Make friends in a foreign language: Making mistakes is the key to getting comfortable!

Hello! My name is Reimi and I currently live in Japan. Like many of you, I fell in love with Japan a long time ago, and so living here is like making a dream come true. But of course, there are all sorts of obstacles to overcome when it comes to living in a foreign country or learning a new language. Given the chance to write about it, I wanted to write about the difficulties and rewards of learning Japanese. Saying you want to learn a foreign language is definitely easier said than done; you’re not alone in struggling, but it can be so worth it! 


What brings you to Japan?

The answer to this question might be different for each person, of course. Some people move to Japan for work, some come for school. Some have always wanted to visit, interested in the things that make Japan unique, like scenery, art, or food. Some want to learn Japanese or make friends in Japan. Some even come to Japan and end up never leaving! There are even programs that allow one to travel extensively and stay in foreign countries for an extended period of time with accommodation provided, such as work holidays or internship programs.

No matter what one’s reasons are, however, the fact remains that moving to a foreign country gives one a chance to learn about a new culture and learn a new language. They say that travel can teach you about yourself, expanding your horizons and challenging yourself in unfamiliar situations, so imagine how much more you’ll learn when you live somewhere entirely new.


Myself, I’ll have been living in Japan for almost five years total. For most of that time, I came as a student, so making friends was definitely something I was looking forward to. Plus, at the time I moved, I had just barely graduated high school and I had never lived apart from my family, so there were always concerns that I would be isolated without a network as I had back home. I would be fending for myself for the first time – and in a foreign country where I barely spoke the language no less! From the start, I was too excited to think of anything but finally being in Japan for the long term, but my family held a lot of apprehensions about a young woman living alone in a foreign country.

But honestly speaking, if I had to choose one thing, the scariest thing about having moved to Japan is speaking Japanese. There are still times I worry that my language ability is not enough when I am nervous about being able to convey to the other person the things I am thinking. Or that I’m going to misunderstand or be disrespectful.

For a younger me, this was actually really terrifying. I would think to myself: How can I become friends with someone when we don’t speak the same language? Why would they like me when I can’t tell them about myself? When I can’t understand them? When I’m constantly making mistakes?

But as I’ve gotten more comfortable living in Japan, the more I realize that that way of thinking is entirely wrong. As scary as it is, and especially how difficult it is, I think one of the most important things I’ve learned is that making mistakes is the key to getting good.

No one does anything perfectly from the start. No one can automatically play piano without hitting a few wrong notes or ride a bike without falling a few times. Learning a language is no different. Language learning shouldn’t be treated as a one-time test where you are either fluent or you’re not. Learning how to speak a new language and getting comfortable with it will take time. You need to ‘break in’ so to speak.

The easiest way to do this is to simply use it, mistakes and all. Every mistake I have made while learning Japanese makes it easier as well to remember the correction, which in turn gives me the feeling that I’m really improving, even if it’s little by little. And sometimes too, the mistakes I make are the very reason I make friends. Sometimes it’s someone catching an error and generously correcting me, or sometimes it’s a little slip of the tongue that makes us laugh, humor transcending language in a way that needs no translation.

We learn from our mistakes.

When I first moved to Japan, of course, I heard a lot more Japanese than I had in America. I had gotten used to the convenience store routine (‘do you need a bag?’ ‘would you like this warmed up?’ ‘do you have a point card?’), and I could tell which ingredients I needed at the grocery store. But compared to when I first came to Japan, my speaking ability had barely improved at all.

The issue was this: I was not actually speaking Japanese!


All of my friends spoke English. I didn’t have a tv and didn’t even try to read books in Japanese. There were events at school that I did not join, thinking I didn’t speak enough Japanese to be of any help or have any fun. In other words, I was a foreigner living in Japan, without really living in Japan. In other words, I had found myself in the “foreigner bubble” where I was not using Japanese in my life.

Naturally, it’s easier to express yourself the way you want to express yourself when you are using your mother tongue. And no surprise, it can be easier to “click” with another person when you don’t have to first surpass the hurdle of understanding what the other person is saying.

But I think that being able to speak fluently is completely different from being able to communicate, and your language ability will have nothing to do with it!

Every time you speak you are improving your language skills, polishing things like pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Just like riding a bike, practice makes perfect!


So maybe the next question is, how do I start to speak more Japanese? Of course, maybe it’s a little strange to start striking up a conversation with the cashier at the register. But there are many ways to find people in social settings and the more you open yourself up to meeting new people, the more friends you’ll find you’ve made!

Here are a few suggestions:

● You can join clubs and sports meetups to find people with similar hobbies. Sharing similar interests means you already share that common ground!

● Striking up a conversation with someone in a bar or restaurant is another great way to practice and sometimes these spontaneous conversations are extremely good practice because the topics can be diverse. There’s no pressure or goal, it’s just a few folks having a good time over food and drinks!

● If you’re in Japan for school or work, you might be in a great spot to meet people! There are always student activities, like group circles or hangouts. And you can also take advantage of working with the same people every day to strike up conversations in passing or use Japanese in more formal settings. Who knows, maybe you’ll become friends naturally?

● There are also language exchange apps like Hellotalk and HiNative. I’ve met lots of people through these apps, and the best part is that these are people who share the same desire as me: to get better at speaking their chosen language.

