Hello, this is Borderless Hosue Seoul Team 🙂 We are going to tell you about the first review of 보들 보들 (Borderless house Seoul supporters).
Yujin in Borderless Hongdae 2 house felt nervous when she moved in, but her roommate Nana was so nice and welcoming that the worries went away.
Also, they got closer by having meal in the famous restaurant in Hongdae and going to karaoke together . One of the most basic but most important activities of the supporters is having a meal with housemates , and we can tell only with the picture that the restaurant is very nice!
Yujin is interacting with not only the house mates in the same house but also the tenant living in the different house. Carla is from Spain studying Journalism and going to stay in Korea for 3 months. She really wants to experience as much as she can during her staying. She would be able to experience deeper Korean culture thanks to share house supporter Yujin !
Dongin in Borderless Sangsu 1 house could get closer with Sayuri from Japan and Tiara from Taiwan , because they spent a lot of their free time in the common area .
When we asked what you want to do with foreigners in the share house , the most frequent answer was
“I want to make their own countries ‘food and share them with everyone!” .
And it is not a big deal in Sangsu 1 house! The Japanese tenant made Okonomiyaki, the Thai tenant made Pad Thai and the Korean made Kimchi fried rice and Kimchi pancake and ate all together. Dongin said, dinner is his favorite time and he is looking forward to this every day!
보들 보들 Hyun in Gangnam 2 house is writing Naver blog posts about her share house life and the supporters activities . If you search ‘ 보더리스 하우스 (Borderlesshouse)’on Naver, you can find them.
Minjin in Cheongnyangni 1 house had cheese Dakgalbi (spicy stir-fried chicken) with her house mates! Acually, Dakgalbi is one of the most popular Korean food for foreigners . They look so happy, do not they? : D I am getting hungry as keeping watching pictures of foods …
There is another Yujin in Janghanpyeong 1 house! She is really bright and kind that the atmosphere in the house is totally changed after she moved in .
Yongjun was our former tenant who already moved out a few month ago , but he has been keeping in touch with the friends ! So he joined Yujin ‘s welcome party.
The easiest way to get to know each other is to eat delicious food together . Thanks to Yujin, it seems like Janghanpyong 1 House has lighted up.
The tenants in Yeongdeungpo 1 house are interacted with each other the most among our 23 share houses. Suzy is going to school in USA and came to Korea for her summer break . She wants to keep using English in Korea as well , that is why she decided to join the supporters program. she could not expect to speak English this much beforehand , but now she is totally satisfied with her decision and having so much fun in this share house .
We are very happy to see the pictures that we can tell their good community ! They are going for the dinner together every day , even when they are tired because of hard work !
Seyoung in Borderless Hongdae 2 house recently moved in and already got closer to the others . She enjoyed her first night with fried chicken and beer with the house mates .
1 week after she moved into the share house ,,,
She loves talking and are good at leading the conversation , so the time she chat with her house mates at night in the bed is her favorite . Thanks to her effort, they could know more about each other!
Today, we have simply shown 보들 보들 ‘s first week review in the share houses. We will come back with more fun review soon ! (ง • _ •) ง
How was your summer vacation?
On, August 15th was the independence day, which has a special meaning in Korea.
On the day, we Borderless House Seoul held an event “The Bibim” for international exchange at one of our share house.
Today we would like to share about this event in this blog!
The first event by Borderless House Supporters!
This event was planned and managed by Borderless House Supporters who are students and living in our house to support the house community and management. They started planning a few weeks before. In order to make it a good event, they gathered at our office several times and prepared well.
Although the outside was raining, over 20 tenants joined to this event from different houses!
The main content of this event was to make Korean food “bibimpab” by winning some games. If the team could win the game, they can get a dish to put on the rice to make bibimpab.
The name of the game is, “The Bibim”!!!!
(We gathered at Borderless House Hongdae2, which has a huge living room.)
Exciting game to get the dish!
The first round was, “Who drank alcohol?”.
4 members of the team drink a cup of water or alcohol in front of everyone at the same timing. Only one cup has alcohol (Soju) so the audience will point out who drank the alcohol. If the team could fake and the person who drank the alcohol didn’t get pointed out, the team can get one dish for bibimpab!
