No Language Experience? No Problem!

Hey guys! This is Claire from BORDERLESS HOUSE back with another blog. This blog is going to be a personal story of how I got interested in Japan and my own journey of learning Japanese. Hopefully, there will be many things you all can relate to, but I also hope that I can share some new information and shed new light on your thoughts about going abroad. 

The Beginnings

The first time that I came to Japan was in June of 2013 at the age of 15. I spent 28 days living with a host family in Yokohama through completely self-organized means. So, why Japan? The true answer to this question really is, “I don’t know.” What I do know is that at the age of 15, I wanted more than anything to have the opportunity to travel abroad, but this was difficult for me to do as I was a nationally-ranked competitive swimmer. Any time away from the pool could jeopardize my training, so going abroad was never an option for me. For many sports, such as soccer or basketball, there are pre-arranged international exchange programs which have reputable teams and carefully selected host families. Swimming is not one of those sports. Being the young 15-year old that I was, I was not going to let this massive barrier stop me and I began asking around my local swimming community to find connections to and contacts for international teams. My first breakthrough came quickly from my head coach in California who had the contact information of a coach from Yokohama in Japan. From that moment on, I decided I was going to try and make my way to Japan!

Now that I had located a reputable team abroad, my next challenge was that I spoke no Japanese, and knew nothing regarding the culture. By some miracle, my math teacher in high school spoke Japanese and with her help I was able to draft an email to this coach in Yokohama. Less than 24 hours later I had a positive response, and was told that I’d be assigned to a host family- all I had to do now was buy my flights. And that’s how I ended up in Japan for 1 month at the age of 15 with complete strangers. Coincidentally, during that month I also fell in love with all of the people that I met, and with the culture. I felt that I got to see a new side to swimming, and really to all of the aspects of life that I considered to be mundane back in the U.S. Things as simple as taking a ride in a car or going grocery shopping were all new and exciting. I finally felt like after 15 years of mindless patterns, I was filled with life and excitement.

Despite this now being my fourth time in Japan and, admittedly, I no longer have a host family to cook my meals, drive me around, or do my laundry, there is still a sense of wonder and awe that I feel when I am here. I feel alive and at home. If you need more convincing of the benefits of going abroad feel free to watch a short talk I gave to my peers at Harvard, and I hope that you will be filled with the same passion that I was.

Make It Work & Don’t Ever Settle

The moral of this whole story is that if you want to go to Japan, or go abroad in general, it is possible if you have the passion and the drive. Especially if you do not find any programs that fit your interests, don’t give up or settle for doing something you really don’t want to do. I have seen many people who have a passion for Japan and take any job that comes their way just to remain in Japan. Unfortunately, if you end up doing something that you are not excited about, it might bias your experience in a place that you once thought you loved. By all means, try and do what you love, in a place that you also love!

In cases where you are unable to find any programs that match your interests, networking will be your best friend. Find something that you want to do, whether it is studying, volunteering, or working, and start asking around. In my experience, if you send emails out of the blue to someone in Japan telling them that you are really interested in working with them, or learning from them, you will end up with one of three answers: 1) positive response, 2) referral to a similar colleague or opportunity or 3) no response, which really in the grand scheme of things isn’t so bad. When things are silent, it just means you have a few more people you’ll need to reach out to! Don’t get discouraged and keep trying.

Learning Japanese

After I returned from my first visit to Japan, I was still in a situation where I did not have any opportunity to take Japanese language courses at school. I additionally did not have the time to enroll in any language courses in my free time because I was constantly at swim practice. I simply picked up a copy of Genki, which I highly recommend for self-learning Japanese, and began to memorize and write hiragana and katakana. I self-studied on and off for about 2 years, but truly I had no serious hours set for studying and I only managed to teach myself the rudimentary writing, speaking and grammar basics. Another downside to self-learning Japanese is that you don’t have the opportunity to practice speaking naturally. There are two parts to learning a language: 1) memorizing vocabulary, grammar, etc, and 2) learning how to seamlessly put this knowledge into use. No matter how much studying you do, if you are unable to put your skills into everyday practice, all your hard work may not be reflected properly. This all being said, self-taught Japanese is an incredible feat and can be successfully done- I just recommend using more than just text materials to practice with. Going abroad or joining language exchange communities are excellent options!

One other opportunity that is missed by self-taught Japanese without going abroad is that you may miss out on a lot of cultural opportunities. Part of immersing yourself in another culture is not just learning the language, but also experiencing daily life and customs. I have been very lucky to have many amazing cultural experiences with my host families and housemates which have deepened my understanding of Japanese history and have made me feel welcomed into a country which is nothing like my hometown.

The next step of my learning journey occurred after my second visit to Japan in 2015. When I realized that Japan was becoming more than just a hobby and would be an interest that carried much further into my academic and working future, I decided it was time to take learning Japanese seriously. My university required all students to take a year of language courses, or to test out of this requirement. Rather than use my Spanish ability to test out of the requirement, I opted to take my first Japanese course.

From my previous two visits to Japan I had picked up some phrases and was familiar with basic grammatical patterns. This was massively helpful to my language learning journey as there were times during class when I was able to recognize my errors before having actually learned the correct grammar rule. Just as children pick up a language from infancy and are able to apply grammatical rules through pure imitation, I realized that my two previous visits to Japan had done the same for my own language learning. Because of this, I would highly recommend going abroad to Japan as early as possible in your language learning journey. The sooner you get native exposure, the sooner you will be able to recognize and apply both grammar and vocabulary. Many people feel that they cannot travel abroad before they are proficient in a language, but I would argue that the opposite is true. Go abroad in order to become proficient. An amazing way to get this native exposure, and one of the main ways that I maintained my Japanese after quitting language courses, was by immersing myself in the BORDERLESS HOUSE community. Being surrounded by people who want to share their cultures and languages fosters a community where you are encouraged to learn and practice. Living in such a supportive community will give you the resources and courage to reach levels of language ability that you never thought possible. You’ll also learn many things, such as the new and upcoming slang, that would otherwise not be taught in a classroom. After all, it goes without saying that textbook language and colloquial language can be quite different.

Personal Regrets

After my first year of Japanese, I, unfortunately, had to stop taking language classes as my schedule became too busy. To be honest, I never imagined that I would be living and working in Japan, which means that at the time, quitting Japanese seemed like the right choice. However, my biggest regret is having quit my language learning after only a year. Although I don’t have any issues communicating or living here now, I now find myself with terribly mismatched speaking and reading/writing ability levels which make Japanese class level placement next to impossible. I have also graduated from college now, so any language course that I pursue would generally take me away from time at my job.

I also never took the JLPT test, which is something that is highly regarded when searching for a job here. When I began my job search, I quickly realized that although I would have no issues with doing an interview in Japanese, I would never be invited for an interview if I did not have some proof of my Japanese language ability. Having some standardized proof of your language ability will be imperative for any foreigner trying to start their career in Japan, with the exception of course of becoming an English teacher!

In summary, my advice to you is that you take advantage of any opportunities you have to continue on with your language learning. Even if I had not ended up living and working in Japan, fluency in foreign languages is such an incredible skill to have. It shows passion, dedication, and can help connect you to international, or domestic, opportunities that you may have never considered. I have a long road ahead of me to get to full fluency, but I’m willing to do what it takes so that I can take this feeling of regret and make it an amazing success story.

Can I Get By Without Any Japanese? The answer is: Yes, absolutely!!

As I mentioned, when I first landed in Japan back in 2013, I had no language experience and no cultural exposure. My high school did not offer Japanese as a language, and the only foreign language experience I had was 10 years of Spanish, which certainly wasn’t going to be put to heavy use during my time in Japan. I had an “Oh, crap” moment on the plane to Japan when the reality of my situation finally settled in. With Google Maps, smartphone translators and the internet in general many of your language barrier issues will be resolved. This being said, despite there being no necessity for Japanese language ability to live here, some understanding of the Japanese language and culture comes in handy if you plan to stay or live here. Great news is that living in a BORDERLESS HOUSE, surrounded by both Japanese and foreign housemates is a quick and easy way to have a support group and language study-buddies when coming to Japan with limited language ability!

The best news is that Japan is extremely accommodating and if you are in the presence of an individual who can speak some English, chances are that this person will be more than happy to seek you out and start up a conversation. Many signs are translated into English, and restaurants sometimes even have English menus. So, even if you are not familiar with the language, you’ll be okay. However, I would again like to point out that you’ll have a much richer experience here in Japan if you are somewhat familiar with the language and culture. For example, the English menus at restaurants don’t always list the same options that are on the Japanese menu, so you just might miss out on the opportunity to try a mint chocolate chip iced latte.

Now if you plan on working here in Japan, this is a different story. As I previously touched upon in the prior section, I cannot stress the importance of having passed the JLPT Level 1 or 2 enough. Many jobs, with the exclusion of English teaching jobs, will require you to have some proof of your Japanese proficiency. Even if you are confident in your Japanese fluency, without some sort of standardized proof, you will likely not be considered for a job interview. So make sure you have done your language prep and passed some sort of standardized proof of your language ability.

Be Fearless and Take the Leap

In conclusion, I’d like to encourage all of you, no matter where you are in your language learning journey, to consider stepping out of your comfort zone and making your dreams of going abroad come true. There are so many opportunities waiting for you and so many friends, especially here at BORDERLESS HOUSE, who are waiting to meet you. I hope that my story has convinced you that there is no greater experience than going abroad and that it will help you grow in ways that you could never imagine.

