【Tenant’s Interview】Changes in myself while living in Borderless House

Hello, this is Ayako from Borderless House!
Summer has just come here in Seoul. How are you doing?

This time, I talked with Euihyun about the living in share house and how she changed there. If you are you considering about moving into Borderless House, this interview must help you!

Also, if you are interested in learning languages, living abroad or having international experience, you must enjoy reading 🙂

Let’s get start it!

What were you doing before moving to Borderless House?

After I graduated from university, I was working but I quit after 1 year and then I went back to my parent’s home.  I was struggling with my future. I was willing to live abroad or work abroad but I was not sure if I really could do it.  And if I want to live or work abroad, I need to practice English in daily life so I had been thinking this kind of things. 

What made you decide to move to Borderless House?

I was not sure which way I should go but I was sure about the things that I need to do, which is to have a similar experience to the one I was dreaming.

“Let’s live in an English-speaking environment. It must be like paying the cost for English academy and accommodation altogether reasonably!” So I chose this International Share House, Borderless House.

How was the result?

I could get used to living there only after one day! (haha) I just spent every single day normally and I suddenly found myself like I was changing and growing up a lot. I can tell you these three things. 

Firstly, I could choose the room which matched with all of my preferences

For me, it was important to have a shared space and personal space both. The house I chose met this condition so this was the first reason I chose here.

The house I chose is Chungjeongno1 House and it has the most active community so I thought I could have many opportunities to speak English with housemates.  

I also wanted to live in a spacious room so I chose a double room.
I was planning to decide if I live longer or not after I live for a month and the minimum staying period in Borderless House was 1 month so it was also an advantage compared to the other share house companies. 

I could made a choice, considering where and how to live and my own standards and conditions. Then my independent life started.

 (With my roommate, Jessica)

Secondly, I was able to experience the future life indirectly.

Although it was a vague goal, I knew that going abroad is a choice which I have to spend a lot of cost, time and energy. Also I will be separated from family and friends.

I thought living in Borderless House would become an opportunity to judge whether I could challenge abroad.

While living there, I realized that I really like English. Whenever I have time, I chose to talk with foreign friends even though there were some Korean friends. Of course speaking in English is not easy but at the moment I learned and it was fun to share my opinions with friends from other countries. I realized that English (language) is a tool, a way to open new doors.

(Dinner with my housemates)

Thirdly, my view of life and possibilities for my life have broadened

I was thinking that it was very difficult to study and work abroad. However after I lived at Borderless House, I realized that “It might not be so difficult to live in other countries. Just as I can choose to live in Korea, this is also the thing I can choose.”

While living in an international exchange share house, I realized that I had strong desires to speak English well and to live in various places. So I started to believe in myself more.

Do you have anything you would like to tell those who are considering moving into Borderless House?

You can see this sentence on the Borderless House web page.
‘Living in International exchange Share House, step to the world.’
Maybe it sounds a little bit abstract.

However,  if you have even small interest in using English and living in an international environment, you can ask yourself about it. What is the international exchange destination for you?

In my case, I could get the answer after I decided to live in an international exchange share house. The daily life in international environment always gave me some questions and I kept thinking about the answers and then I could reach to my own answers.

To get a mutual understanding by talking or discussing in English.
To get a confidence that I can live abroad out of Korea.
To get to know that there are something that I can do even in other countries.
To have friends abroad and feel the friends’ countries very close

These are the definition of what is international for me.

If you have the ability you want, put yourself into an environment where you can practice it. I can confidently tell you that you will have your own international meaning, even if you cannot guarantee what experience you will experience!

Thank you for those kind words. Thank you for today 🙂

Today, I always worry or think about friends from all over the world.
Actually we had a conversation via Skype with my previous housemates a few days ago. The color of the sky in each screen was different. It was 11pm in Korea but it was at 10am in the United States, and 4pm in Switzerland. However, we were glad to see one screen and said hello each other. Someday I will visit their countries to meet them in person. And I will tell them like this.

“Hey! I came near your house! come out! Let’s eat dinner! “