House Sharing Will Be A Good Way Of Living To Save Money

When moving to a new country, people have to start their lives out. They have a new job, must meet new people, make some friends, and they live in different surroundings. As exciting as it sounds, it can also be exhausting to adjust to everything new at once. It will also undoubtedly be expensive.

According to most foreigners that have moved to foreign countries, the biggest challenge that they faced after the move was finding accommodations. Some people end up at expensive studio apartments due to a lack of choice, others have to compromise on the locality of the apartment or pay high rents to enjoy a comfortable stay.

Not every house owner in east Asian countries is willing to rent their place to foreigners, and even then most of them ask for a local cosigner to guarantee on behalf of the tenant. The language and the cultural gap make local people feel that foreigners won’t understand them or get along with them. This is why they make no compromises on security money and ask for higher rents from foreigners.

Making a move can be an extensive and lifechanging task, which often disheartens people. Without friends and family around, they find it difficult to conduct an apartment search.

The solutions to all of the problems faced during apartment searching are offered by share houses. Share houses are rental houses with multiple rooms available for rent. While people have separate rooms, they also have common areas like the living room and kitchen. Share houses are mostly found in cities where the number of foreigners living in the city is high. The primary goal of a share house is to make sure that foreigners do not find it difficult to adjust to the new country.

Compared to apartments, share houses are a cheaper alternative for a comfortable accommodation. Along with clean rooms and basic amenities, share houses provide an opportunity for foreigners to make friends in the city.

People living at share houses are able to save money and have more flexibility in terms of the contract. If you’re on a small budget and are considering a move to countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, you might want to go through this article on how house-sharing could be a good way of living to save money.

Avoid Long Contract Periods

Most apartment rental contracts are signed for one year. The tenants have not experienced life in those apartments before signing the agreement. This is why when they experience some challenges living there, they are unable to move as they are bound by the contract. If they have to move by breaking the contract, they might have to pay a penalty.
Moreover, if you are required to move back to your country or some other place due to unexpected circumstances, then you will have to break the contract and will be charged.

Living in a share house is more flexible in situations like these. When living at a share house, if you do not like the place you are at, you can easily move out. Share houses are rented for shorter periods of time, so if you’re moving to a foreign country only for 6 months, staying at a share house could be your best money-saving bet.

Most share houses offer a room for the minimum stay of 1 month. Even if you are asked to sign a yearly contract, it will include a clause that if you give 30-45 days notice before moving out, then you will not be charged a penalty for moving out with less than a month’s notice. This offers relief to tenants who are unsure about the period of their stay in the nation.

Fully-Furnished Rentals

When having moved to a new apartment, you will need to furnish it as soon as possible for normal life to begin. Some of the furniture and appliances that you will need during your stay include a bed, table, cupboard, refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, air conditioning, etc. Buying furniture and appliances is a big investment. These items will likely cost you around one month’s rent.

Share houses are fully-furnished to ensure comfort. Every room has a bed and cupboard, whereas the common rooms, kitchen, and bathrooms are equipped with all the required furniture and appliances. The bed, pillows. cupboard, etc. are offered at a one-time fee that is below 10000 Yen.

When someone moves to a share house, they only need to carry their everyday personal belongings. They do not need to spend money on furniture or decor and therefore are able to save money. They are able to use appliances that they might not have purchased themselves if they were to rent a private apartment. For example, a dishwasher.

When they move to another country, they do not have to worry about selling or transporting furniture and appliances. This takes a lot of cost load that they are already bearing, off of their shoulders.

Many share houses even offer luxury amenities like a home theatre and fitness studio for the housemates. This is done to attract people to the share house and provide value for their money.

Free Internet

Whether you are a student, working professional, or tourist, the internet is a necessity for everyone. It helps people stay connected, updated, and entertained. To enjoy seamless internet connectivity, most people have Wi-Fi installed at their apartments.

Setting up the internet at your apartment will be some cost to you. You will also have to pay some extra cost in the beginning. There are not many landlords that will provide free internet to their tenants. However, share houses offer free internet connectivity to all its housemates at no extra cost.

The cost of the internet is already included in the monthly rent. The internet connectivity is strong and the housemates can enjoy smooth surfing. Access to the internet is limited to the housemates to avoid usage by outsiders which would cause poor connectivity.

Less Initial Fees

Share house managers do not expect you to pay a few month’s rent as security or downpayment. The initial fee is comparatively much lower than what is charged by apartment landlords. This enables most people to expand their budget and rent a room at a luxury share house. They are even able to spend money on sightseeing around the new country.
The initial fee at the BORDERLESS HOUSES is more reasonable compared to a typical apartment or condominium.

It does not matter which country you move to, the brokerage costs are usually high. While brokers are quite efficient at finding accommodations, they are often working in their best interests rather than yours. When renting a share house, you can eliminate the need for hiring a broker. Share houses are easy to find as they usually have an online presence. When renting a room at a share house, you will not have to hire a broker and can directly contact the manager. This will help you save some money.

Lower Rents

With the increase in the number of foreigners coming to east Asian countries and local people moving to industrial areas, cities are getting crowded. This has led to a hike in rental prices in the city. For example, on average, renting an ordinary apartment in a good Japanese locality will cost you somewhere between 97000 Yen to 200000 Yen per month. The rent will depend on the city that you live in, the size of the apartment, proximity to the market or train stations, and the amenities offered.

The monthly rent of staying a share house is lower than that of renting an apartment. If you have a low budget, you can also rent a bed in a shared room or dormitory. This way, you will be able to use all the house amenities, without having to pay for a private room.

The downpayment is lower at share houses and the maintenance fee is reasonable. What’s more, most share houses are located near train stations and in low-crime localities. They offer easy connectivity to most places in the city and do not empty the tenant’s pockets.


Quite evidently, the process of finding an accommodation in Japan for reasonable prices can be an exhausting task. Add to that the expenses that come with moving to a new place, like buying home appliances and paying maintenance costs. However, worry not, because you can always rent a room at a share house and save yourself some money.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is a share house company with many share houses in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The ratio of local people and foreigners at these share houses is kept equal. The motto of the company is to welcome the people that stay there and ensure their comfort. At BORDERLESS HOUSE, the rooms are rented at affordable prices, and the company offers shared rooms and dorms for people with lower budgets.

If you have recently moved to Japan and are looking for accommodation to ensure a comfortable stay, you can reach out to us at BORDERLESS HOUSE.








[보통한국인의 국제교류쉐어하우스 후기] 나는 하루하루를 살았을 뿐인데 어느새 ‘성장’ 하고 있었다.

안녕하세요. 보더리스 하우스입니다! 이제 정말 여름이 온 듯합니다. 다들 몸 건강히 지내고 계신가요? 이번 인터뷰에서는 보통 한국인, 의현 씨와 ‘국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에 살면서 내가 어떻게 성장했는지’ 에 대한 이야기를 나눠 봤어요.  혹시 보더리스 하우스 입주를 고민하고 계신가요 ? 그렇다면 이번 인터뷰가 도움이 될지도 모르겠네요!

또한 영어, 외국 생활, 국제적인 경험에 관심이있는 분 이시라면
이 인터뷰를 꼭 한번 읽어보세요 🙂

그럼 이제부터 의현 씨의 이야기를 들어 볼까요

보더리스 하우스에 들어 오기 전,
어떤 생활을하고 있었나요?