Since the team could think about how they cheat the audience beforehand, some teams tried to pretend that they all drink water or other teams pretended that they all drink Soju. Each team did great acting!
(This is Dani, pretended to drink water although she drank a cup of Soju.)
The second round is “Speed Drawing”
3 members in one team draw one object together by 3 seconds each. Then another member answer what they tried to draw. If he or she answered the correct one, the team can get the dish.
3 seconds is super short! Even if we are grabbing a pen, staff will take it off after 3 seconds. It was really difficult to complete drawing and we laughed a lot by seeing the weird picture!
What is this, you think?
The answer is.. Penguin!!
The third round is “Gesture Game”!
We take turns in a team and if we can get correct answers more than a certain number, we can get the dish. This game can be learning of new language.
“Ahhhh, that word.. in my language, we say XX but how do you call it in Korean or English?” “It is XX!!” like that.
(She is trying to express the word “Exciting”. It was difficult!)
The fourth round is “Gongi (Air) game”!
This is a Korean traditional game. We throw small balls up and catch by the back of the hand. And we throw them up again then catch them by hand. We compete for the number of balls which we could catch as a result.
This is actually super difficult! Since this is a Korean traditional game, most of the Korean members got high points! Members from other countries, they reacted like can you do that?”.
We have these balls in our office so when you visit our office for the payment, why don’t you try it?
(Can you guess if she could catch the balls?!)
The last round is “Intro Quiz”!
As you know, we listen to an intro of the music and answer the title of the music.
“I know! I know this song but I forgot the title..! What was that?”
(The last round was so exciting!)
Finally, we can eat!
Now all the games are done. Unfortunately, there were some teams which couldn’t get all the dishes but we share every kind of dishes finally and the delicious bibimbap was completed!
The “Bibim” International exchange
“Bibim” means “mix” in Korean. Famous Korean food “Bibimpab” consists from “Bibim” (mix) and “Pab” (rice).
In this event, tenants from Korea, Japan, UK, USA, Mexico, Germany, and Thailand joined. We enjoy the language and Korean culture by playing the games together. It was just like “Bibim” of culture.
On the independence day of Korea, people from various countries gathered in one place, laughed a lot together and enjoyed Koran culture together. This event became a kind of touching one as Borderless House Staffs who wish for peace in the world.
Special Thanks!
For supporters, who did from planning to preparing and MC, every organizing really well, thank you very much!
For Borderless Staff Bona, who was organizing supporter members, Rani, who was preparing bankside like cooking, Yona, who made the atmosphere exited, thank you very much!!
(Our staff cooked the dish for bibimpab!)
What the next event is..? Please be looking forward to it!!!!
What kind of culture in Senegal? This is the program you can enjoy the international experience with five senses!
As-salamu alaykum! Hello, this is Yuya from Borderless House who is in charge of the program!
『BORDERLESS DINERS~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world ~』This new program has started since last month!
You can enjoy different cuisines in restaurants or catering in Tokyo!
Eat! Talk! think! It is a hands-on program where you can enjoy the international exchange with the five senses.
The second time is Senegal cuisine! I am going to report BORDERLESS DINERS was held on March 31st.
Fresh cuisine you can enjoy looking at! Cheerful Senegalese chef cooked in front.
This time is Live Cooking! that Aly san came to Honancho House in Shinjuku. Participants can see a process of making dishes with talking with Aly san right in front!
Says of Senegal cuisine, it’s so colorful and beautiful because they use paprika, eggs, tomatoes, and any other vegetables.
Being wrapped Fatayer(Samosa Senegal style), being fried Beignet(Donut Senegal style)
The participants were very interested in the dishes one after another. There are many questions and it’s Aly san time to shine!
First, you enjoyed the international experience with your eyes!
Plant to drink! The gut healthy drink that contains baobab and hibiscus
Next is the smell! Enjoy the vivid welcome drinks with baobab and hibiscus!
Besides looking, it also had a good smell. The smell of hibiscus and baobabs mixed up and seem to be in the forest.
Moreover, it seems to have the effect of recovering the intestines, and it is an excellent drink that is good for your skin and beauty as well!
After eating the appetizer Fataya while drinking the welcome drink, we felt more hungry!
