyoto Kamigamo> http://www.borderless-house.com/jp/sharehouse/h/kamigamo/ <Borderless House Kyoto Hanazono> http://www.borderless-house.com/jp/sharehouse/h/kyoto-hanazono1/

HOUSE EXCHANGE Franz 도쿄에서 서울로!

하우스 익스체인지 도쿄에서 서울로!

  안녕하세요, 보더리스 쉐어하우스 입니다. 최근 도쿄 하우스에서 지내고 계신 Franz 님께서 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용하여 서울을 알차게 즐기다 가셨는데요! 여행을 마치고 도쿄로 돌아가신 Franz 님께서 너무나 멋진 사진들과 후기를 남겨주셔서 여러분께 공유 드립니다.       안녕하세요, 저는 도쿄 보더리스하우스에서 지내고 있는 Franz 라고 합니다. 도쿄에 위치한 보더리스하우스에서 지내며 일본어를 공부하고 있어요. 일본에서 지내면서 근방에 위치한 다른 나라들도 꼭 한 번 쯤은 가보고 싶다고 생각을 했는데, 마침 보더리스의 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 알게 되어 일주일 간 서울에 다녀오게 되었습니다!     저는 꽤 오래 전부터 서울에 갈 계획을 세우고 있었는데 마침 서울을 비롯하여 칸사이, 타이페이에 있는 보더리스하우스에서 무료 숙박이 가능한 프로그램이 있다는 소식을 듣고 참가하게 되었어요! 프로그램 신청 후 서울지점의 스텝 분께 연락을 받았고, 제가 여행을 계획하고 있는 시기에 지낼 수 있는 공실을 안내 받았습니다. 저는 합정역 근처에 위치한 홍대 5 쉐어하우스에서 지내기로 했어요! 숙소가 정해지니 여행 계획을 세우는 것도 정말 수월했습니다.     제가 서울에 지내는 동안 함께 지냈던 하우스메이트 친구들이에요! 지내는 동안 정말 도움을 많이 받아서 감사했어요. 보더리스하우스에서 지내면서 처음 본 사람들과도 점점 가족 같이 지낼 수 있게 되는 것이 참 신기하게 느껴졌어요. 비록 일 주일 밖에 함께 지내지 않았지만 정말 많이 친해져서 도쿄로 돌아갈 때 많이 아쉬웠답니다!     여행하는 동안 서울의 유명한 곳들을 둘러볼 수 있어 좋았어요. 하루하루 갈 곳을 정하는 게 힘들 정도로 하우스메이트 친구들에게 추천을 많이 받아서 매일 아침마다 행복한 고민을 했답니다! 서울은 정말 매력적인 도시였어요. 기회가 된다면 서울에서도 오래 지내보고 싶네요!     서울에서 지내는 동안 가본 곳 중에 가장 마음에 들었던 곳은 한강이에요. 특히 제가 지냈던 홍대 5 하우스에서 한강까지는 걸어서도 갈 수 있어서 산책삼아 여러 번 다녀왔어요. 한강 뿐만 아니라 하우스 바로 앞에 위치한 합정역에서 지하철 2호선으로 서울 어디나 쉽게 이동할 수 있었답니다!     하우스메이트들의 강력추천으로 배달음식도 맛보았어요! 짜장면과 탕수육이라고 하는 음식을 맛보았는데 정말 맛있었어요. 특히 배달이 정말 빨라서 신기하기도 하고 놀랍기도 했어요. 전화를 끊고 얼마 지나지 않아 도착해서 정말 깜짝 놀랐답니다!     지내는 동안 절 많이 도와준 하우스메이트 친구들에게 감사해요. 저는 여행으로 서울에 왔지만 친구들은 서울에서 일을 하거나 학교에 다니고 있어 많이 바빴을텐데 첫 여행인 저를 정말 많이 도와줬어요. 서울에서 꼭 가봐야 하는 명소들에 대해서도 추천해주었고, 정말 맛있는 식당에도 데려가주어서 정말 좋은 추억이 됐어요! 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램으로 어딘가를 방문했을 때의 가장 큰 장점은 역시 그 곳에서 정말 생활하고 있는 친구들을 만날 수 있는 거예요! 여행을 갔을 때 항상 여행자에게 유명한, 사람들이 가는 곳만 가게 되는 점이 아쉬웠는데 이번에는 정말 많은 것을 보고 느낄 수 있어 좋았습니다. 감사해요, 보더리스!   * 입주자 한정 * 하우스 익스체인지를 경험 해보고 싶으신 분 이시라면, 언제든지 연락 주시길 바랍니다! 더욱 자세한 사항은 아래 링크에서 확인 가능합니다! http://www.borderless-house.kr/houseexchange

HOUSE EXCHANGE 준형 서울에서 오사카로

하우스 익스체인지 서울에서 오사카로!