“Build bridges, not walls!” ~ We have expanded our online language exchange activities!

BORDERLESS HOUSE previously launched a tenant-only
online communication exchange service: “~ Build bridges, not walls! ~ Language Exchange”

The original intention of this service was to connect foreign tenants, who had their plans to come to Japan canceled due to COVID-19, connect with Japanese tenants who were looking forward to having new foreign housemates and roommates. By conducting exchanges online, interactions would not be restricted by time or space, and international communication could continue!

We have now successfully matched 20 groups of language exchange partners!
The participating domestic and foreign tenants have already shown us the many benefits of this program, such as providing a space to learn about different countries and cultures, and making lasting friendships, especially as now is a very difficult time to make new friends. Some partners have already agreed to meet in Japan at a later time when things have returned to normal!
BORDERLESS HOUSE still feels that we can do more.

Therefore, BORDERLESS HOUSE has decided to allow more people to participate and experience this well-regarded service.
Therefore, we will open our service to non-tenants at this limited time from May 11th to May 30th allowing them to register and participate alongside tenants.

Basic rules for pairing
A foreigner will be matched with a Japanese partner.
BORDERLESS HOUSE tenants will be matched with non-BORDERLESS HOUSE tenants.

-Pairing process-

Log in and register!
Please apply using the form linked below.
<Fill in the application form now! >

BORDERLESS HOUSE will match you according to the information on your registration form.
We will then establish a Skype group, arranging the time and exchange outline for your first meeting!

The exchange begins!
First, introduce yourself. According to your customized theme, enjoy the fun of language exchange! (The first round is 40 minutes)

After the end of your exchange, fill out the post-meeting questionnaire. Lastly, agree on a time for your next language exchange!

-Event Features-

Point 1
The procedure is simple. All you need to do is just fill in the application form.
The staff at BORDERLESS HOUSE will match your language exchange partner.

Point 2
You can make new friends from different countries and integrate wit an international community. You can also improve your language skills while having fun connecting over common topics.

Point 3
That’s right, this is a free service!

We hope that during this period of time when an international exchange is strictly restricted, a bridge between countries will be established!
We sincerely look forward to more people joining and participating.

Guide for Living in Tokyo

Tokyo is one of the most populated cities in Japan. It is the hub for technology, food, business, and innovation. Natives from other cities in Japan as well as foreigners migrate to the city to live there. With so many local and multinational companies operating from the city, there is no dearth of jobs in Tokyo.

When moving to Tokyo, it is best to first get a little information about the lifestyle, culture, and cost of living, in the city. To ensure that you have an idea of what you’re getting into, we have compiled some information about Tokyo. This guide will help you prepare yourself for your move.

What People Like About Tokyomajor

The numerous job opportunities in Tokyo, the rich culture of Japan, and ease of living are three of the major attractions of Tokyo. When living in Tokyo, one experiences the most marvelous combination of corporate life, fashion, food, and fun. During the day the residents of Tokyo are busy hustling and working, while at night the city lights up and offers great nightlife.

From great food to entertainment, Tokyo has it all. There are many restaurants, bars, cinemas and game centers in the city, there’s no possibility that one could get bored of the Tokyo city life. While the city is pretty hi-tech and always lit up with lights and hustle-bustle, the government has maintained parks in various areas, to ensure greenery in the city.

The city caters to everyone’s needs, whether they are Japanese or ex-pats. The food served in the city is multicuisine, whereas there are many shopping stores in the city that offer different types of fashion products for varying tastes. Tokyo doesn’t sleep, shopping centers like Don Quijote and Seijo Ishii are open 24/7 for the customers.

The city offers rich art, culture, and music to the people. The local restaurants and bars are called izakaya are serve the local Japanese food with plenty choice of drink. Tokyo is famous for its upbeat pop music and many restaurants play the same. They offer great cocktails and frequent discounts to keep the place crowded.

Many areas in Tokyo are famous for the artistry. There are plenty of museums, art galleries, and exhibitions in the city. However, you come across the biggest art pieces when you walk around the city. The architecture of the city is beautiful and reliable. The architecture helps maintain a vibe of advancement and hi-tech. Moreover, robots working at various information desks and cafes, leave the people surprised at the development in the city.

The Weather In Tokyo

When moving to a new country, it is essential to ensure that you can bear the climate conditions there. Every 2 to 3 months, the climate and temperature in Tokyo changes. There are six seasons that one witness when living in Tokyo:

1. Spring: March to May

The spring season in Japan is the time of Hanami. Hanami refers to cherry blossom viewing events that can be seen from the end of March to the first half of April. The temperature frequently changes during spring, sometimes it’s hot and sometimes it’s cold.

2. Monsoon: May to the first half of July

The rainy season in Japan is called Tsuyu and it rains almost every day in Tokyo during this time. The atmosphere during this season is very humid. The season starts in the Southern region and moves towards the north. After the monsoons are over, one can feel the heat of summers in full swing.

3. Summer: June to August

The highest temperature during the summers in Japan is 30° Celsius. However, due to the humidity, the summers can often feel unbearably hot. Tom must wear light clothes during summers and keep hydrated to avoid getting heatstroke.
Events like Natsu Matsuri, the summer festival, and Hanabi, the fireworks are joyfully celebrated by the people. The jolliness in the air is evident and the city of Tokyo is sparkling during these events.

4. Typhoon: End of August to September

During the typhoon, some areas in Japan including using Tokyo experience extreme rainfall and strong winds. The weather gets so bad that even umbrellas are unable to bear the brunt of the rain. It is best to check the weather forecast before stepping out of the house during the typhoon season.

5. Autumn: September to November

The autumn season in Tokyo is cool and windy. During the day the night, the temperature drops enough for people to bring out their thin pullovers and enjoy the breeze. The trees of many leaves turn from red to yellow during November, walks around the city are especially blissful during these days.

6. Winter: December To February

The lowest temperature in Tokyo during winters is 0° Celsius. The atmosphere is chilly and you will need to wear gloves during the early morning and evenings. Some years, it snows in Tokyo during the winter. The Omisoka, the day before New year, is celebrated by eating traditional Japanese dishes like soba noodles and Osechi. People also celebrate the new year by drinking alcohol and partying.

Tokyo Attractions: Places To Visit

There are many attractive sightseeing places in the city. The view from these places is utterly mesmerizing, whether it’s day or night. Going to visit attractions will definitely bring fun and unforgettable experience into your living in Tokyo. Most of them are extremely crowded during weekends. Some of the famous places to visit in Tokyo are:

1. Sky Tree
2. Shibuya
3. Tokyo Tower
4. National Art Center
5. Sensoji Temple in Asakusa
6. Miraikan and Edo-Tokyo Museums
7. The Imperial Palace
8. The Meiji Shrine
9. Yoyogi Park

Best Experiences In Tokyo

When living in Tokyo there are some experiences that you simply cannot miss out on. While you can spend some days visiting various sightseeing places, many other activities offer the real Tokyo life experience.

1. Try out the authentic and fresh sushi at the local places in Tokyo.
2. Visit markets like Harajuku and Asakusa for some window shopping.
3. Spend an evening at the Ueno Park
4. Collect games and anime films from Akihabara and spend your weekend bingeing.
5. Go to Piss Alley for food and drinks and Shibuya for parties.
6. View the traditional Japanese theater art or try out sumo wrestling for fun.
7. Watch a baseball game at the Tokyo Dome.
8. Hike to Mount Mitake or cycle around the city on a breezy day.
9. Go sing karaoke with your friends.

Tokyo has been given the tag of the best overall experience at Tripadvisor. There are many more things to do in Tokyo, and as you spend more time there and experience new things, you will fall in love with the lifestyle.

Facilities That The City Offers


Tokyo offers exceptional and affordable health care services to its residents. The screening of some diseases has been made free of cost. The cost of treatment and prenatal care are borne 30% by the individual and 70% by the government. The motto of the government is that everyone in the country receives medical services. Both private and public healthcare institutions are available in the city.


Healthcare is so great that the country has observed the high life expectancy rate in the world. Everyone living in Tokyo is covered by public health insurance.
Clinics, dentists, and hospitals do not accept insurance other than Japan-based insurance. However, they never refuse to treat patients that do not have insurance. The payment has to be made in full and you can apply for reimbursement in your country.

Some healthcare businesses that cater to the expat community, may provide services if you have insurance from the global insurance companies that they partner with.


There is a primary clinic available in almost every neighborhood in Tokyo. They provide treatment for problems like rashes, fever, gastric problems, infection, body pain, etc. Some private clinics in Tokyo have English speaking staff for the convenience of expats. However, it is recommended that you take a Japanese speaking friend along, in case they don’t. Going to such healthcare clinics for expats costlier than going to any other clinic.


There are pharmacies located in every neighborhood, mostly nearby stations. Some of these pharmacies are open 24/7.
The medicine provided at these are produced in Japan and might be of a lower dosage, than what’s available in your country. If you need a high dosage of medicine, you need to show a doctor’s prescription.

Convenient Transportation

The city offers trains and the metro to its residents, making traveling around the city conveniently. They offer wide connectivity throughout the city. These public transportation services are reasonably priced and are preferred over private transport like cars. This is why the commute is overcrowded most of the time.

What’s more, the public transport is very punctual, to ensure that the passengers reach their destination on time. The delay of even a minute is very rare and unwelcome. When living in Tokyo, you are usually supposed not to make any delay for appointments. Buses take to places, where the metro network has not yet reached. If you need help while traveling, you can collect brochures, maps, and information from offices at the station.