Sharehouses! No surprise, sharehouses are great for learning languages! They’re a little like the best of all worlds; they bring together people with similar goals: making friends and learning more about other cultures. Borderless House in particular hosts lots of great events that give tenants a chance to kick back and have fun with one another, so you can really take advantage of the Borderless House’s support network and Borderless Mates network. Another great aspect of sharehouses is that you’re forced to really communicate with each other to live together happily and peacefully. You’ll learn more about other people’s values, unique perspectives, backgrounds, and what inspires them. And better yet, because you live together, it’s only natural that you can become closer a little at a time, day by day.

What do you think?


Truly, it wasn’t until I made a concerted effort to step out of my comfort zone that I felt my language ability starting to improve. And as my language ability began to improve, Japanese also started to become more and more fun and making friends became easier. Even now, I still make plenty of mistakes, but that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s important to remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere, even you, with your native language, and look at you now!

Perhaps you haven’t yet had the chance to visit, but you’d like to experience Japan for yourself! If you’ve found this page, maybe that day is sooner rather than later. Good luck!

Ridilover x BORDERLESS HOUSE ▏Learn about multicultural living! Activity with Japanese senior high school students

On Oct 12 and Oct 26, 2022, BORDERLESS HOUSE was honored to be invited to hold a collaboration event with Ridilover for senior high school students. At the events, the students got to have workshops and discussions on some topics regarding prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping which are the social problems that we aim to solve by creating multicultural living environments.

Before we take you back to this event let me give you a brief introduction to Ridilover!

About Ridilover
Ridilover is a Japanese company that takes on the challenge of quickly resolving social issues by engaging in businesses that “discover” problems and work with them to create solutions. While “breaking down social indifference,” Ridilover aims to create a society with a “network of friendly concern” that includes everyone. To this end, they see every social issue as a problem that can be solved.

Part 1. The purpose of this multicultural living workshop

At the start of the workshop, our Kansai member- Mori Yuki gave a presentation about BORDELRESS HOUSE’s vision and mission, as well as an introduction to the share house and the concept.

While more foreigners are settling in Japan, it is important that there are places where everyone can live in peace and harmony regardless of their nationalities and race. Thus, Borderless House aims to build relationships and connections among people with different backgrounds and gather them together to live under the same roof in our share houses. By doing so, we hope everyone can mutually understand each other without any prejudice or discrimination.

We believe that the solution of providing more people with opportunities for international exchange can accelerate the creation of an ideal multicultural society.

Part 2. Group Discussion – Prejudice and Discrimination

After we shared our vision and concept, at the second part of the workshop, we divided a total of 30 students into 6 groups and discussed:

● What is your image of discriminatory prejudice?
● Do you actually have discriminatory prejudice around you?
● What can we do to eliminate discriminatory prejudice?

The students had intense discussions and shared their own opinions. After the discussion, we asked the students to share their conclusions with us. Here we got many great answers:
● Discrimination and prejudice are all around us, and there is various discrimination prejudice such as gender discrimination, and positive and negative personalities.
● In order to eliminate discrimination and prejudice, I think it is important to know each other more and accept the differences each other.
● Do you have any requests to the government etc. as a measure to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?

Part 3. Share House Tour! Meeting our tenants from different countries

We visited BORDERLESS HOUSE KYOTO-KURAMAGUCHI. Our sweet tenants from Germany, America, Canada, and Japan were there to welcome all the students!

Our tenants shared about their life in a share house, including how to get along with people from different countries, how to communicate with people who speak different languages, the pros and cons of sharing the house and life with others, etc. Students also asked them about the things they’ve experienced living in Japan as a foreigner.

Our foreign tenants also got the chance to practice their Japanese!

↑ Our tenant made very cute direction signs with small ducks at the entrance to welcome the students!

In the future, we hope we can have more opportunities to share our vision with the young generations and let more people know and experience multicultural and multilingual BORDERLESS HOUSE!

If you also like our vision of creating a free of discrimination open-minded multicultural society and would like to cooperate with us for any events, please feel free to contact us HERE.

Let’s promote a wonderful community that is built on mutual understanding and active participation together:)

Is Living In A Shared Room Right For You? Pros and Cons & Tips of Smooth Living With A Roommate

When you’re looking for new accommodation, one of the first things you’ll have to decide is whether you want to live with roommates or not. While there’s nothing wrong with living alone, it can get lonely sometimes! So, if you like being surrounded by people more than being alone, living with roommates can be a good option for you!

Some people become lifelong friends with their roommates, while some people struggle with getting along with their roommates due to incompatible lifestyles. There are many pros and cons of living with a roommate, so we’ve made this guide for you to help you make your decision. Meanwhile, giving you some tips on living with housemates or roommates to avoid conflicts. 

Social Considerations of Living with Roommates

Roommates can be a great experience as you have someone to share your life with and hang out with. However, as you share a living space with others, it can be tricky when you need some time alone. So here are the pros and cons for you to consider from the social aspect. 

Pro: Opportunity to make new friends & Always have friends around

Since you’ll be living with your roommates, this can lead to an intimate and lasting bond. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll become best friends, but when you get lonely or need someone to talk to, having roommates can be very nice. You can also have movie nights, dinners, holiday parties, or just spend a random Thursday night with them!