  안녕하세요, 보더리스 쉐어하우스 입니다! 서울지점의 입주자 준형님께서 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용하여 일본 오사카에 다녀오셨는데요! 오사카 쉐어하우스에서 어떻게 지내다 오셨는지, 함께 살펴보도록 할까요?   보더리스하우스의 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램으로 일본에 간 것은 이번이 두 번째 입니다. 저번에는 도쿄를 방문했었고 이번에는 오사카에 가게 되었어요. 여행하는 동안 저는 오사카의 명소들을 최대한많이 방문하려고 노력했어요. 제 여행기가 여러분께 도움이 되었으면 좋겠네요!   하우스 익스체인지 프로그램의 가장 큰 장점은 역시 많은 친구를 사귈 수 있는 점인 것 같아요. 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용했을 때와 이용하지 않았을 때, 그 느낌과 경험은 많이 달랐어요. 오사카를 여행하면서 함께 쉐어하우스에서 지낸 하우스메이트들과 많이 친해졌던 것 같아요. 이번 여행에서 얻을 수 있는 가장 큰 수확이었다고 생각합니다!   하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용하면서 이용하지 않을 때보다 더 많은 것을 보고 느끼고 경험할 수 있었어요. 이 프로그램을 이용하지 않고 여행을 했을 때도 나쁘지는 않았어요. 하지만 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용하면서 전보다 더 많은 것을 경험할 수 있었다고 생각해요.   이번 여행에서는 숙소 문제가 손쉽게 해결되어 여행계획을 짜는 데에 조금 더 집중 할 수 있었어요. 이 자리를 빌어 보더리스하우스 서울과 칸사이 지점 스텝 분들께 정말 감사 드리고 싶어요! 여러모로 도움을 정말 많이 받게 되어 감사했습니다. 덕분에 정말 즐거운 여행이었어요!   이 친구는 제가 오사카 쉐어하우스에서 지내는 동안 함께 지냈던 하우스메이트 중 한 명이에요! 정말 오사카에서 생활하고 있는 현지 친구들을 만날 수 있어 좋았습니다. 오사카를 여행하며 하우스메이트 친구들에게 정말 많은 도움을 받았어요. 친구들은 오사카에서 생활하고 있는, 말 그대로 현지인이기 때문에 오사카에 왔다면 꼭 들러봐야 할 맛집, 명소 등에 대해 많은 조언을 받을 수 있었답니다!   저녁식사를 함께하는 것만큼 가까워지기 쉬운 방법은 없는 것 같아요. 사실 하우스메이트들과 처음 저녁식사를 함께했을 때는 부끄럽고 어색하고 그랬어요. 하지만 하루, 이틀, 사흘 등등 저녁을 함께하며 점점 가까워지는 것을 느꼈답니다!   혹시 오사카 여행을 계획 중이시라면 현지의 타코야키 맛을 느껴보시는 것을 추천 드려요! 한국에서도 꽤 쉽게 접할 수 있는 음식이지만 현지에서 먹는 것과는 정말 다르답니다. 일본 여행에서 절대 놓치지 말아야 할 것 중 하나라고 생각해요.   혹시 이 글을 읽고 계시는 여러분 중에 보더리스하우스 입주자가 계시다면 지내시는 동안 적어도 한 번은 이 프로그램을 이용해보셨으면 좋겠어요! 일본, 대만에 있는 쉐어하우스에서 지내며 현지 친구들도 사귈 수 있는 좋은 기회니까요! 제 사진과 여행기가 여러분께 조금이나마 즐거움이 되길 바라며 이 프로그램 정말 강력추천 드려요! 지내시는 동안 꼭 이용해보세요!   * 입주자 한정 * 하우스 익스체인지를 경험 해보고 싶으신 분 이시라면, 언제든지 연락 주시길 바랍니다! 더욱 자세한 사항은 아래 링크에서 확인 가능합니다! http://www.borderless-house.kr/houseexchange