대학을 졸업하고 첫 직장 1 년 근무 후 퇴사. 그 후로 부모님 댁에 살고 있었어요.
진로에 대해 고민이 많았던시기 였지요.

항상 막연하게 ‘외국에서 공부하고 싶다 / 일하고 싶다’라고 생각 했었는데 확신이 서지 않았고 내가 외국에서 살 수 있을까?라는 고민이 컸어 요. 한편으로는 나중을 위해서 영어를 계속 공부하고 까 먹지 않도록 꾸준히 써야겠다고 생각하고 있었어요 .

보더리스 하우스에 살아야 겠다는 결심은
어떻게하게 되신 거에요?

앞으로 어떤 길을 선택하게 될지는 정확히 모르겠지만 .. 그때의 저에게 필요한 것은 확실 했어요. 어렴풋이 꿈꾸는 내 미래의 모습과 비슷한 환경을 미리 경험 해보는 것이 였어요

“그래! 영어를 쓰는 환경에서 살아 보자! 영어 학원 가는 비용과 주거 비용을 같이 낸다고 생각하지 뭐 생각하지 뭐! “라는 마음으로 외국인 친구들과 함께 사는 국제 교류 쉐어 하우스를 선택하게되었습니다 .

선택의 결과는 어땠나요? 🙂

들어간 지 하루 만에 적응 했고요. (하하)
하루 하루를 살았을 뿐인데 어느새 ‘성장’한 제 모습을 발견 했어요.
세 가지로 정리해서 말씀 드릴 수 있겠 네요 .

첫 번째, 
산다는 것 (주거)에있어서 온전히 내 취향만을 생각한 선택을 했어요 .

“따로 또 같이가 중요해”라며 공용 공간과 개인 공간이 분리 되어있는 지점을 선택했고
“영어를 쓸 기회가 많았 으면 좋겠어.”커뮤니티가 활발한 충정로 하우스 선택
“같이 살더라도 방이 넓었 으면 좋겠다”는 생각에 2 인실 선택
“한 달 살아보고 결정하고 싶어”혹시 적응 못 할 것을 우려해서 한 달 단기 가능한 장점을 활용 했죠 .

어디에서 어떻게 살 것인지, 저만의 기준과 조건을 고려한 선택 을 했어요 . 주거의 독립을 시작한 거죠 .

                                         룸메이트 제시카와 찍은 사진

번째, 앞으로의 생활을 간접 경험할 수 있었어요.

막연한 목표 였지만, 외국으로 간다는 것은 비용 / 시간 / 에너지 / 가족, 친구들과 멀어짐 등 많은 것들을 걸고하는 선택이라고 생각 해요 . 보더리스 하우스에서 살아 보는 것을 통해서 외국으로 가고 싶다는 것이 적절한 선택인지 판단 해 볼 기회라고 생각했고 적극적으로 취해 보았어요.

그러면서 느낀 건, 제가 영어를 좋아한다는 걸 알게 됐어요. 하루의 시간 중 누군가와 시간을 보내고 싶다면 외국인 친구와 대화하기를 선택 하 더라고요 . 한국인 분들도 살고 계셨는데 말이죠. 물론 영어 로 말하기는 어렵지만 매 순간 배움이 있었고 다른 나라에서 온 친구와 의견을 나누는 것이 재밌었어요 . 영어는 (언어는) 새로운 문을 여는 도구, 수단이라는 걸 깨달았어요.


세 번째, 제 인생에있어서 고려하는 반경과 가능성이 넓어 졌어요 .
새로운 삶의 형태를 겪어 보니 또 다른 삶의 형태를 생각해 보게 된 거죠 .

외국에서 공부하고 일하며 사는 것을 굉장히 어렵게 생각하고 고민 했었어요 .
하지만 보더리스 하우스에 산 이후 ‘다른 나라에서 사는 것이 그렇게 어려운 일 이 아닐 수 있겠구나
. 내가 한국에서 살기를 선택할 수 있듯이 이것 또한 내가 선택할 수 있는 일 이구나 ‘하며 마음가짐이 조금 가벼워 지 더라고요.

국제 교류 쉐어 하우스에 살면서 영어를 잘하고 싶은 욕구 , 다양한 곳에서 살아보고 싶은 욕구가 명확히 있다는 걸 깨달았어요 명확히 있다는 걸 깨달았어요. 그래서 저를 더 믿어 줄 수있게 되었답니다 .

보더리스 하우스 입주를 고민하시는 분들께
해주고 싶은 이야기가 있을까요?

보더리스 하우스의 홈페이지에 이런 말이 있잖아요 .
– 지내는 동안 세상과 한 발자국 더 가까워 집니다 . –
어쩌면 조금 거창하게 들릴 수도있을 것 같아요

하지만 영어를 사용하고 국제적으로 살아가는 것에 조금의 관심이있는 분이라면 이런 고민 은해볼 수 있지 않을까요?

내가 생각하는 국제적이라는 것은 무엇인가?

저 같은 경우는 보더리스 하우스에서의 일상들이 자꾸 어떤 질문을 던졌고 
그 질문들에 답하고 고민해 가며 저만의 국제적이라는 것의 정의가 생겼어요.

외국인 친구와 영어로 갈등하고 화해 하는 것 .
내 삶의 반경이 한국을 벗어날 수도 있겠다는 생각이 드는 것 .
해외에도 내가 할 수있는 ‘일’이있을 수 있다고 고려해 보는 것.
나의 친구들이 외국에도 있기 때문에, 그 나라 또한 내 걱정의 범위에 둬 보는 것 .

이것들이 제게는 국제적이라는 것의 정의예요 .

자신이 바라는 모습이 있다면 그 모습 을 연습 할 수있는 환경으로 자신을 넣어보세요 . 어떤 경험을하게 될지 장담 할 수는 없어도 당신이 자신 만의 국제적이라는 것의 정의를 될 거라는 것만은 자신있게 말할 수 있습니다 !

좋은 말씀 감사합니다.
끝으로 의현 님의 에세이에서 보았던 글로 마무리 할게요


오늘도 나는 세계 각지에 흩어진 내 친구들 의 안부를 묻게된다 .
(속으로 물어도 묻는 거니까 하하) 

며칠 전에 그 친구들과 단체로 단체 스카이프 통화를했다 .
각자가있는 하늘의 색은 달랐다.

나는 밤 11시, 미국 은 오전 10시, 스위스는 오후 4시의 하늘이었다.
그렇지만 우리는 하나의 화면을 보며 반가워하고 안부를 물었다 .

언젠가는 그 모든 나라를 갈 것이다. 친구들을 직접 만나러.
그리고 연락 할거다.

“야! 나 너희 집 근처인데 나와 밥 먹자!”



【Borderless residents】At the age of thirty, I decided to move into this international shared house to work abroad in the future

Borderless house is a multicultural ‘community’ share house in which young people from all over the world cultivate international cultural exchange by gathering and living under one roof.

This cross-cultural share house provides not only an opportunity for improving your English skills but also a chance to create a great community of locals and foreigners, as well as an opportunity to learn new perspectives.

Many of our tenants from all over the world have a unique sense of humor and experiences that you could never imagine.

From this, we started a new project called “Borderless tenants”, which consists of interviewing tenants about how they have changed or grew as a person through their experiences at Borderless house.

The second interviewee of this series is Mr. guhee, a tenant of Borderless house for the last year and a half. He chose to live here because he decided to start studying English before he turns 30 years old.

We asked him about his great progress in his English skills and his change from a Japanese to a foreign company.