While the rich prefer shopping from malls and branded stores, there are many hyaku-en stores available in the city, where you can buy many household items for cheaper prices. The rates start at 100 Yen. You can also shop for clothes at second-hand shops.
There are many lanes in Tokyo that are famous for the products available at them. Some of these markets are Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ginza, Nihonbashi, and Ikebukuro.
Brands like Louis Vuitton offer an art gallery, there are a cafe and pastry shop at Dior and a spa and beauty salon at Chanel. These additional places offer a luxury experience and can even be visited by people that are shopping at the store.


The crime rate in Japan is low and it is considered one of the safest places to live. Drink spiking and credit card theft are some of the major crimes in the city, usually occurring in crowded localities. For any help, the police are ready to help and can be contacted at 110. The city offers digital security, infrastructure security, and personal security.

The Cost of Living in Tokyo

It is common knowledge that Tokyo is one of the world’s most expensive cities for expats. The accommodation, food, everything for living is high-class and expensive.


Finding a place to live in Tokyo is quite challenging and expensive. The rent of your apartment is likely to be the biggest expenditure from your income. Apartments in close proximity to the stations are generally more expensive to rent. You can get an apartment within walking distance to the center for around 180000 Yen, whereas if you are living a little farther, the rent will be around 80000 Yen as well. The amenities offered and the area of the property will influence the rent amount.

You could also stay at a share house or an Airbnb hostel in the city, and enjoy their multicultural environment. While you receive less privacy, it is easier to make friends when staying at such places. Such as BORDERLESS HOUSE.


It would be a shame if the delicious food offered by Tokyo isn’t listed as the first thing that people like and attracts them to Tokyo. The roads and lanes of Tokyo are occupied by restaurants. By living in Tokyo, you are always exposure to great offering from restaurants where you are allowed to enjoy authentic Japanese food and multi-cuisine food for people who miss home. It is popularly known as the food capital of the world.
The Edo-style sushi that has made the world its fan, was first made in Tokyo. It was first sold at small street stalls and today it is a famous delicacy served everywhere by Japanese restaurants. While Tokyo is considered an expensive place, a few weeks in the city can help you find restaurants that serve lunch at cheaper prices i.e. less than 1000 Yen.


The cost of traveling anywhere in Tokyo by public transport is around 200 Yen. You can buy a Suica pass for transportation around Tokyo. This pass is rechargeable. By showing your foreign passport, you can receive discounts on tickets.
The train arrives at the station every ten minutes.


The Japanese tax for consumption, on income, and security, is way less when compared to the tax payable when living in Europe.

The Challenges Expats Face during living in Japan

1. Work visa: The biggest challenge faces by expats is getting a work visa in the country. While the process is fast, you must apply at least two months in advance. Before getting a work visa, you can stay in the city for 90 days to secure a job, by first getting a tourist visa.

2. Language: When living in Japan, learning basic Japanese can make your life smooth hassle-free. If you do not know how to speak in Japanese, you might have difficulty navigating in Tokyo.

3. Expensive: Tokyo is expensive. It is best if you move to the city, only if you have a job that will cover your expenses, otherwise, you will be draining your savings.

Relations Between Japanese Locals And Foreigners 

Like most countries, the experience with the locals in Japan is no different. They treat foreigners like foreigners, not the same way they would treat fellow Japanese people. Japanese expect that foreigners cannot be made allies with and it is an innate belief that you will not understand their social conditions.

However, if you know how to speak in Japanese it’ll be undoubtedly easier for you to make friends. You will also come to know that running daily errands is much more convenient if you can speak Japanese.

Etiquette to consider when living in Tokyo
You can improve your relations and interaction with the locals, by respecting the social etiquette and the cultural norms of Tokyo. The people of Japan believe in politeness, bowing to elders, being punctual, and respecting culture. If you follow these etiquettes you can avoid stepping on their bad foot. Moreover, disturbing others on the train by talking on the phone too loudly, eating while you’re walking, and being unhygienic are some actions that are frowned upon.

How to make friends in Tokyo?
Making friends in Japan can be challenging, especially if you are an introvert. The first friends that you make are most probably going to be your colleagues, you’ll also get to know other expats in the city. If you wish to broaden your local friend circle, you could try attending events and gatherings where you might meet Japanese people.

Change In Perception Of Expats After Living In Tokyo
Once you get used to the rush of the city and the overcrowded restaurants and streets, it’ll be easier for you to navigate. You will enjoy the various festivals in the city, and learn about the culture.

Tokyo Expat Community
From students to IT professionals from Europe, Tokyo is home to over 2 million expats. The expat community in Japan is huge and people often meet other English speaking expats via the Meetup app. You can also join an international nomikai that organizes parties and other events, where you can meet other foreigners and locals.

Your fellow expats must have experienced the same things when they moved to Tokyo. Expat forums are platforms that enable you to get in touch with other expats. You can communicate with them and ask queries through forums like Expat Exchange and InterNations.


【Build bridges not walls】~What We Can Do Now~

Hi all, this is Lee from Borderless House.

Currently, the impact of the new Coronavirus can be seen and felt all over the world. Various individuals and industries have been hit very hard by this pandemic and its effects.

As you may know, Borderless House is a company which heavily relies on the support of tenants from overseas. In particular, March and April are commonly two of the busiest months for Borderless House as many students begin their new semester, and post-graduates begin a new chapter of life.
The impact of the Coronavirus has by no means been small, and we have been disheartened to see many long-awaited individuals forced to cancel their trips to Japan, and current tenants need to unexpectedly return home. It is a time of uncertainty for many.

Even during these times, we will persist in our mission to create a multi-cultural society void of discrimination.
In light of the current worldwide pandemic, I’d like to introduce some things that I feel we can and should do to support this mission.

Discrimination and Division as a Result of the Coronavirus

The novel Coronavirus has been labeled as an “Asian problem,” and has lead to severe discrimination against Asian residents, particularly Chinese individuals. Human rights organizations in various countries have reported shocking cases of harassment and assault. Awareness of discrimination against Asians has been once again brought to light. However, this discrimination is by no means a foreign affair unrelated to Japan. We cannot claim with certainty that Coronavirus-related discrimination against foreigners will not be born in Japan.

The rampant virus has been kept under control by immigration restrictions as well as self-isolation and restraint measures. As a result, immigration measures have built “physical walls” and the unending stress and uncertainty has built “emotional walls.”Anxiety surrounding the invisible enemy which we are now all fighting has been misplaced as hatred and discrimination towards a specific race. Specific groups of people are now experiencing prejudice and isolation, as others intentionally make efforts to avoid these individuals. My fear is that this prejudice and discrimination against foreigners will continue to visibly increase in Japan even after travel restrictions are lifted in the future.

Now is a critical time for us to come together. Let us build bridges, not walls.
Not all recent events have been negative. The entire world has united to take action during this crisis by cooperating across various fields, exchanging knowledge and resources, as if confronting a common enemy. Here at Borderless House, we have been doing our best to decide on and implement the necessary measures which will prioritize the highest level of safety and health for our tenants, partner companies, and for our staff and their families.

Click here for more information regarding the Borderless House Coronavirus measures

With this all being said, and given the current state of the world, we are faced with a few questions.
What can we at Borderless House do?
What should be our approach and response?
I am convinced that our current role is to promote connections rather than divisions. Our staff has summarized this sentiment with an encouraging and impactfull phrase:“Build bridges, not walls.”

Due to the Coronavirus, business at Borderless House has been heavily impacted in various ways. However, what overshadows our business worries are our tenants, a community of individuals who had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to foster connections and make memories with people from all over the world. Our hearts ache hearing the stories of tenants who have lost their dreams of coming to Japan, individuals whose once-in-a-lifetime work and study opportunities abroad have been cancelled, foreigners who have been forced to return home due to travel restrictions, and those who have been robbed of the ability to make long-lasting memories with their housemates, never given the time needed to have felt fully at home in Japan.
Even if they are not in Japan, will these individuals be able to build up excitement for the next opportunity to come to Japan, to learn something about Japanese culture or language, or to build international friendships? Are these things that we at Borderless House are still able to provide?

We should aim to eliminate discrimination, prejudice, and division! We should strive to take our society in the opposite direction!
It is important to say these things and to put them in writing, however, arguably more important is taking direct action to support these claims. Borderless House exists to support this type of action by challenging individuals to leave their comfort zone, directly confront their own preconceptions of foreign societies and individuals, and join a multicultural environment. This is the mission, brand, and purpose of Borderless House.


We have taken action and started an online “Language Exchange” matching program.

This new program is based upon a simple idea.
We will be matching foreigners who no longer are able to come to Japan with current tenants of Borderless House to create a free online language exchange program! Therefore, housemates who were supposed to meet will have to opportunity to do so virtually and can still form lasting friendships which transcend borders!

By speaking with Borderless House tenants, we can use this program to provide a look into life in a multicultural environment in Japan, and reignite some of the excitement that may have been extinguished by the ongoing pandemic. We hope that these language partners will ultimately have the opportunity to meet face-to-face in the future.

Please check out the program page for more details regarding this new program!

Ultimately, we would like to extend this program not only to those who were unable to come to Japan, but also those who were unexpectedly forced to post-pone or cancel their reservations with us.

As self-isolation measures persist around the world, I, as well as all the staff at Borderless House, hope that these small and impactful actions will help restore any lost anticipation and excitement, and help redirect our focus from the dark present to a bright future.

