Are Share Houses A Good Option For People Who Are Starting A Life Away From Parents?

Now, today’s youth, which is the youth of the 21st century, very well understands the importance of freedom and independence. Our youth knows how significant it is to stand on its legs without the support of others, even if that support is extended by your loved ones like your parents and relatives. Adolescents know the necessity of becoming self-sufficient, and therefore, in the present era as soon as they reach the legal age, they start striving for financial and other types of independence. One significant step that they undertake to become independent and self-sufficient is that of living away from their parents.

Now, living away from parents is a hard decision. When you live away from your home you learn important lessons. Living in a place where you don’t have the support of your parents or loved ones teaches you important lessons about life, and it prepares you for an unforeseeable future. Also, sometimes in cases, like when you find a job in a different city or when you have to go abroad for completing your studies, staying away from the home becomes a necessity. However, whatever be the cause, it cannot be denied that staying away from the home is difficult. It is majorly because when you leave home you are forced to take care of your security and your eating habits. There is nobody to look after you.

Hence, for those of you who are about to stay away from their home, we have searched a solution, the share house. Now, living in a share house after you move away from your parents’ home may not seem very promising, but this option can certainly make the transition easier for adolescents. Now, if you are wondering how that works, then read our next section to find your answers!

Why is a share house a good accommodation option for living away from parents?

Living in a share house is an altogether different experience. There are so many things that you can learn when you live here, away from the protective shadow of your loved ones. Now, renting this place as a living space when you start living away from your parents is the best decision that you can make because of the following reasons.

● Share houses are secure spaces

When you are looking for shelter options, share houses should be your top-choice because these places are secure. It is so because of two reasons. First, the share houses in most places come equipped with alarm systems. So, because of this, the chances of anyone breaking into a share house reduce significantly.
Secondly, when living in a share house you share the home with many housemates. This acts as an added layer of security as there is an advantage to living in a group when compared to living alone. So, after moving out of the home if you realize that you are not so confident about your safety, then look for a share house as that is your safest option.

● Share houses are furnished spaces

When you newly move out of your home, you are trying to become independent and self-sufficient, but you usually do not have enough finances to support yourself. Also, at this stage, you are not used to living without any facilities, equipment, and furniture. Hence, at such times, the share house is a very good accommodation option as it comes equipped and well-furnished. Thus, living here saves you from a lot of trouble while also helping you in saving money. Thus, if you are staying away from your family and looking for a shelter, and you do not own much money, try renting a share house.

● They have broadband lines and internet connections

This pointer is specially meant for those people who have moved abroad in search of a job or for completion of their studies. Now, when you move to a new place the broadband lines and the internet connection is a must-have as it helps you in staying connected with your friends and family back home. This connection, in a broad sense, helps you in staying connected with the world, and it protects you from feeling alienated in a new country.
However, when you move to a new country, getting an internet connection, or setting up new broadband lines can be tough, and it can take time. In such circumstances, it is generally considered a wise move to rent a share house as these places have already up and running broadband lines and internet connection. Hence, living in a share house especially when you are a foreigner can help you in reducing your expenses, waiting time, and extra efforts.

● Share houses will enhance your eating habits

When you are living with your parents, you have your siblings, your mother, or someone else in your family fussing over your eating habits. In the home, someone is always cooking your favorite meal and asking you multiple times if you have had your meal or not. But when you move out to live independently, there is no one to check on you because of which many people fall into the habit of skipping meals. In this context too, living in a share house is beneficial because there you live in the company of housemates who might have good culinary skills. A lot of times, these people also teach you how to cook different cuisines. Also, when you are with other people, cooking and eating a healthy diet doesn’t seem like much effort.

Thus, because of these reasons, it can be ascertained that living in a share house is the best option after you have moved out of your parents’ place. Living in a share house teaches you to be independent while not making you suffer much. Hence, BORDERLESS HOUSE should be your first agenda when you are looking for a new shelter to move in.


>>Check the Share Houses in Taipei<<

>>6 Things About Living in Taiwan<<

Why Are Share Houses The Best Shelter Option When You Are Starting Life In Abroad?

In the present world, borders and boundaries have become fluid. These lines that mark and enclose an area to represent a city, country, or continent, and which primarily only exist on paper are in the present world not as rigid as they used to be earlier. Instead, in the present moment, these boundaries have become porous to allow people to move in and out of a country. This sits true for the borders and boundaries of almost all the countries or continents around the globe.

The Earth presently has become a global space, and all the cities and countries have become a part of its chain. Whether it is for studies or managing businesses, every year we witness people moving across borders. Because of this, it has become a natural occurrence to find citizens of different nationalities living together in a country they were not born or brought up.

But if you have ever traveled overseas, then you would know that living in a new country is not a very pleasant experience especially during the initial days. It is so because when you go to a new place you usually miss your old friends and family, and the previous surroundings terribly. Plus, when you move to a new country you feel like a stranger, and thus, it becomes difficult to blend in.

Mixing-in in a new country is not as easy as it may appear in the first place. We say so because when you go to a new place, you usually don’t know much about the culture or tradition of that place. And because of this, you always feel anxious and stressed in your new surroundings. You are always on your toes observing how other people are behaving so you would not mistakenly do that would hurt or disrespect the sentiments of the natives.

Thus, in such a time when you have freshly moved into a new country, it is considered a good idea to live in a share house. Doing so will help you in many ways. Wondering how that works? Well, in that case, read our next section to find out your answers.

How are share houses helpful in starting a fresh life in a new country?

A sharehouse is a big property that is offered on rent to tenants where many strangers share the same roof. In a share house, you can rent a single room for yourself or you can rent a room that houses 3 to 4 people in total depending upon your needs and requirements. This place is a top shelter choice for people, especially for those who have freshly shifted to a new country because-
It helps you in understanding alien customs.