My big change before turning 30.Start your preparation for working abroad at Borderless house.

ーThank you for joining us. Please introduce yourself.
My name is Gohee. I will turn 32 years old this year. My housemates call me ‘Gohee or Gucchi’.

I have been living in the Shinagawa-oimachi house since October 2018, so for almost one and a half years. I love sports and play tennis and go bouldering quite often. Before COVID19, my housemates and I used to go play sports together once a week.

I like cooking as well, so I would sometimes cook for my housemates or we would cook together.

ーWhat made you move into Borderless house?
Just before turning 30 years old, I was looking back on my career and thought that I would like to try working abroad. Then I decided to start studying English to achieve this, and that is why I decided to move into Borderless House.
When I asked my friend for advice, he said ‘quit your job now and go study abroad’

However, I didn’t want to quit my job at the time, so I was looking for a better option. This was when I decided to study English on my own.

I started looking for a share house that would allow me to live with people from other countries and

found Borderless House.

ーSo you decided to move into a share house at the age of 30! Were you living alone until then?
Yes, I have lived by myself for 7 years in Tokyo and this was my first time living in a sharehouse.

The most impressive moment for me was my housemates threw a birthday party for me on the day I moved in

ーDid you have any problems whilst living with others?
A lot of things left an impression on me, rather than actual problems.
The day that I had moved in may have left the biggest impression on me.

That day happened to be the day of housemate’s birthday party.

I was invited to go to see the fireworks by my housemates. So I went with them in the afternoon without even unpacking and celebrated his birthday at a Yakiniku restaurant.

On my first day…even though I didn’t know their faces and names yet, my housemates didn’t mind at all and took me with them. I still remember the feelings of surprise and confusion I felt that day very clearly.

ーGoing to see fireworks with your housemates on your very first day… That’s quite a unique experience! Are there any other memories that stand out for you?
My birthday party that was held 2 weeks after I moved in is also quite a good memory.
I was never able to show off my talent of “making nigiri sushi” until then, but it finally came in handy and it was a great hit.

I served my handmade Sushi to everyone and my housemates, especially my non-Japanese housemates were very impressed with how people can make Sushi by themselves!

At the Oimachi House, we always hold birthday parties and farewell parties for everyone and each of them is very good memories for me.


ーIt is fantastic that a tradition of celebrating and sending people off has been built already in your Sharehouse. Do you go out together often?

We go out together often. We’ve been to Roppongi and Yoyogi-park to have picnics, we’ve attended a glass-making workshop, etc.
I like planning events and asking people to join, so last summer I made my own Nagashi-somen and it was a big hit!

Sharehouse is a place for practice; I learned English through my daily life

ーIs there anything you decided to try out after moving in the sharehouse?
My main objective behind living in Sharehouse was learning English, so I mainly tried studying and improving my ability to communicate in English.
When I moved in, I didn’t speak English so it was hard to communicate with my housemates, especially for the first 2 months. I just studied every day.
Other things that I tried to do besides studying by myself are going out with housemates, as well as attending parties and events to communicate with them more on my day off. Because of this, after a while, my English started to improve.

ーWhat else did you do to learn English? Please give us more details.
One of my housemates works at an English conversation school, so I studied with the textbooks and vocabulary books that he/she recommended.
One of the good aspects of living in an international share house is how I was able to try using new words and phrases in conversations with my housemates right after learning them.

ーHave your housemates helped with your studies?
As there were 10 non-Japanese residents in my share house at that time, and most of them didn’t speak Japanese, I was able to learn English by just being with them.
My housemates also helped me by giving me vocabulary quizzes when I was studying in the living room.
When I was studying for the TOEIC exam, they helped me until 2 in the morning.

ーHow much did your TOEIC score improve?
My score was in the 400s when I first moved in, but after a year at the share house, my score improved and went over 800. The fact that my score improved even though I didn’t study exclusively for the test and was only studying the basics made me realize how much my English improved. It made me really happy.

Was the greatest change you saw in yourself since moving in the improvement of your English skills? 
While this is true, I think making friends from all over the world and experiencing first hand the differences in our ways of thinking was a larger change for me. I’d never had friends from foreign countries so it was very new to me.

For example, even though I knew that different countries have differences in education, there was never a chance for me to ask what kind of education they grew up with. It was interesting to learn what was different from Japanese education.
ーHas this change been useful in your daily life?
Since I live with housemates who have different perspectives, it became easier for me to accept different perspectives that people of different generations have.

My coworkers range from those in their 20s to those in their 50s and their perspectives are very different. Now I’ve changed and started to think “it’s normal for people to have different opinions, so how do we go about this?” whilst working.

There are more career options for me as my English has been improved

ーWhat made you decide to change your job?
Because my goal was to work abroad when I moved to the Borderless House, I thought my first step was to find a job where I can use English.

When I first moved in, I needed time to get used to the share house and study English. After about 6 months after moving in, I had become more confident in my English skills and then decided to look into changing my job more seriously.

ーWhat were your criteria when you were looking for a job? What did you prioritize?
As I had no experience using English in my career, I knew it would be difficult for me to work for a company that uses English as its official language. Therefore, I started by applying for Japanese companies, because I thought there would be a higher chance of me getting hired. However, it became possible for me to apply to foreign companies after my TOEIC scores improved and I had more options available to me.

ーWhat made you decide to work at your current company?
First of all, the company has offices in 15 countries worldwide, so it allows opportunities of getting transferred to foreign branches. Second of all, while the company’s official language is English, most of the company’s clients are Japanese businesses, so I am able to use both Japanese and English for communication. I think this is a good work environment for me, as I have just been studying English for a year.

ーBesides learning English, were there any other advantages in living in Borderless house whilst looking for a job?

It was good that I was able to get inside information on foreign companies that I didn’t know about. After I started applying for foreign companies, I realized how few foreign companies Japanese people knew about.

Before applying for the job, I wasn’t aware of the company I work for now. My British housemate gave me information and advice about it, and that was what made me apply.

I am grateful for being able to learn about various foreign companies from housemates who are from the county the company originated in.

ーWhat are your future goals now that you’ve experienced living in Borderless House?

My goal when I was 30 years old was to work abroad, but now my goal is to move to a foreign country by the time that I am 40.

The first step for me now is to be transferred to a foreign branch.

ーYou had said before that you didn’t know which country you would like to live in. How about now? Do you have a certain country in your mind?
I would like to try living in an English speaking country first.

However, I would love to live in Germany eventually. Before changing jobs I had the opportunity to go see a past housemate and traveled across 4 countries in Europe for the first time. I was very drawn to Germany then.

There is more than one way to learn English. However, being able to make friends from all over the world is the greatest benefit to stay at a share house

ーFinally, please give one piece of advice to our future tenants!
There are many ways to learn English. You can go to a language school, using on-line English conversation classes, YouTube, etc.
But, if you live in Borderless house, you will not only learn English. You will also be able to learn different values and perspectives. The best part about living in Borderless house is that it allows you to make friends from all over the world!

ーYour story of setting goals, taking measures towards achieving that goal will surely be helpful for future tenants thinking of joining with the intention of learning English! Thank you so much for your fantastic story Guhee-san!

Editor’s Note

What did you think about Higuchi-san’s story?

Please refer to Higuchi-san’s notes when thinking about life at the sharehouse or finding a new way to learn English. He has shared his specific methods of studying and his process of finding a new job.

gooheeさんHiguchi-san’s Notes

Meeting new people will definitely lead to a great change.