But first, we learned a little bit about Senegal. Aly san talked about Senegal’s population, religion, and language!
“Thank you” is “Jërëjëf!” in Moloch spoken in Senegal
Finally, it’s time to eat dishes! Thank you for the chef Aly’s preparation!
Shiny hands! Holding and eating a large dish
In Senegal, lunch is the main meal of the day and staple food is the same rice as Japan.
The dish of rice cooked with platter and rice dishes and side dishes. This is Senegal’s feast!
This time we had a typical rice dish of Thiébou yapp and Sesaginal. What a sumptuous feast!
Chebu means rice, Yap means meat. Sesaginal, a dish made of meat and rice, is rice dish with onion sauce!
Let’s start to eat beautifully presented dishes with everyone!
but they said…..
“How do you eat even though there are no plates or spoons?”
Fufufu, have you noticed? This program is the international “experience” program, of course, you should eat it by hand just like Senegal!
It is Senegal-style to take a size that is easy to eat, and hold it for a while and then eat.
At first, they started to eat with hands nervously, but we can not stop at the overly delicious Thiébou yapp!
”You are a Senegalese!”
There were people who grab a tip and were praised by Aly san.
Everyone enjoyed the feeling of the hand.”
We were full for lots of delicious food, and noticed what a shiny hand! Good Smile!
Looks and tastes of Okinawa food? Senegal and Japan in common
Full, but the dessert is another! After all, we also enjoyed Senegal’s popular Beignet by hand.
Senegal’s Beignet, when you look closely it looks and tastes so familiar with Sata Andagi in Okinawa …?
“It is no longer Sata Andagi! The only difference is whether raisins are in or out!
The taste that is loved is the same things even if different countries.
Of course, the drink is coffee! Senegal coffee contains spice and is very rich!
Make bubbles and pouring in this way!
Actually, Senegal is a coffee lover country because it seems to be drinkable to all ages, male and female even if the taste is very rich.
“A country without homeless people” An aspect of Islam not known in Japan
They seem to be getting eager to know more about Senegal.
From now, we will have a lecture about Senegalese culture and religious to know about Senegal deeply.
“Senegal is an Islamic country in which 95% of the population believe in Islam.
However, the commandment is not so strict and we don’t have bad relationships with the other religious believer.”
Aly told us,
“We, Senegalese Muslims are doing really good with the other religious believer.
I’m Muslim but my school was a Catholic one and I have a lot of Catholic friends.
Important thing is to take the teachings in actions, live cooperating with neighbors and show gratitude every day.
Since it is really natural to help each other and be thankful, there are no people who are hungry in Senegal although there are people in difficulties due to lack of money of course. Senegal is a country which doesn’t have homeless people.”
We shouldn’t eat all completely in Senegal, “Omotenashi” country!
We shouldn’t eat all completely in Senegal, “Omotenashi” country!
“Do you know that Senegal is a country which has “Omotenashi” culture like Japan.
*”Omotenashi” is a Japanese word which means an attitude or an action with hospitality when we welcome guests.
In Senegal, people use the word “Teranga” for “Omotenashi”.
The word has the meaning of taking good care of the connection with other people and sharing it. This means also comes from Islamic teachings.
Aly says, “In Senegal, we don’t lock our house doors so that people who are hungry or who need help can visit anytime.
The Islamic spirits are widespread so that’s why we have this culture. We mustn’t eat the served dishes completely. In other words, they serve lots of dishes we cannot finish.
Even today, Aly prepared the food more than the amount for the number of people.
He says this is because he has a heart of the hospitality which he wants to make the guests feel full.
In Japan, it is not good to leave food so if we eat everything according to the Japanese culture, they serve continuously.
Don’t you think it is really interesting that there is a difference in the dining culture although both countries have the same “Omotenashi” culture?
Enjoy differences! This is also a good part of this program!
Islamic culture is to help each other. It is a warm religious culture.
Aly told us that the important thing is not money but the connection with people.
If we live in Japan, there is no opportunity to get to know the Islamic teachings and the way of thinking in life-based on the teachings.
This program became a really good one because we could get to know that Senegalese food is so nice and there is a nice culture in Senegal.
Of course, we took a photo together at last!
The next program is for Syria!
