【Quarantine Experience】Tenant’s Review of Government Facility (2)

What do you expect when you do quarantine at Government facility?
We are again sharing how our tenant did before and you can check how she thought about the facility managed by Korean government below.

We hope you would enjoy the rest of her stories!
If you miss the first her story, please check our first update for her!

Quality of Government Facility

I was very pleased with the facility. I stayed at Hotel and the room was clean with various amenities that I would need during my 14 days. There was also a pack provided with information regarding the quarantine process, a thermometer to record our body temperature, face masks and other items. Before coming to Korea, I read that I should be prepared to pay anything between $1400 – $2100 USD for the accommodation and luckily my total was in the lower spectrum; roughly $1500 USD. Meals are provided 3 times a day and staff members make announcements through speakers in the room when the meal has been delivered in front of your room door. The meals are nutritious and mostly include rice, a meat dish, several vegetable side dishes, fruit and soup. I definitely found the meals tasty and filling. Sometimes they give ramen along with the dinner if you get hungry later. There are waste bags provided to put all your rubbish in and you are advised to leave it outside your room after lunch everyday. This way, you don’t have to worry about food waste smells in the room. If there are any other items you may need such as tea/coffee, water, toilet tissue etc, you can call the front desk and they would send them up to your room. On top of recording your temperature on the app every morning and night, the nurses also came every afternoon to do temperature checks.

Personal tips or recommendations 

the people staying at the government facilities also do the test 2 times during quarantine. Nurses came to my room on the morning of Day 2 to do the PCR test and I will have one more test done on the morning of Day 13.

the hotel has provided me with a form to fill out to let them know what my preferred means of transport will be. If I choose for someone to pick me up from the hotel, they can either come just before midnight on the day before I am allowed to leave or 6:00am on the release date. A shuttle service can also be accessed and the two destinations offered are Seoul Express Bus Terminal and Seoul Station. From there it is up to you how you travel to your final destination. These are the options for the particular hotel that I am staying at and may be different depending on which government facility you will be taken to.

Some tips I have include possibly moving furniture in the room to make it more spacious. In my case, my room had an additional bed and its positioning made the space a little tight. Once I moved the bed to a side, the room definitely felt a lot less cramped. Of course remember to move things back to their original place before you leave. I would also suggest bringing snacks if you have a sweet tooth. I have heard some other facilities provide a lot of snacks but at the facility which I am staying at, they mostly stick to the healthy fruit. For me, the meals were more than enough to satisfy my appetite (I still have lots of ramen, juice and yogurt stocked up) but others may not feel the same. In that case, it would be good to bring preserved food like canned tuna, ramen etc. As I drink a lot of tea and coffee, I made sure to bring a lot with me, just in case the hotel did not provide it, and I also brought long life milk that I was able to stick in the fridge as soon as I opened the carton. Although thinking about how to pass the time may be one of the first things people think of, I would just like to stress again to make sure you have plenty to keep yourself occupied. Whether that is bringing your electronics to watch netflix all day or bringing textbooks to study a language, I think it’s really important to have plenty to do to avoid boredom. Establishing a rough routine could be helpful; I know it has worked for me and days pass a lot quicker which is a shame because I do find quarantining rather comfortable.

We have a lot of the other tenant’s experience which we have not uploaded yet.
However, all updates we have shared are enough to help your plan coming to Korea. If you do not really know well even you check this all, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready for your inquries.