【Real-time House Tour】 Online Room-Viewing is now available at Borderless House

Hey everyone, this is Ting from Borderless House. I hope all is well with you and you are staying safe. In case some of you are interested in taking a real look at one of our share houses, today I’d like to share a great service that Borderless House has been provided with you.

Generally, before deciding on which house to move in, many people may prefer to take a look at the actual property first in order to make the best decision. However, there are probably various reasons that make it difficult for some of you to see or visit the house in person. For example, for those who will move in from overseas or different cities, or for those who are too busy to make time to come to the house in a specific time frame. Or like the current situation, that as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, we currently refrain from visiting the houses.

However, we would still like to provide the services to all of you who have the need to see the house.
So we are pleased to announce that we are currently conducting an Online room-viewing! *for common space only.

What is Online room-viewing

Online room-viewing will be conducted via Zoom, Skype, or Line. Our staff and current tenant at the house will be using video chat to show you around the house, including all the common spaces, such as living room, kitchen, dining room, shower room, and laundry space, etc. So you will have the opportunity to see what the current condition at the house that you are interested in looks like.

Online room-viewing usually takes about 40 minutes. We will show you the details of the house environment first, and after that, we will also give you some time for asking us questions. Of course, we will offer you all the information that you may need.

What is good about Online room-viewing

Online room-viewing allows you to do it from anywhere around the world.

Moreover, you will have the chance to speak with the current residents and ask them any questions that you might have or anything that you are curious about. They would be very happy to share their personal experiences with you and give you an idea of how the share house is like.
Instead of just looking at the photos or videos, you can get to feel the house atmosphere in person and know about the house community, house rules, and your future housemates!

Online room-viewing is not just convenient, but through the real-time look would also be very helpful for you in making a decision.

How to apply for Online room-viewing

● If you have decided on the house that you would like to do the room viewing for.
1. Send us a “Room viewing” request form from our web page of the room/house that you are interested in.
2. We will arrange a phone/Skype call with you to confirm the details of your room-viewing request and arrange the actual Online room-viewing date and time with you during the call.
3. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff and one of the residents will be showing you the house via Zoom, Skype, or Line whichever you prefer.

● If you have not decided on the house that you would like to do the room viewing for.
1. Send us an “Inquiry” form from here. Our staff will email you and give you house suggestions based on your preferences and conditions.
2. Pick the house that you like and send us the “Room viewing” request form from our web page.
3. After we receive the form, we will arrange a phone/Skype call with you to confirm the details of your room-viewing and arrange the actual Online room-viewing date and time with you during the call.
4. On the day of Online room-viewing, our staff and one of the residents will be showing you the house via Zoom, Skype or Line whichever you prefer.

Even though we don’t have the chance to visit the house in person, I believe by having a real-time house tour would also help you find the best house in Japan!

Check share houses in Tokyo
Check share houses in Kansai Area

If you would like to have further information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here!