“BORDERLESS DINERS ~Experience international restaurants and travel around the world ~”
is a program which we hold once in a month only for our tenants!
We will have this program at a Syrian restaurant in Ikebukuro next time! What can we experience from the program?
Hello, everyone! This is Yuya from Borderless House planning team!
It’s getting warmer, spring has arrived! So you must be excited for new life!
With the coming of spring, our new program has started!
The program name is『BORDERLESS DINERS~International Experiences Restaurant for Traveling the World~』
This new hands-on program has started!
Food is closely related to cultural costume! Let’s touch different culture with five sense! See! Feel! Taste!
LINK UP, which was run as a Borderless House exchange program last year. We received many happy comments from the tenants, such as “new connections with other share houses!”
LINK UP is a program which provides the tenants with the opportunity to meet and connect through languages and interests.
During this program, we also received comments that “I want to know more about various countries!” And “I want to touch culture and international experience more deeply!” That is because we restart the program as “BORDERLESS DINERS”.
“BORDERLESS DINERS” is an international experience program focused on “food” in order to make you feel and learn deeply the countries of the world.
We are going to reserve restaurants in various countries in Tokyo for this problem!
Eat! Talk! think! It is a hands-on program where you can enjoy the international exchange with the five senses.
The program will be held once a month for our tenants only. The maximum number of participants is only 20 people in this program, so you can interact with people more closely, which is a bit different from big events!
“Eating” and “learning about” food from other countries. Purpose behind the program
This program was launched with the wish of experiencing different cultures through “food” and enjoying the differences.
Italian, French, Chinese, Korean cuisine and ethnic food such as Thai food!
I believe that these types of dishes are familiar to everyone.
However, there are many countries that you may know the name of such as Myanmar and various African countries, but you have never eaten their foods!
The world has a variety of dishes unique to that country, and each dish has its own story and culture.
For example, because Japan has four seasons and the ingredients available in each season differ, Japanese food culture has developed along with events and seasons.
Furthermore, there must be many people who think of “niku-jaga” when hearing the words Japanese home cooking?
Do you know the origin of this national soul food of niku-jaga? ?
Actually, the origin of niku-jaga is beef stew!
What I mean is, “niku-jaga” was born as a result of the trouble of a certain historical person who could not forget the taste of beef stew and somehow wanted to make it in Japan.
Thus, traditional menu items actually contain rich international origins, and conversely, in some cases, they come from a culture that has been developed for religious reasons, and it can be seen that the origins of foods are very deep!
“Food” is a very familiar means of learning about a country.
It is our hope that while eating the food of a country, you can learn about that country. Through cooking, countries that were previously “unknown” become countries that you “would like to know more about” and “would like to go to”!
We aim to create a program that allows you to experience such things.
Venue changes every month! Traveling through food program, the first country is Myanmar!
This program was held in Myanmar restaurant which is located Takadanobaba on Feb 22.
4 Koreans, 1 Franch, 1 Saudi Arabian, 1 Taiwanese and 8Japanese participated! The ratio of male to female and ratio of nationality aere also slmost 50:50!
Is this place Little Yangon! ? A long-established cafeteria loved in Takadanobaba where 1,500 people from Myanmar live.
In fact, Takadanobaba is a fierce battlefield of Myanmar cuisine with over 20 such restaurants. Ruby, where the event was held this time, is a long-established Burmese restaurant that has been open for 20 years in Takadanobaba! Naturally, the restaurant staff is also from Myanmar! You can enjoy authentic cuisine from Myanmar.
What kind of country is Myanmar? ? The manager of the restaurant told me about Myanmar.
Start of program! What kind of country is Myanmar?
Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia and has about 1.8 times the area of Japan. It is a devoutly Buddhist country with over 100 ethnic groups, and there are several temples and pagodas on the streets.
Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia and has about 1.8 times the area of Japan. It is a devoutly Buddhist country with over 100 ethnic groups, and there are several temples and pagodas on the streets.
Reportedly, when he happened to come to Japan to travel 30 years ago, when he was listed as part of an anti-government organization by the military government, and unable to return home, became a refugee.
I told me valuable stories and exciting stories, such as the story of his time 30 years ago in Japan, the story of being able to return home for the first time in 20 years last year, and stories about Burma during the military administration and Myanmar in the present.