Con: Lack of privacy & Sacrificing personal space

Though it’s nice to always have someone around you, on the other hand,  it means you need to make some sacrifices on your personal space, because your bed may be the only place you can have your own privacy; or you will need to wait till your roommate is not around, so you can enjoy the space your own. All in all, if you need a lot of privacy or space alone, living with a roommate may not be a suitable option for you.  

Financial Considerations of Living with Roommates

Money is usually one of the main factors for most people deciding where to live. As moving to a new country, rental expenses can be a weight on your shoulders. Here are some financial advantages of living in a share house or share room with roommates : 

Pro: Shared rooms are much cheaper!

Depending on the location you’d like to stay and your circumstances, you may not be able to afford to live on your own where you want. Living with a roommate can help you save money on rent, meanwhile, you can have a better chance to live in a much nicer location with affordable and reasonable rent. Sometimes, you can even save money on food and other expenses too by sharing them with your roommates.

Con: You can’t decorate the entire room however you want
When you live alone, you have total control over everything that goes on in your room. However, when you live with roommates, you can only decorate and keep your personal style within your own spaces. 

Lifestyle Considerations – Tips for Smooth Living with Roommates 

Lifestyle can be the most important and tricky part when you live with roommates, since you may have different standards for cleanliness, different living habits, conflicting schedules, etc. As it’s an unavoidable factor you will face when you living with others, we’ve collected some handy tips for you for a smooth living with roommates.

Roommate Agreements & Share Responsibilities

A mutual agreement can be very helpful when you live with roommates. Keep it in mind that you all share responsibilities around your shared space. Set ground rules that cover the basics together, and talk through each of your expectations, habits, and routines together, such as cleanliness standards and rules, morning and bedtime routines, daily schedules, etc. Establishing standards and common ground that you all agree to will help you avoid difficult confrontations in the future. Here are some essential tips you need to know to enhance your shared living experience.

Communication & Keep an Open Mind

Communication is key when living or spending time with others. Try to open yourself up and communicate anything that your roommate should know about you. When issues arise, try to bring up the issue in person, instead of texting or leaving a note, to avoid leading to miscommunication and frustrations. If something is bothering you, have a conversation with your roommate as soon as possible before it grows into a bigger conflict. You can take time to make a plan and think through how you can express yourself, and when communication happens,  be sure to listen for understanding as well.

Understand the Difference & Be Considerate 

It’s important to understand that everyone is from different backgrounds and was raised differently. Realizing, it can save you a lot of frustration you may have when you live with others. Your roommate’s living habits and lifestyles can not be exactly the same as your own, so try to talk to each other and find a way to meet in the middle, especially if your differences can cause conflicts. At the same time, be considerate and take your roommate’s feelings into consideration before jumping to conclusions or making decisions.

There’s no crystal ball to see whether living with roommates is going to be a positive or negative experience. Be sure to weigh all the pros and cons, get yourself prepared, and use the tips for a better and more successful living experience in a share house or a shared room.

Towards a Society with Appreciation for Differences ▏A New Base – BORDERLESS STATION is opening!

Hello everyone, I am Seiichi Lee, the representative of BORDERLESS HOUSE Co., Ltd. Our company was founded in 2008, and the goal of our share house business is to create a multicultural society where people can mutually understand each other’s background regardless of race or nationality, and without prejudice or discrimination.

Almost 3 years into the pandemic, our business has been affected by COVID-19 due to the entry restrictions for foreigners to Japan, fortunately, the situation has gradually gotten better. Thus, we’ve started to create a place full of “Cross-cultural Understanding & Multicultural Coexistence”, which also will be a new base for people from around the world can gather together in Japan.

About the New Project

◆The approach to social problems

With the increased number of foreign tourists and foreign employees, the situation of “foreigners not being able to rent a house in Japan” has drastically improved in the past 10 years.

However, originally, the cause of this problem was because of the prejudice of people who think that “foreigners are different from us”, and I kindly ask you to think about it with us.

One of the surest ways to eliminate this kind of prejudice is to create an opportunity that allows everyone to interact with people from different backgrounds

We believe that through building relationships among people, we can learn about and embrace each other’s differences in values, in other words, foster mutual understanding.

In order to achieve that goal, BORDERLESS HOUSE has been offering the environment and experience of communal living.

We have also been proactive in building relationships between the residents and the local community, in order to provide local people with opportunities to encounter different cultures.

 “Share house” is our first step, but now, it’s time to take the next step with our new project.

What’s needed to create a multicultural society where people respect each other’s differences is to – not just learn about those differences but also directly interact with them. We believe that experience is necessary.

We have newly established a new center to provide this kind of opportunity to learn about “differences”. At the same time, we will create a community that is involved in different cultures.

This is our new project – BORDERLESS STATION.

The base of this new project is in Asakusabashi, Tokyo

We rented a guesthouse and cafe bar that was closed down due to COVID-19 and used the upper floors as a share house and the first floor as the base of this project.

It was a challenge for us to revive this place from the aftereffects of a pandemic with a new community and our vision.

※2For detailed information on the share house, click here>>


There are two main concepts in our new project.

The first one is to create a broadcasting booth to share a podcast on the theme of “Understanding the differences” and to communicate various topics on diversity.