Borderless house is filled with unique and diverse people from all over the world.

Why don’t you join us and experience “change”?

House Sharing Will Bring You Socializing Opportunities

A house is much more than just a roof over your head which protects you from the sun or rain. Instead, it is also a sanctuary, a comforting, silent, and safe space and at times also an investment. A house is a place where you stay protected from all the physical, intellectual, and emotional troubles and where you grow independently from the outer world. The facilities that your home offers determine your living standards and your quality of life. Hence, maybe now, you can get an idea regarding how housing decisions are significant and why such decisions should be made with utmost care.

But finding a house in a new space is a tricky process. When you move or shift to a new city or country, housing becomes a bit of a problem. It is so because now you have on your hand, the task of finding a living space, that fits your budget, is situated in a nice locality and which has all the essential facilities and services available. And you have to accomplish this task in a place that is completely foreign to you. So, now you can probably see why some people think of seeking a house in a new country as a daunting task.

However, the good news is that now, with the people and techs changing at a rapid pace, housing issues are getting resolved. Plus, the concepts of renting today have also modified. Unlike earlier, when a tenant was required to rent a whole space for him, today one can rent and share a house with others. Thus, by practicing house sharing one can reduce his expenses while at the same time score some exciting socializing opportunities. So, now if you are interested in knowing more about the share housing system and you want to learn about its socializing and other benefits, then come let’s begin the discussion. Here it goes!

What are share houses?

Share houses are an excellent option to find a living space when you have moved into a foreign country. These houses are especially the right option for people who are in abroad for educational purposes and can’t afford to spend much on housing or for people who have come to the foreign landscape on business and won’t be staying there for too long. For both these people, share houses turn out to be a welcome option as some of them are foreigner-friendly renting spaces that both help in saving money and in meeting new and interesting people.

To facilitate easier understanding, one can think of share houses as homes where a group of people live together under the same roof. Now while living in a share house means you cannot decide who you share the space with, still the choice to decide your room is your own. You can opt from a variety of options like a single room, a double room, a room with three or more tenants, or even an apartment styled room where you have an attached toilet and shower. There are tons of available options!

How does share housing offers socializing benefits?

When you move into a new country or a new city one problem that you face is socializing. Even though the world is now a very global space still at some places you may find residents reluctant to bond with the foreigners at least initially. Add to this the issue of a language barrier in case you don’t speak the local language fluently and you can pretty much imagine yourself living in isolation for the first few months. When you are away from your friends and family who act as your support system, this might feel depressing.

But with share houses, this problem gets resolved naturally. This is so because in share houses you can find dozens of people who are in a similar condition as yours. They are there in a foreign land trying to work or study while fighting the feelings of isolation and loneliness. They miss their families and they are eager to make new friends. Now since you are living with them and spending a lot of time together you will discover that befriending such people is actually quite easy! All it takes is to find a common ground and socializing is no more a problem.

However, if you are still not convinced and have some doubts about the socializing benefits of a share house then in our next part all your doubts will fade!

How does share housing help in socializing?

Staying in share housing can make it easier to make friends because …

It houses a large number of people

When you are living in share houses there are so many people around who belong from different cultures and different traditions. Now at the first glance, you may find it as a con, but if you are one of those social people who love to interact with new buddies and who like to learn about different cultures then living at a share house will mean having the time of your life!
This is so because now you will have so many people to learn from about different cuisines, different languages, different traditions and what not! Hence, if you are a social butterfly and you love to gather and hang around then this big space will be a perfect home for you. Plus, if you ever get bored here then all you have to do is to literally just walk out of your room and you will be surrounded by people!

You find mutual hobby friends

Because share houses are big spaces with a bunch of different people living together, hence it is always a possibility that you will come across someone who will share mutual interests with you. You can never imagine who that person might be, which just makes this process of making ‘new’ friends all the more fun!
Also, once you will have your mutual hobby friends at your side, then you will never be alone. This is so because now you will be able to always seek them out to spend some time together in order to chat non-stop about your common interests or to discuss new developments. On the off days, you will even get a chance to practice your hobbies and interests together and to enjoy some relaxing downtime!

Opportunity for international exchange

At some share houses, they offer residence to both the local and international people. This is a great opportunity for the international people as now they get a chance to mingle with the local folk and to learn from them about their language, food, and culture. Can there be anything better than that? I mean you can practically think of this as a ‘culture tuition’ class minus the expensive fee.
Hence, at share houses, you get a chance to enjoy the taste of the local life without any fears. You can now hang around the new places with your brand-new local buddy without being anxious all the time about doing something inadequate or stupid. This experience is just having your own guide-cum-close friend.

Living in student only properties

If you are a student and you are in a foreign landscape to learn then you have the choice to seek the share housing spaces that only offer residence to foreign residents. This will be great for you because living with fellow students will save you from being distracted and from losing sight of your goal. Plus, if you ever need any help with the studies then you would just need to knock on the next door and you will have help. Hence, student share housing properties are a cool way of both studying and living!

Animal lovers and pet-friendly properties

Well, if you love animals but have never gotten around to getting your own pet, maybe because you cannot afford it or because you are afraid of taking over the big responsibility, then living at a pet-friendly share housing property is your chance! Yes, imagine living around all those cute fluffy animals! Aren’t you already tempted?
Plus, living under the same roof with the friendly pet owners is in your favor too, because now you will get to learn about taking care of the pet animals from the experienced people without even paying! It is like getting access to the theoretical and practical lessons of pet caring until you feel ready and confident to get your pet.

Music lovers and properties with music studios

Now if you love music and enjoy humming or singing songs then while searching for share houses you can look for the ones that have music studios of their own. This way you will be able to practice and enhance your music skills. Plus, with all the other music lovers you will always have a chance to learn something new from someone. How awesome is that?!


Thus, from the above discussion, we can conclude that share housing is a great accommodation option if the very idea of living with strangers doesn’t scare you off. Living there you will help you in socializing with new people and in making fast friends. Plus, on the off-side, you will be able to learn so much!





【Tenant’s Story】Greater Connections with Housemates during COVID19

My name is Ashleigh and I have been living in Borderless House for about 2 years. Since I moved to Japan, I have been actively involved in the Borderless Community. From the Link-Up events and Borderless Diners to volunteering as MC at the Borderless Olympics. You may remember me as the ‘kawaii Santa’ MC from last year’s Christmas Party. I enjoy parties and connecting with like-minded people. Being in a sharehouse during this situation has changed everyday living. I was upset that I couldn’t hang out with friends freely and host events, but it opened up new opportunities to lift the attitude in the house. However, I have not tried to view it negatively and not concern myself with uncertainty. Instead, I have used this time to slow down and spend time with those who decided to remain in the house during this period.

I have really appreciated staying in a sharehouse at this time. I think I would go crazy if I wasn’t able to hang out with friends at all and a handful of them suddenly had to go back to their home countries anyway. I already considered myself lucky to be coexisting with a group of amazing people, but I believe this time together has given us a stronger connection. It’s led to us hanging out every weekend, watching movies or playing games. Housemates that I hadn’t connected with before, I have gotten to know better.

Cherry Blossom at the Share House

Many events that we were looking forward to couldn’t go ahead as planned. We knew that the yearly Hanami at a park was not possible this Cherry Blossom Season, so we decided to hold an event at our place. I bought about 3000yen worth of pink decorations and picnic essentials from Daiso to create more of a “Hanami” vibe from the comfort of our own home. From the materials, we used our creative skills to put together something in our living room. It was the perfect weather to eat outside, so we made hand-rolled sushi and yakisoba and took it to the rooftop, along with our own little Sakura tree. For a moment, everyone seemed to forget that there was a global pandemic that was becoming more apparent in Japan.