What impressed me the most was the story of Kyaw Kyaw Soe-san’s dream.
“Myanmar, which I returned to for the first time in 20 years, has become unrecognizable, but after since the government has changed, the people have no sense of unity. Therefore, I would like to spread the school song culture that I learned in Japan in Myanmar. I would like to make school songs so that students sing together and head toward the same goal.”
Hearing such precious stories is part of the appeal of this program!
The participants also find it interesting.
And finally, it was time to eat the cuisine from Myanmar!
Myanmar is surrounded by five countries, and Myanmar has absorbed the delicious points of the cuisine of these five countries!
Myanmar food is characterized by being a little bit spicy and a little bit oily.
In fact, Myanmar is surrounded by China, Laos, Bangladesh, Thailand, and India, and it is a multi-ethnic country in which various ethnic groups and cultures are mixed.
Therefore, the variety of dishes is also diverse!
The cultures of the surrounding countries have influenced the cuisine, and there are very good dishes from many countries, as the cuisine has incorporated the spiciness of Indian food, the quick and easy cooking methods of Chinese food, and the sweet and sour taste of Thai food.
This time, various dishes were prepared, such as the national dish that can be eaten in Myanmar to dishes that are eaten for celebrations such as weddings.
This time, various dishes were prepared, such as the national dish that can be eaten in Myanmar to dishes that are eaten for celebrations such as weddings.
Some people were a cautious about trying the foods, and some dug in quickly!
You could hear the voices of the participants at different restaurants saying, “This is spicy”, “This is delicious!”, etc.
The origin of udon is Burmese noodle nan gyi thohk? ! Connections in the world as seen from food!
The origin of udon is Burmese noodle nan gyi thohk? ! Connections in the world as seen from food!
Because there were participants from various countries, the predictions of each person varied! It was a heated discussion!
For example, “The udon salad is probably a kind of reimen in Japan because it is so light.”
“Perhaps sweet foods are used for celebrations? So tapioca and sweet potato desserts must be for weddings!”
Then, the answers were presented.
Have you ever seen this dish?
Don’t you think that it looks like udon?
Yes, this is actually udon found in Myanmar. The name of this dish is nan gyithohk, and it is a type of udon salad.
The recipe for the noodles is almost the same as that of udon! It is made of soybean flour, and people in Myanmar eat the salad when they want to feel refreshed. It is home cooking and is often eaten as a daily meal. It is the same as in Japan, right!
Then, Kyaw Kyaw Soe-san said that this is the origin of Japanese noodles.”The taste and texture of the noodles are almost the same as those of udon.
so please try it once if you are interested!
There was also a dish called dan bauk, which is eaten during celebrations such as weddings.
It is a simple dish of stewed chicken and butter rice.
But making it is hard!
It is a dish that is very time-consuming to make as various spices are mixed and it is stewed for a long time.
However, once it is made, it can be served immediately like curry, and it was explained that it became a dish of hospitality served for celebrations since guests are not kept waiting.
In this way, even in a seemingly distant country, Japan is actually connected like a relationship with nan gyi thohk,
and we realized that the heart of hospitality for cooking is universal!
If you order “the food served in the Borderless House program”, you will be able to eat these foods, so if you are interested, please check out RUBY in Takadanobaba!
Borderless House, tenants-only program that can connect with over 700 share mates
Finally, recommended spots in Myanmar were presented, and the program was concluded!
Then, a male participant invited everyone to a house party saying, “There will be a party at my shared house in Iriya tonight, so everyone is welcome to join and continue talking about the program!”
In this way, the Borderless House program is also able to connect with more than 700 share mates living in 69 share houses in Tokyo!
Next travel is SENEGAL!We will do live cooking next time in Shinjuku Honan-cho, our share house!
The cheerful senegal chef make Senegal cuisine for participants.I hope you will enjoy the next blog!
Venue and food change every month! Traveling through food international experience restaurant.
Why don’t you stay in Borderless House that you can join this kind of programs?
The concept of BORDERLESS share house is to create a community which connected the locals and foreigners, communicate and culture share will be the core value of BORDERLESS share house!