The second one is to have a lounge space that will be used for various events and workshops that will provide opportunities to learn about different cultures.

①Broadcasting station for sharing information on the theme of diversity 

The theme of the broadcast is “Let’s start by learning!”

We will have a broadcasting channel that will help people get involved in diversity and cross-cultural understanding. We will invite guest speakers from different backgrounds and countries to share their stories.

Also, as the broadcasting booth will be facing the lounge, so it can be used for event broadcasting. We hope that this place can help the community to promote and communicate its vision and values. 

We would also like to provide an opportunity for young people who are struggling with problems of “minorities” and “identity”  to share their experiences in order to develop new values.

② Bar with a theme of Cross-cultural Understanding and Exchange

The bar with a daily theme is where people can gain a deeper understanding of diversity, arouse interest in cultural differences, and induce empathy with different values through “Participation and Discussion”

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the shared kitchen will be operated by exotic restaurants. They would bring authentic and exotic cuisine home-cooked to BORDERLESS STATION.

So everyone can enjoy learning about the “differences” through “food”. We would like to use this shared kitchen as a gateway to different cultures. 

At the moment, an Argentinian restaurant has been selected to join us, and we are still accepting more partnerships with amazing restaurants!

Friday and Saturday will be a dining bar run by us, BORDERLESS HOUSE!

The dining bar is where you can enjoy food and drinks from various countries while adding diversity and multicultural-themed content to make it much more fun.

For example, on Fridays, we plan to have multicultural organizations and communities join us to share their activities and create a place where people can talk and think about how to make the world a better place together.

And on Saturdays, our multicultural residents of BORDERLESS HOUSE will be the host of the bar. There will be a place where people can encounter new values through workshops and fun activities that expose them to the cultures and values of different countries.

Speaking of the dining bar, it will be supervised by Okaneya-san, who is an explorer of the world’s kitchens, and she will offer “snacks from around the world” that cannot be found anywhere else!

※For more details about Okaneya-san, check here>>(Japanese only)

In this project, we wil also be working together with BORDERLESS HOUSE staff, residents, and partners to create a project that will allow us to get close to the local community. 

Based on these contents, we aim to make BORDERLESS STATION a place where anyone can easily have opportunities to learn about “differences” and get involved in the community.

(A community event planned by BORDERLESS HOUSE residents in May 2022)

※For the details of the event that is organized by Borderless House residents, check here.

*The details of the operating hours of BORDERLESS STATION will be announced later.

How to support this project (Sept 2022)

Rather than the relationship between a business owner and customers as a typical restaurant/bar, we would like to work as a community with people who can sympathize and share the same vision and thoughts with us. 

Also, this project is not just a business that expects a return on investment, but a social activity. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we would have to ask for your help to support this project.

Most important of all, we want to make it a place where everyone can make good use of it. I’ve decided to start with crowdfunding.

Click here for the crowdfunding page >>>
※We are sorry but since the webpage is only in Japanese, please click the right button on the mouse and translate the webpage to your preferred language if needed.

The support from crowdfunding will be used only for the initial start-up costs and does not cover any subsequent operating costs.

In addition to the existing business of share house approach as a place to nurture mutual understanding, this new community place – BORDERLESS STATION (abbreviated as B station) will be opened soon!

Thank you very much for your support!

Last Message

Our cross-cultural exchange project has had a very difficult time over the past two years due to borders closing. 

At the same time, in our society, we are facing the same problems as in the rest of the world, such as the hate against Asians due to the spread of COVID-19, BLM in the US, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the conflict between China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and the conflicts between countries, cultures, and ideologies.

These are big and serious problems that we cannot seem to confront, and for this reason, I believe that what we can do is foster mutual understanding among citizens, transcending each other’s values. Connecting and building relationships with people of different backgrounds and countries is more important now than ever before.

We at BORDERLESS HOUSE believe that creating such connections will sow the seeds of peace for the future, and we will continue to do so.

We look forward to your support.





We are Social Business – BORDERLESS HOUSE

Do you know that Borderless House is a “Social Business”?

Perhaps I should have asked – Have you heard of Social Business? 

In general, it refers to a company or a business that tries to create value or impact society in a positive way by offering a service or a product that meets the needs or by presenting new solutions to challenges brought on by society.

And there are more and more people talking about it around the world, actually, you can also find some TED TALK videos talking about it too! 

Even though “Social Business” is a term that you should know, it may sound a little complicated. But don’t worry, let me clearly explain it in a simpler way below.

What is Social Business

The phrase ”Social Business” refers to a brand of entrepreneurship rooted in funding or implementing solutions to cultural, social, or environmental problems. 

Image credit: Devon Bunce/Digital Storytellers

Social Business seeks to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment, and the profits are principally used to fund social programs.

The key traits and characteristics of Social Business

• The primary aim is to address a social problem
• It is financially self-sufficient
• It does not pay dividends to its owners
• It is guided by how its operations benefit the causes and communities of interest

What’s the difference between social business and regular business

Maximizing profits is not the primary goal of a social business as is with a traditional business – What sets a social business apart from a traditional business is that while the traditional business’s ultimate goal is to create wealth, the social business seeks to create lasting societal change.