Everlasting Friendship 

In response to the announcement of the State of Emergency, my company asked me to work at home a couple of days a week. At this point, most housemates were working at home, so we were able to time our lunch breaks to eat together, giving us a chance to step away from work and properly take our breaks, which helped us re-energise before getting back to work. It was great to catch up with them in the middle of the day on a weekday, which was something I had never imagined before.

Connections with ex-housemate 

We have not let this situation halt our friendships, as we are still connected to a former tenant who, unfortunately, decided to move back home for a few months to be with his family. Luckily, we live in an age where we can still be connected through technology and he is still a member of our group chat, checking in with us regularly. Although we miss his presence, we were able to have a party with his spirit because he was kind enough to buy us food through a delivery service. It was lovely to be brought together due to his kindness during this unfavourable situation and we can’t wait for him to return to Japan and hopefully move back in again to repay him.

Smiling faces during COVID-19 period

After Golden Week, I was asked to go back to work due to the increased number of students returning to school. My workplace is in Chofu, which takes about an hour and two trains and as I work in a kindergarten, I have to be considerate towards the health of the children, my workmates and my housemates during this time. At both work and home, we pay more attention to hygiene, cleaning the things we touch, such as door handles and light switches with alcohol spray. After we say “tadaima” (I’m back), the first thing we do is wash our hands thoroughly with soap. It has been great to see everyone following the advice given by the government and it gives everyone peace of mind. What also puts me at ease is to come home and still see the same smiling faces every day. My housemates do not judge me for still having to go to work, even when I am concerned about getting onto a train during rush hour because of the increased risk to contract the virus.

Greater cultural exchange in the busy kitchen

Honestly, the biggest challenge we have faced is that everyone is cooking at home in order to reduce the amount they leave the house. Walking into the kitchen, it always smells great. However, with a busy kitchen most nights, it has made us gain a greater consideration of others and become more flexible in the limited space we have. It has also resulted in less space in the fridge. How do we combat that? Although our spaces are marked separately, we have been sharing with one another, not just the fridge space but also ingredients. I love how we have become so close that I can rely on my housemates to use something of theirs, and I will gladly replace or give them something else in exchange. Staying at home has caused us to be more creative with meals and has promoted greater cultural exchange. I introduced them to the flavors of lemon oregano chicken, while they showed me how to make shoga yaki (Japanese Ginger Pork).

With such wonderful food, comes much more waste, so we have also become more stringent with taking out the trash. I have never seen so many bags of rubbish from one weekend before! Also, remember the time when toilet paper and masks were hard to find? Everyone has been pitching in to help buy these essential items, including soap, alcohol spray, wipes, tissues and pretty much anything with a one per person limit. Even small gestures like this really help to continue the orderly conduct of the house. I couldn’t imagine what we would do if we ever ran out of toilet paper!

Birthday Party, Clubbing, Movie Theater, Izakaya at a share house!?

In our house, it’s an amazing coincidence that two of our members are born a day apart, so we did not hesitate to buy gifts and celebrate their birthdays. Who says you can’t enjoy your birthday during corona? Since we cannot go out clubbing as we planned a few months ago for a housemate’s twentieth, we have decided to turn our house into a club instead. We have this mindset of “if we can’t go out, then we will bring it to us!” For example, want to go to the movies? Let’s watch something in the living room on Netflix. Craving a certain meal? Let’s make it! The options are limitless when we put our minds together. I’ve been wanting to go to an izakaya for the longest time, so I pitched the idea to use our common fee money to buy an electric hotplate. Everyone was instantly on board, thinking of all the food we can make, such as okonomiyaki, yaki-niku and even pancakes. A housemate mentioned, “if we’re going to eat yaki-niku, we will need beer and shochu,” really replicating the feel of being at an izakaya. I love the way that my housemates think and that they are so proactive.

We are in this together

With multiple nationalities under the same roof, we have access to information on a global scale. We like to compare the situations between our countries and see how it is similar or different to Japan. With our knowledge, we can put together and start guessing what Japan’s next step will be. This makes for interesting conversation and sparks up a debate, all in good nature. It’s so helpful living with Japanese people because they can tell us the information before it is translated on news sites. We enjoy watching press conferences by Prime Minister Abe or Tokyo Governor Koike. However, my language skills are not native yet, so it is nice to be next to someone who can directly translate what they are saying. It’s better than any kind of subtitles.

This whole situation that we are faced with doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Many of my housemates have adopted new hobbies that they have been interested in, but never found the time to do, such as working out on the rooftop or growing their own vegetables. From just one person, we have learned and become interested in new activities, which is really what living in a Borderless house is about. We have deepened our cross-cultural exchange in a way that might not have been possible without the push to ‘stay in.’ Although I miss the community and meeting friends from other houses, I’m glad that I’ve been able to focus on my own house and I believe my housemates feel the same. I think our experience goes to show that you can still enjoy sharehouse life without fear, as long as you follow the guidelines and stay vigilant in practicing good hygiene. It comes down to each individual doing their own part, but essentially, we are in this together.

Check Ashleigh’s Share House






【BORDERLESS HOUSE Online Information Session】What is an International Share House??

Hi! This is Ting from BORDERLESS HOUSE. This is a blog to announce our upcoming BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session.

Recently we have received many messages from potential tenants which contain similar comments:
I don’t have enough information about living in a sharehouse yet, so I want to learn more about life in a sharehouse before making a decision or moving.
I want to know more about Borderless House as a company!
I want to have a look at an international share house.
I want to live in a share house at some point in my life and would like to get excited about that future opportunity!

In order to respond to these messages, we have decided to hold an online information session so that people can learn more about Borderless House!

【What is Borderless House】

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international sharehouse where young individuals from all around the world gather under one roof to share life together and exchange different cultures. We provide a community where you can not only improve your Japanese skills but also have unforgettable experiences with a diverse group of people and be able to expand your horizons.

Don’t you wonder what life in one of these exciting multicultural communities in Japan would be like?

What does the cooking, cleaning, and everyday life look like when living together?
Will I be able to have meaningful interactions with my Japanese housemates even if I don’t speak Japanese?
How are problems resolved if they arise?

Additionally, we will be offering special discount campaigns for anyone who participates in this online session- check below for details!

When coming to Japan, you have many choices on where and how to live, but why not choose to have an invaluable cultural exchange at one of our international sharehouses? After the information session, we will also take the time to give more specific details about each of our houses, so please feel free to participate. Your BORDERLESS HOUSE family is waiting for you to join!

※Before registering to participate, please note that there is an age limit (18-35) for our tenants.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session Details: What Is an International Sharehouse

Date & Time:
Nov 16th, Monday @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM JST
Nov 21th, Saturday @ 17:00 AM – 18:30 PM JST

Nov 28th, Saturday @ 17:00 AM – 18:30 PM JST
Nov 30th, Monday @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM JST

※Please note that the time above is Japan Standard Time so you will need to double-check the corresponding time in your own time zone. Feel free to use this time zone converter.

Place: ZOOM (online)
※Feel free to download the ZOOM application ahead of time.
※When you join the ZOOM meeting, your name will be displayed. If you are worried about using your full name, please feel free to put only your first or your last name. However, we ask that you do not use a nickname during registration or during the meeting.

