Hi, this is BORDERLESS HOUSE in Taiwan! One of our tenants, Abby from BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIPEI have visited Tokyo from August 31 to September 7 for 8 days with House Exchange program. She stayed in BORDERLESS HOUSE Shimokita1 house.   What brought her to attend this program is because she studied abroad in Tokyo for 11 months last year!! So this summer she wanted to travel to Japan to see her host family and college friends. She also wanted to visit her favorite places and ate her favorite Japanese foods again! Actually, when she left Tokyo last year she thought she would never have the chance to come back, so she thought this is a really special opportunity for her. ♥ Her introduction is below!! (She is so sweet that she gave us her introduction typed both in English and Japanese !)   :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* ☺ Abby’s Self-introduction I’m a 22 year old girl from America. I have been studying Japanese for about 4.5 years and would consider myself to be at the advanced level; my Chinese is entirely self-taught and still beginner. I love learning languages, traveling, and talking to people from other countries, so I’m especially excited to live in Borderless House in Taipei while I’m studying in Taiwan! My other interests include reading, watching movies, outdoor activities and horseback riding. ————— 自己紹介させていただきます。22歳のアメリカ人の女性です。 日本語は4年間半くらい勉強していますが、中国語は4月から独学しているのでまだ初心者です。私は他の国の人と交流したり、旅行したりするのが大好きで、特にこれから台北の Borderless House に住むことをとても楽しみにしています!他の趣味は小説を読むことや映画を見ること、アウトドア、乗馬などです。 今度は台湾の留学が始まる前に、私が日本に留学していた頃のホストファミリーと大学の友達に会うために日本に行きたいと思っています。 :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* She loves meeting new people from different cultures, after she visited Tokyo again and hanged out while chatting and learning about other tenants’ cultures and languages. We had an interview with her!! Let’s check her feedback after she came back from Tokyo!!! ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤     Q1. How was your trip? My trip to Japan was great! I spent a week in Tokyo traveling around to my favorite places and visiting friends I made when I studied abroad in Japan last year. Living in a Borderless House in Japan allowed me to make new friends and explore some new parts of Tokyo that I had never visited before. Q2.What is the most memorable episode? Even though I was only in Japan for a week, I had the chance to go out with my housemates to a local okonomiyaki restaurant. Okonomiyaki is one of my favorite Japanese foods, so I was very happy that I got to eat such delicious local food while getting to know other Borderless House residents. Some of my housemates had never visited America or Taiwan, so it was fun to share our stories and experiences.   Q3.How do you feel about the Free House Exchange program? I would recommend the Borderless House Exchange program to anyone interested in travel. I think it’s the best way to have a great living arrangement while visiting an unfamiliar country, and a good way to make friends with both local and other international people who have similar interests.   Q4. How do you feel after you decided to go Japan again? I was very grateful to have the opportunity to go back to Japan and visit all my favorite places again. If it weren’t for the Borderless House Exchange program, I might not have been able to find a way to visit Japan. If I have another chance to travel while I’m living in Borderless House, I would definitely consider the House Exchange program again. (She sent us so many food pics haha) ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ I am also very happy that she can go visiting Tokyo again, Free House Exchange program can provide more opportunities for our tenants to meet and stay with local people in the country and have a real cultural experience!! Since our houses are in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, you can stay one of our houses for FREE!!     ✫ If you are interested in our program, please don’t feel hesitate to join the program! ✫ You can check the details of this program on our website blow.