Additionally, for tenants who made reservations with Borderless House but were forced to cancel, we have prepared personalized video messages from the staff members who coordinated their reservation details.

With the combined efforts of all members of Borderless House, we will continue to move forward with passion and heart!


The worldwide fight against the Coronavirus is expected to be a long battle.
If the role of the government and politicians is to build walls in order to keep the world safe, I think the response of all global citizens should be to build bridges between our hearts to overcome these barriers.
And we as Borderless House aim to be one of the engineers crafting these bridges. Although not always perfectly made, we will continue to build bridges with a smile, and take pride in our efforts!


Borderless House has previously experienced a similar unexpected and tragic event in the past, and was able to persevere and overcome the resulting challenges.
During the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, fears of the earthquake and radioactivity lead to the evacuation of both Japanese and foreign tenants from Tokyo, resulting in many cancellations.
Despite this, we continued to maintain the ratio of our tenants at 1:1, foreigner:Japanese, and did not abandon our mission. We held out hope that people would return to Japan again, and by standing firm, Borderless House survived this hardship, our brand grew, and we emerged stronger than ever before.

In light of the current virus situation, we will of course work to prioritize each individual’s health and safety.
We may continue to face difficulties in all aspects of our life, both in the personal and economic spheres. However, Borderless House will continue to face these challenges head-on, doing whatever we can do to help and keeping our eyes fixed on the hope of a bright and exciting future!

What Is A Sharehouse?

A sharehouse is a rental space where people who are living independently, gather to live together. Except for private rooms, all other spaces are shared with fellow tenants. The shared spaces include the lounge area, where tenants can interact with one another, the kitchen, where they can prepare a variety of cuisines and meals, and the bathroom.

Share houses are mainly occupied by similarly aged (young and middle-aged) independently living locals or foreigners who have moved to Japan. Share houses appeal to this group of people due to the diversity, comfort of living, and fun that they offer to its tenants.

In the 1990s, with the increase of the foreigner population in Japan, people were introduced to a new accommodation medium called ‘gaijin houses’ or ‘foreigner houses’. Share houses are the modern version of a gaijin house. Today, these houses have become multicultural environments, providing shared spaces for locals and foreigners to interact with one another.

Popularity Of Share Houses

The increasing focus on shared spaces in television dramas and the collective generational desire to interact with new people and explore new things has led to the popularity of share houses in east Asia.

The Share House Culture

According to a 2015 study, 1.75% of Japan’s population consists of immigrants. Some of these immigrants are foreigners who have moved to the city for work, education, or travel. With the growing population in metro cities, accommodations in Japan are getting harder to find and more costly. Sharehouses offer a fully-furnished space for independently living locals and foreigners, providing both a cost-effective and a multicultural option.

Different companies provide sharehouses with different themes, aiming to bring like-minded people together. Some shares houses are based on similar interests like sports, while there are some share houses that are only for girls or for single mothers, etc.

When living at a share house, one can learn about local culture, taste authentic local food, understand the local lifestyle, and make friends with local residents. BORDERLESS HOUSE is one of the leading share house companies in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, as they offer a variety of multicultural shares houses.

After co-living for a period of time, and in some cases even sharing a room, housemates leave their sharehouses with strong friendships with individuals from various countries across the globe.

Share House v/s Room Share: The Better Rental

When moving to another country, most people go for the conventional choice of a rental accommodation i.e. leasing an apartment or sharing a rental house. While the cost of a rental is divided between flatmates in a shared rental, the overhead costs and the money spent during the first month of leasing can empty your pockets.

A rental apartment has to be furnished, the monthly bills for electricity, gas, internet, and water have to be paid, and the cost of repairs, if any, must be shouldered by the flatmates.
By contrast, when renting a space in a share house, the tenants all pay a monthly rent and maintenance fee, and the management details are all handled by the sharehouse company.

A rental apartment or room is generally shared by people who either are friends or have previously decided to group together for the purpose of leasing the space together. While living with someone you already know may sound more comfortable, it leaves little space for learning. If you and your roommates are all foreigners, then it will be increasingly difficult for you to immerse yourself in the local way of living.

What Kind Of Personality Fits Share House Life well?

1. An open heart

Obviously, a share house constitutes communal spaces, which means you’ll share your space with your housemates who come from everywhere around the world. Everyone has their own different backgrounds, personalities and experiences, so, an open heart and mind are important for anyone considering staying in a share house.

2. People who love to make new friends!

Communication is one of the main concept points of BORDERLESS HOUSE. Most of our tenants expect to be placed in an environment where tenants are willing to communicate and interact to each other! So, make an effort not to hide away in your room, and instead, join your housemates, enjoy your time together, and make it memorable!

3. Maintain house cleanliness and environment with other housemates

A clean and comfortable environment requires all the housemates to work on maintaining it together. In BORDERLESS HOUSE, all tenants will need to take turns to do the housework together!


BORDERLESS HOUSE is an International share house company with 122 share houses and 1285 rooms available for rent in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. BORDERLESS HOUSE caters to a large number of tenants every month. These tenants are from around 50 different countries and come to the share house with their own cultural knowledge to impart and a lot to gain from other housemates.

The ratio of locals and foreigners in a share house depends upon each share house company. The resident ratio between locals and foreigners at BORDERLESS HOUSE share houses is equal. This guarantees foreigners an opportunity to interact with locals and learn the culture, language, and traditions of the country.

The essence of a share house by BORDERLESS HOUSE is to create a multicultural space, where borders do not matter- where people from different countries across the world live together and share experiences. Residents teach and learn from each other, and become lifelong friends.

The Benefits Of Staying At A BORDERLESS HOUSE

● When you move to another country, you come across a lot of new and unexpected things. The food, the lifestyle, the language, the culture, and people’s perspectives are all new and strange at first. While some people find it easy to adapt into new spaces, others might have trouble interacting with people and making friends. Living together under the same roof, provides an immediate community of friends and a great environment for people to start talking.

● When living together for an extended period, housemates can learn each other’s culture and way of living. Interaction with people from different cultures helps you broaden your perspectives and learn new things about human nature.
Living with locals can help you learn the culture and folklore of the country. You can even celebrate local festivals, i.e. Chinese New Year, Seollal, and Shogatsu with local people!

● If you have moved to either Japan, Korea, or Taiwan for the long term, then knowledge of the local language will certainly come in handy. With the help your local housemates, you can simplify your life by learning the local language. Knowing the local language will help you better navigate around the country and take a step towards being accepted as a resident of your new country!

● When living at a share house, you can benefit from the advice and knowledge of your local housemates. Once you become friends, you can visit popular local restaurants and bars together. If you need to buy something, they can recommend the best shops in the area, or even accompany you to one. Basically, when living in a share house, you will never feel alone despite being in a foreign country.

● While there are many social benefits of living at a share house, it is also economically beneficial for people who are living alone. The monthly cost of staying at a share house is generally cheaper than that of a private apartment. Apart from the rent and maintenance fee, the tenants are not expected to pay for additional facilities like the internet, water, gas, etc. In some cases they can share the cost of cooking with other tenants and save money while making friends.

● Considering that a lot of people are housed together, share houses generally offer better and smarter house appliances. Some share houses even offer home theatres and fitness studios.

● To make the life of tenants at the share house easier, share house companies have dedicated house management staff to oversee the maintenance of the share house. From broken appliances to leaking pipes, every big and small maintenance job is handled by the company staff so that the tenants of the share house have one less thing to worry about.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is located in many different cities, including Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei, amongst others. These houses are located in areas that are nearby to local markets, stations, and other regularly visited places to ensure maximized convenience and ease of living for the tenants.

We are a customer-oriented rental share house company and provide free special programs for our tenants.

House Exchange Program: We are an international company. When a tenant from BORDERLESS HOUSE is traveling to another country or city, where another BORDERLESS HOUSE is located, then they can stay at one of our other houses without any additional charges. This exchange can last for a week or even a month! The tenants can arrive in a new country, meet local people at the sharehouse and benefit from their knowledge of the city. Who knows, they might even find someone to take them sightseeing!

Language Exchange Program: The Language exchange program enables foreign tenants to learn the local language from other local tenants at our share houses.

BORDERLESS Diners: Every once in a while, there is an international cuisine gathering for our tenants. This gathering is a place for tenants to get to know one another and enjoy delicious delicacies together.

BORDERLESS events: These events are organized for the occupants of multiple share houses to come together. This way, the tenants have a wider networking platform, and can meet new local and foreign BORDERLESS HOUSE residents for a fun time!

All the programs and features offered by BORDERLESS HOUSE are created with the focus of erasing borders at the forefront. Our goal is to create culturally enriched spaces for independently living people in the respective countries.

If you’re looking for a share house rental either in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE.

【What BH Can Do Now】We will start an Online Communication Matching Service “~Build bridges not walls! Language Exchange”

COVID-19 Infection has been rapidly spreading, and we now see it on news daily.
Borders have closed down in many countries, and departing and entering countries are restricted.People have stopped traveling worldwide.

Spring is a very important season for share houses.
People start new schools or jobs, study abroad or do an internship.
It is a season where many people choose to live in a share house and become excited about new encounters.
In the spring of previous years, many Tenants from around the world moved into Borderless House.
However, right now, due to the spread of COVID-19 and the endless threat of the virus, many Tenants abroad have had to give up in coming to Japan.
Continuous cancellation of international Tenants is, of course, big economic damage for our company.

