Hi, this is BORDERLESS HOUSE in Taiwan! We want to share that one of our tenants, Ran from BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIPEI have visited Tokyo from November 7 to November 17 for 10 days with House Exchange program. He stayed in BORDERLESS HOUSE Sakurajosui1house. His introduction is below. :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;:: ☺ Ran’s brief introduction Randall is from America and worked as a food product developer for four years, now he is in Taiwan learning mandarin! He chose to stay in BORDERLESS HOUSE is because he wants to use this opportunity to make some new friends and practice his Mandarin. He also likes to go outside enjoying anything nature!! Let’s see what brought him to attend this program first! Since I needed to renew my visa for Taiwan and this opportunity proves free boarding I figured why not! Coming home to a house full of housemates is also much more fun than returning to an empty hotel/hostel room♥   ✔Let’s check his feedback after he came back from Tokyo!!! :;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*゚:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* (Ran is a left one ^^ with Fuji Mountain and his new roommates) Q1. How was your exchange? My trip was great. Last time I was in Japan I was mostly limited to one area. This time I used the money saved on housing to purchase a JR Pass. I started my trip in Sapporo Hokkaido. I stayed there for a couple of nights before taking a sleeper bus to Hakodate. The next morning my JR Pass started and I took the Shinkansen to Tokyo to start my stay in the share house. From Tokyo I was able to travel to Nikko, Kiso Valley, Kofu, Kyoto/Nara, Kaurizawa, Niigata, and Fujigoko mostly to go hiking. Coming from the sweaty jungles of Taiwan, It was really refreshing to be able to breathe the cool air and see all the autumn colors.   Q2.What is the most memorable episode? Going up Mt. Mitutouge/Kinashiyama with my housemates. From the side we started on the hike was supposed to be around 3-4 km to the top with an ascent of 1700m. It was an exhausting few hours to make it to the top. But the view of Mt. Fuji and the surrounding area was worth it. By the time we made it down the other side the sun was setting.   Q3. Do you have any comments who consider? My housemates were a fun bunch to talk to and made my trip more enjoyable. I really do wish I was able to stay longer than the week and a half I was there. Let’s see photos he shared below!! ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ (Hakodate) (Sapporo) (Tokyo Dome) (Nara with cute deer) ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ He went to so many places during his trip in Japan! And which also make us feel very happy and very enjoyable when we read his wonderful sharing! He used the money saved on housing to purchase a JR Pass which makes us feel very glad that we could support our tenants’ trip. Free House Exchange program can provide more opportunities for our tenants to meet and stay with local people in the country and have a real cultural experience!! Since our houses are in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, you can stay one of our houses for FREE!! ✫ If you are interested in our program, please don’t feel hesitate to join the program! ✫ You can check the details of this program on our website blow.