What’s the difference between social business and non-profit organization

Unlike a non-profit, a social business is not dependent on donations or on private or public grants to survive, and to operate it is self-sustainable. While non-profit organizations where funds are spent only once on the field, funds in a social business are invested to increase and improve the business operations on the field on an indefinite basis.

Why is Social Business Important

Now, let’s go a little bit in-depth to see why social business is important, especially in our society and globally.

  • Social businesses have the potential to change society and the world.

As social business concentrates on developing, financially backing, and executing ideas that contribute to finding solutions for social, cultural, and environmental concerns, it can make a huge impact on our life, in a positive way – and that’s why social businesses are much-needed, considering the times that we’re living in. The vision of a social business is usually social well-being related and a broader idea to excel as a community.

So social business is also a business that gets everyone in the world involved. People say that change-makers are those who take creative actions to solve social problems for the good of all – and this is who we are.

‘Creator’ of Multicultural Society – BORDERLESS HOUSE

So, for Borderless House, the social problem that we aim to solve with our business is – Prejudice and Discrimination.

We aim to build relationships among people with different backgrounds, such as different nationalities, races, and religions, and gather them together to live under the same roof in our share houses.

There are not only benefits but also conflicts sometimes when living in a mixed-culture environment. However, by sharing thoughts and feelings from time to time with each other, people can build a strong relationship in which we can understand other cultures and perspectives deeply.

Creating such a connection is the greatest value of BORDERLESS HOUSE.

The goal of our business is to create a multicultural society where people can mutually understand each other’s background regardless of race or nationality, and without prejudice or discrimination.

Our Vision

As more and more foreigners are settling in Japan, and it is important that there are places where they can live in peace and harmony. We believe that this solution which gathers people from around the world to live in a share house together is essential in a multicultural society.

As a ‘creator’ of Multicultural Society, we hope to accelerate the creation of an ideal society and to provide more people with opportunities for international living experiences, we aim to keep expanding our business and keep offering and creating opportunities for In-depth international exchange.

Planting the seeds of world peace is our mission and we welcome you to be a part of BORDERLESS HOUSE.



On June 17, 2022, BORDERLESS HOUSE was honored to be invited to hold a collaboration event with Intercultural Communication Center (ICC) for Waseda University students. At the event, the students got to have a discussion on some topics with people from different nationalities and backgrounds, which was exactly the same as living at Borderless House!

As when you live with people from various countries, there could be some moments you may have been shocked at some of the differences. And this is when we learn to understand different cultures and to think from a new perspective without holding any discrimination and prejudice.

Before we take you back to this One-Day Share House Experience event, let me give you a brief introduction to ICC!

About the ICC (Intercultural Communication Center)

The ICC is a venue and global community that gathers both local and international Waseda students together for intercultural exchange and interaction.

Since Waseda University has over 5,000 international students enrolled from over 100 countries and regions, the ICC was established to utilize such a diverse international environment, and further enrich on-campus intercultural exchange.  Through such interaction, students develop a new understanding of the world around them, while creating new values and interests.

The purpose of this co-living workshop – ICC share house

As the vision of Borderless House is “to create a truly multicultural society in which people can live together in harmony regardless of race or nationality,” we hope to provide Waseda students with opportunities they could learn and realize the importance of recognizing and accepting each other’s differences by exchanging thoughts and sharing own experiences.

We are very glad that on the day, there were around 30 multinational participants came, so we have many “cultures”, “personalities” and “backgrounds”, which just like our share houses.  

Workshop Agenda

There are a total of 5 main parts of the workshop:
① Icebreaking!
② Presentations by the President and Manager of BORDERLESS HOUSE
③ Workshop1: Is everyone’s life routine different?
④ Workshop2: What is senior/junior culture?
⑤ Workshop3: Share your understanding and learn about

When you move into a new share house, the first thing is to

That’s right! It’s “self-introduction”! Tell others something about you and get to know all your housemates too! Maybe you’d be very lucky to make good friends who share the same interests or like the same animes as you, and you’d create a bond right away!

Presentations by BORDERLESS HOUSE

Next. our President, Seiichi Lee, and Manager of BORDERLESS HOUSE Tokyo Office, Takuya Hosogi had presentations to let the students have a better understanding and idea about what an “international share house” is.

From sharing about the vision and mission of Borderless House.

To show students the special characteristics of our share houses and the values of living at Borderless House. And of course, the photos of real share house life from our tenants!

Workshop1: Is everyone’s life routine different?

 In a communal living share house, everyone has their own lifestyle; everyone is on different schedules. So at the first workshop, we talked about each other’s lifestyles and schedules and figured out how to live under the same roof with minimal conflicts due to the differences.

When you live with someone else, it’s important to show respect for others in your everyday life, you need to be more aware that you share the space with others. So open communication is a key to making everyone live together comfortably!

Workshop2: What is senior / junior culture?

I believe a lot of you may already know about what “Senpai-Kohai culture” is, you can see the senior-junior relationship commonly in organizations, businesses, schools, associations, and clubs in Japan. So at this workshop, we talked about if this kind of culture and relationships also exist in other countries.

Everyone shares their thoughts and opinions about the “sempai-kohai” (senior-junior) system and its pros and cons. Some Japanese students also shared their own experiences, and it seemed to be very shocked for some foreign students who are from countries that don’t have this kind of culture!