Moreover, when thinking about the international people who decided to spend their precious time living in Japan and were excited about their life at Borderless House and Japan.
And current Tenants who were looking forward to their new Tenants, and people who were looking forward to their study abroad, but could not depart their country, it is heartbreaking.

What can we do in times like this?
To those abroad who wanted to come to Japan, we want to share Japan even a little bit.
To those who were looking forward to new encounters, we want them to feel abroad even a little bit.
From these feelings, we will start “~Build bridges not walls~ Language Exchange.”

What is an Online Communication Matching Service “~Build bridges not walls~ Language Exchange.”

This service is a free online communication service to match those who had to cancel moving in Borderless House due to the COVID-19 or people abroad who could not come to Japan with talking partners who are Tenants in Borderless House.
We will provide an opportunity to talk with housemates who were supposed to go or were supposed to come.
While learning each other’s language and connecting with people around the globe, do you want to become friends?

Matching Step

Entry is easy!
Please apply from the form below.

Application form

Borderless House will do the matching based on the form!

A Skype group will be created and we will organize the date for the first meeting and explain the procedures.

The day of the program
Start with introducing yourself! Enjoy talking with language based on the topic cards! (First time 40 minutes)

Answer the survey after finishing it. And decide the 2nd time meeting with your partner.

What Borderless House Can Do

People who were planning to move in Borderless House and Tenants living in Borderless House will be matched, so Borderless staff will do the matching!

You can talk to people with high motivation for interacting who agree with Borderless House’s concept, so you can enjoy talking and improve language skills with each other.


Of course, it is free!

First, please feel free to apply through the form!

Because of this time when borders are closed and departing/ entering countries are restricted, we believe we want to create a connection with the world.

We are looking forward to your entries.

All share houses in Tokyo


2020’s Perfect Guide on Moving to Japan

With the growth of the internet which is responsible for virtually connecting each and every corner of the world, the opportunity to grow and prosper can now practically present itself anywhere. Your job, schooling or the decision to move near your loved ones can become the reason for your inter-county move.

But moving to a new place, especially to a new country is a big challenge. It calls for a great deal of courage and the ability to make wise decisions. Presently, there are many developing countries that are offering grand opportunities to expats and hence are enticing manpower to their land. And Japan is one such prospering nation. 

Japan is climbing on the global development ladder very rapidly.

The country is home to some of the biggest cities in the world as well as the origin point of some mouth-watering dishes.

It is full of young and vibrant minds that have worked really hard to make Japan a bustling, growing, economic hub.

But the country has still not lost sight of its roots which just makes it all the more appealing to the people worldwide.
Now, if you wish to have a look at a more detailed study of the lifestyle in Japan, then come let’s evaluate the pros and cons of moving to this nation in a little more detail.

What are the pros and cons of moving to Japan?

Japan in the past years has become a hotspot for expats because.

● The education system is remarkable
The US News and World Report recently ranked Japan’s schooling system as one of the best. So, whether you decide to send your child to the free public schools or you have planned on admitting him to a private international institution, in any case, you can rest assured that your child will receive a world-class education.

● You can easily find a job here
As mentioned earlier, Japan is a bustling economic hub. Hence, the country has many opportunities even for expats, given you have some valuable skills. Also, for those of you who are fluent in English, many Japanese schools have openings for teachers and the pay is also steady. So, if you love being around kids, then this can be your calling.

● Getting a visa for Japan is easy
Japan offers many kinds of work visas. Moreover, you can also get a temporary visa in case you are involved in some research work or in some job that is not remunerated. We are very appreciative and open to allowing foreign talents to work within our borders.
The disadvantages of moving to Japan are as follows.
● The cost of living is high
Japan since a very long time, has been on the top of the list of those places where the cost of living touches the sky. Though in the past few years efforts have been made to reduce these costs, to say that renting a home in Japan is now easy, would seem unfair.
● Absence of work-life balance
Japan has a very hard-working culture as a result of which people here often lose sight of the work-life balance. No matter what job you are in, but in Japan, you are often expected to show up early and leave late. Even taking vacations is sometimes frowned upon.
● Renting for foreigners can be difficult
In Japan, houses are lent through brokers and many of these brokers are not fluent in English. So even if you find a home in Japan that you would like to rent, it is not going to be easy to strike a deal, for some cases.

Are the locals friendly towards foreigners in Japan?

When you are moving to a new country, a major concern that surrounds you is whether or not the locals are going to behave friendly and open with you.

This factor plays a key role in deciding how you are going to feel about your new home in some time, whether you will be able to live happily there or not.

Well, we don’t know about other nations, but if you are considering moving to Japan then you will be happy to know that Japanese culture and society is very polite. The people here are very sweet and in general accepting of others. The only barrier here is language.

Yes, a majority of native people in Japan are not fluent in English or any other foreign language, and some of them feel shy to interact with foreigners in alien languages. However, if you have a command over your Japanese then everything should turn out just fine. So, if you know Japanese, then just brush up on your language skills and you may even get an invite to have dinner at your neighbors!

Which cities should be favored while moving to Japan?

If you are an expat who is about to leave for Japan then here is the list of cities that you should consider moving to-

● Tokyo
Tokyo which is both the heart and capital of Japan is a favored choice of expats who are living in this nation. It is so because the capital city has many high paying job opportunities which can help you in building a life here. However, life here can get pretty busy with more than 38 million people residing in the city.

● Nagoya
If fast and busy life is not your thing, then you should check out Nagoya where the atmosphere is pretty much laid back and quiet. You can find in the neighborhood many other expats who are making their living through vehicle manufacturing business.

● Osaka
Osaka is rumored to offer the best food choices to people. This city is the second largest in Japan and it is a little less crowded and a lot cheaper than Tokyo.
However, if these cities do not turn out to be in accordance to your liking, then you can also check out the small towns of Japan like Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Hiroshima, and Hokkaido.

Is Japan a safe country?

On moving to a foreign country, safety is a crucial element to consider. Then, from that point of view, Japan is one of the best places to move. The crime rate here is very low even though the total population here comprises of more than 100 million people.

According to the NationMaster report, the murder rate in Japan is as low as 1.02 as opposed to the 5 of the United States, the rape rate here is just 1 as compared to the high 27.3 of the US. In the international homicide rate, the country ranks at 44th and at the murder rate (per million people) it stands at 111th rank. Pretty much disciplined and crime-free, wouldn’t you agree?

However, the major source of calamity here is nature itself. Yes, Japan has faced many natural calamities in the past few decades. Now even though measures are being taken to predict these disasters well in advance, but still there has not been much progress.

What are the requirements to move to Japan?

If you are planning on moving to Japan then you should know that the process of obtaining a visa for here is largely identical regardless of the fact whether you are a British, American or Australian citizen. So, as for the legal requirements you are required to present –

● Your Visa application form
● Your passport
● A photograph
● A certificate of eligibility, both original and a copy

Note: a certificate of eligibility is a certified letter from a Japanese person that guarantees to support you financially for the duration for which you will stay in Japan. It is usually from an employer or from an educational institution if you are coming for studies.

How much is the cost of living in Japan?

The cost of living in Japan is very high, so much so that it is ranked as one of the highest in the world. The monthly cost is estimated at around 280,000-300,000 JPY (2500-2700 USD). This is basically a result of the geographical position of the nation because as an Island country Japan is surrounded by water on all sides and has to highly rely upon imports.

Let’s have a look at these costs in a little more detail.

Cost of living: City vs. Rural

That cost of living in Tokyo is astronomical. This can be understood by the fact that Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, consistently ranks as one of the most expensive cities in the world in terms of average costs of living. In this city and those which lie nearby, one can only find small houses with sky-high rents.

However, the cost of living in rural areas is comparatively very less. The rent here is approximately 50% less as compared to the rent of a house which is located in central Tokyo. Also, on the food in supermarkets in the countryside, one can save almost 20% on average! Selecting rural areas as your residing location will be a way to make your plan of moving to Japan more down to the earth.

Cost of living: City-wise

Here is the monthly cost of living in Japan in some of the most popular cities.

  • Osaka

Single Expat

181,000 JPY

2,100 USD

Family of 4

530,000 JPY

6,300 USD

  • Tokyo

Single Expat

244,600 JPY

2,200 USD

Family of 4

730,000 JPY

6,700 USD

  • Yokohama

Single Expat

204,000 JPY

1,900 USD

Family of 4

700,000 JPY

6,400 USD

  • Fukuoka

Single Expat

145,000 JPY

1,300 USD

Family of 4

367,000 JPY

3,400 USD

  • Kyoto

Single Expat

167,500 JPY

1,500 USD

Family of 4

450,000 JPY

4,100 USD

Grocery Prices

As stated earlier, the grocery prices in Japan are high as a result of its geographical location. Most of the food items here are imported, so the food and alcohol here cost more than what you will find in other Asian countries.

A list of the prices of some of the common food items is mentioned below.

Food Item



One quart of milk



One pound of chicken



One dozen eggs



One pound of Apples



One Bottle of wine



Utility costs in Japan

Utilities are generally not included in rent in Japan. Now, how much the utilities will cost depends upon the place where you are living. But on average an expat can estimate spending around 20,000 JPY (190 USD) per month on electricity, water, and gas. The internet can cost you anywhere between 3,000 to 9,000 JPY (25 USD to 75 USD) depending upon the plan you select.

Cost of education

The education in Japan costs nil as public schools are free for both Japanese and foreign students. The only costs parents have to bear is that of the uniform and other such expenses which round off to about 4,000 JPY (35 USD per year). However, if you choose to send your child to a private or international institution then it can cost you anywhere from 2,000,000 JPY to 2.3 million JPY per year.