▶Language: English
● Price: FREE!!!
①Borderless House Company Introduction
②Q&A with Current Residents and Staff
③Individual Consultation

Register ・Inquiry Form

★★★Please use the link below to register for the information session★★★

◎Registration Form

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at:
Kanto area:
Kansai area:

For further information from our website, please check out the links below

List of Kanto share houses
List of Kansai share houses

No Language Experience? No Problem!

Hey guys! This is Claire from BORDERLESS HOUSE back with another blog. This blog is going to be a personal story of how I got interested in Japan and my own journey of learning Japanese. Hopefully, there will be many things you all can relate to, but I also hope that I can share some new information and shed new light on your thoughts about going abroad. 

The Beginnings

The first time that I came to Japan was in June of 2013 at the age of 15. I spent 28 days living with a host family in Yokohama through completely self-organized means. So, why Japan? The true answer to this question really is, “I don’t know.” What I do know is that at the age of 15, I wanted more than anything to have the opportunity to travel abroad, but this was difficult for me to do as I was a nationally-ranked competitive swimmer. Any time away from the pool could jeopardize my training, so going abroad was never an option for me. For many sports, such as soccer or basketball, there are pre-arranged international exchange programs which have reputable teams and carefully selected host families. Swimming is not one of those sports. Being the young 15-year old that I was, I was not going to let this massive barrier stop me and I began asking around my local swimming community to find connections to and contacts for international teams. My first breakthrough came quickly from my head coach in California who had the contact information of a coach from Yokohama in Japan. From that moment on, I decided I was going to try and make my way to Japan!

Now that I had located a reputable team abroad, my next challenge was that I spoke no Japanese, and knew nothing regarding the culture. By some miracle, my math teacher in high school spoke Japanese and with her help I was able to draft an email to this coach in Yokohama. Less than 24 hours later I had a positive response, and was told that I’d be assigned to a host family- all I had to do now was buy my flights. And that’s how I ended up in Japan for 1 month at the age of 15 with complete strangers. Coincidentally, during that month I also fell in love with all of the people that I met, and with the culture. I felt that I got to see a new side to swimming, and really to all of the aspects of life that I considered to be mundane back in the U.S. Things as simple as taking a ride in a car or going grocery shopping were all new and exciting. I finally felt like after 15 years of mindless patterns, I was filled with life and excitement.

Despite this now being my fourth time in Japan and, admittedly, I no longer have a host family to cook my meals, drive me around, or do my laundry, there is still a sense of wonder and awe that I feel when I am here. I feel alive and at home. If you need more convincing of the benefits of going abroad feel free to watch a short talk I gave to my peers at Harvard, and I hope that you will be filled with the same passion that I was.

Make It Work & Don’t Ever Settle

The moral of this whole story is that if you want to go to Japan, or go abroad in general, it is possible if you have the passion and the drive. Especially if you do not find any programs that fit your interests, don’t give up or settle for doing something you really don’t want to do. I have seen many people who have a passion for Japan and take any job that comes their way just to remain in Japan. Unfortunately, if you end up doing something that you are not excited about, it might bias your experience in a place that you once thought you loved. By all means, try and do what you love, in a place that you also love!

In cases where you are unable to find any programs that match your interests, networking will be your best friend. Find something that you want to do, whether it is studying, volunteering, or working, and start asking around. In my experience, if you send emails out of the blue to someone in Japan telling them that you are really interested in working with them, or learning from them, you will end up with one of three answers: 1) positive response, 2) referral to a similar colleague or opportunity or 3) no response, which really in the grand scheme of things isn’t so bad. When things are silent, it just means you have a few more people you’ll need to reach out to! Don’t get discouraged and keep trying.

Learning Japanese

After I returned from my first visit to Japan, I was still in a situation where I did not have any opportunity to take Japanese language courses at school. I additionally did not have the time to enroll in any language courses in my free time because I was constantly at swim practice. I simply picked up a copy of Genki, which I highly recommend for self-learning Japanese, and began to memorize and write hiragana and katakana. I self-studied on and off for about 2 years, but truly I had no serious hours set for studying and I only managed to teach myself the rudimentary writing, speaking and grammar basics. Another downside to self-learning Japanese is that you don’t have the opportunity to practice speaking naturally. There are two parts to learning a language: 1) memorizing vocabulary, grammar, etc, and 2) learning how to seamlessly put this knowledge into use. No matter how much studying you do, if you are unable to put your skills into everyday practice, all your hard work may not be reflected properly. This all being said, self-taught Japanese is an incredible feat and can be successfully done- I just recommend using more than just text materials to practice with. Going abroad or joining language exchange communities are excellent options!

One other opportunity that is missed by self-taught Japanese without going abroad is that you may miss out on a lot of cultural opportunities. Part of immersing yourself in another culture is not just learning the language, but also experiencing daily life and customs. I have been very lucky to have many amazing cultural experiences with my host families and housemates which have deepened my understanding of Japanese history and have made me feel welcomed into a country which is nothing like my hometown.

The next step of my learning journey occurred after my second visit to Japan in 2015. When I realized that Japan was becoming more than just a hobby and would be an interest that carried much further into my academic and working future, I decided it was time to take learning Japanese seriously. My university required all students to take a year of language courses, or to test out of this requirement. Rather than use my Spanish ability to test out of the requirement, I opted to take my first Japanese course.

From my previous two visits to Japan I had picked up some phrases and was familiar with basic grammatical patterns. This was massively helpful to my language learning journey as there were times during class when I was able to recognize my errors before having actually learned the correct grammar rule. Just as children pick up a language from infancy and are able to apply grammatical rules through pure imitation, I realized that my two previous visits to Japan had done the same for my own language learning. Because of this, I would highly recommend going abroad to Japan as early as possible in your language learning journey. The sooner you get native exposure, the sooner you will be able to recognize and apply both grammar and vocabulary. Many people feel that they cannot travel abroad before they are proficient in a language, but I would argue that the opposite is true. Go abroad in order to become proficient. An amazing way to get this native exposure, and one of the main ways that I maintained my Japanese after quitting language courses, was by immersing myself in the BORDERLESS HOUSE community. Being surrounded by people who want to share their cultures and languages fosters a community where you are encouraged to learn and practice. Living in such a supportive community will give you the resources and courage to reach levels of language ability that you never thought possible. You’ll also learn many things, such as the new and upcoming slang, that would otherwise not be taught in a classroom. After all, it goes without saying that textbook language and colloquial language can be quite different.

Personal Regrets

After my first year of Japanese, I, unfortunately, had to stop taking language classes as my schedule became too busy. To be honest, I never imagined that I would be living and working in Japan, which means that at the time, quitting Japanese seemed like the right choice. However, my biggest regret is having quit my language learning after only a year. Although I don’t have any issues communicating or living here now, I now find myself with terribly mismatched speaking and reading/writing ability levels which make Japanese class level placement next to impossible. I have also graduated from college now, so any language course that I pursue would generally take me away from time at my job.

I also never took the JLPT test, which is something that is highly regarded when searching for a job here. When I began my job search, I quickly realized that although I would have no issues with doing an interview in Japanese, I would never be invited for an interview if I did not have some proof of my Japanese language ability. Having some standardized proof of your language ability will be imperative for any foreigner trying to start their career in Japan, with the exception of course of becoming an English teacher!