Living with people from around the world in a share house, you may find some cultures or value systems that may be totally normal to some people, however, they are quite strange to you. And it’s very interesting to talk about the difference together!

Workshop3: Share your impressions and what you learn about

Lastly, there was a presentative from each group to share what they learn from today’s workshop. And we are so impressed how much the students have learned from today’s workshop:
“I am a university student right now so I have more chances to meet foreigners, but if there’s a wall between us, it would waste such good opportunities, so we should build bridges, not walls”

“I think to be able to respect each other and to try to understand each other’s differences is very important. For example, if you can’t understand well because of language barriers, there are translation tools that you can use. And there are many ways you can use to communicate with each other. But the most important of all, you need to be willing to embrace new cultures and respect them.”

Thank you very much for joining us at the ICC Co-living Event!✨

It was a valuable experience for BORDERLESS HOUSE to have close interactions with Waseda University students, not only just sharing, but also hearing their voices, ideas, and thoughts!

In the future, we hope we can have more opportunities to share our vision with the young generations and let more people experience multicultural and multilingual BORDERLESS HOUSE! If you also like our vision of creating a free of discrimination open-minded multicultural society and would like to cooperate with us for any events, please feel free to contact us HERE.

Let’s promote a wonderful community that is built on mutual understanding and active participation together:) 


Is it a good idea for women to stay at a share house?

If this is your first time living with people you don’t know, and if you are a woman, you might be thinking “ Is it a good idea for me to live in a gender-mixed share house?” But meanwhile, as we all know – it is not so easy for a foreigner to rent a place in Japan, so a share house could be the easiest option.

To ease your concerns and worries about living in a share house as a girl. we would like to share some pros and cons of living in a share house from a women’s perspective!

We hope this article can help you to find a place where you feel safe and comfortable staying in Japan!

Benefits of women living in a share house

Security Side | It’s actually SAFER!

In terms of security, compared to living alone in an apartment, it’s safer to live in a share house with other people. Here are the reasons:
◆ There is a MUST screening process with all the tenants who book the room at BORDERLESS HOUSE, so you don’t need to worry about who your neighbors are and if your current or future neighbors would be nice people or not.
◆ There is clear and transparent information about all of your roommates! You can see their basic info and self-introduction on the webpage before booking the room!
◆ You’d have less possibility to be targeted by stalkers, burglars, or robbers if you are living in the sharehouse.

Make Besties | You can talk about anything with your roommates

If you need someone to give you advice or suggestions on fashion, costume, cosmetics, or even your love life, or if you simply just need someone to talk to, chat, or rant, there will always be girls for you!
◆ If you stay in a shared room. you can have more time to enjoy the conversations with your roommates. It’s easier to build bonds in your relationships, and your friendships would be tighter!
◆ You will never feel bored or lonely because you will always have someone who would be there for you, listen to you, and someone who would study, watch animes and go shopping with you!
◆ If you want to brush up on your Japanese, you have more chances to practice your language skills too!

If you are the kind of person who needs more space and time for yourself, you can keep decent privacy if you live in a private room, and you can enjoy fun social life at the same time in the common areas at a share house!

Things that need to be aware of when women living in a share house

At a gender-mixed share house, 2 things here you may already expect as well as you might need to keep in mind.

1. Men and women use a toilet and bathroom differently, so you can make some rules based on your mutual agreements with your housemates to avoid any issues.
2. It’s important to be considerate of others, so pay attention to what you wear, especially in the shared spaces, such as the kitchen and living room.

So we’d like to give you some tips if you are interested in living in a share house to prevent any stress or trouble:
◇ Establish rules together
◇ Be open to communicating anything with your housemates
◇ Be careful not to interfere much in each other’s private spaces

I hope this article solves your concerns, and if you have any further questions or would like to know more about living in a share house as a girl, please feel free to check our tenants’ interview from BORDERLESS HOUSE OSAKA-TSURUHASHI1 below:

Of course, feel free to CONTACT US, so we can answer all your questions ☺

Check available rooms for girls ▶▶▶
SANGEN-JAYA1 share house
• NIHOMBASHI1 share house

*Please note, that the rooms might be booked by others at any time.

ASAKUSABASHI FESTIVAL! An event host by the tenants of Asakusabashi share house and local people from the neighborhood

Hello everyone! This is Picasso, a resident of Asakusabashi.

We held an event (festival!) at BORDERLESS HOUSE Asakusabashi on Sunday, May 29, 2022! This event is a cultural festival-like event where share house residents can enjoy eating, singing, listening, finding, and talking all at once, with the themes of “making things together” and “getting involved with the community”.


Then, let me take you back to the event!

The event was planned and executed by all of the tenants at Asakusabashi House! 

Fun English Lesson!


We also have an English lesson on the day that was taught by an American and an English native speakers of our Asakusabashi House residents. They were teaching English in a fun, game-like way!

There were many games that were not so common in Japan, such as games using cards and the body, but the children were very interested in them and had fun playing all of them.

Homemade smoothies


Freshness is the key to smoothies! Vegetables, bananas, milk, and other ingredients are delivered freshly in the morning! It took some time to prepare all the ingredients, and the blender was even louder than we expected, so we had to reconsider the work area, but we still made it in the end!