Rent prices in Japan

The rent of houses in the main cities is very costly. However, if you choose to live somewhere on the outskirts the rent prices drop significantly.

Monthly rent for 900 sqft accommodation in the main city

197,391 JPY

Monthly rent for 900 sqft accommodation outside the main city

112,128 JPY

Monthly rent for 480 sqft studio in a good neighborhood

119,023 JPY

Monthly rent for 480 sqft studio in a so-so neighborhood

92,673 JPY

Travel and transportation costs

Despite being an expensive country, transportation and travel costs in Japan are reasonable. Let’s get to understand what will be your day-to-day transportation means and costs are like, after moving to Japan. People usually choose buses and trains as a favorable means of commutation. The average cost ranges from 170 JPY (1.50 USD) for a single fare ticket in the metro to 20,000 JPY (185 USD) for a one-way ticket on the bullet train.

So, this was all about the cost of living in Japan, now let’s move towards our next section.

What are the social and cultural etiquettes in Japan?

When you move to a new place, it is important to learn about its customs and norms in a little detail as it saves you from committing any cultural faux and also helps you in fitting in. And especially if the country in concern is a nation like Japan which is known for its rich culture, then it becomes all the more important to learn about its traditions. It will make your social life after moving to Japan comfortably and smoothly. So come, let’s begin!

● Greetings
The traditional greeting in Japan comprises of bowing down before the other person as a sign of respect. For this, you bend at your waist level while keeping your back and neck straight and your hands at your sides.

● Hierarchy
Hierarchy in Japan is considered very important both in the work culture as well as in everyday life. People here respect their elders and interact very politely with them. So For example, if you are moving to another room and you have someone elderly along with you then you are expected to hold the door open for them in order to allow them to pass first.

● Eating and drinking
There are many customs in Japan as far as eating and drinking are considered. In Japan, if during the meal you are sharing dishes with others then it is not acceptable to eat from the communal plate, instead, you should serve food onto your own individual plate and eat from there. Likewise, if you are out drinking with others, then you are expected to serve a drink in other people’s glass. Someone else will then pour your drink for you. Also, ex-pats should take note that eating on the go is considered rude for non-casual occasions in Japan.

● Chopsticks
Chopsticks are an integral part of food in Japan and you will come across them from time to time. Hence, it is good to remember that you should never play with your chopsticks nor should you use them to point at anyone.
If you are not using them at the moment then you should not hover them in the air instead, you should lay them down on the hashioki. Also, remember to never leave your chopsticks sticking straight into the bowl as it is symbolic of funerals and deaths.
Lastly, never rub your chopsticks to free them of the residue, such behavior is considered rude in Japan.

● Pointing
Pointing at someone with one finger in Japan is considered rude in our culture. Hence, you should use your whole hand while keeping your fingers straight when giving directions or gesturing toward something.

● Feet and shoes
When you are entering someone’s home, remember to take off your shoes. Moreover, some businesses also follow this etiquette and require you to remove your slippers before entering. Pay attention to signs in order to understand what you should do or not do.

Is it difficult to score a job in Japan?

It was difficult to get a job in Japan in the early 2000s, but now with the changing times and growing international companies scoring a job in Japan for foreigners is not as difficult as it used to be.

So, if you will apply in the early springs or late summers which are the prime hiring months, there is a good probability that you will succeed in getting a job.

How to get a job in Japan as a foreigner?

The following are the tips to get a job in Japan.

● For getting a job in Japan consider moving to Japan, as that increases your chances immensely. This is because if you are already in Japan then the company will not have to pay to move you.

● It is easy to get a job in Japan if you have a university degree or if you have 10 years of working experience in your field.

● You should know the Japanese language in order to get a job in Japan. Most employers will require you to pass a minimum Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test to offer you a job.

● You should have your references ready.

What are the minimum wages and average salary in Japan?

The average minimum salary in Japan is 4 million JPY (37,800 USD) per year while the average minimum wage here is 874 JPY (8 USD) per hour.

What is the business culture in Japan like?

Just like the business culture in any other part of the world, the business culture in Japan is also very formal. There are some norms and traditional customs that one is expected to abide by, lest you offend your employer. It’s recommended to get yourself familiar with Japanese business culture in advance of actually moving into the nation. Now some of the common work business culture etiquettes here include-

● In Japan, privacy is valued. Hence, avoid asking too many personal questions about family or work history at the beginning of a working relationship.

● While meeting a business partner or colleague, greet them by bowing down and wait for them to offer their hand.

● Hierarchy is respected in Japanese business culture too. This can also be observed in their seating arrangement.

● Japanese traditional working culture favors politeness. Hence, try to remain as quiet and as unobtrusive in a meeting as possible.

Social security and benefits in Japan

A social security number is a 12-digit number that is issued to all Japanese residents who have registered with their local government and have lived in Japan for at least 3 months. This social security contributes towards-

● Public assistance
● General public health services
● Maternity leaves and child allowances
● Public housing
● Old age benefits like retirement pension, etc.

How does healthcare work in Japan?

Japan has a public healthcare program and a foreigner living in Japan can use it just like a Japanese citizen. Moving to Japan and stay in the nation may mean that you would be in need of having healthcare service to maintain your own health condition. There are 2 schemes under Japanese healthcare-

● First is the Japanese National Health Insurance, available to unemployed people who are working for less than 30 hours a week or are students.
● Another is the Japanese health insurance which is available to full-time employees.

Under both these schemes, the individual is required to pay only 30% of their healthcare costs, while the rest 70% is paid by the government.

An overview of private health insurance

There is not much difference between private and public health insurance in Japan, unlike other Asian countries. In fact, most private health insurance plans in Japan are either opted by people who have a terminal illness or by those who are foreigners. However, there are some benefits of having private insurance as well. These include-

● There are some plans that cover the 30% co-pays that are usually the responsibility of individuals.
● For those with long illnesses, this 30% can mean a lot.
● Private insurance is more extensive and covers many things that public insurance doesn’t.

How to find a doctor or dentist in Japan?

General practitioners in Japan are not common. Hence, for finding a doctor you would have to visit a clinic. Even though walk-in appointments are common, but still it is better to check online before physically paying a visit.

However, for getting a dental check-up it is mandatory to get an appointment beforehand. You can do so by calling their office or by booking online.

Public transportation in Japan

Public transportation in Japan is efficient and reasonably priced. The network is well-connected and it takes you to your desired location in a very small time.

People in Japan typically use buses or trains as favorable modes of commutation. However, one can also use ferries or domestic flights to travel.

The average cost of transportation ranges from 170 JPY (1.50 USD) of a single fare ticket in Tokyo’s metro to 20,000 JPY (185 USD) for one way ticket on the bullet train.

What types of Visas are available?

The types of visas you can apply for include-

● Work permit visas
The type of work permit visa you can apply for depends upon your job. Japan has nearly 30 different work visas like for artists, instructors, entertainers, etc.

● Self-employed visas
Expats who want a self-employed visa will need to apply for an investor or business visa. Though getting this visa will offer you more flexibility, but the process to gain it is not easy.

● Residency permits: temporary and permanent
For getting a residency permit, you will first need to figure out whether you intend to stay for a long or short period. If your stay is for a short duration (15 to 90 days) then you might be allowed to come to Japan visa-free. However, for a long-term residency, you will have to apply for a long-term residency visa, for which you will need a certificate of eligibility and residence card.

● Cultural activities visa
Cultural visa is the common route for martial arts students. For this, you will need a list of normal documents along with proof of your cultural activities.

● Volunteer visa
Under an agreement between the UK and Japan, UK citizens can volunteer in Japan for 1 year. For this, you must work with a registered charitable organization.

How to find a house when moving to Japan?

Finding a house to buy or rent in Japan is fairly simple. Here is how you can do it.

● Renting a house or apartment
If you are looking to rent a house in Japan, it should be easy. The landlords here do not treat the foreign tenants any differently from the Japanese citizens. The average rent here falls between 50 to 70,000 JPY (470-650 USD).

● Internet and mobile phones
In order to get a Japanese phone number, you should know that here we have three main phone providers: Softbank, Docomo, and AU. Now for getting a Japanese number, don’t forget to take your Passport, Japanese stamp, and a form of payment along with you.
As for popular internet providers, the names include KDDI, Asahi Net, Fusion Gol, etc. The average cost of getting internet lies between 3,000 to 9000 JPY.

● Sharehouse
At the BORDERLESS HOUSE, one can live under the same roof with other locals and foreigners. This gets you a chance to interact with people belonging from diverse language and culture groups. It also creates an opportunity to learn. For searching for accommodation with the BORDERLESS HOUSE, just check out our website

How to set up financial establishments in Japan?

As a new resident of Japan, it becomes important for you to learn to manage your finances. Here is how you can set them up!

Which bank accounts should you open in Japan?

There are two banks that are very popular with the ex-pat community in Japan.

● Japan Post
To open an account with this bank you neither need a Japanese phone number nor a Hanko. You can just need to give your work number and sign the documents.

● Shinsei bank
At this bank also you won’t need a Japanese phone number, but you will need a Hanko. Another benefit this bank offers is that here you can fill all the forms in English here.

However, if a Japanese phone number is not an issue for you then you can choose to open an account with Japan Post bank, Mitsubishi UFJ financial group, Norinchukin bank, etc.

So, this is all you need to know about moving to Japan if you are an ex-pat who has newly shifted here!