If you are planning to move to Taiwan, or going to get a Chinese class in Taipei, here’s some daily life info of BORDERLESS share house for you!
The life style of share house
1. Learning language from your daily life!
All the BORDERLESS share houses consists of 50% Taiwanese and 50% foreigners, and it’s a best way for the people who want to learn or practice their Chinese skill from daily life!
2. Making friends in Taiwan
For the people who just moved to Taiwan, you might want to settle in the new life asap, BORDERLESS share house give tenants an environment can meet some new friends very quickly, and it includes local Taiwanese and foreigners!
3. Cook and share meals together
Normally, kitchen and dining room are always the busiest area in the share house! Tenants from everywhere in the world cook together and share their traditional meals!
4. Your exploring partner in Taiwan
Taiwan has a lot of cool places can explore, and a lot of interesting things can do, so you might want a partner who can explore with you during the weekend, and your housemate might want to join you as well! Also, the BORDERLESS HOUSE hosts some parties, outdoor events or language exchange every few months, it’s a great way to make some new friends, and do something together!
What kind of personality fits share house life well?
1. An opened heart
Obviously, share house is a sharing space, which means you’ll share your space with the housemates who come from everywhere in the world, and everyone has their own different backgrounds, personalities and experiences, so, an open heart and some understanding are important for the people who want to do the share housing.
2. The people who loves to make new friends!
Communication is the main concept of BORDERLESS share house, most of tenants expecting an environment that tenants willing to communicate and interact to each other! So, don’t hide yourself in the room, join your housemates, enjoy your time in share house and make it memorable!
3. Keep the house environment with other housemates
A clean and comfortable environment needs all the housemates to keep it together. In BORDERLESS share house, every tenants will need to take turns to do the house works together!
Are you interesting in the share house life now? Share house is one of the choices if you plan to move to other city or you want to make your daily life more plentiful!
If you are attracted by the concept of communal living but not sure if a share house or a co-housing arrangement is right for you, this article may help you to find it out!
If you think you’re the kind of person who just fits with share house life, you should join us!
Chinese New Year, as known as the Luna New Year, based on the lunar calendar, begins on the first day of the first lunar month, which is the most important festival to celebrate in Taiwan!
Every family members will gather on Chinese New Year Eve, share a dinner and the life of the previous year.
But you must what to ask, when you living aboard here in Taiwan, what can you do and where can you go during the New Year holiday?
Don’t worry! We got a few options which you can do during that time!
Dihua Street 迪化街
If you’re looking for a place to feel the Chinese New Year atmosphere, then Dihua Street will be the best choice for you! Start from a few weeks before Chinese New Year until the end of the New Year holiday, people go there to buy Chinese New Year’s goods, so Dihua Street will become very crowed and lively.
Longshan Temple 龍山寺/行天宮
Longshan Temple was built in 1738, it’s the most well-known temple in Taiwan! During the Chinese New Year, people gather to Longshan Temple to pray for a fresh and peaceful new year, and that’s the best way to experience the new year atmosphere.
Sanxia Old Street 三峽老街
Sanxia old street was an important business center in north of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. For now, Sanxia old street still keeps the historical red brick buildings and became to a famous tourist spot. And the Sanxia Qingshui Zushi Temple is also a must visit spot if you visit Sanxia, it will be very lively during Chinese New Year!
Taiwan Lantern Festival 台灣燈會
The Taiwan Lantern Festival is the biggest lantern festival hosted by Tourism Bureau in Taiwan, normally takes place during mid of Feb to beginning of Mar, and the event venue will alternate at different cities every year.
This year (2019), the Taiwan Lantern Festival will be take place in Pingtung city, and according to the Chinese zodiac sign, the main lantern this year will be “Pig”, if you have chance to visit south of Taiwan during that time, you shouldn’t miss it!
Here are the few options we want to share with you! Let us know if you have some other suggestions, or if you got any cool ideas to do during CNY, share with us!
The streets and shops became Christmas, so it is time to have Christmas Party !!
At Borderless House Christmas Party, there were some contents such as BINGO game, SNS award, and etc. Everybody had a lot of fun on Dec 8th.
So, now we are going to show you a little bit about the Party !!
How was it ?? Do you want to know more details ?
By the way, this is Yuya who is one of the staffs of this event !!