We expected to serve 40 cups, and the smoothies’ popularity is beyond our expectations! Almost all of them were drunk by everyone. And after lunch, more smoothies were served.

This smoothie was very tasty, with a hint of greenery from the vegetables while retaining the fragrance of the banana.

Asakusabashi House Flea Market


Asakusabashi House currently has 16 residents from 5 different countries.
We collected some original and interesting things from these 16 residents. When we looked through the items, we found a collection of DVDs of anime, travel books about other countries, as well as colorful clothing, and more!

We have tags attached to each item to tell you:
– what kind of people produced these items
– who donated them to us?
– what were the thoughts behind the items?

It was interesting to see the thoughts and meanings of each item.

Let’s make our own Watagashi (cotton candy)


The watagashi machine became a trademark of this festival! This was a hands-on corner where visitors could operate the machine and make their own cotton candy and everyone enjoyed it, especially all the kids!

It was very impressive that children kept coming to the booth saying, “I want to make a cotton ball! One of our residents, Takumi carefully taught the children how to make them, and they all enjoyed making and eating their own unique style of watagashi.

Watagashi is actually difficult to make, even for adults, so I am impressed to see the kids try their best to learn how to make it! Regardless of the shape of the cotton candy they made, the event was very lively because the children seemed to be having fun with this experience.

Compost & Soil Improvers – Eco Sustainable Solutions

In our daily lives, we produce garbage constantly. With the composter, by putting food scraps into the soil with microorganisms, the microorganisms eat and digest the food scraps, then return them to the soil where plants can grow again.

In this event, we tried putting the food scraps from our daily life into the LFC compost box and putting pepper and marigold seeds into the composter. And now, we still continue doing it at Asakusabashi share house.

On the day of the event, small seedlings emerged from the seeds, indicating that the soil had actually been revived. We hope that this event will provide an opportunity for people to think about the waste produced in our daily lives.

Free Lunch!


The lunch was a keema curry that has sticky rice and crispy edamame beans. The keema curry was super delicious, not too spicy, and very easy and smooth to eat. The lunch was free of charge on the day of the event.


The lunch was also made by our tenants from Asakusabashi House! The curry was made with soybean meat, which is environmentally friendly. It was a satisfying yet tasty curry that gives people a chance to think about what they eat as well!

Desserts from overseas


All the desserts were lined up for everyone to enjoy. Each of them is different and none of the sweets were left! All kinds of desserts were so delicious that once I started eating them, I just couldn’t stop.

Live Singing by Mayowa


It was a hot and warm afternoon on the day of the festival, and the live show started with songs that make you feel relaxed.

Mayowa had performed a solo show two days prior to the festival. So he was already an accomplished MC, he performed a wide range of acts, including looper* to liven things up, and ukulele! He’s so talented! All residents danced together during the final performance called “September”, it was so fun and full of energy! I really like the energetic vibes of the house.



From left to right: Pikaso (reporter), Ryosuke (CM), Yuki (staff & former resident)

Until the festival was held, I wondered how many participants would show up? We were talking about what we would do if no one showed up at all… but when the lid was opened, so many people were there, and we were very grateful and had a lot of fun.

Even though Asakusabashi Share House is still very new, many people and the people of the Yanagibashi area graciously accepted us, making it a day we were much appreciated for.

This festival was the first of many we have planned, and we hope to hold more interesting events on a regular basis with the themes of “making things together” and “getting involved with the community”.

Thank you for reading this to the end!

If you want to see more details about this event, please check HERE! (in Japanese) 
Here are more blog articles that are written by our residents from Asakusabashi Share House!


Language Exchange|How should I prepare for Language Exchange and practice speaking?

Do you want to practice your speaking skills for free through “Language Exchange” and meet new foreign friends, but don’t know where to start preparing? Or have you tried “Language Exchange” before, but after encountering some difficulties in the process, and you just left it at that?

Then this article on language exchange prep will help you a lot!

What is Language Exchange?

Language Exchange is a reciprocal activity in which you practice the language that you are learning by chatting with a native speaker or someone who is fluent in that language. In addition, to quickly improve your speaking skills, you can also learn cultural knowledge not found in textbooks and make new friends, which is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Am I a good candidate for language exchange?

When you want to practice a language through Language Exchange, here are some tips you can check to see if you are a good candidate.

1) What is your purpose? Do you really want to practice the language? Or do you just want to meet foreign friends?

Because Language Exchange is not mandatory, there must be a strong motivation to learn each other’s language in order to be sustainable.

2) How is your language ability?

Usually, I suggest that it is better to have at least a daily conversation level, so that you can correct and improve your speech step by step during the conversation. Otherwise, it is easy to keep speaking only one language with each other.

3) Do you like to interact with people?

In fact, Language Exchange is also a kind of meeting internet friend activity, whether online or face-to-face, the first meeting will inevitably be awkward. So before participating in Language Exchange, you can ask yourself, do you want to meet a new stranger? Will you be curious about your partner?

What to prepare before Language Exchange?

The preparation content will vary depending on the length of time you work with your language partner, and is divided into early and late stages:


1) Confirm meeting time and language appointment (1 hour of full Chinese conversation, 1 hour of full foreign language conversation). And set an alarm before you start so that you don’t forget to change the language when you’re having too much fun conversation.

