Language Exchange Orientation – Doheon & Adam

Hello! This is Borderless House Seoul.
Here in Seoul, the weather is becoming colder and colder day by day.
We hope you do not get a cold here in Seoul!

Do you know Language Exchange which is one of our tenants only program?
This is the program which we match two of our tenants,
a Korean tenant who would like to learn a foreign language
and a Non-Korean tenant who would like to learn Korean language.

This time we matched a Korean tenant Doheon and a Canadian tenant Adam.
Since we hold an orientation for the program in our office,
we ask them to come our office for their orientation.

Adam, our tenant from Canada had stayed in Japan
for a long time before coming to Seoul.
He is studying Korean language currently,
and he wanted to have a Korean friend who can help him improve his skill.
And our Korean tenant Doheon is currently working as a police officer.
He applied this program for studying English as self-improvement.
Since the houses they are staying is no that far from each others,
we matched them because we think it will help them to meet more often.

During the orientation, our staff will help you to feel comfortable.
Everyone thinks it will be awkward because it is the first time to meet each other,
but with our staff, you do not have to be worried about it!

After having orientation, they can have an appointment outside.
They usually study languages together, but sometimes they do look around Seoul
and have meal together, and it helps them to improve their language skill.

It will be the big opportunity for all out tenants
not only having good memory with their housemates,
but also making a Korean or Non-Korean friend and study language together.
Do not miss this chance if you are currently staying in Borderless House!
If you have any questions regarding this program,
please feel free to contact our staff:)

* Tenants Only Program

If you need more information for language exchange program
or if you want to apply for this program,
please refer the link from the below
for contacting staff of Borderless House!