What real life in a share house is like @Kyoto-Kamigamo Tenant Story①

Hello! I am Nami, and I live at Borderless House Kamigamo for one month. For four times in total, I will blog about what I learned from living in a share house. I hope that some of you will become interested in the “share house” concept through this blog, and even catch a glimpse on what real life in a share house is like. Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo has just opened on March 20th, and there are events taking place pretty much every day. The foreign tenants have some kind of party every single day – sometimes I wonder where they get that much energy… but mostly, their positive attitude really cheers me up.   We’ve had various kinds of parties until now. For example, welcome parties when a new housemate moves in. And even on regular weekdays, it’s a lot of fun just having dinner or a few drinks together. Generally, everyone cooks their own dinner. But since we live together with Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German and Australian housemates, there is such a huge variety of different foods! Once, our Korean housemate cooked a Korean dish called “jjigae” for everyone  Another time, the French guys treated us with some apple crumble. At Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo, we have lots of opportunities to learn about other cultures through food. My Korean housemate once saw the dish “Ton-jiru” (pork soup) shown on the Japanese TV show “shinya shokudou” (Midnight Diner) and got hungry, so we made it together! (By the way, I hadn’t even heard of the TV show Midnight Diner. And there were other times when my foreign housemates told me about certain foods they learned about from this anime or that manga, and I didn’t know what they were talking about!I actually learn a lot from them about Japanese TV shows or manga .)   But we do not only share our cultures through food! After dinner, we often watch Japanese anime or TV shows together, play cards, or talk about what our days were like, and just socialize by having a conversation.  For example, the latest anime marathon we had at Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo was “shokugekino souma” (Food Wars), an anime all about food. (Apparently, it’s a pretty popular manga from the magazine JUMP.) When playing cards, we always play games I have never seen in Japan before, so someone always has to explain the rules to me. At Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo, when someone comes home we always ask each other about our days or talk about what we did that day, so we never run out of things to talk about! (Even when you cook your dinner, someone approaches you and asks what you are making :D) Every day is fun in this house, and it feels just like home. (The ones sharing the same days off on the weekend have an even broader way of socializing! But I’ll talk about that some other time…)  

So, do you have any concerns about living in a share house?

For example, many worry if they can properly communicate with the foreign tenants, or if they will be alright living with others. But above all, I think many worry about having to change their current lifestyle. The thought of having to change your daily school or work routine can discourage many from choosing to move to a share house. To be honest, I was one of those people.   But Borderless House Kyoto-Kamigamo took my worries away instantly. Without particularly changing my routine, I can interact with people from lots of different countries, and I feel so comfortable!   Of course, I am very busy with school, work, and other things, but there is no special time I have to be home or take a bath. So I can keep my own, usual routine while enjoying life in the share house! I strongly recommend you to live in a share house to meet new awesome friends and new cultures!! Then,i will be back with new great story soon!! <Borderless House Kyoto-Kamgamo> Borderless House  – Osaka/Kyoto area –  

Event Review: Go hiking together ~ enjoy the fresh air on Jinmian Mountain!

Hello everyone! This is BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIPEI 🙂 Have you ever gone hiking in the mountain in Taiwan? Though Taipei is a busy city, you can still slow down your pace and take a breath in the mountain without spending much time to get there! In February, we held a small event of going hiking in Jinmian Mountain located in Neihu. Let’s have a review of that day♫

First, we would like to introduce Jinmian Mountain~

Jinmian mountain is located in Neihu district in Taipei city, and the nearest MRT station will be Xihu station and Neihu station. The hiking path is about 2.3 kilometers long, and it probably takes 1 hour and 40 minutes to hike. However, since everyone was chatting, taking pictures, and enjoying the scenery while hiking, we spent about 2 hours to complete that day. Though this path had variable terrain and people required much effort to hike, the beautiful and amazing view on the top was worth visiting!

At 9:30 A.M. that day, everyone had breakfast together in the Mcdonald’s near MRT Xihu station first, then headed for the hiking path! Walking along the alley next to the Exit1 of MRT station, we arrived the entrance of path situated at Sec.2, Huanshan Rd.