【Ridilover x Borderless House】We held a study tour to learn multiculturalism in our international share house

Hi ! This is Yuya of Borderless House, and I am in charge of this blog .

Today’s story is about high school student who come to Borderless House for class trips.

The main mission of this trip is to break down the unconcern to society.

We held this trip with Ridilover, a general incorporated foundation who held a lot of study tour business to high school students and adults.

This time, 30 students from Hiroshima and Nagasaki came to Borderless House and we did 2 study tours.

I am going to explain the Nagasaki student trip.

Borderless House become a destination of school trip !? ~ We have thought about multiculturalism~

Why we have to do some experience of social challenges in a share house?

think some people have this question in mind.

Borderless house is a place in which ” Youth people from everywhere in world live together and experience different cultures together“.

and our goal is to make a society which ” regardless the country you came from, everyone is respecting multiculturalism.”

“Do you want to try to hold a study tour about multiculturalism at a sharehouse ?”

It was a 2-hour tour.

During the tour, we have first a discussion and a workshop about “multiculturalism in Japan” with our foreigners tenants.

First, let look at the house ! The first time to enter in a share house!

For highschool student who is living with their parents, sharehouse is an unknown area.

They all know about it because of TV but they don’t know about life in it. So, we invite them to have a house tour at the beginning.

We calculate the interior of the house to be able to promote communication.

For example, in Hounancho house, you have to pass over the living room to get access to your room. So people interact naturally in the house and greeting like “welcome back” or “I am back!” happen.

and by making an atmosphere that communication is usual, the interaction between Japanese tenants and foreign tenants become easier.

When we are explaining the concept and the interior, some students said that they wanted to live in this house.If you are planning to move to Tokyo or Kansai area, we are welcome to receive you!We are waiting for you !

What are you going to bring to a deserted island ? Let have a international communicatio by workshop

After the house tour, let have a workshop.

Before the study tour, we have asked our student to prepare some answers
The question was: think about every contact you have with foreigners.

The answers of highschool students were: the shopman of a convenience store, exchange student, teacher of ELT, tourist, etc…

If we put attention, foreigners are everywhere in our life.

However, when we ask them if they talk to them, most students say no.

We have asked them the reasons. They cannot talk about the language or they don’t have the opportunity to meet them.

But the main reason is that they feel scary to not be able to understand each other by not having the same values.

But do you think the way to think is going to differ from the country you have born?

We cannot understand each other if we don’t talk the same language?

As a student do not have interaction with foreigners, it is not easy to have an answer to this question. So, we invite some tenants of Borderless House to create interaction.

The theme of the workshop is easy.

If you have to go to a deserted island, and you can bring 3 items, what are you going to bring?

Have a talk with your team and decide it!

All our tenants were people who just have come to Japan and everyone can speak only English or another language.

In the beginning, the student has some difficulties to tell the name of the item they want to bring. But they start to communicate by easy word, some imitation and by drawing.

By seeing the effort of our high school students, our tenant did also some effort to communicate by using easy English word or the Japanese word they know
In the beginning, they were a distance between tenants and students.

However, after they have finished the workshop, they were all became friendly.

” It was not easy to tell the item or group our idea. but everyone was so kind that I wanted to talk to them more.”

We could get some good comment from highschool student.

Neighbor from foreign country is grworing up ! Do you want to know more about each other ?

In 2018, 31million people come to Japan. And in 2020, the year of Olympics, we expect that more than 40 million people are going to visit Japan.

In addition, they are 26.3 million of people living in Japan, which mean 1/50 of people in Japan are foreigners.

And because of the aging population, Japan is planning to recruit 30 thousand to 14.5million of foreigners to fill the lack of workforce in the domain of nursing care and healthcare.
Interaction between foreigners is important for Japan and the Japanese people.
However, governmental support in the domain of language and public administration are not in good condition yet. So for foreigners, it is not easy to live in Japan.

In our usual life, it is difficult to find an opportunity to meet and make foreign friends.

I am too bad to make a wall because of the country or difference od culture even if we are living in the same country.

They are not people from a different country, we are and they are our neighbors

We want to make our city, and our country better all together

This is how Borderless House think about coexistence.

They are no wall of language. The most important think is the sentiment that you want to tell to this person.

” When I sit down on the train, nobody wants to sit next to me.”

“When I go to Udon or Soba restaurant, the staff serve me some spoon and fork instead of the chopstick.”

” I can speak a little bit of Japanese. However, even I ask the road in Japanese, they just say: sorry I don’t speak English and avoid us.”

These are the answers to our tenants when we ask them if they have ever experienced prejudice in Japan.
” I think the Japanese are very kind and friendly, and Japan is an interesting country easy to live in. You know, we really like to live in Japan and we really want to interact more with Japanese.

About the chopstick, I think it is the kindness of the staff, so I feel happy.
I really want to communicate more, Like that, we can understand more each other. “

After they listen to the voice of our tenants during the workshop, students left us these comments ( image ).


When we live in Japan, we are not trying to avoid or foreigners.

I think, our shyness and our over-kindness keep away from foreigners and the distance between us has increased.

Thanks to this tour, we had this feeling to be able to create more opportunity to meet people from diffenrent background.

What is the multiculturalism that Borderless House want to spread to the society?

Borderless house has started 12 years before.

At this time, the number of foreigners was not like today. And many problems like people could not borrow a room or get some social security. In the hospital, as they were not a translator, it was not easy to get good healthcare.

In addition, because we have different culture, we believe in a different religion, we talk different languages, they were many Japanese who have a prejudice toward foreigners.

We wanted to change this society, we wanted to take all the distance and the misunderstanding between Japanese and foreigners. This is why in order to know each other, we have started an international interacting share house business.

Since we have started the business, the number of foreigners has increased and Japanese society became more globalized.
In our sharehouse, we have some trouble between tenants because of language or culture.
but by having a face to face communication and the action to try to solve the problem with patience, lead us to find new values.

And coexistence between people who have different backgrounds is not as difficult as you think. Just small respect for people who have different backgrounds and enjoy differences is needed.

We think this is the way to our ideal multicultural society

Borderless house will continue to try to create a multiculturalist society!

This study tour help to our high school students to understand and experience multiculturalism.

In 2020, we are going to try to hold 10 study tours with Ridilover, and we will continue to tell about multiculturalism, understanding different cultures and diversity to the society.

We are also doing a lecture and discourse about how multiculturalism is appearing from Borderless House. or how Japanese and foreigners can live together in the future?

We are looking forward to be able to meet you soon !



Tokyo share house list

Hyper international interaction ! Borderless Christmas with more than 120 people was held on the 7th of December !

December is the Christmas season!

All the street is illuminated and we see more and more chicken advertisement on TV and in the city! Don’t you think that the enhancement of the city increases our desire to have a Christmas party? Because it is Christmas!

To satisfy your desire, we held a Christmas Party like every year!

We rent a space in Jinbo-Cho called “EDITORY” and more than 120people came to our party! What kind of party it was?

In this blog, we are going to show the content!

The person who is going to do the Christmas Party tour is me, Pakuchi!

I am working at Borderless House as a student worker and I am in charge of the event!


International interaction and Christmas Party represent so much Borderless House !


In Borderless House, we organize twice a year a party with 80 to 100 people who are living in our sharehouse!

Christmas wich I am going to explain to you is one of the big events! Every year, a lot of our sweet tenant is joining the party. However, this year was not the same year as usual.

MORE than 120 people come to our party. What is going to happen to this memorable party? All the staff was surprised at the beginning!

When we start the reception, a HUGE line of people was in front of us.
and the event space becomes full in a second!

The receptionist, the bar, and the cloak were full of person and everybody was an assembly into the room.

We could hear people in many spaces starting to cheers because they could not wait for the beginning of the party. That represents our tenant so well!

They could not wait to start to interact with people and start to enjoy the conversation. Their communication skills are so remarkable!

And the sweet cute person who was charged to do the facilitator is our tenant!

Yes, this year also, our tenant help us for the Christmas Party!

The cute Santa Claus is Ashley, she is living in Itabashikuyakusho-mae House!

She is like a mother of the house and makes the community warm-up!

She is a big fan of Borderless House and she also help up for the event “Borderless Olympics”!

Thank you always, Ashley !!

The facilitation of Ashley, gives a tremendous boost to the atmosphere of the party!

You cannot say that you are shy! A very close linkage program heat the party!

The theme of this year’s Christmas party is “extends beyond the house, the nationality and the connection !

This year, we invite tenants, people who reserve a room of Borderless House, people who are interested in international interaction and people’s friends!

The fact that a lot of people with different backgrounds can come is one of the characteristics of the party.

This is the reason why we always prepare some good programs in order to make the com munition between people easier! So, even you are a little shy, it is completely okay!

You will become quickly socialize with people around you! Let’s enjoy it!

You are my man of destiny ?! Number and color matching!

The first program is called number and color matching!

Everyone gets some wristband with a number and a color. You have to find the person who has the same color and number and form a group.

It is quite simple but fateful. In this huge universe, we all grew up in a different country, and we all gather in Tokyo and find together by coincidence.

Is it not fantastic ?!

Is it destiny ?!

All the groups did an introduction of themselves and the voltage of the room was in high gear! Everybody was so excited to find their fateful! People make some high-touch when they find they’re fateful!

 This meeting is forever!

We don’t need language, what we need is an only passion! Let’s do the gesture game!

The next program is a gesture game!

After we all find our fateful, let start the game! The winner of the game can get some luxury prizes!