2) Usually, the first meeting is just about introducing yourself, why are you learning this language? What are your hobbies? Where have you traveled to? What kind of music do you prefer? Basically, it’s the same as a blind date, in the process of talking to each other to find out what you have in common and whether we have a mutual connection because this part will also affect the subsequent contact.


When you get to know your partner better, you will gradually start to run out of topics to talk about, so it is very important to prepare some beforehand.

1) Note down any problems of language learning that you have, such as being unsure how to translate a sentence or whether there is a more authentic way to say it. You can also bring your own textbooks or assignments and discuss your questions together.

2) If you have a grammatical problem, try not to ask a native speaker, because they usually don’t know how to explain it, either. Unless the partner major in linguistics, otherwise a lot of time will be wasted trying to explain grammar.

3) Share something interesting that happened recently, or any interesting articles, news, videos, cultural differences or interesting topics to discuss. It is better to have questions with a little depth, such as environmental protection or social issues, so that you can practice expressing your own ideas, and hear the results of your partner’s opinions from different perspectives.

4) Write an exchange diary! Language Exchange is not only to practice speaking, writing is also a very important part of it. You can write a short article about your reading experience or a movie afterthought. Gradually your writing skills will be greatly improved without you even realizing it!

5) Let’s hang out together! Hiking, movies, museums, whatever you and your friends like to do, invite your language partner to go with you as well! Since you’re going out together, you don’t have to be too strict about which language you speak for how long, so just switch between them! Be flexible!

6) Register for the language test and get certified! You can practice for the content of the exam, with specific topics and sentence patterns. When you are under pressure, you will be more prepared for each Language Exchange!

What should I pay attention to during Language Exchange?

1) When introducing to each other, observe the language level of your partner and adjust your speaking speed according to the language level, pronouncing your words as clearly and standardly as possible.

2) When practicing the language, instead of expressing yourself in your native language, ask more questions so that your partner can answer his/her thoughts more often. For example: Why? What do you think? What would you do?…etc. Try to use these questions often.

3) Use the cloud notepad to record words or sentences during the meeting, so that you can easily re-read them afterward.

Where can I find a Language Exchange partner?

Nowadays there are many ways to find language exchange partners, through mobile apps, websites, or by staying in a multicultural share house.

APP& Website recommendation:

1) Hello Talk: You can send texts, voice messages, voice calling, and video calling, and you can also help each other fix sentences, translate, and other auxiliary functions. You can also upload pictures and short articles. The overall function is very similar to Instagram.

2) Tandem: It is very similar to the function of HelloTalk, except that this app will actively send the notification about the info of other members to increase the chance of matching.

3) HiNative: It is a Q&A platform where you can ask questions about grammar, wording differences, or articles, and there are usually enthusiastic answers from native speakers.

4) BORDERLESS HOUSE: It is a multicultural share house with locals and they also organize a variety of events and provide free Language Exchange opportunities from time to time.

BORDERLESS HOUSE is an international, multicultural share house with locals. There are 17 houses in Taipei City and overseas branches in Tokyo, Osaka(Japan), and Seoul(South Korea).

Event | Making Tang Yuan on Winter Solstice

Cold and freezing winter is coming!

Isn’t it a perfect season to eat Tang Yuan?

Today we are going to review our winter event, Making Tang Yuan with BORDERLESS HOUSE. Not only learning Taiwanese traditional culture, but also enjoying the vibe of winter.

What is Winter Solstice?

Winter solstice: There are 24 solar terms in a year and winter solstice is one of the most important among all. It is also called, Rì Duǎn, which means a short day. The sun travels around the southern regression line on this day, so the days are shortest and the nights are longest in the northern hemisphere. After this day, it also means that real winter is coming in the northern hemisphere.

What do we eat on Winter Solstice?

Tang Yuan that we eat is also called “Dōng Jié Yuán” or ” Yuan Zī ” in the traditional way. The family will gather together and rub the glutinous rice dough into different sizes of balls on the eve of winter solstice.

Normally these Tang Yuan are available in sweet, salty, large, and small sizes. Nowadays, there are various kinds of Tang Yuan with a variety of fillings on the market. But in our tradition, it is usually red or white in color, filled with peanuts or sesame.

In Taiwan, we have all known to have Tang Yuan on winter solstice since we were young. “After eating Tang Yuan, you grow one year older!” After leaving home, eating Tang Yuan on the winter solstice seems to be a must. To have a bowl of sweet Tang Yuan with friends, roommates, or colleagues, give a warm feeling and brings a touch of warmth to the cold winter.

Actually, it is not difficult to make Tang Yuan! Just need to prepare glutinous rice flour and water, mix them into a dough, rub them into small round balls. If you want to have different colors, then just prepare some pumpkin powder, matcha powder, coffee powder, or tomato powder. Not only create the ideal shape but also eat healthier.

(The two cute Tang Yuan were based on our staff and made by one of our tenants.)

Our tenants were all creative and produce their own one-of-a-kind Tang Yuan. Then ate them all! Winter solstice is according to the lunar calendar, it is also closed to Christmas. So we could see some works related to Christmas. It was quite interesting!

Winter is really right for this kind of warm feeling! If you have any activities or ideas that you would like to participate in, please feel free to share them with us! Let BORDERLESS HOUSE provide more and more great events in the future!