Let’s take a look at pictures of hiking that day ☀

This time our staff Daniel was the guide of the hike (The one in bright blue jacket). The tenants who took part in were from France, Korea and Taiwan. Though the number of participants were not so many, a team with fewer people was also more flexible and you wouldn’t be left alone. It was so exciting and inspiring to get to the top!!! We also met other hikers and took pictures together, and quiet atmosphere of the mountain became so lively~ On the top, you can overlook the whole Taipei city, and the horizon is very wide. Being far away from the busy life of city temporarily and making new friends as well seems great, doesn’t it? (Smile)

After going down the mountain, everyone saw a temple of Koxinga and had a visit together. We even experienced the procedure of worshiping. Koxinga is a historic figure of Taiwan who had ruled the country, so people set up temples one after the other to remember him after he passed away. These are related to Taiwanese culture and might be very different experiences to foreigners! We appreciate the feedback and sharing from our tenants who joined this event 吳琦:“From time to time, it’s nice to have such event that everyone can meet each other and exchange thoughts. I think hiking is a good choice which can also exercise my inflexible muscles and bones (LOL). It also made me touched when everyone took care of each other on the tough way XD. I hope I can join this kind of event again next time!” Samuel“The hike in Jinmian was nice and fun. I remember there were around 10 people, whose most of them I didn’t know. So that was cool. Going up was a bit tough for some (many many stairs!) but globally everyone enjoyed it. Moreover we took our time, waiting for each other. And the top really worth some efforts, the view is good from there. A bit scary when it gets windy, but that made it fun as well ^^ I went two times there. I really like it and recommend it for sure :)” We will hold more tenants-only events in the future, come join us and meet new friends!! See you next time ~~

HOUSE EXCHANGE Jeanie 서울에서 도쿄로

하우스 익스체인지 서울에서 도쿄로!

  보더리스 쉐어하우스입니다. 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램을 이용해서 서울에서 도쿄, 오사카까지 즐기고 온 Jeanie 의 후기를 공개합니다!   현재 한국에서 살고 있으니 다른 아시아 국가를 탐험해보고 싶었습니다.   한국 이외로 제일 가보고 싶었던 나라는 일본이었기 때문에, 보더리스 쉐어하우스에서 제공하는 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램은 너무나도 좋은 기회였습니다. 보더리스 쉐어하우스 도쿄 지점은 지역별로 아주 많았기 때문에, 먼저 공식 홈페이지에서 어떤 지역에 머물면 좋을지 공실 현황등 쉐어하우스 스탭과 이야기 하면서 도쿄 쉐어하우스를 검색했습니다. 스탭과의 연락이 끝나면 모든 일정이 평탄하게 진행되었습니다. 일본에 도착하고 만난 보더리스 쉐어하우스 일본 스탭들은 하우스 가까운 역에서 만나 환영해주고 하우스까지 안전하게 데려다주었습니다. 일본의 어느 보더리스 쉐어하우스에 들어가더라고, 스탭으로 부터 하우스내 룰, 쓰레기 분리수거등 기본적인 하우스 안내를 받을 수 있고, 일본에서의 생활에 대해 궁금한 점을 스탭에게 물어보고 답변을 받을 수 있었습니다. 딱 9일동안 일본에서 체류하기도 했고 대부분의 하우스 메이트들이 일을 하거나 공부때문에 바빠서 매일 함께 놀러 나가지는 않았습니다.   하지만, 제가 만났던 하우스 메이트들은 모두 친절하고 호기심이 많았습니다. 제가 한국에서 했던 경험과 왜 일본에 왔는지를 물어보곤 했습니다. 동시에, 일본 룸메이트가 제가 살고있는 하우스 주변이나 복잡한 일본 전철 환승 꿀팁, 맛집등 많은 정보를 알려주곤했습니다. 짧은 일정이었지만 틈을 내서 오사카도 방문했었답니다. 오사카까지는 신칸센을 타고 이동했고 짧게 다녀왔기 때문에, 도쿄에서 하우스 익스체인지 시작과 끝을 함께 할 수 있어서 좋았답니다. 숙박에 많은 돈을 들이지 않고 일본을 방문 할 수있을뿐만 아니라, 쉐어하우스에 지내는 동안 일본인 뿐 아니라 다른 외국인들과도 대화 할 수있었습니다. 진정으로 국가, 문화 및 사람들에 대해 이해할 수 있는 가장 빠른 방법이라고 생각했습니다. 프로그램을 이용해보고 느낀점은, 다른 입주자들에게도 강하게 추천드리고 싶었습니다. 공부하고 싶거나, 어학 연수를 하거나, 휴가를 떠나 새로운 문화를 탐구하고 배우고 싶을 때, 하우스 익스체인지 프로그램은 현지인과 다른 외국인들을 만날 기회를 갖기에 정말 좋은 방법입니다!   * 입주자 한정 * 하우스 익스체인지를 경험 해보고 싶으신 분 이시라면, 언제든지 연락 주시길 바랍니다! 더욱 자세한 사항은 아래 링크에서 확인 가능합니다! http://www.borderless-house.kr/houseexchange

Borderless House Osaka Tamatsukuri –opening celebration party was held!