In this vlog, I am going to tell you about Christmas Party !!
Before getting into, we want to thank you all who came to this party !!
We are so glad that a lot of people from different house showed up this party.
We felt too short because we had a lot of fun at the party.
You can make friends who will spent Christmas with you !? International Party has to be Borderless House
First, I am going to show you the party place called “silk load cafe“ in Kinshicho.
The cafe has a good atmosphere, so we were so excited to start Christmas Party.
It is actually a long story to decide this place, but we are happy that everybody liked it.
If you have time, please check this cafe 🙂
Also, there were about 100 people joined this Party from 21 countries !
You might have an idea who is the host and cameraman. Yes, there were two people who volunteered to have this party
The party has started and everybody was having a fun with new friends.
But wait?? there is a guy who is the host, but he is not Borderless staff. Who is this ??
Guess what ?? He is ONE of tenants in Omori 1 House.
His nickname is Satis who was one of the host at this Party.
Before he decide to join the event team…….
Lsat month, our staff visited his house and talked with him and suddenly,
He said he will move out from the house because he wants to travel all over the world !!
We were sad because he has stayed in Borderless House for a long time, and had a great experience.
So, we wanted to do something with him for his last memory as Borderless House tenants.
And, we offered him to be the host at this party…
He said Yes and joined this event team from the beginning !!!
Also, there is another guy who is volunteered to help this event
His name is Raba chan who is living in Funabori House !!
He was the cameraman at this party because we know that he loves taking photography and he has great skills as well.
He was happy to be the cameraman and brought the great camera and taking a lot of photos at this Party !!
All photos that I used in this vlog is taken by Raba chan. He is truly talented !!!!
Thank you for taking great photos, Raba chan !!
Som now, let’s get into the our first contents!!
Satis san explained the rules for everybody !!
The party has just started !!
You can be a frend with people from different house !! Exciting Contents !!
Our staff always talk that International exchange is the key, so of course, there is a opportunity that you can talk to people from other house in the content !!
Theme is “ connect across border “
What kind of content would that be……..?
The gesture relay game !! Can you understand what people try to tell you??
Yes !! Frist content was the Classic Party game “ Gesture game “!!!!
But, this is Borderless event, so we add some rules to make it more fun.
Rules are here !!!
Each group has 9 people. We gave first two people the topic and they gestured next peron, and the person guess the topic and show it to next two people and so on.
The topic was “Olympic”
If you were there, how would you gesture ?_
The interesting thing is that even though the topic was simple, everyone seemed confused about it because each one gestured differently.
For example. one tenant from Korea was doing archery, but another tenant from US was doing swim.
The person who guess the topic was so confused about it !!
His answer was sports culb !!
Topic is simple, but everyone takes it differently!!
That is why gesture game is funny !!
The first finished group got a prize !!!!!
The winner gets……..
10 packs of Nabe soup !! LOL
We chose it because we want to use it with everybody like having Nabe party 🙂
You are the reason why I get free rent !! FACE BINGO GMAE!
What would you think of the Borderless Christmas event ???
Yes !! You are right !!
we can not have the Borderless Christmas Party without BINGO game !!
Can you guess what it is??
Rule is simple
When people came to the party, we took photos of their face with number.
So, we set the photos in BINGO game program and we show it on the screen.
A person gets BINGO by yourself number, and another person gets BINGO by number your friend has.
There are a lot of people who was looking for people’s number
And, there are always prizes.
1st prize was 1 MONTH FREE RENT !!!!!
The lucky guy who got 1 month free rent ticket is ……..
this guy !! from Honancho House
How lucky he is !!! Everybody was jealous about that !!
Congratulation !!
Who got most like on Instagram !! The SNS award is …..
Every Borderless House Event has SNS award !!
So, this time, we asked everybody to post photos with #borderlesshouse as many as possible during the party..
Then, end of the party, we checked who gets most like on Instagram !!
SNS award is a pair ticket for team lab Borderless !!!
She is one of my best friends !!! We interviewed the tenant !!
The Christmas Party is getting end, and I found a guy who is enjoying the party so much.
I had eye contact with him, so I felt like I need to ask him why he is enjoying so much.
HIM : Hey, look!! I made best friend !!