In summary, my advice to you is that you take advantage of any opportunities you have to continue on with your language learning. Even if I had not ended up living and working in Japan, fluency in foreign languages is such an incredible skill to have. It shows passion, dedication, and can help connect you to international, or domestic, opportunities that you may have never considered. I have a long road ahead of me to get to full fluency, but I’m willing to do what it takes so that I can take this feeling of regret and make it an amazing success story.

Can I Get By Without Any Japanese? The answer is: Yes, absolutely!!

As I mentioned, when I first landed in Japan back in 2013, I had no language experience and no cultural exposure. My high school did not offer Japanese as a language, and the only foreign language experience I had was 10 years of Spanish, which certainly wasn’t going to be put to heavy use during my time in Japan. I had an “Oh, crap” moment on the plane to Japan when the reality of my situation finally settled in. With Google Maps, smartphone translators and the internet in general many of your language barrier issues will be resolved. This being said, despite there being no necessity for Japanese language ability to live here, some understanding of the Japanese language and culture comes in handy if you plan to stay or live here. Great news is that living in a BORDERLESS HOUSE, surrounded by both Japanese and foreign housemates is a quick and easy way to have a support group and language study-buddies when coming to Japan with limited language ability!

The best news is that Japan is extremely accommodating and if you are in the presence of an individual who can speak some English, chances are that this person will be more than happy to seek you out and start up a conversation. Many signs are translated into English, and restaurants sometimes even have English menus. So, even if you are not familiar with the language, you’ll be okay. However, I would again like to point out that you’ll have a much richer experience here in Japan if you are somewhat familiar with the language and culture. For example, the English menus at restaurants don’t always list the same options that are on the Japanese menu, so you just might miss out on the opportunity to try a mint chocolate chip iced latte.

Now if you plan on working here in Japan, this is a different story. As I previously touched upon in the prior section, I cannot stress the importance of having passed the JLPT Level 1 or 2 enough. Many jobs, with the exclusion of English teaching jobs, will require you to have some proof of your Japanese proficiency. Even if you are confident in your Japanese fluency, without some sort of standardized proof, you will likely not be considered for a job interview. So make sure you have done your language prep and passed some sort of standardized proof of your language ability.

Be Fearless and Take the Leap

In conclusion, I’d like to encourage all of you, no matter where you are in your language learning journey, to consider stepping out of your comfort zone and making your dreams of going abroad come true. There are so many opportunities waiting for you and so many friends, especially here at BORDERLESS HOUSE, who are waiting to meet you. I hope that my story has convinced you that there is no greater experience than going abroad and that it will help you grow in ways that you could never imagine.

“Build bridges, not walls!” ~ We have expanded our online language exchange activities!

BORDERLESS HOUSE previously launched a tenant-only
online communication exchange service: “~ Build bridges, not walls! ~ Language Exchange”

The original intention of this service was to connect foreign tenants, who had their plans to come to Japan canceled due to COVID-19, connect with Japanese tenants who were looking forward to having new foreign housemates and roommates. By conducting exchanges online, interactions would not be restricted by time or space, and international communication could continue!

We have now successfully matched 20 groups of language exchange partners!
The participating domestic and foreign tenants have already shown us the many benefits of this program, such as providing a space to learn about different countries and cultures, and making lasting friendships, especially as now is a very difficult time to make new friends. Some partners have already agreed to meet in Japan at a later time when things have returned to normal!
BORDERLESS HOUSE still feels that we can do more.

Therefore, BORDERLESS HOUSE has decided to allow more people to participate and experience this well-regarded service.
Therefore, we will open our service to non-tenants at this limited time from May 11th to May 30th allowing them to register and participate alongside tenants.

Basic rules for pairing
A foreigner will be matched with a Japanese partner.
BORDERLESS HOUSE tenants will be matched with non-BORDERLESS HOUSE tenants.

-Pairing process-

Log in and register!
Please apply using the form linked below.
<Fill in the application form now! >

BORDERLESS HOUSE will match you according to the information on your registration form.
We will then establish a Skype group, arranging the time and exchange outline for your first meeting!

The exchange begins!
First, introduce yourself. According to your customized theme, enjoy the fun of language exchange! (The first round is 40 minutes)

After the end of your exchange, fill out the post-meeting questionnaire. Lastly, agree on a time for your next language exchange!

-Event Features-

Point 1
The procedure is simple. All you need to do is just fill in the application form.
The staff at BORDERLESS HOUSE will match your language exchange partner.

Point 2
You can make new friends from different countries and integrate wit an international community. You can also improve your language skills while having fun connecting over common topics.

Point 3
That’s right, this is a free service!

We hope that during this period of time when an international exchange is strictly restricted, a bridge between countries will be established!
We sincerely look forward to more people joining and participating.

【Online BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session in May】What is an International Share House??

Hi all! This is Claire from BORDERLESS HOUSE.This is a blog to announce our upcoming English BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session which will be held on Saturday, May 30 at 11 AM JST.

Recently we have received many messages from potential tenants which contain similar comments:
I don’t have enough information about living in a sharehouse yet, so I want to learn more about life in a sharehouse before making a decision or moving.
I want to know more about Borderless House as a company!
I want to have a look at an international share house.
I want to live in a share house at some point in my life and would like to get excited about that future opportunity!

In order to respond to these messages, we have decided to hold an online information session so that people can learn more about Borderless House and be able to get a real-time look inside what life would be like in one of our international share houses!

【What is Borderless House】

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international sharehouse where young individuals from all around the world gather under one roof to share life together and exchange different cultures. We provide a community where you can not only improve your Japanese skills, but also have unforgettable experiences with a diverse group of people and be able to expand your horizons.

Don’t you wonder what life in one of these exciting multicultural communities in Japan would be like?

What does cooking, cleaning, and everyday life look like when living together?
Will I be able to have meaningful interactions with my Japanese housemates even if I don’t speak Japanese?
How are problems resolved if they arise?

All of these questions will be answered on Saturday, May 30th by current residents and staff who are ready to share their knowledge and experiences.

Additionally, we will be offering special discount campaigns for anyone who participates in this online session- check below for details!

When coming to Japan, you have many choices on where and how to live, but why not choose to have an invaluable cultural exchange at one of our international sharehouses? After the information session, we will also take time to give more specific details about each of our houses, so please feel free to participate. Your BORDERLESS HOUSE family is waiting for you to join!

※Before registering to participate, please note that there is an age limit (18-35) for our tenants.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

BORDERLESS HOUSE Information Session Details: What Is an International Sharehouse

Date: May 30, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM JST
※Please note that the time above is Japan Standard Time so you will need to double-check the corresponding time in your own time zone. Feel free to use this time zone converter.
Place: ZOOM (online)
※Feel free to download the ZOOM application ahead of time.
※When you join the ZOOM meeting, your name will be displayed. If you are worried about using your full name, please feel free to put only your first or your last name. However, we ask that you do not use a nickname during registration or during the meeting.
Capacity: Unlimited
Price: Free
Language: English
※Chinese and Korean-speaking staff will also be able to present during the individual consultations if you would prefer. In this case, please let us know at the time of registration.

①Borderless House Company Introduction
②Sharehouse Tour
③Q&A with Current Residents and Staff
④Individual Consultation


After joining the Information Session, individuals who decide to move into BORDERLESS HOUSE before December 31, 2020 will receive a 5,000 yen Amazon Gift Certificate!

Register ・Inquiry Form

Please use the link below to register for the information session.