Greetings to all! This is Chang, a staff from Borderless House Kansai. On 11th February Saturday, we threw a potluck party with the tenants from 4 different houses,at our brand new <Borderless House Osaka Tamatsukuri>!! Here is a report about it along with the photos taken! Many of the tenants in <Borderless House Osaka Tamatsukuri> are share house beginners, and this was the very first house event held at the house. And so…we let the party begin with self-introduction session! A little bit of strained look in everyone’s face…seems like more ice breaking needed? After the self-introduction was the game session! The tenants teamed up as each house. We prepared 3 different kinds of games, and a big prize for the winner team: “rent discount ticket”!!! The first game: ping pong match on an international standard ping-pong table! Everybody frantically chases the ball for the rent discount ticket! Looks like everybody is enjoying themselves! Ice breaking succeeded?  🙂 The second game: the world wide famous JENGA! Considering its simplicity in rules, we thought each JENGA game will finish in a flash… but no! All our tenants are such good players, each game went on for at least 30 minutes! Look at everyone’s faces! So serious! And this JENGA tower…look how tall it ended up as, impressive! This has to be some professional level! After the 2 ice breaking games…the final game: pop-up pirate game!! All the participants got way more excited, as the winner team of this game wins the prizes! So which house was the lucky team that won the 1st prize eventually?? These two big boys!! The second prize winners were these lovely ladies! The prizes: a set of aroma oil and diffuser machine! (Good thing there are more female tenants in this house!) The third prize winners were these two fashionistas: 30 bars of takoyaki-flavour umaibo snacks!!! (Takoyaki –a dumpling with octopus pieces inside, dipped in a sauce; Osaka’s comfort food!) Not only the game sessions have ended in a great success, but also the tenants that participated have brought us a variety of delicious international dish and desserts! Korean bibim guksu noodles, gyoza, Vietnamese spring rolls, takoyaki, and sushi rolls…all this wonderful collaboration of multicultural food is also the perks of living in an international share house!  Everyone had a good talk and laughter over a table full of international food. This event became a great opportunity for both the tenants from Borderless House in Osaka and Kyoto (more than an hour apart by train!) to get together and mingle! The event ended in a big success, thanks to all of the participants! We hope to see you at the next event 🙂 Now there are a limited number of vacancies at <Borderless House Osaka Tamatsukuri> after only 1 month since the opening! Please contact us if you would like to join us! BORDERLESS HOUSE Osaka-Tamatsukuri http://www.borderless-house.com/jp/sharehouse/h/tamatsukuri/ BORDERLESS HOUSE Kyoto-Kamigamo http://www.borderless-house.com/jp/sharehouse/h/kamigamo/  

Find rooms for rent and flatmates in Taipei: 8 reasons to live in share house of BORDERLESS HOUSE

Hello everyone!! This is BORDERLESS HOUSE Taipei. Are you the one who is curious about the foreign culture? Are you finding flatmates to share daily life and learn from each other? Are you interested in learning foreign language? ……If so, the share house of BORDERLESS HOUSE will be a good choice for you!!

8 reasons to live in the Borderless House ▼▼▼

1. For Taiwanese, you can live with flatmates from different countries

Since our concept is to provide the opportunity to cultivate international cultural exchange, we try to balance the ratio of locals to foreigners 50:50. So, half of your flatmates will be foreigners, and you can experience the international environment  by simply living in a house without going abroad!

2. For Foreigners, you can live with many locals and adapt to local life more easily

If you come to Taiwan to learn Chinese and would like to explore the culture here, living with locals can help you know the culture deeper and get some tips about daily life you may not have in other places. Also it will be a good chance to put language skills into practice EVERYDAY!

3. The community is like a FAMILY

The people who live in the BORDERLESS HOUSE must have motivation for communicating with others and are eager to experience different cultures. As a result, this is a community which is created by people having the same goal or sharing the similar values. (For example, they want to improve the language or make friends from different countries!) Also we ask tenants to live at least one month so that you will have more chance to interact and hangout with your flatmates! ★See the sharing of one of our foreign tenants: Samuel

4. It’s convenient to go everywhere from the house

Our houses are located in Taipei city and mostly near the Taipei metro station, so it will usually take you less than 10 minutes to walk to house from the station! If you want to travel to other spots in Taipei, it’s also convenient to go by metro system. ★See the list of our share houses by area: Click here

