Sharing your Stories in our Christmas event with our tenants!

Hello everyone!

What are you going to do for Christmas?

We had a Christmas event with our tenant!

We exchanged Christmas presents, shared stories and played Bingo!

Everyone was enjoyed and met new friends through this event.

Let’s check it out!


Preparing for our Christmas event.

Decorations, food are so important for Christmas!

We had the dinner and enjoyed getting to know each other.

Everyone was welcoming and friendly!

The most important part of Christmas is gift exchange!

Hope everyone got a nice gift.

We also prepared some gift for the winners of Bingo!

Enjoy champagne, cookie or board games with your housemates!


After the games, it was free time for you guys to talk with anyone!

Let’s take pictures, exchange contact information and keep in touch! ^_<

Took happy group photos with all participants!

Thanks for join us! Hope everyone enjoyed it and join us at our next event!

Please check our fanpage on Facebook for more photos!

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