As we have already established, when you move to a new country, chances are that you will be unfamiliar with its customs and traditions. This can make you anxious while adding to your stress levels. Also, there is this probability that if you did something wrong because of your unfamiliarity with the local customs that the natives find offending or insulting, then you might feel even more alienated and alone. Thus, for this reason, it is a safe choice to live in a share house at least for the initial days because there you are bound to come across many people who will be interested in international exchange.

When you will live with them, such people will help you in learning more about their local culture, while at the same time they will also try to understand your traditions. This healthy exchange will make your life significantly easier. So, if you want to know about the local customs and traditions of a place, its food, its manners, etc. in a friendly way without wasting much time, then share houses should be your top priority while seeking shelter.

It is a borderless accommodation

When you move to a new space how fluently you can speak their local language plays a very important role in deciding the ease with which you will blend in your new surroundings. So, for example, if you have moved to Taiwan for your further studies and you can fluently speak and write Chinese, then this will probably mean that you will find it easier to navigate Taiwan as compared to someone who doesn’t even understand Chinese. It is so because when you don’t understand the local language of a place, you find it hard to explain to people your queries or emotions.

Now, in such a scenario, it is wise to find a share house in your new country because in share houses you can probably find residents who are familiar with your language. In this way, your common language can help you in befriending people and it can also help you in learning the local language quite easily. We, BORDERLESS HOUSE, make language exchange easy for you by offering on our website the information about the nationality of its residents. You can even opt to talk to the residents of the share house while requesting a preview of the property.

It offers you easier access to common knowledge

When you shift to a new country, other than the customs, traditions, and language of that place there are many other things that you ought to learn about your new home town. These things include information on the common practices of the new place, knowledge about local shops and convenience stores in your locality, and awareness about the norms of living in that place such that your safety is not threatened.

Living in a share house can help you in gaining easy access to such information. It is so because when you are sharing a roof with other people you are bound to interact with them. In your conversations, you can come across the above-mentioned info without even requesting for the same. In opposed to this, if you opt to live alone in a new country, then acquiring such information may take some time.

Thus, these are some reasons because of which living in a share house should be your preferred choice. Living here can help you in settling-in easily.




Event | DaDaoCheng Walking Tour (Qipao experience)

Da Dao Cheng Walking Tour (Qipao experience)

Wearing the traditional dress is one of the best way to experience a culture.

If you have a chance to visit Taiwan, you definitely need to try the traditional dress-Qipao!

This time, we take our tenants to Da Dao Cheng for day tour, which is a very historic area in Taipei. Wearing Qipao, walking in that area, it just feel like back to the 1920’s!

The 1920’s Salon offered a lot of different style’s Qipao, the owner Mrs. Lin also helped customers to dress up perfectly, included hair style, makeup and hand bags.

First step, feel free to try on all you like, choose your favorite Qipao style! And don’t forget to choose accessories for your costume, it’ll make it even perfect!

Of course, traditional dress is not just for females! Males can also wear the Chinese tunic suit!

After everybody finished dressing, it’s time for the tea testing! Mrs. Lin share some different tea leafs and explain how to do a tea testing to everyone.

Every different leafs has different smells, it gives everyone a different imaginations!

We shared our imaginations and memories which can contact to the smells.

Of course, you do want to take some nice pictures since wearing Qipao is a very special experience!

Luckily, we had a chance to take some cool pictures in “Lok Hue Hng”.

“Lok Hue Hng” is a second hand furniture store located next to 1920’s Salon, offering high quality and tasteful furniture.

Afternoon, we started our walking tour in Dadaocheng.

Qipao costume made us be came to the center of attention on the street, some people even asked for picture together.

The first place we visited was Xia-Hai City God Temple. This temple was built in 1856, and the City God is a protector of city, the resident came here praying for rain, for relieves from nature disasters.

But in recent years, the Chinese Cupid (The old man under the moon) became to the famous god in this temple, there’s a lot of people come here praying for a good relationship.

We show tenants how to pray step by step! It’s a very special experience for some tenants who didn’t try this before.

After the Xia-Hai City God Temple, we went to a few different traditional convenience store. There’s some very interesting products in the traditional convenience store!

Have you heard a kind of vegetable called loofah before? The old generation will exposure it under the sun, and use the dried loofah as a scouring pad!

And of course, the Taiwanese style printing fabric are also very famous, especially the lanterns made by the printing fabric.

Give Qipao a try if you are interesting in the Taiwanese traditional dress, and if you are in the history of Taiwan, Dadaocheng is also a perfect place for you!


京都上賀茂でのシェアハウス生活っていったいどんなもの?-入居者さんレポート ①ー


私はBORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂に住むことになりましたナミと申します。




BORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂は、3月20日にOPENしたこともあって、毎日何かしらのイベントがあります。



入居者が入るたびにWELCOME PARTYをしたり、平日はみんなでワイワイご飯を一緒に作ったり、食べたり、飲んだりと、とっても賑やかです。


韓国人の女の子はみんなに韓国料理の「チゲ」を作ったり、フランス人達は「青リンゴのクランブル」を振る舞ったりして食事から異文化に触れる機会が多いBORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂





例えば最近のBORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂でのアニメ鑑賞会は「食戟のソーマ」です。このアニメは食事をテーマにしています。(ジャンプで人気の漫画だそうです)


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しかし、BORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂』はその心配を吹き飛ばしてくれました。

自分のライフスタイルを変える事なく、様々な国の人や年代の人たちと様々な交流が出来るBORDERLESS HOUSE京都上賀茂はとても居心地がいいです。




