6 Things About Living in Taiwan!

Are you planning to move to Taiwan?

Or planning to start your Chinese class in Taiwan?

Before that, we have a few interesting things what to let you know before you come to Taiwan!

1.  Convenient store everywhere! (7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, OK…)


You’ll find out the convenient stores are one of the best things in Taiwan once you arrived!

Convenient stores in Taiwan are not just a store for junk food or beverage, you can basically do everything at there, ship packages, pay your bills, buy tickets (train, concert, exhibition…etc.), print documents, call taxi, ATM…and so much more!

And these 24H convenient stores are everywhere, seriously, EVERYWHERE! You can even find 2 or 3 convenient stores on one street! It’s your best neighbor ever!


2.  Musical garbage trucks.

Living in Taiwan, we got some tips here for you to deal the household garbage.

Most of families here don’t have trash bins next to their house. Instead, garbage trucks drives through streets at night with playing Beethoven’s Fur Elise loudly to alert people their arrival, and you need to carry your trash bags (If you living in Taipei, you need to use the city-approved trash bags), and throw them into the trucks by yourself.

And you will find out the time of garbage trucks coming, is also the time of social gathering, because people come out earlier and chat with neighbors while they waiting!


3.  Earthquakes and Typhoons.

Earthquakes and Typhoons are 2 things you will experience in Taiwan!

Taiwan located in a seismically active zone, the average number of perceivable earthquake is about 1,000 per year. (not to mention the un-perceivable earthquake is more than 18,500 per year.)

And if you visit Taiwan during July to September, you will probably hit the typhoon season, prepare some foods and save some clean water is what you need to do before it.

But don’t worry! You’ll also find out Taiwanese handle it very well, most of buildings in Taiwan are prepared for earthquakes and strong wind of typhoon!


4.  Bubble tea.

Taiwanese LOVES bubble tea! You can find bubble tea shops nearly EVERY corner of Taiwan’s streets, and it’s a part of Taiwanese culture now!

If you planning to visit Taiwan soon, put bubble tea on your “must-try” list!


5.  Friendly people!

Even not every Taiwanese can speak fluent English, but you’ll still find out how friendly are of Taiwanese!

Most of Taiwanese are defiantly welling to help if you need (sometimes you don’t even ask for help)! Finding a restaurant, point you a way to your hotel (or just take you to there with their scooter)!

And if you got chance to visit south of Taiwan, the people from south are even friendlier, most last generation can’t speak English, but they still give you smile, and try their best to help! You’ll definitely feel welcoming here!


6.  Kingdom of Scooters!

Do you know Taiwan has the highest scooter density in Asia? The population of Taiwan is 23 million, but the amount of scooter is over 14 million! Almost every family has at least one scooter!

Taiwan is a small island, and scooter can take you to almost everywhere in Taiwan, especially when you travel out of Taipei City (Taipei has every complete public transport system), you’ll find out how convenient it is! And if you planning to travel around Taiwan, scooter is a good idea!

But remember to prepare your driving license and international license before you rent a scooter in Taiwan!

Event | Coastal Cleanup – Taiwan

Have you join a coastal cleanup event before?

BORDERLESS HOUSE Taiwan organized a coastal cleanup event, we went to The North Coast in north of Taiwan, had some fun, did something good for our environment and also visited a popular scenic spot there!

The green reef at Laomei is one of the most popular scenic spot of the north coast. Ages ago, the volcanic of Datun Mountain has erupted, and the lava formed reef by seashore! And now, every year in April and May, green algae flourish on the surface of the reefs, forming this unique beautiful view.

We met up at the Tamsui MRT station first, and then took a bus to Laomei, it’s a very good chance to meet other tenants form other BORDERLESS houses, and getting to know each others before the event start.

Before we start to clean up the coastal, we had an enjoyable lunch together and with a very beautiful view of the beach.

Tenants from different BORDERLESS houses got chance to meet each other, and shared some experiences about their life in Taiwan, which is very interesting!

Started to clean up the coastal after lunch!

There was a lot of trashes on the beach, and we spent around 2hrs to clean up.

Really appreciate our tenants’ support and join, glad we can do something good to our environment together, and hope there will be more people join us in the future!

Language Exchange Orientation – Doheon & Adam

Hello! This is Borderless House Seoul.
Here in Seoul, the weather is becoming colder and colder day by day.
We hope you do not get a cold here in Seoul!

Do you know Language Exchange which is one of our tenants only program?
This is the program which we match two of our tenants,
a Korean tenant who would like to learn a foreign language
and a Non-Korean tenant who would like to learn Korean language.

This time we matched a Korean tenant Doheon and a Canadian tenant Adam.
Since we hold an orientation for the program in our office,
we ask them to come our office for their orientation.

Adam, our tenant from Canada had stayed in Japan
for a long time before coming to Seoul.
He is studying Korean language currently,
and he wanted to have a Korean friend who can help him improve his skill.
And our Korean tenant Doheon is currently working as a police officer.
He applied this program for studying English as self-improvement.
Since the houses they are staying is no that far from each others,
we matched them because we think it will help them to meet more often.

During the orientation, our staff will help you to feel comfortable.
Everyone thinks it will be awkward because it is the first time to meet each other,
but with our staff, you do not have to be worried about it!

After having orientation, they can have an appointment outside.
They usually study languages together, but sometimes they do look around Seoul
and have meal together, and it helps them to improve their language skill.

It will be the big opportunity for all out tenants
not only having good memory with their housemates,
but also making a Korean or Non-Korean friend and study language together.
Do not miss this chance if you are currently staying in Borderless House!
If you have any questions regarding this program,
please feel free to contact our staff:)

* Tenants Only Program

If you need more information for language exchange program
or if you want to apply for this program,
please refer the link from the below
for contacting staff of Borderless House!