ME : Wait what !? but you just moved in Borderless House 2 weeks ago, and you found your best friend !? Also, you guys do not even live in the same house !!!!!
I was suprised how quickly people make their best friends.
He also said that this is the first time to live in shared house, and I already made a lot of friends and am able to join the this Party, I am so happy now !!
This is the Borderless Event !!
Do you feel like you want to join the Borderless event ??
Next event will be Borderless Olympic !? We are going to held International sports event next spring !!
The Christmas Party is finally coming to a close …
End of the party, we gathered everybody at the stage and took a group photo !!
This was the last Borderless House event of this year !!
From now
I am going to give you heads up about next event in spring.
Actually, we gave you some hints about the next event at this Christmas Party.
Is anyone who noticed about it ??
We are going to held Borderless House Olympic next spring !!
There are a lot of people moving to Borderless House from all over the world,
so why don’t we held BIG sports event, right ??
We finally decided to have Borderless Olympic !!
We will be updating you about it onece we decide more details !!
Do not miss it !!
We will have more parties which bring connections between tenants in the future!
We assure that you will learn not only language but also Japanese local culture with your Japanese housemates in Borderless House.
Why don’t you try us and make your stay more enjoyable?
We are looking forward to meeting you again at next event !!
Or planning to start your Chinese class in Taiwan?
Before that, we have a few interesting things what to let you know before you come to Taiwan!
1. Convenient store everywhere! (7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, OK…)
You’ll find out the convenient stores are one of the best things in Taiwan once you arrived!
Convenient stores in Taiwan are not just a store for junk food or beverage, you can basically do everything at there, ship packages, pay your bills, buy tickets (train, concert, exhibition…etc.), print documents, call taxi, ATM…and so much more!
And these 24H convenient stores are everywhere, seriously, EVERYWHERE! You can even find 2 or 3 convenient stores on one street! It’s your best neighbor ever!
2. Musical garbage trucks.
Living in Taiwan, we got some tips here for you to deal the household garbage.
Most of families here don’t have trash bins next to their house. Instead, garbage trucks drives through streets at night with playing Beethoven’s Fur Elise loudly to alert people their arrival, and you need to carry your trash bags (If you living in Taipei, you need to use the city-approved trash bags), and throw them into the trucks by yourself.
And you will find out the time of garbage trucks coming, is also the time of social gathering, because people come out earlier and chat with neighbors while they waiting!
3. Earthquakes and Typhoons.
Earthquakes and Typhoons are 2 things you will experience in Taiwan!
Taiwan located in a seismically active zone, the average number of perceivable earthquake is about 1,000 per year. (not to mention the un-perceivable earthquake is more than 18,500 per year.)
And if you visit Taiwan during July to September, you will probably hit the typhoon season, prepare some foods and save some clean water is what you need to do before it.
But don’t worry! You’ll also find out Taiwanese handle it very well, most of buildings in Taiwan are prepared for earthquakes and strong wind of typhoon!
4. Bubble tea.
Taiwanese LOVES bubble tea! You can find bubble tea shops nearly EVERY corner of Taiwan’s streets, and it’s a part of Taiwanese culture now!
If you planning to visit Taiwan soon, put bubble tea on your “must-try” list!
5. Friendly people!
Even not every Taiwanese can speak fluent English, but you’ll still find out how friendly are of Taiwanese!
Most of Taiwanese are defiantly welling to help if you need (sometimes you don’t even ask for help)! Finding a restaurant, point you a way to your hotel (or just take you to there with their scooter)!
And if you got chance to visit south of Taiwan, the people from south are even friendlier, most last generation can’t speak English, but they still give you smile, and try their best to help! You’ll definitely feel welcoming here!
6. Kingdom of Scooters!
Do you know Taiwan has the highest scooter density in Asia? The population of Taiwan is 23 million, but the amount of scooter is over 14 million! Almost every family has at least one scooter!
Taiwan is a small island, and scooter can take you to almost everywhere in Taiwan, especially when you travel out of Taipei City (Taipei has every complete public transport system), you’ll find out how convenient it is! And if you planning to travel around Taiwan, scooter is a good idea!
But remember to prepare your driving license and international license before you rent a scooter in Taiwan!