Everyone thought that gesture game is easy, but it is not the case!

Even if it is difficult, cooperation leads us to win! Everybody makes their own gesture and express the theme.

The first theme was the one of the difficult ones!

“zoo” Everybody did some gestures about the gorilla, monkey, etc. and people answered the name of animals. However, the word “zoo” is not appearing.

The floor is in chaos.

I know, we are vicious that we make this theme. When almost every team finished answering, only 2 teams didn’t finish to answer.

Even they could say that they have finished even if it is unfinished, they did so much effort to do it properly!

All of our staff were touched by their passion.

We really wanted to give them some gifts!

In the floor mix of passion and chaos, the 2nd theme is … “Disney Land”! This is also a difficult theme! Everyone answered “mouse” or “Mickey”.

At the moment we regret a little bit that we make so much difficult theme, a team who answer 2 right answers appeared!

As is it a team made by only fateful, the heart-to-heart communication is working very well!

They get the luxury price !! We didn’t expect that the gesture game reaches a fever pitch!

Are you interested in the content of the gift?

A set of world craft beer AND Order-made leather products from JOGGO AND AND a huge box of different sweets etc. Some presents from Borderless Santa!

We all envy….

Who are going to get the next prizes ?! The exciting bingo game!

We cannot forget the face Bingo game of Borderless House!
It became an annual event but let me explain the rule!

Borderless bingo is not a normal bingo game.

The face of each people who are coming to the Christmas party is becoming a number!

Thanks to you we can play the bingo game and thank to you someone can get the prize ! It is a very special bingo game.

Let start the bingo!

Everybody is paying attention to the face of people turning around!

This year, we choose as a prize: Amazon card, Borderless T-shirt, as a small present,  land of Moon which gets famous in Terrace House and A5 rank ( higher quality ) Matsuzaka-beef!

And finally, don’t forget … 1-month free fee ticket !!

The happy girl who gets the 1-month free fee ticket is…


The tenant of Shinjuku-Nakano 3 !!!


All the people you cheers are your family! It doesn’t matter which share house you are living in!

The party approach to the end.
People who came with their housemate of a friend were enjoying communication with people they just have met at the party. This is one of the pictures!

The nervous face at the beginning just go away at the end of the party! Everyone was at the party and enjoy their time.

We can conclude as the floor was on over-capacity, it makes the relation between people physically and psychologically more close. 

The atmosphere filled with excitement doesn’t end even after the Borderless Christmas !

Good time end so quickly, we took a souvenir picture at the end!

See the close relationship between people! It looks like a family picture!

We cannot imagine that they are all just met a few hours before.

Even after the Christmas party, people cannot forget the atmosphere of excitement and they all went to an Izakaya ( casual Japanese restaurant).

This is a picture of the people who were gathered naturally after the party.

In this picture, we can]j see, a Japanese, a Korean, an Italian, a Russian, a British, and an American.

It completely represents this year’s theme: “extends beyond the house, the nationality, and the relation!”

By our Borderless party, a lot of emotional ties beyond nationality and language have arisen!

YOU, who wants to learn English or make international friends, YOU who are interested in a share house!

Borderless House is making many events that can maximize the connection between people.

Borderless House is a place that more than 50 countries are gathering. You can experience English but also so many other languages and cultures. It is a place that you can try national-oversea-experience!

Each sharehouse is made of 50%of foreigners and 50% of Japanese so you can surely experience international interaction!

You are always welcome to experience national-oversea-experience!

The next event is in May 2020 ! We are all waiting for your visit!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone!

Tokyo share house list
Only Tenant program

【International Exchange Program】 Summer is about Somen!? Let’s experience Japanese cuisine that you can feel the season!

Hi! I’m Yuya, in charge of our blog.

The Food Experience Program  “BORDERLESS DINERS ~Experience International Restaurants and Travel around the World~”

It’s been half a year since we started this program! The theme for August was Japanese food to go back to the basics and know about the food culture in the place we live!

Have fun and get full with two of our staff from Shimane and Yamagata, the good old countryside, Takuya and Takky!


Happy Half a Year Anniversary for the launch of the program! Satisfying Japanese cuisine that you makes you feel summer!

Japanese cuisine is very deep and has various types of dishes and ways too cook.

One of the best parts of Japanese cuisine is you can feel each of four seasons from it.

There are a lot of dishes which express the beauty of nature or a season and are closely related to the Japanese annual events. 

“So the Japanese menu this time is from the dish with a plenty of summer vegetables to the food for the summer festival.

Let’s enjoy summer in Japan in terms of food!

Flow, Flow and be Flown! Kick-start with Flowing Somem.

There is no summer without Somen!

When we dip the cold noodles cooled by ice in the cold soup and eat it, it feels like we get back the appetite that we lost because of heat.

Flowing Somen (Nagashi Somen in Japanese) is the summer tradition! In Flowing Somen,

Somen is flowing down a bamboo chute with ice-cold water and you catch and eat it!”

Someone just randomly thought “if we throw somen into flowing water, we will feel
summer very much, won’t we?”

As such, Flowing Somen was born in Kyushu and now it is the summer tradition.
So we kick-started with Flowing Somen to feel the absolute Japan.

First, we built the bamboo, then started throwing somen.

The flow was too fast to catch and eat Somen!

But gradually they were getting the tip and able to catch it!

One trouble of Flowing Somen is catching Somen is so much fun and eating it too much.

On the other hand, somen flowing in the bamboo chute looks so elegant and tasteful.

It was supposed to be a kick-start but we were already full.

Tried the traditional food “DASHI” (not the soy sauce dashi) of Yamagata!

The next cuisine is “DASHI”.

It is not about the “Dashi” (Japanese soy sauce beased on fish) but about a traditional food of Yamagata eaten in the summer.

It is a mixture of cucumber, eggplant, and myoga (japanese ginger). It can be use in many way, like put on tofu, on somen etc…

It is also a high nutritional value food so, it is the perfect food when you lose your appetite in summer!

In Yamagata region, DASHI is a soul food which appear in the fridge every summer. And people feel the begining of summer by seing the DASHI.

“DASHI” is highly recommended by our staff Takky !

The french resident who have tried “DASHI” said: ” It is similar to the ratatouille of France!”

Ratatouille is a french cuisine which is a simmered dish of summer vegetables, and it is normally eaten itself but it is also tasteful to put on cheese and meat !
Don’t you think that it is quite interesting that french cuisine and the cuisine of Yamagata region have some similarities ??

Finding similarities between different culture is one of the enjoyable point of this program.

Cucumber and Miso soup is our friend (OR BEST PARTENER) of summer ! Let’s resolve summer weariness!

The second cuisine is Cold miso soup.

It is a typical summer food eaten in different regions like Yamagata, Saitama, and Miyagi.

The recipy is : make some cold miso soup of cucumber and seasoning and put on hot rice. It is easy to make and easy to eat even you have lose appetite because of the high temperature of summer.

In the world, we can find some cold soup like vichyssoise or gazpacho. But in Japan it is not common to eat cold soup, and as we usually eat hot miso soup, for some Japanese, cold miso soup was a culture shock!

“Cold miso soup is delicious so we will made it in our house!” said our residents with their shiny smiles and they all have a refill of it.

Kaki-gori (shaved ice) the typical food of Matsuri (summer festival) was also eaten by Murasaki-shikibu (Japanese novelist) !?

Kagi-gori is the perfect dessert for summer!

Kaki-gori is normally eaten in Natu-matsuri or Ennnichi ( japanese summer festival).

These days, Korean and Taiwanese kaki-gori is famous globally, we all have an image that kaki-gori is a modern food. However, the first time it was eaten was in Heian period (794~1185)!

In the famous book called “Makura-no-soushi”, they is a part that written about the shaved iced with honey. We can understand that kaki-gori is a traditional food with a long story.

It is loved globally even the taste and the form are changing by time.
It is emotional when we think deeply about it!

About the culture of “Washoku” (Japanese food) which is registrated on intangible cultural asset.

Today’s theme “Washoku” is registated in the intangible cultural asset.

The reason is because of it rareness. Indeed, it is globally not common to use diverse type of ingredients and we can also find a strong persistence to the food culture.

The Japanese cuisine change under season and event. We can understand how much Washoku have lived with culture.

Our resident was also very suprised of the fact that Washoku which is very familiar to us was registrated in the intangible cultural asset.

“Itadakimasu” (let’s eat) and “Gochisousama”(Thank you for the meal) are some gretting we can only find in Japan?

The another reason why Japanese food is included in intangible cultural asset is because of it rare greeting.

“Itadakimasu” and “Gochisousama” is a only Japanese gretting which we cannot translate in other language.

This greeting is based on Shinto religion which conciste to believe that god is everywhere. And it become ingrained in our culture to show our respect and gratitude to the ingredients, to the person who cooked the food and to the person who have procured the ingredients.

Thanks to this program, it was an opportunity to find that they are so much thing we don’t know about a culture even if we are living in.

Vietnam this week! The travelling restaurant which we can taste the world every month !

『BORDERLESS DINERS~Taste the world by the travelling restaurant ~』is a experience based program for the residents held every month !

The next country is Vietnam!

Two chefs who are wearing Ao dai ( Traditional Vietnamese costume) are going to cook some festival Vietnam cuisine!

Normally, Pho is a typical cuisine but you can try other food and taste deep Vietnamese culture!

What kind of experience can we do the next travelling ?

Looking forward to the next report !

Tokyo share house list