5. Each house is equipped with basic facilities.

There are living room, dining room and kitchen in every house. In common space, we provide basic facilities such as rice cooker, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, TV, WIFI, etc. In each room, there are air conditioner, desks, chairs, and beds, etc. You can bring a bed set by yourself or rent it from us (1,500 NTD just one time). That is to say, you can move in just with one luggage! You don’t have to worry about the basic facilities you need for daily life. ★See detailed information: About House Facilities

6. We hold activities and events for our tenants

It’s a good chance to meet other tenants from different house by joining our events! We had some events such as having a picnic, Halloween party and Christmas dinner last year. In the future we may also arrange some activities like going hiking, playing board games, etc. You can have fun with tenants from all over the world! ★See the events held last year: Picnic Party Halloween Party Christmas Dinner

7. House Exchange Program: Only for our tenants

We have share houses in Japan and Korea as well, so you can stay in one of them for free as long as you pay the rent for the house you are living now. The period of stay can be one week to a whole month. If you plan to travel abroad in either Japan or Korea, it will be a good chance to go there with a low budget (You can save the expenses of accommodation there)! ★See the experiences of other tenants: Rosanne- Seoul to Taipei Ran- Taipei to Tokyo ★Apply for it now: Free House Exchange Inquiry Form

8. Language Exchange Program: Only for our tenants

If you want to meet new friends from other Borderless House and improve language skills, don’t hesitate to join this program! Our staff will match you with a conversation partner and you can have a one-on-one casual lesson with a native speaker. The procedure is not complicated, we will arrange the first meeting for you, then you and your partner can choose when and where to practice from the second meeting! ★See the experiences of other tenants: Effie & David ★Apply for it now: Language Exchange Inquiry Form If you want to know more about BORDERLESS HOUSE, you can also get the information in the articles below! → Info of House Rental → BORDERLESS HOUSE Q&A Or you can send us an inquiry now :)!!! → Ask staff to introduce houses If you are interested in international cultural exchange, we are looking forward to seeing you! Come and join this big family ♥♥♥

How is life in Taipei, Taiwan? -Interview with German tenant

Hello!! This is BORDERLESS HOUSE in Taipei!! We have a tenant from Germany who currently stays at BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIPEI. He has joined language program and usually interacts with his partner and staffs humorously.

We would like to introduce his life in Taipei and his own stories!


Hello I’m Philipp from Germany, and I’m 24 years old. I studied music before and I play the saxophone. After studying, now I come to Taiwan for learning language and have Chinese course here. Because my girlfriend is from Taiwan, I want to understand her culture more!

Could you share your daily life in shared house?

I sleep a lot (laugh). But from Monday to Friday, I have classes from 8:40-11:30 in TKU. After that, I go to sleep again and do my homework. In fact, this is my second time to come to Taiwan, I traveled to Kenting, Tainan, and Hualien with my girlfriend last August.

Why do you choose BORDERLESS HOUSE in the first beginning? 

Because I want to practice Chinese with other Taiwanese housemates! Is there anything difficult or tough for you to live in Taiwan? The weather, and maybe the mosquitoes. Last year I have problems with mosquitoes’ bite, but I didn’t have serious problems with it this time. There were only two in my room. (And he slapped them!)

What impressed you the most during your stay in Borderless House or in Taiwan?

In the first day I came, my housemates did the karaoke, they love the karaokay! They just played the song on Youtube and sang with it. Dance and sing! As for other experiences, one of the cultural shock was that I found there was no sidewalk when I once went on the street. That’s very strange for Germany. Another was that my girlfriend’s parents took me to the restaurant and made me eat the animals’ organs and frog legs. They told me, “It’s chicken chicken, so just eat it eat it.” (note: Many people who had tried frog said that it tasted like chicken.) I ate very much and I thought that was chicken. But I realized the truth after my girlfriend’s friend told me.

Speaking of Taiwan, what is the most attractive point for you?

The food, very nice and helpful people. I love the dumplings, beef noodles and teppanyaki. Maybe the nature as well.

With your experiences, could you kindly give some advice to those who are going to come to Taiwan?

The good thing is that if you lost something, people here are always friendly and helpful! (Picture in the mountain.) (He joined the language program and practiced Chinese with his Taiwanese partner Michelle.) Thanks Philipp for sharing his experiences!! We had good time chatting with him and hope that he can achieve his goal on learning Chinese 🙂 Check BORDERLESS HOUSE in Taipei>> http://www.borderless-house.com/tw/all/ Check Tenant’s only Program>> Free House Exchange http://www.borderless-house.com/houseexchange/ Language Exchange http://www.borderless-house.com/languageexchange/