【Quarantine Experience】Tenant’s Review of Government Facility (1)

If you plan to visit Korea for a short term stay less than 90 days,
this blog helps you do understand and prepare what you need for future plan .

As we many times share about quarantine experiences , please check this all in detail if you do not have a specific visa and come to Korea for just a trip

One of our tenant who just was done her quarantine at Government facility shared how she made for 14 days in Korea!

How she got quarantine info before coming

I was aware of the quarantine rules in Korea. I did a lot of research on quarantining before coming and my friends who were already in Korea also shared their experiences with me. I found out that long term visitors were given the option between sourcing their own appropriate accommodation to quarantine in or quarantining in a government facility. However, for short term visitors it is mandatory to stay in a government facility. Most of the information I found was either from the Korean embassy website or YouTube videos.

Procedures after arriving at Incheon airport

When I arrived at the airport, there was not much information provided. At various stages of going through immigration security, I was handed different pieces of paper stating that I will be going into mandatory quarantine for 14 days but I was not told exactly where I would be quarantining. I ‘m sure if I had asked someone, they would have been able to give me some more information but I simply went with the flow and trusted the process that I would eventually get where I was supposed to be . While waiting to be boarded into a bus going to our quarantine facility , I overheard an airport worker mentioning the name of the hotel we were going to and I was able to look it up briefly before arriving at the hotel .

To give you more details on arrival date ,
When I got off the plane, there were around 5 stations of processing which I needed to go through. At the first station, the airport staff checked my passport, my negative PCR test and took some of the documents which I had to fill out while I was on the plane. At the second station, the staff called my Korean contact to verify that they knew me and then they helped me install an app to upload my temperature and symptoms if any were to arise. the third station was the standard border security where they took my fingerprints and picture. They checked if I had a visa but as I have a British passport, I was allowed to enter the country without a visa. They gave me a lanyard with a red card which signified that I did not have a visa and that I would be staying at a government quarantine facility. At the fourth station,they took my fingerprints and photo again and verified my purpose for travelling. They then gave me 2 papers which were official notices of my quarantine period. At that point, I was able to collect my luggage and begin to exit the airport. As I came out to the area where people are greeted by their family and friends, airport staff noticed my red card and guided me to the final station where they checked my passport again, wrote down my details and advised me to wait until I am called to board the bus. the bus journey took about 20 mins to arrive at the hotel. At the hotel, the staff made sure everyone had the correct app downloaded and we filled out a form to state if we had any ongoing medical conditions or any special food requests ( eg vegetarian food, Halal food etc). After handing in that form,I paid for my stay and finally got to go to the room.

Not only tenant’s review who used Borderless Quarantine Support,
But Borderless House Seoul would like to share all kinds of experiences which are really helpful for those planning the quarantine in Korea.

We next time would share how Government facility is nice and well organized.
Thank you for your interest and time. Meet you again and Stay safe!