◎Registration Form

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at:
Kanto area:
Kansai area:

For further information from our website, please check out the links below

List of Kanto share houses
List of Kansai share houses



MOVE TO JAPAN | The Formal Necessities

Hi everyone! This is Claire from Borderless House. Today’s blog topic is super important as I will be covering some essential information for anyone who is planning on moving to Tokyo for an extended period of time. If you are coming to Japan on a travel visa for under 90 days, then there are fewer logistics to think about, but I will briefly touch on some things that you might want to be aware of as well, so be sure to read through.

This by no means will be an exhaustive list, but hopefully will help out a bit!
Also check out this prior Borderless House blog for more information.

Zairyu Card/Residence Card

Just as you would carry your own driver’s license or identification in your home country, you are also required to carry an official form identification in Japan. This means that you will either need to have your passport or your residence card with you at all times. Even just going to the grocery store, or for a more exciting outing with friends at night, please please make sure that you have a form of legal identification. This is an extremely important point because you may at any point be asked by the police for identification, and being unable to produce a passport or Japanese-government issued form of identification will incur at the very least a fine, and could even result in jail time and deportation. 

For individuals who are not here on a visa, the only legal form of identification that you have is your passport, so please carry it with you at all times- even to the bars and clubs. For individuals who are here on a visa, you will receive a Japanese-government issued card called a “Zairyu Card | 在留カード.” If you are entering into Japan already with landing and visa permission, then you will receive your zairyu card when you go through customs. 

Ward Registration, Insurance, & My Number

The next step once you have left the airport and settled in is to make a visit to your local Civic Center. During this trip, two very important things will happen: 1) register your address, and 2) you will sign up for health insurance (保険). You are supposed to register a permanent address within 2 weeks of moving, at which time your address will get printed on your residence card, allowing you to properly receive important mail and information. Health insurance is also mandatory for any person staying longer than 3 months in Japan. 

My case was a bit interesting as I stayed in an AirBnB for 2 weeks before moving into my sharehouse, so technically I had been in Tokyo for over 2 weeks without a registered address when I went to the office ward. Although this was ultimately not an issue, I definitely recommend settling into permanent accommodations and registering your address as soon as possible, preferably within those first two weeks of your arrival in Japan. As stated before, registering your address will ensure that you receive all important notifications that will be delivered through the mail, such as your insurance bills, tax documents, and my number card. 

A “My Number card | 個人番号カード” is a form of personal identification number which will be needed for administrative purposes such as opening a bank account and paying taxes. In America, My Number is the equivalent of a Social Security Number. A paper version of your card will arrive in the mail a few weeks after registering at the ward office. Included with this paper-version card will be an application for a more formal, non-paper, card. Although not necessary, this more official My Number card is very useful for individuals staying longer term. Simply fill out the application and use the included return envelope! You can also apply online at a later time. Although the My Number card does not replace your residence card as a form of identification, you should also be sure to carry your My Number card with you at all times. 

For acquiring health insurance, there are two types: National Health Insurance (国民健康保険) and Employee’s Health Insurance (健康保険). As I was not an official company employee when I arrived in Tokyo, I was initially enrolled in the National Health Insurance program. My insurance bill and insurance card simply arrived at my house in the mail, at which time I could choose to pay it month-by-month or all at once at a local convenience store. It was quite hassle-free and easy. The difference with Employee’s Health Insurance is that your insurance fees are deducted from your salary, so the payment is handled through your company. In addition to carrying your residence and My Number card with you, you should also carry your insurance card with you at all times.

As a foreigner, receiving all of these notifications in Japanese can seem daunting, especially if you cannot read Japanese. One of the great parts about living in a BORDERLESS HOUSE is that you will always have housemates who will be able and willing to help translate important information!

Bank Account

If you are staying longer term in Japan and especially if you are working in Japan, another thing that you will want to consider is opening a bank account. Your salary will in almost all cases be paid into a Japanese bank account and you will also be able to use your bank account to make payments in Japan without incurring international exchange fees. On the most basic level, the two most important things that you should consider when opening a bank account are if the bank offers English support and if you have a convenient bank branch/ ATM nearby. There is a lot of information online regarding different banks and the services they offer. As banking is a very personal matter, make sure that you do your research, communicate with your employer, and choose what is best for your own situation. 


On the subject of bank accounts, one thing that you will need for everyday use is a hanko (判子), or personal seal. These stamps replace a pen signature and many banks and other institutions require you to “sign” with your hanko stamp rather than with a pen. These stamps need to be officially made, so check online for the nearest store which can legally make you an official personal seal. You will also need to register your personal seal at your local ward office. Please be noted that the name on your hanko must match your legal name, meaning that for foreigners who do not have a legal name which is written in kanji characters, you must resort to using either hiragana, katakana, or romaji. There are tourist “hanko” stamps sold at places like Don Quixote and 100 yen stores, but be aware that a random cat-shaped stamp etc. will not be sufficient for official use when signing documents. Hanko prices range in price based on the materials which they are made from, but generally, you can get an official hanko made for somewhere around 1,000 yen. Although it is technically possible to go through life in Japan without a hanko, the repeated amount of times that you will be required to sign within a circular hanko-shaped area on documents will continually remind you that it might just be easier to go and make a personal seal. Plus, it makes for a cool personal souvenir if you plan to return back to your home country in the future!

Japanese Phone Number

Another thing which will prove almost as handy as your hanko is having a Japanese phone number. It is possible to survive in Japan with data-only SIM cards, as we now have the technology to connect internationally through data and WiFi. However, many times when filling out official documents, and even when opening a bank account, you will need to have your own Japanese phone number. Depending on the length of your stay, there are a few options. For a stay of less than 2 years, you will find that it is really difficult to get a short-term phone contract with any established phone companies here in Japan. There are some cheap SIM rental options, my personal favorite being Sakura Mobile, which allows you to choose a data and talk plan that fits your usage needs, and which do not require you to sign longer-term contracts. Again, similar to opening a bank account, each person’s needs are very specific. Luckily there is a lot of readily available information on Japanese phone companies and plans for foreigners. Make sure that you do your research and choose the company and plan which will be best for you!

Transportation Needs

As a foreigner in Tokyo, you will be able to get where you want to go without a car. The public transportation system in Tokyo is incredible, and it is a very bike-friendly city. For people who are planning to travel within the city a lot, one thing that you will use on a daily basis is an IC card. These cards act as rechargeable transportation cards which you tap at train gates and on buses to pay your fair. IC cards can be made at almost all train stations at a charging station where you normally buy your tickets. The two main cards that are used in Tokyo are Suica and Pasmo. Either card will work just fine, as the main difference between these cards are the manufacturing company and stations at which they can be purchased or returned. Aside from using your IC card for taking public transit, you can also use it at many different designated convenience stores to make purchases! 

When you are not traveling by public transit, it is very refreshing to take walks throughout Tokyo and explore the city on foot. Make sure that you are well stocked on slip-on shoes that are durable and comfortable to walk. There is nothing worse than having to take 5 minutes putting on shoes every time you leave the house, only to get a blister after another 5 minutes into your walk. Your time and attention should be fully devoted to getting the most out of every opportunity that this great city has to offer!

Although this post is less exciting as many other topics, I hope that it helps many of you who are preparing to make the move to Tokyo. We here at BORDERLESS HOUSE are eagerly awaiting your arrival! If there is anything that we can do to help your move, or solidify your plans to come to Japan, BORDERLESS is here to answer your questions and offer advice.