HOUSE EXCHANGE Junhyung Seoul to Tokyo (1)

House Exchange from Seoul to Tokyo!

  Share house Borderless house! Our tenant were joining House exchange program to Tokyo. Tokyo team staff said that all of housemates were to welcome him, his spent great day. We would like to say thanks to all share housemates for warm welcoming! Share housemates went to the pub with Junhyung to celebrate his joining:) During the Summer, there are several fire works festival in Tokyo, share housemates worn Japan traditional cloth Yukata to participate in fire works festival. We can not imagine how it is amazing! He stayed in Tokyo share house for a month, they became intimate! It is one of the best thing among the advantage of House exchange program! Share housemates had a farewell party for Junhyung! This share house is kind of huge house and it seems really awesome.   Actually it was the first time to visit Japan for him, he did not feel lonely because when he arrived in Tokyo. Borderless share housemates were to welcome him, and it made him to feel so happy and warm!   *House exchange program only for tenants If you want to join this program, please do not hesitate and contact us! Borderless house always welcome your join!